Holy writings

Galatians 6:7-8  “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked: for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh; but he who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit.”
Colossians 3:23  “And whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly, as working for the Lord and not for men.”
Matthew 25:21  “His master said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant; You have been faithful over a few, I will make you ruler over many things; enter into the joy of your lord.”
Ephesians 2:10  “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to walk in.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF FLYING SAUCER... CONTINUED.- The geometry of a flying saucer is born from the mental-solar geometry of the solar parents.-

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The geometry in flying saucers is transformed to the same extent, as are the mental desires of their solar crew; When they want to give the ship this or that course, what they do is molecularly vary an immense area of ​​infinity; This is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, molecular influence of the solar parents; This power is a lightning change of geometries and molecules; The instant lived is transformed in the same instant, into an unknown dimension; If the solar crew member always wants to travel in the same galaxy, all he has to do is think about it; the solar verb command are simply mental desires; During the flight of a flying saucer, no one speaks anything; not because they don’t want to talk; because the conversations are preferably telepathic; Silence is a habit of evolution; Silence is for them a loving cause of adoration of the divine Creator; Mental silence is for them, an infinite mental transportation through the universe; They see what happens in very remote worlds; and they even converse telepathically with such creatures; navigation in a flying saucer provides everyone with new and unknown knowledge; new laws of creation are revealed; During the trip, the elements smile at them because for them they are living; It is an eternal alternation between the living of the molecule and the living of virtue; It is an understanding between matter and spirit; In the flying saucer, orders are received in infinite ways; and it is common for the solar parents to give orders to their flying saucer, while they are in some world; because they govern the molecules, from infinite distances; This power is proportional to their own solar hierarchies; They have powerful assistants who do not know the limit; and knowing no limit, the solar crew members are absent from their ships for eternities; and it happens that they enter them, taking the form of the microbe; according to your wishes to return to the ship; because having lived in microbial worlds, the living geometry of such worlds is eternally in them; All the existences they had are recorded in them; just as it will happen to the man of the future; When a solar crew member decides to shrink, he shrinks by sending telepathic commands to his own molecules; the transformation is instantaneous; This fascinating power has infinite advantages for its possessors; If they wanted it, they would become dogs, for example; and with such reincarnation, they appear on other planets; observing everything without being disturbed; the forms of transformation are infinite; In this case they would be galactic dogs; ordinary dogs, with evolved minds; Divine Father Jehovah, has this happened on Earth? not only has it happened son; but, what happens; They are laws that in no way harm the actions of human free will; This law is requested from God, by the highest hierarchies; for those who, having great powers, do not harm those who have lesser powers; the solar parents always transform with a useful purpose; always thinking about magnifying what is God; they do not think selfishly; because they are creative children of worlds of light; they passed the imperfect; In flying saucers, the orders of the solar crew are limited to the sciences themselves, achieved by the solar fathers; and each science with which a flying saucer was built has its own controls; they make the instruments vary to an infinite degree; The older the science that built a flying saucer, the greater its form of control; the onboard instruments are more varied; In the solar power, there is divine grace, that a certain thing be at the same time, in several ways; Solar crew members are not subject to a single science, as is the human hierarchy; They, in their solar verbs, multiply in what they desire; and all the sciences that they had in their past reincarnations, they make them act; either one by one, or making all of them one; In this law, the magnetism of its past existences expands; in which each wisdom achieved is manifested in mental power over matter; The creation of a flying saucer is a creation of alliances between the magnetism of the universe and the mental magnetism of the solar parents; It is a molecular clash of attractions; The geometry during the creation of a flying saucer, forms a linear whole in which each molecule of the line is transformed according to what it feels its own molecular free will; The so-called telepathic-solar is a divine mandate that radiates a magnetism that produces solidity in geometric transformation in the molecules; in which each molecule joins another, driven by the magnetic variation, of the solar individuality; The geometric in the creation of a flying saucer is born together with the birth of the molecule; It is an alliance called Geometry-Molecule; In this alliance, philosophies and knowledge remain forever, which will never cease to expand; because at all times, such molecules radiate microscopic lines of force; Divine Father Jehovah, do these lines of force, coming from the molecules of the flying saucer, have a relationship with the lines of force of the magnets of the Earth? That’s how he is, son, and their relationship is very deep; because from the same elements came the magnetism of the flying saucer and the magnetism of the Earth; This is expressed in the divine parable that says: What is above is equal to what is below; the magnetic of all things, had the same starting point; The law is common to all, whatever form it may have; The laws of the material universe are the equal product of the living or spiritual laws; and according to the request for life of the creatures, so will be the essence and geometry of such life; lives are asked of God; He who asks nothing of the Eternal knows nothing; In flying saucers, what their solar crew does not know, they will know in new and future living alliances, with new and unknown elements of the universe; so it also happens with all the spirits of the universe; and so it will happen with all those who are living on infinite planets and earths; because no one stops eternally in what is, in a given moment; the geometry of a flying saucer will not always be the same; although it is pre-existing to all material planets; a flying saucer transforms into itself, when its highest divine solar hierarchy decides; and multitudes of its components aspire to new destinations; It is the departure of infinite molecules and the arrival of others; The flying saucer, like human lives, is not guaranteed forever, what it is; In flying saucers this law does not mean proof, as it happens in human creatures; unless they are flying saucers, which asked to be tested in this or that cosmic ship hierarchy; The geometry of the construction of a flying saucer is transformed, when the time comes, into an instantaneous succession of waves or magnetic circles; the solar verb of each of its crew members chooses infinite geometries of transformation; and it happens that a geometry of this or that solar father makes divine alliances with the molecular geometry of another solar father; It is the instantaneous transformation of molecules; that belonging to this or that dimension, the spirit-molecule feels transported to another; sensation that you feel for the first time; this molecular transport is reincarnation; that in human spirits, it was made in the form of magnetic vibration; This happened when the human spirit decided to ask for an unknown way of life; This is geometrizing into what you want to be; Divine Father Jehovah, what relationship exists between the request for reincarnation, arising from the free will of the spirit, and the divine mandate given to it, to know this or that life? The relationship that exists is that the spirit asked God for something it did not know; and not knowing him, he promised God not to violate the law in that stranger; The divine mandate from God was that every spirit should comply with the test of life with the greatest and highest morality that its own mind could imagine; the free will of human spirits, requested the divine Commandments, in order to comply with such morality; And I will tell you son, that when children ask God for something, that something is written in the books of lives, of the Kingdom of Heaven; Also called, the solar televisions of the Kingdom of Heaven; and all the human spirits who asked to know the geometry of divine morality, saw on solar television, when they themselves conversed with morality; and not only with living morality; but, with all the sensations that they themselves asked to know and perfect, during the test of life; and just as you have seen since you were a child, each sensation also has its own geometry of sensation; because not a molecule is disinherited in what it asks for; Divine Father Jehovah, I see on solar television that those who did not fulfill what they promised you have a strange and unknown geometry; What is this divine Father? It is the geometry of darkness; How ugly, divine Father! You can’t see the light of the sun! That’s right son; The geometry of darkness frightens and causes fear to those who are accustomed to the light; Divine Father Jehovah, and the darkness, what sensation do you feel when you see the light? They also feel a terror; because the presence of light; It reminds them that they also had an innocence, that they were also of the light; This memory is tremendously painful for the darkness, because in their wisdom of darkness, they know that to transform into the light, they have to do it, molecule by molecule; When geometry falls into darkness, it becomes degeometrized; That is to say, the free will of every spirit that disobeys the laws asked of God, moves away from the geometry of its place of origin; This is venturing through the cosmos, without being sure of being saved, in case of danger; The intimate geometric feels that evil forces snatch it away and do not let it go; It is the madness of those who violated their own laws, requested from God; In the flying saucers, their crew members see on their solar televisions, how infinitely unfortunate, they are tormented by demons; and many recognize beings who were dear to them, in other existences in other worlds; and many of the solar crew ask God to confront such demons; It is the eternal struggle of rescue, of the children of light, who are in the clutches of darkness; the geometric of light, fights against the geometric of darkness; some triumph and others succumb; others succeed him; They are the wars of the worlds, of the imperfect universes; whose darkness began in their own worlds, when, being creatures, they allowed themselves to be influenced by the strange sensations of wars; damned killings, coming out of their own free will; At the same moment that the violators of God’s law are fighting, second by second, they are getting closer and closer to the darkness; The test of life for everyone who participated in the so-called wars consisted of overcoming the strange sensation that drove them to kill another; because second by second, they were killing themselves for their own future; And I will tell you son, that for those who did not know how to overcome their own demonic sensations, in the test of the life of the Earth, they pay it second by second; Divine Father Jehovah, what does that mean? It means son, that everyone who prepared for war, they will have to face darkness, when they leave human life; and it means that for every second of time spent perfecting themselves in killing others, such have to live an existence, in the worlds of darkness; What divine horror Father Jehovah! seems to be unjust divine Father; it is not son; When each human spirit asked God to know human life, it did so with full knowledge of the facts; From the free will of each one, justice emerged from the trial of life, in case one fell in the trial itself; in the event that God’s law is violated; The human creature was warned that God was infinite in everything imaginable; He was warned that by a microscopic mental determination, the divine Father offered entire lives; that for every second of goodness, He rewarded with a new life of light, and for every second of evil, the same; only for the latter it is a life of darkness; and every second spent preparing to kill others is called a cursed law in the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for those who, having asked for proof of life, knew how to put up mental resistance to the strange and unknown sensation of preparing to kill another to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; so that those who were weak-minded for themselves can enter; none who let themselves be influenced by the strange sensation of killing another, none will see the light again; The geometry of the violation of the laws requested from God is a geometry that magnetically pushes the spirit towards darkness; all the thoughts and all the gestures of evil, the evil spirit sees them in macrocosm sizes; This law of justice is due to the fact that the creature or microbe belongs to the all above all of the universe; molecularly, each one is of the universe; no one escapes the influence, from which he rightly lives; The test of life was that every human spirit would expand just as the universe itself expands; Thoughts or ideas expand just as a planet expands and develops; eternity was in each one, molecule by molecule; The proof of life and the very existence of flying saucers have the goal of perfecting their respective laws requested from God; The geometry that everyone asked God for did not include the geometry of darkness; Divine Father Jehovah, then from where and why does evil arise in the creature-man? The evil or wickedness of each one is a strange sensation or influence that each one brings with him to the test of life; This shows that the creatures of the human race lived in darkness in past planetary experiences; and the tests of planetary lives consist of overcoming such strange sensations; They are tests for a reason; because something must be overcome; Every test asked of God always has a cause; because everything that God grants, everything has wisdom; those who, in the trial of life, prepared to kill others, distorted their own requests made to God; and all his requests made to the Eternal were loving requests; They were not demonic requests, like those to prepare to kill others; The perfect geometry of themselves and that they asked for from God, they transformed into the geometry of darkness, once again; Why once again, divine Father Jehovah? it is said son: once again, because such spirits in other existences did the same; On distant planets, they also prepared to kill; having asked God for laws of love; Was it not taught that every spirit is born again to know new life? This is how divine Father Jehovah is, by your divine grace; Each spirit, by having infinite forms of life, during its eternity, violates the law of God, also infinite times; This is due to the different free wills, which each spirit asks to know in each life that it asks of God; It is difficult not to fall, when you ask the Eternal, to know the oblivion of the past; when asked, do not remember the past of yourself, during the trial of life; such is the case of the human creature; who asked the divine Father Jehovah not to know his past, because he wanted to know what such a sensation consisted of; In the human creature, as in all others, there are many geometries, typical of their sensations; The same thing happens with the crew of flying saucers; The difference is that they achieved such an amount of magnetism that they are true suns; the human creature is a sun-microbe; It is so microscopic that not even the creature itself can see its own brilliance; he only feels the electricity of his own physical body; only the aurea intuits; which is a microscopic sun that is being born and growing, from the invisible to the visible;

from micro to macro; and for this microscopic sun to continue expanding, it is necessary for the thinking spirit to be born again, to once again know new life; it requires infinite magnetizations or reincarnations; There is no other way to become, a brilliant first-born sun; The first-born suns of the universe had to travel this same path, in order to become what they are; nothing is given away in God’s creation; everything costs sweat and tears that come from oneself; Living and feeling one’s own errors constitutes, for every living free will, its greatest merit before God; and being the greatest merit, he receives from God, the greatest reward as well; what comes out of oneself is the most authentic thing that exists; and it is easier for one who was authentic to his own work in the test of life to be rewarded by God than for one who was not; the one that was not authentic did not earn a light score of authenticity; in flying saucers they see and observe human beings; they know more about humans than humans themselves could know about themselves; On their solar televisions they see everyone’s daily work; and they become sad when on their solar televisions, they see the immoralities of the world of trial; They see scenes such as drunken beings thrown into the streets of the world; They see the beaches of the planet, and observe how millions of beings scandalize themselves with their own bodies of flesh; and with sadness the crew members of the flying saucers see how the seconds of living scandal add up one after another; and they think of the weeping and gnashing of teeth, which draws near to humanity; In the flying saucers they know the destiny that each one will have, after the divine Final Judgment; They know that children are the only blessed ones on the planet; and they grieve for the so-called adults, for the trial of life; because they know that none of them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; The geometry of them as solar creatures is ready to make a whole with the geometry of the elements of the planet; because their power is based on the same cause from which the elements came; Their solar mind reacts in magnetic form to the first causes of the elements; Therefore the divine power that animates these creatures cannot be compared with the microscopic power of humans; humans do not command the elements; nor will they command them as long as they are human; because the magnetism that human creatures possess is not even enough to move a molecule mentally; What divine shame, Father Jehovah, for those who proclaimed themselves the kings of creation! That’s right son; They themselves asked to be ashamed, if they fell into strange pride; and they fell; By generating ideas with magnetism of pride, they created a strange geometry of darkness; They gave themselves the magnetic impulse, which distances them from the Kingdom of Heaven; all mental work is geometric and magnetic; geometry is also in magnetism; It is in the mental ideas that each one generated during the test of life; the ideas that at all times were reincarnated by the same spirits, carried within themselves the guiding force that leads them to their rightful place in the universe; and the place that corresponds to each one is indicated by the type of morality that the spirit chose during the trial of life; because the destiny of each one comes from himself; The geometry that each individuality created in life is studied and analyzed in flying saucers; Since the world was the world, they have always done the same thing; and they have been doing it since time immemorial; with planets that, having had creatures, are no longer there; No planet is unique, in the attention paid to them by flying saucers; the geometry of a flying saucer is transformed, creating a new physical form for the flying saucer; These ships are not only made of metal; but rather, they are transformed into other physical essences, unknown to human science; Geometry in its transformation gives geometric shape to the dimensions in which the molecules will develop; These dimensions are present in times; That is to say that every moment of molecular development is influenced by another geometry; it is the geometry of time, without which no other geometry matures; This is for the geometries, which in their developments asked for the help of time; and all those who ask for time, feel on themselves the geometric influence of time; and since the time that was requested from God is living, there is a divine Judgment between creature and time; Those who asked for the proof of life including time, must have made use of all their time; That is to say, they should not have wasted a second of time; because such a second has free will of expression, before God; and he complains to God that the spirit to which he joined did not give him due importance; The geometry of time expected much from the rest of the geometries of the spirit; none of the geometries that the human spirit asked for, none of them asked for the strange debauchery; That is to say, none of them asked for the division; and it is easier for one who unified his own mental geometries to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; so that he can enter, one who divided them with his strange debauchery; and all those who fell into the strange debauchery, fell because they were taught a strange form of faith, in which their minds were left with free will, to interpret the infinite; They had no basis to reach an egalitarian interpretation of the universe; the strange imbalance of itself scatters creatures throughout the cosmos; because each one has to go after their own ideas, which they generated in the test of life; and since all his ideas knew the strange magnetism of debauchery, every spirit moves away from the Kingdom of Heaven; His own work, being divided, distances him for eternities from his own place of origin; The geometry of his work is strange geometry; It is an unknown magnetism in the Kingdom of Heaven; no one accepts him in the kingdom of God; and the spirit cannot enter the kingdom, but has to wait for its own ideas to develop and become colossal planets, just like the Earth is; This wait is to attend to the creatures that will be born on the new planets; because each one emends his own work, when the spirit allowed itself to be influenced by sensations foreign to the laws of light; In the flying saucers, preparations are made to begin the divine Final Judgment on Earth; They know the number of the dead of all ages, who will be resurrected to the world of the living; and they know who will be resurrected to children of twelve years of age; because in every glorious act in which the Firstborn Son will participate, they will also participate; They are accustomed to participate in divine judgments of planets; For eternities they accompany the son of God, to judge planets of all hierarchies; Divine Father Jehovah, what number does the Earth have as a planet? I will tell you son, that every number is in direct relationship with the evolution of creatures; Your planet Earth corresponds to the Trine number; Earth is the trillionth, trillionth, trillionth planet Earth, born of the divine Solar Mother Omega; The Earth in its development had many geometries; the current one being a geometry close to the circle; This is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, planetary geometry; The test world will witness on solar television all the geometric shapes that the Earth had since its beginning; Divine Father Jehovah, what was the shape of the first geometry that the Earth had? The first geometry that the Earth had was the point; because everything colossal begins by being humble and microscopic, to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; The Earth came out like a dot from the womb of the Solar Mother Omega; just as you are seeing in living telepathy; the planetary point began in the womb of the divine Mother; it began to develop from the invisible to the visible; and in its expansive development, the Earth crossed many dimensions; Divine Father Jehovah, what are dimensions? The child dimensions have infinite interpretations, depending on the evolution of the interpreter; For human evolution, dimension means the abode of God; The dimension is constituted by the present itself that is experienced at a given moment; then the Earth lived infinite presents in microscopic geometric dimensions; each present is equivalent to a day or a night; The number of days and the number of nights that have passed on the Earth is equivalent to the same number of molecules that the Earth contains; because in the small happens what happens in the big; That is to say, what is above is equal to what is below; just as it was taught in the divine gospel of God; flying saucers, as you have seen every day, shrink to penetrate microscopic dimensions; It is a right in the solar hierarchy to visit its microscopic worlds; very remote worlds in which the solar fathers lived, when they began to know universal life; just as the human spirit is beginning to know it; The human still lives on molecule planets; He still lives in the planetary dust; When flying saucers become smaller, they do so by moving backwards on their own evolutionary scale; The regression is done by varying the molecular magnetism of the ship; This variation is to decrease the magnetic power of the flying saucer; In this law of regression it is to transfer to the ship, through all the presents of an entire lived past; It is returning to old or ancient planetary glories; that were lived in other skies, other spaces, and in other ways of thinking; When a flying saucer visits what it had already experienced, it often finds itself in surprising situations; according to the Holy Scriptures of those very remote places; many times they are expected as a prophecy; just like the trial world of Earth, it awaits a divine Final Judgment; on infinite planets they are called: The return of the solar fathers; or those who were to come; everything is according to the evolution of beings in the forms of life in which they develop; The arrival of flying saucers to the worlds gives rise to grandiose and immortal receptions in planetary stories; just as the arrival of the Solar Judge Christ was announced on Earth, in glory and majesty; the solar crew are accustomed to such receptions; If the Earth receives them with fear, it is due to the sad concept of the afterlife, which was instilled in human creatures; Those who instilled and taught them to doubt the infinity of God have divine Judgment; such a strange way of casting doubt on God is paid second by second in the divine Judgment; the geometry of flying saucers is radiant; that is, its molecules multiply; This molecular multiplication is done in harmony with the mental desires of the solar crew members; In this law of achieving a larger size of flying saucer, it is done in infinite ways; everything is according to the power of the solar verb, which the solar crew possess; because everything comes down to who has greater power over the cherubs of matter; which is equivalent to saying that whoever has greater power over the elements of the universe, has greater verb; the transformation power of the solar parents is expansive, just as is the development of the Expansive Thinking Universe; This expansion has no limits; and the solar powers lovingly compete with who can do more; The solar first-born encompass infinite galaxies, which they transform at will; The least in hierarchy are limited to one or a few planets; This power is so immense in the divine Father Jehovah, that only the universe itself and its transformations are seen; Commanding the universe and becoming invisible is one of the greatest powers of the Kingdom of Heaven; transforming and becoming an integral part of what has been transformed is another unprecedented glory of the Eternal; This is why it was said that God is everywhere; In flying saucers, their transformations comply with such a number of laws that it can be said that their number represents the same number of celestial bodies in the universe; Every transformation of every flying saucer, whether in the macrocosm dimension or in the microcosm dimension, is written in the books of lives of the Kingdom of Heaven; just as it was written, each human request, before coming to the test of life; because act by act, sensation by sensation, fact by fact, cause by cause, idea by idea, circumstance by circumstance, everything was written; This teaches that no one is in charge only in the lives they ask to know; flying saucers form a familiar whole of saucers; just like the worlds and suns, they form their respective planetary and solar families; These families are constituted in infinite and eternal alliances; whose supreme goal is to know what it does not know; you plan what you want to know; Thus, when the flying saucers desire this or that transformation, they instantly resort to immense families of cherubs, whose magnetism they do not know; They want to know new fruits or new perfections; In this law the solar verbs make divine alliances with immense armies of all imaginable categories; just as the microscopic sun called spirit, asked at a given moment to join multitudes of flesh molecules, to form its own body of flesh; Geometries also form armies; the geometric armies that are in everything; In the flying saucers all the solar crew show their own solar hierarchy, in geometric Trinity; This means that universal knowledge is representing in them, in its highest hierarchy, after the divine Father Jehovah; and in each of them, there is a dimension of kingdoms that correspond to their own creations; with its own laws in eternal expansion; geometric kingdoms form endless energies; because even the concept of all energy is geometric; and when a body of flesh has reached its end, the geometry of such body becomes invisible geometry; This process occurs when the decomposition of the meat begins; Divine Father Jehovah, what relationship exists between ghost and the geometry that invisibly emerges from the body of flesh? It is the same geometry son; It happens that every sensation that the spirit experienced, in union with its body of flesh, was geometric; It was a cluster of geometries, which, being a single sensation, contained several at the same time; and all of them were subordinate to one; the ghost is an influence of the spirit, due to its own geometry; his own self of life, he clings to his own form; every ghost is, because its own evolution does not yet provide it with enough magnetism to leave the world of the living; The customs of life exert an attraction on him that places him between living beings and spirits; In other words, it is not yet defined; only reincarnation would give it a definition; Divine Father Jehovah, is it bad to become a ghost? It is son, because there is a risk of disturbing the tests requested by human creatures; And I truly tell you, son, that no human creature asked for experience with ghosts; They did not ask for it, so that their own evidence would be more authentic; because the less contact there was with what was outside a test planet, the more authentic those who asked for it were in overcoming the difficulty; When a creature faces a difficulty alone, without help from anyone, the greater his merit before God; the higher your light score earned; The geometry of a ghost is geometry influenced by two kinds of magnetism; the magnetism of his own habits, and the magnetism of himself; creating for the ghost, an unknown psychology that must be shared between the living and the spirits; the ghost does not achieve the molecular cohesion that the living possess; try to hold on to it; It is for this reason that ghost apparitions are not permanent apparitions; Well, they appear and disappear; Divine Father Jehovah, do flying saucers see ghosts? They see everything son; and they see beyond, the dimension itself, in which the ghosts move; Many of the ghosts follow flying saucers; those who see, like immense suns in motion; many of the solar crew of the flying saucers were ghosts; and many ghosts, were and are crew members of flying saucers; That’s right son, the experience of the universe; some are first and others later; and those who know each other, meet again, at a given moment in eternity; after being separated for eternities in the universe, creatures recognize each other by infinite means; Among them is that of recognizing oneself through solar television; many ghosts from the most varied worlds travel in flying saucers; and many of them ask to be reincarnated in the same ship; others request reincarnation for planets; the ghosts who are too playful and sometimes become insolent, are thrown out of the flying saucer, in mid-flight; The world will see these scenes that make you laugh, on solar television; the geometry of flying saucers radiating their own expansion, they do so in the midst of multitudes of scenes; the transfers of dimensions are seen in all their colossal magnificence; This scene corresponds to the scenes experienced by the solar fathers themselves; the transfers of dimensions make alliances between their infinite hierarchies; giving rise to new reincarnations, new skies, new planets, new spaces, new times, new destinies while the flying saucer travels at speeds greater than that of light; geometry in creative expansion, radiates at the same time, new geometric planets; which are new creations, with geometric influence from a glorious heritage of the past; new creations are attended to by other celestial ships; because in the universe there are for all the needs that any mind can imagine; When geometry expands, it does so in alliance with other multitudes of living creatures; They are reincarnations that magnetically unite, forming a whole between elements and creatures; the divine command includes everything above everything; because everything began by asking to be what it is in an instant; The principle before materialization was a spoken principle; It was noise, light and joy; It was and still is, an unprecedented cosmic carnival; in which each microscopic living molecule was absent for a moment to know what it did not know; That moment is the development of your own human life; an absence that, in the Kingdom of Heaven, represents much less than an earthly second; an instant that is remembered by the spirit itself, when it leaves its body of flesh; who asked God, to know a way of life that he did not know.-



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