Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 23:12 “For he who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Yes little son; we will continue with the divine rod; I will tell you little son that it intervenes for all acts of life; in the spiritual and the material; for all thinking moments; for the ideas that are not expressed; but that are deep in the mind; each lived act is divided by ten; of this total corresponds to ten thinking, corresponds half to the spirit and half to those who surround the spirit; it is a half in constant evolution; for human thoughts are varied and infinite; here is the divine psychology of the divine Commandments; half for you and half for me; and the spirit is not trampled in any degree; it was written: Do not do to another, what you would not want done to you; going beyond half within a calculation, is inflicting an offense on free will; all spirits are born with the same rights; they carry in their own germ of solar origin, the justice they witnessed in their state of innocence; spiritual intuition imperfectly encompasses justice; justice possesses individuality; according to the evolution of each spirit; each one tries to impose their own; even in those with backward thoughts; the divine rod possesses justice for all generations of the planet; for each human creature, came from the same point; all came from the Alpha and Omega suns of the Trino galaxy; all carry the same heritage, although they express themselves with different individualities; this infinite range of different ways of thinking, makes certain demons take advantage; they believe they see in others, certain weakness; these arrogant spirits believe, that they were born to command others; it is fine to lead; but, it is wrong to trample my divine Commandments; it would be better for the spirit not to lead; for each act done in an instant, lasts for all eternity; it was written that each one makes their own heaven; I meant: Each one with their own acts, makes their own eternity; according to how each one’s acts were, is the physical form of their own body; and at the same time, molds their own future planet; therefore, there is no act so microscopic, that does not constitute a future world; and there is no world that did not come from a microscopic act; it was written: One must be small and humble, to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; it means: One must be as microscopic, as an idea; that is felt and not seen; and there is no act that does not possess an idea; the microscopic idea is the Alpha and the Omega of all truth; the first truth is the Father; from him came all the others; from him came, infinite and divine rods; there are and were as many rods, as there were and are worlds; and there will be; for it was written: No one is disinherited; all have the same rights; both above and below; the divine rod acts according to how the spirit acted; it asks for nothing more nor less; it acts as it was commanded to act in life; with the greatest moral power which are the divine Commandments; every word that comes from God, is living; for from his divine words, the universes were born; and there is no universe that has not known his word; each world both above and below, possesses its sacred scriptures; whose psychology is according to its evolution; no one evolves if not by the living word of God; there is no world, nor will there be, that is marginalized from this universal law; all fulfill microscopic acts; even the molecules of the planets, perform acts that go unnoticed by spiritual creatures; molecules also possess their divine rods; they also promised to fulfill their laws to the divine Father; it was written that the universe of the divine Father Jehovah, is a living universe; both matter and spirit possess life; no one is less before the Father; matter and spirit possess the same rights; within their own laws and manifestations; to possess a quality, is to possess a mandate; to possess a quantity, is also so; quality is eternal and quantity is temporary; quantity is possessed while living; and quality is possessed when entering eternity; quantity commits; quality eternalizes; quantity remains on Earth; it turns to dust; it passes along with the Earth; but, the acts performed build the quality; from quality comes spiritual hierarchy; which is the degree of galactic power achieved by the creature; the greater the galactic power, the more infinite it is in its creations; the higher the heaven gained; there are as many heavens, as acts each one has performed in life; neither number nor mathematics count in the creation of the divine Father; heavens exist from all eternity; and all were born from microscopic acts performed by creatures of remotest galactic antiquity; so ancient are they, that the current suns were not yet born; from those remotest creatures, infinite solar firstborns were born; each with infinite philosophies; among them is the Solar Firstborn Son Christ; whom a microscopic planet called Earth, knew; and because he brought a doctrine too revolutionary for a barbaric era, they killed him; but, he let himself be killed to establish a divine law: that one returns again to the life of the planets; this divine law of the solar fathers, is normal in distant galaxies; in those worlds their creatures enter and exit infinite dimensions; the human spirit finds it hard to believe this; for many reasons; the first is that its evolution is microscopic; the second is that it possesses a forgetfulness of its own past; for the philosophy chosen by human spirits, is a philosophy of trial; it is a philosophy that brings with it a final judgment; not all philosophies of the universe, possess final judgment; there is everything in the Lord’s flock; final judgments are more common in the worlds of flesh; to which Earth belongs; final judgments are necessary in imperfect worlds; that are beginning to know a certain form of certain matter; later future generations, will not have the prejudices of the current ones; they will have taken one more step, in perfection; and many of those future creatures, are the current human spirits; one is born and returns; one dies and returns; everything is done by the act itself; every human act possesses: time, space, and philosophy; this is in the spiritual; in the material it includes: quantity, weight, and philosophy; the common denominator of all human thinking is philosophy; without philosophy no spirit would ask to try a certain form of life on any planet; even the divine Father makes use of his divine philosophy; he is the Creator of them; and among all of them, he chooses the one that best suits the interests of the universe; when the divine Father chooses some divine philosophy, he does so observing the infinite; it was written that god is everywhere; he observes everything; both above and below; he sees all the scenes in all the worlds; he is within the very ideas of thinking beings; whatever the philosophy of each one of them; it is thus that when he said: Let there be light and the light was made, infinite suns emerged from infinite points of the universe; even from the very darkness; the suns created and still create microscopic sparks; from which colossal planets are born; solar matter possesses matter and spirit; and everything is in an unheard-of calorie; the descent of this calorie over time, makes life be born; and it could not be otherwise; for the divine Father is fire; and there is no fire that does not have calorie; the calorie is the daughter of fire; the materialized calorie will give rise to another fire; this means that all thinking beings are going to suns; the human mind is a small fire; it is a microscopic phosphorus sun; this is known by scholars of the human mind; they know it from the physical point of view; for everyone is given to know, as far as they should know; everyone has a forgetfulness they must fulfill; leaving human life, the spirit remembers all its past; and even visits the divine place, where its creation was gestated; only to tyrannical and arrogant spirits, it is not given to return to the point from where they came; these spirits continue to be born in worlds of flesh; they continue their mundane philosophy; earthly children should not forget, that a celestial second equals a terrestrial century; centuries are not felt in the Kingdom of Heaven; because they are unknown; this unit of Earth, is a unit of living time, proper to a microscopic planet called Earth; which is almost unknown in the Macrocosm; but it is known that the universe is populated with microscopic planets; known in the Kingdom of Heaven, as dust-planets; it was written: from dust you are and to dust you will return; it means: from the microscopic you are and to the microscopic you return; and everything colossal that exists in the Kingdom of Heaven, was also microscopic; they were also little monkeys of the worlds of flesh; they were also earthly in earth planets that are no longer there; and a moment will come in the galactic future, that the very Earth you inhabit, will be remembered as a planet that existed; it will be named in other worlds; it will be mentioned in other scriptures; as an example for new spirits; who begin to live a new philosophy in their eternities; one is only born once in the suns; and is born infinite times in infinite planets; this universal birth has no limit; the more one is born, the greater wisdom a spirit acquires; and the less one is born the less a spirit knows; here is the divine origin of genius-spirits; they are geniuses because they know more; they have known a greater number of sciences in distant worlds; they come to life, better specialized than the rest of the spirits; who have lived less; that is why every genius must be humble; because there is nothing exceptional about it before the divine law; it only fulfilled in itself the universal law of evolution; its steps as a genius, are followed by all the creatures of the universe; even more; upon reaching the Kingdom of Heaven, it sees with surprise that as a genius, it is nothing; its genius only shone where there was ignorance; for in the Kingdom of Heaven, all are geniuses of eternity; and it sees that being a genius is like being a somewhat advanced microbe; in the Kingdom of Heaven, divine wisdom rivals; and in this divine rivalry, colossal worlds are born; infinite galaxies; apart from those created by the divine Father; who is unsurpassable; everyone tries to emulate him; but, since there are universes, he has never been surpassed; this divine rivalry is what creates the stepped perfection; and that each one follows with knowledge of cause; each one possesses a free will, independent of the others; when asking for a philosophy of life on any planet, the spirit asks to try a new destiny; and everything is granted; everyone is attended to; life is granted and moral accounts are asked; the Creator gives and takes life; as he gives and takes worlds; in all planets the same morality is demanded; within their own laws; and the supreme of morals, are those taught by the divine Commandments; for in them is reflected the free will of the divine Father; pleasing the divine Father above all things, is to live his purest and most sublime morality; the supreme morality of the Father is in daily work; all work fulfills my divine Commandment: You will earn your bread with the sweat of your brow; there is no greater morality than this; in all the seconds of work done, is the greatest reward; it is easier for a worker to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than a rich or a comfortable one; poor those who call themselves neutral; independent; and all terminology that does not teach my divine Commandments; because all comfort is weighed by the divine Scales and measured by the divine rod; everyone who distances themselves from all human problems, loses an infinite number of heavens; all the seconds elapsed are added up; from the very moment they were indifferent to common problems; poor comfortable spirits! who cover yourselves with a false philosophy; but do not hesitate to enjoy what has cost others; poor spirits of the so-called armed forces! You were warned in the Kingdom of Heaven; You will be the first to curse your uniforms! You will be the first to curse the damned weapons! Poor you exploitative materialism! Your damned reign is over! poor those who invented the damned money! you asked for such philosophy in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it was granted to you; you insisted; despite being told that you would be judged; you tried again a philosophy of darkness; there is no time that is not fulfilled; nor fulfillment that is not judged; how you will curse the inheritance received from your parents! it was written that you would live the weeping and gnashing of teeth; more than anyone; because your sins exceeded the divine rod; you are no longer content with exploiting; now you kill before the face of the world; you kill innocent children; and poor you United Nations! demons insensitive to the pain of my children; you will not carry the divine Silver Lamb on your chests; because your consciences are dirty; you are only interested in position and money; You well know damned that the damned beast is destroying a defenseless nation;
and what do you do for the humble? you let time pass; but I tell you: how you will regret the amount of seconds elapsed in the time of indifference! poor those who address you damned; because of such also falls the law of curse! so it is and so it will be until the consummation of the ages; yes little son; I know you are absorbed listening to such mandates; so they pay little son, those who stray from my divine Commandments; and I assure you little son, that of this damned organization, not one stone will be left upon another; and its mere memory will shake the scholars of the future; it was written that you cannot serve two masters; either you serve my divine Commandments, or you serve gold; these demons who claim to defend the so-called human rights, only defend the interests of the Beast; because their consciences are bought with the damned gold of human exploitation; there is the cause little son, of why these demons do not help that nation called Vietnam; but I assure you little son, that none will escape; he who does it pays for it; without prejudice to divine repentance; yes little son; I have read your mind; so it is: Everyone who being guilty within human laws, and evaded it by buying consciences with their money, their punishment is tripled before the divine law; all justice even if it is earthly, touches very closely the free will of the divine Father; and poor those judges who did not defend my humble children! all justice was written for them; it was written: The humble are the first; it means that the humble should have ruled the world; and if they have not, it is because the demons of ambition came in their way; these demons promised in the Kingdom of Heaven, not to let themselves be dominated by this weakness; they had already done so in other worlds; and when they came to Earth along with the other spirits, they were given a new opportunity; their mission was to overcome their own ambitious inclinations; no one commands them to be ambitious; it is born from their little evolved spirits; and be sure little son, that if the world had been ruled by the humble, the world would not know war; all war is provoked by ambitious spirits; and all war is disguised by a patriotism; it is a falsehood that has lasted for centuries and centuries; materialism wanted it that way; and as it wanted it, so it will be judged; no demon who asked for the test of ambition, will escape; whatever the category; from the damned pharaohs to the last rich man; every philosophy has its hour; everything is fulfilled as it was written; and all its actors disappear from the scene of life; divine reality destroys the false; the ephemeral; what is below; for all are judged by the law from above; from above they came; and to above they go; I will tell you little son that the divine rod will cause terror among the demons of ambition; but, not among the suffering children of exploitation; they owe nothing; on the contrary; they are owed; and everything will be restored to them; even the last gram of gold, that does not belong to the Beast, will be given to them; all wealth gained easily, must be given up; all effort and sweat of the brow belongs to the spirit; it cannot be taken away; and it is the only thing that counts for the salvation of the soul; every spirit that sought the easy way, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; every rich man is rich by human law; he is not by divine law; if it were by divine law, there would be no rod to take away; every divine rod takes away what was achieved in passing law; because of the demons of ambition, the divine rod of justice was created; it is not necessary in the Kingdom of Heaven; because there the rich are unknown; in all eternity they have been unknown; one or another solar father who have been prophets on Earth, know it; and they tell it to the new spirits; to the spirits that are still in a state of solar innocence; who have not yet asked to try life on distant planets; the teaching and the laws that lead to the path of truth, are taught both above and below; false stories like those of Earth, are told in the Kingdom of Heaven, as stories coming from demons; every living world is analyzed; every story is written in the divine Solar Books; also called Books of planetary lives; there are as many planetary stories, as there are dwellings in the universe; stories that were, are and will be; every story becomes false when it falsifies the Sacred Scriptures; Earth is one of those planets; even more: Earth was warned many centuries in advance that it would be judged; centuries after centuries the scriptures were succeeding; and as if that were not enough, the divine Father sent prophets in different times; even his Firstborn Son offered himself; but it was written that a religious rock would arise; a living pride; that would teach material worship; causing thereby, a delay of twenty centuries in the human flock; a delay in the moral and spiritual plane of all generations of Earth; human spirits did not know material worship; they did not know the so-called sanctimony; they did not know the false teachings; they were simpler; they were not so hypocritical; all these inheritances were burdensome to the spirits returning from earthly life; and all complain; they learned nothing from the rock; on the contrary they made them lose precious seconds; for being the second a microscopic unit of time, it is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it weighs heavily in the divine addition that the divine Father grants to his children; being the rock a sect that asked to try philosophy in propagating my divine law, that is why it is the first to be judged; my divine word is the first among the first; they cast the first philosophical stone; by choosing the mission to propagate my divine law; but, they lacked love and honesty; they should never have allied with materialism; because the rights of my humble ones are not traded; every pact; every agreement; every alliance that did not take into account my divine Commandments, is torn out by the divine rod; to achieve eternity, the supreme mandate must not be violated; it is or it is not; every pact that violates my divine law, is judged; I ask the so-called politicians: have you taken into account my divine word as you were commanded, before creating a so-called political party? certainly not; my divine word unifies; it unites everything; for all are equal before the Creator; and by saying equal, I mean that the divine celestial communism reigns in the heavens; whoever divides my children on distant planets, divides himself; for the darkness claims the mistakes made; only satan divides and divides himself; undoes what the divine Father unites; but, satan is tested like the rest of the children of the universe; the divine rod was already on Earth; Moses had it; who was the same divine spirit of my Firstborn Son; he asked to be born in the midst of the damned pharaonic dynasty; he asked for those conditions to rescue the people of Israel; his presence among these demons, caused terror; no one in the damned dynasty, ever had so many powers; it was the beginning of the fall of a galactic history; a history that began before the birth of the Earth; a history that having developed in the terrestrial world, is not human; for the damned pharaohs were not of human origin; they were older; they asked to be born as human creatures; to advance the world; but, it was written that they would become arrogant; forgetting their duties as solar hierarchies; they had certain powers over nature; they had it as far as the divine Father allowed; these demons knew that their damned days were numbered; they knew by their damned occult sciences, that a great solar god would come to judge them; and that is why they hastened the construction of their damned pyramids; they wanted to leave an eternal memory of their passage through the planet; but, every damned pyramid will return to dust; there is no greater monument in human evolution, that has not cost so much blood and so many tears; these damned will be judged again; it was written that my divine Firstborn Son Solar Christ would judge the living and the dead; these demons will be called on the near day of all resurrection; the year 2001 will be the day when all the humble will begin to be resurrected in new flesh; they will return to be twelve-year-old children; this divine Revelation had already been announced to the world; my divine Firstborn Son Solar Christ said: let the children come to me; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; with that he meant many things; he meant: Because my divine Father, is joyful like a child; he meant that of all human philosophies, only innocence remains on Earth; he meant that of all living psychologies, the divine Father chooses that of a child; he meant that what was before returns to Earth; what human life was, before the invention of money; he meant that of all human trials, he chooses and prefers the fantasy of children; because every child believes, for him everything exists in a beautifully natural form; and the child’s psychology, is not far off; for the creation of the divine Father is so infinite, that all fantasy becomes reality; that is why it was also said: A new world will come; where milk and honey will flow; which children like so much; this divine prophecy is explained thus: in one more eternity, the seas of the Earth will be turned into seas of milk; it will be a divine era in which the heavens will open; just as it was before the arrival of the damned pharaohs; just as my divine son turned a river into blood in ancient Egypt, so he will turn the oceans of water, into milk; it will be an era as men have never imagined; it will no longer be the Earth of the past; who ignored even their own origins; it will no longer be a planet of trials; but a paradise; just as it was in ancient times; just as Adam and Eve knew it; the lion will graze alongside the Lamb; all the children that the earthly ones call animals, will be telepathic; and they will be the ones who govern the universe; as it has always been; for every humble one is great in wisdom in the Kingdom of Heaven; this humility, the rock never understood; it never glimpsed that the great ones in the Kingdom of Heaven, were on the same Earth; and along with them, is also my divine Firstborn Son; it was written: I will dwell among you until the consummation of the ages; my Firstborn Son meant: Just as you are born again, to advance in knowledge towards my divine Father, so am I born; just like you; nothing more humble and easier, than respecting the mandates of my divine Father; therefore I fulfill births, as you fulfill them; there is nothing exceptional in me; only that I am older than you; I was first among the first; I was earthly, on infinite earth planets; and you were not yet born; I lived as long as my divine Father has lived; because what is of the Father is of the son; and what is of the son is of the Father; I lived in colossal suns; because I am like one of them; that is why it was written: And he will come into the world, shining like a sun of wisdom; antiquity in the universe, brings you closer to the suns; which are living children as you are; what is above is the same as what is below; and when you reach above, you will see that everything is the same; but, you will have more power over creation; for the supreme goal of perfection, is to emulate the divine Father; it is to come to create colossal worlds, with the will of your own mind; currently your minds are microscopic; you create small necessities; you do small things; but they are useful for your advancement; in every world of space it is the same; but, there are gigantic worlds; where the mind is not microscopic; according to your sense of proportions; they are creatures that like you are from the worlds of flesh; but they were first; they are older in space; they were born in the distant suns, eternities before you were born; they have been born more times to the planets; and whoever is born in greater number, is greater in wisdom; because they have learned more; have lived more; have seen more; they have more control over the matter that surrounds them; to the extent of commanding it with their own mind; just as you do small arts with your mind; and as my divine justice is perfect, these colossal creatures were in their beginning like you; they were microscopic; they were little monkeys of flesh; they were imperfect; for from imperfection comes perfection; this means the divine parable that was taught to the world: One must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; no one is born perfect; except the divine Father; who by his infinite creations, has no beginning; the only ones who follow him closely, are the firstborn sons; who were and are the oldest germs of life after the Father; they know more than any child of the universe; to them is given the power over all authority; the whole universe recognizes them; even matter identifies them; for from the firstborn sons everything came; this divine revelation is explained thus: What is of the Father, is of the son; and what is of the son, is of the Father; and both retain their free wills; this teaches the world, that communism is in the Holy Trinity; it has always been; the union and cohesion between matter and spirit have always been; the divine understanding between Father and son, gives the universes the opportunity to try infinite relative philosophies; that sooner or later will end in communism; divine communism is born from spiritual power; it is born from spiritual hierarchy; just as virtue is born from you; in other words, celestial communism, is the product of eternal perfection;
it is the highest expression of a life of struggle and experiences; that took place not in one world; nor in a single existence; but, in infinite worlds; and in countless existences; therefore, all those spirits who on Earth study and advocate for communism, are advanced spirits; they want to make a reality, of what they saw in other worlds; for every doctrine expands from world to world; knowledge is above all things, expansive; and every doctrine costs struggle; nothing is easy in imperfect worlds; everything costs; even in perfect worlds; but those are laws that you have not yet lived; but you will live them; the divine Father sees the future; before its actors are born; therefore the so-called communism is of galactic origin; like every doctrine; nothing is created on Earth; as many believe; what is invented on Earth was already invented in other worlds; what happens is that the human mind reveals itself; unconsciously; it is a revelation closely related to inspiration; ideas sprout in a present; but they have traveled other presents in the past of the spirit; they are born again to life, as the spirit itself is born; to be born is to remember; and to remember is to fulfill a mandate; all ideas possess free will and individuality; different from each other; they chose as their destiny to join a certain spirit; which they call spirit-sun; for they are so microscopic, that they see the human spirit as an immense sun; just as you see the colossal suns of space in awe, so ideas see you; what is above is the same as what is below; and what is above was like what is below; it was tiny and microscopic; that is why it was said: The truth is in yourselves; for you have within you, the microscopic ideas; that traveling to space, sprout like a seed sprouts; and from which future planets are born; the set of ideas that travel to space, is known as galactic seed; that is why it was written: Each one makes his own heaven; for each planet carries its own envelope; there is no world that does not have its heaven; the inheritance is the same for all; according to the quality of the morality of each one, so will be the philosophy of each world that by their ideas, are born in space; if the creature was worldly and immoral, be sure that its inheritance in space is the same; all the creatures of the future world will be worldly and immoral; and the author of that world, will have to go in the eternity of time, to make that world advance; will have to go to give it the light of a new knowledge; and if the creature cultivated love during its life, be sure that its future worlds will be sublime paradises; and that world will not need to be redeemed; here it is understood that only humility gives perfection; that is why every sacred scripture, teaches that above all things, one must be humble; it was so that each one would create paradises; and not create hells; this is the supreme spiritual test of the human race; it is the supreme among the tests; the forgetfulness of the past, also includes its ideas; there is no idea that is not tested; as the spirit is tested; the test of human life is so fair and perfect, that it affects the eternity of each one; it affects their future creations; it affects the future worlds; and it affects the Kingdom of Heaven; everything affects the living universe of the Father Jehovah; everything affects the all over the all; no one is outside of it; even the divine Father is in it; the whole universe moves; creating and multiplying in an expansive way; as creatures think; the more one thinks, the more one creates; more universes are born; more galactic seeds travel to space; and once a world is formed, the creatures of that world, also think; and also create new worlds; and so continues the eternal succession of ideas and worlds; their number no one will ever be able to calculate; only the divine Father knows it; and he knows it long before, that the worlds are still microscopic ideas; even more; he knows it before the material universe was born; he has always known it; in the midst of a swarm of worlds and suns, is the divine Father; attending a colossal world, like a microscopic microbe; the small and the large, have the same importance; no one is less before the Father; for everything came from him; and everything goes towards him; we are all products of his living love; trying to understand the Father, brings with it the being born again on the planets; and whoever is not born again, does not know the Father; whoever stops in his evolution, stops his own light; the whole manifested universe, moves within its relative laws; there is relativity in matter and relativity in spirit; and relativity is at the same time relative; it has free will; and each free will has determinations; yes little son; so it is; just as you think; the divine rod in explaining the origins of the universe, constitutes the most perfect justice within injustice; all justice comes from the Kingdom of Heaven; and all injustice comes from men; it is a consequence of their own spiritual imperfection; if man were more perfect, be sure that the Earth would be a paradise of lesser category; money would not be known; this demon would not be known; that divides my flock into rich and poor; ambition would not be known; everything would belong to everyone; but it was enough for a group of ambitious demons to come to Earth, and the yoke began for the world; a yoke that has lasted many centuries; very little remains; very soon these demons will be reading me; and they will be terrified; they will see that all evil has its time of trial; there is no evil that does not receive its justice; they paved the way; to receive, what they will receive; never have any creatures, been so despised, as all the ambitious will be despised; never has anyone lived so isolated, as these demons will live; never has anyone been looked at with so much compassion, as these executioners of the world will be looked at; yes little son; these things will happen when the doctrine of the Lamb of god spreads; what human seas around you! how small will the crowds gathered by mortals on Earth seem! so it will be when the world knows you; and they will know you by the fruit; they will know you by your doctrine; just as men are defined by their thoughts, the divine Rod will cause the fall of materialism; all falsehood will be undermined at its Bases; all falsehood cannot resist the changes coming from eternity; all falsehood is that which strayed from my divine Commandments; it is that which grew in the midst of a suffering world; it is that which forgot that the Father comes first; the divine Commandments were given to the world, to be fulfilled; the world was warned; let no one be surprised; they will blame each other; they will curse each other; in the midst of weeping and gnashing of teeth; how a second of time, lived in humility, will be longed for! how the humble and those who were exploited will be envied! humanity will finally understand, why it was necessary to be humble; after so many centuries; this immense delay in understanding it, is due exclusively to the rock; to what will be called the Vatican sect; it is the one that produced the greatest spiritual delay in my children; it established upon itself, a material power; similar to the power of the Beast; to the power of materialism; to fight the demon, one must not imitate it; one must demonstrate the opposite; all imitation ends up violating its own sincerity; this is what happened to the so-called Catholic Church; it advocated defending my divine word; but it did so with cruelty and giving immoral examples; it did so by forming a true empire; for it even has its own Bank; it formed another state; contributing thereby, to the greatest division of the world; and when the divine Father sent messengers, to make them see the error, they persecuted them; they made it so that these children, had all doors in life closed to them; the rock will receive the same payment; they will be despised; the divine Father cannot reward, those who despise; they taught to cultivate faith; belief; but, these demons are the ones who believe the least; they only believe what their egos dictate to them; they never accepted opposing positions; and everyone who dared to do so, they persecuted; they applied the false law of excommunication; they were ruthless; that is why my divine son said centuries ago: Upon this rock I will build my church; he meant: Upon this spiritual rock; upon this spiritual egoism; for my divine Firstborn Son, saw the future; he saw when he said these words, the future generations of the Earth; he saw the future violations of men; he saw how the rock persecuted the Father’s envoys; he saw the crimes of the damned inquisition; he saw how the divine law was traded; he saw how weapons were blessed; with which the Father’s children are killed; he saw the false alliances of the rock; he saw how it crowned false kings; he saw how it imitated materialism; he saw it all; he saw how the rock filled the world with luxurious temples; he saw how material worship spread among the human race; which leads to nothing; for the creature does not advance; it stops in contemplation; my divine son encompassed everything, with a single glance at the future of the Earth; and he understood that despite the divine law being violated, he should give them an opportunity; he remembered the divine parable of the Father: Every spirit is tested in its intentions; every thinking being is tested at every moment in life; from birth to the last breath of life; therefore the members of the rock are judged the same as the rest; even more; they are judged with greater severity; because the fault committed is greater than the other faults committed by humanity; they have to pay for the deviation to which they led the generations of the past; everyone complains of delay; this delay in my children, is due to the rock not faithfully fulfilling what it proposed; the sacred scriptures were created to form with them, a patriarchal government; a government common to all; my divine laws divide no one; they were made to unify; and not to divide; my divine laws, represent the same philosophy of the Kingdom of Heaven; in infinite relative proportion; the divine rod is a microscopic part of the justice that reigns in the Kingdom of Heaven; and being microscopic it is perfect; because it gives continuity to human life; it prevents humanity from being enslaved by the ambitious; the ambitious should observe the fate of the empires of the past; none remained; and all their actors still curse the fate they created; for they left an ambitious inheritance on Earth; all human dominions, disappear before the living eternity; all curse having enclosed themselves during life, in a philosophy that disappears before eternity; and the human spirit is even more saddened, when it observes that it is a stranger in the worlds of eternity; in the Macrocosm; called the Kingdom of Heaven; the divine rod gives and takes away; that is to say that the divine Commandments, have been observing through the centuries, the actions of every human creature; they are the living word of god; who is everywhere; by saying living, it means that it is in the very human idea; for every idea is born from living beings; and it means that the mere presence of the Creator, is enough to give and take life; when his divine free will so estimates; the divine Rod will bring justice to the world; everything will be restored; to the one who was unjustly taken from, it will be returned; to the one who suffered hunger will be filled; to the one who was robbed, it will be returned; to the one who has excess by usury, it will be taken away; to the one who was trampled in his rights, everything will be restored; and in this last, are the humble of the planet; they are millions and millions; they are the chosen ones for the new world; everyone who sweated and suffered the yoke of exploitation, is first in the Kingdom of Heaven; all those who acted as executioners, will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven; all of them will not carry the silver lamb; and if they carry it, they will carry it with a beginning of repentance; the world will know them; the so-called nobility of the Earth, will not carry the divine silver lamb either; nor will they be resurrected as children in the year 2001; no one forced them to be false kings; they had enough time to renounce the demon; for with that philosophy of arrogance, they have only served the spirit-king; it was written that they already obtained the reward; they advanced to divine justice; all will weep in the world; because there is no human creature, who has not violated the divine mandate; and all the wrath, will be directed to the rock of human egoism; for all faith was tested; and all will suffer a shock in their own beliefs; which will translate into feeling; they blindly trusted the rock; it was written: Do not believe every spirit; rather find out through the sacred scriptures, if the spirits that teach, are of god; did you not realize children of faith, that the divine Father does not make weapons to kill? he creates; he does not destroy; if you had been true prophets of my word, the rock would not have surprised you; I want to tell you that if you had studied me as you were commanded; were you not taught to worship god above all things? this worship is not as you were taught; I do not ask for temples or images; the only temple that endures for all eternity, is work; there is no other; and if there is, be sure that this temple turns to dust; and the other truth is that you should have studied me in your free hours; throughout life; am I not your Creator? do you not breathe by my divine power? why have you denied me? why did you prefer philosophies and readings that will never give you eternity? it is already late children; only repentance remains for you; because I will tell you, that the score that corresponds to the divine Father, is the highest among all others; for every virtue that you put into play during life, corresponds a point per second lived; and if you had studied me as you were commanded, you would not have a final judgment; this is spiritually and individually; because some read me; very few; others do not study me; it was written that there is everything in the Lord’s flock; the divine Father only asks for what corresponds to him; I ask for what I myself created; for the divine Father created everything; and I tell you earthly children; none who have not studied me as the divine Commandment says, none will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you will follow the same fate as the false prophets; the same fate as the rock of human egoism; so it is, so it will be for the ages of ages; I am the jealous Father Jehovah of the armies; I Am who I Am; I give life and take life; I give life and demand morality; just as a father demands it on Earth; what is above is the same as what is below; there is no time that is not fulfilled;
neither justice that sooner or later does not arrive, you chose; free will you had; reap what you sowed; for it was written that each one is judged according to his works; you have an eternity to repent; but I repeat: No false one enters my abode; they have never entered eternity; just as no rich man has ever entered; the divine rod explains the following: Everyone who goes beyond the middle center is a violator of my law; the middle center is the five; everyone who has excessive abundance must give the excess; he must not go beyond the middle center of his own rod; exceeding the five is trying to dominate others; such will not be resurrected as children in the year 2001; all carry the divine rod in their consciences; and every conscience will be read by my Firstborn Son; who is already among you; do not fall again; remember that it is the final judgment; even if you deceive again, you will not pass; the divine rod will explain everything to you; although that everything is in your own consciences; you need to know what was forbidden to you; due to the forgetfulness of the past; that you voluntarily asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; no one came forced; except those who had pending spiritual debts; although not all; for many voluntarily offer to pay their debts; and everything is granted; everything you see in life, everything was asked for; before you left the Kingdom of Heaven, you saw on colossal solar television screens, everything that happened to you, is happening to you, and will happen to you; this is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, divine verb; which means truth in divine proof; the divine verb has been misinterpreted by the scholars of my word; this is because men are also tested in knowledge; by not giving me the first importance in their acts of their own lives, men made the same reality of the final judgment more painful; the divine judgment has nothing dark; only what was deserved is received; interpreting my divine judgment as something dark is confusing me with satan; whose story humanity knows very little about; only now will they know; for you are all, with a momentary forgetfulness of your pasts; all of you will be given to see the Creator; in the same proportion as you were interested in me in life; those who do not see me, it is because they are violators of my law; no one can say that they did not have some source, where they could learn to know the will of the Creator; the divine Creator of your lives, and of everything that exists; I allowed the world that my sacred scriptures, be extended to all nations; I allowed them to be translated into all languages; even in regions where other gods were worshiped; whose cause is in human intuition; vague memory of what was seen in the Kingdom of Heaven; everywhere I allowed there to be speakers of my word; that despite speaking in the name of the so-called religions, it was the Father they alluded to; and the Father is moved; and the Father says to you: Yes little children; for me you received mockery; for me you were persecuted; you asked in the Kingdom of Heaven, to propagate what you saw in them; and it was granted to you in your destinies; but, you were guided by the rock; you were victims of these blind guides of the blind; who being in error, transmitted the error to you; for these proud ones such a parable was written; in the spiritual world the noise and claim of the unjust delay that this rock caused in the spirits of the past still resonates; no humility; all hypocrisy; it only made my spirits, worldly children; who lived deluded by passing things; ephemeral; and that are worth nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven; and be sure demons of the rock, that you will have to pay for the misfortunes of those who have already gone; there is no debt that is not paid, whether above or below; you demons of selfishness, you asked to be judged for your mistakes on the same Earth; that is why the divine rod mentions you first; you are the worst yoke that every living faith finds; you always call crazy those who bring you a divine Revelation; you always doubt my humble ones; you always hide every writing that my envoys try to put within your reach; years and years pass, and you do not give the news of the Lord to the flock; you dress in gold and hypocrisy; you are clean on the outside; and corrupted inside; for you demons, the divine parable of The cup clean on the outside and dirty on the inside was written; you call yourselves representatives of god on Earth; and you let the cursed wars kill my innocent children; why demons, do you not call the attention of the war manufacturers? I will tell you: You do not have the moral strength to impose yourselves; why do you bless the cursed weapons? do you not know damned that my divine Commandment says: Do not kill? you certainly know it; but, your pride of believing that you know everything, makes you blind; you should never have corrupted yourselves by the illusion that money creates; the science of Good, which are the comforts that money gives, tempted you; you should never have recognized the nations that created money; my divine son gave his life for his divine cause; and you false prophets why do you not give it? you have devoted yourselves to proclaiming to the world, that you are my representatives; the divine Father is of the humble; not of the hypocrites; you have formed before the world, a false morality; and the world believes you; you will pay until the last second of deception caused to each of my children; of those who are in the spiritual world, and of those who are still in the test of life; and I assure you that no demon of deception will escape; it is said in many worlds, that he who does it pays for it; you well know that it was written that you would be the first to be judged; and you said nothing of this to the world; because it did not suit your petty earthly interests; I will give you a light of my wisdom; the divine parable that says: He who has ears, let him hear; he who has eyes, let him see; he who has a mouth, let him speak; this divine parable means that every revelation of the divine Father must be made known; the news of the Lord is for every humble one; nothing that is of the Father should be hidden from the world; whoever hides a truth from my humble ones, hides it from me; it was written that God is everywhere; he is also in every deceived mind; and whoever does so is accused in the Kingdom of Heaven of intellectual selfishness; all those who were called by letters are in this law of justice; my humble son knocked on many hearts; and he only found selfishness and contempt; many were called and few were chosen; the world will know them; this will cause them to weep and gnash their teeth; it is called above and it is called below; all are my children; but, if the son despises the Father, he only receives what he must receive; and whoever despises the son who is on a mission, despises the Father; and whoever despises the Father, despises his own eternity; it was written: What is of the son, is of the Father; and what is of the Father, is of the son; this means that being God everywhere, he is also in the moral pains caused to the son; and if there is physical pain, the Father is also in it; all those called, despised a pending reward from their spiritual pasts; in other worlds they did the same; they also despised me; they asked for an opportunity in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it was granted to them; they have free will; all those called saw my light; and it is enough to see my light, for every son to unconditionally put himself at the orders of his Creator; was it not taught to every earthly one: You shall worship your Lord above all things? why did they despise me then? that’s up to them; they will have confusion and tears; no one forced them; the divine rod will explain to the world how all will be judged; without any exception; starting from the universal base, that they came to the world to learn; to perfect their own living virtues; the living virtues form a whole; which is called human character; it is the way of thinking and feeling of each one; it is the conscience made destiny; the virtues add up to 318 in the current human evolution; each virtue has free will; separately; therefore they add up to 318 free wills; the human spirit also has free will; it is also independent; the spirit from birth knows nothing of this; for it was not given to know it; for it fulfills a destiny of trial; with a momentary forgetfulness of its past; the hour of divine judgment has arrived; and it will be explained to him, down to the most microscopic fiber of his own being; even penetrating the composition of his invisible ideas; the Creator of life explains it by divine telepathy; which is one of the infinite means to make himself known in the worlds; it has always been so; this is how my Firstborn Son received all his wisdom; you well know that he did not attend any school; he had no earthly instruction; everything was given to him by telepathy; his school was the universe itself; he conversed with the molecules of matter; he entered and left the Kingdom of Heaven; he made the future a present; and he brought the past to the present; he commanded all dimensions; he saw what was happening in other worlds; he saw everything; his divine power was incarnated in himself; he only waited for a birth; an incarnation; one more birth; his divine hierarchy was and is of Solar Father; do not forget the human race, that it was written: And he will return shining like a sun of wisdom; this divine parable announced that he was a solar son; coming from the Alpha Sun; and he was begotten by the Omega Sun; this divine revelation shows that the divine solar Trinity has infinite sexes; for there is no sex that does not have its trinity; trinity and sex are the same thing; manifested in a living flesh; what is above is the same as what is below; in its principles; in its origins; sexes were requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; sex has free will; just like the spirit and virtues; poor those who have changed the divine sex! poor those who scandalize with their bodies! with this they scandalize sex; even the last pore of scandalized flesh must be paid for; each pore; each cell of flesh, has free will; one independent of the other; showing the naked body is to be accused in the Kingdom of Heaven, by trillions and trillions of living pores; for it was written that every little one and every humble one are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; and the divine Father adds: Everything microscopic; whether in matter or in spirit; for there is life everywhere; everything transforms in my living creation; whoever doubts it, goes to worlds whose philosophy is eternal doubt; following the divine law of the microscopic I will tell you that every scandalous in fashion also pays for it; molecule by molecule; all those long-haired and immoral ones, will have to pay hair by hair; that scandalously showed to the world; ridiculing the philosophy of these children; who asked to accompany the spirit in life; they did it in divine alliances; they did it with the purpose of advancing in morality; and not in immorality; one is born to learn both in matter and in spirit; many demons of ignorance and scandal, believe that because in antiquity they were born with long hair, they necessarily have to do the same; gross ignorance; those who think so are worldly spirits; backward; who stop to waste their time, in a vanity; immoral vanity that tramples on their own sex; either you are a man or you are a woman; you are born a man or you are born a woman; you should never have, scandalous demons, let your hair grow; to the point of causing murmuring in the world; the slightest degree of murmuring is the slightest degree of scandal; and I tell you the following demons of vanity; you will have to add up all the seconds elapsed since you started to scandalize with your hair; plus, the accusations made by the hairs; hair by hair; for each one has free will; and being little ones, the divine Father listens to them first; after listening to everything microscopic that your body possesses, the human spirit is heard last; as it was taught: The last will be the first; and those who thought they were first, are the last; this is divine justice in the Kingdom of Heaven; all abundance enjoyed on Earth is worth nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven; because it is a reward already enjoyed on the distant planet; only the action and intention of the spirit counts; only the conscience counts; for every command is for the conscience; unrelated to the interests of human intelligence; but at the same time, intelligence is also judged; for it came from the Creator; the time has come when you will curse your vanities; your illusions; because taken as a whole, they will give you a dreadful sum of points against you; that will have to be taken from your own addition; that the Creator had reserved for you; as long as you had fulfilled even the most microscopic part of the divine Commandments; because I will tell you that in them is the greatest moral power; the living morality of the divine Father; with which alone you could enter all the heavens of the infinite; even penetrate the colossal and distant suns, just as this humble son penetrates; who communicates to you everything he sees; because every experience must be made known; it must not be hidden.-
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