Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world his invisible powers, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”
Apocalypse 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”
Yes little son; from the very moment one is born a spirit, spiritual justice is born; earthly justice temporarily punishes what it believes are violations of the spirit over matter; the essence of human life is its actions; the origin of actions, earthly justice does not know; because this is how the human spirit requested it in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it was granted; it asked to be tested in its union with the body of flesh; and it asked to know the unknown justice of the Earth; this justice forgets the laws of the Creator; for it is prostituted; it has made improper alliances with the science of good; with the money that corrupts everything; and one cannot serve two masters; either one serves selflessly, or one serves interest; the latter does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; selfish interest is unknown in the Kingdom; your justice is an injustice; you are not pure of heart; because you do not comply with the mandate of humility; it was written that every humble person is first; therefore the humble should have been your judges; and not you hypocritical judges and lawyers; Pharisees of Roman materialism; you once again did the opposite; every exalted one should never have held a position of morality in the world; no exalted one of the Earth has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; only the humble of heart enter; therefore, usurpers of the rights of my humble ones, remove yourselves from public life; because otherwise, you will be removed; weeping and gnashing of teeth await you; the events and the advent of the Lamb of God will shake you; because you will now be the judged; you will be despised by this generation and the ones to come; you played a sad role of executioners in the world; it would have been better for you not to have known any earthly justice; because just one second of time or less of injustice that someone has received from you, and you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; you should never have, immoral ones, cast the first stone; because in the Kingdom, you will be the first to be judged; you will receive what you gave to others; you will go to worlds of injustices and pain; because with the rod you measured, you will be measured; you will have to pay eye for eye and tooth for tooth; cell by cell; pore by pore; pain for pain; for all that a prisoner suffered because of your spurious justice; only the pure of heart are the judges; both above and below.-
Yes little son; the solar scales are of the same essence as the silver ships; and of the same elements of the universe; the entire universe has the same principle; only one God; and despite this, there are universes of variety; the unique cause is reborn in different geometries; this teaches that divine justice, being the same, is expressed in different and infinite worlds; it is expressed according to the evolution of the worlds; there is no justice that is not from the living universe of Father Jehovah; since He has created everything; the past, the present, and the future; when a life is granted in the Kingdom of Heaven, it is said that a spirit is born again; and along with being born again, it learns to live a new philosophy; a philosophy unknown to it; and that means it will come into contact with new sensations; new flesh; new planet; new and unknown matter and new justice; justice is the very essence of its molecules; because every body that was had in the planetary dwellings becomes living in the Kingdom of Heaven; the spirit constitutes matter in the Kingdom; you on Earth do not see with your eyes of flesh, the spirits; because you do not have the power for it; you do not penetrate the atmosphere; you only feel it; and you need belief; you need to cultivate faith; faith is the product of something that derives from what is not seen; what is not seen is infinite; what is not seen is a greater knowledge than what you see; does the infinity you contemplate not tell you? what would earthly science give to see that infinity; but, it will be astonished when the heavens open; as it was at the beginning of the world; when your globe was the size of a ping-pong ball; are you surprised? it is known that you have not searched; you have not scrutinized the scriptures as you were commanded; it is written: One must be humble and small to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why your planet was small; and it is still microscopic compared to the giant planets; which were also microscopic and humble; divine justice in its laws is unknown to you; because apart from your neglect of studying my word, you have a forgetfulness of your galactic past; voluntary forgetfulness that came from you; and it was granted to you; and despite this, you were warned through the centuries that you would have a final judgment; you cannot complain; because great and shocking events are approaching; nature, which has impassively watched you through infinite centuries, will be moved; the waters will open; by the Firstborn Son who is already among you; you will tremble with fear, you unbelieving spirits; you belong to nature, and you renounce it; you see daily the force of its waters; and you do not open your eyes; blind of spirit; you do not penetrate even by intuition, the living force of matter; backward spirits; weeping and gnashing of teeth await you; the greatness of a Firstborn Solar Father has no comparison; you will be filled with shame before laws you renounced; especially the so-called materialists; you will shout in the streets, your arrogance and ignorance; no one commanded you to be unbelievers; you were commanded to cultivate faith; and not pessimism; if you have cultivated a second or less of pessimistic time, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the justice that is approaching will begin first with the intellectuality of each one; it will be the books you read that will first cause you a beginning of weeping and gnashing of teeth; because that is what you asked for and that is what will be granted to you; the doctrines of the Father are for everyone; here the critics do not count; who believe they know everything, and know nothing; every critic will be stunned by so much wisdom; they will be filled with shame; and with this doctrine, the critics of materialism will end; the critics of interest; those who, without knowing their own origin, cast the first stone; truly I tell you: there should never have been any critic; because none of them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; if they were critics in life, it was because they asked for it; they were shown to exhaustion that this spiritual test was not advisable for a microscopic world in its knowledge; they ran the risk of not entering the Kingdom of Heaven; one can only be a critic when one is a spiritual model; because one criticizes those who violate the law of the Father; great is in the Kingdom of Heaven who defends what is of the Father; because he defends the first cause; the creator of causes; human knowledge must know how to distinguish between the worldly critic and the spiritual critic; the worldly critic only cares about the things of the world; only offers mortal intellectuality; ephemeral; every materialist, no matter how enlightened, remains worldly; defends materialism of which he does not even know the origin with certainty; it is to strive to defend a cause within ignorance; no materialist has been given to know the origin of things; because it is written that the humble are the first; first in everything; and among that everything, is to be the first to know things; so that you know, critics of the world, theories and philosophies exist in such a quantity as the grains of sand that the desert contains; no one should have been a critic, by principle of humility; because it is easier for a humble person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than a critic; your immorality lies in criticizing while others suffer; perhaps many times you defended my humble ones; you will be given according to the intention of your defense; even so, you remain critics in violation of the law of the Father; because above all things is the Father; above all criticism; if the law of the Father commands that He is above all things, you should not be critics; is the Father Himself not humble? worldly criticism does not enter the Kingdom; it is unknown; because it is a product of darkness and not of light; certainly weeping and gnashing of teeth await you worldly critics; who did not take into account the law of the Father at all; your criticisms only defend material worldly interests; which are worth nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven; your philosophy of criticism is one of the trees that Father Jehovah did not plant; and it will be uprooted from human evolution; your criticism is immorality within a libertinism that you call freedom of thought; truly I tell you, that just as you are false in your philosophies, so you will be called in the Kingdom; when you ask for justice before the Eternal; all justice brings with it new existence; because from all living justice, your future body of flesh is born; you are born again; and along with your new reincarnation, the falsehood you had in the previous existence is united with you; as well as the progress achieved according to the morality of my Commandments; only those who fulfilled the morality of God, second by second throughout existence, enter the Kingdom of Heaven; when you come to the distant planets, you do not do it alone; along with you come infinite microscopic creatures; which are the elements of your expansive universe; when you are a spirit, you are connected by a cord to the universe itself; just as your organism is connected to your umbilical cord; what is above is the same as what is below; no one is disunited; because the inheritance is the same in all; they are connected by invisible cords, both matter and spirit; no one is disinherited in my creation; because all that is created are my children with the same rights; your justice forgets this equality; because earthly judges live equally deluded as the rest; no deluded judge will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; there are infinite kinds of delusion; the delusion of the judges of the Earth is of ambition for material interest; weeping and gnashing of teeth await you judges of materialism; you promised in the Kingdom of Heaven not to enter into an alliance with corrupting money; one thing is to earn money by the sweat of your brow, and another to use justice to obtain it; it is immorality within the immorality of materialism; it is to legalize the actions of the immorality of the world of illusion; the world of illusion is one that is guided by what the spirit feels in the face of its own comfort; such is the fruit of materialist philosophy; a fruit that you should never have tasted; because it was written: Beware of the science of good; it is a fruit that does not belong to the trees that Father Jehovah planted; and it will be uprooted from human customs; for tasting this fruit from immoral men, none of you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the creators of exploitative materialism are immoral before the laws of eternity; because when they created and perfected this system of exploitation, they did not consult the Holy Scriptures; nor will they ever do so; because the well-being that gold provides them blinds them; and the greater that well-being, the greater the blindness; that is why the Creator prefers the humble of heart; not the possessed; those who are dominated; no rich person in the world is trusted by the Creator; if they chose that path, it is because they are backward in understanding spiritual laws; the only ones that lead to the Kingdom; materialism will have to recognize it; with tears in their eyes, they will see that the world leaves them, as a way of life; no earthly person wants to lose their soul; everyone wants to enter Heaven; no one wants uncertainty after death; materialism provided the uncertainty; because it is enough to live a second or less in a system of materialism, and you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; just as you acted, so will they act against you; it means that with the rod you measured to impose a way of life, with the same rod you will be measured; it means that you should never have given the world a system of exploitation; because humanity will pursue you with tares; with hatred like never seen in the world; your materialist philosophy will be called the curse of the world; because of you exploiters, this humanity does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; your philosophy deluded the world to such a degree that it fell into immorality; that is why every second of life that passes in each human existence is immoral; since God is in everything imagined, He is also in the seconds; and for the same reason, you are judged by seconds of life; and even less than a second; materialism led humanity away from the path of true morality; the unique morality of the Commandments; it led them away from everything that the children of the Earth promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; if your Creator demands the purest morality from you, it is because you promised it; the divine Father never demands what the creature cannot do; your Creator knew that the legion of Satan would come across you; where there are unjust, there will be the legion of the spirit-king; the exploitative spirits and creators of capitalism were in the past admirers of the demon; his influence is in them; there are many worlds where these selfish ones sowed ambition and pain; all injustice is born from ambition; but ambition, like all other darkness, is judged by the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; the only one that will remain in the world; materialism will pass, but my words will not pass; it is equivalent to the parable: The Earth will pass; but my words will not pass; it means: a world with all its systems of governments will pass into oblivion; because my living word expressed in the Doctrine of the Lamb of God will remain for its universal hierarchy; the universal comes from the Trinity; the same that created the Earth; and infinite lands; creates and modifies what is created; just as it modified your barbaric customs; by sending you in the past, the Mosaic and Christian doctrines; and the last is that of the Lamb; also known in the Kingdom of Heaven as the Consoling doctrine; the promised Comforter and the Doctrine of the Lamb of God are the same thing; a law can be expressed in many forms; and it is the same law; scholars will have knowledge for all their existences; and they will have to retract many concepts; if not all; because they were also tested; the struggle of every researcher of my living word is influenced by the materialistic environment that surrounds them, plus the illusion of life; great are in my Kingdom those who seek all their lives; because they will find; who did not seek, is because he was a comfortable one of the world; truly I tell you that who was comfortable in life, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; scholars will form a vast army; because it is written that the inheritance of the Lamb of God is like the number of sands that a desert contains; the power of God nullifies all other power; just as it nullified every Kingdom that lived on Earth and will nullify those that remain; that everything has its time;
because the whole is in time; and time is in the whole; the materialistic world will be powerless to oppose the advent of a new morality to the world; materialism has always predominated in the world because the path of corruption is more pleasant to the spirit; but it loses it before the laws of the Creator; materialism is about to fall; its demons will begin to divide themselves; the legion of satan comes to its end; everything had to be fulfilled; because if it is not fulfilled, there is no experience between good and evil; the product of a way of life, unknown to the spirits who asked to be tested in such a system; the systems of life are counted by infinites; they are like the sands of a desert; it always happens the same in the worlds of flesh; your Creator is accustomed to what you will soon observe; what is finite to you is infinite to God; the transformation of worlds has been happening since before your human beginning was known; you spirits of the Earth; you are so recent that you are unknown in most of the universe; your world will be consumed and you will not leave the unknown; this ignorance goes from world to world; only when you are creatures of the Macrocosm will you begin to be somewhat known; but, the known also transforms; and being known, you are unknown; because the whole universe is never mastered; just as no one has ever completely mastered your world; what is above is the same as what is below; the whole universe with its worlds also seeks the Father; each in its own laws; the search is relative and eternal; the blessed are the only ones who can go anywhere in the universe; they are the most worthy representatives of the worlds of light; they have nothing to be ashamed of; because in the paradise-worlds they visit, their creatures read their minds; just as you read it little son; reading the mind implies a greater morality; and better spiritual control; one must cultivate reserve with greater vigor; this is proportional to spiritual hierarchy; and one reaches the degree of being indifferent in reading other minds; I know little son that what you have seen and see in human minds fills you with much sadness; so it is divine eternal Father; I only see ungrateful spirits; even though they promised not to be; they do not read you! they do not give you importance! they respect you but do not seek you; yes little son I know; but, I will tell you that no ungrateful person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this is what the human spirits asked for; and so it will be granted to them; all who have passed through the Earth, to know and live the life of a little human monkey, none have managed to enter the Kingdom; only those who disincarnated in a state of innocence: the earthly babies; it is for this innocence that it was written: Let the children come to Me; because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; and it could not be otherwise; innocence is pure of heart; the influence of human matter is almost null in it; in the innocent there is no violation of my divine mandates; theirs is the future world; the entire universe respects them; and not the sinners; not even satan can against innocence; because he runs the risk of disappearing; the demon also had innocence; when he was an angel of light; but, he rebelled against Father Jehovah; his reign is microscopic; so microscopic that it is not known in the infinite; if you know him, even by name, it is because you asked for it in your human life tests; and the Father granted it to you in fact, in your immoral ideas is the demon; it is up to you to cast him out; healthy and highly moral ideas, like those taught by my Commandments, are what drive him away from your mind; the living Morality of God is the barrier that separates you from the power of satan; the cursed one suffers when he sees good actions; the most microscopic good action scares the spirit-king; it is enough that you read simple horror novels, and satan shows interest in you; because he believes himself to be the chosen one; the cursed one knows what free will is; and he deludes himself; anyone who has read horror novels will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because in their promises made in Heaven, they did not include satan even in the slightest intellectual degree; everything that is read is a product of the intellect; there are readings that are not trees planted by the divine Father; and they will be uprooted from human evolution; among these readings are the so-called occult sciences; witchcraft, pacts, etc.; none who have read such knowledge will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because just as in the past those who worshiped false gods were punished, so too will those who read or study satan be punished; because one cannot serve two masters; either one serves the light, or one serves the darkness; if one serves both, the spirit is divided; nor does one enter the Kingdom of Heaven; from heaven one left with innocence and must return with innocence; the encounter on Earth you had with the demons who created money was your downfall; because it is enough to live a second or less in coexistence with the demons, and you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; materialism asked for many centuries of reign; and it was granted; and its total fall is coming; this fall is the same fall of satan himself; where there is suffering, there is the demon; because he delights in it; all the misfortunes and injustices that occur on Earth are due solely to human selfishness; the demons took over the material world; they did the opposite of the divine mandate; no one is destined to dominate another; because no one dominates another in the Kingdom of Heaven; everyone who dominated on some distant planet does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; spirituality by its very humility always acts last; and always triumphs over every demon; so it was in the past of the Earth; when the Earth was small; there existed creatures unknown to you; among these demons were the cursed pharaohs; who, like your current materialism, subjugated the ancient world; many demons have existed in the world; but none surpassed these cursed ones; they had another science; even superior to what Earth currently has; they commanded nature itself; they had another science; their knowledge came from distant galaxies; their origin was before the Earth was born; these cursed creatures rebelled against Jehovah Father; they did not want love to be born on Earth; they created the first slavery on Earth; and they fell into disgrace before Father Jehovah; this history of your world’s past will give birth to the true history of this planet; you will know all your past; just as you are knowing your final judgment; because that is what you asked for; and so it is granted to you; by delving into what was your past, you will realize who the exploiters are; all the leaders of the materialistic world are the spirits of the past; the same ones who steal your bread; because they have more experience in deception; they have the skill to divide the world; to the point that they kill each other; for they are the creators of the massacres called wars; these arrogant ones have not changed; they asked to be born again to amend and pay debts; the Creator of life gave them one more chance; a chance that comes to its end; the justice of the Lamb of God has come to Earth; no exploitative demon will escape; every reign of every demon will pass; and when this happens, it happens with weeping and gnashing of teeth; it arises with an intellectual revolution; consciences awaken and take revenge; no one likes to be deceived; that is what the illusion you are accustomed to contains; if you were given an existence, it was because it had a purpose; every fruit is born and has a destiny; no one commands themselves alone; if you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you will not continue living for that reason; only you will have to do it in the darkness; your Earth, being invaded by the demons who exploit you, becomes a world of darkness; it would be a world of true light if it had been guided by my Commandments; the same creatures that live in the planetary dwellings give them the hierarchy corresponding to their own worlds; by being born again, the spirit achieves new morality and new world; because no one is inseparable from their own creations; that is to say, they have responsibility before God; the action that comes from each one gives rise to a future planet; behind each act of your consciences, universes are being born that will never end; because the expansive principle is in all; since one is born as a spirit; eternity is in you because you are from an eternal Father; death is nothing more than a transformation; a detail in the expansive force of the spirit; and you have died many times; because you have also been born many times; if you had never been born and died, you would not know either law; as you would not know the Earth you are on; if you had not asked for a test in this life; every experience must be lived; both above and below; the law that was given to you: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, is both for above and below; because the mandates of the Father have no limits; they are everywhere; they are as expandable as the universe itself; and so after you leave this Earth, you will find the same law in other worlds; in worlds totally opposite to Earth; a mandate from Father Jehovah is expressed in infinite forms; because there is everything in the flock of the Lord; the number of these forms is like the number of grains of sand; that a desert contains; and each grain of sand is at the same time a desert; the same happens with the final judgments of the worlds; in the living universe of Father Jehovah, everything becomes life; everyone, when they reach the Kingdom of Heaven that corresponds to them, sees the same nature they knew on the distant planet; they meet the first beings of the Kingdom; those he called animals; before this spectacle, the bad spirits are filled with dread; all their living alliances called virtues also tremble; because they sense divine justice; the good spirit fears nothing; because it has done nothing wrong; it goes to meet its own happiness with serenity; this revelation will fill with dread those who unjustly persecute my humble children; those who abuse their condition as humans; those who have mistreated my children; those who called them animals with contempt and mockery; they do not know with whom they committed the injustice; they forgot that every humble and despised one is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; it means that they have the power to forgive and ask for destinies for other creatures; and since they are first, it is they whom the Father listens to first; and from them comes justice; new existences come out; many of which are being fulfilled on Earth; this principle of justice has always existed in the Kingdom; that is why only love and harmony are known there; the same will happen on Earth; this loving philosophy was held by the Earth; it was before the arrival of the cursed pharaohs; when these demons arrived, the divine Father closed the heavens to them; because he never wanted to disturb the peace and harmony in them; with the disappearance of materialism from the Earth, the heavens reopen; it has always been so; just as it happened in another dimension of your world; when Adam and Eve disobeyed the divine Instructions of the Eternal Father; he wanted to warn them, anticipating the very moment of disobedience; because the Creator sees events before they occur; humanity still continues, testing the tree of the science of good; which is the money created by the modern Pharisees.-
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