Isaiah 40:22 “He is the one who sits on the circle of the earth, whose inhabitants are like grasshoppers; He is the one who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.”
Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the universe was formed by the word of God, so that what is seen was made of what was not seen.”
Yes little son; the universe is geometrically expansive; planets are the product of ideas; the ideas that emanate from each thinking creature, materialize; that is to say, each one makes their own heaven; ideas do not die; they are as eternal as the spirit itself; matter and spirit are equal before God; both have the same right to eternity; ideas constitute the eternal principle in each thinking being; each idea that emanates daily, is geometric; and no idea is identical to another; although they may seem so; each idea when generated, creates its own time, space, and philosophy; each idea is different in geometry from the other; because each idea makes use of a free will, different from the free will of others; here is the trinity in ideas; many ideas, in a single thought; just like the trinity in the Father; Father, Son, and Mother; and only one God; there is infinite subordination; in matter and in spirit; in molecules and in ideas; in the visible and the invisible; ideas have colors; these colors will constitute the colors of the future nature of the future world; because one must be small and humble, to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; universal law for matter and spirit; truly I tell you, that your planet emerged from the invisible to the visible; because it was a microbe; a microscopic spark of fire, coming from the suns Alpha and Omega; this spark was one of many infinite others, that are still being born from this pair of suns; not counting the other infinite pairs of solar luminaries; the solar sparks began to emerge, when the divine Father Jehovah said: let there be light, and the light was made; colossal suns initiated the creation, which is still expanding; because what is of the Father has neither beginning nor end; your beginning, is a solar beginning; the alpha beginning; and your end, the omega; Alpha is the first geometry; represented by the materialistic world; the world that is coming to its end; Omega is the world that begins; the world of the future; a world coming out of another; Alpha is a world of trials; in which its creatures do not know their origin or their destiny; from the point of view of science.-
Yes little son; the suns Alpha and Omega, continue to create solar sparks of future planets; in the macrocosm reigns celestial time; one celestial second is equivalent to a terrestrial century; the geometry of the Earth, is geometry born from solar ideas; what is above is the same as what is below; for above and below came from the same law; what happens below, happened to what is above, terrifying eternities ago; because everything is born microscopic to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; in the celestial drawing, the dimensions through which the worlds move are seen; these dimensions are born from the interior of the suns; they are solar fluids; a new term to explain the living magnetism of the suns; the solar fluids, are the virtues of the individuality of the suns; just as you have sensations in your individuality; and if you amplify what you feel, you will become suns; your spirit is a pale reflection, of the fire of the colossal suns; this amplification must be infinite; this law is fulfilled by being born again; the number of existences; that expands your fluids; the knowledge of each existence is fire; it is the salt of life; knowledge is also a geometry; for from what is learned in an existence, the future body to be had in the future is born; your form comes from yourselves; because each one makes their own heaven; just as planets are born from ideas; whoever denies this, denies the divine inheritance that the Father placed in him; you all have the inheritance of the Father; what is above is the same as what is below; the Father is infinite and gigantic; the children of the universe, microscopic; truly I tell you, that all of you were, what you see on the planet; you were microbes, insects, metals, plants, animals; you were tiny, to become big; in understanding and in form; it is spirit and molecule; whoever denies their own merit, their own effort, denies experience; and experience will accuse them before the Father; because everything becomes living before God; he is God of the living and not of the dead; according to the human concept; and truly I tell you, that experience refuses to make divine alliances, for the future, with a spirit that denied it; this law is fulfilled even in the smallest; every denial made in this world, finds its response in the same place, from where you came; when you left the Kingdom of Heaven, you left with a perfect concept of eternity; for you everything existed in heaven; because you saw it and lived it; and seeing everything, you asked for forgetfulness of the past; in the same request for life; this forgetfulness, is the characteristic of the life, that you chose; one of the infinite kinds of life that exist in the universe; just as you asked for your life and its characteristics, so did other creatures, ask for theirs; you are not the only ones; no one is unique in the universe; because what is of the Father has neither beginning nor end; no one in the universe, knows who was the first after the Father; only the Father knows; truly I tell you, that all those who believed themselves to be the only ones, none of them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; were you not taught, that the Father is infinite? did you not see with your own eyes, that the universe has no end? and even so, they denied the greatness of the Father; such will be called, renegade spirits; and they represent along with the so-called religious, the least evolved of this world; geometry makes alliances between creature and planet; all geometry is born in the suns, as spirits are born; because all have the same right to be born; the known and the unknown; truly I tell you, that geometry is spirit and matter; because being geometric, you are spirit and flesh; even virtues and ideas, are geometric; you conversed with living geometry and with everything you are; all life shows itself in the kingdom; that is to say you converse in your entirety; your 318 virtues converse with your physical body; the molecules, the cells, the pores, the hairs, the blood, the bones and everything you have converse; not even the smallest thing stops conversing in the kingdom; because the Father can do everything; these divine conversations are telepathic and verbal; they are prior to reincarnation itself; truly I tell you, that reincarnation is the alpha and the omega of the divine word; without births, no one would know themselves; no one would progress; no one would advance in wisdom; no one would see the Father; because the Father is seen, according to evolution; according to the salt of life gained; according to the spiritual merit gained; according to the sweat of the brow; reincarnation corresponds to the divine parable: every spirit is born again; returns to life; because having the eternal inheritance of the Father, it can know lives for all eternity; what is received from the Father, has neither beginning nor end; I know son that you are thinking about such a simple parable; and I see that you ask yourself, why the scholars of my scriptures, have not yet proclaimed, the eternal succession of existences; so it is divine Father Jehovah; I will tell you little son; it is pure intellectual selfishness; these selfish demons, have never wanted to simplify my scriptures; the religious rock, out of selfishness, even forbade reading my scriptures; none of these selfish demons, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; these selfish ones believed, that they were the only ones; gross error!! the only ones in this world, are the humble; because it is written, that every humble person is first before the Father; it does not say every religious person is first; because no merchant of faith, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who did not know religion, to enter the kingdom, than for one who knew it; the one who did not know religion, divided no one; the one who knew religion, knew division; and only Satan divides himself; no spirit divided in its concepts towards the Father, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the Father is one; the truth is one; none of you asked in the kingdom, to divide another; not in the slightest; it was written: do not do to another, what you would not like to be done to you; those who divided others, so will they be divided between light and darkness; with the measure they used for others, so will they be measured; with the same scripture with which they deceived others, with the same they will be judged; truly I tell you, that everyone who deceived in this world, it would have been better for them not to have been born; because matter and spirit of your Ark of the Covenant, will accuse you in the Kingdom of Heaven; and when you ask to be born again, neither deceived matter nor spirit, will accompany you; it is easier for one who did not know or hear of deception, to enter the kingdom; than for one who knew or heard of it; truly I tell you, that even darkness has its geometry; and if you saw it, you would be filled with dread; the one who persevered in life not considering the scriptures of the Father above all things, has earned their geometry of darkness; and whoever respected the law of the Father above all things, earned the geometry of light; those who served two masters, will be disputed by the forces of light and darkness, because one cannot serve two gods; and each violation made in life, is a lord of darkness; it is a contradiction in the spirit; this characteristic of your life, is due to the very system of life;
that contains strange morality; a morality that should never have existed; because it is not taught by the scriptures of the Father; and everything that is lived that is not in the scriptures is strange in the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that no stranger in morality, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; you cannot serve good and evil; as the so-called Christians do; they say they serve God, and they are lovers of scandals; they take pleasure in seeing the naked; the vices; the commerce of virtues; they are the greatest ignorants of the scriptures of the Father; and they call themselves Christians!! false and hypocrites!! for the false Christians it was written false prophet; Christians of the mouth; but not of knowledge; truly I tell you, that the so-called Christian world, will have its weeping and gnashing of teeth; because no false and hypocrite, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who was not a Christian, but who was not false nor hypocrite, to enter the kingdom; than for one who calling himself a Christian, was; truly I tell you, that the Creator judges his creatures, according to his divine mandates; according to his scriptures; and not according to religions; the so-called religions are not trees planted by the divine Father Jehovah; and they will be uprooted from human evolution; the so-called religions are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; and so is every philosophy that divides its fellow men; here is a revelation that will be a terror among those who believed; but, there are infinite kinds of beliefs; some pleasing and others displeasing to the Father; the pleasing one is the one that strictly adheres to his scriptures; the displeasing one is the one that does not fulfill the scriptures; the one that makes a scandalous commerce with the belief of others; the one that divides by selfishness; the one that sows confusion among millions of minds; truly I tell you, that this kind of belief, is the first to be judged; because it was the first to cast the stone of falsehood; whose fruit is tragedy; because of the religious rock, this world will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is Satan disguised as false belief; here is the supreme surprise among surprises; the surprise that a thief causes at night; this parable was written because of the rock; because it stole from the world, the right to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the surprise for those who believed, cannot be greater; the believers were as deluded, as their false guides; all influenced by the illusion of worldly life; and what made the blindness even greater, was material worship; the worship that has much of pharaonic; truly I tell you, that the fall of the selfish rock, is about to occur; because every request in philosophical test of life, has its time; one time succeeds another time; and in the eternal succession of times, new events come; individual events and universal events; the latter is about to be fulfilled; until the last moment of the time that is going, the selfishness of the religious rock, never declined; hard as the rock; a selfishness only comparable to the selfishness of the cursed pharaohs; that is why it was written many centuries ago: on this rock I will build my church; on the selfishness of these spirits, I will test my divine doctrine; that is what my Firstborn Son meant; because every spirit is tested in life; the so-called religious were tested like the rest of the world; truly I tell you, that within their tests as creatures, they falsified the content of the scriptures; and they must pay such debt; these spirits should never have believed themselves unique in the truth; because it was not for them, to represent the Father in this world; such glory was for the humble; for the simple of heart; for the first of the Father; were you not taught that every humble person is first? if he is first in the Kingdom of Heaven, he is also in the distant worlds; because what is above is the same as what is below; here is a violation of rights; if this world had been governed by the humble, as the scripture of the Father says, this world would not need a Final Judgment; but, because of the usurpation of rights, you are on trial; truly I tell you, that no usurper will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who respected the rights of others to enter the kingdom, than for one who usurped them; here is a truth; something did not fit with the strange morality of the so-called religious; millions of beings intuited the falsehood; they only saw in the false prophets, a simple commerce of beliefs; and everyone who saw, intuited and remained silent, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they will be accused of being accomplices of the devil in this world; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of millions who saw and were indifferent; it was commanded to fight against the devil, with all their might; the geometry of those who saw the devil act and remained silent, is geometry of darkness; without such geometry, you could have entered the Kingdom of Heaven; all those who intuited the false prophets of this world, and did not denounce them, must add up all the seconds of the time they remained silent; each second equals an existence that must be fulfilled outside the Kingdom of Heaven; and every so-called religious person, must add up all the seconds of the time, in which they falsified the scriptures; each second elapsed, equals a future existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the work of Satan; he divides himself and divides others; whoever knows him does not enter the kingdom of the Father; it is easier for one who did not know him to enter; the Christian world that knew him, will not know the Kingdom of Heaven; because no divided spirit has entered the kingdom; here is falsehood made spiritual tragedy; cause of weeping and gnashing of teeth; universal tragedy; because all were created by the same God; truly I tell you, that the religious rock will fall by its own law; it will fall by the same scripture of the Father; it will fall by the same measure with which it measured the world; without deviating from any letter of it; the letters of the scriptures, are also living; each letter that was falsified, accuses those who falsified it; because in divine judgments, matter and spirit, become living; because the perfection of the Father allows it; in a judgment everyone participates; everything you imagined in life; what you created; fact by fact; event by event; moment by moment; idea by idea; occurrence by occurrence; and the time you used, also speaks; the hours, the minutes, the seconds speak; because all have the same rights, as your spirit has; no one is less before the Creator of all things; all are equal in rights; in their own laws that they asked to fulfill; here is the Ark of the Covenants in Final Judgment; the Ark of the Covenants, is the living agreement existing between matter and spirit; who asked to be tested in their respective laws; with forgetfulness of their pasts; because they asked for the test of life; one of the infinite kinds of life in the universe; truly I tell you, that each of your individualities, constitutes a universe; because each one makes their own heaven; each one is the creator of the own geometry, that their universe will have; from each one comes the destiny; because you are eternal by inheritance from your Father; the fact of knowing and living in perishable flesh bodies, does not limit your eternity; flesh bodies, are necessary to be born again; to know what you do not know; and having known it, you ask to know more; knowledge in the Father, is not reduced to a single existence; were you not taught, that what is of the Father, has neither beginning nor end? that it is infinite? and being your infinite Creator Father, why do you doubt yourselves? many little evolved, believe that with the death of the physical body, everything ends; truly I tell you, that such, deny the infinite power of the Father; they deny their divine inheritance; they are comfortable spirits who do not seek their eternity; because he who seeks finds; truly I tell you, that everyone who doubted their eternity, will doubt themselves in their kingdom; the same living eternity, will deny them; how hard it will be for them in the future, to count on another eternity! everyone who denied it, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because there dwells the supreme eternity; the eternity of the Father; it is easier for one who believed in eternity, to enter the kingdom, than for one who did not believe in it; no unbeliever has ever entered the kingdom; the place of the macrocosm, where everything becomes reality; here is a truth that will make millions of unbelievers weep; who did not cultivate faith; only with faith was life given to them; the living faith will accuse them in the Kingdom of Heaven, of not having given it the importance, that these spirits promised it before the Father.-
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