Holy writings

Luke 12:48 “And to whom much was given, much will be required; and to whom much has been entrusted, more will be asked.”
Luke 4:8 “And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


yes little son; the final judgment begins by itself; the yoke of this world was caused by those who have too much; before possessing something, one must meditate on the commandment; above all things; the commandment that refers to the Father; and the Commandment says: You shall not steal; and possessing more than your brothers possess is theft; because everyone who possessed more than another will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and the reason this did not happen in the world is due to the way of life that governed you and that has little left; these demons that you call capitalists did not respect the Law of the Father; they did not take it into account, as they were commanded; and as they themselves promised in the Kingdom; this forgetfulness of these demons is the cause of your weeping and gnashing of teeth; no one should have had more than another; whatever the form of government; you should never have violated the Law of the Father; because at some point in the future, you would have to recognize your mistake; were you not warned by the Scriptures that there would be a Final Judgment? were you not warned that: it is easier for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, if he did not violate the Law; because it is easier for one who achieved his abundance with the sweat of his brow to enter, than one who achieved it through cunning, deceit, and hypocrisy; and even so, no rich man enters the Kingdom of Heaven; the previous example is an order of justice within injustice; because no one was commanded to become rich; such philosophy is the opposite of the Commandments and the Law of the Father; every rich person must choose between two destinies: either continue being rich and die as a mortal dies; or renounce the abundance that never belonged to him and be resurrected in eternal flesh; creatures have free will; the divine Father forces no one; the creature chooses; just as those who, having seen the Revelation at its beginning, despised it, chose the path of death; because they will not be resurrected in this world; contempt cannot be rewarded; everyone promised to be the first to make the Revelation known in the world; and when the time came, they did the opposite; they despise it and remain silent; they deprive others of knowing the News of the Father; that is intellectual selfishness; because it was written: He who has eyes, let him see and read; he who has a mouth, let him speak and comment; he who has ears, let him hear and discern; this is what the selfish, who despised my word, did not do; they lost the opportunity to be the first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; in other existences and in other worlds, they did the same; and truly I tell you, these selfish ones without exception prolonged their own punishment for breaking the Law; because from the moment they saw the Rolls of the Lamb and did not inform the world, your seconds lived in violation continued to increase; that is to say, when the appearance of a Revelation is announced at the very moment it is seen, read, and heard, the world begins to change; because repentance becomes present; and your score in violation ceases; because your ideas change in the smallest unit of time; the time elapsed since my Firstborn Son presented the new doctrine to the first mortal is five years; calculate the seconds contained in five years; and add them to your score; yes, children of pride and ignorance; you who despised my envoy, you will be cursed by the world; because with your ignorance and your illusion, you condemned them more; it would have been better for you not to have been born; the wealth that each one accumulated in his life, violating the Law, should not remain in your possession for a single moment longer; because seconds pass at every moment; at every moment your score in the darkness increases; you move further away from the Kingdom of Heaven; because the existences you will have to fulfill outside of it increase; and knowing the new Law and its new commandment, and not paying attention, your score will be multiplied by three; for every second of violation and disobedience, you will have to fulfill three existences outside the Kingdom for each second; so it is and so it shall be until the end of the ages; wealth is a cursed product; because no rich man will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they ignored the warnings of the Scriptures; wealth is a weakness of the spirit; because it does not perfect virtues; it enslaves them; and no one enslaved by his own will shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; wealth was and is the perdition of humanity; because satan used it to deceive you; and from the moment you do not enter the Kingdom of the Father, you belong to satan; because you cannot serve two masters; no one divided in his ideas has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; the illusion that you received from father to son entertained you in life, on false paths; at every moment and without realizing it, you moved away from the Kingdom; and truly I tell you, that there will be trillions and trillions of existences that you will have to fulfill in distant worlds before you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and when you read this Law, your eyes will fill with tears; because the virtues sense the end; an end of which they are innocent; the guilty one is your spirit; because it was the one that cast the first stone in ideas; it was the one that made the destiny; and the fate was written in the spirit; the fate you talked so much about in life does not exist; because the Father does not do things by chance; he does them with principles and causes; the so-called luck is a concept born of spiritual insecurity and ignorance; and it was cunningly exploited by the deceivers of always; and truly I tell you, that everyone who profited from telling fortunes will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and they must shout to the world that they were its deceivers; because these demons asked for it in the Kingdom of Heaven; they asked for it when they asked for Final Judgment; and if they do not fulfill it, they will be cursed by Father Jehovah; and the world will despise them; just as it happened in the past; and all those who committed murders and physical abuses, believing that no one saw them, will fulfill the same Law; they must shout to the world, whom they killed and whom they beat; and if these demons do not fulfill their law, they will be cursed by Father Jehovah; and the world will despise them; and all deceivers and murderers will be discovered by the mental power of my Firstborn Son; just as it happened in the past; and every demon will flee from his presence; but, sooner or later, they will shout that they are demons; and all those who hid murderers and thieves must shout it to the world; and fulfill what they asked for in the Kingdom; and if they do not, they will be cursed by Father Jehovah; and all those who, expecting children inheritances from above and below, killed them or killed them before they were born, cursed they be; because it was commanded not to kill; and much less the innocent; who have done nothing wrong in the world; the hidden evil will be given to themselves; and all the spirits who were murdered in life await their killers in the Kingdom of Heaven; because they cry out for justice; the justice of the Father is above and below; just as it was taught to you; he will judge the living below, and the dead above; spirits who were below for a moment and passed above; wherever the spirit goes, it finds its justice; were you not taught that God is everywhere?; and he does not only attend to human spirits; but to all the spirits of all the worlds; he attends to a creation that has no end; wealth was the cause of almost all the evils of this world; by creating need, it created pain; injustice; and truly I tell you, this world has such abundance that no one should know hunger; and if hunger was known in this world, it was due to the demons of capitalism; who only looked at their power and not the need; no demon of money will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; until they pay the debt they have with the world; with each of its creatures; with every second of hunger that each of them endured; including the generations that have already departed; and they are waiting for them in the Kingdom to claim their justice; capitalism has its days numbered; because the Final Judgment is approaching; the Judgment that was announced to you through the centuries; a Judgment that will take place above and below; living and disembodied spirits; because they left their flesh on Earth; any physical form one has is foreign to the Judgment of the spirit; and spirit and flesh are not exempt from being judged; the cause of this lies in the laws of invisibility; these laws have always existed; and they explain the mechanism of the eternity of which you are heirs; an eternity inherited from the Father; and told by my Firstborn Son and many envoys; by the prophets and many other creatures; were you not taught that there is everything in the creation of the Father? therefore there is visibility and invisibility; and were you not taught that your God is infinite? the Laws of the Father are given to be believed; because you are a living reality; whoever did not believe in the existence of the invisible, no one will believe in him in the same invisibility; in the same Kingdom of Heaven; invisibility is as material as your present; what happens is that with your eyes, you cannot reach it; do you see the world of your microbes? only with certain instruments do you reach a part of them; your Final Judgment starts from the most microscopic that your mind can imagine; were you not taught that every humble one is first before God? every humble one, whether of spirit or matter, does not let itself be seen; such is its humility; the invisible world does not let itself be seen by you; because being living, it asked for it that way; just as you asked for your destiny; the invisible world respected your life of trial; your voluntary forgetfulness of the past; the invisible world will become visible to the world; this is open heavens; just as it was at the beginning of the world; when the Earth was tiny; and it was the size of a little glass ball; because one must be tiny and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; to become a colossal planet; or a gigantic creature; because there is everything in the flock of the Father; the invisible world is not subject to a single present like you; the invisible universe does not have a life trial like you; and it is composed of infinite dimensions; the dimensions are abodes of God with their respective heavens; here is the alpha and the omega of eternity; which is not only reduced to a single world; or to a single life; because the Father has many abodes; eternity is the normal life of every spirit; and anyone who denies the invisible universe denies himself; he reduces himself to the insignificant; denies his inheritance; and anyone who denied it, it will be taken away from him; because that is what the human spirits asked for; before departing to the test of life; the invisible universe sees everything; and respects the Law; because its creatures know that every world that is in trials has its time; and that at a given moment, they will see the light; they will see themselves; the invisible universe is accustomed to seeing infinite earth planets, that have gone through what your Earth is going through; and what is going to happen; and they prepare for the great event; and in the midst of a joy unknown to you, they make infinite preparations; these preparations were announced to the world, centuries in advance; because it was written: And there will be signs in the heavens; here is the universal warning; let no one be taken by surprise; like the virgins who accommodated themselves to the illusion of their philosophies; and frightened went to meet their husbands; here is the comfort of the world; which will be cursed by those who knew and lived it; here are the customs of the world; which will be renounced; because all those who lived immoral customs will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; an immoral custom is called the custom of living without taking into account the mandates of the Father; and millions and millions of minds will ask themselves: Is our way of life immoral? Did the creators of capitalism, which we serve, take into account the Creator of life? Will we be saved? and your Creator says to you: no! are you blind? do you not see that every humble one is exploited? do you not see that there is scandal with the body? do you not see that they kill each other? do you not see that it is more important for this world to become rich than to understand God? do you not see that the world was divided by the demons of ambition, into rich and poor? do you not see that the spirituality of the flock was divided into many beliefs, having only one God; having only one truth? yes, you are blind; because you were deluded; just as satan deluded Eve; and truly I tell you, that everyone who let themselves be deluded by the accursed money will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the invisible universe will not open to their eyes; they will continue living their present; they will not enjoy eternity; because many humble ones will see and contemplate their own past; their own existences; their past new births; their past reincarnations; the universe penetrates through the eyes and manifests through the mind; the world of the humble will be shaken by a wave of dreams, panoramas, and visions; even certain materialists and unbelievers will see; because they have spiritual rewards pending from the past; the Father’s rewards are granted when the creatures request them; and what is not given in one existence is given in another; the rewards of material abundance are requested by the most backward spirits; who only see the greatness of an ephemeral present; the advanced spirits ask for knowledge, wisdom; and humility; because they have already lived what the rich spirits are just now living and experiencing; and every rich and materialistic person will be the great spiritualists of tomorrow; leaders of flocks; because your Creator does not trust those who are only deluded by a single present; he trusts those who encompass all psychologies and philosophies; he trusts the Firstborns; who have already lived the causes that the others are just now living; every new birth is to know a new cause in eternal knowledge; that is why every Firstborn is called in the Kingdom, the cause of causes; because all thinking causes are transformed before the cause of a Revelation; because by the fruit the tree is known; by the transformation of a world, it is known whether the envoy is or is not from the free will of the Father; and everything that comes from the Father is great and eternal; can your thinking cause give a doctrine to unify the world? certainly not; because your intellectual fruit belongs to human laws;

and the fruit of a Firstborn, to the solar laws; to the gigantic; to the eternal fire; to the solar luminaries; to that place that was described to you many centuries ago: From where I am, you cannot go; because the salt of life of the suns would burn you; here is the complement of the complements; the salt of life is the experience made fire; and each one makes the quality and nature of their fire; just as you see in the stars; they possess infinite colors and shades; that is the salt of their philosophies made fire; and all fire is born small; it is born spirit; it is born vibration; it is born baby; it is born innocent without philosophy; and it must go to acquire it, to distant worlds; where experience is lived; every spirit is born from a fire called free will; which has no defined form; only relative individualities; and infinite existences; which are as many in the image and likeness of God; because the Creator has lived, what the children are just now living; were you not taught that your God has neither beginning nor end? it means that he encompasses everything; the known and the unknown; the salt of life is your sweat of the brow; your work and studies; everything that comes from the spirit; it is your free will that is transforming, as your mind absorbs the magnetism of the brain lines; all knowledge is transformed into understanding as you know; and all understanding enriches the fire of free will; it makes its colors vary; just as the distant stars vary them; what is above is the same as what is below; this variation was announced to you many centuries ago; it was written: Each one makes their own heaven; because what happens above in the macrocosm, happens below in the microcosm; what is above is the same as what is below; you are a miniature heaven; your mental phosphorus is composed of microscopic dots that are microscopic suns; you see it in the universe, you have it within you; and the heavens of the macrocosm were also like you; they were microscopic; they were tiny and humble; they were born spirits; here is the revelation of your origin; matter and spirit alternate in alliances; because both are living; and both have free will; because no one is disinherited; neither matter nor spirit; all origin occurs in the suns; in the solar luminaries; just as the origin of your ideas is in the phosphorus of your mind; what is above is the same as what is below; being from above or being from below, always has the same law of origin; every spirit travels through the universe, to fulfill its divine mandate; it travels to be born again, in such or such abode; just as you are in yours; and all the spirits of the universe carry their salt of life; they carry their destiny; an encounter between virtues and elements; an encounter that only lasts an instant; and which is called life; life, whatever its philosophy, or whatever its world, is always a mandate from the Macrocosm or Kingdom of Heaven; the Kingdom of Heaven is for you and for infinite earth planets; moreover, there are infinite terms to refer to the place of origin; it all depends on the evolution and antiquity of the creatures; all the philosophies that Earth has known were and are philosophies that are tested by Father Jehovah; and all have fallen before the Father; because every law of each human thought is a transformation whose result was requested by the spirit; making use of its free will; whatever the mental action or idea, every spirit finds what it deserves in the Kingdom; no human philosophy has been permanent; because its creators and followers did not conform to the Laws of the Father; here is the sole cause, for which all the kingdoms of the Earth have fallen; all the empires; nations and organized flocks; none were worthy of perpetuating themselves on Earth; now it is the turn of those who are here; all materialism will fall as all those who forgot the Laws of the Father have fallen; the fall of Adam and Eve is one of the falls; and everyone who criticized the fall of their first earthly parents will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they are only blind; they only see the speck in another’s eye, and do not see the beam they have in their own; because truly I tell you, they criticized without knowing the whole Law; do the critics not know that every spirit is tested in body and spirit? it is tested in the passions of the flesh and the intentions of the spirit; to criticize their earthly parents, one must possess greater knowledge and wisdom than their parents; one must know more than they do; one must know the origin of the Earth; and the origin of oneself; and of everyone; truly I tell you, all those who cast the first stones of criticism will be treated the same in distant worlds; and everyone who murmured behind their brothers’ backs will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because gossip is not known in the Kingdom; because it was written: Do not do to others what you would not like done to you; I see, little son, that there are millions and millions in your world who will not enter the Kingdom for this cause; and all those who slandered their brothers in life will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and all those who deceived even in the most microscopic deceit will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; every slanderer and every deceiver, whatever their sex, must calculate the time that has passed since the first deceit and the first slander; all the seconds of the sum correspond to future existences of flesh, outside the Kingdom of Heaven; and these demons must publicly shout their deceits and slanders; because every mistake must be corrected; and thus the door to repentance is opened; and all repentance is taken into account in the Kingdom of Heaven; the Doctrine of the Lamb of God was created in the Kingdom eternities before you were born; because it is assimilable to the infinite philosophies of the worlds; because the Solar Trinity is everywhere; and every world that is being born is creating at the same time its own Doctrine of the Lamb of God; the Doctrine of the Lamb is interpretative in all the philosophies of the universe; for every evolution has its judgment; and it was the same Law that judged the proud of the ancient world; the one that judged the pharaonic pride; the one that judged Sodom and Gomorrah; the lost civilization Atlantis; the kingdoms of the Caesars; the aquatic worlds; and every Kingdom that you did not know; before and after the earthly paradise; because truly I tell you, no one was first; the first couples were infinite; and they do not cease to be first; only the Father is the first; and the whole universe recognizes him; those who were and those who are; the Doctrine of the Lamb of God has neither beginning nor end; because it is from before the material universes emerged; the Doctrine of the Lamb of God is the greatest salt of life in the Father; and all the Trinities of the universe are in him; everyone who is born sees the Lamb of God; because it is the beginning of the first steps that every free will takes; every spirit as they are born receives the magnetism of the Lamb of God; because being everywhere, it is in the solar fire; the beginning of all of you occurred in the depths of the Alpha and Omega suns; and at birth you were bright white in color; you were from the galaxies and the milk seas of the Solar Mother Omega; who still continues to create spirits; and will create them for all eternity; Yes little son; I know you see your divine Solar Mother Omega; Yes divine Father Jehovah; she is divine and immense; she transforms into all dimensions of the mind; how loving!! she moves within myself!! and at the same time I see her within the suns; Yes little son; that is how it is; she is in everyone; she sleeps in everyone; and she appears preferably to children; because every child is first in the Kingdom of Heaven; the Doctrine of the Lamb of God will cause an impact in the world like no doctrine ever did; because all doubts will be clarified; everything will be given the Light; and the world will enter an era that will be remembered as the era of weeping and gnashing of teeth; a world that destroys its own laws; its own customs; its own habits; because such things are not trees planted by the divine Father; and they are uprooted from human evolution; capitalism will be astonished; because it will see that its power is slipping away; it will no longer be able to delude the world; it will no longer be able to continue dividing it; it will no longer be able to serve satan; and the fall of this yoke will be the greatest spiritual cleansing ever seen in the world; no human mind is right; because all human reasoning is deluded; it is serving many masters; many interests; and it does not do it for the Father; it does it for satan; yes children of the Earth; returning to all reality is costly; and the supreme reality among realities is the reality of your spiritual future; one is born seeking this reality; and the demons that get into everything take advantage of this universal search; and exploit the faith of humanity; and not only that; they also divide you; and perpetuate spiritual uncertainty; because one religious demon says one thing, and another teaches another thing; and they confuse you; truly I tell you that everyone who confused in the world will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because their spirits will be confused in distant worlds; because just as they divided, so too will they be divided; both above and below; the justice of the Father is everywhere; every religious spirit will renounce their falsehoods; because they were the false prophets of my Scriptures; a test they asked for in the Kingdom, without having the necessary evolution; only the humble have it; because they are the first to respect the Laws of the Father; to respect my Law, material worship is not needed; it is not necessary to build costly temples; here is the error into which religious spirits fell; many luminaries of knowledge through the centuries warned of this error; and many were silenced with death; because the rock has its history of blood; a history that the world will know; a history that was disguised with the name of the accursed and holy inquisition; truly I tell you that no murderer who hid behind the name of the Father will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; belief in the Father should have been without persecutions; without deceit; without hypocrisy; without commerce; without confessions; truly I tell you demons of the rock, that everyone who dared to know the intimacies of the free will of my children will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this violation is a law of curse; because you have corrupted many; instead of confessing to innocence, it is more virtuous to advise; confession is the ultimate hypocrisy of material worship; it would have been better for you not to have been born, if you would violate the free will of my creations; the Science of the Lamb of God will leave you in shame; because that is what you asked for in the Kingdom; you asked for public accusation; because nothing is hidden in the Kingdom of Heaven; your fall hypocrites, will mark a milestone in the history of this world; finally humanity will be freed from satan; and this revelation will cause astonishment, amazement, and in many disbelief; because they were blind; was it not written that the truth would cause surprise? like the surprise caused by a thief at night? but, the events will prove the humble right; because every humble one is first in the things of the Father; yes demons of worship; you will fall and be proud until the end; you will continue in other worlds, with your selfish intellectual rock; a hardness that will become your own weeping and gnashing of teeth; a selfishness that will lose you; even the Revelation itself, you despised; you forgot that the Father uses the humble; and not the great ones of the Earth; because truly I tell you, that it is better in the Kingdom to have an ignorant person with humility, than an educated person with hypocrisy; you gave yourselves the best education and the best instruction, to divide the faith of my children; what a humble and ignorant person does not do; little remains for you false prophets of my word; the Earth will enter its greatest glory without you; because your fruit is division and weeping and gnashing of teeth; whoever followed you in life will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because you cannot serve two masters; either you serve the Father with all your heart or you serve a harlot; whose commitment was to trade with faith; Father Jehovah is very jealous; he does not want interested love; no one should profit from the love of his children; and everyone who profited must shout it in public; because you deceived the world; and they will be your judges; was it not taught to you that every great one would be despised and every humble one exalted? it means that every deceived one will be envied; and every deceiver despised; yes demons of falsehood, you worked to judge yourselves; because with the measure you used in your philosophy, so you will be measured; and none of you will escape; just as in the past the accursed pharaohs were judged, so too will you be judged; the rock is rock; and your selfishness imitated the rock; and your rock is your spiritual hardness; you never imagined demons that this would be your end; because satan divides himself; and while the world was divided, because of you, satan was in the world; and with you disappearing in the destiny of the world, satan is not in the world; it was centuries and centuries of spiritual pain and uncertainty; because living divided is certainly a moral pain; your time is up accursed ones; because there is no time that is not fulfilled; your material temples will disappear; born of your retrograde minds; it would have been more virtuous demons, if all that immense resource that material temples cost, had been at the service of those who never had a roof; of those who never had a home;

because immense charity would be in your salts of life; do you realize now, that you are backward spirits? with immense resources in which you were tested, there should be no abandoned in the world; where is your love for the world? didn’t you teach charity in drops? truly I tell you false prophets, that everything belonged to my humble ones; you took from them, to give it back to them; deceivers of the world; the world will see your fall; Yes little son; I see that you are amazed seeing the scenes in colors, of the fall of these demons; So it is divine Father Jehovah; I see that not a stone remains upon a stone of their material temples; I see that over every temple in the world, homes are built for the humble; Why didn’t they do it from the beginning loving Father? Yes little son; a question that humanity will ask; when witnessing such a spectacle; I will tell you little son: because they are blind; blind guides; their spiritual depth is very limited; they cling to the material; and they never knew how to distinguish true humility; they influenced an era of the world, because my word was not taught, as it should have been; So it is divine Father; it is a planetary shame; there was a long time, when these demons forbade reading your divine word; So it is little son; they will be accused in my Kingdom of intellectual selfishness; these demons did things, according to them; according to their interested calculations; and they did not take my humble ones into account; knowing these demons, that the humble are the first in the Kingdom; they did not give them importance; taking advantage precisely, of the way of being of my humble ones; the rock ignores that the Doctrine of the Lamb of God, will judge them first; because that is how they asked for it in the Kingdom; in every world, those who represent the Father, are the first called to Judgment; because the things of the Father, are first above all things; what is of God, and what is of men; because the Father has free will and the children have free will; moreover, the commitment of life is to obey the Father; who created everything; matter and obedience came out of the same Law; and if any of them does not comply with their law, the spirit is divided; and everything divided does not enter the Kingdom; behold, the most microscopic fault divides you; because every fault is a violation of the Father’s Law; a second of violation or less in your life is enough, and you are already divided; because that microscopic violation, does not serve the Father; it serves the darkness; the spirit is no longer of one lord; the spirit came out in innocence from the Kingdom and must return the same to it; this Law is for everyone; even for those who were born to pay debts from other existences; religious spirits, caused your division; and not just for an instant; but for trillions and trillions of instants; and each instant equals an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; and as if this were not enough, they deny the Revelation; and your instants in violation increase more; and you move further away from the Kingdom; in these same instants in which my Firstborn son writes, the same ones pass; it is painful for your Creator; moreover, the fault is not of the Father; it is of the pride of the children; perdition starts from the most microscopic that your mind can imagine; and salvation the same; a moment of repentance is enough, and you are saved; satan cannot take you; every repentance that occurred in life, is also a score; the Law of justice in the Father, oscillates for your philosophy, between good and evil; light and darkness; truth and error; and you are the ones who choose; because you have free will; and your way of being as individuals, you chose it; your sensitivity leads you to opine in many ways; moreover, do you know how to explain the origin of them? certainly not; do you understand now, why you were commanded to be humble above all things? I will explain it to you: if you could not explain, what you yourselves felt in life, much less could you understand what others felt; here is your free will, casting the first stone; it would have been better for the world not to create philosophies, whose authors could not explain, not even what they felt; explain the origin of their own virtues; explain how their own individuality was created; explain what happened to them in their mother’s womb; none have explained it nor will any human philosophy explain it; because your salt of life, does not give you the science of that knowledge; and truly I tell you, that the Science of the Lamb, will not leave a molecule of your matter nor a virtue of your spirit, that it does not explain; because the times have come; the final times of your life tests; of your philosophies; of your sciences; of your projects; of your immoral customs; of your illusion that you had over all possession; and the uncertainties that you created over the uncertainty of your forgetfulness of the past; yes children of the Earth; so it is and so it will be for centuries of centuries; what is of God, transforms everything; even your customs; what you are going to witness in the world, no one will stop being an actor of it; were you not taught, that your God is everywhere, in yourselves? truly I tell you that I am in your feelings; I have always been; the nature that until now has been mute in its transformations, will speak as you speak; because no one is less before the Father; neither matter nor spirit; because all have the same rights; and no one is disinherited; my Firstborn Son is among you; just as he promised you centuries ago; and by his intellectual fruit you will recognize him; was it not written that he would come to the world, shining like a sun of wisdom? behold, he will shine like a physical sun made flesh; and whose process is occurring in your presence; every shine of the solar fire, begins with the living word first; by the Doctrine-Revelation; and it begins as it was commanded; in silence and humility; the shine begins from the most microscopic; from the most opaque; because the Universal Trinity is first in humility; and truly I tell you, that the new morality, is not the morality of men; it is solar morality; because just as you have quality and caliber in your ideas, so does the Trinity; but you are microscopic and the Trinity is of the Macrocosm; and if my Firstborn Son commands matter, it is because the qualities and calibers of the elements of your world came from his salt of life; behold, the Savior of the world comes to advance his own creation; it is what happened there in the unknown to you; in the Alpha and Omega suns; a pair of suns from the Trino galaxy; behold your birth from the solar luminaries; behold the origin of your planet; a spark from the Alpha and Omega suns, which has not yet finished cooling; a spark in the development of a planet; a spark that asked to be judged once more; a dust world with a microscopic degree of living magnetism; yes children of the Earth; the Revelation as a doctrine will amaze you; and nature in the movement of understanding will make you cry; matter and spirit are the same thing; one manifested without expressing itself and the other manifested with understanding; one cause and two qualities and calibers; two allied philosophies; two kingdoms in a single dimension; two forms of life in one; a materialization of a magnetism from the Alpha and Omega suns; which means in celestial science, beginning and end; the alpha line becomes a circle after being a dot; that is to say that everything was a microbe; everything was microscopic in expansion; your planet and its elements also asked for a limit in their geometries; and the planet Earth no longer expands; it is in a state of beginning of old age; because its quality and caliber are of the microscopic; there are macro worlds that were born before the current expansive thinking universe was born; and this universe will end, and they will continue; and yet they only represent a microscopic eternity compared to infinity; do you now understand that you are dust in space? being dust in the universe is being microscopic within the microscopic; because above you is the gigantic and below you are beings more microscopic than yourselves; and these beings are the cherubim; those who govern your molecules; the molecule of your matter is a germ that solidified preserving infinite qualities and calibers in its elements; just as in you is the quality and caliber in your individualities; because none of you look alike physically; you are different; as you are different in thinking; matter and spirit were formed in a state of free will; living fire whose future quality and caliber would be materialization; your planet was formed by successive waves of heat that were decreasing over countless centuries; it was the product of a cooling that still continues; you are between two heats; the interior of your planet and the exterior of your sun; behold the living revelation; your sun is a sun that, giving life, tempted you; it is the sun of the cursed pharaohs; of the Incas; of the Mayas; of Atlantis and of infinite civilizations that you did not know; the cursed pharaohs conversed telepathically with the sun; they received from it the knowledge that allowed them to create colossal works; they had a certain degree of mental understanding with matter; here is the only explanation of the origin of the knowledge that civilizations already gone from the planet had; what your archaeology knows is microscopic; they did not know the past of the Earth; to give you an idea of how little they know, think about this: your planet has an antiquity of centuries, like molecules the planet has; that is why no human mind has been able nor will be able to calculate the age of the world; only my Firstborn Son knows the history of your world; because in everything there is a first; your planet came out of the fire; it is transformed by the force of the same fire; and it is consumed by the fire; truly I tell you, that everything is fire manifested in infinite qualities and calibers; among them matter and thinking beings; your Creator is fire; a fire that creates everything; universes within the same universes; everything you imagine exists; and everything that is imagined becomes a universe; were you not taught that you are in the image and likeness of God? I meant that you create what the Father already created; and your times: past, present, and future, are the same law; the present transforms into the past and the future as well; what one has, the other has; because no one is disinherited; the cherubim of the times are eternal; their incarnation is the physical times; and they represent the eternity of the times; the times that the creatures of the past knew, they find again at the point of origin; they find them again in the Kingdom of Heaven; the cherubim of the times, know the history of all times; that every creature lived; the times have free will as you do; and in the Kingdom of Heaven, the times that lived with you on a distant planet called Earth, ask you for accounts; of how you used the time; they know by the same mandate that was given to you, that most of your time, should have been spent understanding the Father above all things; above all time of vanity; above all time of pleasure; yes children of the Earth, all nature claims what all together; matter and spirit, promised the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven; coming to life, is not only a commitment to oneself; but with everything that surrounds you; because everything that surrounds you, has rights in its laws; as you do; the Laws of the Father are egalitarian and communal; the equalities of their philosophies are eternally expansive; like the universe itself; and all those who did not cultivate the Law of the community and only thought of themselves, have the entire universe against them; because they will be accused by the living elements; and truly I tell you, that no accused, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; their justice is done outside of them; and from afar and with tears in their eyes, they see what they always dreamed and desired; because the heavens are accessible to all, according to the way they conceived heaven; here is the parable in its tremendous meaning: Faith moves mountains; because imagination without faith, has no heaven; because the spirit did not strive to have it; the most microscopic thought, becomes reality in the Kingdom; here is what awaits everyone who did not believe; they have no inheritance in the Kingdom; the rights were annulled by themselves; no one forced them to be unbelievers; it came from them; unbelief creates nothing; thinking stops; and the ideas of an unbeliever, create future planets, whose philosophy of their creatures, will be total unbelief; they will be future worlds of tyrants; worlds like those being created by those who sustain, that gold is everything; here is where your world would go; if your Father Jehovah allowed your exploiters, to continue governing you; but, their time is up; and the time of the humble begins; because every humble person is first before the Father; and every humble person will be a ruler of the world; because the universal government will be ruled by them; until the end of this planet; yes proud of the world; it was of no use to you to be exploiters; because none of your inheritance will remain on Earth; you will be cursed by the whole generation; because your philosophy deluded the world; and that illusion did not exalt the Father; because of you, this humanity will not enter the glory of the Father.-


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