Holy writings

Genesis 1:27-28 “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and he said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Colossians 1:17 “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; I will dictate to you a new topic of my living creation; the beginning of every planet is fire; all planets are born as little sparks from the suns; a planet is made up of the cooling and growth of the solar spark; this was announced in my writings; One must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven. The most microscopic thing that any mind can imagine is its own ideas; they are so microscopic that they become invisible; the spirit that creates them only feels them; the original spark of the planets was also a living idea; to give rise to a living world; the Earth was a solar idea; this idea came from the Alpha sun and was fertilized by the Omega sun; here is the origin of all sexes; All sex is a variation in thermal resistance; it is a sensation opposite to another sensation; it contains within itself its own attraction; it induces the creature to unite matter and spirit in a single thought; here lies the highest expression of all possession; Every spirit is fire; it expands at a microscopic temperature; the fleshly body emerged and continues to emerge in births, from the spirit itself; that is why it is said: materiality was born from spirituality; the idea was born from the spirit; fire was born; the spark was born; a planet was born; everything, absolutely everything is fire; it is transformed magnetism, a variety of infinite species; the laws of this arose in the very suns; which are living focal points of eternal magnetic transformation; all solar laws preserve primitive inheritances; coming from another sun; as above, so below; that is to say, every characteristic endures; that is why fleshly beings maintain temperature; The heat coming from the solar abode; all living heat possesses free will; and no human temperature is the same as another in its sentimental characteristics; To feel moral pain is to experience a free will that is hindered by its own warmth. The creatures are small magnets; microscopic suns; that influence each other regardless of the sensation, this is a detachment from the magnetic focus; Everything happens around the physical body; everything is recorded there; and its influence spreads through the pores; no one escapes this law; even the indifferent are influenced by it; Every spiritual calorie is a living number; whose units are the living virtues; The human spirit possesses the number 318; which we will explain in the celestial drawing; Every truth can be explained in many ways; The truth of one’s own origin is singular; however, the understandings of human minds are unequal, as the experiences of the past did not follow the same evolutionary path; some advanced more than others, a consequence of the free will of the spirit. Free will is represented by waves; the result of a calorie that chooses its own destiny.

This heavenly drawing explains, in one of the infinite ways that the divine Father can explain, the origin of the Earth; The principle of the Earth is a principle that can be explained in countless ways; being a living creation, the explanation resides in all minds, diversified according to each person’s spiritual evolution; and all are valid; what does not exist on Earth exists in other realms; and in such quantity as the mind can imagine; there is everything in my universal flock; therefore, no one should be ridiculed for their theories; whoever ridicules a brother, ridicules the divine Father; for the Lord being everywhere, is also in the mind of every person who is ridiculed; each theory is an act of intellectual faith; It was written that faith moves mountains; it moves ideas that will become future planets; In the drawing, we can see a square-shaped sun; this Alpha sun showcases one of the infinite geometric forms in which the living suns coexist. Just as the human creature stretches and shrinks, so do the suns. What is above is the same as what is below; the difference lies in the fact that the solar luminaries have undergone an evolution that humans must also traverse; the creatures of flesh are microscopic suns; they only feel a physical electricity; yet, they do not yet see their own brightness; they are on the first rungs of a living magnetism; which will never abandon them; for this is how the nascent eternity expresses itself; when the microscopic spark that would become Earth emerged from the sun Alpha, it had a square shape; this solar square was on the exterior of the sun; within it, infinite and divine solar cherubs regrouped; they are the magnetic intelligences that govern every molecule; this regrouping formed a right angle of 90°; and from its vertex, the microscopic spark of the future planet Earth emerged; the planetary spark did not come alone; along with it came and still come, countless other sparks; which would become and are other planets; The Alpha sun continues to produce little sparks of future worlds; and so it shall be forever and ever; the microscopic spark having emerged from Alpha sun, divine living philosophy of the male, was drawn to the Omega sun; living symbol of the feminine philosophy; this is a solar magnetic attraction; suns have genders; just as creatures in nature do; what is above is like what is below; The spark, the sun’s little spark, possesses living free will; the attraction that the Omega sun exerts on it is a living, loving attraction; it is a love that encompasses both matter and spirit. As the spark approaches, it becomes magnetized; this divine law is akin to how a terrestrial mother receives the fertilization of a child; the attraction is irresistible; it is a magnetic attraction that includes all the allure of what will become a future nature. The spark transforms into infinite colors, which contain within themselves all the future phenomena of a planet; the spark is in its divine state of innocence; it is in this state that the spark is Brilliant White; its innocent philosophy represents universal milk; thus, there existed in the spark seas of milk; the divine cause of all liquids; for everything, matter and spirit, had the milky solar origin; this milk was a gas that transformed into infinite colors; there were enormous relative pressures of calories; calories that escape human calculation; these calories were and are expansive in magnetism; they were creators of matter; the development of a calorie produces matter; calories have a limit; and when this calorie limit is exceeded, matter is produced. Matter is infinitely relative to its own primitive calorie; it is not the same on the planets; the living possess colorific category; it is a scale that has no end; for there exist primitive calories, just as there are worlds; every idea is a microscopic calorie of a future planet; life itself is an infinite succession of calories; calorie is the product of the ideas of fleshly creatures; and flesh is the product of calorie; and everything turns into calorie; it becomes living spirit; thought is also living calorie; for every idea is thinking and vibrating; by vibrating, it means that each feeling of the idea is a magnetism of living attraction; which seeks to create its own infinite individuality within the same infinite; intention precedes dimension; it precedes its own geometry; from the same idea, the geometry of a future planet is born; and all the philosophies of its creatures; each idea possesses an individual living number; each one is the creator of their own mathematics; the individuality of each one is an eternal numbering; from this numbering arise future existences; Each existence is a divine mathematical calculation. taken from the very works of the spirit, it was written that you will be judged according to your works; this means that each one, upon coming into life, became their own builder of their future existences; The most perfect existence belongs to that spirit who has guided their life by the supreme morality of the divine Commandments; second by second; throughout their life; this divine law will provoke millions and millions of beings to weep and gnash their teeth; the world will witness the most heart-wrenching scenes; especially among the so-called rich class; who have fed on a philosophy contrary to the divine Commandments; And the scholarly world knows that every philosophical tree not planted by the divine Father will be uprooted. Divine power is in all minds; the world was taught that the Creator is everywhere; therefore, every rich person, whose wealth is based on the exploitation of man by man, has sinned with knowledge of the truth. They themselves became their own grave diggers; for they do not enter into eternity; they do not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; they continue dragging themselves through the dusty planets; wherever their own ideas lead them; ideas that will become future planets and carry the same philosophy as those called rich; the divine Revelation explains a whole living universe; which has never ceased to exist at any moment; from the unknown, spirits have emerged; a universe that, carrying it within itself, has never been explained to it; only a part has been felt by the spirit; The forgetting of the past is the supreme command; so that human beings may fully experience their own philosophies; It was written that every spirit is tested; every test brings with it a moment of silence in the universe; this moment of silence corresponds to all the centuries that have passed on Earth; the celestial time is as real and alive as earthly time; one second of celestial time in the Kingdom of Heaven corresponds to a terrestrial century; All the times of each planet are relative and subordinate to celestial time; this means that all time returns to the Father; that being everywhere, He lives in celestial time; Celestial time is a living virtue; it was, in ancient times, a material time; just as the Earth is now; All times progress as spirits do; progress is universal; all physical laws adhere to it; for no law is lesser than another in the justice of the Father; here lies the infinite perfection of His love; everyone is given equal opportunities; It is not like the philosophy of the so-called rich; who, forgetting my divine Commandments, become wealthy and want to maintain that wealth by force; the so-called armed forces, cursed philosophical tree, is the support of these demons; they believe they will never be held accountable; the Creator of the planet, the Maker of all life, will hold them accountable; they will curse a thousand times for having been born; none of these demons of the philosophy of force will be able to carry the divine Lamb of God; the Silver Symbol that will spread throughout the world; to be able to carry the divine Lamb in the material world, one must have a clean conscience; one must live in accordance with the morality of the divine Commandments; thus, millions of beings will say amidst weeping and gnashing of teeth; and we have lived, in the corrupt morality of the science of Good; the science that created money; unknown philosophical tree in the Kingdom of Heaven; and that the divine Father Jehovah did not plant on Earth; The creators of money did not take into account the divine Commandments at all; seeing that with this hateful system they were dividing the world; in rich and poor; These demons and their followers will pay until the last sweat of the exploited; and they will return even the last gram of gold that does not belong to them; My divine law does not command you to become rich by exploiting your brothers; For there is no rich person in this world who has not deceived his fellow men; such will pass away; but my words will not pass away; Every galaxy composed of infinite worlds and suns is the product of a numerical idea; This idea is not absolute in his philosophy; nor is it hermetic in its eternity; The supreme virtue among the living virtues is humility; It is she who opens the doors of all heavens; and no virtue, whatever its philosophy, can enter the Kingdom; if you have not cultivated humility; This divine law of creation is known by the messengers or prophets who have come to the world to fulfill their missions; That is why everyone asks for humble incarnations; starting with Jesus; He asked in the Kingdom of Heaven to be the son of a carpenter; He asked the Father to be born in a humble environment; because the Firstborn Son knew that the more difficulties are overcome in life, the greater glory the spirit accumulates in the Kingdom of Heaven; the greater is the heavenly score of its addition; The apostles, being very high solar hierarchies, also knew this; That is why they asked to be fishermen; knowing in the Kingdom of Heaven, that his divine missions would serve as an example to the terrestrial world; everyone great in the Kingdom of Heaven, asks for a life of humility on the microscopic planets; on the planets that are beginning to live; They are just understanding what existence is; In the Kingdom of Heaven, there is a divine bustle of infinite creatures that leave and arrive; at every moment of eternity; creatures that possess infinite forms; also infinite evolutions; It is so infinite to see this that the importance of each person and what they bring from their own living planet disappears; those who believed themselves unique in their worlds look microscopic as they penetrate the Kingdom; where everything is gigantic; colossal; so colossal that a planet like Earth goes unnoticed; but the divine powers expand it trillions and trillions of times; hence the name dust planet; From dust you are and to dust you will return; It means: you are microscopic and you return to the microscopic; or, you are from the Earth and you return to the Earth; It means that all development of all flesh returns to the same point from which the development began; This point is so microscopic that it constitutes the invisible dimension; The invisible is the dimension that marks the limit of the penetrating power of the human eye; The invisible is a living world that runs parallel to the material universe; every spirit has gone out of him and returns to him; a life, like the life of the flesh, is an expansion of the spirit;

It is an alliance with living matter; matter exists; spirit also exists; however, the spirit lives a material life; whose point of initiation arose from its own ideas; which the spirit created in the invisible world; one thinks where one is; what is above is like what is below; the union between spirit and matter is the idea; there resides all eternity; the idea, which is a product of human thought, contains all the evolution achieved; this evolution is the 318th of a thinking whole; and it is relative for all eternity; Before the human spirit was born, there was nothing; only its Solar Parents existed; the greater ideas; and microscopic before the divine Father Jehovah; The antiquity of the human race is recent; in comparison to the expansive thinking universe; The antiquity of the Earth may seem astonishing within human proportions; but it pales in comparison to other worlds; for them, flesh creatures are primitive, regardless of their evolution. The creations of flesh are the first manifestations of a type of life; when saying that flesh is weak, it means that carnal life passes; the spirit is born anew and moves on to new forms of life; the divine Power of the Creator is not limited to a single planet; it is the entire universe that exists within it; it was taught to the human creature that the eternal Father is infinite; that He is everywhere; and yet, millions of children doubt; but I tell you that no doubter enters the Kingdom of Heaven; the world was taught to cultivate faith; the divine living virtue that moves mountains; the Firstborn Son demonstrated this in many ways; this divine parable shows that all faith is a living feeling; that acts upon a living universe; that exalts a living God; It demonstrates that matter and spirit are sensitive to the power of faith. If the Solar Son Christ had not had faith in his divine Father, his entire mission would have been a failure; and his name would be unknown in human knowledge; Divine faith and human faith are one and the same; what is above is equal to what is below; they had the same origin; one comes first and the other follows. Everything is relative in space and time; time and space are also relative. and relativity itself is also relative; It is an alternate, infinite, expandable period and constitutes a living hierarchy; The living is also relative; in other words, infinity is relative; only from the Father comes eternity. to reach the eternity of the Father is the development of all planetary perfection; One is reborn by irresistible attraction in the sexual and spiritual realms; in the sexual to attain a relative glory and to expand one’s own feelings; in the spiritual to reach the eternity of the Father; the divine intuition feels the attraction of the unknown; detached from the eternity of the Father; it is like a living seal; no one lives without the seal of their Creator; their divine seal is the living fire; intuited by humankind; but never fully explained. The divine moment to explain it has arrived; everything comes when it is meant to come; there is no living time that does not fulfill itself; many of these times are heralded by celestial messengers; the world calls them prophets; and all, without exception, are either fathers or solar hierarchies. just as there are parents on Earth, there are also parents in the infinite; What is above is the same as what is below; there is only one God; however, everyone has a microscopic and evolutionary inheritance from the Father; the divine Father delegates his inheritance to his children; therefore, if a universe exists, there is also a universe of fathers. the divine procreation is universal; all worlds are filled with them; There is everything in my universal flock; all the dwellings; all the planets have the same procreative laws as Earth does; and all are relative to their evolutions; galactic life is unknown to Earth; The Earth is just emerging from the dust; a product of the little spark that came from the Alpha sun; Only the human intellect will come to know through telepathic writing what occurs in points of the universe where no human instrument can reach, and where it will never reach. Finally, a veil is lifted regarding the infinite; the infinite is so colossal that the science of the instrument is not enough; This is synonymous with evolutionary inferiority; supreme power consists of instant creation; the materialized creation that comes from the firstborn children; who, being greater in matter and spirit, support the divine Father in the laws of the expansive thinking universe; Every father trusts the more experienced son. what is above is like what is below; The difference lies in progress; concerning time and space; the difference between the Firstborn Son and humankind is staggering; the human mind cannot calculate it; one must be reborn infinite times to understand it; Every solar hierarchy, like Christ, has lived a great deal; it has known worlds to a degree that the mind can imagine. and not only worlds of flesh; like Earth; a system of life almost unknown in the universe; but also worlds of infinite essences; where death is unknown; where eternities rival each other; worlds of all imaginable categories; worlds of the macro as well as the microcosm; and worlds that human knowledge will never comprehend; this is talking about infinite space; We have not mentioned the kingdoms that are within the Kingdom of Heaven; whose sizes of their beings would cause dread and a terrifying sense of inferiority. Moreover, the love that reigns there causes every demon to destroy itself. Evil in any of its evolutionary forms is unknown; demons are the violators of my divine Commandments; in all their evolutionary forms; all worlds without exception possess divine Commandments; all are my children; what is above is the same for the Father as what is below; All the geometries of the planets have come from the Father; who, elevated to the first of causes, is always before every cause; the cause is thought in its state of incessant evolution; All the kings and rulers, as they are called in the world known as Earth, are first in divine justice; whoever elevates themselves on Earth, whatever their cause, is the first to account for their actions; second by second throughout their life; from the very moment their mind cast the first stone; The stones represent the spiritual hardships of the creature; they represent its imperfect ideas; which take the liberty of influencing the free will of my children; Free will is like a delicate living crystal; one that even the Creator has never touched. Free will is the spirit of every idea; it is what is forbidden for those who cast the first stones. there was an ancient race on Earth, whose mission was to bring the light of wisdom to the world; Moreover, the ideas that were created in the free will of my children made their own free wills become their own executioners; I mean, my son, the damned pharaohs; the first demons that invaded the Earth; the creators of the philosophy of temptation in the cursed serpent; who tempted the human trunk, Adam and Eve; yes, my son, that’s right; the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve was instructed by these damned offspring; who came from other galaxies; These demons originated from the planet Luxer; which means Let there be light; Luxer is a gigantic planet; it belongs to the galaxy called Desire; however, there are infinite Luxer planets; with infinite philosophies; for my creation knows no bounds; so it is written; and so I demonstrate it to the monkey-man; when he observes the infinite; a planet, no matter how gigantic, is still just a microscopic dot; regardless of its size; this means that all dimensions are relative; and that what is above and what is below, is reduced to the microscopic; no matter how much is known, one is always tiny in comparison to the Father; this was taught in the divine parable that says: one must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; the cursed gods of pharaonic wisdom went too far in this glorification; ambition took hold of them; they wanted to dominate the universe; they came from ancient times enslaving worlds; whose creatures were just emerging from planetary dust; the divine Father Jehovah took them out of the Earth; the very fate of these first enslavers was the same; otherwise, they would have dominated the Earth; the Earth would be a world of slaves; for inheritance is passed down; these cursed ones; creators of materialism on Earth; for they taught the first Earthlings to covet gold; setting a bad example of using it with luxury and lust, they knew to some extent that they would fall before the divine Father Jehovah; And since their vanities have never had a rival, they wanted to perpetuate their cursed passage through the Earth; and they had their cursed pyramids built. more, as time goes by none will remain; they will return to dust; It was written that the Earth will pass; but my words, from which universes are born, will not pass; this means that every philosophical tree not planted by the divine Father Jehovah will be uprooted; the cursed pyramids are one of those trees; every building is constructed according to its philosophy; yet, the divine Father Jehovah tells you: there is no living and eternal philosophy other than the philosophy that springs from my divine Commandments; whoever strays from them is not of eternity; and perishes; just as the cursed pharaonic philosophy perished; this divine law of justice is for everyone; and for all times; without exception; and it is the same justice that punished the cursed pharaohs, which will punish the modern Pharisees; it is the same divine justice of the Lamb of God; for the divine Lamb of God overcame the cursed pharaonic lion; the cursed serpent; and every false god; the erroneous philosophies of the Earth are the false gods; among them is materialism, which exploits my children for a handful more of gold; the rock of human selfishness; the great harlot that trades with my divine word; the one that blesses the cursed weapons with which my children are killed; Knowing this damned rock that the divine Commandment says not to kill; this rock of human thought is the so-called Catholic Church; of which not a stone will be left upon another of its philosophy; which is a false morality; that has never, throughout the centuries, listened to critics of the most sincere intention; it believed itself unique in the truth; it sent many messengers to the pyres in the past of the Earth; and in these so-called modern times, it persecutes every inspired writer of the truth; who hides the Revelations from the world; creator of spiritual distrust; deceiver; you will curse having created such a rock of falsehood! Why does the rock come to an agreement with wealthy countries? “Do you not know that no rich person enters the Kingdom of Heaven?” He knows it; and therefore he is guilty with full knowledge; I certainly tell you, my child, that none of these false prophets will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they will weep and gnash their teeth; for not teaching simplicity and humility; for building luxurious cathedrals; as if the Creator liked luxury; my divine Commandments teach the greatest simplicity and humility; and they represent the free will of the Creator of all things; They erect popes and surround themselves with thrones; the only great ones in earthly spirituality are the humble; those despised by temporal powers; If the humble and simple are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven, what fate awaits those who elevate themselves too much? like the so-called popes, who are neither humble nor simple; They distort the great truths; but every error will pass; yet my words will not pass; every church has been tested; just like the whole flock, which is also tested; Moreover, the rock of human selfishness will be judged, like a commercial sect; for we must distinguish philosophies in their own essences; according to intention; according to truthfulness; and above all according to my divine Commandments; The left should be wary of what the right does; the left represents the people of exploited children; and the right represents the rich and their immoralities; for from ambition, no redemptive morality will arise; and it means that every needy person; every exploited individual, should not sell their conscience to the one who has more gold; because from every needy person, from every exploited individual, is the Kingdom of Heaven; it all comes down to not allowing oneself to be tempted by the demons of the science of Good; whose god is money; and its philosophy is exploitation; the same damned pharaonic philosophy; which awaits the same end; sooner or later, the false trees of all imperfect evolution fall.


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