Holy writings

Galatians 6:7-8 “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked: for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh; But he who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit.”
James 4:6 “But he gives greater grace. That is why he says: God resists the proud, and he gives grace to the humble.

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; this drawing of the Alpha and Omega lines explains human spiritual creation. The creatures of the terrestrial nature are of solar origin; they were initially solar candles; a solar candle is created by the suns; that is why all possess electricity in their bodies; everyone feels attraction and repulsion; it is solar magnetism expressed in individuality; you are a focus of microscopic solar fire; The human race emerged and continues to emerge from Alpha sun; the Omega sun is its complement; just as a woman is the complement of a man in physical life; it is in the Alpha sun that the starting point of the human race lies; All suns possess solar individuality; just as you possess earthly individuality; what is above is the same as what is below; You were taught that your God is everywhere; therefore, do not be surprised that He is in the distant suns. the solar lights also recognize only one God; its number is infinite; as infinite as the individualities that have passed through the Earth; what is above is like what is below; the Alpha sun and the Omega sun continue to create spirits; and they will do so forevermore; the Earth will pass, and these suns will continue to create lands; What is above has no limits; everything is eternal; what is above is the father of what is relative below; what is above is gigantic and colossal; what is below is microscopic; más, lo de arriba tuvo el mismo principio que lo de abajo; fué chiquitito y microscópico; fué humilde en espíritu y en materia; para llegar a ser grande en el Reino de los Cielos; y lo de abajo llegará a ser como lo de arriba; todo nace microbio; hasta llegar a ser un colosal mundo; microbio en la materia y microbio en el espíritu; y ambos llegan a un mismo punto; pues salieron de un mismo punto; salieron de un mismo Padre; y retornan al Padre; este retornar es numéricamente infinito; se nace y se muere; y se conserva el libre albedrío viviente; a medida que más se nace más se crece; más dimensiones se dominan; es así que el macrocosmo nace del microcosmo; el mayor sale del menor; más, no exsiste límite ni en el macrocosmo ni en el microcosmo; ambos poseen lo que el otro posee; el microcosmo posee lo colosal; y el macrocosmo también lo posee; quiere decir que por muy colosal que se sea, no se es el primero; lo colosal viene a ser microscópico ante otros límites; y éstos igual; nadie es más grande sino el Padre; es tan infinito el Padre, que Él está en todas partes; todo lo vé; está en lo visible é invisible; y está en creaciones que jamás serán conocidas; en medio de un universo en que todo exsiste, fué creado el género humano; no fué creado como el primero; ni como el único; eso es soberbia en la propia ignorancia; si el Padre es infinito, ese infinito sobrepasa a todo cálculo mental; no hijos; no sóis ni los primeros ni los últimos; más aún; os ignoran en el Reino de los Cielos; es una ignorancia que supone que todo exsiste; porque allí se vé el infinito; allí se ven a cada instante, infinitos vivientes; todos saben de todos; aunque jamás se hayan visto; allí en el Reino de los Cielos, desaparece la importancia que se tiene de sí mismo; todos los que en sus respectivos mundos, se creyeron importantes, allí experimentan la más grande verguenza; el más grande complejo de inferioridad; un complejo tan infinito, que estos espíritus piden nacer de nuevo en otro mundo; quiere ser lo que sus ojos ven; and many do not return for eternities to the Kingdom of Heaven; they go from world to world; and return believing they have transcended; vain attempt; they find that in the Kingdom of Heaven, they have also made progress; perfection is relative and has no end; one follows a path that will never end; without considering the other paths that exist and are unknown; these paths are the dimensions; they are the inhabited worlds; they are the abodes; they are the planets; they are the galaxies; they are everything that is seen and everything that is not seen; A dimension is a living nature; it has its own space, time, and philosophy; matter and spirit participate in every dimension; both are infinite in quantity and quality; every dimension is perpetuated in the ideas that emanate from all minds; ideas travel through space; they travel just like spirits; this journey is eternal; and thus, all ideas from one existence or another reach each other; and from this, conglomerates of planets are born in the eternity of time; although they come from different philosophies, they have much in common; this is because they emerged as an inheritance from the same mind; every idea is classified; and so, the ideas of good perpetuate good. From them, paradise worlds are born; and the ideas of evil perpetuate evil; from them, hells are born; worlds where only suffering exists; This Revelation has already been announced to the world; many centuries ago; each one creates their own heaven; now comes the meaning of this divine parable; a meaning that will shake the world; because according to the ideas that each one had throughout life, they were the builders of their own destiny; either they created paradises or they created hells; each child is responsible for their creations; he had free will; and he was not alone; Since he was born, he heard about the divine scriptures; he listened to the divine word; Listening to the divine laws of the Lord is not a coincidence; it is a request made by all in the Kingdom of Heaven; and everything that has happened to you, you asked for and it was granted to you. From this Revelation, all divine and human justice originates; The human justice that concerns the divine occurs in the spirit of the creature; this translates into the justice of human intelligence. All the vicissitudes and uncertainties of all kinds and degrees were requested by you; and they were granted to you; the reason for this lies in the galactic past of each one; you are paying debts from your own past; and at the same time, you are learning new things in your world; because you also asked for it; and every spirit that asked for everything, asked to be humble above all things; all human spirits before coming to life, absolutely all of them, agreed that in life, the humble would govern; just as it happens in the Kingdom of Heaven; do my scriptures not teach that my humble ones are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven? that’s right; because it is a living reality; a reality that all spirits saw; they saw and promised; more, the times of divine Revelation have arrived; and the world is an immoral chaos due to a lack of humility; human spirits have succumbed to pride and arrogance; Everyone is influenced by the fleeting and worldly illusion; by the science of good; A fall occurs once again in humankind; for you have had many falls in other worlds; do not be surprised; the spirit is reborn to draw closer to its Creator; Each existence you have had has not been easy; everything costs in the lives of the planets; In everything there exists: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; within its own laws; the forgetting of what was promised in the Kingdom of Heaven causes weeping and gnashing of teeth; this always happens in the worlds of the flesh; whose creatures are beginning to perfect their feelings; Every feeling knows when divine justice arrives; even if the spirit tries to impose forgetfulness upon it; the feeling of every spirit is the Alpha and the Omega of its own celestial beginning; the feeling suffers when the spirit has been bad; and it is happy when it has been good. Every human act is a sentimental act; it transforms into many thoughts; at every moment within the unit of time, the spirit is fulfilling what it promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; more, not everything is followed to the letter; for he faces many trials; which he also asked for; One of the heaviest burdens on the human spirit is the uncertainty of the future; not knowing what the next act will be after the one currently being lived; because that is how it was requested; The order started from the most microscopic; in spirit and in matter; nothing should be despised; not even your own excrement; without which your life would not have continuity; The excrement, due to its supreme condition of humility, is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; they sought the philosophy of excrement to advance in knowledge, for they were unaware of such philosophy. the human creature was excrement in other galaxies of flesh; it lived that philosophy and emerged victorious from it; everything around you, you experienced; you were small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; to become human; All greatness is relative; because creation does not stop; it is expansive; this expansion contains justice within itself; divine justice precedes action; and it is prior to the deed; There is justice before and after each existence; from each justice, the physical form of your future body is created; the principle is the same; the justice earned by each of you is not the same; because you have different advancements in your existences; the circumstances you had to live through are different for each of you; and they will never be alike; This inequality dates back to your solar life; for at the very moment of your birth, you were born with innocence and free will; you were born with desires for determination; and desires also possess free will; and every virtue possesses it as well; your memory in a state of innocence is to feel the infinite penetrating within you; suns of solar fire; and your Creator is also fire; the eldest children, the colossal suns, are also born from the fire of the Father; your planet also came out of the fire; and everything that gravitates in space came out of the fire; nothing, absolutely nothing, has been created except from fire; Everything that exists above and below has emerged from fire; and all fire came from a microscopic idea; every idea you emanate possesses what the universe possesses; for the inheritance is in everyone; and everyone expands the inheritance; you are the whole over the whole; and you are so to the extent that corresponds to your knowledge; to your evolution; and in all worlds there exists struggle; although with different laws; with different philosophies; The classes of matter are infinite; just like the individualities of creatures; everyone came from the Father; and everyone is a living writing; everything is recorded in the Kingdom of Heaven; everything is inscribed in the solar books; in the books of universal life; everything is there; everything is known over time; because everything is alive; and everything possesses free will; the new knowledge of the universe brings with it the fall of an ancient knowledge; In all worlds, it happens the same; what is below is the same as what is below; what changes in relative terms is evolution; The events that occur in the worlds are similar to the events that happen to the creatures; the infinite variety of them; Everyone reproduces in the Kingdom of Heaven; no matter how distant it may be in space; everyone, through their deeds, is reflected on the gigantic solar televisions; just as every creature is also reproduced; there, one can see their daily actions in the world they chose to experience a certain kind of life; Solar television takes on all imaginable proportions; it is one of the infinite ways the divine Father has to guide the divine control of the universe. It has controls for every living evolution in space; the divine controls of planetary life are seen by the spirits; You human beings saw the solar televisions; through them, you saw your own future; you saw your future actions in precious solar colors; vibrant colors that spoke to your spirit; because you chose life, with full knowledge; every act, every scene, every circumstance that has happened to you in life was studied by you yourselves; you asked to remove this or add that; and it was granted to you; Many spirits ask to exchange their entire future existence for another; and they are granted this wish; only the Father knows the future that those existences, which have not yet become life, will have; He knows the outcome of them;

But be quiet; the spirit must go through experience; it will either triumph or fall in it; in the end, it is left with the experience; which will serve it in another existence. Even if one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; to live is to feel; and every feeling becomes matter; it forms alliances with the matter of the future body; the more knowledge a creature possesses, the more perfect its future body will be; the higher its spiritual hierarchy will be; to a better world it will go; All worlds voluntarily choose their creatures; no one is forced; neither matter nor spirit; everyone possesses free will; creatures strive to go to perfect worlds; Moreover, they are required to embody the divine living morality, which is the product of the total knowledge that the being accumulated in its past existences. it is enough to have microscopically violated a particle of a divine mandate, and one loses the opportunity to go to a better world; even to pay the debt in another existence; Opportunity runs parallel to regret; and it is as eternal as the spirit itself; That is why it is said that the doors of repentance are open to all; repentance dwells in everyone; it is one of the laws of conscience; the opportunity exists; and it is a living virtue; everything exists and everything is alive; what does not live or is not felt in your minds is lived and felt in other dimensions; thus, other beings in other worlds do not feel what you feel; the salt of life is different in those worlds; the Salt of Life is the same philosophy achieved by each one; and the content of happiness that it possesses; from the salt of life come your future worlds; which can be paradise planets or hell planets; everything depends on your ways of life; Since the formation of your world, you have had two paths; that will never meet: good and evil; two opposing living philosophies; These two trends that come from within you are carried by your living idea; the physical idea that travels through space and is collected by the silver ships; that you call flying saucers; You never imagined that these dazzling ships were connected to your final judgment. Much has been speculated about them; much has been speculated regarding the signs in the heavens; do not forget that you are tested in life; All spirits have seen the silver ships in the Kingdom of Heaven; and many have traveled in them; behold the sole reason for the writers who write about them; as spirits have been in these vessels; and all deeds of the past forge alliances with inspiration; and memories become present in a living present; All the ideas in your mind follow a mathematical order; this order of ideas is the order of the events that will happen to you in life; you saw this order in the Kingdom of Heaven; and you approved it; And you knew of the divine work carried out by the silver ships; you knew with divine knowledge of the reason the meaning that each one creates their own heaven; your ideas await you; for they are the galactic seed of future worlds; without them, you would have no eternity; you would have no inheritance; it is the Alpha and the Omega of your future; every idea that has violated the divine mandates impregnates its own ideas that travel through space, with the violation committed by your spirits; All influence of your own thinking is carried by the idea; It is thus that all those who never took the time to study their Creator create ignorant worlds regarding the divine with their ideas; And those who, knowing that one must be humble, were not, their ideas will create in space worlds of all categories of pride; He who has killed will create philosophies of blood. All the creatures of that future world will be born with a dagger in their hands; all the babies will carry the seed of destruction from their birth; and every spirit that, knowing that the humble should govern the world, remained silent, their ideas will create worlds of deception; This last part is for all those who promised in the Kingdom of Heaven to govern the people with humility; In your world, they are known as politicians; more, woe to them! I see that they assign themselves the best positions; the high and outrageous salaries; I see that they divide what belongs to my humble ones; I see that no humble person is allowed to govern; teaching my divine word, that the humble are the first in my creation; poor you! Usurpers of a power that has never belonged to you! Poor you, damned right-wing! Weeping and gnashing of teeth awaits you; for compromising the rights of my humble ones; thus you shall be traded between light and darkness; When your demonic ideas are separated by the divine silver ships; which many earthly beings deny; thus, the wonders of Heaven will be denied to the unbelievers. to deny is to not believe; And he who does not believe has no right; he has no right to the rights that those who believe have. the ideas that have emanated from an exploitative spirit create future worlds where one is born into exploitation; a true breeding ground for tyrants; they are the worlds of ambition; here is a supreme revelation; the cursed ideas that the cursed pharaohs created influenced humankind; From these damned ones whose philosophy was to enslave, materialism was born on Earth; materialism is based on ambition; there is no progress that, having emerged from materialism, does not carry this inheritance. Materialism began with the worship of gold; the spirit was captivated; the accursed pharaohs asked in the Kingdom of Heaven to guide this world with their sciences; and they were granted this request; at first, they were not evil; wealth corrupted them; and they corrupted the people of Israel; it was written: Let the left hand be wary of what the right hand does; let the humble be cautious of the immorality of the great; gold corrupts; it buys consciences; thus was the first human seed corrupted. The people of Israel were not materialistic; they were a people of art. From this people, who forgot the humility of the Lamb of God, have emerged the great ambitious ones; they populated the world. As an ancient nation, they are called the firstborn; and as the firstborn, they should have set an example for the younger children; for the new nations. That is why the curse of the divine Father weighs upon Israel. a wanderer through the world, like no other nation; its leaders believe they have formed a nation; Moreover, I tell you: it was written that you will not have peace until the last Word of my Sacred Scriptures is fulfilled; and when this happens, you will be the first to be judged; for so you requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; and there will be no memory of your philosophy left; every tree that the divine Father did not plant will be uprooted; one of those trees is the exploitation that came from you; You have set a bad example for the world; and the world will judge you; it was written that the humble are the first; you promised to be so; but you have done the opposite; using force as you do; you will never become humble; humility is earned through selfless work; all exploiters, of whom you are the oldest, have their days numbered; you will weep, children of Israel, when you know your true history; a history that began in the Kingdom of Heaven; it was reserved for you to be the light of the world; but you turned away from humility; you became common merchants; you are worldly spirits; all commerce diminishes the Father who taught equality; you nourish yourselves with this philosophy, ambition; and you pass it on to your children; I tell you more: There will be no child who does not curse their parents; for every way of life based on violation only reaps weeping and gnashing of teeth. Because of you ambitious spirits, your children will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this is how it always happens in the worlds of ambition; This writing was for you ambitious spirits, for it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. As long as you persist in such a philosophy, you will be condemning other creatures. outputs of your inheritance; Many spirits who were your children on Earth await you in the Kingdom of Heaven to accuse you; there is no debt that goes unpaid; if not in one existence, then in the other; you will know for the first time your origin; your galactic history; dictated by the Lamb of God; the same Little Lamb that you have despised with your worldly philosophy called ambition; the idea never leaves the spirit; for in it, see your own father; it is the eternal law of magnetism; it is the law of the whole over the whole; it is the law of the Father made evolution; magnetism is also living; and has an intimate relationship with the living knowledge of each one; all magnetism is fire opposite to solar heat; it means that solar fire burns; and magnetism creates; they are two forces; one within the other; magnetism regulates what must be burned, so that it is evolutionary; not hasty; this magnetic regulation gives rise to life; life is fire in microscopic increase; and it is at the same time an eternal calorie in continuous descent; to each existence, a different calorie corresponds to you; and in the eternity of time, you will become a colossal sun; just like my divine Firstborn Son; who promised to return again; brilliant as a sun of wisdom; He started like you; he was also a microscopic little monkey of flesh; he was everything you were; he also went through the dusty worlds; microscopic worlds; from dust you are and to dust you shall return; this divine parable explains the same; many silent children intuit this divine truth; and they cannot make it known because those who call themselves prophets of my word are the ones who believe the least; they allow discussions; but do not yield in humility; they believe they are the only ones; they are rocks of spiritual selfishness; they live deluded and influenced by the science of good; and it could not be otherwise; imperfect in the end; but proud by their own will; To eternalize oneself in a concept while ignoring its own origin is arrogance rooted in ignorance. They asked for these spirits in the Kingdom of Heaven, not to do it again; for in other worlds, they did the same; will they do the same in a future world? Will they fill another planet with luxurious temples again? Will they teach material worship again? Will they divide another flock on another planet? Will they bless weapons again in another world? Will they trade with my divine word in another world again? Will they chase my messengers again on that planet? only the Father knows that; I know, my dear child, that you have always asked yourself these questions; and the more enlightened world will ask them too. Many creatures have sensed the falsehood of the rock; yet, they have remained silent; they had no other way left; they are not extraordinary spirits; they were not born to defend the truth; Many do it for comfort; all comfort fades; and only merit remains; the pampered children of the world, none shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and the guilty are their parents; all comfort and all gifts of the Earth are worthless in the Kingdom; wealthy parents are not only guilty of their own perdition; but also of their children’s; for through the customs they taught them, they distorted the divine mandate of all humility; every second lived in any custom is judged in the Kingdom of Heaven; only the seconds lived in work and study are rewarded in the Kingdom; everything else is vanity; everything else is worldly; because it belongs to the world; it only lasts as long as human life lasts;

It is a burned prize in life; it is ephemeral; spiritual thoughts are the only ones that endure in other worlds; this divine revelation will make millions and millions of beings cry; who only sought comfort even if it meant exploiting others; The exploiting spirits are the true executioners in the worlds of flesh; they always delay progress; they are the living demons who asked to come to the worlds of light to overcome all influence of personal possession; Certainly, one must be born again and many times to shed imperfection; the great honorable ones were also great exploiters in the past; Everything is difficult; no one is born perfect; nor will anyone be born perfect; even your divine Creator did not have everything easy; Everything cost me effort and merit; just as it was taught to all of you; being in the whole above the whole, I have gone through everything; What do you understand by infinity? “Weren’t you taught that your Creator is infinite?” Certainly, you understand it only partially; you must be born again to continue understanding throughout all eternity; if all worlds are relative, the concept that their creatures have regarding their Creator is also relative; and this is true for all eternity; only the Trinity is the cause of causes; only it explains the unknown; only it transforms worlds through spirituality; all of you, without exception, possess everything that the Father possesses; you pass through the microscopic and reach the macrocosm; you will, at a given moment in your eternity, come to constitute yourselves as a universal Trinity; More, everything costs; more, everyone has the opportunity; that is why every spirit is born anew; because with each lived existence, it takes a new step; it is a new hierarchy of wisdom; it knows more about worlds and galaxies; greater is it in the Kingdom of Heaven; this greatness is not measured in riches; it is measured in knowledge; knowledge creates matter; or comes to an agreement with it; thus did my divine Firstborn Son act upon your nature; he said: I have not come to destroy the law; I have come to fulfill it; he said while observing the living universe; and his divine memory soared to eternities of times long past; and saw when the Earth was born from itself; it was born from the Alpha sun and the Omega sun; He did not say it in human wisdom; he said it in the Most Holy Trinity; he said it as the Creator of the universe; because what is of the Father is of the Son; and what is of the Son is of the Father; this means that all living philosophy is constituted in Trinity; called in the Kingdom of Heaven, living virtue; the Most Holy Trinity is solar knowledge; it encompasses everything that has existed and will exist; its divine power lies in what has been learned; throughout infinite existences that were lived in worlds that no longer exist; just as you are living yours; what is below is the same as what is below; every Trinity possesses celestial domains; it has its worlds and its suns; its universes and its galaxies; in which its philosophy is lived; every Trinity is a divine hierarchy; some are within the other; they possess living assimilation; they are at one point in space, and they are at the same time everywhere; they possess the divine celestial communism; the only philosophy that human spirits saw before coming to life in the Kingdom of Heaven; and they all promised to bring to that distant world called Earth, the same heritage that they lived in the Kingdom; If they haven’t fulfilled it, it’s because they weren’t humble. They forgot the Commandments; they were carried away by the illusions of life; they were tempted by the science of good that produces money; they did not create the true philosophical salt to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they neglected what they should never have neglected; the spiritual laws that explain the origin of themselves; Every moment lived has an intention; you were never alone in life; a multitude of microscopic creatures watches you in silent stillness; they are the divine cherubim; the little ones who live in the molecules of matter; they are the same ones who acted alongside my divine Firstborn Son in the past of the Earth; The divine moment has arrived for it to be known; there is no time that does not fulfill itself; my divine Son Solar Christ did not use magic, far from it; he acted according to his own laws of creation; everything was natural in him; because in the Kingdom of Heaven, such wonders are a normal thing; everything exists there; he worked in nature because it is written that way; it is in his own law; the law of a solar Father; who asked to advance a world of microscopic little beings of flesh; who excelled in some aspect of intelligence compared to others; and it was these very flesh-and-blood monkeys who killed him; It would be better not to have intelligence than to incur debts with eternity. Every debt is a yoke that comes at a high cost; for a moment of violation, it is an eternity of punishment; this seems unjust; disproportionate; It would be so if you had not been warned; if your forgetfulness of the point from which you departed were total; but that was not the case; you were informed; did I not leave divine scriptures in your world? Did I not leave divine commandments? “Did I not send you prophets?” “Wasn’t my divine Firstborn Son also with you?” Yes, children; you were warned; more, you paid little attention; the time has come for what you ignored; the despised are the first; even in what was not wanted to be understood; Divinity always gives surprises; for it possesses free will just as you do. It was written that the truth would come into the world unexpectedly; just like the surprise caused by a thief at night; yet, the divine Revelation was once again despised; a representative of the rock disregarded it; and along with him, many others; all received the Revelation and did not give it importance; these spirits had asked to be the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it was granted to them; when the divine moment arrived, they turned it down; the world will know them; and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth from them; no one commanded them to be proud; it suffices that one of my children shows a divine doctrine and mentions my divine name; were you not taught that the Lord is the first? So why do they look down on me? Yes, children of pride based on ignorance; a score of contempt for the Father runs through you; it is enough for my divine name to be spoken, and divine justice begins; you must tally all the seconds that have passed from the very moment you beheld the divine plans; until the very moment of your repentance; If you had been more humble as you were instructed, your fate would be different; your names would be recorded in history; you would be remembered forever by future generations; and all for not having a little bit of interest! I asked you for little so that you could gain glory; I asked you to enlighten yourselves in the new science; You dismissed it even though my humble son told you that he had telepathy permanently; you never understood that meaning! “True rocks of hardness and ignorance!” You lack living more; and in those existences, studying the true laws of the Lord; Many of you study occult sciences; to such people I say: every tree that was not planted by the divine Father will be uprooted; I am referring to philosophical trees; to those occult sciences; which are not of my flock; the only science of the Father is the science of work; from that science all other sciences emerge; whoever cultivates hidden thoughts, the divine Father hides from them; I am in all minds; I am in the mind of every deceived person; the divine Creator gives you laws without employing occultism; you all equally enjoy day and night; nothing is hidden from anyone; All human spirits that have cultivated the occult sciences must add up all the seconds from the very moment they began to study them; every second of violation corresponds to a little celestial dot; and a little celestial point is one less paradise for the violating spirit; The dust worlds viewed from the Kingdom of Heaven appear microscopic; they look like a tiny dot; which needs to be magnified; every celestial point has its equivalent of a second of time; Every celestial dot is part of the divine addition of each spirit; the divine addition is the reward that each person deserves from the divine Father; the divine addition of the Lord is infinite; Well, the creation of the divine Father Jehovah has no limits; nor will it ever have. by violating my divine law, the spirits limit themselves; the worlds of light are shortening; they are drawing closer to the worlds of darkness; this divine law of the celestial point is the Alpha and the Omega of divine justice; Everyone in the future will start to worry about their celestial score; he will begin to worry about his own destiny in the galaxies; he will start to calculate which sky he will go to; for the first time in the history of this world, its creatures will scrutinize space and the Holy Scriptures; because the greatest revolution of humankind is contained within it; the reason for this is simple: all thinking beings without exception are spirits that have emerged from the same point in space; their feelings seek their origin; no earthly science born from intelligence can explain the very origin of the creature; because the divine law of trial is for everyone; for matter and spirit; for the visible and the invisible; for the great and the small; for the microcosm and the macrocosm within the human dimension; Even your microbes fulfill the divine law; within their laws; the greatest revolution arises from the spirit; for all spirits requested it in the Kingdom of Heaven; before coming to life; the feelings and virtues that have accompanied you in life also requested it; your molecules and particles of your fleshly body also requested it; and all were granted; no one is lesser before the Father; neither matter nor spirit; neither the visible nor the invisible; neither what is above nor what is below; in all is the revolution; for they were created for a world full of exploiting demons; and the request for every revolution is first in the execution of the facts; in the Kingdom of Heaven, events are known before worlds are born; where they will take effect; all final judgment, all spirits of all worlds, see it; before being born in those worlds; that is to say, in the Kingdom of Heaven, there are living replicas of future lives; all of you human spirits saw the end of the ages of your world; you saw how the doctrines of the divine Father transformed the customs of the planet you inhabit; you saw the earthly revolutions; you saw my messengers leading those revolutions; you saw the struggles between good and evil; you saw what you will soon see and hear; you saw it all; before you made the decision to come to the world in which you are. because no one comes to the planets without knowledge of the cause; What you are reading, you read in the Kingdom of Heaven; you read it through telepathy; the colossal screens of universal television speak to the spirit of the viewer; because there everything is alive; everything transforms into music; a music that is at the same time living matter; there speed becomes matter; and matter becomes speed; Indifference does not exist as you feel it; indifference towards nature; there, everything is life; there, the child’s fantasy becomes reality; celestial joy is led by the divine Father; this was said by my divine Firstborn Son: Let the children come to me; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; he meant in other words: because joy is the queen in the Kingdom of Heaven; because my Father is joyful like a child; he is the creator of all characters; and of all, he prefers joy; whoever does not live in eternal joy through all trials will find it difficult to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; never have foolish spirits entered; nor will they ever.



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