Holy writings

Matthew 19:24 “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Luke 6:24 “But woe to you who are rich! because you already have your consolation.”
Santiago 5:1-3 “Come now, you rich people! Weep and howl for your miseries that shall come.
Your riches are rotten, and your clothes are moth-eaten.
Your gold and silver are rusty; and its mold will testify against you, and will completely devour your flesh like fire. You have accumulated treasures for the last days.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; those who earned a salary higher than the minimum wage will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they acted contrary to the Word of the Father; My divine Word says: All the humble are first in the Kingdom of the Father; I meant to say, first above all material things; the very fact of being first in the Kingdom teaches, even more so, that one is first in the human realm; this is what the hypocrites who call themselves Christians have forgotten; false prophets of my Word; because they are Christians in name only and not in heart; and even less in understanding; truly I tell you, that no false Christian will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; just as those who crafted the usurers’ wages will not enter. any gold enthusiast is not of my Kingdom; And I truly tell you, it would have been better for you not to have known gold in any of its forms; the inclination to prefer a precious metal is in the same law; For truly I tell you, it is easier for one who has never known any jewel to enter the Kingdom than for one who has worn it. Your Father rewards even the slightest simplicity; just as He punishes the slightest fault. The perfection of the Father is like this; He always wants the best for His children; it is the children who break the law. No one is born evil; evil is learned through imitation, whether in the present or in past existences; and if the evil one is punished, even more so is the one through whom evil came; and truly I tell you, that your way of life based on the power of gold is the greatest cause of all evil in this world; and truly I tell you, that if you had not known gold, all of you would enter my Kingdom again; gold has divided you; and truly I tell you, that no divided spirit will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; only Satan divides himself. and you were divided into rich and poor; and your thoughts were preoccupied with life, with becoming rich; And I truly tell you, that anyone who only thought about being rich will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; you asked for the thought, to think of the Father; and not of another god; I truly tell you that desiring something other than the Father is to praise another God; for everything has hierarchy in the creation of the Father. The term: everything, is not like yours; the everything of the Father has neither beginning nor end; And I truly tell you, that every gesture you make in life is another God; because everything is living and eternal; my divine creation is so infinite that what is called fantasy becomes reality; and not only does your fantasy exist in its quality and essence, as earthly fantasy; because my creation is not limited to a single world; my creation knows no bounds; for in the tiniest imaginable moment, new worlds are born ceaselessly; and their number is infinitely greater than those that are already mature; it is the Expansive Thinking Universe; a living universe; in which every generated idea transforms into a colossal planet; because one must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; and I truly tell you, that all those who generated ambitious ideas in life created planets whose philosophy is ambition; and they are the future parents of their worlds; for each one creates their own heaven; and I truly tell you, that the highest hierarchy of the philosophy of gold is the god Osiris; and I truly tell you, that their worlds are the darkness; that is the fate that the creators of gold and their followers will have; creators of the life system based on gold; Such a way of life is not in my Commandments; on the contrary; my Law says: You shall not steal.-

Yes, my son; Money was not the call to save the world; nor to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; money is the opposite of humility and charity; money is self-serving; and a self-serving person cannot serve a master with honesty; self-interest prevents it. Money is the demon that deceived you; it gave you a fictitious happiness; fleeting, and bound by the laws of the Father; money is a philosophy created and conceived in the darkness; And I truly tell you that all interest is not of the Light; for the Light was given to you without interest. The just and the sinners enjoy equally from all my creation; the interest was created in your world by the most backward spirits; and they are the ones who created the capitalist system of life. Capitalist means in Celestial Science, hoarder of what belongs to the spirits; There are capitalists above and below; because in all directions there are worlds; those who provided you with the capitalist way of life tried to legalize interest; in both need and abundance; And I truly tell you, that these demons must answer in the Kingdom of Heaven for all the interest and need they caused to every creature of humanity; the total sum of points of darkness escapes your knowledge; however, in the Kingdom, everything is known; the creators of the commercial system of life will weep tears of blood; thus, they will be traded in distant worlds; for every second of moral pain and injustice that each earthly child lived, there will be an existence in which they will be the exploited; with the measure they used on Earth, so shall they be measured in distant worlds; And I truly tell you, that every pore of flesh of every creature that suffered morally and physically because of these demons cries out for justice; because they felt the injustice; your world cried out for Light, to enjoy a life without demons; their free will should never have been touched by any suffering; Oh, poor you capitalists, who dared to divert the destiny of the free will of my creatures! You would have been better off not coming into this world!! For you, no human being will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; You are the creators of the tragedy of this world; because you divided its spirits; because none who lived in illusion will enter the Kingdom; And I truly tell you, demons of the world, that you will wish not to be in this world; for the world will pursue you; your fruit is the fruit of weeping and gnashing of teeth; Yes, demons of interest and immorality; your reign is coming to an end; creators of suffering in systems of life; you took my children into the darkness; more, you cursed ones shall see the Light of the Universe no more; you shall be cut off from my creation; nor shall you have a rebirth; truly I tell you, that none shall see the Light either above or below; spawn of the demon; spirits of evil; not even a memory of you shall remain; you shall be torn from the world; no inheritance shall remain of you; behold the fall of the demon of this world; behold the Lamb of God, conquering Satan and his legions of the ambitious and exploiters; behold the end of a beast; whose symbol was the money of illusion; behold the pharaonic lion that took the best part; more, darkness prevailed; here falls the greatest mystery of living evil; here, the last shall be first; here lies the fate and suspense of a moment in the Kingdom of Heaven; here is your cause without the usual forgetfulness; here is the Light made planetary Revolution; here is a world that will groan, as others groan in space; here is the Alpha and the Omega of an unknown system of life; here is Omega Science; the Galactic Science that will prevail over the materialism born from demons; here is Truth made reincarnation; as it was twice in the past; here is the beginning of weeping and gnashing of teeth; here is the birth of a Solar Father; Brilliant like a sun of wisdom; here is a Face shining like the sun; here is the Wonder come from the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the absurd and fleeting nature of a world that believed too much of itself; here is the dread of a world that forgot humility; behold the greatest Living Power; that not a hair of His head shall you touch; behold the Creator of your nature; behold the Alpha and the Omega made flesh; behold the Trinity in human form; behold a Firstborn Sun; behold the Son of Man; behold the Head of the humble; behold the One awaited for centuries and centuries; behold the great Comforter; behold the Word made flesh; behold the Law from above; behold the living Truth, made Doctrine; behold the King of kings; behold the One who will levitate soaring through the air in Glory and Majesty; behold the Principle of life; behold what was the past; behold the war of Armageddon; the war against the greatest among the nations; against those who cast the first stones; against those who dared to invent governments and systems of life, without knowing the content of the Scriptures; behold the demon that divided the world; behold the end of the straight Alpha; and the beginning of the Omega circle; behold the trisection of a right angle of 90°; behold the Alpha made circle; behold the birth of a new world; behold eternal flesh made Lamb; behold new quality and caliber in the idea; behold the beginning of a past; behold a world without demons; behold the fall of the philosophy of gold; behold what should never have existed; here is the beginning of a paradise, momentarily annulled by demons who wished to experience human life; here is an unparalleled time in this world; here is the beginning of the greatest Revolution from the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the transformation of a world, without the use of force; here is the triumph of the living Word that comes from Father Jehovah; here is the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; here is your Final Judgment; here is the power of a living nature; here is the triumph of spirituality; here is the triumph of those who believed; here is the fall of the deceivers; here is the birth of the new world; here is the reign of a Solar Father; here is the Doctrine of doctrines; here is the Alpha of all flesh; here is the Omega of the cause of flesh; here is the new beginning of the world; here is the Lamb, head of the Universal Government; here are the small made great; here are the poor and exploited nations made the greatest power known and to be known; here is the destiny of the humble; for every humble is first in every reign; And truly I tell you, that you will see all these things; because you asked to see them at the Final Judgment; and truly I tell you, that groaning will spread across the Earth; for you are all violators of the Law of the Father; you all knew gold; you all knew the science of good; the science of the demon; the science and the comfort that divided you between good and evil; and truly I tell you, that everything divided will not know the place where it was created; for it will not see the Glory of the Father; the world Earth has fallen once again; just as it fell in the Pharaonic, Mosaic, and Christian eras; And I truly tell you, that the fourth era will be the last; because the humble will govern; True humility cannot be bargained; here lies the error of the creators and deceivers who invented the so-called democracy; they bargained and put a price on the rights of my humble ones; they cast the first stone of human selfishness; they traded what did not belong to them; they forgot the divine warning: Do not do to others what you would not want done to you; and I truly tell you, they bargained with the Father; Were you not taught that your God is everywhere? I am also in the minds of the humble; and truly I tell you, that those whom you have wronged, they will wrong you; for you will end up in the greatest ruin ever known; no one commanded you to have material possessions beyond what a humble person had; my humble ones mostly live from their work; as was commanded to all; they are not against the Law of the Father; and you demons of usury and excessive ambition, you are. For I truly tell you, that it is enough to possess a microscopic amount more than another, and the Law that says: You shall not steal is already being violated; and I truly tell you, that it is easier for one who had what was necessary in life to enter the Kingdom than for one who had a molecule too much; and I truly tell you, that those who had less than what was necessary in life, theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; your reign is a kingdom of plunder and immorality of all kinds; and I truly tell you, that all those who have experienced plunder and immorality will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; starting with the Vatican sect; these demons introduced commerce into religion; and no merchant and no religious person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; both are strangers in the Kingdom; no interest is known; not even the most microscopic that your mind can imagine; There, where you were created, normal possession exists; and no one desires what belongs to others; there everything is common; and all abundance does not attract attention; there exists celestial communism; with a child’s philosophy; there everything is joy; because no one is exploited or treated unfairly; because there are no private or personal interests; and everything is wisdom and knowledge;

how it must have been on Earth; knowledge and work are the salt of life; and without this salt, no one enters the Kingdom of Heaven; And I truly tell you, that no child of comfortable and wealthy parents will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor will their parents enter; the very opulence is the accusation; if they did not have what my humble ones had, they will not enter the Kingdom; And I truly tell you, that among the poor, the poorest of the poor, he is first in my Kingdom; and among the despised, the most despised of the despised; and those who faced physical trials and were deformed on Earth; For truly I tell you, it is easier for one who was deformed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who was perfect in body; and truly I tell you, that all those who had pride, contempt, or any other spiritual complex will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for everyone who despised and everyone who was proud will be treated accordingly in other existences, outside the Kingdom of Heaven. Poor those parents who instilled pride and contempt in their children! Because none of them will enter my Kingdom; it would have been better for you not to have had children, for you are responsible before the Creator; you asked for Light and created darkness; and woe to those who raised daughters and sons for their own interest! because you have magnified the reign of Satan; all the ideas that your children thought, influenced by you, are so many worlds of darkness; from the microscopic idea, future planets are born; and their creatures think as the one who created the idea thought; And I truly tell you, parents of interest and material calculation, that you are responsible for every future hell created by the children you influenced; for if evil is punished, even more so is the cause from which evil was born; and woe to you, who did not greet your fellow beings in life! It would have been better for you to have lived in solitude; whoever despises one of my creations despises the Father; for none who greeted their brother or sister in life will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I know, little son, that you are thinking about the proud ones on the corner; truly, I tell you, none of them will see my Glory; I know that by the command of your Father Jehovah, you are in the Venceremos community of Arica; and I know that many do not greet you and yet they call themselves Christians! I truly tell you, that everyone who did not greet you in life will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for later they will ask to be resurrected in the flesh; they will ask to be children again; I truly tell you, that everyone who looked with indifference at any fellow being will not be children again in the year 2001; it was taught that only the humble are first; and I truly tell you, that everyone who despised any gift without giving it importance, despised living charity; for none of them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; charity will accuse them; before leaving the Kingdom, every human spirit promised the Father not to despise anyone or anything; except for the devil; this is for all those who have reached the age of twelve; And I truly tell you that all those who scorn gifts must account for the time of their disdain; they must calculate the seconds contained in the elapsed time; from the very moment they disregarded, to the very moment they saw the Light of Revelation; And all those who were not moved by the truth, the seconds continue to accumulate; and truly I tell you, they are multiplying threefold; second by second in an accumulating sense; and truly I tell you, this law of justice applies to all human experience; for everyone who, seeing the Light, was indifferent; in divine Justice; the indifferent disappear; the whole Universe is stirred; and if in life you were indifferent, even towards my Scriptures, it was because you were tested by the Father; and at the same time, you yourselves asked for the test; Every trial includes time, space, and philosophy regarding the mandates of the Father; and truly I tell you, that your way of living has closed all hope of entering my Kingdom; because the foundation of your way of life was not love; it was self-interest; it was not charity; it was ambition; it was not the living reality in the Father; in the Scriptures; it was an illusion that emerged from human minds; from the true demons of your world; and truly I tell you, that this disobedience is comparable to the disobedience of Adam and Eve; to the disobedience of the cursed pharaohs; to the disobedience of every Empire in the past of the Earth; to the disobedience in different qualities and characteristics within the darkness; and truly I tell you, that every disobedient regarding the mandates of the Father will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and within the disobedience of a few, all of humanity is condemned; those few are the ones who sustain material power on Earth; And I truly tell you, that everyone who stands against what is of the Father will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; their sin is a sin without comparison; they are the very demons. And I truly tell you, that when this yoke falls, you will finally understand that Satan was within yourselves. and the test of life itself took place on a planet of a certain degree of darkness; in one of the infinite abodes that the Father has; And I truly tell you that you know many of them; because every spirit is reborn; and has known many lives; and who denied their own existence, denied the origin of their own evolution, and limited the eternal power of their Creator to the ephemeral; And I truly tell you, that whoever diminishes the Father will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; their future existences will be in worlds of limited knowledge; with the measure that they used for the Father, so shall they be measured. And I truly tell you that all those who mocked the Name of the Father or gave Him nicknames will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; never have the disrespectful entered the Kingdom; nor have they ever been rewarded with eternity, neither above nor below; And I truly tell you, that all those who exposed the divine Name of the Creator in their arts, comedies, songs, films, radio, television, or images, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; you were taught that your God is in everyone and everywhere; And if I am in you, you do not need to represent me in the material. The imperfection of evolution is; and moreover, a product of ignorance; the offshoot of a philosophical tree that is not of the Father; and that they named religions; And truly I tell you, that no creator of them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the Law of the Father should never have been interpreted with human interest; And I truly tell you, that any broadcaster or journalist who reported with malice, ill intentions, falsehoods, and who did not contribute to unifying my flock, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; All hypocrites like you will be judged in my Kingdom; You confused the minds of my children with false news; you played with their free will; and woe to those who took pleasure in it. All complacency is alive and is judged in the Kingdom of the Father; I know, my child, that you are thinking about the demons that lie every day; I see that you are considering the broadcasters of the falsehoods from Radio el Morro and Arica; and truly I tell you, what these fakes do happens all over the world; they are the servants of the demon of materialism; they are paid to lie; and I truly tell you, demons, that anyone who receives payment to lie and deceive my humble ones is cursed; and woe to those who speak to them in life! because the law will fall upon them; And truly I say to you, that all those who shielded themselves behind titles or slogans, like the damned of the wrongly named Fatherland and Freedom of your flock Chile, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; these damned will be judged in my Kingdom for conspiring against my creations; no one was granted the right to play with the lives of others; these demons of immorality and corruption have forgotten my divine parable: Do not do to others what you would not like done to you; and truly I say to you demons, that you must sum all the seconds that have passed since the very moment you entered this demonic sect; and truly I say to you, that for every second of time in which you plotted against my flock, corresponds to an existence you must fulfill in worlds of darkness; in forms of life where you will be the persecuted; worlds-calvaries; and truly I say to you, that none of you, damned ones, will be resurrected in flesh in the year 2001; and truly I say to you, that all your inheritance up to the fourth generation follows the same law; And I truly tell you, cursed children of comfort and corruption, that even your children will curse you; for they will be the saddest beings in the world; the most isolated as has never been seen; thus are paid those who abuse power; the divine Father Jehovah gives and takes away happiness from those who deserve it.-



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