Holy writings

Deuteronomy 30:14 “But the word is very close to you, in your mouth and in your heart, so that you may fulfill it.”
1 Chronicles 28:19   “All this was written to me by the hand of the Lord, who made me understand all the works of the structure.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes son; I will dictate to you the Origin of Flying Saucers; that in the Scriptures of the divine Father Jehovah, they are like the Signs in the Heavens and like the Balls of Fire; Let us transport ourselves, my son, to the Alpha and Omega suns of the Trino galaxy; Alpha and Omega divine Father Jehovah? That’s right son; I believe I have read such a term in your divine Gospel, Father; That’s right son; the Solar Firstborn Son Christ said it: I am the Alpha and the Omega; What did divine Father Jehovah mean? He wanted to say: I am from your place of origin; I am where you started and where you will arrive; I am the Beginning and the End of all destiny; So the galactic term of Alpha and Omega are the same Kingdom of Heaven? That’s right son; It is the Macrocosm called the Kingdom of Heaven; an infinite place, where everything is gigantic; where the limit is not known in anything imaginable; What divine scenes I see, Father Jehovah! what a huge hustle! I don’t see human beings; I will tell you little son, that here in the Kingdom of Heaven, no one is more important but the Father; This was announced to your planet Earth, in the divine parable that says: From dust you are and to dust you will return; It means that the Earth belongs to the universe of microscopic planets or microbial planets; This is because the creation of Father Jehovah has no limits either in the size of his creatures or in that of the planets; I see that you are amazed, son; Yes divine Father Jehovah; What immense colored suns! and they transform into human forms and other forms I don’t know! That’s right son; They are their own reincarnations that they had in other universes; What a divine revelation Father Jehovah! As You know, Eternal Father, on my planet Earth, what I see is called into question; millions believe and millions do not believe; I will tell you, my son, that those who did not believe will have no more existences; because by denying, they put themselves against all the elements, which constitute future existences; Such elements will also deny them, when they ask again, for new ways of life; Why do you think it was taught in your world that God is infinite? I am already understanding it, divine Father Jehovah; Your infinity means that you can grant life, in unlimited number; That’s right son; And I will tell you that the infinite existences that the Creator offers to his children were also announced to them in the divine Gospel; The parable that says: Every spirit is born again, means that everyone had and will have many existences; you are born again, to know new life; I truly tell you son that those who only believed in one existence will remain with only one; and those who believed in infinite existences are left with the infinite; each one receives according to what he thought in the test of life; It was enough to believe to receive; See those yellow suns? I see you divine Father Jehovah; They are the Solar Family, of the Alpha and Omega suns; The place where my planet Earth came from! That’s right son; How great! What a beautiful and divine Woman I see, divine Father Jehovah! who is it? It is the divine Solar Mother Omega; because I will tell you son, that the suns also have sexes; just as the creatures on the distant planets possess it; what is above is equal to what is below; Who would have imagined it to be divine Father Jehovah! If only those of my world could see this sublime truth! Ah! If they saw it, my son, the greatest Revolution of all time would occur in your world; This Revolution would be so great that the strange system of life, arising from the strange laws of gold, would disappear; because a new system of life would be born, based on eternal laws; I read in your mind son, a volcano of questions; You can do them so that those in your world can be enlightened; Thank you divine Father Jehovah; It is written that you are our divine Creator, and our Light in all knowledge; What time exists here in the Macrocosm, called the Kingdom of Heaven? Here celestial time exists; And I will tell you, son, that one second of celestial time is equivalent to a terrestrial century; What an amazing divine Father Jehovah! Now I understand many mysteries of the Earth! That’s right son; It is because of this law of the times, it is said that only a few moments ago, that the divine Father Jehovah created the Earth; The same law is fulfilled for the times, of the other planetary dwellings; Does this divine Father Jehovah mean that time is relative to an infinite degree? That’s right, son; The times of the planets are subordinated to the time of the place from which they came; all time is living before God; What does living divine Father Jehovah mean? It means that both matter and spirit express themselves before their Creator; Matter has the same rights as the spirit; no one is less before God; neither matter in its laws of matter, nor spirit in its laws of spirit; What light to your divine Word, divine Father Jehovah! Is it because of this law that You taught us that we are all equal in rights, in your divine presence? That’s right son; When your divine Father Jehovah expressed such a law to your world, the divine Father encompassed the infinite; It encompassed matter and spirit; the proof of life that your humanity asked for, you must have considered it that way; and not limit ourselves only to the planet; The tests are the tests; true faith should not have set any limits; He should not have been influenced by the ephemeral and limited nature of a planet; Those who thought this way in their trials of life, fell in their trials; Weren’t they taught that God was infinite? This is how divine Father Jehovah is; I see that the strange laws of gold excited the world of proof; I’ll tell you, my son, that such a strange illusion had to be overcome too; one should not allow oneself to be surprised by the ephemeral, in any of its imaginable forms; What will happen to divine Father Jehovah, to those who did not offer mental resistance to the strange illusion of gold? They will have to pay little son, second by second, for the time that the strange illusion lasted; Second by second! That’s right son; and this is because every human spirit asked for proof of life, with judgment above all things; This order includes everything microscopic, both of matter and spirit; includes ideas generated in life, from the age of twelve; because innocence has no judgment; includes the second, the molecule, the cell, the invisible and the visible; what is felt and not seen; and what is seen and touched; I will tell you, little son, that the Father was asked and promised above all things; the Creator does not impose anything, because he is infinite; the living God obliges no one; Obligation is synonymous with imperfection and is complex;

and the Creator has no such complex; This is how I see it through your divine grace, divine Father Jehovah; I see that the divine Solar Mother Omega smiles at me; He has recognized you as his first son, who comes from a distant and microscopic dust planet; I feel like he reads my mind; Here in the Kingdom of Heaven, everyone reads their minds, as the most natural thing in the infinite; nothing is hidden here, son; and those who practiced occultism in their trials of life do not re-enter the Kingdom; I will tell you, my son, that occultism is of darkness; It is not from the laws of light; here as you see it, no sinner from any world can enter; because at all times you are exposed to having your mind read; and being a sinner he is cast out of the Kingdom; Divine Father Jehovah, I see infinite bright dots that come out of the divine womb of the Solar Mother Omega; what is it? They are sons of future planets and earths; because I will tell you son, that since Macrocosm time exists here, the divine Solar Mother Omega still continues creating planets and creatures; Your world will age and disappear, and the divine Solar Mother Omega will continue to create; I see and read my little son in your mind, that you wonder what relationship there is between the divine Father Jehovah, and the divine Solar Mother Omega; This is how divine Father Jehovah is; I will tell you son that we both have the same power of creation; we are egalitarian in the eternal Word; Eternal word, divine Father? What does eternal Word mean? Eternal verb, my son, means the power one has to create in a colossal way, in the most microscopic unit of time; the Mother and the Father are unmatched in the Universe; every child of every world is born with their respective creative verb; because no one is disinherited from the divine inheritance of the Father Jehovah; according to the thinking science of each creature of the Cosmos, it is the hierarchy that corresponds to its respective degree of verb; On your planet Earth, the human word was diminished; Why divine Father Jehovah? Because every human creature was influenced by a strange interested and selfish psychology, coming out of the laws of gold; Because I will tell you, son, that no one asked for the strange system of life called capitalism in the Kingdom of Heaven; Not even the so-called rich asked for it; because nothing unjust is asked of God; This strange and unknown system of life, which included inequality in its strange laws, is not written in the Kingdom of Heaven; Everything that is not written in the Kingdom is called foreign to the Kingdom; and those who lived laws foreign to the Kingdom of Heaven do not re-enter the Kingdom; What an immense Revelation for my planet Earth, divine Father Jehovah! That’s right son; and I will tell you, my son, that this Revelation will cause crying and gnashing of teeth on your planet Earth; It is the beginning of the Final Judgment, to a strange system of life, which no one asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; I have read it, divine Father Jehovah, in your divine Gospel; I never imagined what the trial would be, for the life system itself; I miss you son; Was it not written that everything imagined and everything created would be judged? This is how divine Father Jehovah is; Let’s get closer son to the Alpha and Omega suns; I see that you have an infinite interest in witnessing the Construction of the Flying Saucers; I tell you, son, that the construction of these heavenly ships has no limits; The suns and worlds in which these ships are created are infinite; According to the science of the creative word of its creatures, it is the power and hierarchy that corresponds to them in the infinite Universe; The greater the power in their creative verbs, the greater the mandate they have over the elements of planetary natures; What an immense laboratory this is! I see that Father Jehovah has no divine end; That’s right, son; The laboratories and factories of the Kingdom of Heaven go from dawn to dusk; huge silver ships are created here; This is how I see it as divine Father Jehovah; I am speechless with amazement and emotion; How beautiful these ships are! They are of a beauty that paralyzes the heart! That’s right son; I see that everyone here is wearing light blue overalls; and I see colored halos around their bodies; That’s right, son; I will tell you that the light blue overalls symbolize the eternal philosophy of work; soon on your planet Earth, everyone will dress the same; The colored halos are their own skies, where they completed infinite reincarnations; On the Earth where you are, everyone also has colored halos around their flesh bodies; They are the same colors that you have been seeing since you were a child; The human creature has 318 colors around their bodies; Each color represents a virtue in human thinking itself; Is divine Father Jehovah saying that every thinking virtue has color? That’s right, son; color is in the material and in the spiritual; because the creature is flesh and is mind; and the flesh and the mind influence each other; What enters through the eyes, remains impregnated in the everything, above all, of the creature; I will call three heavenly engineers my son; Oh! How did they appear so instantly? It was a telepathic call, my son; It was just what I called you, so many terrestrial years ago; This is how I remember him divine Father Jehovah; I will never be able to forget it; Praise you Creator of the Universe; We are at your divine orders say the celestial engineers; Yes children of the Kingdom; I present to you a First Son of the distant planet Earth; Planet Earth? ask the celestial engineers; We do not know any planet Earth, divine Father Jehovah; I knew it little children; The Earth is a dust planet; belongs to the Trino galaxy; It is a world of the flesh; It has as a companion a pale yellow dwarf sun; How interesting divine Father Jehovah; unknown worlds always fascinate; This is how I read it in your heavenly minds, children; Introduce yourself First Son of Earth; So be divine Father Jehovah; let your divine will be done in me; brothers of the Kingdom, I am Luis Antonio by the divine grace of the divine Father Jehovah; I belong to planet Earth; test life planet; with forgetfulness of their place of origin; Welcome to you earthly brother; we are space engineers; We will introduce ourselves: I am engineer Paz; and I, the engineer Dulcínea; and I am the engineer Celeste; We have been very interested in knowing about your world; Everything that interests our Eternal Creator is important to us; And for me also heavenly brothers; We will ask the divine Father Jehovah to show us your planet Earth, through divine solar television; I see that you are amazed, son; This is how divine Father Jehovah is; What is divine solar television? Solar television is this; Oh! the Earth! the solar system that surrounds it! What a gigantic and beautiful color television! That’s right, son; This divine television is the product of the very elements of the universe; and it has no end;

will never have it; I will tell you son that this divine television was also announced on your planet Earth; In my divine Gospel that was given to the world of trial it says: The book of life; What a fascinating divine Revelation Father Jehovah! That’s what First Son is like; Solar television is one of the wonders of the Universe; On test planets, such as your Earth, this television is born from the same elements of nature; everything that was done during life is recorded on this solar television; Flying saucers also have solar television; Their crew members are known as the Solar Fathers; eldest children of the Cosmos, subordinate to the divine Trinity in the Father Jehovah; because just as there are human parents on Earth, there are also Solar Parents outside the Earth; what is above is equal to what is below; And I will tell you, son, that every Solar Father was also a human creature, in worlds so ancient that they are no longer found in space; they too were creatures of flesh; because the humble beginning is for everyone; He who was not humble and microscopic does not become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; This means that no planet is unique in creation; Before the birth of each planet, there were infinite others; Knowing who was the first is the eternal search of all those who belong to the Expansive Thinking Universe; Little children, I will leave you for a heavenly moment; May the divine celestial engineers instruct the Earthly son; I will be in other suns; Your divine will be done, Father Jehovah; I see that the Solar Fathers, when greeting the Eternal, do so levitating; Earthly son, you can ask whatever you like; They are divine orders, to instruct you; Eternal graces divine Solar Parents; Why do you levitate? I see that here in the Kingdom of Heaven, shaking hands is not known as a form of greeting; That’s how it is, terrestrial brother; Many customs are born on distant planets; here in the Kingdom, as you can see, there is no shaking hands; This is due, son, to the fact that when everyone’s mind is read, another living psychology is born, in the eternity of the Kingdom; I see that when you levitate, you place your left hand over your heart; What does that mean? The Heavenly Greeting, son, represents a respect for everything above everything, for oneself; Placing your hand on your heart is greeting equally all the virtues of our thinking; In the Celestial Greeting, one’s own individuality is no longer important; because celestial psychology teaches that individuality is transformed as the thinking spirit comes to know successive and eternal existences; Heavenly thinking does not stop for a moment in itself; We see, son, that you are absorbed in thinking about the proud people of your planet Earth; That’s right, heavenly brothers; I have always wondered where the proud got such a strange influence; We will tell you son; pride belongs to darkness; that they are other regions of the Universe, that no son of the universes of light would dare to penetrate; The proud spirits of your world lived in darkness; Many existences lived in them; They still have some of the influence of darkness left; It happens, son, that as the spirit asks for magnetizations of lives, the strange influences of darkness become weaker; Those proud of your world still need to live longer; This happens with every imperfection, which hinders the evolution of the spirit; That is why it is necessary to be born again; The spirit that does not ask the divine Father Jehovah to know some form of life again stops in its progress and ends up getting bored; What divine and simple logic! but heavenly brothers, who created darkness? or where did evil come from? The bad son arises from the children themselves; It is a consequence of the free will of the spirit; It happens that when children have lived a long time, they manage to gain great creative sciences; and having great powers, they become arrogant and proud; to such a degree that they challenge the very Creator of all things; This is what happened with Luzbella; better known in your world, as Satan; You must know, earthly son, that every mental idea that the mind generates does not die physically speaking; Mental ideas, whether good or bad, germinate in space; and from each microscopic and invisible idea, a microscopic planet is born; That is to say, all the children of the Universe have the creative inheritance of the divine Father Jehovah; The divine Father creates in colossal form, and his children in microscopic form; every planet was a mental idea; and every planet, when its first mental idea germinates, is born from the invisible towards the visible; That is to say that everyone goes through infinite sizes; Thus, your planet Earth had a size similar to the head of a pin; It was, if you will, a little ball, a ping-pong ball, a soccer ball, a beach ball, until we reached the current terrestrial ball; How fascinating and what great simplicity, to explain the colossal! This is how it is, earthly son; With the greatest simplicity and with the most elementary that the mind can imagine, the Creator of all things, explains the most difficult and what is impossible to explain, in the microscopic sciences of his children; Now I understand, heavenly brothers, why on my planet Earth, the wise have not been able to find the origin of the planet; They didn’t take into account the microscopic! They didn’t think about what was inside! They were not egalitarian in their mental searches, with matter and with spirit! This is what earthly son is like; What an immense Fire of colors I see! It is the divine Father Jehovah! How colossal! the gigantic suns are seen before his divine presence, smaller than the head of a pin! That’s right son; the divine Father is unique; Its divine forms have no known limit; Let us approach, says the celestial engineer Dulcineus; that of the three he is the one with the highest galactic hierarchy; Praise you divine Eternal Father! And I, the earthly son, say the same; I lean down and place my left hand over my heart; and I feel in that supreme moment, something like a sweet electric discharge that runs through my entire body; and I feel that a sweet dream takes over me; more, I don’t sleep; From distant galaxies, children, I have been listening to you; Tell me earthly son, the last thing you talked about with the heavenly engineers, doesn’t it remind you of anything? My divine Father Jehovah, are you referring to the origin of the planets? That’s right son; I think divine Father… I will remind you First Son; In the divine Gospel that the world of trial requested, a parable announced what you were talking about; It is the divine parable that says: You must be humble, to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; This is how divine Father Jehovah is; And what is more humble and microscopic than a mental idea? How exact divine Father Jehovah! Your mental ideas, son, represent the most microscopic thing that your matter has; The ideas that you generate at all times, when you think, are so small that they can only be felt, and not seen; What an amazing divine Father Jehovah! and no one denies your ideas, even if you don’t see them! That’s right, son; And I will tell you, son, that this law of the humble and the microscopic destroys those who asked for proof of materialism; Because they believe in their ideas! what divine fun Father Jehovah! Funny and sad son; because all the ideas that those who proclaimed themselves materialists generated during their lives do not bear the seal of the Creator of all things; Your future and microscopic planets will have to fight for an eternity for the divine Father to visit them; Does this mean, divine Father Jehovah, that such future planets belong to darkness? Not exactly such; but, during their development and expansion, tremendous dramas will occur among their creatures; such future planets will not be paradises themselves; I will tell you son that when an idea is generated, what is being created is an eternally expansive magnetic wave; and as this wave grows, its microscopic magnetism also grows; and invades all future nature, of the future nascent planet; The thinking creatures of said planet will also receive the influence of magnetism, of the developing idea; That is to say that the thinking philosophy of daily life, of such creatures, will be to deny the Creator of all things, his own divine rights; What a tremendous divine Father Jehovah! That’s right son; just as it happened to Adam and Eve, in their microscopic earthly paradise; Divine Microscopic Father Jehovah? That’s right, son; When the paradise of Adam and Eve was born, your planet Earth was the size of a ping-pong ball; Unheard of divine Father Jehovah! The unheard of son becomes reality son; because nothing is impossible for the Creator of all things; Why do you think the world was taught proof that God is infinite? I am understanding it, divine Father Jehovah;

Since when I was a child and I started seeing you everywhere, I have been understanding it; Divine Father Jehovah, what I have been seeing every day since I was a child, will the world know about it? Everything will be known son; and everything will be written in Scrolls, just as we do daily; humanity asked to know in its test of life, the Scrolls of the Lamb of God; He asked for the light of knowledge; He asked to know what he did not know; What this world already knows, divine Revelation does not repeat; So be divine Father Jehovah; May your divine and loving will be done in your children; I will tell you son, that the Telepathic Scripture that your divine Father Jehovah dictates to you daily, will revolutionize the world; This is how I see it since I was a child, divine Father; the solar television that is inside my mind makes me see the future of this world; That’s right son; everything you see, everything becomes reality; This is what I have been seeing, divine Father, since I was a child; I see something that causes me great sadness; I see the crying and gnashing of teeth of all those who did not believe me when I communicated your divine news to them; They even made fun of me; I know son; Such people forgot that every spirit is tested in life; Why did it have to happen like this, divine Father Jehovah? Ha son! what a question! I’ll tell you son; Those who denied you and those who mocked you were influenced by a strange form of faith, which in its own psychology included many beliefs, with only one God existing; When the spirits ask for reincarnations, to know forms of life, none deny what the divine Father Jehovah will send with the passage of time, to the distant planets, chosen by them; So divine Father, where did such strange denial come from? A little son came out of the strange religious influence, which divided the world of faith into many beliefs, with only one God; Just as you told me, divine Father Jehovah, when I was a child! That’s how it was little son; Let’s see, what else do you remember from those years as a child, when your divine Father Jehovah, by virtue of his divine free will as the Creator Father, decided to communicate with you; Divine reminder, Father Jehovah, that the strange selfishness of denying what You command the worlds is written in the respective Planetary Gospels; In our divine Gospel, you warned the so-called religious of their future mental division in all spiritual beliefs; Mention it son; The divine parable – warning that says: Only satan divides and divides himself; That’s right, son; Satan, the force of evil, divided my angels from me, in very ancient times in the Kingdom of Heaven; The religious spirits divided my earthly children into many beliefs, with only one God; No one asked for this strange mental confusion about the divine Father in the Kingdom of Heaven; because no thinking philosophy that divides my children on the distant planets exists in the Kingdom of Heaven; The religious who emerged during the trial of life, pay second by second, moment by moment, for their strange and disconcerting work; Because of them, no human spirit, which in its innocence knew the magnetism of division, never again enters the Kingdom of Heaven; nor has anyone entered; You enter the Kingdom of Heaven with the same innocence with which you left; In this world, the so-called religious people forgot that the divine Final Judgment is for everyone equally; even more son; for them the judgment will begin; The biblical term that says: And he will judge all above all things, means that every religious person and all those who taught forms of faith, in the test of life, are within the Final Judgment; If all are judged by their works, the forms of faith, which all gave themselves in the test of life, are also within the work; What divine clarity of expression you possess, divine Father Jehovah! For a reason, my son, I am the Light of all knowledge; Divine Father Jehovah, can I see on divine solar television the end of this strange form of faith, which divided everyone? Yes, son, here it is; Oh! What a colossal color television! Break through the clouds of the Earth! What do you see son? I see that every religious person cries; I see others cursing their own ideas; I see that the world despises them; They do not forgive them for the tremendous spiritual tragedy of not re-entering the Kingdom of Heaven! Now I understand, divine Father Jehovah, the meaning of the divine parable of your divine Gospel that says: And there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; What else do you see, son? I see human seas that destroy material temples; What tremendous scenes, divine Father Jehovah! many commit suicide! Worse for them son; because the divine commandment says: You shall not kill and certainly you shall also not kill yourself; Oh! what a beautiful man! shine like a sun! and makes nature tremble! It’s Christ! That’s right, son; Your terrestrial instruction does not tell you; Your divine Father Jehovah tells you, through intuition and conscience; Infinite thanks divine Father Jehovah; It is written that you are everywhere; from the invisible and from all nothingness, you express yourself; That’s right son; What divine human seas, Father Jehovah, surround the Firstborn Son! Nothing like it has ever been seen! And you are the first to see it, little son, after the Father; I have just understood a sublime divine truth, Father Jehovah: The Firstborn Son is also a Solar Father; Yes, son, that’s how it is; What you have just seen, the world of testing should also know; My divine Gospel says it: And it will arrive bright as a sun of wisdom; my Son is Solar Firstborn; It is from the Solar Trinity in the divine Father Jehovah; your humanity belongs to the Human Trinity in the divine Father Jehovah; each in its own galactic hierarchy; and no one is disinherited; Divine Father, flying saucers are on Earth! how huge! That’s right, son; When a Solar Firstborn Son requests a reincarnation of Glory, on a certain planet, the Powers of the Kingdom of Heaven act with Him; What do you see now son? I see that inside the flying saucers, their crew members are watching on solar televisions the same scenes that occur on planet Earth; Yes son; what is above is equal to what is below; What else do you see? I see telepathic communication between the Solar Firstborn Christ and the crew of the flying saucers! Yes son; It has always been like this; all sent from the Kingdom of the Father, have always communicated telepathically with the Kingdom of Heaven; The cause is within each prophet, who asked the divine Father Jehovah for reincarnation as such; This is how your world received the Holy Scriptures of all ages; During their lives as prophets, at all times they had living telepathy, in their respective degrees; What does this divine Father Jehovah mean? It means that every power that is asked of God is proportional to the divine verb achieved by each one; So that you understand this, I will explain the following to you: Between my Solar Firstborn Son Christ and the other prophets that the world knew, there is an abyss of difference; my Firstborn Son belongs to the Macrocosm; an infinite place in the Universe, where everything is gigantic; where there is no limit; Prophets such as Buddha, Allah, Muhammad, etc., belong to the Microcosm; That is why they will not judge the world, where they left a teaching; the world will be judged by the Firstborn Son, just as it was written.-


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