Holy writings

Psalms 8:3-4 “When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you formed, I say, What is man that you remember him, and the son of man that you remember him? visit?”
Colossians 1:16 “For in him all things were created, things in heaven and things on earth, visible and invisible; be thrones, be dominions, be principalities, be powers; everything was created through him and for him.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, divine son; we will continue with the divine Celestial Science; we will make a divine drawing; one of the infinite ones that I will dictate to you; but first we will talk a bit more about the previous Celestial Plan; The Earth, my child, occupies the following galactic position in the concert of the worlds of flesh: Divine geometric point; born from the loving alliance of the suns, Alpha and Omega; galaxy Trino; of the light yellow microscopic suns; with divine philosophy of the divine light; made with three solar magnetic lines; occupies the trillionth trillionth trillionth, galactic seed; belongs to the dust worlds, emerged from the solar ashes of the Alpha and Omega suns; his divine principle was the solar fire; their thinking creatures possess in their physical bodies a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of solar calories; they are made of perishable flesh; having emerged from a divine trial of earthly paradise, their germs are eternal; they carry the divine inheritance of the divine and unique Creator, the Eternal Father Jehovah; the unique Creator of worlds and gods of infinite wisdom; they possess microscopic beings, materialized in divine virtues; whose divine alliances of knowledge, molecule, constitute their spirits; they are still unaware of their own origin in relation to the infinite worlds; its position in space is defined as follows: Position galaxy Trino; cosmo Alpha-Taurus; microscopic universe; trillionth, trillionth, trillionth ark of seeds = seed; creatures in divine waiting for the divine return of the divine Firstborn Son; their times and spaces are measured in sighs absorbed by spirit and matter; a time corresponds to half a time; time to form a microscopic idea and materialize it; saturation and influence of their free wills, three times; an image of an idea absorbs a trillionth of a solar line; The solar line is equal to the total journey of the microscopic spark through cosmic space; it corresponds to the total perfection of the human spirit in its total time; the space that the Earth occupies is measured in solar candles; It is expressed like this: To the North, three houses, or divine arks of divine alliances, of living time, of living space, of free philosophies; to the South, three houses of divine loving alliances and new revelations; to the East, three houses with divine agreement of divine cherubs, of a newly living world; to the West, three houses with divine alliances of remorse and regrets; this divine house represents the fall of a spiritual yoke; it corresponds to a divine angle of inclination on the Earth’s polar axis; for what pertains to the spirit resonates in matter; and what pertains to matter resonates in all spirit; it’s the same: A divine right angle of 90 degrees; it is equal to three-quarters of the time traveled by the Earth in its own solar line; it is equal to a new and divine trisection of a divine angle of 90º, of times past; it is equal to new and infinite revelations; it is equal to a quarter of a divine geometric point; builder of universes; it is equal to a new and future world of seas of milk; it is equal to returning to the same starting point; before the arrival of the accursed pharaoh gods; it is equal to a microscopic speck of milky gas, symbol and dwelling of the first human spirits.-; A divine place where the birth of the divine Lamb of solar innocence was conceived, a place indicated by the Solar Firstborn; a place that humanity will soon come to know; Divine justice arrives in human knowledge; the philosophy of a child prevails over the established philosophies of adult children; return to the past; a world that has exploited another world is collapsing; the so-called materialism, whose symbol is strength, is falling; the divine Lamb of God is imposed, whose divine philosophy is infinite knowledge, called spiritual strength; earthly science is powerless to contradict; for divine faith opens seas, opens mountains; it fulfills the divine law over living matter.

Yes, my son; This divine equation has no end; for I have not taken into divine account all the grains of sand that make up your world; they too are my children; they are also of my divine creation; for no one is disinherited; and I will tell you, divine child, that each grain of sand lives its own time, its own space, and its own philosophy; for everything has its own life; just as every human spirit enjoys its own life, so too do my grains of sand enjoy theirs; If it were not so, my divine philosophy of love would have a limit; and it is written that I am infinite in everything; matter and spirit were born together; in a divine alliance; but with different free wills. and there is no divine free will, the same as another; It will never exist in this world; it exists in other divine creations, which are other salts of life; but they too have gone through the experiences of the worlds of the flesh. They were also little flesh monkeys; just like humanity; they were also tiny and humble, to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; for no one goes to the Father if they have not been the least in knowledge; therefore, only divine merit counts in my divine justice; that is why the so-called rich have already received their own rewards; for they eternalized themselves in a single philosophy; they halted their own alliances, of their own virtues; they created a single heaven for themselves; they did not create divine variety; they were absolute in their own philosophies; knowing that the divine Father has many dwelling places; that many determinations lead to new paths; and one reaches many different heavens; for it is written that everyone, according to their thoughts, creates their own heaven; therefore, every rich person who has enriched themselves by exploiting their own brothers will weep and gnash their teeth; for they are the very builders of their own future dwelling; where the same philosophy of exploitation prevails; of passions; ambitions; just as bad or even worse than what they knew on Earth; for darkness also evolves; but it falls before the divine Justice of the divine Creator; It is written that Satan will crawl at the feet of the Lord forever; all the proud will return to the Father for all eternity; my divine light of love conquers all. It has never been the case that any demon does not return to its own innocence; for the divine Father does not create demons; rather, every rebellious child creates its own demonic philosophies; it is a consequence of selfishness, within divine free will. Thus, the so-called Satan has a short reign; it is a story that the world will soon know; for it has much to do with human creation itself; Celestial Science leaves nothing to chance; it explains everything, as nothing has ever been explained in human knowledge. He does not come to destroy the law; he comes to give it an infinite complement; just as the divine Firstborn will say once more: I have not come to disturb the world; I have come to judge the world; thus you will know him.- Yes, divine son, I know you are amazed by the tremor you just felt; for you do not forget that three days ago, I warned you about it; fear not; It is always like this; when a divine knowledge approaches the worlds, every microscopic molecule feels part of it; for the Holy Trinity is everywhere; it is equally present in the colossal suns and worlds that you daily have the privilege of seeing my divine glory, as well as in the most microscopic microbe; therefore, you already know a microscopic part of the divine truth that has always existed between divine matter and divine spirit.- Draw, divine child: Yes, my son; This celestial drawing teaches infinite laws; among others, the shape of the suns when they are still babies; they also adhere to the universal law: One must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; just like a human adult, who is first a baby. what is above is the same as what is below; The celestial drawings are not of human psychology; for human beings were created by another psychology; that is why many humans will find it difficult to interpret them. whoever interprets them according to their way of thinking is an advanced spirit; No critic who is ever absent will deny the wonderful simplicity of the Alpha and Omega lines; the linear and the circular come together to explain the origin of things; From the simplest things that the mind can imagine, the divine Father brings forth the great; the colossal; if everything exists in the creation of the Father, the Father himself possesses colossal knowledge to reveal new sciences to the worlds; it is not determined; it is infinite; it can change the laws; give them other forms according to its free will; and for that reason, the law does not cease to fulfill its mission; the human creature witnessed countless events in the Kingdom of Heaven; when it did not have the forgetfulness of its past; because it had not yet asked for it; it had not yet come to a distant, unknown planet called Earth; all the drawings of the Doctrine of the Lamb of God are galaxies and suns that it witnessed; and humanity on Earth asked that, at the Last Judgment, the Heavens be revealed to them; and it is granted; when spirits are about to be reborn on new planets, they can visit the heavens; there they seek wisdom and guidance; to face the challenges they will encounter in the new world; you all saw your destinies; even in their smallest details; you saw your falls and your triumphs; you recognized those who are now your family and friends; you saw everything; and everything you saw, you promised to live it; to experience it; because it was unknown to you; the divine Father can do all things; and so He creates living destinies in the presence of the one concerned; it is one of His wonders of creation; your future life is projected like a television image; and it is analyzed and discussed by yourselves; that is why you come to life with knowledge of the cause; despite the forgetfulness of the past; a voluntary forgetfulness; requested by yourselves; that is why you carry within you an intimate respect for your lives; Although many despise their life; whoever despises their life despises the Father who created it; because the Father is everywhere; He is also in your fleshly bodies; and at the same time, He does not make a material presence; respecting your promise of a life test; Many believe that the Father has abandoned them; because He does not reveal Himself. nothing could be more false; the time of your entire planet is just a microscopic moment in the essence of the Father; what seems to you like an eternity is not so in the Father; A single moment lived with the Creator represents many centuries of your world; unless the Father Himself reduces the difference between celestial and material times; because He is in every reduction; He is in all things; things created by Him; just as the human creature, the other creatures of nature, also saw their future; because they are all living children of God; matter and spirit are equal children before God; no one is lesser before the Creator of all things; Yes, if you despised other creatures of your world, that does not happen in the Kingdom of Heaven; because there love is universal; another philosophy is unknown other than the loving communist one; There, selfishness does not exist; the private does not exist; property does not exist; the private and property belong to imperfect worlds that are just beginning to know life. private ownership and property have their days numbered on planet Earth; No mortal takes the private or the property to the Kingdom of Heaven; for they have never entered the Kingdom, nor will they, as long as they nurture selfish philosophies; philosophies that are formed by their egoism, in the yokes of the worlds; The only philosophy that the Earth should have followed should have been the work and morality of the Commandments; the sweat on the brow was for everyone; the refined exploitation of those who possessed money should never have been practiced by anyone; It is enough to practice even a second or less of exploitation in any degree, and one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; including those who did it by imitation; and everyone who facilitated money with interest; immorality is transmitted; and divine justice is the same; lives in worlds far from the Heavens, from which one has departed, are fleeting in the eternity of the spirit; they are relative to life itself; one should not cling too tightly to transient laws, but rather delve into them above all else, from the perspective of the Scriptures; Everyone possesses divine Scriptures; for no one is disinherited; neither above nor below; human science will undergo great trials; the Science of the Lamb of God will topple it from its pedestal; because that is what the spirits that compose it requested; they asked for it in case the law was violated; and they violated it; It would be better for these spirits not to have known any science at all, especially when at the same moments, there is someone suffering from hunger or eating only half a meal; it was taught that the humble are the first; even above all science, no humble person should have to suffer needs; because the abundance that nature provides is for everyone; if it seemingly does not suffice, it is a deception of men; who, in order not to lose power and control, prefer these demons in human form to let half of humanity die of hunger; Poor you, cursed ones, who made millions and millions of my children go hungry!! You will have to feel hunger; no humble person will extend a hand to you; for with the measure you used, you will be measured; woe to you, merchants and swindlers!! None of you will escape; the oppressed and starving people will point you out.

no one in humanity will speak to you; you will live isolated; like all those cursed by the new Revelation will live; To all those who speak to you, the same law of curse will fall upon them. thus it is and thus it shall be until the end of the ages; this means that no human creature will serve exploitative materialism; to immorality within a false morality; The time lived makes the creature turn illusion and exploitation into a right of daily life; this is the result of his own test of life; unavoidable; because that is what he asked for and that is what was granted to him; what he didn’t ask for was to lose his soul; because that is not the way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; science and human knowledge will fade into the dust of oblivion; because a new Science is coming; a new World; a new Morality; a new Planetary Government; a new and unique Philosophy; a new Concept of the Universe; a new Flag-symbol; new forces of nature will manifest to mankind; This new World begins in the year 2001; it starts with the Resurrection of all flesh; in all those who believed; not in those who did not believe; This belief is one of the most sublime tests within the trial of life; because it eternalizes the creature on the very planet it inhabits; and the same will be happening on infinite earthly planets; what is above is the same as what is below; it was written: And He will resurrect the living and the dead; the dead are spirits that live above; the spirit is eternal; it is born above and born below; the dead requested resurrection above; their transformation into twelve-year-old children will occur in other planetary dwellings; Many find themselves at the same point in the Universe, from where they set out to understand human life on Earth; and not only the life of human beings, but all forms of living and thinking; those you call animals are greater than you; they are spirits more advanced than you; for being more humble than you, they are great in the Kingdom of Heaven; this surprising Revelation, you asked for in the Kingdom and it was granted to you; These little ones who asked to know and live the philosophies of animals are guided by the Lamb of God; which you well know, in your world constitutes an animal; your Creator uses the word animal because it is your custom to do so; In my creation, no one is an animal; they are all my children; they are all brothers in the Kingdom of Heaven; the word animal is unknown; that word comes from a distant and unfamiliar planet of flesh called Earth; And when the Solar Fathers tell the cherubs the meaning of the word animal, which comes from a dust planet called Earth, they are filled with angelic shame; because they know that all humble things are great in the Kingdom of Heaven; the cherubs are magnetic essences more microscopic than your invisible molecules; the cherub governs the molecule; it is a microscopic alliance between matter and spirit; this Revelation will shake the world of knowledge; because the divine cherub is the most microscopic element among the elements of Earth; earthly science cannot see it; because its imperfect instruments cannot penetrate it, only the Solar Firstborn Christ can interact with them; They, being microscopic and humble, have magnetic resonance with the greater humble. living humility, like all other virtues, has a magnetic hierarchy; the celestial mandate of Father Jehovah, between matter and spirit, is represented by the solar cherub; which has spread throughout the Expansive Thinking Universe; because even the thoughts of each individual are governed by the cherubim; the colossal and the microscopic are within them; they are the Alpha and the Omega after the Father, in living creation; they represent the quality and the essence in the elements of matter; with the knowledge of the existence of the cherub, a chapter in the history of the world comes to a close; Materialist science is the beginning or the starting point of the science of the future; however, by violating the law that the humble are the first, it will not remain on the planet; only the memory of it will remain in future generations; it will be remembered as a rudimentary science; it will be replaced by Omega Science; or Final Science of the Earth; this Science will be initiated and guided by the Solar Firstborn Christ; the one who announced to the ancient world his return; to continue the work by divine grace of the Father; As every spirit is reborn, the Solar Firstborn has been on Earth many times; he has been born and departed like any mortal; nothing is easier for the Trinity, which manifests in infinite individualities; and in one of these existences, he reveals himself to the world with a new living Doctrine, just as he promised. When he said: I will send you a great Comforter; he meant: I will send you new Doctrine to console you in weeping and gnashing of teeth; he only mentioned the Doctrine; he did not mention Himself out of humility; because humility becomes real in the creature when it lives and practices it; that is the reason for the parable that says: And he will come to the world with surprise; it will provoke a surprise, like that caused by a thief at night; his arrival has no fixed date; because that is what you requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it was granted to you; you did not ask for a date because you chose a test of life; and it was granted to you; the birth, the place, the nation, the person, everything remained a mystery; because you asked to know the earthly mystery; and it was granted to you; this gave rise to the parable that says: By the fruit, the tree is known; it means that it is up to you to discern the truth of the Revelation of the Firstborn Son; because you asked to know the discernment of the Earth; and it was granted to you; many will ask for physical proof; those who do not see such proof, asked for it in the Kingdom; they remain without proof; those who asked for it will have proof of the Firstborn Son; thus it was agreed in the divine alliances between earthly cherubim and the Solar Firstborn; your Creator asks you: Are you prepared to demand proof? Have you studied your Creator second by second in your existences, as you were commanded? Have you not scandalized, nor shown even a molecule of your flesh to the world? Haven’t you been scandalized for even a second? Haven’t you practiced a vice, like that damn tobacco? The questions of morality are endless; if you have done nothing wrong or sinful, you have the moral right to ask for proof; because those who violate the Father’s moral code are never rewarded; nor will they ever be; no scandalous or vicious person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; my divine Commandments do not teach that; they command to be humble and pure of heart; this moral severity, you yourselves asked for; because you saw in the Kingdom of Heaven, the pure and humble of heart; and you promised to return triumphant from the test of life; your consciences will tell you if you triumphed; Each person creates their own heaven. the Science of the Lamb of God will revolutionize the world; as no doctrine ever has; Its influence will be such that it will provoke an intellectual war between East and West; and it will bring about the fall of the great Beast; the fall of the greatest yoke in the world; the fall of the so-called exploitative capitalism; and as this empire of demons falls, hunger will disappear from planet Earth; It was the price paid by a world that had a demonic concept of freedom; the concept of armed peace; the colossal budget dedicated to those damned weapons makes planet Earth one of the hungriest worlds in the Universe. just as the people of Israel were starved and enslaved in the pharaonic era; The exploiting spirits that manufacture the weapons with which my children are killed are the same spirits of Roman imperialism; the same ones that exploited and forcibly subjugated many peoples of the ancient world. As every spirit is reborn, these demon-spirits asked for a new trial; a new opportunity; and it was granted to them; and they fell again; these demons are cursed by Father Jehovah; and their future foundations or inheritances will be synonymous with a curse; so it is, and so it will be until the end of the ages; finally, the world will know Satan; because the accursed one is embodied among you; and these demons who manufacture weapons are his legions; this Revelation will cause every cursed legend of Satan to disappear from the Earth; all the demons, merchants of death, will fall to their knees before the Firstborn Son; asking for forgiveness and mercy; for they will be the most isolated creatures on Earth; everyone will flee from them; out of fear of the curse; And this Revelation will be fulfilled, another parable: Satan will ultimately end up for centuries and centuries at the feet of the divine Father Jehovah; and his cursed reign will come to an end forever.


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