Holy writings

Luke 17:1-2 “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to him through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for one of these little ones to stumble.’”
Galatians 5:13 “For you, brothers, were called to freedom; Only do not use freedom as a pretext for the flesh, but serve one another in love.”
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And it is not surprising, because even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore, it is not surprising that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of justice; whose end will be according to his works.”
Ephesians 4:25 “Therefore, leaving lies, speak the truth, each of you with his neighbor, for we are all members one of another.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; the mechanics of flying saucers is three-dimensional with expansions into other dimensions; length, width, and height; here is the geometry of the human principle; a geometry that has proven unalterable since the creation of the world; and all evolution has a solar geometric principle; the crew members of the silver ships create geometries and form living alliances with them; that is to say, they converse with them, just as you converse with one another; What is above is the same as what is below; this conversation is telepathic; just like you, my child, you converse daily and at every moment with your Father Jehovah. What you see translates to a living word; because from the word of the Father, everything has come forth; even the science of flying saucers. The mechanics of the dishes represent an advancement that your mind cannot compare to your own; because you lack knowledge. your mechanics are limited; they last only an instant; they are not eternal like those solar ships; Solar mechanics encompasses all the mechanics of the worlds of flesh; for time and space reduce them to a moment that makes them present; they move through space because universal magnetism transports them; it is the opposite of your mechanics; and your limit is caused by the limitations of your knowledge regarding the elements of nature; you do not converse with them; because you did not ask for it in the Kingdom of Heaven; what you asked for is proof of your own free will; and you asked for it without direct and intellectual engagement with matter; that is why everything costs you; it costs you sweat and overcoming difficulties; and truly I tell you, that such effort is worth more than if you had asked for understanding with the elements of nature; because the spiritual merit is greater; the same happens in the Kingdom; powers are tested against other powers; in the construction of flying saucers, all participate; darkness and Light; good and evil; just as you asked to know in the world; Are there not good and bad among you? Certainly yes; because what is above is the same as what is below; from the magnetizations of your own actions that you performed in higher worlds, emerged in you the tendency towards good and evil; the Light and the darkness; and both pass through your intention; this also happens among the great luminaries; and their magnetizations are seen by microscopic creatures; who live in the same suns; they are the solar cherubs; who, like you, were born from the same suns; and everything small is a cherub; and since only the Father is unique, the gigantic Universe does not emerge from the microscopic.

Yes, my son; flying saucers are observed from the skies above. the hierarchy of the Solar Trinity knows no bounds; and the whole of the whole observes itself; Divine responsibility exists; the orders of Father Jehovah go from sunrise to sunset; and everyone knows they are being watched from infinite distances; power controls power; Every solar light, possessing infinite power, knows that there are greater ones. and these others are like the grains of sand in a desert; Flying saucers are born and written in the Solar Books; and everything that exists and will exist; In the process of flying saucers, the point-molecules emerge from the solar crowns forming a triangulation; that is to say, they are positioned along the eternal line stemming from three solar lines; and the three come together as one. here is the Revelation of your beginning; the infinite is made up of infinite solar lines; which can never be counted; only the Father knows it because He is the Creator of the Universe; Flying saucers are living alliances and creators of spirits and instant elements; they hasten all development. What takes you time, in the Macrocosm is unlimited; there, one is born and lives in the same instant; and one is eternal; those who are born inherit the legacy of their solar parents; and it is normal for them to command matter; you are within a nature; above, natures succeed one another eternally; one moves from one dimension to another; flying saucers, when they are being born, receive this inheritance; flying saucers are suns that formed with an infinite variety of materialized intention; each sun sent its magnetism to the same point; And each solar thought is a magnetic line of color; and amidst living colors, a ship emerges; and the one belonging to that solar father, who possesses the greatest number of magnetic lines, prevails; the highest hierarchy prevails; the oldest Solar Firstborn prevails; and the creation of these fire ships gives rise to great solar friendships; soles that no one knows, make their presence felt in the creation of a ship; and new living knowledge reaches a point in the Universe; unknown universes are revealed by the unknown Father Solar; here is a Revelation of the Universe; Knowledge knows no bounds and is shared without limits or conditions; everyone learns; and no one prohibits anyone; those who do not like a certain knowledge simply step away and seek another. Yes, my son; I know you are thinking about the customs of your world; you think of certain demons of selfishness; you think of the demons of the so-called right, who belittle the education of the flock; they are the least qualified to teach the world paths; for they are the damned; because of these demons of wealth, humanity will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, my child, that anyone who slandered a method of education will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; these demons claim to defend the people; nothing could be further from the truth; they defend their privileges and their possessions; that is their only intention; they had more than enough time to give the people what has always belonged to them; and your divine Father Jehovah accuses them of being the false Christs; the deceivers of the multitudes; and everyone who pays them attention leaves with them; more, they do not enter the Kingdom; Every demon on the right is skilled at dividing my flock; they take advantage of the concept of freedom, which they confuse with license. No demon that tried to divide my people will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and along with them, the blind who followed them in life; so it is and so it will be until the end of the ages; Yes, my son; that’s how the selfish of the world pay for it; These demons of exploitation should never have created a rock called the right. Continuing with the science of the dishes, I will tell you, my child, that infinite multitudes witness the creations of these ships; That is where the geniuses of aeronautics are formed; the engineers who evolve and revolutionize backward worlds; and not only them; but all the specialties that you know and will come to know; These crowds are so vast that they overshadow the Kingdoms of Heaven; and no one knows where they end; What is known is that with every passing moment, they expand more and more; the number of creatures increases in parallel with the increase of worlds; the universal balance regulates everything; and to regulate everything is for the Trinity to control everything; Flying saucers are created with crew members and without them; it all depends on the purpose of their creators; and there exists in the construction of these ships a true and loving rivalry of powers; here it is a matter of who creates the most perfect ship to penetrate the Universe to the greatest extent; and this celestial rivalry has neither beginning nor end; It is as eternal as the Father Himself; only the Father creates, what no one else is capable of creating; and His power is so great that He does not need ships. It is simply everywhere and in the most imaginable forms; its divine Appearance in the colossal worlds marks unforgettable eras in those worlds; its divine Appearance is always a surprise; and it prefers the humblest form to reveal itself; Not a few are the surprises of the demons that have taken it upon themselves to violate the laws of the Father; It will happen soon, my child, in your world; the demons in human form who created what is called money will be terrified; likewise, their followers and imitators; because everyone who used money will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; If they had read my Scriptures properly, they would realize that money is not in the Commandments; Because the Father does not divide His children into rich and poor; because all are created equal in their aspirations and rights; my laws of nature are common to all; and the demons that created rich and poor have in the same nature they enjoy the universal communism made a living cause; and if you attack it, you attack the Father who created everything; since everything exists in the Father; Were you not taught that He is infinite? And whoever pursues any of my children, pursues the Father; Was it not taught to you, demons, that the Father is everywhere? I am also in the minds of the persecuted; and if you pursued in life, so shall you be pursued in distant worlds; what is done below reverberates above; for what is above is the same as what is below; it means that wherever you go, you will pay for the violation; And I truly tell you, demons of the right, that none of you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven;

Yes, my son; that’s right; just as you look at them with infinite pity, so will the world look at the right; and no one will speak to them; for they are cursed; they are the cause of the greatest drama that can happen to humanity; that of not entering the Kingdom of Heaven; these demons deceived you and led you away from true spiritual merit; anyone who is deceived does not enter the Kingdom; because he promised the Father not to be deceived by any kind of demons; Eva allowed herself to be deceived and lost her humanity; the lord of gold is the same lord who tempted Eva; and one cannot serve two masters; two powers; two intentions; one must be honest with a single intention; He who serves two masters divides himself; for one of the intentions is not of the Light; gold and its creators are of Satan; for only Satan divides himself. Aren’t you divided into rich and poor? Decided; a Father who creates children does not wish for their division; because his work strays from perfection; does your world not lag behind while others have it all? I truly tell you that the current situation of your world did not come from the Father; it came from the capitalist demon; a demon that is about to fall; a demon that made an alliance with another demon; with the religious rock; with the false prophets of my Word; with the rock of human selfishness; with the merchants of faith; with the harlot that trades to the highest bidder; the one that crowns kings; the one that blesses the weapons with which my children are killed; Knowing these demons that my Commandment says: You shall not kill; behold the two beasts causing the immorality that reigns in your world; one divided you materially and the other spiritually; one divided you into rich and poor; the other into many beliefs; having only one God. And I truly tell you, that no exploiter nor any religious person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and all those who followed them in life will not enter the Kingdom either; The flying saucers know what is happening in your world; just as they know what is happening in countless others; and they know it with a certain sadness; It pains them that you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they were the ones who guided you through the Universe; they guided the microscopic spark that is now the Earth; they know all your past and your future; and they know that the Doctrine of the Lamb of God is on Earth; and they know that this means Judgment for a world; In the year 2001, these ships will land on your planet; The selfish will be left embarrassed, having publicly denied the silver ships; and this is not the first time they have denied them; in other existences, they fell into the same trap; they are backward spirits who limit the infinity of their own Creator; and they limit themselves; everything that is denied to the Father is denied back to them; because above and below are living beings; they are one and the same and come together in the Kingdom; all infinity is reduced to a microscopic point; as microscopic as your mind can imagine; just as a ship is created by infinite suns, so you are judged magnetically by the solar court; and your justice begins with the most microscopic aspects of your being; it starts with your pores; cells; hair; breaths; excrements; and finally your spirit; because you were taught to be humble in life above all things; the mandates of the Father are fulfilled above and below; and everyone who proclaimed themselves first on Earth is the last in Heaven; no one takes this into account; because they have exalted themselves in a microscopic world; And the Kingdom is infinite; it is an unknown in the Kingdom; the flying saucers that see everything observe the ideas you generate daily; and see them rise into space; and see your spirits when they leave the earthly dwelling and the planetary; come see the invisible; come see what you do not see; when your spirits travel to the Cosmos, they see flying saucers; and they see microscopic inhabited worlds; because the Father has many dwellings; and if the spirit was a materialist or a skeptic, the greatest fright takes hold of their consciousness; they are ashamed that their mind is read; because they read to him the denial of the infinite power of the Father; and they suppose him to have come from the darkness; and they leave him alone; Every incredulous person isolates themselves; no one joins them; Everyone in the Universe knows that only Satan denies the Creator of it. Thus it is, children of the world; according to the intention you had throughout your life, such is the intention you will find in your eternity; With the measure you used, you will be measured at any point in the Universe; What was not paid on Earth is paid outside of it; because what is above is the same as what is below; the dishes accompany the Cosmos, to those who believed in them; because they are very sentimental with those who have cultivated faith; And those who served the Father, in their work for others and who cultivated the Morality of the Commandments, countless ships of solar fire come to meet them; It is an advance on the prize won; Only faith achieves glory; In faith in the Father, all the virtues of thought participate; because they all have the same Creator. The crew of the saucers knows that all of you have forgotten your past; they know what it is to live a life in trial because they have experienced it in distant worlds; they understand your fears of death because they have gone through the same; what is above is like what is below; they know everything you want to know because they are older children in knowledge; they have been watching you since you left the Kingdom of Heaven; and they are aware of your past existences; for them, there is no mystery regarding the laws of your world because they planned them; they participated in all the details and still do; they control the elements, and your world is full of them; they live in microscopic dimensions and are aware of the consequences their presence has for the fate of the world. And if some are allowed to be seen, it is because many spirits asked to see them in life; and they were granted that wish; and those who have seen nothing did not ask for it; the flying saucers that have attempted to abduct beings in different times are rebellious creatures that tempt themselves; and they are judged for disturbing the free will of beings who asked to experience a life of flesh; not even the Creator does such a thing; This absence is a solar absence; because its authors are solar beings; and they are judged according to their hierarchy; just as you are judged within human psychology; what is above is the same as what is below within their respective laws; flying saucers form galactic families; just as you do; what is above is the same as what is below; the families that are the crew of the saucers temporarily absent themselves; this happens when they request reincarnation; when they ask to be born again; when they wish to know and live another life; this absence is relative; and many times, the solar family does not reunite when many centuries of your time have passed; and they arrive laden with a new wisdom taught by the science of a distant world; a new salt of life that has been conquered; and the solar spirit has risen in hierarchy; its brightness is not the same; new colors emerge from it; and they are celebrated by the entire solar family; here is what is gained when one fights; with greater wisdom, you find yourselves closer to the Father; the solar parents rival in their creative powers; and this loving rivalry has no end; and constitutes one of the wonders of the Macrocosm; it is like a celestial carnival that, having no beginning, also has no end; the flying saucers travel from sun to sun; on journeys that are the Alpha and the Omega of all adventure; it is a journey that has no comparison; “Come scenes that are never forgotten;” and their memory in distant worlds gives rise to immortal works; everything that enters through the eyes is magnetized in the spirit and becomes a memory; Every memory becomes alive in the Kingdom; and the memories of all immorality bring shame in the Kingdom; and its creator must distance themselves from the Kingdom; for they have created a darkness; an unfortunate fate; a darkness that often pursues its creator for many eternities; because the darkness conquers its reign, with laws opposed to those of Light.



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