Holy writings

Deuteronomy 30:19  “I call you today as witnesses against yourselves, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; Therefore choose life, so that you and your descendants may live.”
Galatians 6:7  “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”
Santiago 1:13-15  “When anyone is tempted, let him not say that he is tempted by God; because God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when he is drawn and seduced by his own lust. Then lust, after he has conceived, gives birth to sin; and sin, being consummated, gives birth to death.”
1 Corinthians 10:13  “No temptation has overtaken you but is common to man; But God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but he will also provide a way of escape with the temptation, so that you may be able to endure.

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF THE FLYING SAUCER... CONTINUED.- The solar parents impregnate their solar individualities in the metal of the ship.-

In the process of imbuing individualities, solar parents employ infinite sensations that they transform into magnetism; within this magnetism, energies and counter-energies occur; because mental influences engage in philosophical struggles for possession; Among the infinite colors of the Alpha light radiating from the solar parents, through their eyes, there is also the color black; this color represents unknown places in the universe; that is to say, in all thought, there always exists something unknown; even when it comes to the most perfect creatures in the universe, after the divine Father Jehovah; The color black is a color that in solar laws indicates that it does not belong to the laws of light; and it also means in divine psychology, unwritten; The color black represents doubts, darkness; the entirety of black constitutes a space where suns have yet to be born; and in the mental-solar inheritance, it represents universes that will be known at any future moment of eternity; Black has always been linked to the bad; it is a color that experiences an explanatory silence without definition. The color black is also seen in the magnetic areas of flying saucers and in the auras of thinking beings; just as in solar parents, black represents for them universes of light that will be known. Likewise, the black auras of human creatures will come to be auras of light; as a consequence of their future life requests. The color black transforms into infinite colors, just as a world transforms and evolves; that is to say, the worlds of light were, in unknown times, darkness. The transformation to perfection required experiencing the imperfect, in the impregnation of solar individualities. When the Earth was born, a solar spark, its molecular beginning was a chain of light molecules that solidified; its first colors were green, blue, and red; the planet’s initial colors had, and still have, innocence made infinite. the multiplication of colors was a consequence of its thermal variation; the temperature alters colors; in its beginning, the Earth was heat in the process of materialization; this process is still ongoing; The Earth renews itself following a divine plan of creation, written in the Kingdom of Heaven; the characteristics of every planetary creation plan are chosen by solar individualities. the qualities and characteristics of the individual solar whole are imprinted upon itself, guided by the geometry of its own sensations; Divine Father Jehovah, is the beginning of the Earth an individual-solar beginning? That’s right, son; The inheritance of the human creature that lies within itself is the same as that of the divine authors of life; as above, so below; The impregnation of men in their sexual relationships was and is also done in the macrocosm; this is why it was written that no one is unique; no one is unique in their request for life and in what they try to demonstrate; the inheritance of what one is has neither beginning nor end; because a solar characteristic decides to initiate another form of inheritance; and after this, another; and so on, as far as the mind can imagine; the creation of the Earth is the loving geometry of the Alpha and Omega suns; just as it was communicated to the world of trial in the divine gospel of God; divine Father Jehovah, why, knowing through your divine grace that what is above is like what is below, did men not realize that what they had of themselves, the original cause also had? They didn’t realize, my son, because they didn’t take the necessary time to seek and delve into their own original causes; they didn’t give the due importance in the test of life; men received from men a strange knowledge, which included a strange doubt about themselves; it is because of this strange knowledge that men do not return to their place of origin once again; why once again, divine Father Jehovah? I tell you once more, my son, because in other existences in other worlds, the same spirits of this humanity had also distorted their place of origin; the denials of the spirits are repeated many times in their tests of planetary lives, which they ask of God; In the flying saucers, their crew is aware of the very distortion that humanity on Earth is experiencing; because they too lived it in their early reincarnations, from a very distant past; they also struggled to earn their bread with the sweat of their brows; because they too asked God to understand the imperfect; and all their imperfections that lived in other existences, they project them onto the colossal solar televisions of their celestial ships; they analyze their own pasts in such a science that moment by moment, they understand even more the strange psychology of the darkness; they are divine mental-solar examinations of what has gone; they perfect their inheritances to rise in the Kingdoms of Heaven; because those who are not born into new perfection do not see the kingdom of God; it is easier for one who has novelties about themselves to see God; the divine Father Jehovah is moved by those who perfect themselves; because they are imitators of Him; the flying saucers represent perfect creations of solar hierarchies that aspire to even greater cosmic perfections; they do not stop at what they are; because they know that all eternity is relative to one’s own desires; in the flying saucers, they see infinite processes of planetary principles; they see infinite causes unknown to them; because only God knows everything; the original causes are so infinite that the development and expansion between one and the other occurs without them knowing each other; it is the eternal mystery of those who were before those who believed themselves first; it is the eternal surprise of discovering oneself in the ex-existent; it is the eternal fascination of knowing and understanding very remote planetary histories; whose dramas and glories no one knew; And it happens that everyone, without exception, becomes a mystery to the universe itself; because no one is unique in the creative antiquity; only God is unique; In the flying saucers, their hierarchies compete lovingly, among those who know more; what they call the original points of the creations; Neither the firstborn suns know who was first after God; nor do they know who will be last; only God knows. All the drama, glory, and development of every planet in the universe happens without its creatures knowing who were the first and who will be the last; They only know their original starting points; they know the place where they were given light; they know their point of departure, in the midst of a universe that was already there; this is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, awakening in the midst of creation; no one proclaims themselves to be the second of God; because it is a form of limitation that does not correspond to the eternity of God; in the flying saucers, their crew possesses a solar science, which, while unprecedented, does not encompass everything; and when they encounter something that is superior to their own solar knowledge, they communicate it to the superior solar hierarchy; and if they feel that their solar science is also insufficient to explain or resolve an unknown, they also communicate it to the hierarchy that precedes them; It is an infinite inquiry into powers, in which no one has ever known its limit. In the Expansive Thinking Universe, one must consider those who were born, those who are being born, and those who will be born; those who were born have never ceased to multiply and expand; those who are being born think the same; And those who will be born will also ask God to know the expansive inheritance; each thinking individuality contributes to making eternity eternal; This means that each person creates their own heaven.

and it is the invisible physical ideas that expand the inheritance; just generating ideas creates a plurality of worlds, depending on the way of thinking of the creature; the all about the all of oneself, is reborn in the cosmos; the seed is the same idea; the expansive inheritance asked of God was within oneself; For a human being to have no inheritance that comes from themselves, such a creature must stop thinking; they must cease to generate ideas; nobody succeeds in their life tests; In the flying saucers, their crew possesses powers that amplify the ideas of others; they study their compositions; analyze their magnetism and relate it to the magnetism of the elements that the thinking creature breathed. they see the cherubs and molecules of the idea; this divine process of analyzing the invisible idea, the world will see it through the test, on the solar television; And when the world sees its own work, the world will weep; the presence of the divine cherubim is a spectacle that no one can resist; Emotions recognize their own cause; and emotions burst forth without the creature uttering a single word; what is the reason for this, divine Father Jehovah? This is due, my son, to the spirit forming alliances of sensations with mute feelings; to feel and not to speak was the divine request in silent emotions; in the flying saucers studying the magnetic wave called idea, they deduce the moral level of creatures; because the tree is known by its fruit; and in the ideas they analyze, they recognize those who believe in them, those who deny them, and those who ridicule them; and I will tell you, my son, that this will lead to a divine judgment, within the same judgment that the human creature requested; because no one asked God to ridicule what existed in the infinite creation of God; no one asked Him to ridicule the unknown; because no one makes requests to God that lack love; Those who fell into the strange libertinism of mocking the unknown will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; for it is easier for one who respected what they did not know to enter. In the flying saucers, as they receive human ideas magnetically, they visualize people instantly and project them onto the solar television; in other words, they know everyone. This knowledge of how each person is not only refers to the current present; rather, they know all the reincarnations that each one has had since they were born into universal life; and they know the future reincarnations that each individual will ask of God in the future. In the flying saucers, their crew enjoys watching what happens in this or that world or sun; the entire universe parades across the screen of the solar television; in this celestial television, the world of humans will witness its own galactic history; everyone will see their past existences and the worlds in which they were born many times; in the flying saucers, depending on the hierarchy to which they belong, they participate in the destinies of creatures; in the case of Earth, their intervention does not disturb the events and occurrences of human free will; and if they disturbed him, they too would be called to a divine judgment by God; Free will should never be curtailed; for it is the same as attacking the universe. Those who, in the test of life, took the strange liberty of overstepping with another, those who overstepped, have a divine judgment that goes beyond the Earth; In flying saucers, they know those who ran over others; and they know that the tragic fate of those who were tempted, with the use of force, is the solar fire; it is the culmination of weeping and gnashing of teeth; In the flying saucers, everyone knows about every experience lived on Earth; They classify living causes; because they assign destinies to the causes, starting with ideas; they place the causes in this or that sky, according to each person’s work; by classifying ideas, they position them in galactic locations so that they begin to mature; just as a small seed begins to mature in the Earth; if a seed in the Earth gives rise to multitudes of plants, the physical ideas generated by human minds will give rise to planets; the quality and characteristics of such planets depend on the traits of the generated ideas; Just as solar crew members imbue their individualities into the metal of their ships, so too does humanity, which generates ideas daily and at every moment, infuse its individualities into its unique magnetisms within those ideas; what each one was in their own way of being, so too will be the future nature of the future planet, which begins as an invisible idea; It is thus that those who generated joyful ideas will give rise to the planets of joy; Those who were apathetic will give rise to the planets of apathy; those who generated sad ideas gave rise to planets whose philosophy will be sadness; those who generated ideas of impatience gave rise to planets whose philosophy in their creatures will be impatience. According to the predominant virtue at the moment of generating an idea, so will be the future planet; this is why it was written: Each one creates their own heaven; it is one’s own individuality through their ideas that creates for the spirit its future inheritance; the one who generated evil perpetuated evil through their ideas; the one who generated good perpetuated good through their ideas; this is so because God’s inheritance in His children is eternal; to the free will that each one asked of God, it corresponded to choose their destiny; the circumstances were requested by the spirit with full knowledge of the cause; because this was suitable for their own history of reincarnations; In the Kingdom of Heaven, each one chooses their destiny and the Eternal approves; God imposes nothing; because He does not have the complex of power, of imposing. God is not obligated to anything, because He is infinite; Those who, in their expressions of faith, believed during the trials of life that the Eternal was obligated or limited to this or that, became deserving of a divine judgment within the Judgment, from God; the ideas generated that included any form of limitation on God result in their future planets and creatures having a limited god. He who diminishes God always loses; for the consequences fall upon him; he who magnifies what belongs to God also magnifies his own fruit. the infinity of God is enough for everyone; everything depended on each one; In flying saucers, when analyzing and classifying ideas, they group them into hierarchies; By right of its own, the entire universe is made up of hierarchies; for no one is disinherited; the hierarchical classification is a colossal divine work; it happens everywhere in the universe; and in all of it, there are flying saucers; they exist in what has neither beginning nor end; if there exists a universe that will never end, then parallel to that same universe that has no end, is the universe of flying saucers; whose models and shapes will never have limits; and their forms and models are in the image and likeness of all geometric existence in the universe; as above, so below. In flying saucers, there is a grand concept of the idea; it’s as if they know that from the invisible idea, a colossal planet is born; in them, the most microscopic constitutes a universe; they understand what infinity is; because they live and enjoy the living laws of God; they participate in His creations; this law that from the microscopic arises the colossal, many civilizations of the past on Earth knew it; and many expressed it in their arts and in their garments; the beginning of the universe lies in the most microscopic things that the mind can imagine; it is in what is unseen and in what is seen; the humility taught by the divine gospel of God is based on this universal law of the microscopic; It is for this reason that it was said: Every humble person is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; that is to say, every humble idea can become a colossal planet in the cosmos; and no one who seeks to know this or that form of life escapes the law of their own inheritance. the geometric nature of the planets, what each one’s own sky is made of, comes from within itself; In flying saucers, the universal principle is not limited to a single concept; because what pertains to God has neither beginning nor end; the idea that the colossal arises from the microscopic is one of its infinite concepts of creation. Even the principles of universes are relative in God’s creation; Between the infinity of God and relativity, there exists relative eternity within the infinity of God; In flying saucers, each universal principle is classified into hierarchies of principles; and the crew members of these ships have never managed to classify all existing principles; nor will they ever achieve it. because in every moment, in the most microscopic unit of time that minds can imagine, new and unknown principles of universes are being born;

because in every moment, infinite minds are generating ideas; it is the expansive universal inheritance; it is what has never ceased and will never cease; Thus, eternity is within everyone, in the principle of the germ; this principle is the magnetic wave called idea; it was up to each one to give their own wave the quality and the essence; therein lay the destiny of each individual; In the flying saucers, their crew sees the destinations of the creatures from different worlds just by observing their ideas; according to the magnetic colors of the idea, they glimpse the future of the one who generated the idea. In this law, the crew members of the saucers are familiar with mental magnetisms, which they often observe for the first time. At every moment, one learns in the universe; because there is no limit to what is created; in flying saucers and depending on their hierarchy, they enlarge in space itself all the scenes that contain an idea; the invisible is transformed into a macrocosm; this power of transformation knows no bounds; the Son of God during the divine Judgment will do the same; those who violated God’s law the most will see an increase in their deeds; human tides will observe them idea by idea; terror will seize those whose conscience is not very clear; because the Son of God will read everyone’s mind; the wicked of the world will hide; creating a tragedy for themselves; because while in the world, a child is being resurrected, they age in hiding; and the horror of seeing death approach them will drive many to madness; these are the dramas of weeping and gnashing of teeth; the worse one was in the trials of life, the greater the terror in God’s divine judgment; The Solar Son of Christ, by commanding the elements, will paralyze the world of trial; everyone will fear terrifying earthquakes; and every seismic phenomenon will occur in parallel to the divine wrath of the Son of God; and it will happen that before every material temple, barracks, and statues, the Son of God will be filled with rage, and earthquakes will occur. To avoid it, everyone from the test will form millions of groups that will focus on destroying the barracks of so-called militarism, strange temples with images and all forms of worship in statues; The strange customs are uprooted until their complete disappearance by those who nourished them. No one would want their homes to be destroyed because of earthquakes. the beast will be terrified; because it will see that its strange power, based on others fighting, is collapsing; because the beast will no longer be obeyed; and the world of the trial that sustained and fed the beast, with the strange customs that the beast imposed, for its own convenience, will bring down the beast by changing its customs; In the flying saucers, they observe the beast, just as one observes a strange demon from distant galaxies; on the marvelous solar televisions, the crew sees all the strange war preparations of the bizarre beast; they witness its secret meetings and hear all its intrigues; all of which will also be seen by the world of proof. In flying saucers and on infinite planets and suns, much is said about the strange beast of Earth; and many analyze how the beast emerged in a world with strange, unequal laws that the beast itself forced many generations to endure during the trial of life. The infinite philosophers of the universe raise infinite claims against the beast; instead of fighting fair in the philosophy of life, the strange beast takes the strange libertinism of killing the idealists; for even the beast itself asked for divine philosophy to face the test of life; the beast will be accused by the Son of God of having betrayed its own request for life made to God; by betraying what belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven, the strange beast became, for the world of trial, the number one danger; the beast has a tragic future ahead; for the beast will be impoverished, with immense moral pain, for those who had grown accustomed to it. For the blind who enjoyed a strange abundance at the expense of the exploitation of almost an entire planet; the drama of the followers of the beast lies in the fact that after having accustomed their bodies and spirits to enjoying the sensations of abundance, they now have to endure the sensations of misery and hunger; the same misery and the same hunger that the beast imposed on those it forced to live under a strange system of life; All the misery and all the hunger that the beast inflicted on all the generations of the past, including the present, all the plague, falls upon the current followers of the beast; because the blind who were dazzled by the strange beast asked God for a divine Judgment, above all imaginable things; which means, above all the harm, misery, and hunger that was caused to all the generations of the world; everything will be taken away from the beast; because the beast could not detach itself from its strange selfishness and peculiar greed; the ruin of the beast will be remembered by many generations of the new world; and the beast will be deducted molecule by molecule for what it illegally took from the world; and it will be deducted second by second for the setbacks it caused to the world of trial; because no one asked to be delayed in what they asked of God; the fall of the beast triggers an immense wave of suicides among its members; because the strange world with which the beast influenced them gave them, as a peculiar inheritance, a strange morality; a morality so weak that those influenced by the beast can only think of suicide; this strange and unknown morality removed from itself the fate of the beyond; In its own strange weakness lies the fatality of suicide; voluntary suicide and fatality. The drama of the beast lies in the fact that it overstepped its bounds in what did not belong to it; and in doing so, it reveled in a strange abundance, which in its peculiar laws, included taking from others. the beast set up a whole war machine to intimidate those who had the least; the reason for the existence of so many strange military devices was none other than; the beast lived in strange and perpetual distrust; and the beast never studied itself; because the beast was the first to be caught, by the strange illusion of materialism; the beast distorted itself; it closed off the possibility of humility; the strange illusion of possessing things made the beast immoral; and all the individualities that were caught by the beast did not experience the sensations with which they could have entered the Kingdom of Heaven; The followers of the beast were swayed by fleeting sensations that belonged only to a transient present; the very illusion of the strange power of gold left them without entry to the Kingdom of Heaven. The sensations they felt upon possessing gold are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; and all those who, on distant planets of trial, experienced strange sensations that were not of the kingdom, do not return to the realm from which they departed. It is easier for those who, on the distant planets of trial, lived sensations that they requested in the kingdom to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Oh sensations that belong to the realm; If nothing strange exists in the kingdom, nothing strange enters the kingdom; And the sensations that the beast brought to the world do not belong to the Kingdom of Heaven; because neither did the beast ask them from God; because nothing is strange about the kingdom, nothing is asked of God; the strange libertinism of the beast created the most strange and unknown sensations, which was the only cause for the world of trial to never unify; the perpetuity of inequality creates opposing sensations; Contrariety is a normal part of psychology. From the egoism of the beast was born meanness, which was one of the strange characteristics of the beast’s strange world; the world of testing did not ask to know any beast; because everyone asked God for equal sensations for planetary coexistence; the strange world that arose from the strange laws of gold, no one asked God for it; because no one asks God for their own future ruin; If the beast had taken God into account in its way of life, the fate of humanity would be different; for sensations would recognize the infinity of God; they would break the limits of the fleeting present, in which the beast confined itself by its own will;

The test of life consisted, not to be surprised by weak minds, who, like the beast, imposed on the world, a strange system of life, which with the passage of time, would end in tragedy; tragedy which was announced to the world itself of the test; The divine warning was contained in the divine parable which said: And there shall be weeping and teeth-breaking; and if the judgment which was asked of God, included all things, among all things was also the system of life, which the very free will of man chose in the test of life; in the very system of life, all things of human work occurred; He who forgot him during his trial of life will not enter again into the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier to enter, one who has not forgotten; the beast intuits a power that observes it; Moreover, the beast is accomplished dealing with complexes of inferiority; The presence of the flying plates, they prompted the beast, to lie to the world once again; for the strange beast had the weird and immoral habit, to seize all the proofs, of the existence of the Flying Plates; and he told the world, that the flyin plates were merely illusions, fantasies, tales; the wild beast of hardness and strange rock, he will be convinced that the Flyin Plates, are a reality, when he receives from them, fire; then he will believe; because the Beast is of hard neck; it is hard to understand; the main cities of the beasts, will be devastated by the magnetic fire of flying dishes; The beast always feared what he never understood; it was not a fear for prudence or wisdom; I escaped for fear of complexity; feared in the influence itself of the disorientation of the same site; in the midst of a weeping and teethbreaking, one of the most strange yokes, known in the history of the Earth, will disappear; and the strange thing was that the world of the test itself, transformed and made the beast more powerful; for this world enriched the beasts in an unknown way; The same weapons with which the world itself was killed, they bought it from the beast. The beast was happy; and in their secret meetings, the head of the Beast mocked the innocent world. such immoral secret meetings, will be seen by the world of proof, on solar television; every hidden gathering that has taken place at all times in the life of the planet, all will be seen on solar television; and all those who participated in them will all be in flesh and bone; for the dead will be raised to fulfill what they themselves asked of God; in the flying plates their crewmen show to multitudes of creatures, the intrigues and machinations, of the accomplices to the gold; in the solar televisions, the divine cherubim of justice impose themselves of all; and to the beast they have marked it as one of the greatest demons in demonic hierarchy; and they have identified every member of the Beast; and none will escape from what they themselves, asked in the Kingdom of Heaven; the terror of the beasts when he sees the Flying Plates, will be the largest of those witnessed in the world; and just as the beast, which had the strange habit of isolating those who were not suitable for it, will also be isolated, by divine mandate of the son of God; this isolation includes the elements that provide the food for survival; The agony of the beast will be terrible; for in his strange reign he didn’t have compassion on anyone. without mercy the beast divided them all. the strange beast will not be able against a Solar Father Firstborn, coming from the macrocosm; the divine power of the Son of God, encompasses everything; including the elements of the planet; The beast could never command the elements, because the beast did not create the elements; in the flying plates, have classified the beast for his righteousness; already know in the flying plates, who will commit suicide and who will implore divine mercy, in the crying and gnashing of teeth; on the televisions of the future, they see them; in the flying plates among their creatures, there are many who have known the strange beast, on other test planets; and many desire to participate in his judgment, to set accountability to the liberators of the beast; the top is equal to the bottom; just as on Earth there are adjustments of accounts, there are also in the cosmos; the presence of flying plates, will paralyze the planet; and the most mysterious magnetic transformations, will be shown in nature; the beast will be filled with fear; for no one will take it into account; neither in the remembrance, nor in the strange customs, which he sought to impose on the world for a test of life; reality will drive the beast crazy; thus will end an entity that tried to reign over a world, employing a strange morality and an strange libertinage; Thus shall be the end of him who sought to deceive many, because they didn’t please them. The servants and accomplices of the beast will go mad. every individual who served the beast, the world will know it, on solar television; and the world shall ask for them, the condemnation of the sun fire; the son of God is the last word in all righteousness; In the flying plates are recorded the events of the Earth, from when this was of the wear of a head of a flyer; the divine mandate of the existence of the flyer plates, has neither beginning nor end; who put limits to them as to their origins, during the test of life, is who has divine judgment; no one thought of putting limits to the creation of God, when human life was received; for all knew and were seeing, that God’s had no known limit; besides, they were warned through the divine gospel of God that God is infinite; therefore those who set a limit to him, in the test of life, put it either for pride or for ignorance; voluntary ignorance, in one or another case, such have discounts of heavenly score; It is better not to set a limit to the Creator of the universe; for always those who diminish God always lose. the strange beast with its strange illusion in possessive, led to the tragedy of millions of beings; because it pushed them to deny God; the odd illusion coming out of the beast, contained strange pride; with the divine Final Judgment, this strange arrogance is transformed into crying and teeth-breaking; the strange arrogances arising in the trials of life, always end in tragedy; it is easier to end in joy in the divine judgments of God, one who in his trial, was joyful and not proud; in the flying plates is recorded every spirit who requested reincarnations to know human life; there is the whole history of each one, as it is also in the Kingdom of Heaven; these records are available to many creatures of the universe; for in the Universe everything is common and nothing is hidden; the whole belongs to all; and being the whole of all, no one is selfish; on earth it did not happen so; for the beast did not realize that in order to be able to unify a world, it had to separate itself from all the strange complexes of the individuality in the test of life; for in the divine Final Judgment all the sensations which, being imperfect in the spirit, were not perfected by the spirit; as will be taken into account the sensation or virtues which were perfected; and in both cases, the law is by molecule, second, idea, and in all the most microscopic that the human mind can imagine; for so asked to God, the human creatures themselves; for all the imaginable was asked of God; in the flying plates their creatures know this law of divine judgment; because they themselves will give divine fulfillment, with the son of God at the head; the platelets are lovingly subordinate to the child of the God; they represent the majesty of the infinite power of God, and the sons of glory; It is the power of a Firstborn Solar Father, which cannot be compared with humanity; for humanity did not create the elements nor created life; the Firstborn Son created them by making with his divine Father one person; what is of the Father is the son; and what is the child is the father’s; solar individuality unifies in common law, what the demons divide; the whole over the whole of nature, is lovingly subordinated, to the divine feeling of the son of God; his character moves fabulous magnetic forces, coming out of the same elements that He himself created in far remotely distant times.


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