Holy writings

Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters.”
Proverbs 8:22-23 “The Lord possessed me in the beginning, of old, before his works. I had the principality forever, from the beginning, before the earth.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; I will dictate to you the divine theme that so passionately interests the mathematicians of your world; I am referring to the investigative mathematicians; those who seek the truth; for as you know, they form two large groups; the materialists and the spiritualists; both groups asked in the Kingdom of Heaven to test this or that mathematics; and I will tell you, my child, that both groups only defend a cause halfway; they are also tested in their own chosen philosophies; many intuit the truth; others are further from it; whatever their opinions, they exist; if not on Earth, then in distant galaxies; everything exists; and it exists to an infinite degree; the mathematicians of your world will be divided before the new Revelation; many know the relationship that exists between matter and spirit; but, they only intuit it, my divine Solar Son Christ demonstrated it; he, by working on matter, demonstrated that materialist and spiritualist mathematicians are defending the same cause; that matter and spirit came from the same law; and that law is relative; as relative as the requests made by the mathematicians in the Kingdom of Heaven; they made different philosophical requests; to gain experience on a microscopic planet called Earth; every request for life comes from the same law; therefore, a law is defended in the worlds by infinite causes; and all causes reach the same law; they reach only one God; all separate knowledge has the germ of complementation; both in matter and in spirit; and it is the same learned knowledge, the sum that will give the new form that the spirit will have in the next existence; every spiritualist spirit was in other existences materialist; and every materialist spirit will later be spiritualist; the positions of each knowledge are infinitely relative; there is relativity in matter and in spirit; thus there exist infinite diversities of worlds; and infinite diversity of individualities in the creature; what is above is the same as what is below; every principle is the Father; it is the divine purifying Fireball; this divine fire is also relative; relative according to evolutions; in the macrocosm, the divine Father is seen; and in the microcosm, he is expressed through living Doctrines; which change the customs of their creatures; just as the laws of science bring new material progress to the world; what is above is the same as what is below; mathematicians will know the new mathematics; the eternal ones; the spiritual mathematics; the current mathematics of the Earth are the Alpha mathematics; which are abstract in their definitions; they have not been able to concretize the relationship between matter and spirit; their calculations are merely physical.-

Yes, my child; this celestial drawing has infinite meaning; the divine Triceptation of the right angle of 90° is of solar origin; from this angle came the planet Earth; every world that gravitates in space came from an angle born in some sun; solar geometry is infinite; when the living suns begin to create sparks, their enormous mass of fire acquires all imaginable geometries; it is a geometry with its respective movement; that is to say, matter and movement had the same starting point; this starting point is living; that is to say, there existed in the suns an understanding between matter and spirit; this understanding was known in the ancient world as the divine Alliance; and it was represented by the Ark of the Alliances; a divine principle of solar truth, this ark had a rectangular shape; just as we have drawn it; the Ark of the Alliances was never explained clearly; the reason for this is that every spirit is tested; in antiquity and in the present; in this case, they are tested in my divine Word; in intellectuality; everything has its time in nature; the truth also has it; everything matures in my creation; spontaneous truth does not exist; on planets like the Earth you inhabit; because it is a planet of trials; a living philosophy that you yourselves asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why your divine Creator demands the highest morality from you; the morality of my divine Commandments; my divine morality is so demanding that the divine Commandments have not varied through the centuries; you have varied; because the geometry from which you came was and is variable; continuous movement is in yourselves; and the variations of your character are a consequence of it; and all your actions travel to space in a vehicle called an idea; this microscopic idea also matures in space; it matures to such a degree that from it is born, with the eternity of time, a new planet; even the idea that comes from your minds fulfills the divine parable that says: One must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; and you are also in the same law; do my divine Commandments not teach you to be humble? my divine mandates are equally for both matter and spirit; no one is lesser before the Father Jehovah; or whatever you want to call me; for I am everywhere; moreover, every intention is weighed and judged in the Kingdom of Heaven; the act of weighing and judging is also movement; it is the last movement that an existence experiences in its own psychology; from it, a new body and a new planet are acquired; even its philosophy is new; which shows that its geometric movement will also be different in the new world; the total knowledge throughout its existence is the new geometry that the creature will have in the new birth; one must be born again to the relative life of the planets; because the spirit is eternal and changing; it is a succession of different lives; whose number can never be calculated; only the divine Creator knows it; and knows it before these existences materialize; the right angle of 90° is therefore the Father of terrestrial geometry; and of its mathematics; and of its molecules; for every number possesses what the planet possesses; what the colossal has, the microscopic possesses; what is above is the same as what is below; all, including ideas, came from the solar angle Alpha; enclosed in a circular sun Omega; Alpha and Omega make one solar flesh; and from them is born the communion between matter and spirit; known in many worlds of the flesh as living reincarnation; for my divine creation is the living Universe; Expansive and Thinking Universe; and within it are the infinite theories; of wise men who claim to be able to explain the origin of the Universe; some do not agree with what others say; moreover, I tell you; everything absolutely everything exists in the Universe; and it exists to an infinite degree; everything that your mind has thought and will think exists in distant galaxies; even what you call fantasy is a reality; what you believe to be absurd in your knowledge exists in an infinite degree of perfection; that is why my divine Solar Son Christ and every prophet who asked to come to Earth were humble in their expressions; they knew that everything exists; and before this reality, no one is sufficiently superior; except the Father; all humility, whether in creatures or in all divine Word, is based on this reality; from times that are not terrestrial, it has always been so; when a human spirit leaves the fleshly envelope that served to inhabit a planet, it sees that what it knew as communism on the distant planet is the reality of the Universe; in the celestial world or spiritual world, private property does not exist; in the spirit itself, all concept of selfishness disappears; the spirit realizes, especially when it is enlightened, that the material possession of things is a phenomenon peculiar to a microscopic little planet called Earth; it is left with only a vague memory of that fleeting philosophy; the spirit in a free state realizes that wealth is not power; on the contrary; it diminishes power; for all excessive comfort resulting from wealth dulls the creative virtues; it nullifies its own spiritual progress; it does not gain in morality; since it stagnates its own progress; the divine addition in celestial points is microscopic; its own small magnetism does not allow it to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; he feels rejected; for the less knowledge acquired, the less magnetic power a spirit has; the more knowledge, the more power it possesses; the more possibilities it has to approach the Kingdom of God; with infinite Heavens existing, each one reaches its own; each one makes its own heaven; as in all things, each one self-classifies; according to their works; and that is why it was written: The humble are the first; for every humble person is a focus of immense magnetism; all their generated ideas carry merit; and shine like a great sun; every idea forms a living trinity; one independent of the other; and the set of all, also forms a trinity with its own free will; the spirit is the same; therefore, in the composition or creation of each one, infinite trinities exist; for if you count the number of ideas you have created during life, you would not be able to do so; all the trinities of all the ideas form one during life; all lean towards a single thought; despite having different free wills; this teaches you that communism is carried in your own thinking; for your own ideas make a common cause for you to feel a pleasant thought; so that your thought has no obstacles; except when the spirit has tests-debts to pay; these spirits you call crazy; you use terms without knowing exactly their causes; according to the intention with which an expression was said, it is weighed in divine justice; the reason is very simple; you were taught that your Creator is everywhere; he is also in the mind of a madman; who fulfills a divine mandate; which is to pay a debt from the past; a debt pending from another existence; and I will tell you that generally, those who fulfill the test of madness as you call it, are superior in wisdom to you in the Kingdom of Heaven; and even the very beings you call animals are superior to the human race; the spirits of the so-called animals are solar hierarchies; wisdoms that come after the divine Lamb; they are solar fathers; who asked to know and live the philosophy of this or that little animal; it is knowledge that matters in the Kingdom of Heaven; the fleshly envelopes whether of a human monkey or a little animal, are temporary; it is the tool of work; once the tool is worn out, it perishes and returns to dust; its mission was to accompany the spirit to the test of life; a life called among other infinite ones, human life; a philosophy born from the very errors of the past; all knowledge shapes its own future body throughout its eternity; the departure of spirits in distant suns is a departure in a state of innocence; many will wonder why it does not retain that innocence; sublime question; the reason for this lies in the free will of every spirit; some fulfill the mandates, others do not; each world, each dwelling has mandates; each destiny is created by the spirit’s own inclinations; among the infinite worlds where the same thing happens, there was a world called Earth; a world that began as a paradise; where the first human couple disobeyed a divine counsel; all disobedience is transmitted as a normal thing; that is why the divine Father intervenes when he deems it convenient; he sees the future of the creature’s future actions; the human creature does not see it; and even seeing their future falls, the Creator gives his creatures the opportunity to test their own errors; because if they do not live them, if they do not feel them, they would ignore them for all eternity; that is why the divine Father allows imperfect worlds to exist; for from them, perfect worlds emerge; and there is no world that was not first an imperfect world; the divine mandate that says: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, means the same; for all difficulty in the present is the product of a past; every destiny is already traced to life; all its deeds are written in the Kingdom of Heaven; this writing is as real as living; there exists the umbilical cord between the deeds performed by the creature and the Kingdom of Heaven; it cannot exist; for God is everywhere; his divine means of communication with the worlds of the Universe reduce them to almost nothing; but since everything is living, he gives everyone the opportunity to exist; being the divine Father unique in his creations, he eternally allows new creatures to be born;

the divine spring of his creations constitutes the very existence of each one; for all return to him; every creature of the past, present, and future possesses the divine sign from which it came; it possesses a galactic identification; everyone in the Universe possesses it; for all are children of the same Father; of the same creation; which, due to its infinity, possesses infinite forms; in creatures and worlds; and constantly, without ever ceasing, new forms are born; the Earth knows nothing of what happens in the distance of the infinite; knows nothing of the abysmal traffic that exists in the macrocosm; from where I am, you cannot go; said in the past my divine Firstborn Son; he referred to this existing point in the Universe; Celestial Science, as it expands across the Earth, will reveal to human knowledge all the laws enjoyed by creatures living in the place pointed out by my divine Son; thus the Heavens open to human knowledge; and this begins once again, through a Doctrine; it is always the same in the worlds of the flesh; through doctrines at certain times, the divine Father brings worlds out of darkness; darkness is the imperfections themselves; it is ignorance; typical of an imperfect world; man makes darkness darker; for commandments are given to him and he forgets them; he feels comfortable with the illusion of life; an illusion that at the same time is not of my flock; all material illusion is the product of a phenomenon called money; created by a group of ambitious spirits; by violators of the law of love; the money that creates the fleeting illusion is not in my divine Commandments; and since it is not, it will be uprooted; these demons of ambition were told before coming to human life that it was not convenient to divide the flock; are not my children divided because of money between rich and poor? moreover, I tell you: Every last gram of gold must be given up; that is to say, the ambitious will give up everything that never belonged to them; according to my divine Commandments; one of them teaches: Do not covet others’ goods; and much less, goods that bear the mark of exploitation; all abundance achieved by selfish calculations will be taken away; selfish calculation is when it is calculated without taking into account my divine Word; was it not taught to the whole world that God comes first above all things? why then does human thinking not take me into account in its decisions? this habit of not doing so, knowing the law, will cause the greatest weeping and gnashing of teeth; this simple disobedience is enough for every ungrateful one of his Creator not to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for adding up all the seconds lived in this disobedience gives a score against; the divine addition is reduced; which means returning to worlds like Earth; to become a mortal flesh creature again; to start over again; thus a whole world will see that all worldly struggle leads to nothing; and much less, when all effort is aimed at accumulating wealth; considered by the spirits already gone as the greatest illusion of the human race; for the fleeting wealth, almost all the spirits of the world expect to be reborn in worlds like Earth; wealth is for them the worst of tests; like those who asked to be kings in the world; everything is asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; and everything is granted; moreover, all are warned of the pros and cons; they are warned that by cultivating only humility, they can return to the Kingdom of Heaven; they are warned above and below; for on Earth they encounter the Holy Scriptures; which is like a memory of the Kingdom of Heaven; the difference is that in the Kingdom of Heaven, they saw all their future; before the living forgetfulness of the past; each one saw up to the last detail of the last act to be performed in life; the forgetfulness of the past is a consequence of the philosophy requested by human spirits; they all asked without exception to be tested in their respective destinies; and they accepted the forgetfulness of the past; this forgetfulness makes all human merit greater; for merits form an infinity of hierarchies; when a merit has overcome greater difficulties, it is greater in the Kingdom of Heaven; greater is its hierarchy; closer it is to my divine Abode; that is why it was written: The humble, the poor, and the exploited are first in the Kingdom of Heaven; for every second of their existence, they have to overcome difficulties; and he who has everything has nothing or almost nothing to overcome; his merit is less; his reward he is enjoying on Earth itself; for achieving things easily is an earthly reward; this ease of achieving things should be the same for everyone; if it is not so, it is because there is a violation on the part of men; on the part of the Creator, it will never exist; this divine Revelation was expressed when the divine Father said: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; for this divine parable has, like all parables, a hidden feeling of love; of warning; of future consequences; deductions that invite meditation; even in the Holy Scriptures, there is the intellectual test; everything in creation carries a silent intention; even the invisible microbe carries it; all excess on the part of the spirits must be recognized; for otherwise, they do not gain in repentance; and all repentance moves the Father; there is also forgiveness; when his divine free will so esteems; this is possible because everything exists; within repentance exists a future of decisions; a whole world of future realizations; the spirit wishes to amend itself; and all this future that has not yet materialized and that is within all repentance is seen by the divine Father; and seeing the future, he advances forgiveness; forgiveness means being clean again; this does not imply that the debt should not be paid; everything is paid in the eternity of the spirit; if it is not paid in one existence, it is paid in another; the same happens with pending rewards; here is the sole cause of the diversity of destinies observed on Earth; to each is given according to their merits; according to their experiences; according to the score of their addition; for each existence adds what is learned; this Revelation clarifies another mystery; the divine addition spoken of in my Scriptures is the experience of each one; by testing philosophies in distant worlds, spirits earn their Heavens; and the sum of them gives the celestial hierarchy; all addition comes from each one; but the addition of the divine Father; this divine addition is a destiny-reward; for the Father creates everything; even rewards; the spiritual reward is related to the very evolution of the creature; every living hierarchy has its worlds of glory; they are the paradises; which being paradises are outside the Kingdom of Heaven; each destiny has an infinity of universes; in which the spirit is perfected; among all experiences, every spirit knows the philosophy of mathematics; sublime knowledge that puts him in contact with the divine calculation with which the divine Father creates the planets; terrestrial mathematics are calculations from certain spirits; they perfected themselves a little more than the rest; and every spirit ends up being a mathematician of its own universes; every idea generated by every mind possesses the unconscious calculation of its creator; this unconscious mathematical calculation possesses all the potentialities of all powers; including the calculation of the shape of its future body; this calculation is galactic; that is to say, all the elements of spiritual mathematics are in the same Universe; what human science calls matter and spirit, is not so in other sciences; because they possess other potentialities in development; they look and observe the Universe with relative knowledge; while living, a new knowledge is assimilated; one has to be born on a certain planet to learn what its laws allow to learn; for the natures of the worlds are also living creatures; who fulfill and obey a divine mandate; just as a mandate was given to human spirits; the mandates are for the spirit and the matter; both are constituents of the Universe; the calculation of the Universe contains infinite relative mathematics; which at every moment and in every world expand more and more; every mathematics has its time of sprouting and development; the supreme aspiration of all philosophy, including mathematics, is to completely dominate matter; to command it if possible; but this is not given to man; for he is still emerging from the darkness of imperfection; only my divine Firstborn Solar Son Christ demonstrated that his spiritual mathematics had spiritual superiority over the calculation with which the Earth was created; he commanded the winds; the storms to calm; turned water into wine; gave life; resurrected the dead; appeared and disappeared; this divine mastery was possible because my Son was in Me; and I in Him; we were and still are one flesh; within which there was and is telepathic communication; and being Father and Son one flesh, they retain their free wills; they retain their own acts; nothing disturbs the spiritual harmony; the natures of all worlds recognize the Father and the Son; and know that only they can make them vary; just as the human spirit intuits the presence of God; if the atoms of nature move, it is because it is written in the Kingdom of Heaven; the atoms know by tradition and prophecies that at a certain moment, they will be called; just as the human creature knows by knowledge that it will have a Final Judgment; so it happens and has happened with natural catastrophes; earthquakes, tremors, tsunamis, eclipses, etc.; they are movements that are written; just as every act of every human spirit that asked to come to human life is written; and there will be Signs in the Heavens; there will be movements on Earth; another demonstration that matter is living; every movement that occurs in nature is also judged; for behind every molecule or element, there is an intelligence; and where there is intelligence, there is an intention; every intention is a mathematics with an uncertain destiny; this is for terrestrial evolution; for not even with its mathematics has man managed to know his origin; nor will he know it by himself; he will know it by divine intervention; it was written that my divine Son would return to the world, shining like a sun of wisdom; and all the Celestial Science of the divine Comforter speaks of suns; living suns; just as human spirits are; who shine microscopically; constituting themselves as suns of the microcosm; just as the gigantic suns began; one must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; this is the same; both for matter and for spirit; to the divine Father it is the same; for something it was written that he is infinite; and nothing is impossible for him; he creates life and modifies it according to his divine calculations; terrestrial mathematics are materialistic; that is, they only serve the laws of matter; which being also living, do not achieve intelligent understanding with them; they only achieve indifferent calculations; typical of the mortal law; if spiritual understandings with matter are achieved, man would create eternal things; including life itself; for life is a magnetic feeling; materialized in a living philosophy; only through spiritual mathematics can life be created; this is how it is done in distant suns; this is called divine Reincarnation; which means Knowledge that recognizes a union or alliances with virtues in a state of innocence; all innocence joins a sun; in the case of man, it joins a sun spirit; just as a small magnet feels the attraction of a larger one; all reincarnations are made with the participation of the divine Father Jehovah; for he is everywhere; most of the time, his divine presence is invisible; for even in the invisible he is; divine reincarnation is living mathematics; it is solar calculation; it is magnetism from the Father; it is the trinity in its own expansion; which acquires all geometric forms; just as the images with which the infinite individualities are shown; who will always be born and will never be the same in their free wills; neither in spirit nor in matter; neither in their ideas nor in their physical forms.-


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