Holy writings

1. Deuteronomy 8:3 “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
2. Matthew 6:25 “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

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Yes son; the malnutrition of one’s own body of flesh, arising in the trial of life, no one asked the Father for; When one asks the divine Father Jehovah to know new lives, no one asks for the opposite of his own perfection; because all thinking spirits knew in the Kingdom of Heaven that imperfection distances one from God; In the test of human life, those who created the strange and unknown system of life, derived from the strange laws of gold, included malnutrition; This was due to the strange complex of possessing more than others; By taking away part of the livelihood of millions of children, they caused malnutrition to arise; What these demons usurped, they will return molecule by molecule; of all the centuries, that his strange reign lasted, which included hunger and misery for others; None of those who took part in such strange debauchery will ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; nor will any escape the divine universal judgment; the names of such demons will be published in all the languages ​​of the Earth; Certainly the one who caused the most damage in the test of life, his name will appear in all the newspapers in the world; many of the hungry of the generation will commit suicide; believing that with this, they are freed from shame and punishment; deep error; If they commit suicide a thousand times, they are resurrected a thousand times by the Firstborn Son; as what is above is equal to what is below, in distant worlds, where other spirits, who asked to know other forms of life, and who also violated their laws, also believe that through suicide, they escape the judgment of God; the hungry who have already departed this world will be resurrected from the dead; This which is impossible for men is not impossible for the Creator of all life; those who, in the trial of life, said in their conversations and comments that such a resurrection was impossible, will see it with their own eyes; fear and dread will take hold of them; the terrible fear of having denied the power, to which he can do everything; These creatures who wanted to know nothing about the afterlife, in the trial of life, will be ridiculed and ashamed; none of them will be resurrected to eternal flesh; No one will ever be a boy or girl again on this planet; The requirement to deserve such a prize was simply to believe; There has never been something so simple, with a tremendous reward; something had to be detached, from one’s own self; It was necessary to take a humble attitude, in the face of what was unknown in the trial of life; but that the divine Father Jehovah had announced it, in his divine gospel; the hungerers and the deniers will be shown to the world, on solar television; also known as the Book of Life, in the Kingdom of Heaven; There you will see the same people who grew great at the expense of the hunger of others;

Even the last molecule that they illegally appropriated will be taken away from them; starting with the so-called kings, millionaires, magnates, merchants of all stripes; including faith merchants; to those who taught the strange material worship, in the trial of life; the hungry will have to beg in the streets of the world; Thus they will pay in part for what they did to others; With the rod with which they measured others, they will be measured; This is justice, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; molecule by molecule; Every sensation that others suffered because of them, they will experience in their own flesh; here is the crying and gnashing of teeth of millions of hungry people of all times; behold, those who were the most powerful in their respective era, and who had everything, will envy the dead; This is how those who, using their free will, asked the Creator to be humble above all things pay it; Human life has as much right as the spirit has; the life that was requested as a test, complains to the Father, in his laws of life; just as the spirit complains in its laws of spirit; those who asked for divine judgment on Earth, asked for it by fire; The most hardened of the strange system of life, coming out of the strange laws of gold, will be burned; because they asked the Father that the strange influence of darkness be cut off from their roots; because you cannot have two roots; you cannot serve two masters; You cannot belong to the light if you are serving the darkness; because the spirit that proceeds in this way is divided between half light and half darkness; and its hierarchy, when divided, decreases in power; and everything divided or diminished does not re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; lives are asked to gain greater power of light; The more knowledge gained, the higher the knowledge one has of God; Each world of the universe represents one of the infinite faces of God; because nothing in God knows any limit; and those who, having understood God, in the respective planetary dwelling, prepare to understand Him in another; and then in another; and so on forever and ever; If it was taught that God is infinite, it was meant that he is in everything imaginable; He stops at nothing; Whoever did not take the trouble to think about what the infinite power of God would be like, in the test of life, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because in every test there are duties to fulfill; and the first of all duties is to understand one’s own Creator; understanding is living before God; and understanding speaks before the Father, in his laws of understanding; and if a spirit had no understanding towards the Creator, understanding accuses it of having shamed it, in its own philosophy of understanding; every virtue proceeds like this; The human being feels expressed before his God, by infinite voices; that come from the same sensations, that the spirit left or was influenced by them, during the trial of life; everything that was felt in human life, absolutely everything, is expressed before the divine Father Jehovah; pores, cells, veins, molecules, hair, excrements, sighs, breaths, ideas, intentions, projects, fornications, evils that the world never knew; in the divine presence of the Father, the everything above the everything, becomes scenes in colors; It is the Book of Life; It is solar television; The magnetism that each one radiated in the test of life is impregnated in the magnetism of the elements of nature; Everything that was done in the test of life, floats in the atmosphere, in the same dimensions, in which mental ideas float and travel; these microscopic dimensions, no one sees them; they only let themselves be felt; What is felt and not seen is also magnetism; psychologies are also; the whole above the whole, contracts and expands, like a magnetic wave contracts and expands; the suns represent the major waves; and the dust-planets, the minor waves; every major wave was also minor; everything gigantic was a microbe; and every microbe is gigantic; because their respective magnetic waves will never stop expanding; The force with which microbes expand and multiply is the same with which universes expand and multiply; what is above is equal to what is below; the gigantic is united to the small, by invisible solar cords; the everything above the everything, is interested in everything that happens, even in the most microscopic points of the Expansive Thinking Universe; because every violation of the laws of nature is paid equally; There is the claim of this or that world, against this or that planet, galaxy, cosmos, universes; On this planet-dust Earth, its creatures took the strange debauchery of poisoning the elements of nature; all the scientists of this world will be accused in the divine final judgment, by the son of God; This world will see the complaints and accusations of the other worlds, on solar television, or the Universal Book of Life; no scientist who participated in criminal atomic experiments will ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; nor will any return to the worlds of light; because they attacked the laws of a world of light; The accusers of these scientists are the molecules of the universe; Their number can never be calculated by human power; atomic scientists are within the law of the curse; and any person involved in the manufacture of atomic weapons; Theirs is the weeping and gnashing of teeth; Just as they did not renounce such strange practices of death, so towards them, there will be no pity in other existences in other worlds; With the same rod with which they acted in the test of life, with the same rod we will act towards them; no human spirit that participated in the construction of conventional and atomic weapons in the test of life, none will receive the resurrection of their flesh; none will receive eternity in this world; no one will be a child again with eternal flesh; These unhappy creatures will comply with the mortal law, typical of the world of testing; The greatest fear will take hold of them, when they see with their own eyes, how other old people, whom they know, become children again; children with non-perishable meat; because rot will not be present in them; This is how those who took the strange debauchery of attacking the living laws of God will pay for it in the test of life; The so-called scientists who fell in their respective tests of life will have to pay for the tremendous genocide, molecule by molecule, germ by germ, bacteria by bacteria, microbe by microbe; Their number is so immense that the Earth and the stars that surround it will end, and these demons of the death of others will still be paying for their crimes, in distant darkness; For each of the little ones of nature, it is their responsibility to live, an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; Even the most microscopic evil that the mind can imagine is paid; Just like the most microscopic good, the spirit is rewarded by going to a better world; He goes where he deserves; everything comes from itself; Every well-being that was enjoyed in violation of the law is returned molecule by molecule, moment by moment; If it does not occur in the existence in which one lives, it occurs in other existences; because every spirit is born again; and upon being born again in other worlds, every spirit asks to pay part of its debt; and there is no one who has not had a debt to Father Jehovah; The debt being paid, it is by the grace of the divine Father, as such a debt never existed; When the divine Father said to the world: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, the content of this divine command contained an experience without equal; an experience as old as God himself; an experience that was older than every world that ever was, is and will be; because one is in every moment of eternity, for what was the own sweat of each one; You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, it contained for this world of trial, the future abuses of all centuries; You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, it included honesty in earning it; those who created the strange and unknown system of life, arising from the strange laws of gold, excluded honesty; They were not equal in the distribution; here is the fall of the creators and sustainers of so-called capitalism; Because of them, this world knew misery and hunger; If capitalists had not existed, the world would have known neither misery nor hunger; This world would not even need judgment; because the morality on the planet would be different; Because of the so-called capitalists, the morality of this world is a strange morality; an immoral morality; a morality that is divided by the immoral; the strange system of life legalized the strange morality in almost all beings in this world; such a strange influence on the spirit, which asked to be tested, in a form of life, means that no human spirit, influenced, can re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The work of the capitalists constitutes the greatest tragedy of the human spirit; All the generations that had the misfortune of encountering this strange tree, none of them have entered the Father’s Kingdom again; nor will any enter; those who did not know capitalism in the test of life do re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they did not know the division neither in the spiritual nor in the material; they knew common law; It is easier for those who lived the common law in the trial of life to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; so that those who lived through it can enter, influenced by a strange and unknown debauchery; because no one asked the Father for debauchery; From the very moment in which the divine gospel was asked of the Father, debauchery was excluded from the test of life; no one asked the Father to serve more than two masters; debauchery is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; nor anything that contradicts even the most microscopic; Here is the strange morality that those who allowed themselves to be influenced by gold had; They distorted the true morality, which they themselves asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; The fall of every rich person is the fall of everyone infected by gold; many, being deprived of it, will miss the strange influence and commit suicide; the strange illusion of the power of gold weakened all its virtues, nullifying true morality; to the morality that would have resisted, to the strange inclination to commit suicide; Furthermore, if those guilty of human tragedy commit suicide a thousand times, they are resurrected a thousand times again by the Firstborn Son; With the so-called rich of this strange world, the era of crying and gnashing of teeth begins on Earth; the rich will remain in the greatest poverty; They will even have to beg for food in the streets of the world; Every last molecule of what never belonged to you will be taken from you; For many efforts and sacrifices that the so-called rich used to achieve, possessing more than others, it will still be taken away from them; What counts at the end of the line is what was promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; What was believed in the test of life does not count; It does not count the strange illusions that every spirit encountered on the path of trial; Let him blame the libertine men, who influenced him with their strange and immoral system of life; who exalted the demon of gold more than the living God; Truly I tell you, that all the systems of life that could have created, human free will, the self-interested system of life, is the worst of all; He is the meanest of all; He turns everyone into demons of ambition; the yoke of feeling that what one possesses should not have rest; certainly such a strange feeling in the spirit makes the creature forget his own God; every rich man has no God; That is why they will receive nothing from God, in the divine Final Judgment; It was elementary to have believed in his God, in the test of life; He who did not believe in his God receives nothing even though he is the greatest benefactor of humanity; without faith nothing is achieved; because faith is also living before God; and it is expressed in its laws of faith, before the divine Father Jehovah; Faith accuses every spirit that, in the trial of life, did not take it into account; and it is easier for the virtue called faith to have all the right of the infinite before the Father; for the human spirit to have it; Usually, the smallest and most microscopic, wins in divine judgments; It was written: Every little one is great in power, in the Kingdom of Heaven; because everything small was already great and powerful, in worlds that, due to their antiquity, are no longer in space; The little one was human, in times so ancient that one must be born again, as many times as there are grains of sand contained in the deserts of the planet; to get closer to the place where such worlds existed; every virtue that every thinking spirit feels is infinitely higher than the spirit itself; every spirit made divine alliances with its own feeling; alliances are made by common agreement; when the spirits of the universe decide to discover new forms of life; everything imaginable is lived in lives; fantasy becomes reality; because nothing is impossible with God; Were you not taught that your God is infinite? there was no need to lock oneself in doubts regarding the infinite power of God; If the reasoning for unknown causes was not on Earth, it was outside Earth; If a law was not understood in the present that was lived, it will be understood in another present; Were you not taught that your spirit is born again?

asks again for a new way of life; so it will be forever and ever; The number of existences for the spirit has no limit, because it is the son of a God, who has no limit; eternal being is inherited; and having all eternity as their inheritance, there should never have been any doubt about future existences; because what was received from God was doubted; and whoever doubted himself in the trial of life will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; The tests are the tests; and every test has judgment; has a judge; the test of life concludes with the divine final judgment; This divine judgment should be in the midst of unprecedented joy; If not, it is because this humanity violated the law of God, in the development of the test of life; and the virtues of human thinking explode when they recognize their own Creator in the bright face of the son of God; spiritual guilt is confused with all feelings; the all above the all, individualizes the end of living proof; Until the last moment of Revelation itself, you will be tested; second by second; just as it has been done since the beginning of the world; begins with this generation, the era of crying and gnashing of teeth; the era that had been announced to you for many centuries ago; and that very few in this world gave importance; because they were influenced by the strange religious faith; a form of faith, which is not written in the Kingdom of Heaven; nor is it in the divine gospel of the Father Jehovah; because nothing that divides the children of the Father exists in the Kingdom; The division, both in the material and in the spiritual, is from Satan; satan divided the angels of the Father, in ancient times; The so-called religious people divided men in the trial of life; They imitated satan; and everyone who imitates satan, in the distant worlds, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; living imitation, complains to the Father, in his laws of imitation; and it is enough to complain to the divine Creator, any of the virtues and sensations that accompanied the spirit in the trial of life, and the spirit causing the complaint does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who did not divide and was not divided to enter the Kingdom of Heaven in the test of life; for one who fell before such a strange influence to enter; The biblical warning that says: Only Satan divides and divides himself, was not considered in the test of life; This little consideration, to a divine warning through the centuries, makes it difficult to cry and gnash your teeth; it costs not to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; If the so-called Christian world had considered this heavenly warning, the world of trial would not have been divided into religions; many would not be killing themselves, in the greatest immorality, within the faith beliefs of the world; All those who killed in the name of their God are condemned; because they violated the same Commandment, which says: Thou shalt not kill; For such, it would be better not to have asked for the proof of life; because they would not be in question of divine judgment; the strange religious belief divided everyone; and there will be no Christian who does not have his crying and gnashing of teeth; because no one who was a supporter of the religious rock, no one ever enters the Kingdom of Heaven again; It is easier for those who sought the light, in the trial of life, individually, to enter the Kingdom of the Father; because such divided no one; so that those who, having belonged to collectivities, groups, associations, religions, sects, etc., divided, can enter; This is because the most microscopic is infinitely judged by God; Those who have a commitment to God through division have a score of darkness for themselves; This score of darkness is calculated by adding the seconds of time in which one belonged to such strange forms of faith; It is said strange, because its fruit, which is the score itself, is divided; and every fruit, when divided, is diminished and even nullified; He who belittles or who nullifies his own effort, moves further away from the Kingdom of Heaven; the score of light gained in the test of life brings the spirit closer to the Kingdom of Heaven; the score of darkness, distances the spirit from the kingdom of light; This is why it was written: You cannot serve two masters; you cannot serve light and darkness simultaneously; because the fruit, which is the score, is divided; This score taught by Revelation was also announced in the divine gospel of the Father Jehovah, as the addition of the Father; the addition that came from the Father has no division; on the contrary; the divine addition of Father Jehovah, part of the basis, that the spirits of the trial of life are living an egalitarian system of life; just as they promised him in the Kingdom of Heaven; The divine Father starts from the principle that human beings imitated to an infinite degree what was taught in the divine gospel; to such an extent that they made the divine gospel their own system of life; because if this had been the case, the humanity that asked to be tested, in a planetary way of life, would have fulfilled the divine parable that says: That of God, above all things; above every system of life; Since the world did not do so, the world fell into crying and gnashing of teeth; because in divine determination, the elements of nature and the virtues of each spirit receive orders to act, in a single psychology; This produces a clash of mental psychologies; the shock itself produces the feelings; feelings that were influenced by strange psychologies, that no one asked for and that are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; Humanity, having chosen in the test of life, the strange system of life, derived from the strange laws of gold, became disharmonized with respect to the common and egalitarian harmony, which it requested in the kingdom of the Father; In strange habits and customs, there is the tragedy of all judgment; That is why he was taught, that all truth was within himself; They were not mere words; It was a physical fact; humanity will verify it with tears in its eyes, when it witnesses the resurrection of all flesh, in the year 2001; For in order for the whole above the whole, composed of elements and virtues, to act on human bodies, the human spirit must be saturated with the same psychology, which it promised to fulfill in the Kingdom of Heaven; This living law is known by the elements and also known by the virtues of the spirit; because they, in their respective laws, give preference to that of God; They do not give preference to what belongs to men; because in the living universe of God, matter and spirit, have free will in their respective laws; Not a molecule of the divine magnetic process of the resurrection of the flesh is indifferent to the transformation itself; Aged bodies will become children in the blink of an eye; The instantaneous expands and stops in a present; When the unbelievers see this, they will be filled with fear; because no unbeliever receives eternal flesh; the meat that does not rot; every unbeliever will have to rot just as the flesh was, from the world of trial; Because they are unbelievers, they stay with the old law; Because they are unbelievers, they return to the dust of the cemeteries; The biblical word that says: From dust you are and to dust you will return, means that unbelievers had already been in other existences, in other worlds; because if every spirit is born again, every spirit has had many existences and will have many; In other existences, the current unbelievers witnessed other planetary judgments; because if no one is disinherited, all existence, whatever the world, has its judgment from the Kingdom of Heaven; and every current unbeliever asked to try life again, to overcome such a strange influence; that in nothing magnifies the one who gave him life; every unbeliever will have his crying and gnashing of teeth; and they will be cursed by those who infected them in the trial of life; by imitators; because the imitators of others, who did not believe in the infinite power of God, will not be resurrected either; The world will witness, amidst crying and gnashing of teeth, millions of heartbreaking scenes; because death by rot causes fear to every creature; The era of crying and gnashing of teeth begins when the Doctrine of the Lamb of God spreads throughout the world; It will be read in all the languages ​​of the Earth; because what is God encompasses everything; that of God is universal; In divine judgments, there are no indifferent people; just as it happened with men, in the test of life; the beast and the religious rock will blame each other; the two greatest blind men, of human evolution; those who never realized that every concept of evil came from themselves; Their devil used them to divide what should never have been divided; they were actors in their own drama; a strange drama, which is repeated, was repeated and will be repeated, in distant planetary abodes; many of the actors in the drama of the Earth will be there again, in those distant planetary dramas; because what is above is equal to what is below; The present that is lived also occurs on other planets; and the creation of the Father is so infinite that each individual act is repeated in the most microscopic unit of time; and it happens on infinite planets, which can never be counted; because that of God has neither beginning nor end; Every unbeliever constitutes a drama that goes from existence to existence; Denial is a strange sensation of darkness; The spirits who asked to try lives they do not know, ask for disbelief, to overcome it in the test of life itself; In every trial there is something to overcome; It is proof for a reason; and human life is a test, requested by thinking spirits; He who did not consider his own life as a test, fell before the test itself; because he did not want to recognize the divine mandate that had been taught to him through the centuries; very few considered it that way; Those few linked the divine final judgment with their own experiences of life itself; no one indifferent to the trial of life will re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor has anyone entered; the indifferent of all the worlds of the universe are unknown in the kingdom; In this world of trial, the indifferent will have their crying and gnashing of teeth; because with what they were indifferent, with the same they will be judged; the indifferent will have to calculate the seconds contained in the time of their lives; For every second of indifference, in the test of life, they receive a point of darkness; and for each point of darkness, they will have to live again, an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; The strange indifference of beings, in the test of life, made life even more painful in a strange system, which included inequality; It is easier for one who defeated the strange indifference in the test of life to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for one who did not offer mental resistance to such a strange influence to enter; darkness had to be fought, opposing mental resistance to it, in the test of life; mental resistance is living before God; just as all creation is; and mental resistance speaks and expresses itself, before its Creator, in its respective laws of mental resistance; The world of proof, which should have cultivated this mental faculty, did very little or almost nothing; because all mental initiative was distorted by the strange illusion that gold itself gave to life; The human mind knew sensations that it should never have known; because the cause of such strange sensations was not considered the divine psychology, of the divine Commandments of the Creator; Those who created the strange system of life, coming out of the strange laws of gold, let others express the faith; nothing came out of them; and yet they took over most of the materiality of the world; He who denies God deserves nothing; because even life will be taken from him; They will not be left with anything; The suffered, humiliated and exploited will keep everything; beginning with eternal life; Those who undertook the strange debauchery of asking God for life, and then denying Him on the distant planet, will have no more opportunity to ask again for another form of life, until they have paid, to the last molecule, of all bodies. of flesh, of all generations, who had the misfortune of falling under its strange influence.-



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