Holy writings

Matthew 13:49-50 “This is how it will be at the end of the age: the angels will come out and separate the wicked from among the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace; There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Matthew 12:25-26 “But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is desolate, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; How then will his kingdom endure?

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my little son; everything is in the same scriptures; how things were done; and how everyone is judged; the Celestial Science, which is the Doctrine of the Lamb of God, is the continuation of the scriptures; All writing is the thought of the free will of Father Jehovah; the divine Father possesses what His children possess; what is above is the same as what is below; the Father possesses it in infinite degree; and the children in microscopic degree; that is why no one is greater, except the Father; the divine Revelation comes to the world as a surprise; for so it was written; Every written fact is an event of the future; the divine Father is everywhere; He is in the future of events; for Him, every future is a present; and every present is a past; that is to say, the Father exists before He created the current times of the worlds; each molecule that the Earth has lives a different time from the others; and each possesses different laws from one another; Many parables indirectly explain the constitution of the universe; how things were made; divine psychology tests the human creature at every moment of life; even the scriptures are tested; Revelation was created this way on purpose; because this is what human spirits requested; every destiny is requested in the Kingdom of Heaven and granted.- Thinking Expansive Universe.- It is the only living universe created by the Eternal Father; and within it, all the others exist; all that the mind can imagine; everything exists; the creation is so infinite that fantasy becomes reality; this universe expands infinitely; planets are born microscopic; they arise from the same ideas that generate creatures; that is why it was written: Each one creates their own heaven; because the worlds thus created are born with surrounding space; they are born with a sky; just as the Earth possesses it; this universe, due to its infinity, has no and will never have form; its expansion is constant and eternal; as creatures think more, more worlds are born; not only from the Earth; but from all the worlds in space; because it was written that no one is disinherited; the divine inheritance of the Father is in everyone; not only in those who consider themselves intelligent; but also in all the creatures of creation; including microbes; no one has a monopoly on intelligence; that is selfishness and it limits the power of the Creator; Eternity is within the very creature; and it expands outward; that is to say, ideas physically travel through space; and while in space, they begin to mature; just as any fruit of the Earth would mature; What is above is the same as what is below; because both began in a humble and microscopic way; matter and spirit are one and the same; they follow the same law; unless one is born again, one cannot see the Kingdom of God; no one is born great; when you are in your mother’s womb, does anyone know? In the first moments, not even the mother realizes; how microscopic you are; this process that occurs in your fleshly world also happens above; in the colossal suns; It was written in the parable of the mustard seed; that after being sown, it grows and expands and becomes the greatest. It casts large branches, and the birds of the sky can dwell under its shade; this means that worlds form galactic families; The birds of Heaven are the silver ships; which you call flying saucers; what is above is like what is below; the essence of these ships is the same essence with which flesh beings were created; In the living universe of the Eternal Father, matter and spirit are one and the same; emanating from a single God and manifested in infinite forms; matter and spirit have free will; they are creatures that come from the Father and return to the Father; they return to the same point from which they came; the expansive thinking universe has no limits; nor will it ever have; And every creature, even if it denies it, contributes equally to its eternity; Everything that is denied and affirmed ends up as an idea traveling through space; it has always been this way; both above and below. The Earth you inhabit is so microscopic that it is almost unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; the divine Father knows all celestial bodies; and some solar fathers who were prophets on Earth know it; the divine Solar Mother Omega was the one who fertilized the Earth when it was just a tiny spark from the Alpha sun; behold, even the Solar Trinity fulfills the divine parable: One must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; for from the microscopic spark was born the current planet Earth; This divine parable is for all the worlds of the universe; because the divine mandates from the Father are for infinite worlds; both above and below; human calculations fade away before divine calculations; no planet has exclusivity over life; It was written that the divine Father has many dwellings; it means there are many inhabited planets; the earthly son resides or dwells on the planet Earth; the inhabited worlds are like the grains of sand in a desert; man believes he knows everything; and knows nothing; to say such a thing, one must at least know how one’s own origin came to be; Many wise men have walked the Earth; and none have been granted knowledge of their own origin; because human spirits, without exception, requested this in the Kingdom of Heaven; they asked to be tested in a life unknown to all; and the test was granted to them; and they promised to be humble above all things; before the greatness of the divine Father, spirits promise everything; because the divine presence of the Creator causes every creature to fall into an ecstasy of living faith; and all promise to please Him; it is a pleasure that resonates throughout the entire eternity of the spirit; to see the Eternal Father is to be saturated with eternal life; the Celestial Science or Doctrine of the Lamb of God is the only doctrine that will remain on Earth; it was written that the divine Comforter would crush His enemies; my Firstborn son told you: I will send you a great Comforter; He meant: I will send you a new Revelation or Doctrine; after you have been tested in the one I have left you; the Most Holy Solar Trinity expresses itself through doctrines to advance the worlds of the flesh; just as the spirit that needs to advance is reborn; Human life is not the only one; it is neither the first nor will it be the last; it is one of the infinite forms of life that exist in the universe; furthermore, human life is almost unknown in the rest of the universe; that is why it was written: “For dust you are, and to dust you shall return”; it signifies how microscopic the Earth is; it belongs to the worlds of dust; this is how the planets of flesh are known in the Kingdom of Heaven; the Kingdom of Heaven is the Macrocosm in its most infinite expression; there everything is gigantic; there everything exists; there the impossible is unknown; death is unknown there; everyone transforms according to their own life salts; according to their mental powers; there everything is fire and at the same time matter; the Creator is also fire; His divine free will materializes in every celestial dwelling; in every paradise planet; its forms have no limits, and as the expansive thinking universe expands, the divine Father simultaneously acquires infinite new forms; he exists before being becomes present; he knows the worlds and suns before they are born; he knows their planetary histories before they unfold; and he knew of the existence of the current universe before it materialized; just as he knew of those that have already existed in space; whose number will never be known by any creature; if the worlds are as numerous as the grains of sand in a desert, so too are the universes; because no quantity is lesser before the Father; neither the finite nor the infinite; both rival for all eternity, in an infinity that exists within another infinity; it is like a tiny point that multiplies into others; and in each new point, the same thing occurs; the multiplication that begins with the same ideas is an inheritance for all; both above and below; no one is lesser before the Creator of themselves; this expansion will never cease; To understand the greatness of the creation of the divine Father Jehovah, it is enough to study oneself. All your thinking that you call destiny expands in an infinite way; it materializes in universes; and this happens in such a quantity that even you, who are the creators of those universes, will not be able to calculate them; only with the divine help of the Father is it possible; you are microscopic architects of your own planetary dwellings; all future creation begins by fulfilling the divine parable: One must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; and this has been fulfilled since the very moment the divine Father said: Let there be light, and light was made. This divine principle of celestial command has not been and will not be the only one; the divine Father, who is the living eternity, has been repeating it countless times, as many as your mind can conceive; the commands of the Father are limitless; they are like the sands of a desert; and this is not the only form of command that His divine free will possesses; His ways of creating have no bounds; He even creates colossal universes from nothing. Nothing in human evolution is matter; it is philosophy; for there exist worlds whose thinking philosophy is nothing.

and their creatures teach nothing; they are the greatest slackers in the universe; not knowing their own future is a philosophy of nothing; the first creatures of the world did indeed live in nothingness; everything was darkness for them; a living nothing; the nothing of now is reasoned nothing; but just like in the past, it is filled with ignorance; man knows nothing of his nothing. In every existence that is lived, the creature knows a nothingness; there is nothing above and nothing below; the expansive thinking universe is relative; in spirit and in matter; since one is reborn; it is a living and eternal relativity; the same idea contains within itself its own relativity in its own thinking philosophy; In every existence and in every world, matter and spirit form alliances; Every spirit is not only in its constitution; the human spirit is made up of 318 different virtues. each virtue possesses free will, just as the spirit does; And it is not only the spirit that must cultivate morality in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but also its virtues; which sought an alliance with a sun-spirit; with the same rights that every spirit claims.”On this rock, I will build my church.” This divine parable is not what the church believed and still believes; let not the religious spirits forget that you are all tested in life, with and without religion; the divine Father judges your intentions throughout your life; it has always been this way; in the ancient world and in the world of today; I will tell you what happened when my Firstborn Son said: On this rock I will build my church; and the powers of hell shall not prevail against it; when he spoke this prophecy, he saw everything; It is written that the Trinity is everywhere; in the imagined and the unimagined; it is also in all times; in the past, present, and future; when he spoke such words, he spoke while looking at the future of humanity; He saw everything that you all are seeing and living; He observed the behavior of the rock; what did he see? he saw all the violations of your spirits; he saw how many innocents were sent to the bonfires; He saw how great minds were pursued who asked to come into life, to draw you out of error and falsehood; he saw how you crowned false kings; knowing that there is only one King of Kings; the one who gives and takes life; and there is no other; my divine Commandments do not command to become a king; they command to be humble above all things; the title of king belongs to the heavenly realm; the devil is called spirit-king; He saw how the rock blessed the damned weapons; with which they kill my innocent children; knowing that the rock of my divine Commandments orders not to kill; he saw how material worship spread throughout the world; He saw the planet covered in luxurious and expensive temples; knowing the rock that my divine law states: You shall not worship images or temples or any likeness; what likeness? none that approaches the transient; the ephemeral; in other words, that you did not fall into what you fell into; into material worship; into the worship of images; he saw how your rock of spiritual selfishness traded with the divine word of the Father; and called you the great whore who trades with the highest bidder; he saw how you divided the faith of the world; he saw how disillusioned men, from all these violations, sought the truth through other paths; they created new religions; new rocks of spiritual selfishness; perpetuating the division of humanity; You never did a self-examination; you never asked yourselves: what are we doing? If there is only one truth; only one God, then why are we divided? Why are we blind guides of the blind? All of this was seen by my Firstborn Son; and even seeing the future downfall of the future doctrine, he thought to himself: even so, every spirit is tested in its philosophy; thus commands my divine Father; may His divine and holy will be done; the only eternal temple is work; effort; knowledge; spiritual merit; and its philosophy is older than the world itself; it emerged before the current universe was born; it comes from other planets and lands; which, due to their age, are no longer in space; the work was announced by the divine Father: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; the temple of work never turns to dust; from its philosophy springs the salt of future life; The other temples turn to dust; in the Kingdom of Heaven, where everything is love and unity, only the philosophy of work is known; there, the cause of work is the universe itself; there, the so-called religions are unknown; there, no one is divided or persecuted; just as ambition does not exist; for no rich person has ever entered. In the Macrocosm, which is the same Kingdom, there exists Heavenly Communism with a Child’s Philosophy; there, the word “this is mine” is unknown; private ownership does not exist; material privacy is the highest expression of selfishness; it is characteristic of beings from dust worlds; who have just begun to feel possession with a philosophy of domination; this is how Satan began; until wanting what was and is of the Father; he wanted to dominate the universe; that is why all writing that comes from the Father is fought against by the ambitious; Thus it happened in the past of the Earth; when I sent the Mosaic Law to the world; the Christian Law and now the Law of the Lamb of God; three divine doctrines that were requested by human spirits; and they were granted; every doctrine comes from the living word of the Father; it is made known through its intellectual fruit; by its teachings that only lead to good, the tree is recognized; the tree is a fully grown plant; and it means that every living doctrine grows until it becomes galaxies; because every doctrine contains expansive ideas; there are ideas above and there are ideas below; and all of them become planets; that is why it was written: What is above is like what is below; the divine words of the eternal Father: Let there be light and light was made, are divine-mental words; their own expansions have not ceased; because the universe continues to expand; and it will do so forever. this divine mandate is the greatest of all; it is the highest expression of the macrocosm; the expressions or words spoken in the lives of creatures are microscopic expressions; they are heavens in their state of infancy; just beginning to fulfill the universal law: One must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Love can never be represented by the hardness of a rock; rock is in the realm of the Father, intellectual selfishness; hardness of heart; contempt for the humble; My divine law says that all humble ones are first in the Kingdom of Heaven; and you have never meditated on this command; you should have asked yourselves: If all humble ones are first before the Father, they should also be first in the world; why do the Father’s favorites not govern the world? “Why must they be the first in everything?” since Heaven itself proclaims it; and what have you done for the divine desire of the Father to become a reality on Earth? Certainly nothing; and you yourselves, false prophets of the truth, cast the first stone; you proclaimed to the world the first of the Commandments: You shall worship your God, Lord and Creator, above all things; above all philosophy; above all destiny; above yourselves; your mistake was not to place any humble person at the forefront; if you had done so, I assure you that this world would not need a Final Judgment; you should never have entered into fleeting alliances; because by doing so, you contributed to the illusion of life; you should never have made pacts with the beast of materialism; you should never have crowned its kings; nor blessed their weapons; with this, you perpetuate the abominable exploitation to which millions of my children are subjected; I assure you, demons, that for your own sake, the weeping and gnashing of teeth will begin; just as you have divided the faith of my children, so shall you be divided in distant worlds between light and darkness. It was written that one cannot serve two masters; either you serve God or you serve materialism; serving two opposing philosophies confuses and loses the children. either one is or one is not; there cannot be divided sincerity; For you demons, there exist millions and millions of false prophets; because you have alternated in their lives two influences: Doubt and illusion; do you now understand the meaning of the parable: Blind guides of the blind? You will have to pay for every misfortune you have caused to each human destiny; they in the Kingdom of Heaven did not ask to be divided in their faith; they asked to live as brothers; united; because they witnessed that unity in the Kingdom of Heaven; human spirits knew that only Satan divides; it is one of the many celestial legends; the world of the future will call you what you have always been: rocks of human selfishness; and your short reign will be forgotten; for it was written that every tree not planted by the divine Father will be uprooted in human evolution; The philosophies created by men without considering my divine law are those trees; and among many are the so-called religions; religions are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven;

The only thing that matters in the kingdom are the virtues that each person practiced; the highest glory of all virtue is to elevate oneself through work; through knowledge, which is the salt of life; from all that has been learned, the spirit draws its future model of existence as a being; those who live by exploiting others have no salt of life; they have no future destiny; because they have no merit; no one cares about them in the kingdom; No one wishes to form alliances with a spirit that makes little or no progress; and even less with those who violate the law; No living virtue wishes to unite with an exploiter or merchant; for it would suffer their influence. The religious spirits that turn faith into a business are in the same situation; the material power of the church condemns them. they should never have had such power; They forgot the divine parable that says: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this parable is a warning for all the ambitious. There are many kinds of wealth; for there is everything in the vineyard of the Lord; of all the riches, the most despicable before the Creator is that which has been obtained by exploiting others; in any form it may take; any self-interested person who, for material gain, violates the divine moral of the Father, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; which is populated by selfless beings; these beings were also imperfect; no one is born perfect; neither above nor below; those who are now selfless were once self-interested and even exploiters in distant worlds; they went through what the exploiters and self-interested are experiencing now; and there will come a moment in eternity when you will transform; you will become the opposite; because upon being reborn in a new body and a new world, you will have left behind an imperfection; a darkness; To persist in darkness is to divide oneself; for the pores of the flesh follow their free impulses; they have free will; and they seek the light, leaving the spirit abandoned to its fate in its own darkness. To regain a new fleshly body, the spirit must pay for all the harm done to its pores. they are trillions and trillions; and each one demands justice separately; because being microscopic and humble, they are great and gigantic in the Kingdom of Heaven; they take on proportions that fill even the guilty spirit with dread; When the spirit bears no guilt, this surprise is not one of dread; it is one of admiration; for the degree of consciousness with which one enters the Kingdom of Heaven will determine the feelings experienced by the spirit. the exploiting spirits never enter; they only observe the eternal glory from afar; Your future is to continue being born into material worlds; because your celestial score does not allow for more; your own knowledge adapts to the matter of your inclinations; your salt of life only possesses the quality and essence for that; the celestial score is the divine addition with which the Creator rewards His own creations; all, without exception, in nature, have the right to the addition; many confuse the divine addition with material abundance; the former is spiritual and the latter is a request made in the Kingdom of Heaven; no one leaves heaven knowing everything; you asked for forgetfulness of the past and it was granted to you; when one is in Heaven, one experiences justice and equality; nothing is known of wealth or religions; for both are unknown; the ambitious and those who divide the flocks on the planets have never entered the Kingdom of Heaven; there you witnessed the life led by the Trinity; you learned that there one lives the celestial communism with a childlike philosophy; the same philosophy that will unite the humble of the world into a great nation; it will be the greatest power in the world; its strength will not be compared to any; from the creation of the Earth until its end, the world of the humble will have no comparison; theirs is the glory on Earth and in Heaven; it was written that the humble are first in all that is imagined before the Creator.- And a world will arise where milk and honey will flow. It means that from the nations that human selfishness calls underdeveloped, a new world will be born; with a different morality; different customs; this world will be characterized by universal joy; everyone will be children; for they will be the rewarded in the resurrection of all flesh; everyone will return to being twelve-year-old children; those who had faith in the resurrection of the flesh, even without understanding it, deserve it; those who did not believe in it will not have it; they will complete their life cycle according to that belief; Never in the Kingdom of Heaven are the unbelievers rewarded; those who believe in their own ideas go after them. the small and exploited nations will unite and form the greatest nation that has ever existed on Earth; here is the material meaning of the Parable: The humble are the first; or rather, the last who despised materialism will be the first. and their children will multiply, like the sands of a desert; it will flow with milk and honey, signifying the beginning of a new nourishment for the new world; a nourishment that you call vegetarian; this diet does not violate the law; You backward spirits devour your brothers; those you call animals are not animals in the kingdom; they are your brothers; with the same rights that you have. It is a thousand times better that you had never tasted such meat; because you become accomplices of those who kill them. My divine Commandment says: You shall not kill; and this law is for everyone; no one is lesser before the Father; neither matter nor spirit; you human spirits promised before the divine Father, not to kill; because that was not something you liked for yourselves; It corresponds to the parable that says: Do not do to others what you would not like done to you; those you call animals also promised this; in their respective philosophies and according to their laws; because no one is disinherited; you all are born with the same rights; all those who, knowing the existence of the divine Commandments, ate meat will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because you will have to pay in distant worlds for every last pore of flesh you consumed; this revelation will cause you to weep and gnash your teeth; the same weeping that has been foretold to you through the centuries; and which you gave little or almost no importance to; this revelation is also announced in the parable that says: Eye for eye, tooth for tooth; and your Creator adds: cell for cell; pore for pore; corresponding to all the organs in the flesh that you consumed; for every pore of flesh, you will have to fulfill an existence, whose philosophy will be the same as what you felt in the very moments when you ate the flesh of a destiny that did not belong to you; Many ignorant spirits who never cared about the scriptures will ask: “How did they eat meat before?” The spirits of the past, regardless of the era in the ancient world, also broke the law; and they paid and still pay for their transgressions, in proportion to their ignorance; for this is what they requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; they asked for the test of being exposed to the temptation of eating the flesh of their fellow beings; and they promised to overcome such a tendency; and you, human spirits of the so-called contemporary world, made the same request; with you, a demonic philosophy comes to an end; because all those you consumed were and are angels; if all are children of a single God, you are all born with the same innocence; and it is said in the realm, amidst countless fables and living legends, that on a very remote and microscopic planet called Earth, its creatures eat one another; and thus the angels are filled with horror when the divine Father shows them on colossal solar television screens how their own creations are being dismembered; And the tears flow, in such divine creatures; and the angels ask: “And why, divine Father?” Ah, little children! That is why it reaches back to other skies; to other worlds that existed and are no longer in space; The spirits, when they wish to atone for their regrets and settle past debts, ask the Divine Father to give them the same form that their victims had; and to repay them eye for eye and tooth for tooth. And since nothing is impossible for the Creator of the universe, He grants them; There are infinite ways to pay a debt; just as there are infinite ways to reward. When a debt is not paid in one existence, it is paid in another; when a reward is not received in one existence, it is received in another. It was written that every spirit is born anew; you human spirits, by virtue of this law, lived in the past on Earth; and in other worlds; there exist worlds that are replicas of another; nothing exists in the Father that is limited; that is why you still retain your carnal instincts; every instinct fades away as one is reborn; every instinct dominates the flesh; that is why it was written: The flesh is weak; for weak is the instinct; When an instinct begins to fade, the flesh also changes shape as it is being reborn; the spirit, as it purifies, creates a different body from the one it had. and will have new physical forms in future worlds; It is said that the flesh is weak, because it does not retain the same shape in its eternity; the works of the spirit give it a new form; and so it shall be forever and ever; the perfection of spirits knows no bounds; nor will it ever. the spirit that violates the law pays its debt and remains eternal; No one has an end or a limit; that is a unique attribute of the Creator of life; the divine Father gives and takes away; but He never destroys His own creations; It is the spiritual and relative arrogances that destroy themselves. Well, by not entering the kingdom, they remain outside of it eternally; moving from one world to another; observing from afar the glory that reigns in the Kingdom of Heaven; this distance from the kingdom is proportional to the offense committed; the very conscience becomes an immense magnet; that either repels or attracts; Divine justice is instantaneous; something like the detachment of magnetic lines from a magnet; this comparison is material; because even the magnet is judged by its laws; and every material object is also judged; when the mind creates something, that something becomes an idea; for without an idea, there are no creations; if your Creator had not said: Let there be light and light was made, rest assured that neither you nor the universe you behold would exist; for there would be no beginning of idea; the mind in neutral; nothing is created; silence in the heavens; in the heavens of the macrocosm, and in the heavens of the microcosm; silence above and silence below; Well, everything thinks; matter and spirit; the great solar lights, and the microscopic mental lights; what is above is the same as what is below; there are creations above just as there are below; To be reborn is to travel from top to bottom, and from bottom to top; You all travel along your solar line; a line or umbilical cord that accompanies you from the Alpha sun. the Solar Line teaches you the places or worlds that your spirit has visited; your scenes; the physical forms you had in such worlds; every solar line travels unheard distances; it is always within you; it will never abandon you; A part or portion of your solar line is the electricity that runs through your body; and there is no one who hasn’t felt it; when you leave your fleshly bodies in the transformation called death, your spirit begins its return to space, along its own solar line; the other end takes it back to the point from which it came; it travels the same path it took when it felt the call of a mother’s womb; This revelation is unique; no one has been given knowledge of how one comes into the world; yet, in everything, there is a first; great truths begin with someone; the world of the future will see its lines or solar cords; this corresponds to: The heavens have opened; for in each solar cord, all the heavens traversed by the spirit are photographed; it is a true microscopic television, of infinite colors; as each spirit is not the same as another, in terms of their experiences and galactic lives, immortal legends will arise in the knowledge of the world; Every child of the future will be a genius in potential. the world of the future will be a world where one is born to prepare and travel to the cosmos; the goal will not be material possessions; as is the case in the present time; it will be a goal in search of more knowledge; a knowledge that should never have been halted; because the Earth had another destiny, in the concert of worlds; the fate of the Earth was diverted from the very moment when embodied demons taught mortals to worship gold; with that, the phenomenon of possession began; materialist philosophy was created; the worst of yokes for the human spirit; because the sensation that contains excessive possession disrupts perfection; the quality and caliber of one who has been excessively influenced by gold diminishes; which is to say that the spiritual future of such a person consists of mediocre worlds in evolution; because from each unbalanced idea, an unbalanced world will be born; Humanity, in choosing a way of life, should not have chosen the system of possession; and men were tremendously blind; for they chose a way of life that had already been condemned by God. The divine parable says: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because neither the rich man nor the system that produces the rich can enter. By choosing capitalism as their way of life, what men did was go against God, second by second, during the trial of life; It was an error that lasted centuries, until the very moment of the divine beginning of the divine Final Judgment; men were rocks of mental toughness, until the end of their own times; It is because of this strange hardness that the son of God said to the world of trial: On this rock I will build my church; He meant: On those who are hard to understand, I will test a form of faith, which will come from themselves; because each one chooses their own form of faith; It is human free will, which decides which path to take to understand God; and the test of life consisted in not taking the wrong path; those who chose a path of faith, which included mental division between beings, erred on the path; because God does not divide his children; he unifies them through egalitarian laws; The strange system of life of men, based on rapine and surrender, prevented a system of life with egalitarian laws from emerging in the world; The man did not know or did not want to get rid of the strange complex of possession; and this constitutes its tragedy; tragedy that was written as: crying and gnashing of teeth; because just as he opposed God, second by second, through the customs of his own system of life, so too, man will be discounted second by second, molecule by molecule, idea by idea, of everything bad. what he did within the strange and unknown system of life; Since morality participates in all the things that the creature does, the strange system of life called capitalism was described in the divine gospel of God, as strange morality; those who were pleased to live in so-called capitalism, and did not protest, the son of God will call them strangers; and no stranger will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The strange term is because no one asked God for so-called capitalism; because no one asks God for unjust things; Capitalism is the work of men and not of God; It is the work of man’s free will; Therefore, those who blame God for the injustices of strange capitalism commit injustice against divinity; They will be judged for not deepening their own works, which they lived in the trial of life; The so-called Christian world that emerged during the strange reign of capitalism was characterized by its strange complicity with an unjust system of life; Almost no one protested because men had created a system of life that was contrary to the infinite justice of God; and that his non-complacency had been written in the same Bibles that the strange Christian world had read in life.


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