Holy writings

Hebrews 12:1  “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besieges us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”
Revelation 5:11  “And I looked, and heard the voice of many angels around the throne, and of the living creatures, and of the elders; and their number was millions of millions.”
Job 1:6  “And it came to pass on another day, that the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.” This verse mentions the gathering of the “sons of God”
Colossians 1:16  “For by him all things were created, things in heaven and things on earth, visible and invisible; be thrones, be dominions, be principalities, be powers; everything was created through him and for him.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF FLYING SAUCER... CONTINUED.- The construction sites of flying saucers are infinite; Those who have visited Earth belong to the Trino galaxy.-

Yes, my child; all the flying saucers that have visited Earth, since the beginning, belong to the Trino galaxy; Trino is the entire galaxy of yellow suns that surrounds the Earth; from this word Trino, the divine term of Trinity is born; because the Holy Trinity or universal knowledge encompasses all infinity; each galaxy of the Expanding Thinking Universe has its own Trinity; because no one is disinherited in God’s creation; Many in their beliefs denied the Holy Trinity; such individuals denied their own heritage; and it is easier for those who did not deny what has always belonged to them since time immemorial to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Those who, in the test of life, denied their own galaxy, such individuals renounced their own place of origin; known in this earthly evolution as the Kingdom of Heaven; because all the galaxies of the cosmos are united. So that the creature would not fall into its own denial, the divine Father taught that God is infinite; the son of Earth was taught that the cause from which he came had no limits; therefore, no belief should have imposed limits; those who set limits did so because they chose to; such individuals will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who has not imposed limits on anything imaginable to enter the Kingdom of God than for one who has. Galaxies, whatever their names, have no limits; therefore, those who denied them will be criticized throughout infinity; the denying spirits are denied entry to the worlds; whoever denies the infinity of God isolates themselves from the infinite; and the reason for this is that no creature from the worlds desires the friendship of those who diminish the divine power of God; none wish to be called accomplices of the diminisher of God; such creatures read minds and they know who is worthy of galactic friendship; when these cosmic beings read the human mind, they are filled with wonder; they are astonished by the mental contradictions of those from Earth; such creatures cannot conceive that one can serve both good and evil at the same time; And the first thing they think is that the human creature is from the shadows; that they come from a demonic world; for them, planet Earth is a place to be wary of; because erroneous planetary psychologies are contagious; and depending on their level of evolution, they understand the future consequences that may arise for them; because in the Expansive Thinking Universe, there are countless planets that have fallen due to corrupting contact with other planets; this is one of the reasons why many worlds have chosen not to make contact with Earth, a planet of life in trial; from distant worlds, infinite planetary abodes observe human customs; and they know that for centuries, the human creature has been violating the divine law of God; and they also know that a divine Final Judgment is approaching Earth; and they are on the lookout; because they are fascinated to see the Firstborn Son of God in full action during the divine judgments; after the divine Father Jehovah, the wonder of the universe is the Firstborn Son; they are accustomed to seeing him; because the Son of God travels from world to world, directing divine planetary judgments; countless silver ships, becoming invisible to avoid disturbing the events of human free will, are approaching Earth; because they wish to witness unknown laws of matter when the Son of God lovingly commands the divine cherubs of matter. in which no one will be able to stand; because from this divine law arise earthquakes, such as the human creature has never witnessed; this is why it was written: And there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; the entire Trino galaxy will be moved by the divine presence on Earth of the Son of God; the whole cosmos will witness, on infinite and marvelous solar televisions, the greatest revolution in the entire history of Earth; because when the divine participates in the events of a planet, everyone is diminished; the proud will weep and the humble will rejoice at the incredible feats of the Firstborn Son; the Son of God, in his divine hierarchy as Firstborn, will break all world records in every sport on Earth; because being a Firstborn Son of God means being first in everything imaginable; the vain and proud, who excelled in some specialty of some sport, will all be embarrassed and suffer from a terrible inferiority complex; Many will even consider suicide; It is better that they don’t do it; because it will cost them more in the divine judgment; the glory of the Son of God renews or transforms everything over everything, of what exists; and everything that was believed to be unbeatable fades into oblivion; even the very strange system of life, based on the laws of gold, fades into oblivion; everything that is tested by God becomes part of the past; in the places where flying saucers are built, hierarchies of powers exist; the variety of places is infinite; just look at a starry night, and imagine that in each star, fabulous flying saucers are being constructed; There are solar systems where their worlds add up to trillions. The solar system to which Earth belongs is a dwarf or microscopic system; as it was said to you in the divine gospel: From dust you are, and to dust you shall return; the latter means that the human creature awaits infinite and future microscopic existences. To become gigantic as a creature, to achieve the future size of a giant, one must earn it with the sweat of their brow, through countless existences in the future. Those who did not believe in giants, as a possible existence, will find it extremely difficult for such beings to become giants. Any mental opinion that includes any limit places a limit on its creator; it limits the one who thought such a limited thing. It is easier for a human spirit to be reborn among giants when that spirit believed in them; And it is impossible for a human spirit to be born among giants if that spirit did not believe that they existed. The most microscopic doubt in such or such creation causes those who have fallen into such a strange sensation to be subjected to a divine judgment by the Son of God; for it is well known in the world that God was infinite; which meant that one should never think of any limits when contemplating their God; doubt in any of its forms always loses in the divine judgments of God; no one asked God for doubt; because everyone promised to oppose a mental resistance to the demon of doubt; to avoid being compromised with the infinity of God; those who doubted also cause doubt to be cast upon them; for the living infinite does not accept limits of any kind. And the infinite does not lend its divine alliance to spirits who, while undergoing trials of life, imposed limits on it; this will happen to those who set limits through doubt; this will not happen to those who imposed no limits in anything imaginable; The world of trial will witness in weeping and gnashing of teeth that those who shrank back did so because they chose to; no one forced them not to believe; And every second of disbelief experienced in the trial of life equates to one less existence of light in the future of the spirit; the incredulous, by belittling the things of God, diminishes in his hierarchy as a creature of the cosmos; this also corresponds to the divine parable that was spoken: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; it meant that every future comes at a cost; nothing is given for free; when the human being asked God for the test of life, they asked for sensations they did not know; in each sensation, everyone recognized the infinity of God; therefore, no one asked for the limits of what already existed in the universe; what everyone did ask for was the sensation of being exposed to doubt; because everyone was unfamiliar with such a sensation;

And along with that, everyone asked for the feeling of mental resilience, so as not to fall or descend from the laws of light; the mental resilience requested was to avoid sinning; because in every fall, there was a weakness of mental resistance; and it is easier for one who practiced, during the test of life, their mental resistance to evil to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who was mentally weak and allowed themselves to be influenced by evil. The tiniest microscopic effort made by the creature to achieve its own perfection is infinitely rewarded by God; for it is easier for God to reward, in the divine Final Judgment, those who made an effort than to reward those who did not. Effort is a divine merit in the Kingdom of Heaven; mental abandonment is not. thus, the golden world of gold and well-being at the expense of others’ needs, barred those who enjoyed such strange abundance from entering the Kingdom of Heaven; Certainly, abundance was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; but it was a request for an abundance that did not violate God’s law; because no one makes requests to God while violating His laws of love; all of humanity asked God for an equal abundance; the same one that everyone saw and experienced in the Kingdom of Heaven; And it is easier for those who thought of abundance with equality in mind to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for those who did not; equality belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven; inequality does not. Thus, those who thought of unequal abundance will live in worlds with unequal laws. The divine Father Jehovah is the first to respect the ideals of His children. Human beings should have considered during the trial of life that their own way of thinking would be judged by God; because the characteristic of the divine judgment that God requested was that it would be judged above all things. The term “above all things” also means above all ways of thinking; in each person’s way of thinking, ideas, syllables, letters, expressions, voice, philosophies, molecules, seconds, and atoms intervene; and each of these presents a judgment within the Judgment itself. The human creature, when thinking of the divine judgment of God, must have contemplated its entirety over the whole; it must have thought of its millions of molecules of flesh and its virtues and sensations; and it must have considered that both the microscopic and the gigantic would be judged equally; because it is easier for those who have not forgotten anyone, when opining about the divine judgment, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for those who have forgotten; the one who merely forgot a molecule, such a person will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because the molecule would complain to God that the man looked down upon it; because everything that each one had within themselves, absolutely everything will speak at the divine judgment of God; this is why it was written: The living universe of God; that is to say, with this divine parable, humanity was taught that both matter and spirit had their own life; and because everything was created by the same God alone; those who did not think or delve into the living creations of God, such ones will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because it is easier for those who cared about the divine teachings of the Father to enter the Kingdom than for those who fell into a strange indifference; when a world like Earth violates the law of God, such a world is isolated in the universe; just as man isolates a germ, a carrier of decay. an infinite number of flying saucers do not decide to make contact with Earth, out of fear of contagion; They do not wish for their own celestial happiness to be taken away by allowing themselves to be influenced by strange ways of thinking, by planets in trials of lives; No one wishes to fall before God due to a lack of self-care; the infinite experience of the universe is a perpetual warning; this isolation endures as long as inequality reigns on the planet; Every violation of God’s law, occurring on distant planets, is referred to as a demon in universal knowledge; and the solar crew members of flying saucers are far from considering friendship with demons; because the mere act of conversing with them is seen as a factor working against one in achieving divine grace from God. They know that Jehovah God is very jealous of His laws of light. This is how they study and analyze the histories of the planets before making contact with them; It is the immortal precaution of those who do not wish to be confused with demons; because it is easier for flying saucers to make contact with paradise planets, where danger is unknown, than for them to connect with planets that are undergoing life tests; in addition to the care they take, they respect the timelines of such planets’ trials; this explains the attitude of flying saucers towards Earth; because one thing is to be seen, and another is to make contact; flying saucers will never disturb the actions of human free will; because they do not wish to be caught up in the divine judgment of God; because the divine Judgment includes them as well; they are microscopic in power before the Firstborn Son; those who have visited Earth are from the microcosm; the Son of God is from the Macrocosm; solar crew members and prophets alike are under the glory and majesty of the Son of God; thus, they lovingly place themselves at the divine orders of the Son of God; this always happens in infinite worlds; In the construction sites of flying saucers, there are crowds, just as there are on Earth; these crowds will witness what is soon to happen on Earth; when the Son of God opens the atmosphere to make way for the open heavens, the astonished world will see that multitudes, which can never be counted, are watching them; These multitudes of infinite planets had been observing Earth since it was still developing in the invisible. through countless solar televisions, these crowds were aware of human events; They know about Earth more than they know about her inhabitants; because in their solar televisions, they see the past, present, and future of the planets; there exists in them a common and universal interest in planetary judgments; because one always learns from them; they are fascinated to see the Son of God sending the cherubim of matter; they know that the divine cause is infinite in its manifestations; when a planet is unknown to them, the fascination is even greater; they are interested in everything that happens in the cosmos; their greatest happiness is to increase the flow of knowledge, because they understand the law of divine scoring; they know what it means to live in the moment before God; the flying saucers that the world of trial has seen come from infinite and very distant worlds within the Trino galaxy; and it happens that among them some know each other and others do not; some know the origins of others; and others know nothing at all; this law of knowing and not knowing is infinite; In every moment of planetary time, new and unknown creatures are being discovered; this will also happen to the child geniuses of the new world; they will travel through the galaxy in flying saucers; very distant worlds will visit the Earth of the open skies; just as it was at the beginning of the Earth; and on the very Earth, flying saucers will be built, with the solar science of the Son of God; the glory and majesty of the Firstborn Son possess a divine power to create what was believed could never be created; the impossible becomes reality, in the face of the solar science of the Son of God; the new world will be a clean and silent world; the fuels that poisoned the atmosphere will no longer be used, during the trial of life; silent magnetism will be the new propulsion; this magnetism will be something revolutionary; it will be something that will amaze everyone; magnetism will revolutionize everything; no vehicle from the test of life will remain; they will be considered primitive vehicles, belonging to a strange world; the product of creatures of bizarre libertinism;

because as the future centuries unfold, the current world will become smaller; its fate will be future museums, just as the epochs of the past are displayed in today’s museums; The law of the ages in the world of trial is equal in its destinies; because matter and spirit had requested living equality in their respective laws; an equality that was not fulfilled due to human free will; had the so-called capitalism not emerged from a group of ambitious individuals, that equality would have been realized; with the divine presence of the Son of God, such a marvel is fulfilled; It is said to be a marvel because equality belongs to the blessed of the Father; and to those who always thought and fought for something greater, against the very strange system of life that was imposed on them during the trial of life; the systems of life could have been many; Moreover, the one who fulfilled God’s will has greater chances of remaining on Earth; the fulfillment of God’s will should have been down to its last molecule; Behold, the Firstborn Son will not regard the world born of the strange laws of gold as a world of light; He will declare it a strange world; and everything He declares strange is judged and does not remain on Earth. The strange does not belong to the Kingdom of Heaven; for the strange is not written in the kingdom; this was announced in the divine gospel of God, as a strange morality; if the morality of a way of life becomes corrupted, the entire system falls before God; and the severity of Judgment is greater for those who have exalted themselves in such a way of life; because it happens that the so-called powerful of every way of life always give the best to themselves; the best education, the best teachers, the best universities, the highest-paying positions; if they have given themselves the best in the test of life, they are therefore required to have the best morality, the highest among all; woe to them if this did not happen; for the discount in the score of light will also be immense; The morality developed in the test of life, by earthly humanity, makes it easier for a poor person to be closer to the Kingdom of Heaven than for one of the enlightened of the Earth. the most suffering from a way of life that legalized inequality are the first to receive the divine rewards of God; It is for this reason that all the writings of the Father taught to persevere until the end; because those who did not become discouraged by their own trials were gaining, second by second, an existence of light; and when all the seconds of perseverance were added together, they gained infinite existences of light. the test of life consisted of distancing oneself from the darkness of one’s own evolution; The very nature of each spirit teaches that it possesses both light and darkness; the darkness consists of influences carried over from other existences; evil is something to which all who ask God for free will with uncertainty are exposed; indecision in the determinations of the spirit is a feeling that was requested from God, because it was not known; some fall while others triumph in the trial of indecision; those who took a humble stance, while still defending their rights, earned the highest score of light; because the divine judgment of God judges attitude by attitude. the judgment of the Father judges everything to reward everything; The Eternal feels infinite joy when He sees His children triumph in their chosen trials. and he becomes sad when he sees his children fall into sin; Sin, whatever its degree, always distances the spirit from the Kingdom of Heaven; To persevere in evil is to drift further away, second by second, from the Kingdom of the Father; persevering in good is getting closer second by second to the Kingdom of God; the position attained by each one is defined by the divine Final Judgment; It is the total sum of seconds lived, and how they were lived; the quality and the essence of the second lived, mark the destiny of the spirit; the determinations of each one will be calculated by seconds; the world of the trial to save one’s soul will become familiar with the total number of seconds that comprised their lives; Worrying about it will be considered a score of concern; also second by second; because the law of scoring applies to all the sensations that the spirit lived and felt; This divine Justice is known to the crew of the flying saucers; just as they know countless others; because God’s nature knows no bounds; the form and characteristic of justice is sought from God; just as one seeks to understand this or that way of life, along with its corresponding sensations; The crew of the flying saucers are also within a divine justice that corresponds to their attained solar hierarchy. If there are infinite solar and human hierarchies, there are also classes and forms of justice; To say the opposite is to put a limit on God; and it’s better not to set a limit; In flying saucers, infinite kinds of justice from countless planets are studied and analyzed; on the solar televisions of these ships, infinite kinds of evolutions are examined; they learn up there just as humans learn down here in their planetary abode; and every spirit in the cosmos also learns; It is for this reason that it was taught that what is above is like what is below; whoever believed in this will find countless creatures outside of Earth ready to teach them infinite sciences; those who did not believe will find no one. Outside of Earth, universal telepathy exists and everyone reads each other’s minds; those who did not believe that what is above is the same as what is below will have their denial read and will be taught nothing; because it is easier to teach those who did not doubt and those who did not place limits on God; any skeptic of any planet, always loses; In the flying saucers, their crew knows the number of skeptics that exist on Earth; just as they know about the believers; they have always known; they know everything; they know the history and the reincarnation of every molecule on Earth; because the principle is alive for both matter and spirit; and reincarnation, or being born again, is a universal law; this principle is equal for all of God’s creations; and those who did not believe that a molecule could have reincarnation will face divine judgment; for denying a small one the same right that they themselves possess; because the new psychology coming into the world is one of perfect equality; it will be an equality that will fill libertine individualists with horror; and to the entire range of selfish people in the world; The test of life consisted of overcoming all selfishness and any sense of darkness; to achieve this, human spirits asked God for the laws of light. to know the light on the test planets is an infinite commitment for those who seek it; the selfish people of the world made the trials of life even more painful; with their ways of being, they perpetuated distrust in everyday life; The way of being of the selfish is paid for molecule by molecule, second by second; and they will have to face the wrath of the human seas, in the weeping and gnashing of teeth; because the human masses caused the harm; In the divine judgments of God, those who were offended and those who were trampled upon in their rights participate; those who were governed, by those who took advantage of the strange laws of gold, participate; the divine judgment of God will have accusers by the millions and millions, belonging to all generations of the Earth; He who had power during the strange reign of the beast will be one of the accused in the divine Final Judgment; the so-called ruling classes will have to account to the Son of God for the extent to which they magnified what belongs to God; for it has been taught that what belongs to God is above all imaginable things; the first question among the first will be whether they fulfilled their duty to the creator of life; after that, the others will follow; It is easier for those who only believed in God to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for those who believed in His sons or those who believed in the so-called saints. It is easier for one who respected His divine rights as a Father above all things in the universe to see God than for one who did not recognize Him in his own form of faith. the so-called Christian world that emerged during the trial of life was characterized by praising the saints more than God; having for centuries the divine warning that such a thing should not be done; he who preferred the saints over God, remains with the saints; more, does not stay with God; He who adored or preferred a saint, divided his own score of faith in God; This is why it was written: You cannot serve two masters, because one of them is not. There is only one Lord that the universe recognizes as God; those who did not want to acknowledge a single God, the universe of light will not recognize them. the living universe does not allow creatures with strange forms of faith to divide and attempt to divide others; Such a thing would be to acknowledge the strange divisionist work of Satan. He who believed in saints, fell into his own division; The saints themselves will proclaim the Eternal as the only one in the divine Final Judgment; because even those who were saints will undergo a divine Final Judgment; if the divine judgment was requested above all things, it also means above every saint, who asked for the test of life; The hierarchy of the Son of God is imposed on all, after the divine Father; and He will demand that all worship has been directed to the Father; it will be infinitely just according to what is written in the divine gospel of His divine Father Jehovah; because between Father and Son, there always exists the most perfect harmony and equality; without it, there would be no balance in the universe; because everything was created by the divine individuality of God; this creative power of God is represented in the solar family; which are God’s greatest creatures; the first to be created and therefore possess an antiquity that no human mind can calculate; the solar family, due to its own antiquity and merit, belongs to the macrocosm also known as the Kingdom of Heaven; To the solar family belong the Firstborn Sons; their number is infinite; for what is of God knows no bounds; the Earth encountered one of them;

Those who, in their own beliefs, insist that the Son of God is only one, will be left with one; Those who say that Christs are infinite will be left with the infinite; those who limit themselves do so because they want to; such people cannot deny that they were taught that what is of God is infinite. The so-called Christian world did not delve into what the infinity of God was and is, because its religious leaders were also limited; they were blind guides of the blind; with their strange limitations, they precipitated the fall of the entire so-called Christian world; because such a world believed too much in them; it believed in what was mortal and also awaited a divine Judgment; It is easier for those who believed in the eternal to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for those who believed in the ephemeral to be able to enter. The so-called religious fell in their spiritual tests; for every spirit is tested in life by the Eternal; they formed a strange divided church; they did the opposite of what the Son of God intended; because no one wishes for anyone a divided happiness; the one who wishes the best for another desires it in unity, equality, and harmony; The so-called religious figures did not know how to interpret the divine gospels of God; they lacked the mental ability to keep those who believed unified; this was the test of life for them; To those called religious, it would have been better not to have chosen the religious path; for they would not face a divine judgment for dividing others; because those same ones whom they divided will accuse them in the divine Judgment of God; their own work turns against them; when human crowds come to understand the law of celestial scoring, they will be filled with rage against those who divided them; for every second of strange division equates to a complete life of lost light; this is to diminish oneself in their own hierarchy in the test of life; Second by second or moment by moment, those called Christians drift away from the Kingdom of Heaven; they would draw closer to the kingdom if they had known a form of belief that did not include division. The so-called religious were warned in the divine parable that says: Only Satan divides and divides himself. God’s divine warnings are for everyone without exception; Only children up to twelve years of age do not have divine judgment; and being the blessed ones of the planet, they participate in the events of the judgment itself; It is a right among them, the right to be the first in all events; one is first in everything when one is blessed; and since children are first, it is from them that the future government of the Earth will emerge; the current adults who nurture the strange division in their minds will have disappeared from the planet; fulfilling the natural laws, and without the creature realizing it, the Eternal extracts from the planets what must be extracted; this law has been in effect since the beginning of the world; it is for this reason that customs and ways of being that belonged to other generations are no longer on Earth; the same law will apply to those influenced by gold; and as they disappear by natural law, the innocence of children is no longer corrupted; another morality begins to take shape in what is to come; because in the trial of life, man shapes man; what one is in a given moment comes from the very man; it is the product of his own work; and it is easier for one who, in shaping himself, did so by imitating the divine gospel of God to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who shaped himself with a strange influence, stemming from a strange and unknown system of life; It is for this reason that no one influenced by gold, no one returns to the Kingdom of Heaven; this is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, strange influence on creatures; because the strange mold of oneself is not written in the kingdom; no mold or strange influence was requested from God; when everyone asked for life from God, they all promised to shape themselves into a single psychology, even having different individualities; this was requested, so as not to fall into the division of the own planet; the planet of life tests was divided into as many parts as nations emerged; the test of life consisted of ensuring that this did not happen; because everyone knew beforehand, before asking for the test of life, that all forms of division did not exist in the Kingdom of Heaven; Satan, who tried to impose it, was cast out of the kingdom of God; everyone in the kingdom knew the sad fate that awaited all those who, coming from distant planets, had divided others; Everyone saw crowds as they would see them again, on solar television; such crowds came from infinite planets and other kinds of planets, and remained outside the Kingdom of Heaven, because their members experienced and lived through the strange division; the same happened, happens, and will happen to this planet Earth; no human creature since the world began, none has returned to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because the so-called capitalism, which included the division of the planet in its strange laws, led the humanity that knew it to the tragedy of never returning to the Kingdom of Heaven; This tragedy was announced to the world of trial, like weeping and gnashing of teeth; for when the world learns of it, the world will be saddened. Similarly, the so-called religious figures carried out a strange work; they took on the peculiar libertinism of confusing millions of beings with many beliefs, when there is only one God. The so-called capitalism divided the children of God in material terms; and the so-called religions divided them in spiritual terms; here lie the only culprits of the weeping and gnashing of teeth that looms over this world of trials. And in the midst of this weeping, the world’s anger will rise against the religious rock and against the beast; the beast and the rock, created in the trial of life, a strange alliance; they helped each other; this strange alliance is judged second by second by the Son of God; because it is the result of everything opposite to what is taught in the divine gospel of God; it is the product of a constant violation of God’s will; the rock and the beast will fall together; the disappearance of both will mark in this world the beginning of an era of infinite happiness, as never occurred in the history of the Earth; the world of trial will enter into revolution without their participation; because Jehovah God gives and takes away; in the weeping and gnashing of teeth, everyone will have to reckon with what they did, second by second, during the trial of life; taking the time to reflect on one’s actions will be considered in the divine judgment as an act of repentance; this determination arising from oneself gives rise to a score of light second by second; those who do not do so will lose such a reward of light; many will say that one should not be self-interested; that things should be done without expecting any reward; this is true and valid for the trials of life; however, when it comes to the rewards of the Kingdom of Heaven, The attitude must be different; because everyone asked for the rewards of God; and every reward that comes from the kingdom should be received with love and joy; because if it is not received with love and joy, the reward will complain to the Son of God in the divine judgment. the prize will speak in its laws of prize, just as the spirit speaks in its laws of spirit; Nothing is impossible for God; whoever says otherwise will have their score deducted for having placed limits on God’s power. It’s easier for there to be no discounts, one that placed no limits on the power of God; In the flying saucers, the antichrists are recorded, those who doubt that the divine Father is capable of doing this or that. I truly tell you that all those who doubted the power of God will also doubt Him in the events of the divine judgment. and they will be called the antichrists; the so-called Catholic Church holds the ungrateful title of Antichrist; because it has done the opposite of what Christ taught; the son of God never wanted the division of beliefs; the so-called religious lacked the mental ability to achieve a unified psychology in their life trials; anyone who acted contrary to the unity of belief will be called an antichrist; Individually, millions fell into their own Antichrist; collectively as well; to not have fallen into any degree of Antichrist, the human creature should have chosen another way of life; the way of life they chose and imposed was afflicted by a strange libertinism; that of not taking God into account at all; by falling into this, the human creature created and transmitted from generation to generation a strange way of thinking that distorted it moment by moment; because the divine Judgment of God will consider every second lived; the strange way of thinking was characterized by serving alternately both good and evil; It was not fully served for the good; therefore, the prize of light is not received in its entirety. the interference of evil that should have been overcome by the creature diminished or belittled its own reward; Second by second throughout life, bad thoughts took away from the creature countless existences of light that it could have earned; certainly, the self-serving system of life closed off to the human creature its entry into the Kingdom of Heaven.


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