Holy writings

Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come. “Thy will be done, as it is in heaven, so on earth.”
Matthew 18:4 “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; I will explain to you what no mortal knows; the origin of their own planetary dwelling; everything happened in the Alpha and Omega suns; and what happened there was happening; and is still happening; and is occurring in infinite solar lights; and will happen for all eternity; my expansive thinking universe is born from fire; suns are fire made matter; fire, just like your microscopic ideas, possesses evolutionary quality and essence; being products of solar fire, your ideas are too; and your galactic seed multiplies worlds born from fire; because all inheritance multiplies like the grains of sand in a desert; in quality and essence lies your world of flesh; a world that, while infinite, is unknown to the rest of the universe; The Earth you inhabit was, in very ancient times, a microscopic spark; from this spark remains the central fire that the Earth possesses; this little spark was born from the loving dialogue between the suns Alpha and Omega; because love exists above and below; above in the macrocosm and below in the microcosm; the suns above and the planets as dust below; what is above was also what is below; the solar lights were once also tiny and humble; to become great in power, in the Kingdom of Heaven; matter and spirit had the same origin; and this origin is eternal; it does not cease to manifest; not for a moment within all the living times of the universe; the quality and the essence are infinite; that is why there exists a variety of worlds and creatures that has no end; The same Earth has twins; their number is like the number of the sands contained in a desert; and this resemblance is for all eternity; the quality continues; the essence transforms; here is a revelation that will astonish human knowledge; the primitive spark that is Earth grew; going through all imaginable geometric shapes; The past of the Earth was not known to men; there were fire creatures; they were gigantic; they existed before Adam and Eve; one of the first couples that humankind had; Many discuss this; Do not forget the saying that every spirit is tested throughout its entire existence. the explanation of Adam and Eve is not complete; because you are precisely tested, starting from your own origin; this is not a whim of the Trinity; you asked for it this way; and so it was granted to you; you requested, at your rebirth, a forgetfulness of your past; even the very doctrine of the Lamb of God, you asked for it; and it was granted to you; everything is requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; even what is incomprehensible to you; every unknown sensation for your spirit, you have asked for; all your thoughts, and the essence of your individuality; Every gesture you have made in life is also written in the kingdom; Yes, my child; I know you’re sad; your brother Fernando continues with insolent answers; his humility is being consumed by the mundane; it always has been; he shows more care for his human aunt than for the messengers of the Father; Forget that the Father is above all things; due to his blindness, I will remove him from the mission; and once again, he has lost the chance to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; he asked in the kingdom for his spiritual error to be published; and the divine Father grants such a wish; one should never ask for missions that are beyond one’s own capacity; that is what happened with this son of the world.-

Yes, my son; This drawing explains the origin of the Earth; however, it does not explain everything; because the time that has passed in the Earth’s history is beyond human calculation; There have been as many centuries as molecules the planet possesses; this is because time is expansive, starting from the most microscopic; the Earth was born from the invisible to the visible; from celestial time to material time; and its appearance in the visible was less than the size of a pinhead; and it has gone through infinite sizes; its shapes on the surface are the same. the current sphere of what Earth is, is a product of the microscopic; Even matter complies with the law contained in my parables; One must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; whoever is not born humble will not reach the Father. The Earth has consumed three quarters of its total existence; and this corresponds to the trial life requested by all thinking beings; all generations of all times have asked for this way of life; No form of life is unique before the Father; for the forms of life, in the Father’s creation, are limitless; they are like the grains of sand that make up a desert; the earthly spark that emerged from the Alpha and Omega suns traveled through infinite skies; it was guided by silver ships; and alongside it were countless others; because every beginning of creation in the Father does not refer to a single world; it refers to infinite worlds; worlds that continue to emerge from countless solar pairs; the spark still retains fire; and its creatures have electricity in their bodies; everything is electric in the living universe of the Father; and all fire possesses quality and essence; and it manifests in constant transformation; this constant transformation has a duration; then comes the eternal flesh; or the resurrection of all flesh; the resurrection of all flesh is the normal life of spirits; because death is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; there everything is eternal; there the living merit reigns; because its creatures have lived longer; and know more; and their power is greater; the power in the Kingdom of Heaven is creative; and not destructive as it is on Earth; No destructive spirit enters the kingdom; every destroyer divides itself; its own virtues abandon it when the moment of divine justice arrives; just as they have abandoned Satan. The writing was: only Satan divides himself. This parable is for the rock of human selfishness; for the so-called Catholic Church; because by trading with my word, it has divided the faith of humanity; there is only one God; the true church is not of this world; and the so-called religions are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; from the very moment my command is violated, even in the most microscopic degree, such an entity becomes a tree that the Father did not plant; and every philosophical tree that does not comply with my divine moral is uprooted in human evolution; anticipating the future fall of the so-called church, the Firstborn Son called it a rock; for its spiritual hardness; every rock turns to dust; all selfishness perishes; it is proven; the Earth will enter a spiritual era, unknown; just as it should have been from the beginning; this era is the Millennium of Peace; and its work is thanks to the humble of the world; for it was written that they are the first; Capitalism will never bring peace to the world; because the greedy Satan divides; only a common unity with a new morality will bring peace to the world; this peace will be led by the Lamb of God; as it was written many centuries ago; The morality of those called religious is immorality in the Kingdom of Heaven; and none of them will enter the kingdom; for it is easier for a humble and ignorant person to enter than for an enlightened religious person. The more illustration the creature has, the heavier the stone it throws in its philosophy. And there is no greater stone than that which is said to represent the Father; the Vatican sect will have to answer for the millions of unfortunate souls who have believed in its word; whose greatest merit is material worship; I truly tell you, that none of those who have adored me without the merit of work as it was commanded, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Material worship has a microscopic score in your addition; the highest score is held by humility and joy; followed by work; And anyone who has stopped practicing them for a second or less than a second will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The writing was: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; and this command is the greatest; its divine hierarchy dates back to eternities, before the current universes were born; It is infinitely long before the Earth was born; it is before your proof of life existed; before I gave you the Commandments; that is why all religions pass, and the work remains. And it could be no other way; the Creator of the universe is the first worker; since He has created all things; including work; If it is difficult for you, it is the same for the Creator; what is above is the same as what is below; If it didn’t cost your Creator anything, it would lack merit; What happens is that I am infinite and you are limited; To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you are only required to fulfill what you promised to accomplish in life; everything is a living promise; And there is no promise that does not have some merit; that does not have some result; In the Kingdom, only work is known; because everyone imitates the Creator; religions are unknown; religious spirits requested the religious test; and it was granted to them; they asked to be tested in such philosophy; because every spirit is tested in life; they were tested as humanity was tested; they have nothing special; on the contrary; the religious are the first to be judged; because that is what they requested in the Kingdom; and so it shall be; such a request rested on spiritual reasoning, that what is of the Father is first; He is above all things; and those who speak in the worlds in His divine name have the right to be the first; the first to be judged; it is a universal law; I tell you, religious spirits, that it would have been better for you not to have asked for such a test. If you have violated my divine law; for you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; no one who divides my flock shall enter; just like Satan who divided multitudes of angels in the kingdom; this revelation will shake your selfish rock; for he who does it pays the price; thus it is written in the solar books; and in all the scriptures of the universe; both above and below; your Christian world will be shaken; They will weep and gnash their teeth, those who have followed you; Upon you will fall a curse; both from above and below; for the spirits of the heavenly world await the Earth to be liberated; they wait just as the humble of heart wait. In the celestial world, reality is seen; a reality that you are far from suspecting; because you are blind to the laws of spirits; worldly you are in your beliefs; because of you, demons of the exploitation of faith, this humanity does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because its seconds of life have passed in violation; just a microscopic moment of violation, and one does not enter the kingdom; this is because all human spirits asked to fulfill the most sublime morality in their existences; and it was granted to them; therefore your Creator takes what is rightfully His; there is nothing more; on the contrary; I give hope to the repentant; the door of repentance is open to all; the Creator of the flock saves the flock; Yes, my child; I know you see in your mind and in cosmic colors the crying and gnashing of teeth of humanity; you see what no one else sees; every Firstborn sees first; because you are precisely first; you are the firstborn in universal telepathy; because from any point in the universe, your divine Father Jehovah communicates to you the wonders of creation; I know you see the worlds at every moment of your existence; All power begins with the microscopic; with the invisible; until it becomes visible; this is to command the elements of nature; this is divine Father Jehovah. By your infinite grace, I see that everything is alive; everything is colored fire; and everything expresses itself; yes, my child; for Father Jehovah is the eternal fire; the one who sustains the magnetism of the worlds; everything comes from the fire and everything returns to the fire; everything comes from the Father and everything returns to the Father; there is nothing that does not come from Him; the same geometry with which the Earth was created came from the fire of the Father; what lies beyond the Father is an attribute of the Father’s free will; for being infinite, the Father exists before the Father and after the Father; the Father chooses all past; because every moment, whether from the past or not, is turned into present; He creates worlds from nothingness itself; and His creatures are unaware of this; it is as if they have been living since eternities ago; and they possess their planetary history; they are the instantaneous creations of the Father; one of His infinite ways of creating; because nothing has limits in the Father; the geometry of the Earth came from the living word of the Father; His divine words were: Let there be light, and light was made; this means that with this command, a whole process began; a process that still continues; and will continue for all eternity; this process is the thinking expansive universe; a universe that comes from yourselves; because no one is disinherited; everyone possesses the creative power of the Father; even on a microscopic level; no one is born knowing; everything is achieved through struggle; starting from the most primitive; because everyone wants to know everything; In the Kingdom of Heaven, everyone asks for experiences outside the kingdom; experiences they do not know; if they were known, they would cease to be called experiences; Everyone in the kingdom knows that the Father delights in knowledge; from His divine knowledge came everything that exists; and everyone plans the best for themselves; everyone wants the best rebirth on distant planets; everyone wants to return triumphant to the kingdom; because everyone has seen the Father; and whoever sees the Father is transformed for all eternity; You human spirits, you asked to experience the fleshly little monkeys; and it was granted to you; you have made other requests; for one is born microscopic, tiny, and humble, to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; you were microbes of the very dust; and you went through infinite existences in the worlds of dust; Whoever denies this law denies their own experience of the past; and what they have denied will be taken from them; because learned knowledge possesses free will; because inheritance is the same for all; every denial is heavy and judged in the kingdom; and all praise the Father; because every denial is a test for knowledge; because every spirit is tested; all seek it; matter and spirit; no one is disinherited; the Earth will know its own origin; and this origin will remain until its own consummation; no wise person or researcher has been able to uncover the law;

Because none sought in my word; he who seeks finds; knowing that the knowledge of the Father comes first; was it not taught to them like to the rest of humanity, that the science of the Father is above all things? they certainly know it; however, they don’t bother to look for me; I truly tell you, wise ones of the world, that none of you will enter the kingdom; you asked for the exploration of many worlds and it was granted to you; what you did not ask for was gratitude towards the Father; you will receive what you deserve; for every effort made for others is rewarded; more, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because it is easier for a humble ignorant person to enter than for a wise person from the world; who, having education and preparation, was ungrateful to their Creator; that’s how it is and that’s how it will be until the end of this world; Such justice, you requested in the kingdom; and it was granted to you; This law of justice is for all educated people of the Earth; because none enter the kingdom of the blessed; your Earth will suffer a weeping and gnashing of teeth; In what other ways will they suffer, the comfortable, the willfully ignorant; the worldly who never overcame; the demons of scandalous fashions; those who exposed their naked bodies to the world; those who engaged in games of chance; evading work as they were commanded; those who persecute my children because they dislike the color of their skin; likewise, these demons of discrimination will be pursued in distant worlds; the pores of all skin; being microscopic, they are large in size in the Kingdom of Heaven; and they accuse before the Creator of life those who pursued them on a distant planet called Earth; In the Kingdom of Heaven, everything transforms; the microscopic becomes gigantic, and the gigantic becomes microscopic; everyone who has been exalted in the worlds is diminished in the heavens; that is why all scripture teaches above all things to be humble; with cultivated humility, every spirit is respected in the kingdom. Yes, my child; I know the state of mind you’re going through; I know that the cause is due to the way the newspaper Últimas Noticias published the divine Revelation; They are materialistic spirits who asked to publish the truth with humility and respect; they did the opposite; because in that content there is doubt, mockery, and falsehood; never should there be quotation marks when referring to the Father. Quotation marks are characteristic of materialism; and anyone who uses these quotation marks of disbelief does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the Father teaches in His scriptures to cultivate faith, not disbelief. Yes, my little son, in your divine free will, you never liked to take my word to the den of the right; for the right is the anti-Christ; the very form and style with which they made the publication shows that they are. They are creatures who are only interested in a comfortable present; they cling to gold; because in gold they find comfort; they know nothing of philosophy; they have never sought me out; they asked for a spiritual proof, superior to their own knowledge; and they fell; they would be saved if they had a little humility and respect for the things of the eternal; their names will be known in all languages; because that is what they asked for in the kingdom; they themselves requested such justice; in case they fell; that the world would judge them; according to the divine mandate; did these unbelievers not know that my command says: You shall worship your Lord above all things? If the divine mandate says so; why didn’t they publish my Revelation immediately? Isn’t the Creator of their lives above all things? Why did the Creator of the universe have to wait? Certainly, he told you blind spirits, that you will wait eternities, asking to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; from you came pride; not from the Father; and so it will be for all those who, having seen with their own eyes the birth of the Revelation, said nothing; they did not bring the news of the Lord to anyone; knowing that my divine word says; he who has a mouth should speak; Let him who has eyes see; let him who has ears hear; It means that of all the knowledge that man comes to know, the knowledge of the Father comes first; wasn’t it taught to them above all else? The slightest suspense weighs heavily in the kingdom; and every suspense related to what belongs to the Father holds infinite importance for every spirit; because the Father is first both above and below; you spirits who asked to be journalists, and did not know how to be so, will have to sum up all the seconds that have passed, from the very moment you placed an announcement of the Father in your newspaper; until repentance comes forth from you; you dedicate the best pages and in beautiful colors to worldly matters; to commerce; and why have you not done the same for what belongs to the Father? Are you creatures without God? if that’s the case; the darkness belongs to you; You forget that the truth comes as a surprise; like the surprise caused by a thief at night; you forget that the Father uses the humble; because every humble person has no greater interests; one cannot serve two masters; either you serve the Father selflessly or you serve the world; your publication will shake those who serve the world; because it has happened countless times; every spirit is tested; they asked for the tests; what they did not ask for was to relegate the Father to a secondary role; yes, my child; I know you are witnessing the weeping and gnashing of teeth of these beings; and you see all of humanity; they were blind until the very last moment; before the Revelation; they lived materialized and illusioned until the very last moment; there can be no greater arrogance; You yourselves contribute to making the surprise bitter for you; it is your spiritual hardness that will cause you to weep; It is your rock of human selfishness; it was taught to be humble, and you have done the opposite; all humble will feel no fear; and all selfish and proud will tremble; I truly tell you, generation of unbelievers, that if you had followed the moral taught by my Commandments, this world would not need a Final Judgment; you created the judgment yourselves; the Doctrine of the Lamb of God will teach you all the knowledge of the universe; Because no one is born knowing; everything is learned; even geniuses learn; And every genius is the product of learnings made in other worlds; because the law that says: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, holds true in all worlds; I know, little son, that your brother Salazar offers you with interest; he who wants to give, let him give without interest. He has done something with you that he should never have done; one should never offer something in the presence of others; if that something involves charging for the charity being given; know, my child, as you know, that a self-interested helper cannot continue in the mission; and so it shall be; the Earth, my child, will receive with surprise and astonishment the doctrine of the Lamb of God; surprise and astonishment that humanity itself requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; all the unbelievers will receive it with criticism; which was to be expected; however, every critic will be ashamed; because before being critical, one must first know their own origin; and if one does not know, one must be humble; Man does not know the future; and his own ideas can mock him in a given moment; Before being critical of others, one must first be critical of oneself. Poor those critics who dared to cast the first stone of their criticisms, without knowing in detail the content of my writings; for no worldly critic will enter the kingdom of God. The only critique in the Kingdom of Heaven is the one that defends my humble ones; and there is no other; because all living humility defends those who defended it. due to worldly criticism that does not defend what belongs to God, millions and millions of beings will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the term “cast the first stone” was a warning for all critics of humanity; To criticize is a spiritual responsibility; all criticism is at risk of turning into slander. Many times you criticize those who do not deserve it; only the Father knows who should be criticized in this humanity; and for you to know, those who will be criticized will be the great ones of this world; because no one should have been exalted; no one should be more than another; because all are equal before God; my laws are common to all; and everyone should be like my laws; The so-called earthly communism is the philosophy that comes closest to the morality of my Commandments; because it is based on work, not exploitation. All philosophy contains an intention; and among all philosophies, your Creator chooses the one whose intention is closest to my divine Commandments. the morality of so-called capitalism is far from it; The term exploitation should not be known in this world; and it is known for capitalism; and there is no greater scandal among philosophies; Earthly communism will recognize the Eternal Father; the universal Trinity; because every doctrine that comes from the Father transforms every mind; it transforms worlds; just as it transformed in the past; in the Mosaic, Christian era, and now in the era of the Lamb of God; from the humble comes the truth; just as it was in the past; because the humble are first; the science of the Lamb of God is not of this world; it does not belong to your universities; just like the content of my writings; let the critics of this world take note of this; who know nothing of the laws of the macrocosm; who know nothing of the Kingdom of Heaven; they must learn everything; about how things were made; about how the Earth was created; and how they were created. Worldly criticism is scarce in humility; and for that reason, no critic enters the kingdom. If you do not know how to interpret the celestial drawings, study the content; for the tree is known by its fruit; this means: the content of a doctrine; the intellect it contains; and its relation to the scriptures; Of all intellectual fruits, the writings are the supreme one; because it is the fruit that comes from the Father; and it judges all the others. This means that when the Creator intends to expand a new doctrine, there is no human force that can prevent it; because all the elements of nature prepare for it, including human thought. because matter and spirit belong to the whole above the whole; they are interconnected; just as it was commanded to human beings; Living as brothers represents the same alliances of the elements; All my living universe is living unity; although your eyes see capitalism; Every movement in nature was requested by the cherubim of all elements; for living matter possesses free will just as you do; were you not taught that no one is disinherited? That no one represents the infinite in the Father; that He can do all things; was it not taught to you that He is infinite? The Christian world speaks of the Father; just as they were taught; They don’t reflect more; they don’t delve into me; they don’t seek me; they are false Christians; they are Christians in name only; no false prophet of my word will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the illusion created by materialism fosters a false concept of eternity in people’s minds; capitalism is the cause of humanity’s failure to enter the kingdom; because the quality and essence of all ideas of existence have fallen into falsehood; into the ephemeral; which brings them closer to their own darkness; because they executed it by free will; therefore, this humanity does not enter the Kingdom because of its way of life; a philosophy that the very spirits requested; they asked to be tested in it; they promised to overcome the demon; more, they fell; the same immoralities that you witness in the world, they tell you; your Creator does not reward immoral worlds; More so, from immorality comes new morality; from darkness comes light; this means that the Creator does not need to destroy His work; He could do so; the transformation of worlds is a divine right that belongs to the free will of your Creator; The ways to do it are infinite; because nothing has limits in the Father; You are going to witness the transformation of your world; a transformation like none ever seen before; and from yourselves will come such transformation; because you all have a soul; even the most skeptical; no one desires condemnation; even the proudest will feel their rock of selfishness shatter into pieces; the living word of the Father transforms everything; just as His purifying fire judges the demons of the macrocosm; where creatures possess powers that would fill the human being with dread.


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