Holy writings

Genesis 1:27 “So God created human beings in his own image; he created them in the image of God. Male and female he created them.”
Psalm 139:13-14 “You created my inward parts; You formed me in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am an admirable creation! Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well!

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; this divine Revelation is the supreme Revelation; the divine principle begins in the Kingdom of Heaven; there exists only one principle for the entire Universe; the divine Word is the only Truth; the divine truth comes only from the Father; the divine word is eternal life; a divine principle that has been unfolding since eternities before the emergence of systems of life; Matter is subsequent to the divine Word; the spirit is a matter that arose from the same Word. matter and spirit are living creatures; both return to the divine word; the divine word is living fire and is living magnetism; The principle of the divine word is exclusive to the divine free will of the divine Father Jehovah; the creatures live and feel their transformations; the divine principle of the divine word is consciousness itself; the consciousness of every spirit is also a microscopic living fire; the divine word transforms into all matter; that which is known, unknown, and will be known; Matter and spirit are of the same truth; however, they manifest in different ways; one is contemplative and the other is sensitive; both form alliances in their own birth; each is born independently of the other; they are free and innocent; that is to say, devoid of all philosophy; they are unaware of the material worlds and the lives inherent to them; the divine word is born in infinite evolutions; it is spontaneous and expansive; it never ceases to manifest in a living Universe; leaving its own legacy; according to the ideas emanated by spirits; the divine word constitutes its own galaxy of flesh; for there exist flesh creatures so colossal that the human flesh creature is less than a microbe; it is so tiny that it simply goes unnoticed; the divine word of the Kingdom of Heaven is a magnetism of colossal creative power; there, they speak of infinity; of eternities; of the power to create worlds at a speed unknown in human evolution; there, the force is creative power; and not destructive as in the human way of life; The destructive force is characteristic of darkness, for darkness destroys; and divine light builds; one tries to overcome the other; the divine intervention of the divine word always places the will of the divine Father; for He is everywhere; has been and will be.-

Yes, my child; this sky-blue drawing teaches that divine Law creates infinite lives; not just one life, but every life gives rise to others; the divine inheritance is in everyone; everyone thinks; everyone generates ideas; and therefore generates worlds; The writing was: One must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; it means that the most microscopic thing a person possesses is their ideas; and from them colossal material worlds are born; whose living creatures will carry the characteristics of the original idea. The writing was: Each one creates their own heaven; this heaven is within them; it resides in their own invisible ideas; no creature sees their own ideas; they only feel them; and everything that a creature executes has first been an idea; an idea that then transforms into material facts; this demonstrates that matter is born from spirituality; and that the spirit is also, at the same time, matter; since it is also composed of molecules; the spirit cannot see the spirit; when that spirit belongs to the so-called worlds of the flesh; when it is just beginning to learn what life is; one is born small and humble; to gradually gain spiritual power; or creative power; spiritual force is not the same as physical force; the former is creative; through it, the Earth came into being; the latter is destructive; it is contrary to the divine Commandments; because of it, millions and millions of men will be judged; creating the greatest weeping and gnashing of teeth; along with those who scandalized divine Morality, exposing their bodies to the world; the weeping and gnashing of teeth in all humanity will be due to the abandonment of the study of my divine Scriptures; which translated into the human creature living a life of illusory philosophy; The time spent on money is time wasted; everyone aspires to be rich in the shortest time possible and in the easiest way; this spiritual attraction to the fleeting will be humanity’s greatest moral pain; was it not taught that one should worship God above all things? This also includes the way of life; for the way of life of earthly children causes them to forget the supreme Commandment; certainly, no ungrateful person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And humanity has fallen into ingratitude; starting with its rulers!! none commands that all humble be the first; On the contrary; they make the laws without taking my divine Scriptures into account; It is written that the humble are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; if they are the first in eternal life, they should also be the first on Earth; woe to those! that out of ambition or selfishness, have made every humble person suffer; they would have been better off not being born; The Celestial Science, as it spreads throughout the world, will bring divine Justice to each individual; it will not establish itself as a church; that is not a tree planted by the divine Father; the so-called churches are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; just as all violators of my divine Word are unknown; for they have never entered into them; Celestial Science is Telepathic Writing that springs forth from one of the humble children; no one who has ever been exalted on Earth will possess this divine power; to achieve it, every proud person will have to be born again; Celestial Science is the only Science that explains everything; it has no end; for the divine creation of Father Jehovah knows no bounds; it has never had limits; nor will it ever have. Everything has come from the Divine Father; therefore, His Divine Telepathic Scripture emerges. by the fruit, the tree is known; By the events that are approaching, you will know if Celestial Science is the work of the Creator of Light; Every spirit is tested in human life; how many children have been tested who have already seen the Celestial Science; they have not realized that the divine Father chose them; but they turned their backs on him; the world will know them; their names will be pronounced in all languages; Here another divine prophecy is fulfilled; The writing was: Many are called, but few are chosen; for no one is a prophet in their own land; Celestial Science will soon shake the world; the honorable Dalai Lamas will speak to the materialistic world; they will do so for the first time in many centuries; The writing was: East against West; in the greatest intellectual controversy; a controversy that will last very little; but that will shake every spirit; as it was never shaken before; and the weeping and gnashing of teeth begins; the presence of the divine Lamb of God will provoke the greatest Revolution that humanity has ever witnessed; just as in the past it transformed the tyrannical world, so it will once again transform a world that has forgotten it has a pending Judgment; Celestial Science will have the divine glory of initiating the so-called Millennium of Peace; for which it will be necessary to uproot every philosophical tree that was not planted by the divine Father; any doctrine that did not take into account the divine Morality of the divine Commandments; any doctrine that sullied the teachings of the Holy Scriptures; among them are the so-called earthly churches; commercial sects that dared to divide the flock for a fleeting reign; The accused will be by the Lamb of God for teaching material worship; the same that the ancient world had; but it was another evolution; which has already fulfilled its law; You shall not make for yourself any graven image or likeness; says my Commandment; similarity is the temples; those that will be reduced to dust; The only and eternal temple is work; from there arises each person’s heaven; this temple never turns to dust; because from the very effort of the spirit, one’s own knowledge is born; which transforms into a divine living glow around the fleshly body; all knowledge acquired through the sweat of the brow materializes in the Kingdom of Heaven; for everything is living; everything transforms; even the daily acts of every spirit;

nothing is left to chance in this living Universe; All time dedicated to one’s own pleasure is of no value in the Kingdom of Heaven; on the contrary, it distances the spirit from the Kingdom of Heaven; for it diminishes its own addition, which is the total of celestial points, per second of time, spent in life; Every little point or idea carries within it an intention; it ranges from the smallest to the largest; in terms of love, it relates to my divine Commandments. Every little celestial point is heavy in the Father’s Abode; and divine Justice makes use of the same command that was given to the world many centuries ago: you shall worship your Lord and Creator above all things. What does this mean? this means that in every second of human life, the intention of all ideas should have been dedicated to their own Creator; It means that every act in life should have been a praise to the Eternal Creator; Every creature knows that nothing is done without the Lord’s permission; that no one is in charge alone; For a reason, divine laws were given; they have endured through the centuries; and they are not of human conception; Everything that the human mind creates is not eternal; sooner or later it fades into oblivion; the human creature did not fulfill the divine mandate; it will be judged according to its deeds; in what it has called freedom; which for the divine Father is libertinism; for it is a freedom that took the liberty of forgetting Him; preferring a way of life whose philosophy is an illusion; since human life enjoyed in freedom is of no value for entering the Kingdom of Heaven; Only the life that is guided by discipline and in accordance with the divine mandate enters the Kingdom of Heaven; Here is another weeping and gnashing of teeth, from a disobedient world; this disobedience corresponds to the divine parable that says: The Earth will pass away; but my Word will not pass away; It means that every disobedient tree is uprooted in the Millennium of Peace; an entire world with its customs fades into oblivion; a world that knew a phenomenon called morality; but a morality steeped in hypocrisy; a morality that only served Caesar; that only served money; that only served the world; and did not serve eternity; what’s in the world is ephemeral; therefore the morality of the world fades into oblivion, along with the customs that that world knew; The eternal Moral only emanates from the divine Word; whoever has lived it possesses the divine Moral that allows them to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for in my Kingdom, only the divine commandments are known; the morals of the so-called churches are not recognized; because they are not trees of the divine Father Jehovah; they are morals of human conception; made according to the conveniences of the world; that is why every church is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; the Holy Scriptures unify the world in a single Moral; they do not divide the world; only disobedience divides the flock; because the demon divides itself; thus will the so-called churches be viewed by future generations; every church will be called a Rock of human selfishness; which caused a delay of twenty centuries for planet Earth; in its moral and spiritual plans; and they will be considered the main cause of human suffering; of the weeping and gnashing of teeth that humanity must face; Blind guides of the blind!! It means that they took the liberty of representing the divine Father on Earth; without understanding His infinite love; without knowing the future; they were arrogant with their own brothers; for they have persecuted them; they have frightened them with the so-called excommunication; which is worth nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven; because nothing is more false than the morality that comes from the arrogant; they have violated the very Commandments they have tried to teach; Do they not bless the weapons with which my children are killed? forgetting these violators of my Law, which the divine Commandment orders not to kill; yet, no demon shall escape; they have done the same in other worlds; for disobedience is a darkness that behaves like a rock; which, over the course of eternity, wears away; it weakens; as the spirit is reborn in new planets; Well, pride doesn’t disappear by living just one existence; one must be reborn; one must reincarnate again to be cleansed and draw closer to God. Heavenly Science will amaze the world; for no science has ever managed to displace the others. Every new law brings with it a new doctrine that displaces old concepts. Human law is microscopic to transform a world; divine intervention is needed. Every law is also a living destiny; Yes, if it were not so, all the philosophy of the Earth in all its epochs would be merely mechanical; pride tends to make it mechanical. Every creature possesses a sensitivity that is not caused by mechanical laws; mechanical laws as interpreted by human evolution. because what is on Earth is not the same in distant worlds; there is everything in the flock of the Lord; In the celestial drawing, it is explained that in every creation, unknown intelligences intervene beyond human understanding. The main divine reason for this is that those divine intelligent forces already existed; and the human creature did not yet exist; This demonstrates that every planet has a beginning in chronological time; there was a time when a certain planet did not exist; no one had heard of it until its original spark emerged. The initial destiny of each planet has its cause in divine galactic parents; who are just as many living children of the divine Father Jehovah; the divine Father has children throughout the Universe; from all spiritual hierarchies; their number is like the stars; and amidst this infinity, there are fleshly creatures; like those of the human monkey; who is just beginning to learn to emerge from its own darkness; their shadows are their imperfections, whose germ possesses all powers in a latent state; powers that unfold as the creature lives in new and unknown worlds; What is above is the same as what is below; it means that all had the same beginning; all emerged from a single cause; a divine cause that has not ceased; nor will it cease to create infinite worlds; this divine cause possesses the expansive force of its own seeds; what human creatures will know about the laws of their own origin had never been given to the world; it will shake human knowledge; for they involve the divine Justice announced to the world many centuries ago; She teaches the divine Last Judgment, a test of life; chosen by the very spirits, out there in the distant suns Alpha and Omega; there, where everything is gigantic; to such an extent that it escapes the human mind; To come to know the only story of one’s own origin is the greatest Revelation in spiritual destinies; everyone, without exception, will want to know their past; how their own development was; and they will want to know their future;

No one wants death; however, a large part of these questions was taught to man; the divine commandments are the light to overcome death. There is no definitive death; since every spirit is eternal; and every death is relative to the spirit’s own evolution; it is relative to what is believed and thought about it; In infinitely advanced worlds, dying is a glory; the departure of those beings is celebrated with unparalleled joy; because they know more about the laws of the Universe; they have lived more; they have been born and reincarnated a greater number of times; they have overcome disbelief itself; which leads to nothing; Every incredulous spirit is a backward spirit, and every credulous spirit is an advanced spirit. Every credulous person was incredulous in other worlds; and every incredulous person will be credulous in future worlds. All wisdom begins with doubt; and ends in reality; a muchos espíritus, les es más fácil, no creer porque son cómodos; no se toman el trabajo de profundisar las leyes de la naturaleza; tal actitud cosecha un llorar y crujir de dientes; pues cuando llega el divino momento de ser pesadas en las divinas Balanzas Solares sus segundos de tiempo vividos, éstos espíritus, se llenan de espanto; pues cada segundo de estudio; de meditación, equivale a visitar un colosal mundo en el Reino de los Cielos; si sumamos todos los segundos de tiempo vividos, llegamos a la conclusión de que todo espíritu viaja eternamente por mundos, según el interés que empleó en cada segundo vivido en su morada planetaria; este divino premio de visitar los mundos del Universo, se denomina divina Añadidura del divino Padre Jehova; y no tiene límite alguno; no exsiste el límite en la creación del divino Padre; exsiste el Universo Expansivo Pensante; en que en cada microscópico de tiempo, nacen en grado infinito nuevas semillas galácticas; nuevas chispitas solares; y que no han cesado de salir; desde el divino instante, en que el divino Padre Jehova dijo: Hágase la Luz y la Luz fué hecha; este divino término significa en otras palabras: Hágase la Sabiduría, en mis propias Leyes eternas; pues todo conocimiento aprendido en los planetas, se transforma en Luz viviente; que le dá al espíritu la divina jerarquía espíritual y que a la vez le indica, a que futuro mundo le corresponde nacer; pues cada reencarnación es según las obras del espíritu; exsiste una íntima relación entre los sentimientos y las intenciones, que el espíritu puso en juego en determinado mundo; y el destino futuro; the human spirit cannot be everywhere at once; like the Father, it ignores more things than it knows; earthly science believes it knows everything, yet knows nothing; it does not even understand divine laws, such as how its own germ was conceived; nor does it know what its future will be; Celestial Science will provide the Light; as it has done in infinite worlds; there is not just one knowledge; there are infinite knowledges, in infinite expansion; and in these expansions, disbelief arises; but it is swept away by knowledge itself; which does not stop at anything; it transforms everything; even the very skeptics are transformed by it; no knowledge or theory sustains the Universe; All the sciences of the known and unknown worlds are eternally subordinate to the laws of the Creator; Well, from their divine laws they came forth; this was forgotten by that damn Satan; he thought that with his own acquired knowledge, he would defeat his own Creator; What a profound mistake!! infinite centuries have passed; And yet, the damned spirit king cannot defeat his Creator; And there is no time that does not come to pass; nor world that is not judged; This means that all pride follows the same laws of Satan on a microscopic level; the disobedience of any creature, no matter how microscopic, is always under the same law; and the divine score will be deducted from its own addition. The explanation of the divine Celestial Science encompasses all knowledge; that is why it includes science, morality, psychology, and divine justice; for it is written that the divine Father Jehovah is in everything and in everyone; He is in science, He is in morality, He is in all psychology and in all divine justice; and human beings must not forget that the divine Father also possesses a divine Free Will; just as all creatures in the Universe possess it in a microscopic form; and everything that creatures have, the Eternal Father has in infinite degree; for all inheritance has come from the divine Father and returns to the Father; therefore, the divine Creator can express Himself at any unexpected moment to any world; and this happens and has happened infinitely throughout all eternity; Was it not written that the divine and new Revelation would come to the world as a surprise? like the surprise caused by a thief at night; the divine Law operates in the worlds, like another law; like a common law; for Divinity is above all things, above all philosophies, a universal communist law; it is the supreme attitude of all free will; which, having recognized itself, sees that material possession is temporary; and it is fairer and wiser to share it equally; just as my divine Word has been teaching; in all Sacred Scripture; in the Kingdom of Heaven, private property is unknown; this philosophy was chosen by ambitious man in earthly life; imposing it upon himself, as a test for himself; for his spirit; in my divine Abode, the word: This is mine is unknown; there reigns the divine loving communism with a childlike philosophy; for no other philosophy enters the Kingdom of Heaven; but that of a child; it is the only living philosophy that preserves its joy and innocence; all others have been tested and must face the divine Final Judgment; which is the end of a world that exploited itself; it is the fall of a world, of its morals and customs; it is not the physical end of planet Earth; Earth must still continue as a dwelling for infinite spirits; who will form the new world; a world very similar to the one that existed before Adam and Eve; and prior to the arrival of the accursed pharaohs; who were creatures that came from other galaxies; the new world will be known in its early times as the Millennium of Peace; which will begin to govern after the resurrection of all flesh; the year 2001; And the total consummation of the centuries is also approaching; material periods of time that formed divine alliances with infinite spirits; who requested the philosophy of being tested in their own destinies; the polar axis of the Earth will deviate from its current deviation; as a consequence of the signs in the stars and abodes of the Universe; for the joy of the worlds is one and the same; matter and spirit share a divine joy in common; and belong to a living world; in which all understand each other; just as the Solar Firstborn understood earthly matter; commanding the winds and resurrecting the flesh; the same divine principle will govern all resurrection of flesh; for the divine laws of the divine Father are the same in all epochs; varying in a manner parallel to the evolution of the spirits of all planetary natures.-



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