Holy writings

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
Psalm 147:4 “He counts the number of the stars, and names them all.”
Proverbs 8:27-29 “When he drew a circle on the face of the deep, and established the limits of the sky, when he established the clouds above, and established the springs of the deep, when he set limits for the sea so that it would not transgress his commands. , and marked the foundations of the earth,”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


If the entire universe is numerical, the equation of the origin of numbers has no limits; because infinity itself is numerical. the expansive geometry of the thinking expansive universe is infinitely hereditary; the planets, before becoming planets, are first microscopic ideas, which in their composition, hold the germ of a future nature; The most microscopic details hold the seed of the numerical in the degree of microcosm; the space that allows the idea to germinate is another numerical magnetism; the mental idea, which is a magnetic wave, achieves its growth or expansion through the condensation or compression of gases; the molecule that contains the numerical aspect within itself is born from a calorie that solidifies; the calculation of this calorie in its development is pressed by the universe itself; it is the force of the sprout that corresponds to the very vibration of the moment; What happens in a mental idea, called omega wave, has been occurring for limitless eternities; In the process of a planet’s birth, no human creature participates; it is for this reason that no human has any story to tell regarding the origin of planets; for none of them witnessed the birth of any planet; and almost no one has ever thought that the planet they inhabit was once a microbe in ancient times; if no man has found the solution to the origin of his own planet, the theory of the microbe will prevail for the rest of human history; because even conjectures have their calculated time, in the numerical balance of the universe; what man least imagined is what triumphs over his ignorance; because to discern the origin of planets and of all colossal bodies, a science greater than human science is required. An explanation is required of the intelligences that witnessed the events or participated in the occurrences of a planet’s birth. The fact that there has never been a transmission of how the Earth was born among human beings indicates that humans are being tested in the face of enigmas whose causes are not easily found. The elements were already made; neither the first beings of the first generation knew how the elements of nature were created. Only the trisection of the right angle of 90° teaches and demonstrates it; because when explaining the origin of all things, the explanation itself also includes the explanation of the origin of the Earth. Who was first? The microbe or the colossal planet? Or first the colossal, and then the microbe? First it was a microbe-planet, and when it became a developing planet, the infinite classes of microbes were born; The essence of the matter known on planet Earth was not of a single variety; the living aspect of matter gave rise to infinite transformations, which continue and will continue until the time of this process is fulfilled. the greatest of revolutions arises from a law that disrupts the slumber of the masses regarding the attitude they had until then in relation to their coexistence with matter; previous conceptions had their time; the new one that will come will also have its development time; the development time of all things is numerical-geometric calculation in the expansion of time; Time is a number of repetitions with oscillations of time. All of nature intervenes under a common law, so that time transforms and evolves them with numerical balance in their characteristics of sprouting; All elements make the regularity of material time possible; they allow time to expand and oscillate within its geometric development limits. the daily action and the night’s passage of time is like a huge fan that, when it closes, contracts into a magnetic line; There exists in nature the retreat of time; there exists the record of time, which is like a magnetic blueprint, that at a given moment was extended and at another moment was retracted; The calculations and mathematics used for the development of time are the same as those used for the birth, growth, and development of all things; The time that every human being spends on their projects is the same time or pattern of time that nature uses. The time known on Earth is like a magnetic focus of sliding geometry; and the small time that thinking creatures make use of is a replica of this; it is common time with a diversity of uses; In the numerical calculation of the creation of time, three times participated in one time: the time that existed in the place where time was being created; the time itself, which was developing; and the time that would be used for its development and perfection, in alliance with elements on some planet in the universe; these three times within a planetary time constitute the trinity of times; it is the triception of time. Everything has its triceptation; the known and the unknown; Even the microbe has trepidation; And the smallest thing that a human being can possess, which are their own mental ideas, also has a triceptation of ideas; The ideas generated daily by a human being are so microscopic that they can only be felt; however, they cannot be seen; and the very feeling and the inability to see them also have their own trepidation. molecular-numerical communism in all creation leaves no one without inheritance regarding their rights. the number also has a triceptation of number; and its explanation leads to numerical universes; the trepidation of each thing knows no bounds; which translates to the fact that what is above is equal to what is below; the relativity of universes makes what surrounds a planet different in its composition from what exists on the planet; Further, drifting away into infinity, the space traveler encounters another planet or planets that have similar or identical characteristics to those of their own planet. Certainly, the inequality found in the characteristics of the planets surrounding Earth, as perceived by humans, is a true test of mental capacity regarding the concepts that human beings had of the infinite; beyond the calculated limit, infinite surprises await; the fact that Earth is somewhat isolated from other inhabited planets indicates the intervention of a testing psychology for the human creature; the isolation of the planet is also numerical calculation; the purpose is mathematical;

And while the planned goals are reached since the time one was a microbe, the creatures and the planet develop and evolve; Before the arrival of cosmic reality, there was a task to accomplish; the requirement of the numerical test was maturity and a certain type of experience in a certain kind of life; thinking reality could not exclude the cosmic. the individual lived with molecular influence, of the elements, and these were connected to the expansion of the cosmic; the trepidation of numbers explains the future of human events; and the explanation is molecular; it explains everything about everything that has been lived; within the whole is the future, just as the past and the present are also there; the trisection of the right angle of 90° teaches how the molecule was born and how it geometrized, becoming expansive; the past, present, and future are also dispersed molecules, with a diameter so microscopic that no human eye or instrument can see them; One only captures its sensation in the spirit; human life, in its entirety of matter and spirit, is tri-septated and is located in the place that corresponds to it, within the hierarchies of the lives of the expansive thinking universe. Human life received a magnetic concept of calculus, whose numerical quality and essence connected it in common law with the elements, through the sensations of the spirit; the numerical feeling embodied in its mood developed in contact with many magnetisms, becoming one; it was, is, and will be through the pores of the flesh, where such magnetisms made their entrance into the fleshly body; the magnetism of the elements was of penetrating psychology; and within the body, it became assimilable through sensation; in all the sensations experienced by the fleshly bodies of nature, the magnetisms of the elements participate; sensation is a product of common law; in every pore of flesh, the magnetic influence of the elements makes use of a microscopic time and also a microscopic space; the speed at which the magnetic influence of the elements radiates over every pore of flesh is 300,000,000 kilometers in a trillionth of a second; at that moment, some kind of sensation occurs in the spirit; this speed and space are synchronized with the magnetism of the mind through millions of veins in the human brain; the clash of this speed and space with the magnetism of the mind produces the philosophy of thinking; these three concepts: speed, space, and philosophy or thinking, are referred to as the Living Trinity; What happens within the molecule of flesh, in its phenomena of speed, space, and philosophy, is radiated outward from the body of flesh; this radiation translates into the actions that the spirit carries out in the present it lives; and a part of this radiation forms the mental idea that future generations will call Omega Wave; The formation of the mental idea has a geometric principle; It begins as an alpha line and ends as an omega circle; The geometric principle of the idea is the same geometric principle that the Earth had in its microscopic birth; the principle from above that emerged from the macro is repeated below on the planet in the micro; which means that everything geometric that the human body possesses, the colossal universes of the macro also possess. the concept that what is above is the same as what is below is molecular with infinite expansion; and it teaches that everything had its beginning from a microbe; both for matter and for spirit; the starting point for both was the law of equality; Communism is universal, from the origin of all things; Current communism arises from a microscopic concept; since it stems from the experiences of individual human identity; and this is microscopic in comparison to the infinite universe. the current stage of the concept of communism, arising from individual thinkers, will be recorded in human history as a primitive communism; It is the law of evolution in which everything matures; the renewal of things is as inevitable as the expansion of the universe itself, moment by moment; The evolution of human beings is like small galaxies, which at first are scattered and then unify; it is the development of the free wills of thinking beings, who test the path of justice to take; the principle that gives rise to the feeling of equality in the spirit is a radiant principle with a transformable law to planets; Everything that is thought becomes worlds; eternity is a geometric transfer of one vibration that thinks to another vibration that expands. no one stops in what they do; nature itself takes care of expanding it; He who tries to control everything is surprised to find that he has been controlled himself, since the time he started as a microbe; the control that nature itself exerts does not give anyone a warning. such knowledge arrives unexpectedly on the planets, whose creatures are experimenting with a form of life; The numbers involved in all creation come together with those who interpret them through mental calculations; The commonality lies in the well-being felt when thinking about calculation; And when one is thinking with discomfort, it is because the spirit is undergoing a test at that moment, with an imbalance in the numerical sensation. all discomfort is a thinking number in imbalance concerning well-being; Numbers contribute to one of the infinite geometries that exist in the universe; because there are universes where numbers are represented by other concepts of calculation; it is the hierarchy of numbers, which, as the numeral concept rises, so does the numerical evolution; the starting point of the common is a departure or natural principle; the imbalance that the thinking creature will experience in its future arises from the misuse that the spirit makes of its free will; the imbalance is emotional and translates into attributing outdated and imperfect concepts to what, over time, will be given a more advanced and perfect concept; In the evolution of the human spirit, the principle of equality with which we were born by cosmic law was relegated to oblivion; the blame for this forgetfulness was a strange, destabilizing complex of wanting to possess more than one’s share. This strange and unknown complex attempted to vainly halt the equality that comes at birth in the cosmic realm; this complex, which is the greatest scourge of humanity, only momentarily delayed the initial and expansive force of cosmic equality. In the test of life, infinite and diverse individualities were found, which, having been born in the same place, came from different parts of the universe;

and the test of life consisted of creating together an egalitarian psychology, to evolve in parallel with the egalitarian laws of nature; the human experience shows that it was not achieved; and the payment is suffering with hereditary expansion; In expansive maturity, the thinking creature grows weary of the artificial; it grows weary of what was imposed upon it, going against the laws of nature; To spiritual perfection, one cannot be deceived for long; The artificial awareness that goes against equal expansion, the all-encompassing nature of the universe, is beginning to expire in the face of the new ideals brought to life by the new generations. If human experience was subject to change, every human being must have been a futuristic philosopher; the mental projection had all the support of the expansive thinking universe; If nature does not stop, neither should human thought have stopped; Moreover, the strange complex of possession halted the mental progress of the great masses; the complex of becoming rich entertained them and kept them with a weak illusion; because this illusion did not rest on the common laws of nature; it had no cosmic basis; and lacking that, it had no destiny; it was merely a momentary phenomenon; the fall of the momentary is already being witnessed by the world; those who dared not take into account the laws of nature in their way of life are becoming impoverished; what has always been common is now natural, rising triumphantly from the ashes of what remains of the unequal; those who generated ideas influenced by inequality, such ideas became imbued with an unequal geometry, which when sprouting from idea to planet, will give rise to the birth of a world with unequal laws; it is the repetition of a drama, which having occurred at a microscopic point called planet, happens again in another; what is thought at a given moment becomes once again a microscopic reality in the first instant, and then transforms into a colossal galaxy or a swarm of planets, with unequal laws, contradicting the expansive equality of the natures of such planets; this is how evil spreads to other regions of the universe; The thinking creature is a radiant and numerical focus, which from its microscopic mental geometries, produces seeds that will become planets; these seeds are the ideas, which upon leaving the small sun called the mind, emerge with an initial impulse; as the idea grows from the invisible to the visible, the initial impulse also expands; and this gives rise to the gigantic planet having rotation and translation; and the other secondary movements that a planet possesses are brought forth by the original idea; and they stem from the very vibrations that, at the moment of generating the idea, the flesh body and the mind of the one who conceived the idea experienced; this teaches that the microscopic has a colossal destiny; the idea generated daily carries weight, noise, gravity, equatorial line, polar axis, etc.; it possesses what the great one possessed; it carries the planetary inheritance; the number that acted in the small or in the microscopic also has a destiny in the large or in the colossal; the inheritance of each includes both the material and the spiritual; and the inheritance is transmitted from planet to planet; and within each inheritance received, a new numerical inheritance is also received. The numeral is inherited through one’s own actions and through the influence of parents; the first is an inheritance created by oneself; the second is a transmitted inheritance; the combination of the two inheritances results in a third and unique inheritance; it is the geometric characteristic that accompanies every spirit. The thinking creature has the opportunity to improve its legacy through good deeds; because every deed is also geometric in its composition of magnetism. the number acts in the mind, in calculations that are both conscious and unconscious; that is to say, with calculated reasoning and with intuitive reasoning; The numerals accompany the spirit’s thoughts throughout life; free will calculates the rhythm of the speed of thought; and ideas are expressed at the rhythm of living numerals. the well-being that a healthy spirit feels is the sum of 318 sensations called virtues; but according to human work, which was distorted, unequal, unbalanced, and influenced by division, not all sensations or virtues were perfected; the world created by the merchants of Earth only perfected certain virtues, and only partially; and one could not expect much from them, as they did not delve deeply into understanding the nature they were meant to live in; the world of merchants created an unbalanced perfection; they failed to take advantage of the wise lessons of Mother Nature; this imbalance even shortened their lives; an imbalance in virtues and in vitamin deficiency was born within them; the expansive receptor apparatus that their bodies were became a poor transmitter; instead of transmitting magnetic waves or perfect ideas, they transmitted the bad and the imperfect; and with that, they brought upon themselves future heavens and future planets, even more backward than the very Earth they inhabited; Imperfections only serve to diminish the future happiness and improvements that the spirit could attain. the trisection of the right angle of 90° explains the value of the falls in planetary perfections; and every fall is a numerical setback in the evolution of the spirit; and the greater this regression, the closer the spirit gets to its state of microbe; the further it moves away from the macrocosm; the more remote they make their chances of returning to the giant worlds of light; to the beautiful worlds of physical or solar light; The imbalance achieved through imperfect ways of life, such as those of merchants, is an imbalance in which the spirit undoes what has been done; while the entire universe moves forward, the unbalanced spirit in its perfection comes to a halt; because the advancement of all life must be geometric and based on mutual knowledge between spirit and matter; true perfection makes no exceptions; Nature does not deceive itself because it affects its evolutionary destiny. In the trisection of the right angle of 90°, it is explained how nature progresses in relation to the work of thinking creatures that live in alliance with it; if the work ends badly, nature also expresses itself poorly; its elements become angry and the climates worsen; this relationship between thinking beings and nature can already be appreciated by the world; The elements and the climates do not behave as they did in the past; the distortion of humanity has been on the rise, and alongside it, so have the harsh climates; an undeniable example of changing justice; the end of a bad planet is catastrophic, when the morality of the beings that inhabit it is also catastrophic; The bad breaks the alliance of progress between matter and spirit; because there is a geometric relationship between the events that must occur and the work of the past; the justice that must reign on a planet should fit into the geometry of future worlds; the natural and expansive renewal of creation is not an isolated case; In the expansion and location of future planets, there exists a strict union based on justice, which the creatures of the planet or planets practice; the transformation of the planet itself depends on this. The psychological changes from one era to another are not coincidental; From invisible dimensions where those who were spirits with fleshly bodies on Earth abound, orders are given to the laws that men can do nothing about; Humanity does not control the elements, nor the beings that are born every day, from the perspective of their ways of thinking; therefore, human beings cannot prevent other intelligences from doing it in their own way. what men have not been able to control in the human experience they live, others can indeed do so; And in doing so, they may or may not make themselves visible; because humanity knows from experience that things do not happen on their own; things must be done; such is the reality;

The trisection of the right angle of 90° teaches that infinity should not be judged by human psychology; because human psychology is limited and full of errors; to judge what is infinite, an infinite science is equally required. Since man does not possess her, it is for this reason that he does not hold the key to the infinite; and lacking valid reasoning, he must rely on the knowledge that has greater logic regarding the unknown. and the knowledge that shows it has no limits, such knowledge will be preferred by the masses; and a new science will emerge that will encompass everything; and it will not be a science of men; because by explaining what men have not been able to explain for centuries, this science will demonstrate that it does not belong to human knowledge; the trisection of the right angle of 90° will be a science that will not be replaced by any other; and it will be called the science Alpha and Omega; or the science of the Beginning and the End; the true revolution is the one that accounts for the origin of all things, of all mysteries, and leaves nothing to chance; It cannot be denied that the one who explains everything holds all the merit that the human mind can imagine; Humanity has written much about itself; and little or nothing has been done for the unification of the planet; the men of life’s trial are asleep; they seek a very slow happiness and let time pass by; entire generations waited in vain; death caught them in their waiting; the slowness to recognize their rights has made planet Earth a backward planet in relation to the lifespan it possesses; and among the most backward of the backward are those who live complexed in the security of weapons; the painful experience of centuries of distrust teaches that such a complex is the most dangerous; the arms manufacturers manipulate the primitivism that this complex entails; World education does not give it the importance it deserves, and perpetuates the drama of distrust; the mere presence of slowness to defend peace carries danger; Every creature slow to defend planetary security is dangerous. Inside it, there exists a strange imbalance that gives the impression it does not belong to the planet; the indifferent to collective happiness are the greatest plague of human evolution; Such individuals only think about personal gain, and not about collective happiness; they are destroyers of happiness, as their indifference delays it; the oldest of the primitivisms is the distrust in human coexistence; and the retrograde arms manufacturers exploit such primitivism; And to make the drama worse, in thousands of barracks scattered across the planet, the so-called militarism, another scourge against happiness, raises awareness in the minds of beings, teaching them about the existence of a hypothetical enemy; which in most cases does not exist; This awareness that has been practiced for centuries is the seed of the existing distrust in the world; this awareness is the fuel for wars; those strange aware individuals prepare the emotional state of beings so that they hate and confront each other; it has always been this way; the slumber of the masses accepted this; the near future history will accuse the enormous damage caused to the planet by the slumber of the masses; the significant setback inflicted on the planet’s evolution; The sleep of past generations has created a burden that the current generation must carry at all times in the present. The distrust of the past is the inherited burden that current communities carry on their shoulders. And the retrogrades, who never fail to show up in every era, legalized distrust, claiming that it is part of life; no formula is given to eradicate evil at its root; The legalization of distrust has existed for many centuries; and it still continues and will continue, until the millions of individuals who are asleep have the sufficient willpower to rid themselves of the plague of distrust that they inherited. Moreover, the human creature has become entangled in something so sinister that it will not be the human creature that saves the human creature; because the power of destruction that humanity has reached has crushed all hope for a solution. the man tasted a fruit that ultimately upset his stomach; what was believed for centuries to be right ends in drama for the last generation of mortals; Those who did not create the planet demonstrated through their actions that they did not deserve the power to create planets; for they would have destroyed them, just as they attempt to destroy themselves in their microscopic human endeavors. a Celestial Science will emerge that will revolutionize the entire human structure; For the first time in human history, we will be faced with knowledge that knows no bounds; and in its teachings, both matter and spirit participate; In many Eastern teachings, dating back centuries, there has been a prophecy of a limitless wisdom that would bring about an unprecedented revolution on Earth; and it will be China that becomes the foundation of the unlimited power of a knowledge never before dreamed of by humankind; as long as China has learned that in evolution, Knowledge that transforms minds comes first; and not the use of force that perpetuates distrust and nearly eternalizes the division of a planet; the painful human experience of many centuries has already demonstrated this; the so-called militarism and those who perfected weapons constituted a sad and failed experiment; because those who participated in its practice forgot to take into account the cosmic presence that always accompanied them throughout life; From this forgetfulness, a science is born, which will be an eternal memory; the unexplained part of the human phenomenon gives rise to a new world; what had not been taken into account ultimately triumphs as reality, with a limitless present; for the other presents have faded into oblivion; the Earth enters a cosmic period where beings see all their dreams and desires fulfilled; cosmic psychology, as it knows no bounds, crushes what is limited; A time comes when the impossible becomes reality; and it does not come from any human science; it comes from the science that creates planets, elements, oceans—what was impossible for humans to do. From that impossibility, a new reality is born; which is to say that a new world is born within the old world; A new thinking psychology spreads across the Earth; those who thought in the old way are dwindling and eventually disappear; Just as those in the new present will think, so should those of the past have thought; The difference between the two worlds lies in the fact that those of the past thought about including the destruction of beings, and even of the planet itself; and those of the new present will not think this way; unlike the destroyers of the past, who had legalized force in their customs, those of the new present will yearn to be creators of planets and elements; their thoughts will not suffer the baseness that those of the past endured; nor will they waste time worrying about men. your thoughts will be focused on what happens in the cosmos; because as soon as they are born, they will already be prepared for journeys to distant galaxies; the trisection of the right angle of 90° will teach the world of proof all the indecipherable whys that human beings encountered during their time on this planet; The reasons that were not understood were molecular, numerical, and philosophical tests that form the geometry of future destinies; those who provided insight through their efforts on this or that cause earned a future destiny with enlightenment; those who did not care gained nothing; because every destiny is geometric, philosophical, and numerical; by generating ideas, we are weaving the future geometry of our own destiny; because what is done in the present will be what is experienced in future presents; the sensation or virtue is expansive in invisible dimensions; the spirit only feels change through its character; the numeral also acts in the invisible, from where transformations arise, which are seen in the visible; The number is in the all about the all; it is as permeable in the essence of spirit and matter as humidity, water, and air are; the number will revolutionize the world, giving new science to the world and creating a new world; this new world will not use the unbalanced number that those who lived in the system of life called capitalism used; this new world will be based on the balanced number, whose future does not end in tragedy; for it does not unbalance the mind; it is a number that awakens the good within individuality and casts aside the bad; because all mental calculation is numeral philosophy, in which, during the trial of life, it made itself felt with a magnetism of forgetfulness, regarding the microscopic geometry of one’s own birth; what is coming is a magnetism of remembrance of what one was before.-



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