Holy writings

John 3:18 “He who believes in him is not condemned; But he who does not believe, he has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
John 12:48 “He who rejects me and does not receive my words, he has someone to judge him; the word that I have spoken, it will judge him on the last day.”
Hebrews 3:19 “And we see that they could not enter because of unbelief.”

What will come


What will come


Yes, my son; I know you think about those who despised you; I know that with your open and sincere heart, you collided with hearts of stone; truly I tell you, that all who saw the Scriptures and did not believe will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I say to you, demons of selfishness, that you yourselves asked to be the first to receive the divine Revelation; and truly I say to you, that whoever despises the Son despises the Father; and whoever despises the Father despises their entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I say to you, that you asked for a request that was beyond your spiritual capacity; because the illusion of life has given you a heart of stone; it has made you selfish; And I truly tell you, that you missed the unique opportunity to enter my Kingdom; it was the divine purposes of your Father Jehovah to allow you to enter the Kingdom. More so, justice came from within you; the world will know your names and the circumstances; you yourselves asked for it in the Kingdom; your act of ingratitude will be remembered by all generations; for what belongs to the Father is universal; and truly I tell you, just as you despised my divine Word, so shall you be despised; you never believed in my son; Firstborn-Telepathic; and truly I tell you, just as he told you, the Father Jehovah guides him moment by moment; what was a normal thing for you was and is a divine thing for my son; in your ignorance, you did not accept the greatness of the Doctrine; for you are blind to the laws of the spirit; because besides being underdeveloped, you are willfully ignorant of my Scriptures; and you are false; for you call yourselves Christians; you are Christians in name only; and not by understanding; you are the false prophets of Christianity; you worship gold, and say that you worship the Father; You cannot serve two masters; that is why you despised my son; because he did not offer you gold. I truly tell you that you lost the unique opportunity to be resurrected in the flesh in the year 2001; you lost the wonderful chance to be twelve-year-old children again; because the resurrection of all flesh is approaching; and those who did not believe in the power of the Father will not receive this reward; With you, demons of disbelief, a whole chapter comes to a close; because it was for you that the Father wanted to begin; and you despised it. When you see with your own eyes, you will cry; then you will truly know whom you despised; I truly tell you, you will curse this world; your customs; your way of life; you will curse your own parents, who were your blind guides; others deluded; I truly tell you that you will envy the dead; however, they too go through what you will go through; what is above is the same as what is below; you up there in other worlds did the same as you did down here; you despised other Scriptures from other worlds; you asked for a chance, and you fell again; every spirit is born anew.-

Yes, my son; I know we had a delay because of the demons, who exploit the people because they possess a vehicle; they have lost all sensitivity and moral delicacy; the excessive ambition of these demons transformed them; and I truly tell you, my son, that everyone who, due to excessive ambition, lacked delicacy and feelings for others will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and I truly say to you, exploiters of the people’s mobilization, that you will curse the day you had a vehicle; you will be cursed, in the greatest ruin; and everyone who gets into your vehicles will fall into ruin; for I truly tell you, that now you demons will cry and beg for charity, that someone at least speaks to you; Many times you left my Firstborn Son waiting for no reason, and many of my children; !!Children of Chile!! The Justice of the Father is slow but does not forget; and I truly tell you, that anyone who gets into a vehicle of the so-called collective transportation will fall under the law of curse; never should anyone have had a vehicle if their fellow being did not have one; because all are equal in rights before God; Thieves of the people! Exploiters! None of you will remain in this world; truly I tell you, it is easier for one who had no vehicle to enter my Kingdom than for one who did; and truly I tell you, that all those weak in character who authorized prices on the fares will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for all of you demons, drivers, owners, and leaders, will have to account in the Kingdom; you will be accused of exploiting my humble ones; It would have been better for you to have been just another worker in life than an exploiter of the people; and I truly tell you that the mobilization should always have been from the State of the Workers; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; and everything that is not from the Kingdom will be taken away from them. The Father did not send anyone to have more than others; on the contrary, my laws teach that all are equal before God; if I am everywhere, I am also in the material and the spiritual; and neither is less before the Father. you ambitious ones of the world, by wishing to have more than others, you created the imbalance in justice; And I truly tell you, that no unbalanced person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; your damned ambition has been the yoke of the world; and I truly tell you, that every yoke will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and I truly tell you, ambitious ones of the world, that in the Kingdom you will be accused of creating pain and injustice; and I truly tell you, that every human creature of your generation will hold you accountable; for there is no one who has not suffered need. All abundance was given to you because you asked to experience abundance; because you did not know it; it was said to you in the Kingdom of Heaven that such a trial was very risky; there was a danger of taking away another’s right; yet, you insisted and it was granted to you; And I truly tell you that every backward and less evolved spirit seeks material abundance; it does not seek knowledge; this is characteristic of humble spirits. And I truly tell you that everything the so-called rich have, the humble have already had in other existences. because every spirit is reborn; and they also paid for their ambitions; and truly I tell you, now it is your turn; and you are not the only ones; because no one is unique; only the Father is; In infinite worlds, the number of which exceeds the number of grains of sand in a desert, just as ambitious as you, who have subjugated those worlds, are paying the price; these are the judgments of imperfect worlds; and this world is entering the era of Judgment; And I truly tell you, that you yourselves asked for this Judgment; because everything is requested in the Kingdom; and that everything becomes life on distant planets; for you, ambitious and thieves, the Final Judgment was written; and not for the humble; for you spirits of evil, this world will have weeping and gnashing of teeth; Many of you have infected others with your ambitions; you are immoral examples in the living of the worlds; you are the corrupted; and truly I tell you, that no corrupted person in their way of living will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, that all who had possessions will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; private property does not exist in the Kingdom; in my Kingdom from which you came, celestial communism reigns, with a philosophy of children; there only joy is known; and truly I tell you, that all who traded in lands and homes will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the land belongs to everyone; and it should never have been assigned a price; and truly I tell you, that all who created and perfected the laws by which land could be bought will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; thus they will be sold in other existences; with the measure they used, so will they be measured. And I truly tell you, that every usurer who bought land and did not cultivate it, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; If I don’t cultivate them, I should have given them up; no one has the right to create a need for someone else. for these damned ones, who out of whim and excessive ambition, millions of my children suffered from hunger; it would have been better for you not to have known any land; And I truly tell you, that all those who had the land for thirty years without cultivating it are cursed; and woe to those who speak to any cursed one! because such a law will fall upon them; the earth should never have been traded; nor anything created by the mind; your Creator does not charge you for having given you life; And truly I tell you, that all those who have charged or paid in life will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, that the creators of your system of life, based on gold, are cursed; for the sin they committed is not allowing an entire humanity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for they divided your spirits; and no divided spirit enters the Kingdom of Heaven; only Satan divides himself like that; And I truly tell you, that everyone who has engaged in trade or industry must return half to those in need; the half that they keep corresponds to their own effort and concern; whoever does not give half of what they have in excess will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and he will not be resurrected in flesh in the year 2001; And I truly tell you, that you should give thanks to my humble ones, that your Creator does not take everything from you; the humble practiced work and not exploitation or ambition; Well, you could have your industries; because the community benefits; but it does not benefit under the law of the Father; it benefits under human law; and human law came from the Father; therefore, first comes the Father; and then the human; here is your mistake; In your industries, you gain and the Father does not gain; More, you do not enter my Kingdom; because of your gains, the rest do not enter either; because it is easier for one who did not know you to enter the Kingdom than for one who made a deal with you; and it is easier for one who had no industry or commerce at all to enter the Kingdom than for one who did; and truly I tell you, that all who had more than what was commanded, none will enter the Kingdom; the perfection of the life you asked for was and is in the Scriptures of the Father; and note, children of the world, that no human philosophy or science that comes from you gives you happiness; nor your gold, of which you boast of those who have more; truly I tell you, that every miser who boasted of what he possessed on Earth will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Wealth in any of its forms does not lead to the Kingdom of the Father; And I truly tell you, that all those who had sexual relations before marriage are prostitutes; I truly tell you, that no prostitute will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who did not marry after being a prostitute to enter than for one who, having prostituted herself, did marry; the former had awareness and remorse; the latter hid her sin. More, no one enters the Kingdom of Heaven; you were commanded to become one flesh; one marriage; she who sinned and married is a hidden prostitute;

Getting married does not free her from sin; professional prostitutes make themselves known to the world; they are traffickers of flesh; Every prostitute had a reason for becoming a prostitute. The corrupted and unjust system of life causes two-thirds of justice to fall upon the creators of the corrupted life system, and one-third upon those who prostituted it. It is written that if a sinner is punished, it is mainly due to the reason for their sin. the professional prostitute lived a tragedy; the prostitute who did not reveal herself to the world lived a whim; And I truly tell you, it is easier for someone who has lived through a tragedy to enter the Kingdom than for someone who has lived through a whim. more, none enters; This example is in case of choosing between the two; I repeat to you, no sinner enters the Kingdom; In the sins of the world, there exists a gradation; due to the very intention of each one. The individualities of your world are millions and millions; and each one deserves justice; because all of them asked for it; and I truly tell you, that everyone will receive it; and I truly tell you, that all those who accused the innocent will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they will be accused in other existences. I know, little son, that you are thinking about the so-called Supreme Court of your flock, Chile; Such is the divine, loving Father; I read their minds from afar, by your infinite grace; I see that they plot and do not deliver true justice; They know nothing of humility; they do not visit the suffering; why, divine Father Jehovah, do these demons bring us false justice? I’ll explain it to you, my son: these demons asked to test justice in this world; and it was granted to them; however, they turned justice into a power; which is something else entirely; and truly I tell you, my son, that no so-called supreme court minister in the world will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and to the cursed ones of your flock, I say: Cursed be you, false ones of justice; you will pay for all the false accusations upon yourselves; with the measure you used against my humble ones, so shall you be measured; and woe to those in the world who utter any words to these cursed ones; for everyone who speaks to them will also be cursed. You will wander the world, cursed by false justice, just as you made others wander; and truly I tell you, demons, that you will remain in the greatest misery; I see you, cursed ones, paid by the greatest illusionist of this world; you gorge yourselves on dollars at the expense of the pain and injustice of my humble ones; You may deceive the world; however, you will not be able to do so with the Creator; and truly I tell you, you will be accused in my Kingdom of conspiring against my humble ones; and of bearing false witness against the Father Himself; do you not use my divine Name as a shield? false prophets of your own laws; truly I tell you, you will weep tears of blood; it is written that the spawn of the demon, that all humble, persecuted, slandered, and despised will be exalted; and all great and important of this world will be despised; you are the latter. because everyone who boasts on Earth becomes small in Heaven; And I truly tell you, that every president, governor, or mayor who served these damned ones will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because one cannot serve two masters; one cannot serve Satan and at the same time serve God; because your spirits become divided; and no divided one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and all those who, being in authority, were passive towards the abusers will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for someone who, being in authority, fought with all their might to defend the rights of my humble ones to enter the Kingdom than for someone who did not defend them. I know, my child, that you are thinking about the hateful passivity demonstrated by the so-called Popular Government; That’s right, divine Father; What is the reason for this? I’ll tell you, my little one: It is due to the fact that the President was received with vested interests; and as I told you, one cannot serve two masters; one cannot serve the working people and, at the same time, the demons that guard their wealth. And I truly tell you, presidents of the world, that none of you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It would be better for you not to have been presidents if you serve two masters; because the rights of my humble ones are not negotiable; all are equal in rights before God; and I truly tell you, that none who provoked inequality will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for a President who fought for equality, who fought against privilege, to enter the Kingdom than for one who did not fight. I know, little son, that you are thinking about the President of your flock, Chile; Thus is the divine Father Jehovah; by your divine grace, I read the mind; how much he suffers for the humble! That’s right, my son; he is one of the few in the world who truly cares for them; great is this spirit; and I truly tell you, my son, that we will light the Silver Lamb; a divine symbol of the solar innocence of each one. I know, my son, that since you were little, you knew this child would be President; not even he knew it himself; and I will tell you, my son, that your divine Father Jehovah rewarded him for his great patience and perseverance; the defeats he faced in the trials of his life did not intimidate him; and those were illegal defeats—illegal, divine Father? That’s right, my son; I’ll explain it to you: The demons of the so-called right, unable to receive money from the humble, received it from abroad; other demons as usurious as themselves; and with other people’s money, they bought consciences; That is why I tell you that these are illegal defeats; they lack the moral foundation of the philosophy they claim to defend; they are false by spiritual principle; Divine Father, who knows everything, what is the name of the sin of these false ones in the Kingdom of Heaven? They will be accused of deceiving their own kind; and truly I tell you, that none who has deceived their brothers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and all these demons who know nothing of the pain of my humble ones must tally all the seconds of deceit they practiced in life; each second of deceit corresponds to an existence they will fulfill outside the Kingdom of Heaven; O Divine Father, who illuminates everything for me, why do these demons govern us? I’ll tell you, my little one: At the very moment that the spirit of Bernardo O’Higgins handed over the government, these demons took possession of what has never belonged to them; the spirit of Bernardo forgot that all humble beings are first before the Father; both above and below; and truly I tell you, my child, that this spirit still curses having violated the Law of the Father on Earth; because by not recognizing this right of my humble ones, he did not enter and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Why, divine Father, will he not enter? He will not enter as long as this flock and all the flocks of the world are led by the workers themselves; that is the philosophy of my humble ones. And truly I tell you, my child, that this spirit which delivered you to the very demon, groans in the darkness; it was accused in the Kingdom of Heaven of deceiving its own request for living philosophy; and I will tell you, my child, that every Chilean spirit that departed from this life accuses it in the presence of the Creator; and all who pass through this flock will accuse it; because of its cause, this people suffers; for not fulfilling the Law of the Father; and truly I tell you, presidents and leaders of the world, it would be better for you to hand over the governments to my humble ones; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, that anyone who governed without being humble will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and will be accused in my Kingdom of usurping the rights of my humble ones; and upon you will fall two-thirds of the total seconds elapsed during your entire government; and for every second elapsed in usurpation, you are bound to fulfill an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; just as you usurped, so shall you be usurped; With the measure you used in this life, so shall you be measured in others; for every spirit is reborn; reincarnates again; which is the same. A law can be expressed in many ways; and it is always the same law; And I truly tell you that each existence is equivalent to an entrance and exit to the Kingdom of Heaven; it goes and it returns; up and down; up we ask and down we live what has been asked for; each request for life is a rebirth, on distant planets; Each life is a magnetism that adds to many others, which the spirit has had; The actions you create at every moment in life give you the quality and essence of your salt of life; living magnetism and the salt of life are one and the same; the salt of life is expansive like the Universe itself; From your salt of life, future worlds emerge; for every invisible idea that you emanate daily contains your salt of life. All the worlds of the Universe are the product of life salts, the creations of the Father; no one knows them; only the Firstborn Sons do. The creations of the Father are everywhere, and it is unknown how they began or where they end; the infinity of His creation makes Him unattainable. All my creatures are born to understand the Father; universal life has no other purpose; this eternal quest will never cease; because each one, by emanating ideas, expands their own eternity.-



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