Holy writings

Matthew 5:33-37 “Moreover you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not perjure, but you shall fulfill your oaths to the Lord.’
But I say to you: Do not swear at all, not even by heaven, for it is the throne of God;
nor by the earth, because it is his footstool; nor for Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King.
You will not even swear by your head, because you cannot make a single hair white or black.
But let it be your speech: Yes, yes; no no; for anything more than this comes from evil.”
Leviticus 19:12 “You shall not swear falsely by my name and thus profane the name of your God. I am Jehovah.”
Santiago 5:12 “But above all, my brothers, do not swear, neither by heaven, nor by earth, nor by any other oath; but let your yes be yes, and your no be no, so that you do not fall into condemnation.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; those who used false testimonies and those who swore will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The oath is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; because distrust is unknown there. In your world, oaths are taken because there is no trust among its creatures; the oath came from the usurers; their psychology is material possession; In human justice, the desire to win plays a role. spirituality comes first; It is a justice that justifies an injustice; the injustice of the very system of life; it is a farce; because the one who has gold is respectable; the one who does not have it is condemned. I truly tell you that all those who escaped earthly justice due to the influence of money will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It’s easier for someone who didn’t pay for their release to get in than for someone who did. And I truly tell you, that none of your judges will enter the Kingdom; It is easier for someone who has never been a judge in their life to enter than for someone who has been one. because my humble ones did not need a judge; those who needed judges were the demons of the world; the exploiters, the ambitious, the usurers, the merchants, the traffickers, the mobsters, the thieves, the corruptors, the drug dealers, the politicians, the presidents, the kings, the bankers; and the whole range of scoundrels produced by your system of life based on gold; and not my humble ones; And I truly tell you, that those who used false testimonies are cursed; the world will know them all; I know, little son, that you think of your flock Chile; I know that you see from afar the false testimonies of all the judged in the world; That’s how divine Father Jehovah is; and I see that those who have the most money are the most false and hypocritical. That’s right, my son; All rich people have no feelings; gold desensitizes them; and if they ever do have feelings, they mold them to their interests; every rich person, as they become richer, becomes more selfish. Thus is the divine Father Jehovah; In my homeland, by your divine will, there is revolution; and as you know, those called the rich renounce even their own laws; laws that they themselves created; and they slander the government of the people, claiming that freedom does not exist; That’s right, my son; this is collective slander. And I truly tell you that every slanderer of the people will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and these same false defenders of the people will be accused in my Kingdom of having played with the faith of an entire people. These demons, not content with having divided you into rich and poor, exploit you; and it is my humble ones who pay them; I truly tell you, executioners of the people, that you will be left without pay and without work; because your Creator curses you for inventing philosophies and parties that do not come from my humble ones; from my children of labor; only communism is from the Father; because all are equal before God; and you demons were blind; knowing this law that has been written for centuries and centuries, you did not realize that in the Creator himself lies the philosophy for which millions and millions of my children fight; because for you cursed politicians of the right, only libertinism and exploitation exist. more, your honey is finished; Now, children of the devil, return what has never belonged to you; all mansions, all luxury, all possessions will be taken from you; for my Commandments do not command anyone to become rich; you are the obstacles to progress; and the scum of spirituality.-

Yes, my son; I truly tell you that no hypnotist will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they have violated the law of the Father; hypnotism is a science like many others; however, the command of the Father was, is, and will be work. I know that there are great and selfless researchers; however, none will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for a worker to enter than for a researcher; because the worker is in the same mandate as the Father; the researcher is close to him; without belittling their effort and contribution to the progress of science itself; the quality and the caliber of ideas fight to please the Father above all else; And I truly tell you that simplicity and humility are the foremost. Human intentions are judged in the Kingdom of Heaven based on the concept they had regarding the Father at the moment of their creation. In your selfish world, manual labor is despised or undervalued; And truly I tell you, that all those who generated ideas for manual work are first; theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who has worn his hands to the bone working to enter the Kingdom than for one who has used the most modern advancements; it is not that your Father despises progress; quite the opposite; I am infinitely glad that your intelligence is progressing; however, the justice of the Father is thus; it rewards the despised; it aligns with the divine parable that was given to you many centuries ago: the humble are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, this does not prevent each one from receiving in justice what they ought to receive; the justice of the Creator encompasses what you cannot grasp; when judging your spirits, it does so from the most microscopic level that your mind can imagine; and your imagination stops at the limits of your matter; it does not penetrate the invisible; And the invisible in you are the ideas and virtues; you use them daily and do not see them; here is your physical principle of the Kingdom of Heaven; a living principle without a defined form; your flesh body is a magnetic development, which has the quality and the essence of flesh; this process begins from the invisible to the visible; When one is in a mother’s womb, neither the mother sees what is to come; she only feels; The birth of a creature is the result of two embodied spirits and the participation of the Kingdom of Heaven; Every reincarnation is the entry of a spirit into a magnetism unknown to it; this magnetism is produced in sexual relations. And I truly tell you, that all those who have sexually scandalized will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they are cursed; and woe to those who speak to these cursed ones! because the same law will fall upon them; and truly I tell you, that every artist who appeared naked or almost naked is under this law; and those who scandalously displayed their bodies in pools and beaches are under the same law; and truly I tell you, that all repentance is taken into account in the justice of the Father; because repentance is also a living virtue of the Kingdom; the Father loves them all equally; And truly I tell you, it is easier for a repentant person to enter the Kingdom than for one who did not repent; the law of justice of your Creator penetrates everything; seconds or less than seconds lived, molecules or less than molecules, pores or less than pores, cells, hairs, ideas, thoughts, etc. etc.; both in matter and in spirit; Nothing escapes in a final judgment; weren’t you taught that your living god is everywhere? you are going to feel it now; All over the world, the spiritual revolution will erupt; a revolution of which you have not the slightest idea; And I truly tell you, it will be called the revolution of the final judgment; the revolution of revolutions; because even your revolutions will be judged; this revolution will be the last that this world will see; and in this revolution, all the demons who trampled the commands of the Father will fall; All suffering inflicted on every creature in this world will be judged; And I truly tell you, that every hidden thought is the same; the revolution will come from the humble; because they are the first; it will not come from the demons who divided this world; this revolution will bring down anyone who allows themselves to be influenced by ambition; the foundation of your way of life; the fall of so-called capitalism will bring the greatest happiness to this world; these demons never knew true happiness; because gold is tiresome; And I truly tell you, that all those who have devoted themselves to being supporters of this hypocritical way of life will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and they must add up all the seconds of the time spent living with such a system; This law is stronger and harsher for those who lived in abundance, within the very system of life itself; because I truly tell you, that all those who lived in abundance, while others had not even enough to eat, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who has experienced hunger to enter the Kingdom than for one who has never known it. it is living immorality to be indifferent to those who suffer; And all the so-called world of the rich will not enter my Kingdom; for it is easier for a poor person to enter the Kingdom than for a rich one. this is because the rich man broke the law of the Father; He forgot the parable that says: do not do to others what you would not like done to you. the wealthy became overly gluttonous; it created an imbalance in equality; it denied the rights of others; Because of the rich, there were poor people; and not because of the poor, there were rich people.

The injustice of this world is, therefore, due to the rich; and truly I tell you, that every rich person is viewed in the Kingdom as a person with complexes; a slave to gold; and it evokes in my angels the deepest pity; and truly I tell you, that no one burdened by vice will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; those called rich will be called thieves by this world; because in becoming rich, they stole the rights of others; being rich will be the greatest immorality; and it has always been so; And I truly tell you, that whoever has stolen the rights of others, so shall they be robbed as well; in other existences and in other worlds; I truly tell you that the only demon in this world is gold and its followers; for the evils of this world stem from it. And there is no evil that is not related to gold; to your way of life; and I truly tell you that all the ways of life in all worlds have their qualification in the Kingdom; their seal; yours is a way of life of thieves, hypocrites, and murderers; do you not kill to possess gold? Do they not deceive each other for a handful of gold? I truly tell you that this unjust and immoral system of life is like a nightmare for my humble beings of your world; if I gave the creatures of the world the opportunity to switch worlds, I assure you, damned rich, that you would be left alone; because you are the yeast of hypocrisy; because you cover everything with the varnish of a false legality; which has been accentuated over the centuries; all forgetting their own spiritual past, has undergone changes in its philosophy; It has not changed in the slightest, the law of the Father; those who change are the children; because they asked for life with free will; behold the principle of what is right and what is wrong; the starting point of all your ideas; with which you governed and guided this world; Moreover, by forgetting the Father’s moral teachings, your free will led you to immorality; You no longer respect even yourselves; you have surpassed your own spiritual scale; that is to say, you have compelled the very Trinity to intervene. And I truly tell you, how poor you are, you immoral ones of the world!! for you will be judged with greater severity; for you cursed immoral ones, this world will know weeping and gnashing of teeth; you cursed ones have unleashed justice before its time; the divine Father has heard the laments and complaints of millions of children; children who fear being corrupted by your cursed presence; you will be pursued, immoral ones of the world; and the world will tear you out, cursed ones, as one tears away from the plague; if cowardly and complacent governments did not combat you as it was their duty, the doctrine of the Lamb of God will fight against you; and truly I say to you, cursed immoral ones, that none of you will remain in this world; truly I say to you, that none of those who had the responsibility to uphold the morality of the race will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who did not have this responsibility to enter than for one who did; A grave accusation weighs on the responsible spirits; seeing the demon, they did nothing. And I truly tell you, educators of the world, that a third of every immoral person you have encountered in life falls upon you; The immoral come in many categories; however, I refer to those who displayed themselves to the world; to the cursed ones who violated their own sex; to those who asked to be men and dressed as women; to the effeminate, the long-haired, the drug addicts, and the mobsters; Damn immoral ones! Either one is a man or one is a woman; You will be accused in the Kingdom of confusing the sexes in this world; for none of you, cursed ones, will know the light; you were unworthy of it; you asked for a chance, cursed ones, and you fell again. And I truly tell you, that every woman who confused her sex by dressing as a man will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Dressing like the opposite sex is immorality in living; no one governs solely in matters of morality; you have trampled my morals written in my scriptures; and truly I tell you, that immoral men and women in their dress must tally all the seconds elapsed; from the very moment they began to trample their sex; and truly I tell you, immoral ones of the world, that for every second of violation, you must fulfill an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; an existence in other worlds; you yourselves immoral, perpetuate your distance from the Kingdom; It was written that each one creates their own heaven; you have made darkness for yourselves. And I truly tell you, corruptors of children; corruptors of my innocence, that when none of you remain, this world will transform into a paradise; And I truly tell you, parents of the Earth, that justice will also fall upon you;about a father and mother who did not know how to raise or nurture their children; For every immoral child who dressed as a woman, you are entitled to a third of the seconds lived by the rapist; The same law applies to every daughter who wore clothing of the opposite sex; both father and mother must contribute together one-third of the total score of darkness experienced by their children;

because they are children of your flesh; you should have intervened with energy; upon seeing how your children mocked the Father’s morality; more, you were also blind and deluded; by the corrupt way of life; that was forcibly offered to you by the demons of gold; truly I tell you, that no father or mother who lacked the moral strength to teach their children will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for a father and mother who cared, than for a father and mother who did not care; because you asked to taste the creator’s flesh, and to respect and fulfill its laws; not according to the world; but according to the morality of the Father; written for centuries and centuries in his scriptures; You parents of the Earth, just like everyone else, promised to educate your children according to the law of God; not according to the law of men; the so-called religions are of men; and not of God; exploitation is of men; and not of God; men have deceived you; and not God; by following what belongs to men, you as parents are immoral before God; and so are your children; truly I tell you, whoever preferred the ways of men over God will not enter the Kingdom of God; whoever did not fight with all their strength against the demon that took the form of man will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; whoever allowed themselves to be deceived by philosophies that did not take the Father into account will not enter the Kingdom of the Father; because you forgot your own promises made in the Kingdom: to fulfill the will of my God and Lord above all things; yet, you parents of the Earth, did the opposite; the contrary; you adhere strictly to the law of men; and forget the Father; because it is easier for you to remember a future soccer match than to remember my scriptures; hypocrites! “And you call yourselves Christians!” Most I tell you, no hypocrite in this world will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is easier for one who was not a Christian to enter than for one who was. It is easier for someone who has never known any religion to enter than for someone who has known it. Because I truly tell you, ignorant ones of the so-called Christian world, that if you had studied and delved into my writings, you would have realized that the so-called religions are not of the Kingdom of Heaven; for they are philosophies that divide faith in the world into many beliefs; there is only one God, after all; you would have understood that your spirit is divided; and that only Satan divides himself in this way; I truly tell you, that no philosophy that divides my flock is known in the Kingdom of Heaven; neither capitalism nor religion; the former divides you materially; it makes some rich and others poor; the latter divides you spiritually; and I truly tell you, that no divided spirit will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; one enters the Kingdom as one left; one left unified with the Father; and must return unified in the Father; A microscopic disagreement regarding what pertains to the Father is enough to prevent entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; Fathers and mothers of this world, not only have you violated the law of the Father; but you have also violated your own worldly laws; because men make their laws, and many of you do not respect them; Moreover, every law, whether divine or earthly, is judged in the Kingdom of Heaven; what is not judged in your world is judged in the Kingdom of the Father; and since everything that exists is judged, both what is of God and what is of men; The Father has free will, the children have free will; And I truly tell you that all free will has, at the same time, its free will; that is to say, spirit and free will, being one and the same thing, feel differently. As human creatures, you do not realize; because spirit and free will maintain the unification that you requested in the Kingdom; only a microscopic part of them manifests as ideas; After the death of your fleshly body, the spirit continues to think; its passage through life was fleeting; so fleeting that it does not give it importance; except for the backward spirits; those who easily cling to the material; to the riches; which in your world you call wealthy; here lies the cause of your tragedy in the trial of life; the less evolved but cunning ones gave you a way of life that is completely devoid of spirituality; the reign of cunning is the reign of the pharaonic serpent; the same one that used its damned cunning against the happiness of Adam and Eve; those who gave you your way of life did so by force; are not these demons the ones who maintain the so-called armed forces? I truly tell you that all those who wore uniforms of the so-called armed forces, none will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for he who kills with the sword dies by the sword; he who perfects himself to kill is also killed in distant worlds. Any intention that is not aligned with the teachings of the Father turns against its own creator. if it doesn’t happen in this life, it happens in others; I truly tell you that this demonic philosophy is against my Commandment; He says: you shall not kill; and these demons in uniforms mock my divine command; More, none will remain in this world; for every philosophical tree that was not planted by Father Jehovah will be uprooted. And I truly tell you, that this beast along with the religious and capitalist beasts, have been your worst yoke, for centuries and centuries; these three beasts perpetuated distrust in the world; they perpetuated the illegality of your way of life; give thanks to them, for through them you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they dazzled you with their damned uniforms and their false concepts of patriotism; because they were indifferent to the pain of my humble ones; they shielded themselves in life, under an impartiality that leads nowhere; I truly tell you, that it is easier for one who did not wear a uniform to enter the Kingdom than for one who did; and I truly tell you, that among two who wore a uniform, the one of lesser rank is first in entering the Kingdom; yet none enter; This comparison teaches you that in every violation, there exists both quality and caliber; Humility is also tested with philosophies that are not of spirituality. Everything related to spirituality is contained in my writings; and all writings in the world that lead to good are from the Father. And any writing or doctrine that divides my children is not from the Father; it is from Satan; because only Satan divides and divides himself; the so-called armed forces divide nations out of pride in races; I truly tell you, that no proud person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who was humble and simple to enter the Kingdom than for one who was proud. And I truly tell you that those who belonged to the so-called armed forces will be accused in my Kingdom of disguising the pride of race, calling it patriotism. – Patriotism is not the tree of the Father; it does not defend what belongs to the Father; it defends the demon of gold; for it is the commercial patriotism of cursed capitalism.-



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