Holy writings

Isaiah 65:17 “«For I am going to create new heavens and a new earth; “There will be no more lamenting or crying.”
Revelation 21:5 “He who sat on the throne said, “I am making all things new!” And he added: “Write, for these words are true and trustworthy.”
2 Peter 3:10 “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; The elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be burned up.”
Isaiah 66:22 “As new heavens and a new earth will endure before me, so will your descendants and your name endure.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; the silver ships have laws that were born humble; To become great in science in the Kingdom of Heaven, it is essential first to be humble; your very own earthly science emerged from primitive man; what happens on one planet happens on countless others; what is above is the same as what is below; the science of flying saucers is a story like any other; only that it possesses an antiquity that you will never be able to calculate; They are from eternities before the current suns; to measure so many past times, one must be reborn and acquire new knowledge; Human existence appears microscopic in the face of past creation; There exists life in such a quantity as your mind can imagine; and not only life as you live it; which is unknown in the macrocosm; Precisely, infinity itself makes the unknown exist; worlds never seen; that are born, develop, and disappear; This law has been upheld, is being upheld, and will be upheld; Worlds are born and age like creatures; the rights of the spirit are also possessed by matter; to say otherwise is to fall into injustice; it is to believe oneself unique; only the Father is unique; and the children will be eternally learning in new sciences, new worlds, and new philosophies; this law has been fulfilled and will continue to be fulfilled by the crew of flying saucers; the universe is their home; they have a preference for such or such worlds, just as you do. What is above is the same as what is below; your preferences do not come from the Earth; because you are microscopic; preference grows larger as the creature grows in wisdom; wisdom is born, develops, and bears a fruit called the physical body; there is no limit to the size of physical bodies; there are relative limits; this applies to both matter and spirit; flying saucers also have no limits; because the inheritance of the Father is in everyone; wherever the creature is born, it has the divine inheritance; because everything was created by the one living God; and His creation is also alive; the expansive and thinking universe is alive as well; matter and spirit were born together; they develop according to their own laws; they possess free will and make decisions; The fact that human spirits do not understand it does not mean that rights cease to exist; just as worlds have existed that you and other creatures of the universe have never seen.

Yes, my son; I see that you study those around you; they are humble but blind in spirit; they have never taken a blueprint from the Father; knowing that the things of the Creator are above all else; they have had the opportunity to be the first; it is clear that as it was written, the truth would come to them as a surprise; they, with their selfishness, contributed to a surprise with ingratitude; they themselves created the weeping and gnashing of teeth; the same thing happened to those who, seeing the writings, regarded them as ordinary; they forgot the divine parable that was given to the world, to test the world: let him who has eyes see; let him who has a mouth speak, and let him who has ears hear; It means that the news of the Father must be made known; we should not look at them with indifference; because everyone promised in the Kingdom of Heaven to worship God above all things; above all indifference; all those who have first seen the new scriptures asked for it in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it was granted to them; The attitude they took is not from heaven; it is the product of the kind of life they have imposed on themselves; a life that is not of the Commandments; it was born from money; something unknown in the kingdom; for these ignorant and proud children, it was written: Many are called, but few are chosen; this group of chosen ones who despised the son sent by the Father lost the greatest prize of their existence; whoever denies the son denies the Father; and whoever denies the Father denies himself; he denies his entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; yes, my child; that is how it is; the world will know them all; their names will appear in millions and millions of books; in all languages; because that is what they requested in the kingdom; in case they deny the Father with their silence; to avoid falling into that, the Father sees all, and He gave them the aforementioned parable; an army of researchers will pursue them; because in every Revelation, those who seek arise; the most elevated spirits of humanity; those who are not indifferent; the close relatives of the revolutionaries; the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven; You see, my child; Everything has a price in life; because from this knowledge, the Final Judgment will emerge; the judgment written for centuries and centuries; and which has been given so little heed. They do not study me as they promised in the kingdom; they scandalize with immoral fashions; they cultivate vices in the presence of innocence; they sow corruption with immoral scenes; More so, I will tell you, my child, that no demon who violates the law of the Father will escape; this is what they asked for, and this is what is granted to them; and the greatest demon, the one called the pope of the rock, is the first to fall; one cannot serve two masters; either you serve the Creator in simplicity and exemplary humility, or you fall into material and hypocritical worship; the kind that diverts the healthy and simple minds of my children; millions and millions of spirits that passed through the Earth cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they fell into falsehoods because of the rock; just a second or less of falsehood, and one cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; material worship has never pleased Father Jehovah; it is true that humanity has been governed by it; however, this is what the first or primitive spirits asked for; because they did not know how to worship the Father from a distant planet; they wished to experience it; and it was granted to them; just as you are going through a multitude of experiences; because you were unaware of them; In the same way, you will ask for future and unknown experiences in unfamiliar and distant worlds; because every spirit is reborn; to learn more; One existence is not enough to know everything; because creation is not limited to a single world; were you not taught that your Creator is infinite? Why then do many doubt its power? To such people, it will not be allowed to know the universe; because they denied it; do not forget that the universe is alive; and that they will remind you of every denial of the greatness of the Father; whoever denies the Father in any of his forms is denied in the rest of the universe; for that is what you asked for and that is what was granted to you; Yes, my child; I see that you are impatient to know the meaning of the blue drawing. The drawing explains that the silver ships have solar television inside; a television like the world has never seen; its reach knows no bounds; Divine Father, who knows everything, what is the relationship between the television of flying saucers and the television of Earth? I’ll explain it to you, my son: What was written above is the same as what is below; that is to say, everything had the same beginning; things change without losing the principle they had; because wherever it may be, in any place in the universe, the principle of things is the same; what changes are the evolutions of the planetary abodes; the universe is relative to the time lived; after living on the planets, spirits return to the point of their origin; they go back to the place where the living mandate of their union with matter was carried out; of their alliances with the elements of the distant planet; do not forget that both matter and spirit have the same rights to life; preserving both their free will. The fact that matter is inert to your understanding is because you asked for it that way; and it was granted to you; the infinite power of the Father attends to all requests for life; whatever they may be; for Him, everything exists; the solar television observes worlds and galaxies; In the drawing, one can see how a galaxy appears at distances that science on Earth will never be able to comprehend. the worlds are seen united by the planetary umbilical cord; just as your body has it; this cord is an inheritance in all; even microbes possess it; it will be known in the world of knowledge as the solar cord; Oh solar line; each flying saucer has it too; Through the solar cord, these ships return to their worlds of origin; and they are of infinite colors; depending on the sun they come from; the Earth and its creatures possess a pale yellow color; which corresponds to the Alpha sun; The physical composition of Alpha Centauri consists of three magnetic lines per square centimeter, which forms a triangle. The essence of solar luminaries encompasses all the knowledge contained within all existence; whether it be a planet or a creature; for everything is fire governed by the solar offspring; your electricity that resides within your fleshly body is also a microscopic sun; and it is so microscopic that you cannot even see your own glow. So that you can see it, you lack science; you need to penetrate with your senses the matter that surrounds you, starting with your fleshly bodies; that’s how the universe began; they were tiny and humble, to become great in the eternity of time, great in the Kingdom of Heaven; great celestial bodies; and great spirits; the gigantic suns also arise from microscopic solar sparks; it is the so-called greater creation; because they are elder sons or firstborn sons of the Father; that is why it was written: and it will shine bright like a sun of wisdom; because he was and is a Solar Father; from whom all earthly fathers were born; his fluid or magnetic force created the spark from which the Earth now is; What is above is the same as what is below; because everything came from everything; everything came from a single point; everything came from a Father; The Trinity Father is in the Trinity Son; and this makes the worlds united; the Trinity in the Father unifies them; the libertine and backward spirits do the opposite; In your world, my child, these spirits call themselves politicians; due to their outdated ideals, the world is divided; and all the suffering of my exploited children will fall upon them. The greatest and saddest mistake of these libertine spirits is their failure to take into account my divine Commandments; it was written: Every tree that my divine Father did not plant will be uprooted; those trees are the philosophies that men create without considering my mandates; it would be better for them not to invent doctrines made for their own whims and benefit; they asked in the kingdom not to divide their brothers; because only Satan divides; the divine Commandments unify; every politician will be despised;


because those who followed them do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Before allowing oneself to be dragged along, one must ask who is doing the dragging; does the one who drags them do so for the Eternal Father, as commanded? because my Laws and Commandments are for everyone; they are universal; even the microbe of your world follows them; I assure you, humble spirits who sought to know about exploitation, that no demon who has divided my flock will escape; those who commit it will pay; weeping and gnashing of teeth await them. No one on Earth should have become their own idol; The Commandments command us to be simple and humble above all things; Whoever was not humble and simple in the planetary dwellings will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; To be public is to be worldly; one believes they are serving their peers; You cannot serve two masters; because you hypocritical politicians of the so-called right serve gold; to serve others, it must be done according to the Father’s law; for it is eternal; the only one that judges in eternity; It was better for you not to be a politician; because no politician from the right enters the kingdom of God; this is what you asked for in case you forgot the Father’s Commandments on Earth; and so the Father granted you. And regarding the left-wing politicians, they must not be tempted by any hypocrisy. The writing was: the left should be wary of what the right does; it means: Beware of their immoralities; with gold they buy consciences; they are the tempters of the world; yet, none will remain; it becomes necessary to make them leave the planet; because otherwise, they perpetuate the division of the flock; their relative philosophies come to an end; and they enter the realms of immorality; because every idea emanating from thinking beings travels through space; and matures over time; becoming a planet; whose inhabitants think as the original idea thought; the living philosophy that contains an idea is transmitted; the spiritual becomes matter and vice versa; they form alliances; and each one creates their own heaven; the spirits of those who were politicians go to worlds where disagreement and division exist; they are certainly backward worlds; because with the measure they used, they will be measured; It means: with the same intention with which you treated your brothers, so shall you be treated in distant worlds. Yes, my child; I read in your mind that you are already starting to pity those who deceive the nations. they begin to weep and gnash their teeth; no one forced them; they had free will; I will explain to you the science of flying saucers. In the drawing, there are colors and black circles; the colors represent the mental fires of the solar parents; the mental fire is magnetism arising from the very elements of nature; just like the mind of man; there is continuity in existences; every mind undergoes transformations as the spirit is reborn; and new sciences emerge within it; The salt of life is the very essence of knowledge; everything learned by the spirit in its existences on the planets remains in the mind-spirit; both identify as one. The presence of flying saucers responds to the same law; only that the salt of life of their creatures is greater because they have lived longer. everything greater is relatively so; only the Father is the greatest eternal; because He never stops growing; If the children progress, the Father is the first in this advancement; because He is before all creation; the eldest children or Firstborn Suns observe the Father; and each one sees Him according to their own salt of life. The greater the antiquity in the universe, the more magnificent is the vision of the divine Father; you, my little one, whom I see every day and in every moment; You see me as a huge ball of fire; you see that every sun looks microscopic next to me; You see how I change size; even to the point of making myself invisible; and while being invisible, you hear my words; the divine telepathy is not cut off; I know you feel sublime music and sounds from the Kingdom of Heaven; I know you see immense worlds; Do you feel that what is above is the same as what is below? You sense that the union of what is above with what is below is the doctrine or living word of God; this means that the transformation of the world you are in will occur through a change in attitude and habits in earthly beings; those who await the destruction of the Earth will die waiting; Certainly, the material worlds of flesh have a physical end; The matter of human nature is not eternal; it is relative to the request of relative time, which its molecules asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; for all the centuries your Earth may have, it is nothing more than a sigh in the face of eternity; It is an unknown world in the Kingdom of Heaven; where there is no limit; nor will there ever be; only the Father and certain solar fathers, who were prophets on Earth, know your planet; The Final Judgment does not destroy the work of the Creator; because the Creator does not destroy His own work; The ideal for the eternal would be that there would never be any judgment; the bad behavior and immorality of its children make the final judgments a reality. If men had guided themselves by the divine commandments in their individual impulses, I assure you that your planet would be unaware of judgment; because it would not be necessary. The flying saucers observe everything that happens in the worlds on their solar television screens; they can do this from other galactic systems because they reduce distances and expand worlds. They have witnessed the events of Earth since it was created. the true and only story of your world is found in solar files on these ships; there lie the events that occurred in the microscopic earthly paradise; there are all the hidden deceptions of those who have deceived you; In these ships is the record of ideas; the very ones you emit daily; and that these creatures collect in the very space itself; the seeds they collect are your ideas; many call them the gardeners of space; a very fitting nickname; You will now finally know the work of gardeners; No one has been given the ability to explain it in all its dimensions; because there is always a first for everyone; something has to start somewhere; every first brings a new beginning; the beginnings are infinite; and among them is the beginning of a new doctrine; new Revelation; new concepts; new morality; a new transformation of the planet; old concepts are being dismantled; a new world; a new symbol; everything is changed by the living word of God; nothing like this will happen or has happened with any other doctrine; the tree is known by its fruit; by the power of transformation of a world, one knows what is of God; the intellect contained in the new doctrine is the fruit; flying saucers know that at this moment, the Creator’s free will is expressing itself again in new writings; those who are not born again do not know new writings; The scriptures have hierarchy; there are scriptures above and scriptures below; Earthly science will not be able to explain its own origin; because it asked for forgetfulness of the past in the test of life; The origin and explanation of things is reserved for the scriptures; because through them, the Creator uses to bring new knowledge to the worlds. Writing is as infinite as the worlds themselves; it is one of the most imperfect forms of communication that exists. And being imperfect, the Father always makes use of her; because she is in everything; Flying saucers adhere to laws of retrogression to understand earthly writing; because they too were little flesh beings; just like you are now. He who has not been small and humble is not great in the kingdom. Earthly children will just begin to learn about the universe that surrounds them; a universe that was looked at with indifference; because complacent illusion took hold of humankind; My universe should have been studied more by all my children; science has made the study of the universe exclusive; they will have to pay for such selfishness; no one should hide knowledge; everyone was born with the same rights; The science of flying saucers is universal; it belongs to everyone; and everyone outside of Earth is supportive; they are part of celestial communism;

and they are joyful like children, cultivating the philosophy of the Father; the one that imposes itself on every tyrant and egoist; the one that will crush the proud of the world; to the hypocrites; to those who dress well on the outside but are rotten on the inside; to those who think they are unique because the Creator granted them fleeting dominion and power; to those who believe they will never be held accountable for their actions; in other words, to the demons of the Earth; great events are approaching; events that human eyes have never witnessed; glories of the living Father; that will overshadow all earthly glory; And in the midst of the movement and clamor of nature, all that is great will be despised and all that is humble will be exalted; And you will curse the laws that the world gave you; because because of them, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for they are laws that violate the divine ones; who created money? It would have been better for you not to have known any money; for there was no justice in it; who created my humble poor? They are the humble of the kingdom; the first in the Kingdom; it was written: Beware of the knowledge of good; for there is no good on Earth that does not have an alliance with money; everything that comes from money is cursed; for there, there is exploitation of my children; everyone who became rich through money will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for they do not have a clean conscience; money is not in the morality of thoughts; the living thoughts asked for the Father’s morality; and the Father’s morality is in the Commandments; not in money; what is not of God is cut off in the heavens; No follower of money is worthy of entering the Kingdom of Heaven; no matter how many benefits and charitable works they have done; because there exists violation; to enter the kingdom, the most perfect morality that your mind can imagine is needed; and that morality is found in the Ten Commandments; the only standard of life that was given to you; each individuality of every human spirit requested the Commandments in the kingdom; requested and promised to fulfill them on Earth; and it was granted to you; everything is granted in the Kingdom of Heaven; You knew in the kingdom that only by preserving your pure innocence would you be able to enter it again; thus it was promised to you; More, what happened? Money dazzled you! to the point of making you stop worrying about my word; money diverted you with its illusion, the path that led you to my dwelling; money changed your morals; Your morality should always have been like the one you had when you were a child; and there is no other comparison in every human existence; the innocence inherent to childhood is the only thing that leads you to the Kingdom of Heaven; this means that starting from the age of twelve, celestial points begin to be deducted for every second of life lived; this law applies to the entire generation from the very beginning of Christianity; it is not for the ancient world; the ancient world was judged by the Mosaic Law; the contemporary world, by the doctrine of the Lamb of God; the justice of the Father is the same; both above and below; it is the same justice that judged the cursed pharaoh gods; Sodom and Gomorrah; the civilization of Atlantis; and many more that date back to before the arrival of the pharaonic galactic beings; the world is unaware of most of its history; Calculate that for every molecule of Earth, there existed a century; and you will have an idea of man’s ignorance regarding himself. Man is unaware of three-quarters of his history; and what he knows is false; because those who wrote it did not take my writings into account; and every actor of the false history is a false prophet of my word; they proclaimed themselves Christians; And they never read me as they promised; just like it happens today; the average Christian claims to be a Christian; but never reads and studies the Father; they are Christians in name only; false prophets of my word; no false one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; These false creatures make up almost all of Christianity; that is why the antichrist is born from them. Just by violating the moral law of the Father in a second or less, one becomes an anti-Christ; the anti-Christ is led by the rock of human selfishness; because they cast the first stone; they claimed something that rested on falsehood; do they not have the world divided? Do they not know that only Satan divides himself like that? Aren’t they the ones who bless the weapons with which my children are killed? Do they not know that the divine Commandment orders not to kill; are they not the ones who have filled the planet with material temples? Do they not know that the Commandment says: You shall not worship images or any likeness; the temples contain many likenesses; which translate into material worship in the minds of those who visit such temples; The Christian world should ask itself who the false ones are; who violated the morality of the Commandments; With these accusations, the reign of the rock over the Earth comes to an end; it is true that he perpetuated before the world the memory of a loving Father; but he did so immorally; with material excess; he allied himself with exploitative materialism; something he should never have done; trading in faith; does he not charge for providing sacraments? “Doesn’t it crown and bless kings?” Didn’t she act like a whore? this latest accusation reflects the commercial aspect to which my law was subjected; what you call the holy mother church is not so in the kingdom; No one is a saint on Earth; True humility does not require titles that are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; even the planet from which these false titles come is unknown in that realm. Every spirit that you have called holy is filled with shame in the kingdom; there they see the glory of the Father and realize that He is unique. No saint or holy person has entered the Kingdom of Heaven for you; The term saint corresponds to angelic beings; to other worlds; whose philosophy is the angelic; it does not belong to the worlds of flesh; like yours; True saints do not die; they carry within themselves the eternity of their philosophies. The rock should never elevate anyone; only the Father is the greatest among all; one comes to Earth to learn a principle of life; one does not come to be exalted; under no circumstances. All those who are exalted or famous on Earth do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; to be exalted is to accept the world’s paternalism; it is to fall into hypocrisy; it is to succumb to a greater illusion; and it is to earn in advance a weeping and gnashing of teeth. They never end well, those who grow great on the planets; they grow great in the worlds and shrink in the sky; All the famous figures of your false earthly history have not entered and will not enter the kingdom; they must be born again in a number as vast as the grains of sand in a desert. The flying saucers see on their solar television screens the scenes of divine justice that occur in the Kingdom of Heaven; they also witness the daily scenes of your everyday life. And everything is written; just as it was written before you came to life; being your Creator infinite, He has the power to project your life before you live it; The same thing happens with planetary dwellings; matter and spirit have equal rights in their laws; The scenes you see daily, my son, will be written in other planes; we must continue with the six thousand planes of the parables. Additionally, we will advance in the three hundred explanatory plans for the construction of the silver ships. You see, my child; we have work for an eternity; the living word of Father Jehovah has no end; the Earth you are on will come to an end, and what is written for the world is just beginning; the universe is so infinite that to explain it one must be born again; In every existence, the creature knows something about its universe; The search for the truth about the universe is eternal; because everything exists; In every world the creature visits, it finds wonders of creation; wherever the creature goes, it will encounter the expansive universe of Father Jehovah, manifested in infinite forms; And all those planetary forms were born from a microscopic idea; they emerged in minds that have already emigrated from their world; and the world they lived in is no longer in space; it occurs in a given moment in the eternity of the spirit, in which it and countless others are called to recognize the inheritance; the planet that was born from its own idea; thus, the messiahs or prophets visit worlds to help them advance; this is how it happened with my Firstborn Solar Son Christ; he created the Earth being Alpha Sun; he was a loving product between Alpha Sun and Omega Sun; a solar creation that the world will soon understand and know; a principle of life in the universes of flesh; this principle does not explain the infinite principles of life corresponding to other solar lights; because each one has its own galactic history; its own eternity; although all without exception came from the same Father; from the same cause; all solar fathers possess an eternity within the eternity of the Father; and free will within the free will of the Father; because what belongs to the Father also belongs to the son; and what belongs to the son belongs to the Father; just as on Earth; the inheritance is transmitted; what is above is like what is below; feeling and enjoyment emerged from the same point; they are modified according to the salt of life of each one.-


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