Holy writings

Matthew 6:24  “No one can serve two masters; for he or she will hate the one and love the other, or esteem the one and despise the other. “You cannot serve God and riches.”
Mark 8:36  “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”
Luke 12:15 – “And he said to them, Take heed and beware of all covetousness; because the life of man does not consist in the abundance of the goods that he possesses.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


That’s right, my son; just as you thought since you were a child; The system of life that they called capitalism was not requested from the Creator; because when spirits make their requests, such requests are selfless; that is to say, human requests were influenced by the Kingdom of Heaven; because nothing selfish exists in the Kingdom from which one has departed; it is similar to the environment in which one lives; the influence of the place affects ideas and decisions; The system of life based on the possession of things is not of God; and even less so in worlds of trials where everyone is just passing through; because it is a world that perpetuates for centuries and generations a strange complex that leads nowhere; Creatures are prisoners of something from which, upon dying, they take not a single molecule; it is one of the strangest sensations. the material possession of things hinders the spirit in relation to enlightenment; its progress towards the planets of illustration is slow; because mental interest is divided between possessing and learning; the commitment to knowledge is not complete; and only through knowledge can one reach God; Humanity chose a way of life that neglected the perfection of its own sensations and virtues; the intimate was set aside to make way for a strange, cold, and calculating psychology; this psychology, the mother of selfishness, is the great beast that has entered human spirits; this beast, against which mental resistance must be opposed, is measured in units of influence; this measure will be provided by the Son of God; it is a measure that takes into account all the circumstances of the being during the trial of life; because each one is judged according to their deeds; and the first to be called to judgment will be the so-called authorities, those who were in charge of others. To all the individuals who were in authority, it would have been better for them to have demanded laws from the citizens that took God into account; because those who did not do so will simply be considered traitors to what they themselves promised in the Kingdom of Heaven. This means that everything that was asked for and promised to God before coming into human life must be fulfilled in the divine judgment of God. This is what the divine law-mandate meant, which stated: You shall worship your God and Lord above all things; above all positions of authority held during the trial of life. This divine mandate encompasses everything about oneself; because the Creator gave everything; and to everything, He demands divine justice; because He transforms everything by giving it a destiny. Humanity, when asking God for the test of life, did not request harmful influences that would distort them in His divine eyes over time; no one asks God for their own downfall; because, being infinitely loving, such a request makes no sense. the downfall of so many beings in the strange system of life called capitalism came from men; it did not come from God; therefore, the creators of capitalism pay for their work of corruption; they should have known how to choose the system of life; the test of life consisted of not making mistakes; the term Test meant an opportunity with divine judgment; opportunities are asked of God, just as ways of life are asked of Him; And it is easier for those who considered human life a test to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for those who did not; for it was written that every spirit is tested in life. The creators of the strange and unknown capitalism did not give due importance to the test of life; the strange obsession with gold made them blind. and they became excited about a strange and fleeting empire; a product of the strange obsession with gold; an obsession within their individualities, which even they could not define; it was the beast that incarnated in them; it was the strange influence that, in the divine judgment of God, would transform into a beast; because all the sensations of the spirit would materialize in the living laws of God; even the ideas generated in the trial of life would materialize; The unjust, when it materializes, becomes a monstrosity; the just becomes paradise. the beast originates from the galaxies of darkness; in whose worlds its creatures have not yet managed to overcome the stage of the complex of possession; To achieve such detachment, it is that the spirits who wish to advance ask God for an opportunity; they ask for a test of life; because to aspire to the divine rewards of God, one must plan for perfection within oneself; and take responsibility for that perfection. What comes out of oneself is the greatest merit before God; he who makes no effort gains nothing. It is easier for one who has known the struggle in the trials of life to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who has not known it. All the effort of so-called capitalism is divided effort; because its creators did not conceive the unification of the planet; the test of life was to unify it; the strange complex brought from distant galaxies prevented them; they fell back into division among their peers; the fact that the world has been divided into nations, beliefs, and submission to unequal laws; Many said during the trial of life that it was impossible to unify humanity; those who said so themselves made the impossible happen by not entering the Kingdom of Heaven; they did not represent the most evolved of the human race; and they should have realized this before casting the first stone of pessimism; because these beings will curse having had a mouth; they had asked for a mouth to unify planets and win them over for the light; because they already knew of Satan’s division in the Kingdom of Heaven; the trial of life consisted of not falling into pessimism; because one came to life to measure their own capabilities; one came to expand them; no one came to stop or to play the role of a retrograde. the strange division born from the beast distorted human nature; it made it worldly for the sake of convenience; The human ideas generated second by second did not gain heavens; nor did they gain existences of light; the only thing they gained was division; Second by second, the humanity of the beast gained what was not of the Kingdom of Heaven; it gained darkness that distances the creature from the Kingdom of God; the fall or distancing from the Kingdom of God occurred second by second; and with each passing second, a life of light was lost; because what is of God knows no bounds; the strange influence that gold exerted on human beings was a peculiar magnetism that became inscribed in the human aura; the discount that those influenced will experience will be measured in seconds; for every second of strange influence from gold lived, it equates to losing a life of light; this means that humanity should never have accepted the strange way of life called capitalism; it should never have accepted a way of life based on unequal laws; it should never have accepted a form of perpetual injustice; because not a single molecule of the injustices produced by inequality remains without its justice; the world fell asleep to injustice and did not fight against it; the test of life was to struggle against injustice in any of its manifestations, including the very system of life; the Son of God set the first example in the world; He was the first to tell the rich Romans and the rich Jews that none of them, none would enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and such a divine warning did not please them. and it is for this reason that they intrigued against him and killed him; What the rich and Roman emperors did, the wealthy of all eras continued to do during the reign of the beast; this led to a multitude of martyrs; they will be the first to be resurrected in the divine judgment of God; and their murderers as well; because the divine judgment is individual, with all parties present; the same rich people of the Roman era were the same rich people of all times; because spirits are reborn to experience new life; Asking for new stock from God represents the opportunity to amend what was done wrong in previous existences. The guilty of the present were the guilty of the past; all the rich of the beast will see their pasts on the solar television of the Son of God; this is why it was written: Every eye will see; they will witness their past existences and behold the glory and majesty of the Son of God; they will see how He commands the elements of the planet and those that are beyond the planet; The test of life consisted of creating a fair system of living and not causing anyone to suffer; but for the tragedy of humanity, those who set out to create the well-known system of life did not begin by studying themselves.-

they did not know themselves; they projected a way of life at the very moment when most of their virtues were asleep; they were the initiators of a strange, unbalanced way of life; here lies the initial tragedy that was passed down from father to son and from generation to generation; the unbalanced was received as an inheritance and was legitimized; and almost everyone promised to defend it with their own life; And to make sure, the so-called rich created the so-called armed forces; the sense of love they had was based on possessiveness. and they could not overcome this strange complex, because they never studied themselves; they were never interested in what was inside them; they did not know themselves; they forgot the advice of the divine Father Jehovah; This divine advice was that no rich person would enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because God’s divine warnings are also divine counsel; what is of God is not like what is human, and yet it is. In the test of life, almost everyone was distorted by the beast; almost everyone fell asleep in their own comforts; no one rejected the strange influence of gold over feelings; no one linked gold with the divine warnings of God; this was the strange slumber in the science of good; the science that left everyone satisfied with a little money; yet, it did not enrich them spiritually, to be able to unify the planet; this strange illusion of feeling secure with a little money was never understood or comprehended by the beast; because the individuals of the beast never understood themselves; and every complex they did not comprehend, they resolved with suicide; the solution of cowardly spirits; Certainly, the peoples of the trial of life allowed themselves to be commanded by beings who were worth infinitely less than they were. This is evidenced by the fact that they never managed to unify humanity, having thousands of years at their disposal for that achievement; if they had been of greater value than the peoples themselves, they would have achieved the unification of planet Earth; The towns did not take the trouble to study those who governed them; they let the seconds of the centuries pass by; the distortion of their individualities became the normal law; and they tried to perfect a distorted cause; this strange perfection emerging from men could never overcome the emotional imbalance of their individualities; they never achieved philosophical unification; such was the human tragedy in the trial of life; strange tragedy that in the divine gospel of God, was written as the weeping and gnashing of teeth; The sleep of humanity in the test of life was not realizing that the very system of life, second by second, constituted the tragedy of not being able to return to the Kingdom of Heaven; because every passing second had the equivalence of a life of light; and constituted the unit to be able to re-enter the Kingdom; the world of trial from the very first moment or first second, when it accepted the call of capitalism, began its own fall in the destinies of light; because second by second, it moved away from its place of origin; humanity, by accepting the call of capitalism, did so in comfort and not in perfection; it began with imbalance; the first creators of so-called capitalism did not become impatient nor did they relate the emerging capitalism to the content of God’s divine gospel; no one was interested in the things of God; the strange capitalist laws were not compared with God’s divine parables; this constitutes the strangest and most demonic comfort in the entire history of the Earth; because due to this strange comfort, humanity will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this strange comfort left them without the inheritance of heaven; because it had already happened in other existences, in other worlds; because having begun as a microbe, the human being lived many other existences; And slowly and progressively, what was a microbe began to rise from the ground; it grew larger; and when it reached human size, it fell again; it forgot about God once more, by choosing a way of life on Earth. the continuous falls of the spirit in its own life experiences cause it to perpetuate its microscopic geometry; It makes the debt for violating the law of God occur again, in microbial geometry; that is to say, just as it was the original size when the law of God was violated, so will be the geometric size that their fleshly body will have when paying the debt; this is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, continuing to crawl in the dust of the planets; this law is fulfilled again in the human creature; because once again, they fell into the test of life; they once again demonstrated that they remain a rock of mental hardness in their own evolution; advancing the son of God, to this strange mental hardness, he said: On this rock I will build my church; he meant: On these hard-to-understand individuals, I will test them in a form of faith that they themselves will choose; because the son of God always respected the free will of the creature; thus, his divine doctrine did not harm human free will in any way; on the contrary, it indicated what was most beneficial for them to draw closer to God; What happened was a complete tragedy; because the beast brought to the world a strange libertinism in which there was never agreement regarding the only living god; this strange disagreement fulfilled an expansive law; that is to say, it was passed down from generation to generation, from father to son; mental dispersion became legal; the distortion of each individual occurred through a strange slumber; this is why it was written: Every spirit sleeps; the strange work of the beast left the world of trial without unity; the beast discovered that by maintaining division among human beings, it achieved immense gains; with a unified world, I gained nothing; his strange motto was: divide and you shall reign; the beast was the very demon; because long before the beast arose, it had already been written eons ago that only Satan divides; the world of testing in its strange sleep of centuries did not compare this divine parable with the reign of the so-called capitalism; Human beings did not apply the content of God’s divine scriptures to their own way of life. If they had applied it, the history of the Earth would be different.

Because all human rights are contained in the teachings of God’s divine parables; they have been for centuries; and for this reason, the Son of God will judge the rights that men granted themselves in the trial of life, through human laws. And it is easier for one who defended their rights, in the divine judgment of God, to have rights in the test of life; than for one who did not defend them. And those who pursued rights would have been better off not asking for proof of human life; because a lesson will be made of them, in weeping and gnashing of teeth, that they themselves will curse human life itself; the punishment of those who pursued the rights requested in the Kingdom of Heaven will be called the judgment of the horsemen of the Apocalypse; because such individuals belonged to the so-called armed forces that emerged during the strange reign of the beast; They will be called the horsemen of the Apocalypse, because they themselves had created their own apocalypses; they themselves shrank back; and there will be not a molecule of mercy for them; because they did not have it. the drama of the horsemen of the Apocalypse will drag millions of beings to their own condemnations; they will be those who applauded the horsemen of the Apocalypse; they will be the ones who cheered those who had succumbed to the use of force; the sleepwalkers of life did not know whom they were applauding; and when they finally realize, it is when they are told that they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the test of life was to discover evil; it was not about applauding it or praising it; If planet Earth had not encountered those who were tempted by the use of force, many generations of human beings would have managed to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because every second spent in the strange practice of so-called militarism would have been a life of light, of which the spirit would be the master; Those who, in the test of life, applauded the individuals belonging to the so-called armed forces were, in fact, applauding their own share of the prize; because one cannot serve two masters; one cannot live, applauding something that was never written in the divine gospel of God. Because the so-called militarism is not a tree planted by God; God’s trees are trees with laws of love; they are not trees burdened with violence or oppression; those who applauded the individuals of force applauded a strange and unjust system of life; because those who applauded and proclaimed belonged to a strange and unknown system of life that none of humanity had asked of God; to such, the Firstborn Son will call strangers, and He will not recognize them as children of the light; it is easier for the Son of God to recognize as children of the light those who defended the light during the trial of life; the strangers will bear an infinite weight for not having shed the strange indifference with which they lived; for such indifference will be considered a contempt for God; and such contempt is paid for in seconds; each second of strange indifference is equivalent to losing a life of light; this will provoke immense weeping and gnashing of teeth among millions of indifferent and proud; when in a planet of trials, like Earth, an unjust system of life arises, its creatures who live it are saturated in their auras with a magnetism of darkness; each one will see this magnetism in the solar television of the Son of God; this is why it was written: Every eye will see; all will see what was inside them. And to spare the human being from unpleasant things, it was said and written: Know thyself; because it was the very creature, in the test of life, that became saturated in its own aura by doing this or that in life; And everything that was done in what is called capitalism, absolutely everything, was distorted; therefore, the values of the so-called Westerners are distorted values; the only hope that remained was to abandon the capitalist way of life; this is why it was written: Master, what should I do to save myself? Leave your things and what you cherish most, and follow me; this amounts to saying: If your way of life is corrupted, abandon it; The term: Follow me, meant that where there were sound laws, there was the divine morality of Christ; each person had the moral obligation in the trial of life to seek a healthy environment so as not to divide what is good; In the so-called Western world, there was the worst of humanity; because they were under the influence of gold; and where there is the influence of ambition, moral decay arises instantly. The world itself is a witness to the sad fall of the beast; millions of beings observe the decline of those who improperly called themselves the kings of creation; experience itself proves the opposite; they were kings of their own moral decay; and this is why it was foretold to weep and gnash teeth; because morality is the foundation of all divine determination of God. the fall of those influenced by gold was inevitable; for centuries in advance, such a fall was foretold; and here we are facing the strangest thing; the strange phenomenon of forgetfulness, on the part of the generations that came to the test of life; entire generations, even having read the divine gospel of God, applauded capitalism, which had been condemned by God; this strange phenomenon could not be explained by the psychologists of Earth; for even they fell into the strange forgetfulness; and within that forgetfulness, there was a strange distortion that ensnared the human creature, and it legalized the so-called capitalism, praising it as free; This attitude towards something that was decreed by God causes the great figures of capitalism to be embarrassed and ridiculed by the Son of God and by the masses; the emotional state of the free will complain against the creators of the capitalist beast; because what is called capitalism does not belong to the Kingdom of Heaven; it is foreign to the Kingdom; and what is free belongs to the Kingdom of God; The creators of the capitalist beast were never free; because they were all prisoners of their own passions, driven by the desire to possess more than others; the one who desires nothing, in order not to harm another, is truly free; because he is not a prisoner of his own complexes; The drama of the capitalist beast consisted of having tasted something illegal before God, only to have what it tasted taken away, leaving it with a mere discount; for it is written that Jehovah gives and takes away; to the so-called rich, He removes the dominance they exercised over other creatures; and those who once flattered them now despise them; that is to say, Jehovah gives and takes away feelings in His creatures, so that the requests made by the creatures themselves in the Kingdom of Heaven may be fulfilled; this law was announced in the sacred scripture itself: And Jehovah God put anger in Pharaoh; and He did it to test him and to fulfill the story, born from human free will itself; God’s divine intervention is silent; it has always been this way; because the very human creature asked for it from God; humanity was unaware of God’s invisible intervention on Earth; and it asked for it as a test; This divine Revelation will make millions of beings cry, because in one way or another, they renounced God, because they did not see Him; These beings are indifferent to themselves; they are the freeloaders of life; and they even dare to say that they believe in God without ever studying Him; poor them! because they will not have another opportunity to mock God; because any strange indifference and any mental emptiness towards God will be considered a mockery towards Him; for it had been taught that He was the divine Creator of all things; this divine announcement was more than enough for no one to forget God; because it is easier for those who never forgot God for a single second of their lives to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the drama of those who forgot God encompasses millions of people; whose mindsets were limited by individuals who were complexed by what they did not understand; The so-called religious were fearful of true spirituality; they feared what was superior to their own thinking; they feared the common law, the only law that selflessly unifies the planets; the insecure religious chose the easy path, they chose the beast and they chose poorly; because with the beast they fall; the strange alliance between capitalism and religion has its tragic end in weeping and gnashing of teeth; the so-called religious never excommunicated the arms manufacturers; they never touched them; it is for this reason that the son of God will call them accomplices of the beast; they deceived a world that, out of comfort, allowed themselves to be influenced by a false guide;

The so-called Christian world has been reluctant to seek the truth on its own; it has been, is, and will be a world without its own merit. they were simple imitators of intuitive faith; they were not of enlightened faith; If they had been of enlightened faith, the Christian world would not have fallen into the error of worshiping images; This strange world of faith never questioned whether what they did was pleasing to God or not; They were adventurers of their own faith; because faith without enlightenment is a waste of time; And the divine warning of this was in the content of the divine parable that said: he who seeks finds; and every search contains an explanation that before God becomes an illustration; Moreover, the search for those who were enchanted by the world was a strange quest that contained a peculiar limit; a limit that no one had asked of God. and it was each person’s own sleep that created their own limit while living in an infinite nature; the very projection of things was diminished by excessive attachment to worldly matters; the strange concept of eternity was reduced within the limits of a planet of dust; those who did so will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again, because they themselves did not recognize what was limitless during the trial of life; such individuals shrank according to the degree of indifference with which they regarded the value of life; most of this world will become dwarf, microscopic creatures, dust in other existences, in other worlds; The physical size to be achieved in the future depends on each person’s own mental work; and it is more likely for one to have the opportunity to become a giant, one who has grown in the interpretation of the universe, than for one who has diminished that interpretation. The writing stated that everything would be judged according to the work; what the world of the test did not notice in this divine mandate was that the divine judgment was molecular; the molecular corresponded to the humble word of the divine gospel of God; for what could be more humble in size than a molecule? The deduction of this was also written in the divine gospel of God; the humble and the small were equally divine mandates concerning matter and spirit; because, being infinitely just, God and His divine laws are egalitarian. because no one is lesser in front of God; neither matter nor spirit; those who did not think this way in the faith they cultivated during life’s trials fell short; they diminished the divine power of God; they distorted what should not have been distorted; those who fell by placing limits on God do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; humanity should never have looked down on anyone; not even on matter; because nothing was impossible for God; humanity was warned that God could do all things; that from matter He brought forth life and from spirit, He created matter; the human drama in the face of God’s divine power was contained in this; the conception that each person had of God should never have had limits; because such limits go against the one who allowed such a strange and unknown limit to influence them; In the divine judgment of God, millions of beings will weep because of this limit; and they will curse the so-called religious leaders of the world; for they had received their influence; these strange guides of faith never spoke to them about the infinite cosmos that God had created; they never connected the infinite with faith; and they did not do so because they were not intellectually capable. And those who dared to do so, they would chase him, not allowing him to express his ideas; if they didn’t chase him, they isolated him; Such a strange abuse against the free will of others is paid for in seconds, molecules, and ideas, in the divine judgment of God; All abuse is paid for in the presence of the Son of God; for it is easier for those who never abused during the trial of life to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for those who took the strange liberty of doing so. The religious sect or religious rock was the architect of the downfall of generations of millions of beings; these generations sinned by being complacent. Well, they relied on others, when it should have been a search that came from within themselves; the human drama rested on a small group of ignorant individuals who had interpreted the divine gospel of God according to their material conveniences; these strange interpreters of eternity had nothing special; they were as unbalanced as any worldly creature could be; they were even influenced by gold; for they cast the first stone, trading in the divine Sacraments; And for centuries the world did not awaken! he only awoke with the arrival of the divine Revelation of Father Jehovah; Blessed are those who awoke long before the arrival of the Lamb of God! because they will see the light again; because their efforts to save the soul occurred during the time of life’s trial; it happened during the time of testing, asking God; The greatest merit occurs during life; those who repent at the last minute have less merit before God. Those who woke up late caused greater harm to the world; because their sleep lasted longer; Every human creature, upon receiving the influence of the beast, became its accomplice; only the revolutionaries who fought against it are not accomplices of the beast. And the first revolutionary who fought against the capitalist beast was the very son of God; it was the Roman and Jewish bourgeoisie who conspired for the son of God to die; the fact that no rich person from the emerging ancient capitalism would enter the Kingdom of Heaven was the final blow for them; They did not forgive even the Son of God; they forgive even less the simple mortals who try to teach the world a justice better and superior to that of the beast; the reason why individuals belonging to the beast kill is the strange complex of possession of things. The so-called capitalists hoard a lot and do not reflect on why they hoard; they do not give importance to philosophy in order to understand life; and lacking a philosophical foundation for their strange hoardings, they easily resort to the use of force; because at the moment of hoarding, they did not consider the needs of the creatures of the planet; they became individualists in the collective struggle to earn a living. The drama of the rich strangers consisted of those who imitated them, reincarnating within their individualities the demonic psychologies of greed and exploitation. The principle of the rich strangers was a principle completely devoid of love; for they placed greater importance on profit based on calculation and cunning; and in their hereditary refinements, they never renounced it; they were rocks of mental hardness until the end; they did not wish to practice self-knowledge to correct the errors of the spirit; they did not pay attention to the divine counsel of God; the divine Father Jehovah had known it for eternity; that is why He announced the drama to the rich many centuries ago; before they were born into life; the tremendous slumber of so many generations regarding the beast constitutes the greatest drama in the history of planet Earth; a drama that was foretold in the divine gospel of God, as weeping and gnashing of teeth; This strange sleep of following and imitating a violator of the divine law of God will remain a mystery even for those affected. a mystery of the shadows; because the reason for sleep is a fall that is difficult to explain the cause; The sleep from which no one escaped, except for the children, shows that human beings come from the galaxies of darkness; Their presences in the Kingdom of Heaven were a moment for them to be reincarnated, to experience a way of life they did not know; it was the great opportunity to be tested by God. the test of life consisted of not falling into an unjust way of living; and even less, into a way of living that had been condemned by God many centuries ago; the divine sentence is expansive without limits and also reaches the followers of capitalism; it reaches all its generations because the divine commandments, advice, and warnings of God have no limits; It is an eternal succession of worlds, which has neither beginning nor end; the greatest painful surprise is received by the capitalist beast; because three quarters of the divine judgment of God falls upon the beast; it falls upon the most powerful of a strange and unknown system of life; It is said to be strange, because the Son of God will not recognize the so-called capitalism that emerged during the trial of life; because centuries before, His divine Father Jehovah had sentenced it; the centuries between Father and Son represent only a moment in their respective trinities; the Trinity Father communicates through living telepathy with the Trinity Son; And by virtue of the divine free will of the Trinity Father, the divine Father Jehovah remains unseen; He continues to test the world of trial; and from the invisible, He imparts His divine Revelation to His eldest son, for nothing is impossible for God; the invisibility of God caused those who had eyes to fall and did not see; They never remotely thought, these fallen ones, that the Eternal, without materializing, leaves seeds of doctrines on infinite planets of trials; They didn’t think about it because they were influenced by strange beliefs that included odd limits on the divine power of God. None of those who had eyes and did not see will enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; it is easier for those who were blind and did not hear that the divine Revelation was already on the planet of trials, Earth, to enter the Kingdom of God.-



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