Holy writings

Santiago 5:1-3 “Come now, you rich people! Weep and howl for your miseries that shall come.
Your riches are rotten, and your clothes are moth-eaten.
Your gold and silver are rusty; and its mold will testify against you, and will completely devour your flesh like fire. You have accumulated treasures for the last days.”
Luke 12:33-34 “Sell what you have and give alms; Make yourselves purses that do not grow old, a treasure in heaven that does not run out, where no thief comes and no moth destroys.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.”
Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal;
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; with the measure you use, you will be measured; this applies to the spirit and the material; to creatures and nations; to ideas and actions; And I truly say to you, exploiters of the world: Every nation that has become an economic power must return half of its wealth to those it exploited; for I truly tell you, you are under the law of curse; if you do not obey Father Jehovah, you will end up living isolated from the world; and I truly tell you, you would have to face the fury of my living nature; I truly tell you, what happened to ancient Egypt would happen to you; you would disappear as the cursed Pharaoh era disappeared; and I truly tell you, your citizens will abandon you; because no one wants to die of hunger and isolation; and I truly tell you, that the flocks of the United States, Great Britain, and France are the three beasts of human yoke; for you, material judgment is being written; to the largest flock, which I filled with abundance, and did not understand me, everything will be taken away; the Father Jehovah gives and takes away; And truly I tell you, the flock of the predatory eagle must take two-thirds of the half and give it to the suffering flock of Vietnam; and one-third to the exploited flocks of Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand; and truly I tell you, that the other half belongs to you for your work; your sweat on your brow; you annulled yourselves; because you should never have exploited anyone; for having done so, your peoples will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, that because of you, no human being will enter; because you deceived my children and divided them into rich and poor; no divided spirit enters the Kingdom; just as one exits, one enters; only Satan divides himself like that; And I truly tell you, that because of your faults, rulers of capitalism, none of your citizens who legalized you will be resurrected in new flesh; they will not return as twelve-year-old children in this world; for I truly tell you, that in the year 2001, all those whom you mercilessly exploited and killed will be resurrected as children; because resurrection is for the living and the dead; and I truly tell you, that this tragedy will fall upon you yourselves; you created your own downfall as nations; no one commanded you to violate my divine Law; you were your own demon.-

Yes, my son; The celestial drawing teaches that ideas influence worlds; philosophies are composed of ideas; and each idea is accountable to Father Jehovah; each idea becomes gigantic in the Kingdom of Heaven; each idea demands in the Kingdom what each spirit demanded in life; what was for itself is also for eternity; Materialism is a condemned philosophy; because it divided my children into rich and poor. Divine justice cannot go against those who, having every right, had nothing. The happiness of a world lies in each person being fair to one another; something that has not happened in this world; and everything that belongs to the Father, and is not respected, does not remain. Sooner or later, it will fall; that is what will happen to you, rich nations of the world. Returning what never belonged to you is the beginning of repentance. To possess was your weakness; and there were no shortage of imitators; who perpetuated the violation created by you; your Creator allowed everything to come to fruition; because you asked for that time of the fulfillment of philosophies; a time of life’s trial; the world cried out in its prayers, the JusticAlfa and Omega. The Lamb of God of the Father; and Justice has come to you; and Justice begins with those who had more, dominated more, influenced more, made history; the greatness of the Earth is first in divine Justice; for truly I tell you, that because of these great things, the Final Judgment was written for this world; the Father must intervene because of you; and not for the sake of the humble; truly I tell you, that the ambitious and exploiters have always given the Creator something to do; and there is no world that has not endured them; and when Judgment has come to all, none remains; and this is what will happen in this world; I truly tell you, that nothing will remain of you; and I truly tell you, that your inheritance is the last; because the beginning was yours; the end will belong to those you exploited; they will not exploit you; rather, they will despise you; And I truly tell you, that this generation will be the first; all the nations that were subjected to you will unite to form one; and you will no longer have anyone to exploit; And I truly tell you, that your philosophy will come to be called the philosophy of a whore; it is bought or sold to the one who pays the most. Here is what you will end up with, the greatness of the world; you believed that your science was unique; that humanity had no other path but to follow you; I truly tell you, that now it is your turn to follow others; you deceived the world for nothing; because of you, no one in this world will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; what your eyes will witness will fill you with horror; because the eternal force that moves nature came from a philosophy opposed to yours; from that philosophy, you emerged; and I truly tell you, that you will be powerless against it; many of you dream of dominating the world; but it turns out that the world will dominate you; and the world that will dominate you will not be exploitative like you; and give thanks to the Eternal that you are not exterminated; because they will not be of the force; and I truly tell you, that none of you will be important in the future events of the world; you were important in the world of money; the world that is fading; the world of illusion; the corrupted world; the world that did not give importance to the Creator; the world of uncertainty; I truly tell you that none who took themselves seriously nor any who deceived others will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; And I truly tell you, that my Firstborn Son will not set foot on your lands; for they are heads of planetary violation; your nations, exploiters of the world, will demand the surrender of what does not belong to you; because no one wants to be cursed and live isolated for the rest of their life; so it happened with those hardened by the past; I truly tell you, that for you this world will tremble; greed has led you astray; a greed that recognized neither homeland nor God; your god is gold; And I truly tell you, that he will also be judged with you in the Kingdom; your reign is a reign of pain and injustice.And I truly tell you, that even the microscopic pain you caused to my humble ones, you will pay for; I truly tell you, that your families, who had everything, will be left in complete poverty; just as you made others poor, so shall you be now; with the measure you used, so shall you be measured; I truly tell you, that the world will go on without you; the world of the future will not be a world of exploiters or the exploited; the world of the future will be a world of innocence; And I truly tell you that you, being adults, have no philosophy to offer to future generations; because your concepts remain in the material realm; they are of a single present; you are the most backward who have come out of the Kingdom of Heaven; you have no idea at all of what is to come; spiritual children know this to varying degrees; they are older than you; they are less attached to wealth; And I truly tell you, demons of ignorance, that you will have to pay for every last pore of flesh of all the humble that were corrupted by you; no one asked to corrupt anyone; and you, demons of gold, have corrupted this world; from your damned gold come the calamities of this world; you have taken control of something that the Father created; you have given importance to the point of crushing your feelings; you look at my children as production machines and not as God’s creatures; I truly tell you, that everyone who allowed themselves to be dominated by the temptation of gold will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and all of you will be judged above and below; on this Earth and in Heaven; on this Earth you will pay by living the same poverty that you caused others; were you not taught: Do not do to others what you would not like done to you? I truly tell you, that all who have caused harm in any imagined form will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and the consequences of every harm done in this world will fall upon you, demons of gold; for there is no harm that does not carry the bitterness sown by you. It’s centuries and centuries of abuse; of ruthlessness; I truly tell you, that now it’s your turn; what you made others feel, you will feel yourselves; And do not believe in demons, for it is only here on Earth that you will pay for your sins; It is only the beginning; the end lies in other existences that you will fulfill outside the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, in distant worlds, you will die of hunger; the same sufferings that you caused in this world, you will experience in others; At any point in the Universe, the Justice of the Father awaits you. Were you not taught that the living God is everywhere? I truly tell you that all repentance, in whatever form, is taken into account in the Kingdom; the repentant belong to the Light, and the unrepentant, to the darkness. I truly tell you that the world you created will collapse; a world you should never have created; a hellish world; because I truly tell you that any world that strays from the Light of the Father is a world of darkness; and all who participated in the creation of such worlds will pay for it. And I truly tell you, that you have other debts pending with the Father; debts that are not of this world; debts from other worlds; from other existences; because every spirit is reborn; this new mistake you made in this world adds to those of the past; And I truly tell you, that you yourselves perpetuate your distance from the Kingdom of Heaven; Every second that passes in the violation is an existence lived outside the Kingdom; the world will pity you and despise you; because they were pitied and despised; many of you will commit suicide believing that this will allow you to escape the Justice of the Father; gross error even worse; because my divine Commandment says: You shall not kill nor take your own life; and truly I tell you, that you will be like the dead while alive; for you will no longer reign; you will no longer be able to dispose at your whim of the rights of others; you will no longer be able to cultivate your whims; which are living immoralities; you will no longer pursue with your cursed gold; you will no longer intrigue against my flocks; you will no longer pay hired killers; you will no longer order murders; now you will be treated as if you were to be killed;

He who kills by the sword, dies by the sword; he who uses force and violence falls by the same means. You demons, you approved the intrigue against others; Will you approve her for you? Whether you want it or not, the world will want to pay you back in the same coin; I truly tell you, those who do wrong will pay for it; and even more so, those who held power. All power that did not come from the Father ends the same way; just as despots come to an end. this world is a world of blind people because of you; your damn thirst for power lost the world; you didn’t control yourselves; your damn way of seeing the world infected the generations; you frustrated the world; because this world does not enter into the eternity of the Father; I would have entered the Kingdom of Heaven if I had not known you. because they would not have been divided into rich or poor; the greatest misfortune in this world is having known you; and the greatest happiness, that of not having known you; The world bore you because it was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; and every time that is asked for is fulfilled; just as the time of your material reign was fulfilled for you. I truly tell you, that you were the greatest blind ones; There is no greater blind person than the one who did not foresee their own downfall. All the blind in the worlds fall blind; they fall with the same ignorance; they see the law and do not understand it; the influence of a world that is being born makes them change outwardly; however, evolutionary ignorance remains intact; All of you demons, you possess to the highest degree, cunning and deceit; I do not say that you lacked intelligence; you had it, and it was very great. I tell you truly, it is easier for a fool who did not violate the Law of the Father to enter the Kingdom than for one who was the greatest wise man and violated the Law. your wisdom, servants of gold, is self-serving wisdom; it is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; By your deeds, you are unknown in my Kingdom; your works that served two lords, are divided and lost in the darkness; Everyone who was interested in life is divided between the interest that dominated them and what they believed to be right; and what he believed to be right was incorrect from the perspective of the Enlightenment; because the system of life is the denial of the Father’s mandates; it is the legalized violation by the interests of the world; and you live in an illusion that came from within yourselves; After an illusion comes reality; I do not prohibit you from having illusions, as long as they do not violate what belongs to the Father; what belongs to the Father is eternal; what belongs to men is fleeting; and being ephemeral and microscopic, I gave you an opportunity; as I do for everyone; that opportunity was in knowing my Scriptures; and I did not force you; I gave you a choice; you had free will in life; you had plenty of time to recognize the rights of the Creator; if you fell, it was because of yourselves; no one commanded you to be usurers; no one commanded you to divide my children into rich and poor; no one commanded you to exploit and deceive them; no one forced you; it was your damned inclinations towards gold that created the yoke of this world; it was your imperfections; that being ignorant and little inclined to the knowledge of the spiritual, you dared to govern the destinies of this world; that was your grave error; And your Creator said to you: Only the humble are the first; I wanted to tell you in other words: Only the wise, those who have lived longer, those who do not have a weakness for gold, those who are not confined only to the present, are the first to govern this world; you never understood it; nor did you ever want to understand it; The mere fact that all humble people are first in the Kingdom of Heaven says it all; if one is first above, one is also first below; above there is a greater hierarchy and below a lesser hierarchy. I truly tell you that no exalted being from any planet is first in my Kingdom; they do not enter the Glory of the Father; and I truly tell you that none of you will be reunited with your loved ones; for you do not deserve that reward. It is a reward for those who deserve it; and I truly tell you, that no inheritance of yours will remain in this world; it will happen to you as it did to the kingdoms and dynasties of the past on Earth; all those demons groan in the darkness; they always kept the best for themselves; And what about my humble ones? the crumbs; just as you did; And I truly tell you, that the demons of antiquity and you exploiters are of the same rock; you are of the darkness; anyone who kept the best for themselves and left the worst for their fellow beings is a demon; for such an attitude is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; and you cursed ones who governed this world, without it being your right, did the same; And I truly tell you, that all those who left behind the best and the worst for their fellow beings, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Only those who shared equally the goods that the Creator placed on their path in life shall enter; no selfish person will enter; nor have they ever entered; and truly I tell you, that all those who built banks to store money and gold, none will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; neither those who worked in them; nor those who deposited in them; only the humble, who held the most despised jobs according to men, are safe from this law; such as cleaners and doormen; Were you not taught that the humble are first? Imagine all the despicable things that have come from your mind; what came from you is the first before the Father; you did not like to be actors in what the world despised; and what this world despised is what will now be exalted; you will envy those you despised; because you will weep, you demons, begging for a little appreciation; the same appreciation you denied to others; and everything you denied to another will be denied to you. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; didn’t you enjoy exploiting this world? It is now your turn; endure what your forced slaves endured for many centuries; and truly I tell you, that your quality and nature are infinitely inferior to that of the humble. I truly tell you that comfort and the life of a prince do not strengthen the spirit; they sink it; for neither the comfortable nor the princes will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only the Son of Man saves; the son of labor; the son of the command in the Father; and not the son of the command of his spirit; because it is easier for a son to make a mistake than for a father; although sometimes the opposite happens; truly I tell you, that every son of man will be rewarded; and much more rewarded is the son in the Father; because many work for the sake of working; they work because others work; others work because my command says so; the last are sons in the Father; but truly I tell you, it is easier for one who worked for the sake of working to enter the Kingdom than for one who did not work; and even easier still, one who worked because the command of the Father said so; here is a truth that will make almost everyone cry; you exploiting demons are the guilty ones; you shaped the minds of my children according to your fleeting concepts of the Universe; you deluded yourselves; You made them into workers who created a path that did not lead to the Kingdom of the Father; rather, it led away from the Kingdom of Heaven. your children snatched from the Kingdom, by your cursed influences; for it is enough to live a second or less in violation of the Father’s commandments, and one cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; when this world sees the glories of my Firstborn Son, they will also want to go to the point of the universe where such glories are created; and because of you accursed ones, they will not be able to enter that place; This fact will cause human seas to chase you; like one chases a demon; and there will be others who will tear you away, like one tears away from a plague; your name of the rich will be synonymous with a curse for future generations; I truly tell you, that you will envy the dead; In this world, by getting rid of you, it will have achieved what millions and millions of beings from the past could not achieve; because they were not in the right time; Everything must mature in the Universe; the events of the worlds are like the development of a creature; they start as babies and end up dominating others; this process is the test of life; And truly I tell you, as I said in my Kingdom: It is not beneficial for you to be born into the world of Earth; for you will fall; many listened to me; others did not; the latter are you; you insisted on being born again in this world; and you already know where your actions have led you; your destiny came from within yourselves; because each one creates their own heaven; and truly I tell you, that you, traders and exploiters, have made your own hells; for there is everything in the flock of the Father; your violations become your destinies made universes; because according to the quality and nature of your ideas, so will be your future reincarnations or rebirths; every spirit is born again.-


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