John 16:13 “But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak on his own account, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will make known to you the things that are to come.”
Apocalypse 21:1-2 “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea was no more. And I, John, saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And the Earth was formless and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters: it meant that having disorder, order is achieved; the free will of spirit and matter begins with disorder, for they are born in innocence and lack science; this disorder was darkness with a tendency towards the order of light; they were gases from the suns Alpha and Omega; those ancient elements are the same ones you see in Earth’s nature; nothing is born with wisdom; everything begins with ignorance; it is a universal right of matter and spirit; these gases, due to their dark color and infinite shades, gave the impression of a colossal abyss; it is the same principle as a puddle of water; smells and gases are born in it; what is above is the same as what is below; these gases underwent an infinite transformation; due to the magnetism of the suns; I speak of a time when the sun that illuminates you had not yet been born; the heavens were open; scenes never seen by human eyes occurred at every moment; beings from remote worlds traveled with all naturalness; just as you travel; what is above is the same as what is below; as time passed, the gases transformed into colored gases; from their molecules emerged new maturity; a process that still occurs in your world; when the fruit that serves as your food matures, you are witnessing the development of your planet; the maturity and development of everything that exists is carried out through microscopic dimensions; which your human eye cannot perceive; this way of manifesting matter is not the only one; if there are worlds like the grains of sand in a desert, the same thing happens with their respective principles; do not forget that matter has rights just as you do; no one is less before the divine Father; you have individuality; matter too; within its own laws; just as you enjoy yours; in the future and immediate knowledge, humanity will only have one universe; the living universe of Father Jehovah; or expansive thinking universe; in this universe are all that the mind can imagine; it is enough to think of a universal theory, and that theory in the form of an idea gives rise to worlds, universes, and galaxies; to such a degree that it escapes the very calculation of the author of the idea; who, without realizing it, is filling the space with new future worlds; this happens from the very moment every creature begins to think; and lasts until the last breath of life; it is the galactic harvest; it was written that each one makes their own heaven.- Yes, little one; this celestial drawing shows what the primitive gas of the Earth was like; all matter begins with microscopic densities; it goes through infinite states of boiling; the gas in the drawing is enlarged; the beginning of the Earth was like a microbe that expanded over time; it grew like a seed develops; that being tiny becomes large; the colossal has the same principle as the microscopic; what is above is the same as what is below; everything that surrounds you was a microbe; not only your world; but the entire universe; this was written in my divine scriptures: One must be humble to be great in heaven; both for matter and for spirit; human faith only takes itself into account; it forgets that the universe is living; that matter has the same rights as spirit; no one is less before the Creator; in this rests his infinite justice; when you are in the womb of your earthly mother, you begin being microscopic; no one is born great; neither you nor your planetary abode; the birth of the Earth was like the birth of a Baby; it had to be cared for and watched over; by the same ones who still observe you; the flying saucers were the ones that guided the Earth; these solar ships are from before the current suns were born; no human mind can calculate their antiquities; it was written that the divine Father has no beginning or end; you can add: Because your science is so recent that it still cannot count even the molecules that your planet possesses; and each molecule of your world has an antiquity superior to the planet itself; because the humble and microscopic are first in all orders of things; there is a hierarchy in time here; and the more microbe one is, the older one is; the microscopic sustains the great; the explanation of this revelation is in the composition of cosmic elements; no human creature witnessed such a thing; because the human creature is not the first; neither on its planet, nor in the universe; before it, there were as many creatures as the sands in a desert; human knowledge knows something of this; what it knows is very little; because that is how it was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; adhering to the law that every spirit is tested in the life it chose; not only in its own events; but also in every search for the truth; that is, in every investigation of any order; that is why everything costs; it costs sweat from the brow; nothing is given to the human creature, except by its own effort; because that is how it was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; and so it was granted; the living birth of Earth or any planet in the universe follows the same law; what is above is the same as what is below; above are solar laws; below are human laws; but they have the same creative principle; and different manifestations; it is the expansive free will that takes varied and infinite forms; there will come a given moment in time when the Earth will end; as happens with already aged worlds; whose number in the most microscopic unit of time you can imagine is like the grains in a desert; where each grain of sand is a world; when the Earth enters the era of a world in agony, it will begin to shrink and crack; an example is seen in the wrinkles of an old man; what happens to an old man will happen to the Earth in its final moments; it will lose cohesion; it will become brittle; it will not be able to bear weight; its gravity will disappear; its light will be dim; to the point of becoming darkness; the end of your world is as it was in the beginning! it will become a gas again; but cold; like a corpse; the sun that now illuminates it will turn red; after passing through all the shades of orange; beyond red comes black; it will be a sun with a philosophy of darkness; these last are laws of the solar fathers; having illuminated you for centuries and centuries is only an instant in the life of the sun; your solar system will disappear, and your sun will continue as if nothing has happened; it will continue to be a light for times longer than it spent illuminating your planet Earth; it will be a sun waiting for celestial orders; in the macrocosm, there are systems of suns that do not have the orbit of yours; there is everything in the Lord’s flock; those suns whose number is like the grains of sand in a desert have infinite geometric displacements; many travel the universe; they have missions as a prophet would on Earth; what is above is the same as what is below; your Firstborn promised to come into the world, shining like a sun of wisdom; the Firstborn are living suns; they are the highest hierarchy in the Solar Trinity; they replace the divine Father Jehovah in remote worlds; their number is like the sands in a desert; this comparison being the most microscopic that exists; the original gas of your planet lasted in its form an infinitely longer time than your planet has existed; I refer to the spherical form; here is a divine revelation: your planet went through many geometric forms; until it reached the current one; it started as a tiny point of fire and extended in a linear form; it was alpha and ended in omega; it was a line and ended in a circle; and it will end in a line again; the primitive gas acquired all geometric forms; by virtue of its free will; it expanded and contracted; it had molecules of fire; the process of materialization was a process of calories; a calorie unknown in human knowledge; here is another divine revelation; the current waters are the ashes of those unheard-of calories; water made the earth; and fire made the water; and fire was born from the spark that came from the sun Alpha; fire was first; water was second; and earth was third; all this happened in an instant; which is faster than your instants; an instant in those times was not human instants; they were celestial or solar instants; in that instant, no one knew the future of that gas; only the Father and the Solar Mother Omega knew it; like a Baby that has not yet been born; its appearance is unknown; what is above is the same as what is below; along with the gas of your planet, there were infinite others; in a quantity like the sands of a desert; and even now, in these same instants, the suns Alpha and Omega continue to create sparks; and gases of future planets continue to be born from them; the Earth will end, and they will still be generating worlds; I have spoken to you only of a pair of suns; not counting the others that also generate; and whose number is also like the sands in a desert; this means that the living universe of Father Jehovah is expansive starting from the very microbes; the invisible and the visible are expansive; this expansion constitutes eternal movement; there is no other; and if there is another, it is relative and proportional to the science that created it; belonging to the universe itself; it is one of the grains of sand in the desert; continuous movement is the all over the all; from movement matter is born; and there is no matter that has not been movement; everything exists in the universe; your ideas have movement; and although you do not believe it, also noise; everything breathes in creation; and in breathing there is noise and movement; even the void breathes; it contains an apparent nothingness; and nothingness also breathes and causes noise; because it is living; Just by living, one possesses all the rights of the Father; what belongs to the Father also belongs to the son; and what the son possesses, the Father possesses; this means: All return and everything returns to the same point; matter and spirit are the same thing; manifested in the form of the universe; neither has privilege; only the Father is unique; every world, when its time ends, returns to what it was before being a world; it becomes cosmic element again; it returns loaded with one more experience; carried out on a distant planet; the experience of having known a matter unknown to it; one of the many in the universe; and it prepares to make new alliances with unknown elements of the universe; it seeks new experience; and is born again in another space, time, and philosophy; in the midst of the infinite expansive thinking universe, there are almost unknown creatures called human spirits; or little meat monkeys; because they belong to the worlds of flesh; or dust-planets; in the universe, no one knows everything; nor will everything ever be known; only Father Jehovah knows everything; and he knows it before that everything is born; the Earth is seen from a distant distance like a grain of sand; and it ends up disappearing; and it is not the only one; there are as many earth planets as there are grains of sand in a desert; the primitive gas of your world is the same as you now contemplate; it has matured; it has had a development and still has it; this gas is still solar fire made matter; it is a process in which creatures unknown to any human intervene; these creatures govern the elements; without them, there would be no incarnation or materialization; neither of matter nor of spirit; the essence of these creatures is living magnetism; they are known in the Kingdom of Heaven as the divine Cherubim; they are so microscopic that you will never see them; only when you reach solar fatherhood will you be allowed to see them; one must be born as many times as the sands in a desert; here is the cause of all causes; the most microscopic thing your mind can imagine is sustained by the divine cherub; their history is the history of the Father; because the Father has created everything; the cherubim were mentioned in the scriptures; but it was not explained; they participate in every event in the universe; they are the Alpha and the Omega of everything that exists; and as such, they participated in the creation of the gas of the Earth; they are the ones who renew the elements; they direct and control them; there is no molecule in which they are not; this divine Revelation explains all the mysteries of nature and the universe; everything is known with time; and if it was not known, it is because you are in a test of life; with the arrival of the final judgment, the mystery ceases to be a mystery; it becomes law and passes to the normal order of things; when this point is reached, a new morality is born; which can be correct or incorrect; it is correct when in moments of mystery and trial, the law of god is not violated;
and it is incorrect when in the same moments of mystery and trial, the divine law is violated; immorality is caused by man; never by celestial mandates; man precipitated man into weeping and gnashing of teeth; because they forgot the morality of my Commandments; the living morality of god is in all things; a microscopic violation of it is enough to not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because it also reverberates there; my divine morality is as expansive as the universe itself; to the violator of it, the doors are closed throughout the infinite; because he is recognized by the divine cherubim; who are everywhere; and as such, they read the mind; because they are in the mind; the most microscopic violation of the law translates into darkness; and the violating spirit is treated as a demon; and there is no middle ground; one cannot serve two masters; either one serves the light, the morality of the Father, or one serves the darkness; the Creator begs no one; rather, he makes them see the light of his word; he gives opportunities silently; and does not let himself be seen; and sees everything; because he is everywhere; the doctrine of the Lamb of god starts from the principle that you have all fulfilled what you promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; of all the requests, the supreme request is to obey the morality of the divine Father; did you do it? did you worship the Father who gave you being, second by second throughout your existences? because it was commanded to you: Above all things; because I will tell you that it is enough that you stopped thinking about your Creator for a second or less, and you are a violator of the law; you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; to many it will seem exaggerated; it is not; because you yourselves set this condition; and it was granted to you; every request is granted; and every request is fulfilled in the Kingdom of Heaven; you made this request without knowing the Earth; although many spirits had experiences from other earth planets; because there is everything in the Lord’s flock; you did not know the conditions you would find on the planet; because you asked for total forgetfulness of your past; and it was granted to you; for a reason your earthly life is called the test of earthly life; because every spirit is tested when born again; you were in the sun Alpha when it released its spark that is now the Earth; you saw in a state of innocence how your future world was born; you saw the divine solar preparations; you saw the divine cherubim materializing in the molecules of the terrestrial gas; you saw the flying saucers in such quantities that they darkened the sun Alpha; you saw on solar television screens the journey of the spark of the future planet; even more; you saw yourselves in your future existences; the divine Father can do everything; he materializes events before they are born; he shows his own children their future falls; and the children are unaware of such a thing; they see it, but they do not have the experience of the action itself; they need to test it; they need to taste the salt of such experience; all creatures generally see in the Kingdom of Heaven their future acts; their future existences; and by virtue of their free will, they go to the solar fathers in search of instruction and knowledge; because the solar fathers have lived more and know more; this search for knowledge is infinite; because spirits travel at the speed of lightning; and go from sun to sun; from paradise to paradise; and all the solar luminaries attend to them above all things; because they know that every humble and tiny being like a human spirit is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; and because that is pleasing to the divine Father; from these celestial journeys, spirits learn; and from this divine experience, all legends are born; what is above is the same as what is below; and every genius is a tireless traveler; likewise a revolutionary; inventors frequently visit the laboratory-worlds; and every disordered and abandoned one likes to visit backward worlds; the rich frequent the worlds of illusion and easy things; they are the most backward spirits; they live only in the present; and they annul themselves; because they do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the deluded must seek spiritual reality; spiritual merit is not only in a present; that is microscopic; to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, one must be born again and infinitely; just as in the primitive gas of the Earth, transformations continue to occur, so too do spirits succeed in their existences; being born again is for both matter and spirit; both have the same rights; from this knowledge, all justice arises; as this is ignored on Earth, its justice passes; I said it: The Earth will pass; but my words will not pass; because from them a new doctrine is born; I also said it in other terms: Every tree that my Father did not plant will be uprooted; I meant to tell you: That everyone who created doctrines, sciences, or religions, and did not take into account the divine morality of my Commandments, such will disappear from human knowledge; it is part of the final judgment; the term tree means philosophy in the Kingdom of Heaven; galaxies and stars form families; with trunks and branches; it is the free will of the Solar Trinity expressed in geometric forms; everything is geometric; even nothingness and morality are geometric; being morality and matter in the geometric, that is why all creation contains morality; science and morality are inseparable; because in eternal perfection both alternate; and make alliances in all planetary philosophies of the universe; one and the other get to know each other; and make a single philosophy; all worlds are unequal in their forms; but they have morality within their own laws; and all are equal before god; none is less; because everything has been created by the Father; the primitive gas of the Earth was not the work of humanity itself; and yet it was created by living beings with their own morality; the creatures of space are and will be moralists; because their feelings demand their spirits to respect them; no one is born without morality; because by living morality they live; each one’s ideas have the same influence of the morality that created the planet; each molecule of the idea is magnetized with microscopic solar lines; one is not born at the moment of birth with any body; the body is the product of the actions of the spirit; it was written that each one makes their own heaven; when born in the suns, spirits have the form of a Spark Plug; white in color; they are energies in a free state; they think and do not know why they think; they live a dream that is at the same time life; they are multitudes of Spark Plugs that are born around the suns; here is the Alpha and the Omega of human creation; the Spark Plug is a line charged with solar magnetism; the suns are the Omega and the sustenance of what is to come; Omega is the end of the beginning; the human beginning was and is a philosophy of trials; of uncertainties; of a momentary forgetfulness of its past; all the past of the Earth is only a moment or an instant in the Kingdom of Heaven; because in the macrocosm, celestial time reigns; in which a celestial second is equivalent to a terrestrial century; this shows that the Earth and its inhabitants are just beginning; its microscopic expansion within the very expansion of the universe is only a tiny dot or a speck lost in space; despite the fact that the primitive gas of the Earth has as many centuries as sands in a desert; and it is still a tiny speck; a microscopic world unknown in the rest of the universe; this solitude in the midst of an infinitely populated universe was requested by the human creature and it was granted; as they also requested to be visited by flying saucers; and it was also granted; in ancient times these visits were more frequent; and at the beginning of the world, it was a normal movement of ships; colossal ships crossed the gas of the Earth; executing infinite laws; so that the gas would complement itself; the influence of these ships is unknown to the world; the time has come for it to know; sooner or later things are known; including mysterious things; the things of the spirit; and the hidden things done by men; nothing absolutely nothing remains hidden in a final judgment; because that is how you requested it and so it will be granted to you; this will bring a repentance like the world has never seen; you will see great wonders; and the laws by which such wonders are governed are not of this world; they are solar laws; that will move the molecules of nature; weeping and gnashing of teeth await you, world of immorality!! you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and it is not the first time; after each existence in planetary dwellings, a judgment comes; with each immoral existence, you eternalize your entry into the Kingdom; each second lived in any degree of immorality is equivalent to an existence of new trials; add up the seconds of your immoral existences, and you will realize that it is costly to mock the laws of the Father; you must add the seconds contained in a minute; an hour; a day; a month; a year; and all the years that all immorality lasted; each second corresponds to the addition of your own actions; each second corresponds to one less heaven; and it is equivalent to being born again in worlds of suffering; you immoral ones of the world did not care about the harm you did to others; many were lost because of you; many imitated you; certainly the world will curse you and pity you; poor those who never studied me; they only dedicated their free time to vain things; to illusion! because none will enter the Kingdom of the Father; the ungrateful have never entered; of whatever category they may be; because there are also ungrateful ones in the trials of life; they receive abundance and do not give thanks; none will enter my Kingdom; think that a microscopic second or less of any violation is enough and you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why the weeping and gnashing of teeth is universal; the faults committed start from the age of twelve; until the last breath of life of your body; only children are blessed; that is why it was said to you: let the children come to me; because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; it was a preview of the events in the final judgment; just as you advance in science, so do the laws that were given to you; before your world was born; the Revelation will spread through all means of communication; books, newspapers, radio, television, cinema; because god is in them; were you not taught that your Creator is everywhere? those who are astonished by this are ignorant spirits; who never in life cared about the mandates of the Lord; despite promising to obey the law; your world will be transformed; and it will be the humble who transform it; not the so-called great ones of the world and of wealth; such will be despised; it was written that the humble are the first; first in everything imagined; first in governing a planet with revealed Trinity; truly, the world should always have been governed by the humble; for centuries, my scriptures have been saying: The humble are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; the least the human destiny could do was to also be first on Earth; because being first in heaven before the divine Father includes everything that exists; the spiritually blind world let itself be governed by the ambitious; by the rich; by those who will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven; by those deluded in a present; by those who forgot that one cannot serve two masters; either you serve gold, or you serve god; getting used to the comforts and illusions of these demons of ambition costs you entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; if they do not enter the Kingdom, neither do their followers; thus the revolutionaries are exalted; those who fight for others; for the comfortable and apathetic spirits; routine spirits who do not strive for anything; for those who have created a spiritual rock; truly I tell you, it is easier for a revolutionary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a whole world that slept in comfort; my Firstborn Solar Son Christ was the first revolutionary; he, being first in all power, preferred to combat Roman materialism with the same human laws; he chose the difficulty and imperfection of your laws; he gained infinitely more before the Father; his divine celestial score; is solar addition; it has no equal in human calculation; my divine son fulfilled the divine law of the Father: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; easy things have no merit in the Kingdom of Heaven; because there everyone possesses infinite powers; they are in a world of equality; but they have not reached any limit; nor will they ever; many scholars of my scriptures have wondered over the centuries why my Firstborn Son allowed himself to be defeated; why he allowed himself to be killed; the truth is that he preferred to please the Father; an attitude that your humanity should have taken many centuries ago; were you not taught that you should worship your god and Lord above all things? Above all comfort? Above all illusion? Above yourselves? surely you knew it; but it was more convenient for you to ignore it; this ignorance arising from your own will makes none of you enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and to those who intellectually cared about my scriptures, I ask: did you stop doing it even for a second in your existence? if so, be sure that you will not enter my Kingdom; because the promise you made in the Kingdom encompassed your entire life; from the first to the last breath of life; this was so because you saw in the Kingdom how your Creator infused breath of life into your own breaths; which made a divine alliance with your spirit.-
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