Holy writings

Acts 4:32-35 “And the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; and no one claimed to be his own of anything that he possessed, but they had all things in common. And with great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. So there was not one needy among them; because all who owned lands or houses sold them, and brought the price of what was sold, and laid it at the feet of the apostles; and it was distributed to each one according to his need.
Matthew 19:21 “Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


yes little son; communism is the fruit of the divine parable that says: you will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; because there is no human philosophy that has not cost struggle; philosophies, like ideas, have their quality and their hierarchy; truly i tell you, the philosophy that most closely resembles the parable of the father is the one that reigns in the world; of all the philosophies that men have given themselves to govern through the centuries, father jehovah leaves the one that suffered the most; the most persecuted; the most despised; the one that has cost the most tears; the one that has suffered the greatest persecutions; the one for which the most blood has been shed; he chooses the so-called earthly communism; truly i tell you, there is no greater philosophy that contains more faith than communism; here is a replica of the philosophy that reigns in the kingdom of heaven; in the macrocosm called the kingdom of heaven, there is celestial communism, with the philosophy of a child; what is above is the same as what is below; each creature asks in the kingdom of heaven for their own living philosophy; the philosophies that human creatures asked for were philosophies of trials; because every spirit is tested in life; the quality and the nature of all human life is to wait for a new light; to aspire to an unknown destiny; the faith of the world is tested, each one ignoring their own destiny; such quality and such nature were asked for by the human spirit; in the kingdom of heaven, property is unknown; the private is unknown; the word: this is mine is unknown; because selfishness is unknown, even in its smallest expression; no philosophy that divides others is known; only satan divides himself; the philosophies that divide others belong to a distant planet called earth; an almost unknown planet; because the creation of the father has neither beginning nor end; truly i tell you, every dust-planet is unknown in the macrocosm; it was written: from dust you are and to dust you will return; it means: from the microscopic you are, and to the microscopic you return; because every spirit is born again; it has infinite existences and returns to its microscopic dimensions; in each existence, the spirit learns new philosophy; new knowledge; new salt of life; in each existence the spirit knows sacred scriptures; because no one is disinherited in any existence; the communism of men, being imperfect, represents the greatest philosophy of the humble; everyone who lived and knew injustice on earth ends up joining communism; truly i tell you, it is easier for one who fought against the demon of gold to enter the kingdom of heaven than for one who did not fight; all spiritual merit is harvested by those who face a problem; and not by those who do not face it; the latter are comfortable; my firstborn son was the first revolutionary of this world; he brought the philosophy of love to the world; he gave his life for it; many have imitated him in their own philosophical struggles; truly i tell you, only the philosophy that defended my humble ones remains; was it not taught to this world that every humble person is first before the creator? so are those who defended them; the reward is expansive to those who defended the cause of the father; a divine cause that has been happening from world to world; because what is of god has neither beginning nor end; your communism, although it does not recognize an author of the universe, recognizes the right of every oppressed person to unite and face the exploiting demon; truly i tell you, the communist philosophy will reign in this world; but none will enter the kingdom of heaven; because you precisely do not want to recognize the creator of your lives; whoever denies the father does not see the father; his justice is perfect; as you work, you receive; of all the philosophies that this world has known, the one that defended my humble ones is closer to the kingdoms of heaven; because its psychology is closer to the desires of the father; whoever is closer by their own intentions, the father also brings closer to the reward; truly i tell you, there is no greater reward than those who fought in life will receive; no comfortable person will enjoy such a reward; because every rich and powerful person in this world has already enjoyed their reward; so they asked in the kingdom of heaven; here are the little-evolved spirits; who do not know how to distinguish between the eternal reward and the temporary reward; because no rich or comfortable person will be rejuvenated to a child; they will not enjoy the resurrection of the flesh; because they preferred the pleasures and comforts of the world; that is why they will be called worldly spirits; the highest expression of the worldly is the so-called high society; world of hypocrisy and falsehood; one of the trees that the divine father did not plant; and it will be uprooted from human evolution; this living immorality is not from the scriptures of the father; it is the product of the demon of gold; product of a corrupted system of life; which is also not from the scriptures of the father; this system of life came from the science of good; from the power that money gives; the greatest worldly people are the kings, the bankers, the moneylenders, the financiers, the capitalists; and all those who in one way or another have to do with the exploitation of the needs of others; truly i tell you, it is easier for one who was exploited to enter the kingdom of heaven than for one who exploited; earthly communism fulfills what it promised in the kingdom of heaven: to fight with all its strength against the demon of gold; represented in the capitalist system of life; every capitalist or trader of the needs of others has no god; ambition and exploitation are not of the father; they are of the spirits of satan; they are spirits from the legion of the demon; just as the cursed one divided my angels above, so his followers divided my children below, into rich and poor; only satan divides and divides himself; so that none may enter the kingdom; because no divided spirit will enter the kingdom of heaven; all promised father jehovah to return to the kingdom with the same innocence with which they left; the spirits of ambition, by creating the so-called capitalism, frustrated all humanity; because they divided it generation by generation; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of this world; it would have been better for you not to have lived the life system based on gold; because if you had not known it, you would enter the kingdom of the father; here is your demon on earth; here is the beast; it deluded you with comfort and a false concept of freedom; any freedom that does not take the father into account ceases to be freedom; it becomes a violation; truly i tell you, all those who spoke of freedom in this world, none have entered the kingdom of heaven; it is easier for one who, in their concepts of freedom, exalted the father to enter the kingdom than for one who did not exalt him; communism exalts work; and does not exalt the creator of it; whoever denies the infinite a creator, denies himself; because the living infinite will also deny him; truly i tell you, you can be communists for all eternity; but if you deny the creator who gave you life, you will never see him; to see the father, you must not deny him; it is easier for one who believed in him to see the father than for one who did not believe; because even the most microscopic effort is rewarded by the father; truly i tell you, father jehovah does not beg anyone; but he gives everyone an opportunity; he who denies him fulfills his law; the great believers in the father were in other existences great deniers; because every spirit is born again; what it affirmed in one existence, it denies in another; and what it denied in another, it affirms in the next; because all the existences of a spirit are eternally relative; and parallel to its evolution; truly i tell you, the children of communism will end up recognizing the existence of a creator; this will happen when they see the solar son christ, levitating and working over earthly nature; the unbeliever needs proof; the little evolved; theirs will be the wailing and shame; because they denied without knowing what was beyond the earth; it would have been better for them to have been mute; before denying what has always existed; the same thing always happens in all imperfect worlds; because what is of the father is not reduced to a single world; being the universe infinite, the events are also infinite; what happens in one world happens in many others; those many can never be counted; the events are not unique in the sense of being unique; no one is unique; because there is not only one life; there are as many lives as there are grains of sand in a desert; only the father is unique; because no one compares to him; truly i tell you, whoever praised the father on earth can visit the kingdom of heaven; because if you are grateful, the father is no less; what is above is the same as what is below; all gratitude came from the father; and returns to the father; all the doctrines you practiced on earth await you in the kingdom of heaven; every thinking philosophy is as living as the spirit itself; because all are equal before god; matter and spirit; each in their respective laws; here is the supreme concept of all philosophies; none is less before the father; because everything came from the father; the father chooses the one with the greatest spiritual merit; the one that is closest to his mandates; because there is no greater pleasure for the creator than when his creations try to please him; truly i tell you, you cannot please the father when the thought has strayed from his divine mandates; you cannot serve two masters, believing you serve only one; this world, by not considering the scriptures of the father in its life system, served another master; because everything is living; here is your downfall; you promised in the kingdom of heaven to serve only one master; the lord of lords; the living god; father jehovah; the i am who i am; because many call me by different names; truly i tell you, every philosophy that did not come from the scriptures of the father accuses its creators;

to the last letter of it; truly i tell you, creating philosophies outside the scriptures is creating living tragedies; for which you must account; that is the fruit of violation; outside the scriptures, there is only the tragedy of division; outside the scriptures, there is only the demon; who in this world, presented himself in the form of a life system; dividing you into rich and poor; here is the demon of this world; and there is no other; truly i tell you, you have only reaped tragedy; because none escaped his cursed influence; none of you will enter the kingdom of heaven; communism and its followers are also being tempted; it was written: let the left beware of what the right does; it means: let the humble and simple-hearted beware of the immoralities of those who defend gold; because they have strange morals; beware, children of labor; beware of making alliances with the supporters of gold; because none of those who made alliances will enter the kingdom of heaven; poor those who made propaganda for the exploiters of my humble ones! they were blind for comfort; no comfortable person will enter the kingdom of heaven; because all without exception promised to fight against the demon that divides the spirit; poor you, politicians of the world!! just as you divided the world, so it will be done to you; you will be divided between light and darkness; your so-called political parties are not from the scriptures of the father; who then is your god? the father does not divide his children; because only satan divides; the commandments of the father divide no one; why then do you divide?; you did the opposite of what was promised to the father; no one promised to divide anyone; because you all knew that it was written in the kingdom of heaven: do not do to others what you would not like done to you; because of you, politicians of the world, millions and millions of my children have not entered and will not enter the kingdom of heaven; because they knew division in all their ideas; they and their inheritance will not enter the kingdom of heaven; only the doctrine that defended the oppressed and the poor is great in the kingdom of heaven; to it be power and blessing; here is a prophecy that will shake the powers of this world; all the nations that were exploited will form a single power; the greatest that has ever existed; and there will be no other like it; because every humble person is first; everyone who was called underdeveloped is first in the events of this world; here is the divine complement to this divine parable; to be first, one had to experience suffering; and have known how to bear it; all who suffered will be comforted; because that is what they asked for in the kingdom of heaven; and every violator of the father’s law will be punished; because that is also what they asked for; truly i tell you, everything is asked for in the place where it was created; every request becomes life and sensation; every doctrine was asked for by the creature; many were shown the inconveniences and consequences that doctrines that forget the father’s mandates bring; but spirits insist on knowing and experiencing what they have never known or experienced; such is free will in the kingdom of heaven; nothing is denied; but responsibility falls on all; no one commands alone; only satan defends licentiousness; truly i tell you, all those who taught doctrines or political parties, none will enter the kingdom of heaven; it is easier for one who did not divide to enter the kingdom than for one who divided; only those who defend the humble divide no one; because it was commanded to be humble; every philosophy that did not defend the rights of the humble waged war against the father; because every humble person came from the father; whoever is against the father is not of the father; by your deeds, you will recognize if you are of the father; the scriptures of the father were given to you so that you would make them the alpha and the omega of life; so that you would make them your own life system; so that you would make them above all things; truly i tell you, satan divided you and deluded you; and led you away from the scriptures; it was your struggle not to be deceived by the illusions of life; you are in a world of trials; it was your duty to take care of your rights concerning the father; which are the rights to enter his eternity; what reward can the illusions of life give you? if they do not contain knowledge? what virtue can one who is fascinated with the ephemeral have? truly i tell you, all those who fought for material things in life, none will enter the kingdom of heaven; nor has any entered; eternal happiness is achieved by fulfilling the mandates of the father; not forgetting the father’s matters; all who have passed through this world, none have entered the kingdom of heaven; they have only advanced in the worldly and not in the spiritual; every creature that violates the law of the father moves away from the kingdom of heaven; because their innocence ceases to be what it was in the kingdom of the father; truly i tell you, you asked in the kingdom for something difficult to fulfill in this world; you asked to keep the same innocence of a child throughout life; not to stop being a child for even a second; in your character; because you saw in the kingdom that the father and the solar virtues are joyful like a child; in the kingdom of heaven, all degrees of selfishness are unknown; joy is the only philosophy; no other is known; that is why it was written for you, the adults: let the children come to me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven; because it is easier for a child to enter the kingdom than for an adult; the child is closer to the innocence with which they left the kingdom; the so-called adult tarnished their innocence by living a shameful life system based on ambition; it is enough to know satan by name, and you will not enter the kingdom of heaven; it is easier for one who has never heard the word capitalism to enter the kingdom than for one who has heard and lived it; because they made a mental, spiritual, and material alliance with a violation of the father’s law; instead, a child lives the innocence of their individual childhood; truly i tell you, with the life system given to you by a group of ambitious demons, it is impossible for you to maintain innocence throughout life; because you cannot serve two masters; either you serve the morality of god, maintaining innocence, or you serve the morality of money; the latter creates strange morality in the creature; because the commandments of the father say nothing about money; they teach no one to be rich; because wealth does not lead to the kingdom of heaven; therefore, every rich person is rich due to spiritual arrogance; because every rich person, like the rest of the creatures in this world, promised in the kingdom that the father’s matters were above all things; above all human conception philosophy; hence, every rich person is unworthy of entering the kingdom of heaven; because they broke their own promise; it is easier for one who was poor to enter the kingdom of heaven than for one who was rich; poverty is a product of human injustice; by impoverishing many, few rich people were born; every rich person will be in the greatest poverty; because they asked to be measured with the same measure they used on others; they will live in poverty just as they caused it to others; nations and individuals; father jehovah is a just father; he gives and takes away; according to the requests of the children; the rich asked to have it taken away if they caused harm to others; that is why it was written: do not do to others what you would not like done to you; the so-called rich would not like others to impoverish them; but the blind do not see that because of them, millions of poor people exist; truly i tell you blind rich people, you will be persecuted like a criminal; and they will flee from you as they flee from the plague; the most terrible isolation will fall upon you; because it was written: every humble person will be glorified; and every rich person despised; blind rich people; who do not enter the kingdom of the father, and do not let others enter; all who imitated you, none will enter the kingdom of heaven; your inheritance is a cursed inheritance; because such inheritance does not enter the kingdom;

your philosophy of ambition to possess more than others is pharaonic heritage; it comes from a past of the earth; and every creature from that past has not yet entered the kingdom of the father; truly i tell you, from the cursed pharaonic era came pain and injustice in this world; from this era came the fathers of exploitative materialism; from this era the demon was born; the pharaonic serpent; the same serpent that deceived your earthly parents; the same one that stayed on earth to divide the children of the father into rich and poor; because the serpent knew that no divided child enters the kingdom of heaven; rich people of the world!! you are spirits of the pharaonic era; because every spirit is born again; reincarnates again; because one must be born again infinitely to see the elevated kingdoms of god; only with knowledge can one understand the father; a single existence is not enough to understand his greatness; because what is of the father has neither beginning nor end; even if you are for all eternity, being born into new existences, you will never reach any limit in the glory of the father; truly i tell you, whoever believed in the eternal succession of existences will have infinite existences at their disposal; whoever denied them will have none; in the living universe of the father, everything that is denied becomes life before god; whether matter or spirit; because all are equal in rights before the father; matter has as much right in its laws as the spirit has in its own; nothing is impossible for the one who created everything; truly i tell you, every violation, whatever it may be, is judged with the participation of the whole; in the judgment, matter and spirit participate; because you are both things; and in both there are microcosms; from matter participate pores, cells, atoms, hair, excrement, blood, and everything that your physical body possesses; and from the spirit, the 318 virtues of your thinking participate; all the ideas you generated in life; nothing, absolutely nothing that you had in life is left out of the judgment; even nothingness has its rights before the father; because having created everything, he also created nothingness; truly i tell you, a violator of his own mandates who asked to fulfill them has trillions of accusers; who joined the spirit when it asked to know and try a certain kind of life; these trillions of creatures that join a spirit are called the ark of alliances; the ark of alliances is the very reincarnation of a spirit; it is the same being born again; here is the law of the beginning; the form, characteristic, and who participates in the creation of a life; because no one makes themselves alone; in all there is a living mandate; because everything came from a living god; everything returns to the same place from where it came; the places from which one comes are infinite in number; they can never be counted; because the father is everywhere; and where the father is, there is life that creates other lives; the ways of creating of the father are infinite; and they can never be counted; truly i tell you, all those who believed they were defending a just cause on earth, father jehovah asks them; did what you defended exalt the father above all things? did you defend it for the humble? did what you defended exalt the scriptures of the father? truly i tell you, if in what you defended on earth, you did not consider anything that was of the father, it would have been better not to have defended it; because no one will defend you in the judgment; you human spirits yourselves promised the father to defend him on earth above all things; and so it was written in the kingdom of heaven; no one promised the father to defend riches or things strange to his commandments; i see little one that you think about the problems of your flock chile; so it is divine father jehovah; i think by your divine grace, of ignorant creatures; who being poor and exploited, help those who have everything; so it is little one; it is charity towards the demon; this kind of charity is not known in the kingdom of heaven; because the one who is helped has a strange morality; i know little one that you think of the ambitious; of the so-called truck owners; so it is divine father jehovah; what a shame divine father!! they have everything and complain as if they had nothing; so it is little one; it is the ambition that has taken hold of these demons; truly i tell you little one, that none of these immoral ones will enter the kingdom of heaven; it is easier for one who did not have a vehicle to enter the kingdom than for one who had one; because everything that was had in this immoral life system was had by violating the law of the father; the father did not teach that one should have more than another; because all are equal in rights before god; truly i tell you, to those who had more than what was commanded; everything will be taken away; so you asked in the kingdom of heaven; and every request is fulfilled; because of you ambitious people of the world, this world never found its justice; and you must pay to the last molecule of flesh that every physical body felt; truly i tell you, you asked to pay for your mistakes, eye for eye and tooth for tooth; and so it will be done; of you, nothing will remain ambitious people of the world; because every tree that the divine father did not plant will be uprooted from human evolution; your disappearance, ambitious people of the world, will mark for this abode the happiest era ever known; you were and are the demon in human form; who for centuries scourged this world; you are the yoke of the world; your cursed philosophy of ambition has as its heritage tragedy and the weeping and gnashing of teeth; none of you will enter the kingdom of heaven; neither your imitators; nor your children; no inheritance up to the fourth generation; because only the pure in heart enter the kingdom of the father; those who lived according to the scriptures; and not according to men; truly i tell you, all those who lived according to men, who lived by what others would say, none will enter the kingdom of heaven; because all who pronounced what others would say are backward spirits; ignorant; who only think according to the interests of the present; it is enough to think about what others would say, and you will not enter the kingdom of heaven; the term: what others would say, is not known in the kingdom of heaven; because all who have pronounced it in distant and infinite worlds, none have entered nor will ever enter the kingdom of heaven; and millions of you have fallen into the same in other existences; truly i tell you, that selfishness within selfishness, moves you further and further away from the kingdom of heaven; moment by moment; second by second; because in every moment you live a life system that did not come from the mandates of the father; in every moment you propagate for yourselves future seeds of darkness; because each one makes their own future heavens; truly i tell you, that when your understanding comprehends the doctrine of the lamb of god, you will be shocked; because until the last second, you will be violating the law of god; this is because what you believed had no importance, does have importance for the father; your mistake is in forgetting that all are equal in rights before god; you never understood that the term everything coming from god has neither beginning nor end; moments, seconds, microbes, everything you do not see but that exists, has the same rights as you do; the term everything was diminished by you yourselves; the illusion of life reduced in you the infinite concept of the father; in your minds, the ephemeral nested; what does not come from a present; the same heritage that characterizes the so-called capitalists influenced you; they the greater blind; and you the lesser blind; because you were influenced by blind people of greater hierarchy; by those who created your tragedy; that of not entering the kingdom of heaven, for living in violation of a life system; truly i tell you, that satan alternated with you; because your own way of living, being a violation, is satan himself; truly i tell you, that your own indifference towards the scriptures of the father made your weeping and gnashing of teeth more painful; here is the falsehood that characterized the so-called christian world; there is everything in the vineyard of the lord; there are false and true; the false christians are those who never studied the content of the scriptures as commanded; they are christians by mouth; but not by illustration; truly i tell you, that no false person in this world will enter the kingdom of heaven; the so-called christian world will be accused in the kingdom of heaven by its own virtues; by its own thinking; by its own ideas; for playing with them; for making them false; here is the work of the religious rock; the work of the greatest selfish people who have passed through this world; here is the work of satan; because he divided you into many beliefs, having only one god; they confused the world of faith; religious people of the world!! prepare for what is coming; all damage, no matter how microscopic, is paid for; what you did to this world, you did in others; distant humanities knew your cursed division; humanities that because of you did not enter the kingdom of heaven; in distant worlds you left confusion and weeping and gnashing of teeth; you filled those worlds with temples and monuments; you taught them material worship; the worship that never pleased the father; because the children gain nothing in spirituality; quite the opposite; they fall behind; they fall into opposing feelings; they become hypocritical and false; just as the so-called christian world became; truly i tell you, demons of hypocrisy and falsehood, that you are the false prophets of my scriptures; so the world will call you; because you asked the father that all the errors and falsehoods you would cause in others fall upon you; this is with the measure you used, you will be measured; here is why the father told you, centuries ago: on this rock i will build my church; i meant to tell you: on this rock of human selfishness; you fell into intellectual selfishness; the most terrible of selfishness; you believed yourselves unique in the truth; how will you explain to the world the rejection you gave to my humble envoy? where is the humility you spoke of for centuries? false of false!! your humility is not true humility; true humility does not need temples or thrones; nor does it need to be confessed; because poor are those who interrogate the intimacies of free will; for such, it would have been better not to have been born in this world; not even the creator does what you do, hypocritical demons; truly i tell you, you will have to shout your sins before everyone; so you asked in the kingdom of heaven; you asked for a universal judgment; a judgment in the presence of all; just as it is done in the kingdom of heaven; where nothing is hidden;

poor are those who created occultisms in this world! thus the Kingdom of Heaven will be hidden from them; truly I tell you, religious people of the world, that the final judgment begins with you; because you asked for it in the Kingdom of Heaven; you asked to be the first in the word of God, and the first to be judged; but, you did not teach the word of the Father, according to the scriptures of the Father; you taught the Father’s word according to your conveniences and material interests; you made an alliance with an immoral way of life; a corrupt way of life; whose characteristic was the so-called rich; knowing you religious demons, that no rich person enters the Kingdom of Heaven; you will share the same fate as them; you will be accused in the Kingdom of Heaven, of complicity with the demons of gold; of plotting and corrupting the innocence of a world; it would have been better for you not to have been religious in life; because you would not have brought a world upon yourselves; no one would accuse you; truly I tell you, children of the world, that your blind guides have kept you twenty centuries behind; in the moral and spiritual plane; you are led by the most backward of human evolution; because for the Father, the humble are the first; and between the true humble and the so-called religious, there is an infinite difference; the humble enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the religious do not enter; truly I tell you, it is easier for one who did not know religion to enter the Kingdom, than for one who knew it; the one who did not know religion was not divided; the one who knew it was indeed divided; only satan divides himself, and divides others; because no divided spirit will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; everything divided is influenced by a strange morality; alien to the morality of the scriptures of the Father; thus the entire Christian world possesses a strange morality; whose cause lies in the false interpretation of the scriptures; truly I tell you, no false one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the greatest deception of this world; this deception is so immense that no creature of this world will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; what matters in the Kingdom is the meticulous fulfillment of the divine mandates of the Father; everything else is strange morality; from the scriptures of the Father, all human organization should have emerged; the very way of life; you promised the Father to make life the very scriptures; above all things; and you did the opposite; the scriptures of the Father are the most forgotten; so too will you be forgotten in the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that in all worlds the same tragedy occurs, when their creatures stray from the scriptures of the Father; truly I tell you, that the interpretation of the scriptures of the Father is not in the material; it is in individuality and its inclinations; the interpretation of the scriptures of the Father should never have been material; because spiritual actions are eternal; those that lead to the Kingdom of Heaven; the material is ephemeral and contemplative; intelligence stops; it has no creative expansion; truly I tell you, that your material worship has distanced from the Kingdom of Heaven every child who has passed through this world; because they were influenced by a false concept that they should have had; here is your guilt, false prophets of my scriptures; this world, due to your ignorance, did not live pleasing the Father above all things; it lived in hypocrisy; because of you ignorant of the rock, this world does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; no thought that did not think according to the psychology of the scriptures of the Father has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; because the term: Above all things, includes: above all thinking; above all strange psychology; and truly I tell you, that teaching my scriptures according to human conveniences and selfishness creates a false morality and strange morality; what is taught in falsehood does not agree with what is promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the drama you caused in every spirit that followed you in life; every believer was divided between what was promised and what you taught them; what was promised in the Kingdom of Heaven was made into eternal law; this eternal law is written in the solar books; and in the earthly scriptures; by falsifying the true interpretation of the scriptures, you falsified in millions of minds the true concept of eternity; it is your immoral way of interpreting it that made none of this world enter the Kingdom of Heaven; one enters the Kingdom with the highest concept of morality that the mind can imagine; and you religious demons, did not know how to give the world the highest morality that can be imagined; truly I tell you, that you did not want to attack the demon from the beginning; you accepted from the beginning the way of life based on gold; here is your alliance with the demon; you cannot serve two masters; either you serve the living God according to his scriptures, or you serve the god of gold according to his darkness; and you blind ones, served both; truly I tell you, that you will have to shout in public before the world, your sin; because only satan divides; truly I tell you, that the world has never seen nor will see such an event; satan, it was you yourselves!! here, even satan is tested by the Father; truly I tell you, cursed merchants of faith, that when you disappear from this world, this world will enter the happiest era of its history; because it will no longer be divided; the world that was tested will have passed; the materialistic world; alpha or beginning world; you never realized, religious people of the world; all your life, you only saw the speck in your brother’s eye; and did not see the beam in your own; you were selfish and hard as a rock; until the last moment of the time of your trial; here is why the Creator immortalized the divine term: On this rock I will build my church; it was said before the actors of human selfishness were born; because every divine expression from the Father is prophetic; because having created everything, he also created the future; in the same scriptures, I put your fall; and many of you false prophets, intuited this truth; but, you remained silent; so much the worse for the few honest ones; because you helped to sink others; truly I tell you, it would have been better for you not to have asked as a test of life, to be religious; because you will be the most hated in this world; because in all you caused the worst tragedy of the spirit; that of knowing, that you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is a law of life; those who were great in power, in this life, become the despised; because the final judgment, the living word of the Father, opens all understandings; because being everywhere, it is in every mind; truly I tell you great ones of the world, that for you begins the weeping and gnashing of teeth; because there should never have been any powerful one in this world; because it was taught that all are equal before God; all greatness of this world, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who was humble to enter the Kingdom than for one who exalted himself; truly I tell you, that according to how you lived in life, so will be your reward; because everything has hierarchy in the universe; and all are living in their laws; all without exception have mandates to fulfill; yours was and is to have been humble above all things; who was it with your scandalous way of life? who could be humble, if you were tempted with gold? who could be humble, if your own parents set a bad example? who could keep innocence, if your own parents, legalized the scandal? and they called themselves Christians!! truly I tell you, that your children will curse you and every parent, will curse their parents; because you were given a mandate from the Creator, and you did not fulfill it; you fulfilled the mandate of men; a mandate unknown in the Kingdom of the Father; truly I tell you, that from such, eternity does not come; because terrestrial humanity, is a microscopic hierarchy; those who expected everything from men, expect nothing from the Father; the Father Jehovah is a Jealous God of his laws; truly I tell you, that all those who broke their promises made to the Father, that only the Father was above all things, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they cannot show themselves as models of obedience, before the virtues of the Kingdom; they would be called demons of disobedience; in the Kingdom, any violation of the law of love, is called a demonic law; even if that violation is the most microscopic, that your mind can imagine; evil is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; and if you would enter the Kingdom of the Father, infinite innocences would read your mind; and would see in you darkness of disobedience; and you would be disturbers of peace and mental tranquility in other beings; here is the inheritance given to you by those who created your interested way of life; because of them, you will have to remain outside the Kingdom of Heaven; you must continue to be born on planets of flesh; here is the law for those who do not comply; here you are one of the infinite worlds, that wander through the spaces paying debts of remote pasts; of births that have already passed; because other demons also deceived you; in all generations there have been satans; it has not been divided and removed from the truth of the scriptures; and none has managed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that only those who thought of others, enter the Kingdom of Heaven; none who thought for himself, enters; those who gave their lives, so that others would be happier; theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; the poor, the persecuted, the humble, the exploited, are the rewarded; because the Father rewards those who have known how to carry their cross; and more greatly rewarded is the one who never had anything; the one who expected everything from the Father; all patience receives its reward; truly I tell you, that whoever had nothing, will have everything; including physical eternity; that of becoming a child again; the resurrection of their flesh; because a solar firstborn can do everything; who is first in everything your mind can imagine; here is a Revelation that was announced to you, many centuries in advance; but, few believed; because few sought; few delved into the scriptures of the Father; whoever did not believe, will receive nothing; because precisely he did not believe; only the one who believed will receive, to the extent that he believed; here is a justice, in which you yourselves, made yourselves defendant and judge; because according to your works, you will receive; you will have to arm yourselves with everything you did in life; here is Armageddon; which means people who arm themselves; Armageddon is the intellectual judgment of each one; second by second; moment by moment; molecule by molecule; virtue by virtue; idea by idea; because that is how you asked for it in the Kingdom of Heaven; everything you are in body and mind, you asked for; nothing exists in you, that has not been asked for; the judgment of the Lamb of God, begins with those who exalted themselves the most in this world; for those who did everything opposite, according to the Commandments of the Father; who commanded no one to exalt themselves; he commanded all to be humble above all things; here is a weeping and gnashing of teeth; because the truth comes by surprise; it depended on you not to be surprised; because that is part of the test of life; you asked for surprise in all things of life; including the coming of your final judgment; because everything becomes reality in life; you got the bottom; others the top.-



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