Holy writings

1. Exodus 31:2-6 “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Behold, I have called by name Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom, in intelligence, in knowing how to make every work of art, in work of gold, silver and bronze, in pen work with precious stones, in the work of woodworkers and carvers, and in all artistic idea. And Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ servant, was young, and did not depart from the tabernacle.
1 Chronicles 28:19-21 “And David gave to his son Solomon the design of the court, of the tabernacle of the congregation, of its chambers, of its upper rooms, of its inner chambers, and of its chambers; and the design of all that the spirit of God had caused him to conceive, for the court of the house of the Lord, for the chambers of the house, for the treasures of the house of God and for the treasures of the ark.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF FLYING SAUCER... CONTINUED.- The living number participates in the construction of a flying saucer.-

The living number, in its decision to participate in a creation, does so thinking about the divine greatness of God; just as a thinking spirit does; When one is in the divine presence of God, whether the spirit is in human form or is a living number, it forgets everything; Everyone sees that in the divine Father Jehovah, there are all the realizations that a creature feels and desires to become; Thinking beings in the divine presence of the Eternal, see that matter and spirit make all the geometric forms of lives that any mind can imagine; Everyone sees that matter and spirit converse and that they make divine alliances, to know what they do not know; What seemed impossible to everyone and what they never thought of, there in the divine presence of God, they see as an infinite reality; The divine spectacle of seeing God in glory and majesty leaves everyone with an eternal memory that no one will ever forget; It is the divine magnetization or divine seal of God; It is receiving a divine fluid from the same divine cause, which created all causes; the living number lovingly loses all notion of all calculation; he retreats to his own numerical innocence; The human spirit experiences the same sensation; When one is in the divine presence of God, the total magnetism of the whole over the whole of oneself, recognizes its Eternal author; and one falls into a deep sleep in which one sees divine scenes, never experienced by anyone, of the infinite universe; the feelings of the whole about the whole, try to lovingly abandon the spirit; The notion of time to which the spirit and the living number were accustomed, retreats in its expansive development; and all old age in the creature ceases instantly; and you begin to live eternity; you live forever as a child; The living number is filled with happiness when it feels that numeral joy invades it; The transformations that are felt in the divine presence of God have no limits; every wish, whatever it may be, becomes reality; the infinite perfection of God makes no sign of command visible; not even a microscopic gesture; porque lo invisible en Dios, se expresa en forma silenciosa; y todos los números vivientes están amorosamente glorificados en la infinita numeración del divino Padre Jehova; y todo los espíritus pensantes igual; los números vivientes según sea la divina jerarquía a que pertenezcan, así es la sensación que sienten, en la divina presencia de Dios; y en los platillos voladores, materia y espíritu hacen un todo de amor; el todo de amor, retorna a sensaciones que se tuvieron en otras exsistencias; y la beatitud se manifiesta en leyes más allá de los soles; el número viviente de un platillo volador, verá que de lejanas galaxias, otros padres solares numerales, lo llaman en una lejanía inaudita; en la divina gloria del divino Padre Jehova, que se expande abriendo inauditas moradas de eterna felicidad, que nadie hasta entonces, conocía en el Reino de los Cielos; son las divinas sorpresas que Dios dá al Reino; sorpresas que serán comentadas por siempre jamás; el número viviente en la divina gloria de Dios, reconoce el tiempo celestial del cual salió; igual sensación experimenta el espíritu; el tiempo a que se estaba acostumbrado a vivir, se repliega a su inocencia de tiempo; y lo hace traspasando todos los tiempos, correspondientes a todas las reencarnaciones que tuvieron el número viviente y el espíritu; a mayor número de reencarnaciones que se tuvo, mayores serán también las sensaciones gloriosas que se experimenta; la velocidad de las sensaciones y su grado de profundidad van en aumento, a medida que una sensación de reencarnación se acerca a la otra; el número viviente y el espíritu, experimentan el estar viviendo en cielos de inocencia; la sensación de lo desconocido hace que la molécula se fusionen con la virtud y con sus respectivos todos; el número viviente se siente tan inmenso como el Macrocosmo mismo; y de verdad que no a salido, dentro de los límites que tiene una molécula; lo vivido fué tiempos, espacios y sensaciones que vivirá en eternidades más adelante; que corresponderán a futuras exsistencias; el número viviente se identifica con tiempos y espacios que son resultados de sensaciones expandidas por cada una de sus moléculas numerales; en un platillo volador esta ley se siente geometrizada en platillo; y estando en una nave materializada, siente y vé que ésta no tiene límite; la sensación que experimenta el número viviente, es la misma que experimenta un espíritu pensante, cuando contempla el universo infinito; feel the relative infinity of the ship, and the immutable infinity of the universe; In reincarnation in a flying saucer, the living number imposes numeral tests that include forgetting its own numeral origin; The tests to which a living number is subjected include divine final numerical judgments; in which the divine Father Jehovah is transformed into the divine Father Jehovah numeral; because nothing is impossible with God; The divine Father Jehovah has no limits; He is in all mental conceptions; According to the concept that each person has of the same God, this is the divine form in which the Divine Father appears to his children; The Eternal is not subject to any of the infinite conceptions, which are born from the minds of his infinite children; This teaches that every belief should never have been imposed; not even in a molecule; those who imposed their forms of faith on others will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for someone who had the delicacy not to impose to enter the Kingdom; No so-called religion emerged during the trial of life, none has entered the Kingdom of Heaven and none will enter; The living number and the all above the all, institute divine and shocking judgments, against those who imposed or persecuted; The test of life was to do everything with love; and if the planet Earth, a test of life, has a divine judgment pending, it is because it violated the laws of love, in its respective planetary test; the living number of the flying saucers joins the cry for justice of the living numbers of the planet Earth; because everything above everything, asked God for solidarity in everything that exists; This means that every culprit for whose cause the strange debauchery arose with strange division, such have to face universal solidarity, in the divine judgment of God; solidarity is from the Kingdom of Heaven; division and debauchery are not from the Kingdom of Heaven; They are strangers to the kingdom; and the authors of laws that included strange customs do not re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; neither they nor their imitators; He who contributed with his way of being to the expansion of the division is an accomplice of those who do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The test of life was not to violate God’s law, nor allow others to violate it; He who was indifferent to the injustices of his own system of life will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; When these indifferent strangers ask the son of God for justice, they too will find indifference; because for allowing themselves to be influenced by the strange sensation called indifference, in the test of life, they will be judged; because because of them, many were killed; the spirits of those who were killed, during the trial of life, will be the first to rise from the dead; and along with accusing those who were their murderers, they will also include those who are indifferent;

No one asked God to be indifferent to the pain and injustice that would be inflicted on others in the trial of life; The world of trial, a world of mortal flesh, will witness that immense armies of microscopic beings, of all imaginable geometries, will invade the Earth; It is a microscopic replica of Jehovah’s armies; This unprecedented army is made up of the most microscopic that matter, made into planetary nature, has; They are the cherubs of everything above everything on planet Earth; and among this unprecedented multitude are the numerical cherubs; This will happen in 2001; when the divine Father Jehovah decides to open the heavens that surround the testing planet Earth; and this divine fact will be called during the millennium, the era of the open heavens; others will call it the crying and gnashing of teeth, of those who did not believe in God; the living number in its divine judgment of others, will deny all numeral glory, to those who denied their own Creator, during the trial of life; Every offense to God, no matter how microscopic, affects all of infinity; the living universe is not indifferent to any violations made of the law of God; Not a molecule escapes this infinite law; The everything about the everything affects even the most microscopic of what happens in the universe; The Final Judgment on this planet of trial is done with the glory and majesty, typical of a first-born sun; this includes seeing the unheard-of powers of the Kingdom of Heaven; the presence of flying saucers is one of the infinite powers; The fear of those in the world of trial life will be immense; three quarters of the creators and sustainers, of the strange and unknown world emerged from the strange laws of gold, will commit suicide during the crying and gnashing of teeth; The strange influence coming from gold did not give them the proper moral power to resist the divine judgment of God; This is how the child-geniuses of the new world will comment; The living number will charge those who practiced the so-called collections, in the test of life; Every mental calculation that contained cunning has a numeral discount in the divine Final Judgment; The greater the amount of money believed to be right, the greater the judgment one faces; proportion by proportion; sensation by sensation, intention by intention, idea by idea, molecule by molecule; and in everything there will be the living number; It will be in everything imaginable, because everything that the human spirit imagined, within its own system of life, absolutely everything, knew the strange sensation of division; The strange psychology that so-called capitalism gave the world a test was not a psychology that excluded inequality; The blindness of the creators of the strange system of life based on the calculation of gold was to perpetuate inequality, which they did not even ask of God; because nothing unfair or unequal is asked of God; The Eternal is always asked for what is just based on equality; the living number that was also requested by all human spirits, when they asked for reincarnation, or to be born again, to know new life, they did so by asking for numerical equality; the human spirit chose the same law; He asked for equality idea for idea, molecule for molecule in his everything above the whole; No one asked for anything unfair or unbalanced for their proof of life; because everyone knew that the only perfection that entered the Kingdom of Heaven was the perfection that was based on equality; everyone knew that equality was the normal philosophy of the Kingdom of Heaven; and everyone without exception asked to imitate her, on the distant test planets; The living number will claim from human spirits what belongs to them by divine right; This right was made by alliance between spirit and matter; and it is written in the solar books of the Kingdom of Heaven; The living number, upon collecting what is due to it, will make millions and millions of human creatures cry; because the discount on part of the living numbers will reduce the fruit earned during the trial of life; This fruit will be called heavenly score; and it corresponds to the good works of every spirit, second by second; The divine judgment of God encompasses everything imagined by the human creature; from the most microscopic to the colossal; from the invisible idea to what he thought of the colossal bodies of the universe; and in everything there will be the living number; everyone in the trial life, with the exception of children up to the age of twelve, will have to calculate everything they did in life; second by second; The effort that this demands will be taken into account in the repentance of every guilty spirit; solar television will help you in your calculations; In this book of life, each person will see, in all imaginable sizes, their own actions that they had in the test of life; what each person did during the trial of life, the whole world will witness; This will be because no one asked God to do anything hidden during the trial of life; the divine Final Judgment, respects this human request; and neither will he judge anything hidden; in the midst of unprecedented crowds, the sinners of the world must shout their sins; because that is what they asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; and every request is fulfilled down to its last molecule; This request from the spirits who asked to know human life, because they did not know it, was written with the word that says: And there will be a divine Judgment above all things imaginable; The living number will cause every spirit to cry and gnash of teeth; because the discount that there will be means that no one from the world of trial life, no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; It is easier for him to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, one that no molecule took away from his innocence; so that he can enter, one who took it away; You enter the Father’s kingdom with the same innocence with which you left; The innocence that each one had in the Kingdom of Heaven, had an equal living number, without imbalance; and he only thought of a single divine psychology, ignoring debauchery; The test of life consisted of preserving the same innocence that one had in the Kingdom of Heaven; The tests are the tests; The flying saucers knew before human spirits were born, that they would create on the distant dust planet called Earth, a strange system of life, which would distort everyone’s innocence; This drama is not unique in the Expansive Thinking Universe; because no one is unique; only God is unique; the planets of trial lives are infinite; Just as in this trial world a strange and unknown system of life was created, which in its strange laws confused everyone, by including inequality, the strange drama was also repeated in others; the living number will recognize no one, if he violated the law of the Father in what he asked for as a test; This non-recognition includes the non-resurrection of oneself; the sublime opportunity is lost to exchange mortal flesh for immortal flesh; because the living number of eternity participates in the divine process of the resurrection of perishable bodies of flesh; and every living number will read every mind; all the elements of nature will read minds; and when the living number, upon reading the minds, of those who asked for proof of life, see in these that they did not even believe in their own resurrections, they will not resurrect them; because nothing in divine rewards is granted against the will; In divine laws, desires and beliefs are respected; Furthermore, the violation made under promise to the divine Father Jehovah is punished; He who did not believe in his own resurrection will not be resurrected to a child of twelve years of age; because to receive a prize, you had to believe in the prize; As everything imaginable speaks before God, the prize speaks and expresses itself before the divine Father, in his laws of prize; and every reward complains to God, when it sees that it was despised without a just cause; If faith was ordered to be cultivated in the trial of life, it was done with divine intention, so that the human creature would believe in his reward, and receive again the magnetism or saturation, which makes the old man a child; The test of life was to believe in everything imaginable; because it had been taught that it came from an infinite God, Father and Creator; Therefore, no one should have doubted the proof of life, not even in a molecule; because even the molecule will speak in the divine judgment of God, in his molecular laws; The living number and the molecule will be the ones that will make those who asked for proof of life cry the most; because everything above everything is composed of them;

They are not the only ones; more, in everything and in everyone they are; The living number intervenes in everything the human spirit did, moment by moment; It is in every custom; act by act, the human being will have to take it into account, in the divine judgment that is approaching this world of trial; In the flying saucers preparations are made for the initiation of the divine Final Judgment; The long-awaited and sublime moment, desired by all who suffer, is approaching; Only those most influenced by the strange power of gold do not even remotely think about what they themselves asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; because every divine judgment is requested from God, just as life is requested; This strange forgetfulness of a judgment that was requested, the forgetful pay second by second; because no one asked God to forget him in what was asked of him; everyone who forgot in the test of life, that he had a divine judgment pending, must add up all the seconds of the time that the forgetting lasted; For every second of strange oblivion, they must live again, an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; The living number is in every second of oblivion, towards what it promised not to forget; The living number will ask the Firstborn Solar Son Christ, that all usurers, misers, hoarders, exploiters, be declared condemned, in the divine Final Judgment; anger and pain will be immense in the living number, when they see that they used it to violate the law of God; and this same attitude will take everything about everything, from everyone; The most microscopic of itself will be governed by the highest morality that the mind can imagine; the same very high morality that this humanity in a life of trial asked for; This morality was represented in the divine Commandments; every Commandment on each planet fulfills the divine mission of guiding those who ask for proof of life; The divine Commandments are given according to the degree of evolution of the creatures; according to your needs asked of God; the living number of the flying saucers is also in the living Commandments; The word and the number form a divine alliance of facts and calculation; everything above everything is full of it; the all above all of the word-number alliance, has a divine psychology in which its kingdom is equality; Human free will did not imitate such psychology, when it was decided to give itself a system of life, in the test of life; The test of life consisted of imitating as far as possible, the human creature, the divine teachings, which were given to them in the Kingdom of Heaven; The living number and the living word of the divine Commandments will be governed by divine egalitarian psychology, to judge human work; Every human work that was not designed with the intention of equality will be called a strange work; Everything that is not in harmony with the divine gospel of Father Jehovah will be called strange in the divine events of the divine Final Judgment; the creators of everything strange, which arose during the trial of life, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; In other existences they did the same; In distant worlds where they asked to try other forms of life, which they did not know, they also fell; These creatures, due to their many existences, have not re-entered the Kingdom of Heaven; the living number and the living word will judge the most microscopic that the human mind can imagine; even physical ideas will be judged by them; during the development of the divine Last Judgment, the world will see infinite fleets of flying saucers; His divine presence will cause panic in those who did not believe in these celestial ships; He who did not believe during the trial of life will have greater crying and gnashing of teeth; because he committed the strange injustice of denying what always existed; The most microscopic denial is to deny power to God; The living number of all negation is the number of darkness; and everyone who denied in the trial of life divided his living number of light by the living number of darkness; no thinking psychology that served two different laws, none receives full light prize; psychology that only served the light is the only one that receives a full prize; This is said in the Kingdom of Heaven: You cannot serve two or more masters; Not a molecule of darkness must have been known in the test of life; because such a molecule is called the lord of darkness; and the molecule would divide every mental sensation, which only asked to serve the Lord of light; The living number is in every sensation, no matter how microscopic it may be; everything is above everything; In flying saucers, everything above everything blends in and becomes a breeze that penetrates everything; This law of microscopic dimension makes every flying saucer penetrate without being noticed; Not even disembodied spirits can see them; because they also penetrate them; The living number is also in the spirits that have already left the test of life; It is the living spirit number that belong to the same spirit; It is his own solar inheritance; We must distinguish the living numbering that the spirit asked to know during the test of life, and the numbering that belongs to it by birth inheritance; The same law is fulfilled in flying saucers; the solar parents have their own solar living numbering; and in their infinite travels through the universe they discover new and unknown mathematics; This teaches that having infinite hierarchies of knowledge, we never stop learning; No one knows in the universe the limit of wisdom; such a limit has never existed nor will it ever exist; When the living number transforms into the microscopic, it does so through solar mental conduit; the solar mind is called the solar luminary in the Kingdom of Heaven; and within the molecule-number, a development occurs similar to what occurs between a sun and a planet; the number-molecules see and feel, just as a human creature sees and feels in its respective dimension; and you don’t realize that it is microscopic; just as the human creature does not realize; This sensation of not realizing that one is a microbe in front of the infinite is called, in the Kingdom of Heaven, a living dimension in normal geometry; because every sensation is a geometry that occupies an invisible space within the microscopic; the living number and the living molecule are also in the sensations; the all above the all of each sensation, has a living number of sensation; and every mental division, when the spirit knows mental debauchery, its sensations are invaded by the strange magnetism of debauchery; the living numbering of light, feels that its dimension is invaded by something unknown; he sees that the darkness darkens him and he sees the light receding; He sees strange scenes in his solar spirit father; because the sensations of each one requested divine alliances with the human spirit; the small looks like a giant sun, at the big; just as the human creature sees the gigantic suns of the universe; What one has within oneself as a sensation, fulfills the same law as what the eyes see outside; what happens inside is happening outside; This is that what is inside is equal to what is outside; as what is above is equal to what is below; The living of the flesh and the spirit are reciprocal; changing or varying the dimensions; the small of itself is manifested in the great; and between the small and the large there is infinite continuity of space, time and philosophy, through the solar cords; In flying saucers, when collecting each person’s mental ideas, they do so by placing themselves in a dimension that is proportional to the hierarchies of the celestial ships; The invisible contains planets and ships as the visible contains them; When an idea enters a flying saucer, it does so in a geometric sense in expansive free will; That is to say, mental ideas enter through any molecule of the ship; The attraction between idea and flying saucer is made in the visible and the invisible; The human eye would not see any of this; because your vision is limited; does not penetrate the molecule; The living number contained in the idea has the influence of the individuality that generated it; Each idea feels attracted to another idea, because the magnetism of the same individuality unites them; This law constitutes the family of ideas; If the thinking individuality, author of his ideas, did not think during his life, in psychology of equality, his own ideas will not find the Kingdom of Heaven; because every thinking spirit asked God and above all things, to live during the trial of life, in equality in everything; Equality was the only thing that the human spirit asked for, because divine equality is the only philosophy of love of the Kingdom of the Father; nothing unequal exists in the Kingdom; and since there is nothing unequal, nothing unjust was asked of God; neither in himself nor for others; When humanity asked for equality, this request was written in the Kingdom of Heaven; the debauchery that he did not ask for is not written; and what is not written in the Kingdom of Heaven does not enter the Kingdom; Thus, all the mental ideas generated by those who lived in strange inequality, none of them enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the greatest drama of the human creature; because there is no greater drama than being responsible for wandering through eternities, for your own mental inheritance; This drama was announced to the world of trial, like crying and gnashing of teeth; and the microscopic idea will have to expand in infinite planetary development, without knowing the cause of the Kingdom of Heaven;

The living number in this law of unknown cause begins to live a drama searching for eternities for the cause of its own origin; This strange inheritance without cause of origin, its creators pay moment by moment, molecule by molecule; and the spirits that caused this strange tragedy will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven until they have paid the last moment and the last molecule; This is so because the human creature himself asked for a divine judgment that included the whole upon the whole of himself; He asked for judgment above all things imaginable; judgments are requested and not imposed in the Kingdom of Heaven, just as it is requested to know life on the distant planets of the universe; the term: Above all things, requested by this humanity, was something superior to its own strength, to emerge triumphant in the test of life; because no one from this world has re-entered the Kingdom of Heaven; because there is no one who has not violated the requested law, in just one molecule; The test of life was not to violate anything; The living number, knowing that the spirit violated the law requested from God, chooses to withdraw into the destiny of the spirit; In his numeral free will he does not want to be an accomplice in a violation made to the Eternal; It is the infinite security that exists in everyone and of preserving innocence as something of their own; the divine morality of the living numbers suffers when the spirit violated its own morality; and they occur in trillions and trillions of living numbers, which are part of the whole above the whole of each one, true sentimental dramas; just as the thinking spirit experiences them; What is expressed in the dimension of the spirit, is also expressed within itself, in microscopic dimensions in which only the spirit feels and does not see; The living number in the flying saucers lives the same sentimental drama, when the solar parents also violate the law of God, in their solar laws; what is above is equal to what is below; Violations of laws also occur in high hierarchies as they also occur in lower hierarchies; and all are judged before the Eternal, in their respective laws; The number of trials has no limits, it is like the universe itself; nothing in God’s infinite creation has it; The living number that leaves those who violate the law of God, forms infinite armies; This happens with the molecules, virtues, sensations, ideas, pores, etc., of the whole above the whole; living free will is recognized in what was and what will be; From here comes the story of the spirits abandoned by everyone; and in this universal drama, which is expressed in the infinite confines of the universe, there is no shortage of those who propose not to abandon those who violated the law; Such people end up getting bored because the glories of the children of God are microscopic compared to the infinite glory of God; This is recognizing an error due to lack of science, to understand what is about God; The boredom of those who decided not to abandon the one who violated the law of God, has the sole cause of not having understood their own cause of origin; the living number is born with innocence just as the human spirit is born; The Expansive Thinking Universe is an eternal succession of innocence, which asks God to know what they do not know; The divine Creator offers you an entire infinity that only He knows where it will end; the living number participates in the determinations of all; He does it with infinite and numeral love; just as the spirit must have done things in the test of life, with infinite human love; love is identified and expressed in what one is, and feels, at the given moment; Love being universal also has infinite hierarchies; According to the divine verb one possesses, so is the divine hierarchy of love; The greater the power of the verb, the greater the identification of love with the universe; selfish love closes itself within itself; This kind of love is still occupied in its own passions and has no power of science to radiate to those around them; he feels only for himself and does not plan for others; From here comes the strange indifference towards what could be happening in other very remote places in the universe; you have to get out of yourself to understand it; We must overcome the strange attachment to the ephemeral in customs, which makes the creature a selfish being; This is falling asleep in the test of life; and every strange sleep is discounted by the second and by the molecule; because the divine judgment that was requested of God was done by seconds and by molecules; This means that all time lost in the life test is discounted by seconds; and it was an infinite score that the spirit was lost, with which it could have entered the Kingdom of Heaven; Every loss of time that occurs in the life of every spirit, who asked for the proof of life, brings crying and gnashing of teeth; because such despised the score of light, which would give them the sublime right of being resurrected to children of twelve years of age; because every reward that comes from God is given taking into account the merit that comes from the spirit second by second; At every moment the human creature was creating his own destiny, starting from the most microscopic thing he had in himself; for the ideas one by one, of the seconds and of the molecules; The living number also participated in the most microscopic unity of time and events that the human spirit experienced; in your sighs, thoughts, sensations; The living number participated in everything that the spirit saw and in what it did not see but felt; in what is known and in memory; The living number is born together with the spirit, when it decides to try forms of life that it does not know; Forgetting one’s own past and one’s own place of origin is also imposed; This is why it is said that every living number is born together with the spirit; Forgetting your solar past is a temporary forgetfulness; because this forgetfulness lasts as long as the life that the spirit asked to know lasts; The decisions that the spirit makes in its free will of spirit, it does so in consultation with those who are going to join it, to know this or that way of life; This is called divine alliances in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it was announced to the world of trial life as the Ark of the Covenants; Ark means materialization of facts by thinking spirits, somewhere in the cosmos; and the living number is required by the spirit when it needs calculation measures; In every fiber-by-fiber reincarnation there is the living number; from birth until the day of the divine Final Judgment; and when the human spirit decides to know another form of life, different from human life, it will once again request the alliance with the living number and with all the future elements, which will make up the future form of life; The living number, upon being required by the spirit, first asks for due and divine authorization from its divine numeral heavenly father; highest solar hierarchy, lovingly subordinate to the divine Father Jehovah; just like the man who, being man, is under the divine power of God; what is above is equal to what is below; In infinite places in the universe planetary events occur like those that occur on planet Earth; To believe yourself unique on your respective planet is to put a strange limit on the power of God; The divine power of God that created the universe is not limited to a single planet; Those who thought this way about the trial of life fell in its trials; The test of life consisted in not denying one’s own Creator even a molecule of power; the living number makes the same promise to the Eternal; Circumstances are requested and desires are promised; The proof of life that everyone asked for did not include lowering God in power; because everyone knew that by denying God in any way imaginable, he would not be seen again; The magnetism of one’s own denial displaces the spirit infinitely far from the Kingdom of Heaven; That is to say, he who does not see God, when he leaves a planet, does not see him because he wanted to; no one forced him to deny; the strange sensation of denial came out of himself; The test of life consisted of offering mental resistance to such strange sensations.-


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