Holy writings

Isaiah 40:15 “Behold, the nations are as a drop in the bucket, and are counted as dust in the balance; behold, He lifts up the islands like fine dust.”
Acts 17:24-25 “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made by human hands, nor is he served by human hands, as If I need anything, then He Himself gives everyone life and breath and all things.”
Psalms 8:3-4 “When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have established, what is man that you remember him, and the son of man that you care for him?”
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” 

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


When solar fluids, which are magnetic forces, concentrate at a single point, an impact of fire of infinite colors is produced; this impact is recorded in all the suns of the corresponding hierarchies; for each sun is not unique; no one is unique; only the Father; due to their own hierarchies and antiquities, solar fathers have infinite inheritance; just as on Earth, earthly fathers multiply; in the solar hierarchies, the whole affects the whole; at every moment these creatures know what is happening at different points in space; it is as if they see it on a mental television; this power is not the same in all; the older a solar creature is, the more power it has; just as on Earth; where an adult knows more than a child; because they have lived longer; their expansion is greater; what is above is the same as what is below; the suns are materialized virtues; they are living philosophies; just like you human beings; who, being creatures of flesh, are thinking individuals; the difference is not in the origin; for all had the same beginning; the difference is in the knowledge of each one; in the acquired knowledge; in the spiritual merit; in the sweat of the brow; because everything costs; not only on Earth; but throughout the universe; for the divine Commandments are not for a single world; the creation of the Father has no limits; for the Father has many dwellings in space; there are many inhabited worlds; there are Earth-like planets, as there are grains of sand in a desert; flying saucers are also infinite; like the sands of a desert; or like molecules the planet Earth possesses; and even that is microscopic; it disappears before the infinite; just as the sparks of the planets arose, so too do the molecules of the creation of a silver ship arise; and they carry in their elements, all the movements of a planet; all the physical laws of the universe; because it is the same fire with which the universes were born; as it has been said, the whole affects the whole; just as a sensation or pain affects the entire creature of flesh; what is above is the same as what is below; thus every flying saucer penetrates galaxies, knowing their laws; this does not mean that it can do everything; only the Father can do everything; it means that it can penetrate as many worlds as your mind can imagine; but, that does not mean that it penetrates the entire universe; the exploration of the Father’s creation never ends; since material universes exist, it has never happened; nor will it ever happen; the molecules of the silver metal also carry the 318 virtues of the human spirit; for they were also so; they were small and humble, to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven.-

Yes, little one; that’s right; the number 318 is born living; that is to say, it feels; this is also how flying saucers are born; when these ships feel that they feel, they see and hear everything that happens around them; they are born with free will; and they keep it for all eternity; they see their process of materialization; they see how the silver metal invades them and feel that they are passing into another dimension; they feel that they are being born again; and that a past is being left behind; just like the thinking creature that intuits a spiritual past; what is above is the same as what is below; in the drawing, eight colored squares can be seen; these correspond to eight solar vibrations; from each solar vibration, a torrent of molecules springs forth; these solar squares represent human geometry; the only one that was born with the human spirit; from the solar square, the human germ was born; and it corresponds to the individual point of view that each human being has of the universe; point of view is imperfection; it corresponds to planetary dust; a planet is a tiny dot lost and suspended in space; when a silver ship is created, the same thing happens; no matter how gigantic the ship is; only the Father is infinite; for He creates everything; in the drawing, yellow lines forming white squares can be seen; this represents the philosophical innocence of matter and spirit; this color is a first time of a creature that will be flying; during its entry into other dimensions, this time is called the process of magnetic saturation; it corresponds to the process of birth of a creature of flesh; better known in the Kingdom of Heaven as reincarnation; that is, return to a matter or galaxy called flesh; and it is also a return to a certain dimension; to a point where it must recognize itself; before reaching that point, the spirit sleeps; but it is a life-dream; for it sees, feels, and hears; it is an attribute of its innocence; which lasts while it travels through the infinite; and as it approaches the point of recognition, what it sees, feels, and hears is like a universe that is being left behind; and the forgetting of its past begins in it; this also happens with certain silver ships; they have a forgetting of their past; they do not remember at what tiny point in the infinite they were created; they only know that they were created by divine mandate; and that the great suns provide them with daily sustenance; solar magnetism; and they know that there is only one God; in the drawing, a black area can be seen; in which rays of solar fire can be seen; it means that all evolution always fights against an imperfection; the color black is the color of darkness; and it is also magnetism in a state of decision; for everything is living in the expansive universe of Father Jehovah; the magnetism in these ships is a creative force within the same creation; it differs from human magnetism, in that it is governed by such magnetism; in flying saucers, it is the spiritual creatures that govern; making the worlds and dimensions of the infinite subordinate intelligences; for the solar frequency of their molecules is a product of those; it is like the child who recognizes the father; the lesser frequency submits to the greater; this revelation explains the following: from the very moment the divine Father began His creation, antiquity arose in it; a world is born because it came from an idea that is older than that world; and the idea belonged to one of the creatures of the ancient world; for material worlds disappear and ideas do not; the ideas you generate daily in your living, travel to space; from them future planets are born; for it was written: One must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; what is smaller to the point of being invisible than an idea? that is thought and created in the mind and not seen? certainly, your ideas constitute the most microscopic thing you possess; that is why it was written: Each one makes their own heaven; because ideas are born from your own minds; thus, flying saucers are also born from the suns; which are greater mental fires; the human mind is a lesser mental fire; both are fire; both above and below; and wherever the mind is directed, it is fire; which manifests in infinite forms; for the variety in the creation of the Father is infinite; that is why it was written: There is everything in the vineyard of the Lord; this divine variety makes it so that in the expansive thinking universe, there are other universes and others within others; here human calculation does not count; because before it, there were already infinite mathematics of Earth-like planets; that are no longer in space; and before that, there were future worlds; not only earthly worlds; which are almost unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; colossal worlds; in which one of the molecules of those worlds is infinitely larger than your planet Earth; but, this does not mean that those colossal worlds are the limit; no; because there will never be any limit; there was not, there is not, and there will not be; for the ideas that come from those gigantic creatures create even more gigantic worlds; and so you go on for all eternity; as far as your mind can imagine; these worlds belong to the macrocosm; and your Earth to the microcosm; Macro is greater and Micro lesser; that is why my divine Solar Son Christ told you: From where I am, you cannot go; he alluded to these colossal worlds; from there he came to visit you; he actually came to a hell world; where little flesh monkeys hated each other; enslaved each other; exploited each other; deceived each other; it was, in other words, a hell-world; a world that created and still creates its own yokes; because the philosophy chosen by human spirits contains good and evil; and the reason for its existence is to test life; either it goes for good, or it goes for evil; the creature has free will; between good and evil, the divine Father placed the Holy Scriptures; and gave as daily living morality, the Ten Commandments; which have been perpetuated through the centuries; I never let my creatures be mentally abandoned to the future; every world and every sun has its own scriptures; no one is disinherited in the universe; everything is living justice; flying saucers have a principle of command; no solar father commands alone; just as no earthly father does either; both above and below divine mandates are fulfilled; the Ark of the Covenants is the law of agreements between the divine Father and his creatures; it is a symbol of materiality in the spirit; its creative psychology is the psychology of life; a point of view that is not human; for human life was created; it did not create itself; although it is an inheritance from the divine Father; the human creature and all forms of life did not witness their own births; because the beginning of life is a dream that is recognized as its activity increases; the state of spiritual innocence is the solar dream; the Solar Mother Omega contains in her divine womb the eternal principle of new planetary philosophies; the solar fire is the unique creator of all matter and all spirit; both come from the same point; it is a single cause; as one is the Creator; one with infinite diversification; the molecule is a microscopic part of the Trinity; each creature is a saturation of solar magnetic fire; it is a different balance in each one; not all creatures think alike; because the vibrations with which they were saturated did not have the same space or time; in the most microscopic dimension of calculation; each individuality is a proportion of a solar magnetic variation; it is like the microscopic detachment of a colossal fire; this detachment includes matter and spirit;

to the creatures and their planetary abode; their microscopic dimension with its corresponding eternity; when a flying saucer is created, the same thing happens; that is to say, matter and spirit are created at the same time; with the same rights; both are born with free will; no one is first but the Father; in all creation; because first is the Creator, and then the creation; just as on the planets; first the creature is born, and then its civilization; what is above is the same as what is below; and in creating, the divine Father does so with common and equal justice; neither matter nor spirit are separated by even a microscopic amount of time; neither can say it is first over the other; here is the law of celestial harmony; the eternal succession of molecules and spirits that form the chain of images and likenesses of God; the entire expansive thinking universe is a sensation already lived by Father Jehovah; from him comes matter and spirit; and everything that exists and will exist; that is why your Creator is perfect; because if the children fulfill the law of the sweat of the brow, it is because the Eternal Father already fulfilled it; this corresponds to the divine revelation that says: God is everywhere; and to understand this, it is necessary for the creature to begin by understanding itself; because what is of the children is of the Father; the time has come for everyone to know how things were made; the situation of each one in relation to the universe in which they live; a new principle of existence will arise; a principle that has always existed; human forgetfulness is a forgetfulness that was requested by each one; and it was granted to them; because human life is a living test; one of the infinite forms of life that exist in the Father’s dwellings; because the human number disappears before his infinity; the human error is and has always been, believing oneself to be unique; such selfish thought assumes the existence of a selfish Father as well; who limits the infinite, limits the Father who created the infinite; the silver ships are an eternal principle; for they were creations of the Father; they are a living and eternal relativity; because before them, there were others; and from those others, others; and so on as far as your mind can imagine; flying saucers are one of those infinite antiquities; and one of their missions and glory is to study the civilizations of worlds unknown to them; just as humanity desires; what is above is the same as what is below; visiting worlds is normal for them; just as you visit unknown places on your planet; it means that these ships miniaturize to such a degree that they penetrate your ideas and molecules; and you do not realize it; when your ideas travel to space, they are awaited there by the silver ships; whose mission is to guide them through the infinite; the solar fire ships are intermediaries between the worlds and the Creator; the divine Father gives them the opportunity to learn the laws that are proper to their solar hierarchies; just as he gives the little human monkey the opportunity to test his own; there are tests above as there are below; no one commands alone; the final judgment of your already lived customs shows that no one commands alone; to win heaven, spiritual control is necessary; whose salt is living morality; the salt of life, which gives rise to other lives; for all salt is born again; for it comes from the spirit; and it is as expansive as the universe itself; flying saucers are the product of the salt of life, of ancient creatures; they were born and expanded, just as you do; were you not taught that every spirit is born again? what then do you marvel at? to be born again is to re-enter new bodies of flesh; and it is to return again to the planet that was inhabited; or to return to new planets; to be born again is to transform again; it is to learn new knowledge; new philosophies; new experiences; for whoever is not born again, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; without spiritual merits it is impossible; the divine parable of the camel and the needle says so; material merit and earthly possession are worth nothing in the Kingdom; only the philosophy of work is worth; it is true that to produce material advances, one must strive; but not enslave oneself to the point of forgetting the divine Commandments; divine justice uses your intentions; every intention is weighed in the Father’s dwelling; wherever it comes from in the infinite; human intention is influenced by illusion; because its own attention gave it excessive importance; it fed its own mind with worldly things; proper to the world; and not to spirituality; weeping and gnashing of teeth humanity earned; because a microscopic illusion in a microscopic time is enough, and the right to enter heaven is lost; I ask the world of libertinism and comfort: what do you understand by worshiping your God and Creator above all things? the term above all things includes your well-being; certainly, you cannot serve two masters; to two philosophies; either you serve God, or you serve the illusion; you yourselves asked to worship me above all things in the request for the test of life; and your Father granted you the law; as my universe is living, my divine laws are not dead letters; they are as living as you are; they possess free will like you; they have all the rights that you have; no one is less before the Father; your promises made in the Kingdom of Heaven were divine alliances with your own virtues that you possess; the commitment is in your thinking and your intentions; with microscopic creatures; who in the Kingdom of Heaven are known as divine Cherubim; here is the supreme revelation of creation; the divine cherubim are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures; now the world will know their divine celestial history; every spiritual alliance with an ark of matter is a living agreement; it is the Alpha and the Omega of all life; it is the point from which it came; because everything living has its beginning; you were all humble with microscopic geometry; that is to say, microbes; because it was written that one must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; your growth began with the microscopic and the most microscopic thing your mind can imagine are your ideas; they are so microscopic that you only feel them and do not see them; they are an offshoot of your spirit; and not of your eyes; although vision also creates colossal worlds; you were solar ideas born from the suns Alpha and Omega; that is why your body of flesh has electricity; because from fire the spirit was born; and from the spirit the body of flesh was born; just like the solar crew members; who from their mental fires produce the silver metal of the flying saucers; they create gigantic ideas; which are attended to in space by other solar hierarchies; and so on; the solar hierarchies reach the Solar Firstborn and constitute the Universal Trinity; they are constantly near the divine Father; and receive his divine orders by infinite means; among them universal telepathy; the same used by my divine Solar Son Christ; and who promised to return, shining like a sun of wisdom; because he is a Solar Firstborn; it is the same used by the prophets; because every humble one is generally a great one in the Kingdom of Heaven; and even being great, the colossal suns rival before the divine Father to be the smallest; because they know that no one is greater than the Father; and they know that every humble one is great in the Kingdom; humility and joy are the first; because Eternal glory is an eternal carnival; and its divine inhabitants live loving communism with the philosophy of a child; there almost no one knows your planet; it was written that it was and is a dust-planet; the Kingdom of Heaven is the Macrocosm; there is no limit to anything there; that is what was written means: From dust you are, and to dust you shall return; it means that the human creature has infinite existences to fulfill on infinite microscopic planets; it is an eternal birth from world to world; because the spirit is born again; reincarnates again; which is the same; a law can be expressed in infinite ways; and it is always the same law.-


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