Apocalypse 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
John 1:29 “The next day John saw Jesus coming to him, and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world.”
Yes, little son; I will dictate a new and divine celestial theme to you; it is written in the Kingdom of Heaven; every act of all living life is written in the Kingdom of God; for every destiny is a living creature; every gesture; every insinuation; every thought, is weighed in the Kingdom of the Macrocosm; for the Holy Trinity is in everything; both above and below; this divine theme will captivate every student of my divine word; everyone who seeks the truth; and seeking the truth is approaching the Father; for there is no truth that has not been created by the Father; God is everywhere in the infinite; and everything returns to the Father; wherever in the infinite universe a living thought manifests itself; the divine Triceptation is a new revelation; it is another knowledge in human evolution; it is an advance that should have been taught to the world many centuries ago; I refer, little one, to the pharaonic civilization; those arrogant children hid from the human creature their own galactic origin; those damned ones had the mission to guide the nascent planet Earth; they also possessed living telepathy; but it was written that they would rebel against the divine Creator; they made themselves worshiped as gods; they taught the terrestrial world to covet gold; and enslaved the first human seed; here, terrestrial children, is the only cause of your daily pains; this cursed dynasty is the creator of all human yoke; for all inheritance is transmitted; the divine Celestial Science of the Lamb of God comes to illuminate the world; of everything that happened in the past of the Earth; and that no human intelligence knows; the true history of the Earth is written in each one; but no one has been given to give the light; only he who dazzles the world with infinite knowledge, that is the fruit of God; by his wonderful teachings you will know the fruit; every doctrine is a fruit of knowledge; and only the doctrines that come from the Father can transform the worlds; the Celestial Science is one of them; just as Christianity changed the human attitude of its own spirit, so too will the great Comforter of the Holy Scriptures change all human thinking; human psychology meets the psychology of the infinite; and all antagonism created by a psychology that is not of my divine Commandments will end forever; because every philosophical tree that the divine Father Jehovah did not plant will be uprooted; just as the cursed pharaonic psychology was uprooted from human evolution; just as many other trees have been uprooted; especially those philosophies of dominance; of conquering the world; and that the world already knows; no one will dominate anyone; because everyone will be dominated by the actions they did in life; they will be dominated by the weeping and gnashing of teeth; because everyone without exception must face the divine final judgment; as it was written many centuries ago; the final judgment is for the dead and the living; for the spirit does not die; and wherever it is, divine justice reaches it; this means that every final judgment to a determined world surpasses the dimension of that world; it is because God is everywhere; the Holy Trinity is also there; and the spirits in particular also possess their own Trinities; for no one is disinherited; this divine law is the divine triceptation of every living and thinking universe; both in a microbe and in a colossal sun or planet; matter and spirit are the same thing; with different free wills; both become living virtues in the Kingdom of Heaven; where the hidden is unknown; only living love exists; where all the virtues that every spirit possesses coexist; this divine coexistence is a loving alliance; symbolized in the ancient world in the ark of alliances; these alliances refer to the virtues that are present in the human spiritual sense; it not only refers to human creatures, but also to everything that feels and thinks in nature; it encompasses the all over the all; that is, matter and spirit; what is above is the same as what is below; a divine concept that refers to the geometric evolution of creatures; whose knowledge is infinitely relative; knowledge needs new living forms; for everything has limits; it was written: My cup is overflowing; it means that a human life reaches a limit; it is not the mind nor the spirit; it is the relative envelope called the human body; every envelope begins with a germ; half spirit half matter; individualized before and after life; life itself is an instant of living alliance; that when the flesh envelope is detached, all virtues are freed; for they possess free will as the spirit possesses it; to which they joined to experience a certain life.-
So it is, little son; this celestial drawing teaches the expansion of solar magnetism over the living universe; everything began in the center of the Alpha sun; the microscopic spark vibrated on its initial journey; it formed a straight line that emerged from a multitude of living creatures; which, by giving way to the exterior of infinite space, formed a right angle of 90 degrees; and this angle in turn was divided into threes; giving rise to new living dimensions; to new solar sparks; to new future planets; the spark in this state of innocence was of a bright color; predominantly white; the spark passed through infinite colors; which were as many skies as the Earth had in its infinite past; the Alpha sun is still producing sparks; it is still creating worlds; and the Earth will pass, and the Alpha sun will continue creating; it will continue for all eternity fulfilling the living divine mandate that ordered: Let there be light and there was light; I have only mentioned one sun to you; those who have fulfilled this divine process still fulfill it; their number cannot be measured by the human mind; therefore it is said there are as many creator luminaries as the mind can imagine; and these have been succeeding before the current suns; the latter is to explain the elapsed times; in which the terrestrial century is less than a drop of water lost in an ocean; the dots or dotted lines of the Alpha sun explain solar magnetism; radiating outward; that is to say, from the microscopic interior is born the colossal exterior; that is why every creature carries its truth within itself; human ideas are born from a microscopic inner germ; and are expressed materializing in an exterior present; it is the same process that occurs in the distant suns; what is above is the same as what is below; this germ is so microscopic that the creature only feels its sensations; which the world knows as ideas; the colored zones of the Alpha Sun demonstrate that every feeling is a determined color; there is no thought that does not possess color; nor color that is not the product of a thought; of an idea; colors are and will be the same planetary natures; the microscopic spark possessed the same colors that the Alpha sun currently possesses; inheritance is transmitted; both to the spirit and to the matter; inheritance is the same; but it manifests in infinite free wills; if human science has discovered microbes, it is because they, in their own philosophy of microbes, asked their Creator to be discovered; at a certain moment of evolution; feeling discovered is one of the laws of microbial philosophy; man was also a stinging microbe; and the current microbes will be human creatures tomorrow; to say otherwise is to monopolize progress; and deny their own evolutionary laws; this is what the divine parable meant; alluding to the living universe: One must be tiny and humble like a microbe to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; no one is less before the divine Father; except he who denies his divine laws; simply the bad creature is a rebellious spirit; and every rebel has never entered the Kingdom of Heaven; creatures possess in their individualities their own Trinity; the divine Trinity is the living knowledge of each one; the more selfless and struggling a creature is, the more power its Holy Trinity has; even the invisible microbe possesses its divine Trinity; everything known and unknown also possesses it; matter and spirit make one Trinity; matter and spirit are a living communism; in Heaven and in their passage through life; the universal Trinity is the celestial communism; that unifies everything; the disunity of human spirits is due to the fact that every spirit is tested in life; in its own philosophy; all human spirits come into the world with knowledge of cause in their own tests; the forgetfulness of a celestial past was imposed on them with knowledge of it; the forgetfulness was not total; divine intuition is a door that leads to the creature’s past; and it is a living and relative power; everything is relative; matter and spirit; relativity also possesses its Trinity; the following divine equation explains it: Universal relativity = an expansion with a solar principle, = a living destiny with a life test = a temporary thinking position = a creation with momentary forgetfulness of its origin = a vibration with infinite laws of feelings and material facts = a creation of solar fire composed of living magnetism = equivalent to three magnetic lines in constant evolution = a microscopic fire in divine passionate calorie = a divine cherub of relativity = an eternally changing philosophy = an evolution of the spirit with an infinite number of births = consecutive births to ideas already created in a previous existence = a divine mandate of infinite worlds of relativity = a new form of life with its own philosophy = a magnetic transformation that takes place in the Kingdom of Heaven = a saturation of living fluids called virtues = a creature with a new Trinity = hierarchy relative to its own free will = a future living sun with its own philosophy = a divine virtue of relative knowledge = an elder son in constant relative perfection = a future solar firstborn = a living fruit that materializes worlds = a creative force of third galactic category, in a universal relative whole = a divine creature that penetrates both the material and spiritual relative world = a philosophy with a relative destiny; according to relative ideas with a relative divine Judgment = a universal Judgment, with repercussions in relative spirits according to their works = a future and near relative weeping and gnashing of teeth = a divine Judgment to a planet of living flesh = a future revelation that will astonish in a relative way; both to the material world and to the spiritual world; both above and below; both in the living and the dead; yes, little one; so it is; this divine equation has no end; nor does anything have an end; nor does your divine living telepathy; it is the highest and most sublime form when the divine Father Jehovah expresses himself; by the fruit the tree is known; by the knowledge and its relation to the divine Commandments, the living philosophy of the Lord is known; nothing in your divine Father has an end; the Earth is nothing more than a tiny speck lost in space; it is almost unknown in the universe of the Macrocosm; and yet it is first in the Kingdom of Heaven; just as on Earth; where children have preference; what is above is the same as what is below; this preference does not mean that all will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; only the humble of heart can do so; those who have lived only for the sake of living do not enter the Kingdom of the colossal and the eternal; with God being everywhere, he is also in the most microscopic unit of time and space; therefore it is the divine right of the Father to demand of his children that the divine commandment to love your Lord above all things has been fulfilled second by second throughout life; loving the Father does not require material temples; the only temple is an honest life of work; and the more difficulties a life had in proving its own destiny, the greater it is in the Kingdom of Heaven; the so-called religions or churches of the world are a moral form that try to understand my word; they are also tested in life; the rock of human selfishness known as the Catholic Church is the first to violate my divine Commandments; and for this reason it constitutes one of the trees not planted by the divine Father Jehovah; the divine term trees means philosophies; methods of life; a tendency of the spirit to reflect in its own form of existence the morality felt by the spirit; the so-called Catholic Church has traded with my divine word; and for this immorality, it constitutes the great harlot; for it has made alliances with countries that support the science of good; this cursed science that uses gold to give a temporary well-being; but that causes millions and millions of my children not to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; all comfort on Earth is of the Earth; the rewards of the world are worth nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven; on the contrary; it is the greatest obstacle for the spirits who aspire to reach my divine abode; it was written that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; humanity has known this divine revelation since the truth came to the world; but no rich man has given it importance; for it is a divine warning for them; and not for the poor; the time has come when every rich man will curse wealth; moreover; in weeping and gnashing of teeth they will curse having been born; no one escapes the divine fascination of becoming a child again; and not a mortal child; but an immortal creature; in which the germ of all decay will be absent in their flesh; yes, son; so it is; I refer to the resurrection of all flesh; the year 2001 in distant India; all who believed will be resurrected as twelve-year-old children; as demonstrated by the twelve apostles; twelve humble ones with different individualities; those who did not believe and do not believe will not be called nor will they be resurrected; contempt has never been rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven; and those who have despised this divine law of life are the majority; weeping and gnashing of teeth the world will suffer; they will curse their own parents; who in turn will curse theirs; they will curse the customs they acquired and that did not take into account the divine morality of my divine Commandments; they will curse the scandalous fashions; for everything lived is judged second by second; let each one calculate their own lived seconds; starting from birth itself; having done this, study yourself; separate the total seconds directed to the Father; this is called first time; was it not taught that you shall love your Lord above all things? therefore in all forms and units of time, the time that corresponds to the Creator himself is first above all firsts; for all living time was created by the same living God; every second dedicated to the Father is a living heaven gained; and every second lived in some illusory philosophy is a living heaven that is closed to the spirit; every second lost in the vanities of life distances the creature from the Kingdom of Heaven; the spirit continues to be born in worlds of flesh; it continues to crawl in them; for in the Kingdom of Heaven, almost no one walks; divine levitation in all its degrees is the common vehicle of translation; and it acquires speeds superior to the speed of human thought; and even to that of light; there, no one has a limit; everyone flies according to their desires and according to their galactic hierarchies; every second of human life will be the Alpha and the Omega of future generations; it will be the most desired in human thought; it was written that the humble are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; and the second is humble in comparison with the other units of time; times also have hierarchies; according to evolutions; they possess free will; they possess their Trinities; they possess everything that a living universe possesses; coming from a living Creator; times are therefore relative; as is the entire expansive thinking and living universe; divine justice is also living; it is divinely incarnated in a little worker of the Lord; it is in the form of living telepathy; this manifestation being unique on Earth; everything has its beginning; someone emerges as the first in all virtues; divine living telepathy will be the intellectual marvel on Earth; it will encompass all knowledge; the known and the unknown; being living Telepathy a divine gift of the Creator; it is expressed in everything; for its Creator is everywhere; this will give rise to an ephemeral controversy between East and West; that is to say, the unbelievers of always will be present; but they will be ashamed by the Lamb of God; for unbelievers do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; every unbeliever is equally tested in life; as are all the philosophies of each creature; the divine triceptation of the universe must be considered the greatest event on Earth; for here is the divine principle of everything; it is the Alpha and the Omega of all that exists; all existing philosophies on Earth will disappear; for the Earth with its customs will pass; but my words will not pass; it is a world and its morality that goes away; one more world that was tested by the divine Father Jehovah; all the Telepathic Scripture will be called Celestial Science; and it corresponds to the doctrine announced by the solar firstborn; I will send you a Comforter; in saying this, his divine thought was in the living universe; it was in a living doctrine; as are also the Holy Scriptures; which, being living, have not perished in their interpretation through the centuries; it is written that the word of God is living; to such a degree that from it emerged the infinite universe; demonstrating with this that matter and spirit obey the same law; that the divine love of the Father makes no distinctions; that both the spirit and the matter have the right to exist; neither is less; moreover; he gave each one infinite forms of manifestation; with infinite free wills in their evolutionary actions; from the most microscopic molecule or microbe to the most colossal planet or sun; the divine Creator has always been with his creations; for he lives in instantaneous time; he is everywhere at once; he does not let himself be seen in worlds that are tested; he lets himself be seen in worlds that have understood him; and his divine presence always causes infinite joy; for he is joyful like a child; being the first in everything, he is so to an unattainable degree; his divine perfection is in his wonderful and unheard-of simplicity; the greatest simplicity is joy; and all joy is the living face of the divine Father; whoever has not cultivated joy cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven;
every anger, no matter how fleeting, is also weighed in my divine justice; the seconds accumulated in a moment of anger are infinite; anger is a living expression of pride and selfishness; not only is the spirit that gets angry guilty; but also the seconds that others suffered because of the anger are added; and the latter is more severely punished than the former; anger is darkness that accompanies the spirit; for every act in life and in the spirit is recorded around the body; and to be able to get rid of it, one must be born again; one must live new determinations; the most microscopic idea brings with it a world; a world that in turn gives rise to another; and this to another; and so on, as far as the mind can imagine; therefore all relativity is eternal in its evolutionary line; the eternal is not relative; the eternal is the normal; it is what has always been; before experiencing any sensation of life; the eternal is momentarily interrupted to give way to a new sensation of relative life; relativity, which is a destiny, is subordinated to the living idea; all living things are ideas in expansion; and every idea that is born, is born along with it, its Holy Trinity in a state of relative infancy; every idea is a living germ of the final judgment; from there springs all weeping and gnashing of teeth; which also possesses its Trinity; and the Trinity itself in turn possesses its Trinity; and beyond that is its divine free will; to which only the divine Father creator has the right; but which he has never touched; the free will of each creature is the same free will of the Father; that is why it was written: You shall love your Lord and your neighbors as yourself; for the living God is in all individualities; free will is represented in a wavy line; it means that from all free will, all geometries are born; being the existing universe, the geometry that emerged from the divine free will of the divine Father; the geometry that emerged from human free will is like a spark; that of the divine Father is a fire so immense that the material worlds are its divine ashes; and these divine ashes represent existences already lived by the divine Father; the creatures of the universe follow his divine steps; but the distance that separates them is so immense that one must be born again; in such a quantity of existences as the mind can imagine; trying to reach the divine perfection of the Father has been the eternal struggle of all evolution; and it is just beginning; for the more one believes to know, the less one knows; for the eternity of the Father has its own dimensions; which are not of the relativities known by each evolution; they are times and spaces that are outside of them; eternity is like a separate living universe; despite having had the same beginning as the microscopic universes of flesh; the universe is alive; that is to say, matter becomes spirit; and spirit becomes matter; this is according to the evolutionary and relative hierarchy; in one instant it is; and in the next instant it continues to be; but microscopically more advanced; therefore the absolute does not exist in the human sense; for the hermetic is also relative; it does not constitute eternity; only the Father is eternal; and all science without exception is a divine microbe in an eternal process; the divine triceptation of the universe has no end and will never have an end; for the universe has no limits; at no moment, in any calculation whatsoever; from whatever world it comes from; the same ideas of the calculation are already producing at the same instant, future worlds; whose philosophy will be living mathematics; therefore the universe is within the same creatures; the human body and its spirit are builders of ideas; from which their future planets are born; it was written that each creature makes its own heaven; this is not utopia; it is a divine revelation; in which the divine Father demonstrates how the divine inheritance expands; there is no greater inheritance than that which builds living worlds; it is the Alpha and the Omega of how one can reach the Father, starting from an invisible microbe, to become a Firstborn Son; an elder son; a more advanced son; a son builder of worlds; a solar luminary; a brilliant son of wisdom; who returns to one of his worlds; which terrifying eternities by their calculation, were born from his own living ideas; fulfilling the divine law of all creation that says: One must be tiny and humble like a microbe to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; to become a planet; or to be a builder of worlds; for the divine inheritance of a father is for his children; so it is on Earth; and so it is in the Kingdom of Heaven; what is above is the same as what is below; what changes is the creative power; the principle is the same; every gigantic creature was a microbe; it was what its parents were; and the parents of its parents; being the divine origin microscopic and humble, this last virtue is the supreme in the Kingdom of Heaven; for all the others were also microbes; they also had a beginning infancy; known in the Kingdom of Heaven as Alpha Infancy; every beginning had an Alpha infancy; all without exception; and all will end in Omega; that is to say, every beginning, no matter how ignorant, has its end; which is the truth of its own galactic origin; knowing one’s own origin is relative; and always causes intellectual revolutions in all worlds; just like any new doctrine; it provokes an impact on ideas already tested by the divine Father; the so-called human history is also living and relative; in the spiritual and material; in all history the Holy Trinity expands; for it is also in all learning; it can be said that without the divine Trinity nothing would exist; for the Father, the Son, and the Mother unify everything; every spirit possesses the divine seal of its Creator; and all are creators in their own trades; all knowledge that comes from a trade is living knowledge; it is the Holy Spirit; which fulfills the divine will of its Creator: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; it means that all human philosophy must overcome a difficulty; the greater the difficulty the spirit overcomes, the greater galactic hierarchy its Holy Trinity gains; all knowledge constitutes a Holy Trinity; the trinities are also relative and expansive; as the creature progresses second by second in its own test of life; the so-called spoiled ones of the world; those who asked to have it all, are the most backward spirits in the world; they do not advance in their trinities; their virtues are like paralyzed; they are imprisoned to a single philosophy; the philosophy of well-being; related to the science of good; all well-being enjoyed on Earth is worth nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven; they are rewards of the world; and most of the time, they violate the divine morality of my divine Commandments; the sorrows of a spoiled one will give rise to an immortal reading; thus galactic histories are born; which are transmitted from world to world; the Earth knows many stories; arisen in other planetary abodes; every story is living; ideas being microscopic, are the material and spiritual creators of all worlds; whoever denies this divine revelation denies himself; denies his own entry to his own worlds; only faith moves mountains; it means that all faith is constituted by ideas; and these become worlds; and when the spirit reaches the divine degree of firstborn son, it has enough power to work on the elements of its own world; the solar son Christ demonstrated it on Earth; for the divine faith of a Firstborn Son is greater in infinite degree, compared to an earthly creature; and it is not only faith that grows; all the powers of his mind are also greater; for living knowledge reunites with its own beginning germs; it means that the Earth in all its form of constitution is a subordination to the magnetism of its own future; the living germ recognizes its Creator; and understands him; the divine alliances of silent understanding arise; the supreme act of humility; within humility; this understanding begins first with divine Telepathy; and it is gradual; it is like a seed that begins to germinate; and ends in a material manifestation; here is the divine law of all power over another power; here is a microscopic reflection of what happens in the colossal worlds that populate the Kingdoms of Heaven; what you call miracles or supernatural, is a divine and common thing in the abode of the Father; moreover; there is divine rivalry in the great relative hierarchies, as to who produces or creates the greatest number of worlds in the most microscopic unit of time; only the Father possesses the infinite; the colossal living suns imitate him in the midst of a divine concert, as human eyes have never seen; and in the midst of these wonders of living knowledge, there are infinite alpha and omega suns; the divine solar family; the divine family that belongs to the place of the solar son Christ; from where I am, you cannot go; for solar purities burn; only humble spirits can withstand them; that means that every humble one is the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; the distant suns are living and thinking creatures; as are human beings; they also possess individualities; what is above is the same as what is below; and every solar luminary was also a flesh microbe; it was a little monkey of the worlds of flesh; it was tiny and humble in worlds that are no longer in space; they started as terrestrial humanity is starting; one must be tiny and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; every thinking hierarchy is a dimension; it is a universe in infinite expansion; the Holy Trinity is in everything; and in everyone; each creature is magnified or nullified according to its works; according to the quality and purity of its ideas; the greater the purity in life, the greater power is achieved in the Kingdom of Heaven; the living spirit increases its magnetic power; increases its own brightness; and has greater power in creation; from this it follows that every creature evolves leaving behind an imperfection; which is a darkness; all darkness is a spiritual weakness; it is a way of feeling and at the same time not feeling; it is and it is not; this is how it happens to the human race; only the practice of a life based on the rigorous morality of the divine Commandments is the only salvation; there is no other; and if it is believed that there may be another, be sure that this other is not of my light; it is not of my divine knowledge; it is not of the Kingdom of Heaven; all morality is living; and all have hierarchies according to the living evolutions in living creatures; and all are judged by a living God; the divine Trinity is in its supreme expression, a knowledge made living morality; its divine living ideas are large enough to produce worlds; whose number can never be calculated by the less evolved creatures; one must be born again to be able to feel microscopically what a divine solar Trinity is, the Firstborn Son is a solar hierarchy; the greatest after the divine Father; in this divine hierarchy are included all the worlds of flesh; the human and other infinite ones; each Trinity has its own powers; the Trinity of the Father is unique; for from him have come all the trinities; and therefore, the whole universe is subordinated to the Father; everything came from the divine Father and returns to the Father; and nothing existed before the Father; nor will anything exist without coming from the Father; only the Father knows the destiny of each creature; he knows it before the creatures are born; not only to life; but before being spirits; moreover; the Father knew eternities ago what the current universe would be like; from its microscopic molecule to the colossal planet; nothing that exists fails to carry its divine inheritance; and all the future; even the invisible ideas created by his children, carry his divine inheritance; whoever violates the divine mandates annuls the divine inheritance by himself; only the mercy and infinite power of the eternal Father can save him; darkness, like light, is tested equally; therefore they have their own laws; only the divine Father can annul the laws of darkness; the divine Father has not created darkness nor its demons; it is the rebellious children who create them; children of infinite powers; who become corrupt; all power corrupts; when the possessor moves away from my divine morality; this is what happened to the cursed gods of pharaonic wisdom; they believed themselves unique; because in their cursed evolutions, they came to possess a very advanced Trinity; they could dominate to a certain degree, the terrestrial nature; it was a microscopic power compared to the powers seen in the Kingdom of Heaven; the microscopic pharaohs are almost unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; as unknown and terrifying was for them, the divine power of Moses; who was the same Christ; he was the Firstborn Son; who being born once more, made a world advance from his own solar fluids; no creature on Earth has possessed such immense powers; nor will anyone possess them; unless they are born again; in such a quantity of existences as the mind itself can imagine; in this infinite number of births, is the subordination of all the Trinities that were living germs; and that grew in the planetary abodes; with the passage of galactic times, those germs formed new alliances with new living virtues; and they were also born again in infinite molecules of matter; until they became colossal worlds; and suns; that is to say, matter and spirit departed together from the Kingdom of Heaven; but in their evolution they acquired different free wills; one was matter and the other spirit; here is a microscopic determination of a microscopic solar germ; or solar spark; the spark that created the Earth had and still has 318 vibrations within a free will; this is a divine Trinity made thinking flesh.-
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