Holy writings

Job 33:14-16 “God speaks in different ways, and one does not always understand it. He sometimes speaks in dreams or in night visions, when people are asleep and fast asleep. He then gives them a warning, terrifies them with night visions.”
1 Corinthians 2:10-11 “But God revealed it to us through the Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. Who among men knows the innermost part of man except the spirit of man that is in him? In the same way, no one knows the innermost things of God except the Spirit of God.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes divine son; I will dictate to you the divine theme that will unify the world in a single philosophy; the only one that my divine scriptures have always taught; which can be divinely summarized in these Sacred words: Never abuse my children; yes divine son; so it is and so it will be forever and ever; all the divine celestial vocabulary as well as all the infinite Celestial Science that I will dictate to you, will be translated into all the divine languages ​​of the world; because everyone wants to be saved in the infinite events that are approaching; Therefore I will proceed to dictate to you the divine celestial theme; yes, son, that’s how it is; you must write your divine thanks; I know very divinely that you are accustomed to giving them to me in your divine thinking telepathy, in our daily telepathic conversation; infinite graces divine Eternal Father; blessed and praised are you forever in our divine minds; you are the only Eternal Father; infinite creator of everything that existed, exists and will exist; I know that the divine moment has arrived to give a new light to the world; because the world has already fulfilled what was announced in the Holy Scriptures; It only remains to collect the divine celestial score with which each one adorned themselves in their respective and divine existence; yes son; so it is and so it will be forever and ever.-

Divine origin of the word divine.- It means sacred principle of the divine word of the Lord; symbolizes the infinite power of the known and unknown in the infinite knowledge of the Holy Trinity; of which human knowledge is nothing more than a microscopic part in constant expansive evolution; It symbolizes at the same time the infinite power of light; which is divinely contrary to darkness; that is, contrary to the evil that disturbs the spirit itself; For if both have the same beginning in eternity itself, they have at the same time different free will; Because the human creature must not forget that there is only one God, author of all the other gods of infinite wisdom; Therefore each little creature becomes its own god, according to its works; because of every thought in divine action there remains a divine thinking eternity that materializes in the distant galaxies and solar planets; This is how in each incarnated spirit new and infinite powers of wisdom are reborn; which in divine Celestial Sciences are called galactic foundation or seed.-

God is everywhere.- It means that your divine Father, Jehovah, represents the highest and infinite thinking vibration of the expansive thinking universe; It is this infinite vibration that has made possible human life and all the infinite kinds of life that have been and will be forever and ever; my divine vibration becomes an immense ball of fire; having every little creature in itself, also a microscopic portion of that divine fire; In the case of the little terrestrial monkey, it is known by the divine name of mental power; Well, it is in the human mind where the alpha and omega reside; or that the divine principle of let there be light and the light was made is the same; for without divine mental power, no little creature would see the light of its own actions; because all human action materializes, not only on the planet it inhabits; but also in the divine heavenly abode; where he must come to give a divine account of everything he has done on the planet he has just left; because in the divine abode of the Father Jehovah, one enters and leaves infinitely; This means that each person’s divine absence from the celestial world is only momentary; for a divine celestial second corresponds to a divine terrestrial century; This is infinitely relative according to the infinite purity achieved by the galactic foundation in their respective planetary times and spaces; When explaining my divine origin to my little children, I do so looking at a divine future that escapes the mental power of any god of divine wisdom; since, being the eternal Creator, I am before the divine principle of each one in particular; for my divine principle has always been an infinite expansion, preserving at the same time a multiple and infinite divine individuality; That is why I master myself: I am who I am.-

The tree is known by the fruit.- It means that all food costs to earn; both physical food and mental food; both need to be nurtured; In the divine case of mental food, he who seeks finds; because everything costs in life; For this divine reason you asked for divine incarnation, there in the distant suns; from where you have momentarily left; This is equivalent to my divine mandate: You must be born again to see the kingdom of God; Well, you must go through infinite bodies and worlds that escape even your own mental power; because in the celestial world one is born and lives eternity itself; Therefore, being born corresponds to living on a material planet, united to a divine body; to learn new lessons or new philosophies; because the universe itself constitutes an infinite school, where learning will never be divinely finished; This divine command also serves as a warning to divine human morality; Because many creatures attack each other, without studying, much less deepening, their neighbor’s ideas; This was what happened on the damned rock of human selfishness; I am referring, divine son, to the so-called Catholic Church that in the terrestrial past condemned and sent infinite martyrs to the bonfires, in my holy name; for the sole fact of making known its divine fruit, or divine knowledge; They will be judged before the world in the divine year of 2001; immortal date for terrestrial humanity; for in blessed India there will be the divine resurrection of all flesh; there will be called all those who were and all those who are divine seed of the first solar harvest, of the Alpha and Omega suns; there they will be called righteous and sinners to receive eternity according to their works; There will be the crying and gnashing of teeth of those who have stained their spirit with innocent blood; yes divine son; so it is and so it will be forever and ever; This divine term also means that only through infinite intellectuality do you reach my divine feet; because the divine destiny of all my children is and will be, to become great virtues in the Kingdom of Heaven.-

Divine Lamb of God.- It means the divine solar purity of each one; It is a divine living symbol, represented in a divine little silver lamb; chosen by divine will; by the divine and infinite free will of Father Jehovah; This divine little lamb is divinely incarnated in Jesus of Nazareth; It emerged in him in the microscopic form of a divine pimple on his lower lip; This is a divine revelation that will move the entire world; for all possess the divine germ of the lamb of God; for all, the divine inheritance is the same; because all my children have had the same divine solar principle; for the divine suns are divine thinking creatures; who also had a divine and microscopic spiritual principle; They were also little terrestrial monkeys, with a microscopic and divine electric current in their little bodies, in infinite worlds that are no longer there; Well, it is written that you have to be small and humble, to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; They also have their divine little lamb; for no one is disinherited; the divine little lamb is the only one who can save the world; because all the divine powers are divinely subordinated to him; for the divine lamb of God also possesses the highest magnetic vibration of the divine expansive thinking universe.-

Divine Expansive Thinking Universe.- It constitutes the Alpha and Omega of everything infinitely created; That is why it is written that every divine spirit expands by itself and for itself with its own divine space, time and light; In the expansive thinking universe, it is not possible to conceive the divine spirit, separated from its own space, its own time or its own light; This constitutes the divine parable that says: The expansions will separate and the divine cherubs will act and the divine solar germs will materialize; yes divine son; This was the divine beginning of planet Earth; It is like you, divine son, see it daily on your divine telepathic television; What you see are infinite divine geometric dots; which are nothing more than electric sparks coming from the divine suns Alpha and Omega; for they represent the infinite solar vibration of three hundred solar coronary vibrations; that correspond to the divine Triune galaxy; to which the planet Earth belongs; This means that every terrestrial molecule carries within itself a divine vibration, which makes all matter have divine molecular cohesion; This is divinely possible due to the infinite magnetic action that comes from the sun; This means at the same time that everything matures in physical nature; through a divine plan that carries within itself, the divine vibrant intelligence individualized in divine expansive magnetism; That is to say, the infinite forms of intelligence are expressed according to the divine number of vibrations in the unit of time; and these are divinely subordinated to their own divine light or divine evolution achieved; This is in the divine reciprocal sense or divine omega sense; That is to say, it starts from a microscopic infinity towards a macroscopic infinity; passing through infinite divisions of time and space; That is why it was written: My Father has many mansions; It means there are many inhabited worlds; which in divine celestial sciences are called: divine dimensions.-

The Father has many mansions.- It means that everywhere there are infinite planets; Well, many in divine Celestial Science, means infinite; It also means that in all parts of the infinite, there exists a divine justice that corresponds to one of the many infinite vibrations and evolutions of the only system of worlds that exists, but modified to an infinite degree: the divine expansive thinking universe.-

The humble will be the first. It means that the humble fulfill the divine desire of the divine free will of Father Jehovah; an infinite Father wishes the best for His children; that is to say, His desires are for the children to become parents; for which He indicates the divine path to follow according to their divine free wills; the divine Father does not force anyone; He orders divinely without much concern; for both in the past, present, and future, His infinite magnetic vibrations are present; that is to say, I, your divine Father Jehovah, build planets and suns, knowing their divine origin and destiny, before they come to universal life; that is why it is written that the divine Father knows the infinite names of all the divine lights, or divine stars; those that have been, are, and will be; It also means that all the humble are and will be the first to receive the divine resurrection of the flesh; or divine physical eternity; It also signifies a divine mandate of infinite virtues; for each divine spirit incarnated is an infinite and microscopic replica of the expansive thinking universe; for the expansive thinking universe is divinely composed of infinite materialized virtues; which are found only in a germinal state in each divine spirit, both incarnated and disincarnated; it also means that they will be the first children of the divine galactic seed; for it is written that there will be a new Earth, a new philosophy, a new symbol, a new universal patriarchal government, and a true and unique destiny; for all systems of government have not fulfilled my divine word. The humble come first; the men in power have done the opposite; they have exalted themselves. surrounding himself with the best luxuries and comforts that the damned science of good can provide; That is why I, your divine Father Jehovah, implemented the divine prohibition in the divine earthly paradise, when I said to the first human seed: You shall not eat of the tree of good; because all philosophy is transmitted from father to son on the monkey planets; I wanted to prevent them from falling into a planetary government that only offered them eternal slavery in the future; I am referring, my son, to the damned Pharaonic serpent that tempted the divine female seed; That was the damned cause that all the women of the future creation went through a humiliating and inferior human condition to men; Therefore the woman herself sought such a condition; because future creations had to accept the divine reality of having had a mother who disobeyed a divine command from the creator Father; and that is why the planet Earth had to be a planet subject to a divine morality; divinely inferior condition among the infinite scale of infinite evolving worlds; and the divine code of this infinite morality is represented by my divine and Holy Scripture; It was dictated following the divine course of the future of planet Earth; That is why it has given rise to infinite controversies throughout so-called human history; which is nothing more than a tiny expansive chapter in the eternity of time; because infinite psychologies have passed through it; moreover, none has made the divine clarity of my divine mandate; because they have all fallen into the damned sin of ambition; because temporal governments have never been made, taking into divine account my divine word; They have done it based on the comforts provided by the damned science of good; because this damned science of good, sustains in itself, the exploitation of man by man; nullifying it in the face of the path outlined by my divine mandate; That is to say, my divine word says: We must work to put the divine virtues into divine progress; Because without virtues taught in my infinite homes, which are the planets themselves, it is impossible for my little children to achieve the promised glory; The guilty will be punished, who have retarded their divine spiritual progress; Well, for a reason it was written: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.-

The last shall be first.- It means that divine truth prevails over cursed lies; that is to say, truth came first; then lies emerged; which are only temporary; with divine truth imposing itself once again; the cursed lie arose in the very earthly paradise; when the cursed pharaonic serpent deceived Eve; but divine truth was already in Eve, divinely embodied in the divine lamb of solar innocence of Eve; just as it was in Adam; Eve’s disobedience temporarily concealed divine truth: That one can only reach me through the divine path of humility; it means that the great ones of the Earth, who believe they will never have to give an account of their cursed pride, think they are the first in everything; yet they are the last in the Kingdom of Heaven; for it was written: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for worldly men (the mundane) inflate themselves on Earth, not advancing their own virtues; and they shrink in the Kingdom of Heaven; for it is written that with the measure you use, it will be measured to you; it means that these creatures have already received their reward; for they have exceeded themselves and for themselves, in cursed pleasures; to the detriment of their own virtues.-

The divine light is for everyone.- It means that all my divine children have the same divine starting point; for the divine matter and the divine spirit both have a divine free will; and they have the same destiny at the same time; This means that the divine laws of the Lord are all common and at the same time unifying; For it is written that a scattered flock is a dead flock; Because if temporary philosophies or parties are invented to govern the world, it is like having a guide for the blind; because everything costs in eternity; and you cannot advance blindly; This means that by virtue of divine free will, each little creature chooses according to his conscience; being able to do it with or without knowledge of the facts; since the divine causes are constructed by the individual himself; forging himself his own sky or his own darkness; That is why it is written: Three houses to the north, three houses to the south; three houses to the east, and three houses to the west; It means that the human infinite is constructed in the same way, in the Holy Trinity; in whatever direction the divine mind thinks; for House in divine celestial sciences means cause limited to its own abode; that is, to the respective terrestrial planetary evolution; who, driven by her own ideas, dreams of infinite eternity; That is why in the abodes of the Eternal Father each little creature chooses its divine partner according to its own spiritual magnetic light of divine mutual attraction; this is symbolized by the Holy Trinity in matter itself; for the infinite celestial bodies are also attracted in infinite love; Because the divine Father Jehovah is the divine author of eternal love, all his little children in the universe receive the divine loving inheritance, following infinite paths of divine perfection; but always to infinity divinely controlled by a single Eternal Father; That is why it is written that every flock has only one shepherd; This means at the same time that all the infinite gods of their own wisdoms are divinely subordinated to a single divine light; the divine light of infinite eternity; which are precisely the infinite thinking-creative vibration of your divine Father Jehovah.-

Who kills with the sword, dies with the sword.- It means that every philosophy based on damned force dies judged by the sword of divine justice; that is why the damned pharaoh gods did not survive; because they created the damned philosophy of force; which is not a tree planted by your divine Father Jehovah; for my divine philosophy is divine light of eternal love; This means that the current philosophy of force that supports planet Earth will disappear in three days; after the divine and shocking news of the divine incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth on Earth is given to the world; For cursed will be those who carry the damned weapons; that represent the damned strength inherited from the damned pharaoh gods in the terrestrial past; and with which my innocent children are killed; rivers of innocent blood being spilled, in the name of a damned patriotic pride; which is nothing more than an unprecedented deception by a damned group of incarnated demons; Well, these demons get rich by creating wars, so that their damned weapons can be sold; They stir up the divine spirits of my children; creating imaginary enemies for them, which only exist in demonic minds; of such is crying and gnashing of teeth; for it is written that he who does it pays; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; This means that in the face of demons of this category, the sword of divine justice works in its highest and infinite solar vibration; This means that no demon escapes his divine solar purification; That is why it was written: everyone will cry; but of all the cries, that of the devil will frighten; yes divine son; so it is and so it will be forever and ever; This also means that all those damned who have persecuted and are persecuting my little children; because they do not like the color of their skin, they will also be judged; and the world will see them with infinite mercy; for they will wander through the world; for they despised and persecuted the children of the future world; the divine world or promised land; whose divine foundation I have placed in my humble ones; that by divine free will of their divine spirits they achieved it; The proud had the same opportunity; because everyone, without exception, knew my divine word, in the so-called Holy Scriptures.-

In three days, I will rise among you. It means that you, divine son, did not abandon planet Earth when your divine fleshly body ceased to pulse in the divine terrestrial atmosphere; this divine revelation will spark much discussion among the scholars of my divine word; but, as it is written, those who seek will find, everything will be clarified; for the divine truth of all infinite resurrection lies in my own infinite creation; I refer, dear child, to the only infinite universe that your divine Father Jehovah has created: the divine expansive thinking universe; for from it I drew all the infinite laws; this means that divine resurrection is a divine natural law, but with an unknown explanation; what happened was that you became invisible; for death was for you a divine change of divine dimension; for from macro-body, you passed to micro-body; it is for this divine reason that your divine body disappeared from the tomb; you had a divine natural death, but fulfilling divine laws, characteristic of solar gods; you also experienced transportation and appearance; for it is written that you appeared to your humble apostles; who were also divine solar gods; for they asked for this before incarnating in those bodies; Moreover, before, you also prophesied your divine resurrection; when you said: Jerusalem, you who kill your prophets, in three days you will be rebuilt; this meant that in the material universe lies the divine law of eternity; for there are divine time, space, and divine mental force; or divine light; for every action of thought materializes into divine light; which surrounds the body and the body in turn immerses itself in it; for they are divinely inseparable; constituting itself as its own judge of divine responsible consciousness; it also means that all little creatures have the divine germ of divine resurrection; that is why it was written: the living and the dead will rise for the infinite glory of Father Jehovah; for the divine germ of resurrection is preexistent to everything; for it is the divine inheritance of the Eternal Father; each of my creatures having its respective and divine germ in infinite expansion.-

This is my body and this is my blood; eat it and drink it; because that is what my Father who is in Heaven wants. – It means that you, Firstborn Son, are the infinite creator of planet Earth; Because from your divine solar fluids, infinite germs came out, among them those of planet Earth; there in the distant galaxies; where everything is infinitely colossal, and the divine celestial time is lived; in which one celestial second is equivalent to one terrestrial century; terrestrial time being inversely correlative to terrestrial space; That is to say, as the terrestrial spirit evolves in itself, the closer it comes to eternal time; That is why it is written that you must be small and humble, to be great and eternal in the Kingdom of Heaven; because all time and all space never reach or surpass themselves; for they follow divine opposite paths, but in divine and parallel agreement; by virtue of their divine free wills; because infinite spiritual magnetism is infinite divine philosophical pact; because all the infinite virtues that are my divine children, cooperate in my divine plan of the divine and infinite expansive universe I think; That is why the divine apostles did not understand it immediately; The reason for this was that being in their divine terrestrial incarnations, they were limited in the divine science of knowledge; Only when the light was given to them, through the Holy Spirit, did they understand it; They understood that you, divine son, possessed the infinite solar vibration of the Alpha and Omega suns; That is to say that you were and are a divine Solar Firstborn of the third galactic category; This means that within my infinite creative vibration of worlds and planets, you occupy second place in the infinite creative magnetic vibration; since, therefore, being my divine Firstborn in the infinite whole, it is my divine addition that makes you equal to me; for it is written, that what is the Father’s, is also the son’s; That is to say that in the expansive thinking universe, everything is divine galactic inheritance; since it corresponds to the supreme law of eternity; It also means that only intellectual nourishment is the only one that carries within itself divine eternity; because the intellectuality was also microscopic and humble; for it is divine product of thinking matter; because no one in the infinite universe is less before the eternal Father.-

The Holy Trinity is infinite in infinite hierarchies of thinking planets. It means that she is where all divine minds place their attention; for she represents the infinite and divine plan of the infinite construction of the expansive thinking universe; this is possible because she is infinite solar vibration; for the suns are infinite wisdoms that help worlds mature; for it is written that no child is disinherited; that is to say, the divine suns are also little divine children of the Lord; for they too were small and humble in worlds that no longer exist; they were like the current earthly monkey; that is to say, they also went through the divine series of planets of carnal life; they too had a microscopic thinking electricity; just like that of human beings; that is why they give life to beings of lesser spiritual hierarchy; therefore, they are divine virtues materialized, fulfilling the divine mandate of “let there be light,” and light was made, causing infinite worlds and suns to germinate. Well, they are from divine times, from long before human life arose on one of the infinite terrestrial planets that exist and have existed; That is why in everything there is a divine firstborn; a divine solar germ that has been the first among infinite germs; for each divine spirit of the Earth began as a divine solar germ; along with the infinite thinking germs that corresponded to the divine solar dust; that they were nothing more than electrical sparks, but of gigantic sizes, seen from the terrestrial point of view; Because the suns also release solar ash or solar dust; That is why it is written that you are from dust and to dust you will return; This means that each terrestrial spirit returns to the Alpha Sun after leaving the physical body; for its divine thinking electricity never perishes; because there lies the divine mental vibration of the eternal Father Jehovah; This divine electricity is the Alpha and Omega of each one’s future destiny; according to the divine actions of each spirit; because all the infinite virtues of the thinking being are subordinated to the spirit itself; just like the magnetic lines that are subordinated to the very mass of the magnet that produces them; This means that each spirit is the owner and builder of its own infinite expansive thinking universe; for all the infinite virtues evolve in an expansive way; creating for themselves, their own philosophical light, their own space and their own time; That is why it is necessary to be born again, to see the kingdom of God; for each divine virtue asks to be perfected, in divine virtue of its own free will; Therefore one existence is not enough to understand everything; it is necessary to live again; or rather, incarnate or inhabit a new body; That is also why it was written: My Father has many mansions; Because each human body is also an infinite galaxy, where divine laws are fulfilled, which would astonish to an infinite degree, if the human spirit were given knowledge.-

Every tree that my divine Father has not planted will be uprooted. It means that any philosophy that is not in divine harmony with my divine words or with my Sacred Scriptures will perish by the sword of divine justice; for it is written that one must never abuse my little ones; for whoever offends them offends me, because by my own divine law, my divine vibration as the Creator Father is in everything; for I am the all over the all. It also means that the so-called materialism, a product of the cursed science of good, perishes; for it is a cursed pharaonic inheritance; whose philosophy also rested on the cursed force; which was cursed by your divine Father Jehovah, in the cursed pharaonic dimension; It also means that all the damned political parties will disappear; for only one of them exalts the divine justice of sublime work; I am referring, my child, to the so-called communism; which is the only one that fulfills the divine law of the Son of Man; which means son of labor; for those who have not been little workers of the Lord on this planet will be judged; for it is written that you will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; and my divine law, just like divine communism, is the same for all; for since the beginning of the world, whoever does wrong pays the price; yes, divine child; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; this means that being or having been a little worker earns one eternal divine glory; for the divine and unique morality only emanates from them; for divine work is the divine inheritance of the eternal Father; whoever despises work despises me; and whoever despises me despises and renounces their own eternity; yes, divine child; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; It also means that no religion remains; for all are products of the great harlot; who has exploited my divine laws; scandalizing my divine morality, which cannot be bought or sold; for it represents the very divine Innocence of the divine lamb; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages.-

A time; two times; three times; half-time.- It means a divine philosophical agreement between the Lord and his divine human seed; a time in divine paradise; two times out of it; three times, means the divine Trinity in three times; the divine time of the eternal Father, the divine time of the son and the divine time of the mother; It also means a new and divine revelation of the Holy Trinity; It means that women will rule the world; It also means that all infinite wisdom is infinitely inherited from Father Jehovah through the infinite solar virtues; because they were also little workers of the Lord; They were also humble and small, in worlds and galaxies that are no longer there; It also means that the divine Father Jehovah delegates or transmits his infinite divine inheritance among his most advanced children; That is why it was written: bright as a sun of wisdom; for divine wisdom becomes bright like a divine sun; It also means that three times correspond to three divine solar magnetic lines; for there were three times in which the Earth began; being a microscopic electrical spark; those times were and are: Past, present and future; because the Holy Trinity began with them; in addition to space and time according to the divine evolution of each thinking creature; It also means that the divine celestial time or solar time was tricepted by divine order of the Father Jehovah; for it is written that the Lord is everywhere; That is to say, it is where the human mind believes that nothing exists; for the Lord encompasses everything: What did not exist, what existed, what exists and what will exist; because the infinite times are born or made, from the same moment in which the divine loving suns produce the divine galactic seed or divine human seed; as is the case of planet Earth; that it was a divine solar germ; That is to say, the loving product of two suns in divine solar loving colloquium; These suns were the divine sun Alpha and the divine sun Omega; those that still continue to produce planetary germs with infinite times, spaces and materialized virtues.-

What the right does, the left does not know. – It means that any philosophy that is not based on the divine humility taught in my divine Sacred Scriptures is only temporary; and it will be uprooted; This corresponds to the damned governments of terrestrial materialism; because they rest in the damned system of force; that does not teach my divine word; It also means that they will be held accountable for exploiting my little children; for causing delays in their divine incarnations or divine evolutions; It is written that no one can attack the divine free will of any of my little children; Well, all those who have tried, none have remained; nor will any remain; only the meek and humble of heart will remain; That is why it is written that the humble will be first; yes divine son; so it is and so it will be forever and ever; It means that all so-called politicians will curse a thousand times for having been; for every damned act of abuse, in the flock of the Lord, will be deducted from their own physical eternity; back in 2001; unforgettable and immortal date for the human race; for in distant and blessed India, all will be called, to be resurrected and judged, according to their own actions; yes divine son; so it is and so it will be forever and ever.- Write:



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