Holy writings

Job 34:21-22  “For the eyes of God are on the ways of man, and he sees all his steps. There is no darkness or shadow of death where the workers of iniquity hide.”
Proverbs 15:3  “The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, watching the evil and the good.”
Jeremiah 16:17  “For my eyes are fixed on all his ways, and his iniquities are not hidden from me, nor his sin before my eyes.”
Hebrews 4:13  “And there is no created thing that is not manifest in his presence; but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him to whom we must give an account.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


I will tell you, my son, that flying saucers, being created in distant suns and worlds, are all recorded in the Kingdom of Heaven; just as the reincarnations of spirits and molecules are recorded; because even the most microscopic essence of matter is important to the divine Creator of all things; it is written that all are equal in rights before God; what belongs to God encompasses everything; the known and the unknown; the created and what is yet to be created; even the slightest breeze is important to its Creator; Flying saucers, when constructed, initiate laws of reincarnation in both the material and spiritual realms; just as man does daily and at every moment; How is that, divine Father Jehovah? Very simple, my son; while living on a certain planet, the creature is constantly renewing itself in sensations at a molecular level; at every moment, the flesh and the mind are transitioning from one dimension to another, until reaching the dimension of old age; And even in old age, microscopic unconscious reincarnations occur; procreating children is called conscious reincarnations because it is done with full awareness; as everything imaginable was requested from God, the human being asked for both the conscious and the unconscious; by breathing, human beings carry out unconscious reincarnations with the cherubs of the atmosphere; it is by this law that even what was breathed during the test of life is judged in the Final Judgment; Now I understand, divine Father Jehovah, the infinite meaning of the biblical term that says: Above all things; the Final Judgment that judges all things, includes even what was breathed in the test of life; that’s right, my little one; Breath speaks before God, in His laws of breathing; in flying saucers, they call reincarnations divine alliances; just as it was taught in the divine gospel of Father Jehovah; reincarnations are also in what maintains and sustains life in each one; and every physical idea constitutes an invisible reincarnation; in which the spirit feels but does not see; the human verb is so small that it still does not see its own invisible laws; The solar crew of the flying saucers sees the invisible; and they see what is to come in the future of every planet; this solar power is proportional to the corresponding solar hierarchy; and since the hierarchies are infinite in power, consultations are made among them; The final word in any problem of the universe belongs to the divine Father Jehovah; just as is happening with this Revelation on this planet Earth; a planet of trial and life, among countless others. I will tell you, my son, that reincarnation is in everything above all; for everything is reborn instantaneously and from the most microscopic dimension; reincarnation, or being born again, is inseparable from the living universe of Father Jehovah; in flying saucers, their crew possesses the power to reincarnate spirits; and they do so when there is a living mandate; because I will tell you, my son, that any reincarnation that does not have the divine seal of God is not of God; it is of the darkness; it is the inheritance that does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; On Earth, this inheritance belongs to those who, having had sexual relations, ignored the divine Sacrament of Marriage; To deny or not give importance to a sacrament that was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven is to deny the seal of God; Every sacrament is alive before God; and every sacrament is expressed in its laws of sacrament, just as spirits are expressed in their laws of spirits; and in expressing every sacrament, it is that every sacrament accuses every spirit that despised it in the trial of life. And I see, my son, that millions of men and women live together without fulfilling what they themselves asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; None of those who took such strange libertinism, none of them, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; nor will any of those who married, influenced by religion; Religion, my son, is not from the divine gospel of Father Jehovah; because what is of God does not divide anyone. Religions are the product of a strange form of faith, born from human free will, which divided the world of belief. I know, son, that since you were a child you knew this; now the whole planet will know it; the human being asked for free will to fulfill God’s purpose in the test of life; men, making use of this free will, chose their own form of faith to interpret God’s will; and by choosing their own form of faith, men became divided… And this was the fall of men before God; if men had created a form of faith that did not include division in its laws, this form of faith would be pleasing to God; because such faith would not have imitated Satan; it was Satan who, in ancient times, divided the angels from Father Jehovah. The religious that has emerged from men imitated Satan; it is because of this imitation that the so-called Christian world, which arose during the trial of life, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor will anyone who belonged to this strange world return; one enters the Kingdom of Heaven with the same innocence with which one left. The so-called religious leaders of the world failed to interpret the divine biblical warning that had been advising them for centuries: Only Satan divides and divides himself; behold, dear child, the greatest cause of weeping and gnashing of teeth among the so-called religions and the so-called Christian world. Both fell in the test of life; for it is easier for those who, in their forms of faith, did not divide anyone, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than for those who, in their beliefs, included the division of others. This is because every mental division speaks and expresses itself before the Creator, in its respective laws of division; Satan expressed himself in laws of division, and was cast out of the Kingdom of Heaven; Eternal happiness would cease to be so if division is included in such eternity. Division is a strange form of selfishness; flying saucers know of infinite celestial stories, which, when including division, find themselves at every moment, wandering through infinity; they are countless worlds that at a given moment had the glory of being visited by the divine Eternal Father; the Earth where you are, my son, is one of those planets; the divine Father Jehovah visited her in divine physical presence; When on Earth the microscopic Paradise of Adam and Eve was being born; what happened in paradise and after paradise, we will write, my son, in other scrolls; I advance to you, my son, that in every paradise there are open skies; that is to say, when a creature is in paradise, it sees infinite scenes of God’s living universe. I see how the baby planets pass by, taking their places of rotation and future planetary development; On the current planet Earth, everything is silent; that is to say, the elements of the planet do not converse with human beings, as they did in Paradise. this marvel of evolution, unique to the human race, was momentarily halted by the disobedience of Adam and Eve; In solar television, the world of testing will see Paradise; And I truly tell you, my son, that there will be no one who doesn’t cry for what the world lost in the trial.

Divine Father Jehovah Why, for a simple act of disobedience in a microscopic paradise, did I have to suffer an entire world? What a question you’re asking me, son! I will tell you, my son, that every idea influenced by disobedience reverberates infinitely for all eternity; every mental effort of good or bad magnetism is composed of invisible expansive waves; these are the Omega Waves; the Omega wave had a linear Alpha beginning; and its birthplace is in the fibers of every human or animal brain; mental waves constitute a triple magnetism, which can be explained as follows: individual magnetism, atmospheric magnetism, and expansive magnetism; the latter causes every mental idea to travel ceaselessly through the infinite; Does this mean, divine Father Jehovah, that flying saucers collect our own ideas from inconceivable distances? That’s right, son; Even in invisible ideas, there is expansive free will; which should never have been violently suppressed; violent mentalities give rise to future violent planets, in the expansive free will of their respective creatures; all inheritance stems from the same idea; the microscopic becomes colossal; all inheritance is eternal movement; constituted by eternally expansive waves; flying saucers are also waves; waves of solar hierarchy; the solar is greater and the human is lesser; it is because of this hierarchy of rights that the solar judges the human; and it is through this solar hierarchy that they receive and analyze all ideas generated by all human minds; those that have existed, exist, and will exist; Every idea generated by minds at every moment and daily is a wave of three trillionths of a lower frequency than those created by human science. Divine Father Jehovah, what is the physical difference between a mental wave and an electromagnetic wave? The difference, my son, is that the mental wave has the magnetization of mind and flesh; and the electromagnetic wave has the influence of metal. More so, both waves emerge from the same law of creation; because all the elements of nature came from the same place in the cosmos; here, my son, is the communism of the elements of nature; the law from which they emerged is common to all; this law or place of creation, are the Alpha and Omega suns; Matter and spirit emerged from the same law; and as matter and spirit expand, they do so by acquiring their own characteristics. In this common law, it is important to distinguish the common origin and the different individualities. In the flying saucers, when their solar crew analyzes the ideas generated by human minds, they perceive in them the color and philosophy of the individuality to which the analyzed idea belongs; this analysis is done by enlarging the idea in size. This power to enlarge ideas is in the solar parents proportional to the divine solar word within each of them; the greater the power of the word, the larger the size of the enlarged idea. Only the divine Father Jehovah is unique; He enlarges ideas to sizes infinitely greater than the known universes. Divine Father Jehovah, Why don’t the ideas we generate daily become visible? They cannot be seen, my son, because while everything created is alive in its respective law, the ideas requested, in their free will of ideas, not to be seen by the spirit that joined them in a life alliance. Don’t forget, my son, that everything imaginable was asked of God; and within all that was known in the trial of life, it was promised to the divine Father Jehovah to fulfill what belongs to Him; what belongs to the Father is in the divine Commandments; it has always been this way throughout all the centuries. As you’ve seen since childhood, ideas drawn towards flying saucers come from conversing with the crew of the silver ships. The ideas come to them, to the same God; because the recognition of God takes place in infinite forms; nothing has limits when it comes to the Father; this is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, recognition subordinate to the divine Father Jehovah; It is a divine law that is similar to the image and likeness of God; The ideas generated by humankind adhere to the same law that the creature followed while generating them; thus, all the ideas that each person created during childhood, all of them enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This law of blessedness is fulfilled until the age of twelve; because the innocence that each person had in life is not subject to judgment from God; the divine Final Judgment is for those who can discern between good and evil. Every creature that has reached the age of twelve plus one second must be considered within the judgment of God; when ideas are found within flying saucers, one hears exclamations typical of babies; or if one prefers, typical of motherhood; what is above is the same as what is below; this is due to the addition of innocence that still remains in human innocence; not knowing what exists in the infinite is one of the infinite forms of innocence; what happens is that innocence knows forms of darkness when, on the planets of trial life, their creatures adopt strange systems of life that they themselves did not request in the Kingdom of Heaven; this is what happened to this planet Earth; the innocence of every spirit magnetically saturates its own ideas; and when there is darkness in the spirit, these also corrupt the ideas; whether it be light or darkness, an inevitable transformation always occurs in the innocence of ideas; Ideas are composed of infinite ways of thinking; depending on the way of thinking of the creature; depending on the form of thinking that was requested from the divine Father Jehovah; The way of thinking of millions and millions of spirits, of different individualities, must have been one in the trial of life; here, my son, is what each one should have done on this planet; Yes, if that had been the case, this world would certainly be a paradise; there would be only one thinking psychology reigning. and this world should not have to face a divine judgment from God; Many will say that achieving such a thing is impossible; however, they themselves asked and promised God to do the possible. The tests are the tests; the attempts at overcoming are the attempts at overcoming; what is asked of God is fulfilled; even if the creature that asked for fulfillment does not fulfill what was required of her; This law is valid because every human being asked for free will when they asked God to know a certain way of life; free wills are also requested from the Creator, as they are part of everything imaginable that was asked of God. In getting to know this world, the strange and unknown system of life based on the possession of gold, a tragedy began to unfold for everyone; a tragedy that was written in advance for the world of trial; it was written: And there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This tragedy grew immense as seconds and centuries passed. As the spirits fell asleep in their own sensations, given to them by the strange system of life arising from the peculiar laws of gold; in flying saucers, they must separate from the very idea all strange sensations that the spirit did not wish to know when it asked to be tested in a form of life; separating strange sensations is like separating the rotten from the healthy; the one to the right and the other to the left; Certainly, not even the ideas could serve two masters; for they also divided themselves.

From this strange division, the one who conceived the idea is judged; About the thinking spirit falls judgment; because the divided ideas cry and complain to Father Jehovah; No one likes to be divided because of someone else; no one enjoys having uncertainty about what has happened; because any uncertainty, no matter how microscopic, affects the very destiny of the one who experiences such a feeling. the ideas in their innocence, they know nothing at the moment when the solar parents are classifying them; The term classify is not pleasing to the divine Father Jehovah; because it has, albeit remotely, a connection with the term division. if ideas are classified, it is exclusively due to human work, carried out in the test of life; his cause of classification stems from a strange psychology and a peculiar complex about gold; If humanity had created a system of life that took into account the divine gospel of Father Jehovah, there would be no classification whatsoever in the judgment of its ideas; because it would have been based on the divine equality taught by the Father. For centuries and centuries, the divine word of Father Jehovah has been telling the world of trial that all are equal in rights; and the strange system of life, born from the peculiar laws of gold, did the opposite; it included inequality in its strange laws; doing the opposite, having been asked for a divine mandate of life, causes the authors of the opposite to receive as a reward, also the opposite of what they expected; the reward of the opposite of what was expected was announced in the divine parable that says: With the measure you use, it will be measured to you; this means that every harm done to another, in the trial of life, turns against oneself; if this does not happen in the present existence, it occurs in another; because by virtue of the free will of every spirit, many, if not all, ask the Father to repay the harm done to others in the same way they did; even in their most microscopic characteristics and details; In the flying saucers, all the intentions are seen magnetized in the ideas that were generated by such and such a spirit; The sensations of the content in the physical idea are linear in form and come in a variety of colors. when, with the passage of eternity, the idea matures; and it becomes a gigantic planet, a space of color called sky is born in parallel; the skies are infinite; for every planet there exists a sky; and every sky is subordinate to another sky; the expansiveness of the idea in its growth will never cease; When one idea gives rise to others, this creates families of planets; for Earth, it is the Solar System; and far in the infinite, there are other planets that are also relatives of the Solar System, known to mankind. this is reality, when the spirit that generated such or such idea thought of the distance; thought of distances beyond Earth; because it is enough to think of something, and what is thought becomes magnetically imprinted in the idea; the idea is like a microscopic color television; which, when amplified in flying saucers, transforms into a giant television; everything that entered through the eyes is recorded in the physical idea; when there is no thought, ideas are not generated; the mental magnetism is at rest; In the flying saucers, all their solar crew members have obligations to fulfill; because even though they are infinitely more perfect than the human race, they impose work upon themselves; they know that of all the philosophies of the universe, the philosophy of work is the only one; because it is the only one that leads to the Kingdom of the Eternal; There is no greater existence than to become a greater child of God; the ideas, when analyzed in the same flying saucers, their crew knows who believes or does not believe in them; when they ascertain that they are denied, they feel sadness; and they do so with a knowledge of enlightenment that would astonish the greatest sage in the world; they are aware of the divine gospel that corresponds to this planet in such a way that no human being could achieve it; and for the very reason that they feel sadness; because they know that they have been announced for many centuries on planet Earth; they are proclaimed in the divine gospel of Father Jehovah. The parable says: And there will be Signs in the Heavens; the flying saucers are those signs; The crew members of flying saucers are accustomed to encountering spirits that deny them in their life tests; because no planet in the universe is unique or first; no one knows which planet was first; it will never be known; It is only known that Father Jehovah is unique; only the Father knows it; this means that no planetary science has been able to discover what was the first planetary creation that came from God; there exists the universal mystery of knowing it; it is requested to be born again in infinite degree to achieve this knowledge; and in the meantime, the creature is perfected; in the flying saucers, as the ideas of each one are analyzed, the crew members come to know their friendships that date back to very ancient times and planets; these are recognized friendships; the friendships born in the Kingdom of Heaven are immortal; in this or that existence, they meet again; in the flying saucers, scenes that move are seen; such scenes will be seen by the world of trial on solar television; the television that will emerge from the atmosphere itself; de verdad te digo hijo, que todas estas cosas sucederán en esta generación; porque así lo determina el Padre Jehova, en su divino libre albedrío; los platillos voladores se han dejado ver y hasta fotografiar, para que se cumpla lo que escrito estaba; ellos lo hacen con conocimiento de causa; están infinitamente acostumbrados a hacerlo; porque no teniendo límite lo del Padre, los juicios finales ocurren en todo instante, en infinitos planetas; han ocurrido y ocurrirán y están ocurriendo; y en todo instante son infinitos; ellos esperan que llegue el momento de intervenir en el divino Juicio que ya se está iniciando en este planeta de prueba; siendo ellos divinos poderes del Reino de los Cielos, pertenecen a la divina gloria y majestad, del Hijo Primogénito Solar Cristo; la Trinidad solar de los hijos primogénitos en el Padre Jehova, se asisten mutuamente; las jerarquías asisten a las jerarquías; tal como los hombres debieron de haberse ayudado mutuamente en la prueba de la vida; te diré hijo que de estas naves salen comunicaciones para todo el universo; lo que sucede en un mundo, tiene importancia infinita en otros; porque sucede hijo, que muchos planetas saben que en un punto determinado del cosmos, exsiste tal ó cual planeta, que es y pertenece a su familia planetaria; esto se llama en el Reino de los Cielos, planetas reconocidos en su identificación; los planetas Tierras, reconocen a los planetas Tierras; es así que el Universo Expansivo Pensante, está compuesto de infinitas familias planetarias; just as individualities on Earth constitute families; what is above is the same as what is below; The reason why planets of the same family are spaced apart from each other is due to planetary free will. when a planet is born in the distant suns of the macrocosm, it is born with free will inherited from its solar parents; the location of a planet in a specific place in space is a characteristic of its living planetary free will; When a planet is a baby planet, flying saucers guide it and observe it from a distance; the location where the planet should be for its future development comes from within itself; its newly formed molecules are molding and adapting to their own comfort;

This is observing the behavior of a planet’s free will; the behavior of Earth has been observed since the beginning of its birth; at every moment in all time, it has been known and is known what the creatures of this humanity do; flying saucers make use of their invisibility when they approach test life planets, such as Earth. Everything that each creature did in its life test, absolutely everything is recorded; and not only in one law; but in infinite laws of life records; Divine Father Jehovah, what does the Book of Life teach in your divine gospel? It’s the same, son. A law that comes from the Father has infinite ways of manifesting itself; yet it remains the same law. Behind every law is the Creator’s free will and the infinite universes; this means that from every divine thought that emerges from the Creator, colossal universes are formed in an instant, surpassing the already existing universes moment by moment. At no moment does any limit exist in God’s creation; In the flying saucers, their creatures know this; and they know infinite laws, inherent to the divine attributes, to the divine free will of Father Jehovah; in the flying saucers, their crew knows the future of the Earth; they have always known it at every moment; and according to their hierarchy, there are those who know the future of this world even before the Earth was born; the Earth and every planet existed in other minds before the Earth and other planets were born; they are the prophetic suns of the macrocosm; also called the Kingdom of Heaven; the attribute of knowing such or such a thing before it occurs is a supreme attribute in the divine Father Jehovah; after Him comes an infinite hierarchy that has never had an end; nor will it ever have one; every event that has occurred in the cosmos, absolutely all of them, is eternally recorded; thus, this very description of the flying saucers is being recorded moment by moment; Nothing hidden exists in the laws of light; all occultism is temporary; and all occultism is selfish; and all occultism is paid for moment by moment, second by second; as long as one was an occultist. In flying saucers, solar science analyzes all the sciences coming from the planets of the microcosm. among infinite planets, there is Earth; When witnessing the development of analyzing or classifying ideas in flying saucers, the observer sees something akin to infinite precious stones; for physical ideas shine in all their colors, like diamonds or salts exposed to the sun. There exists a divine term among the crew of flying saucers, calling this, The Salt of Life; for this inherent brilliance of ideas is magnetism in its nascent state, which will eventually give rise to future planetary natures; including in such creations, what the eyes of the spirit saw during the trial of life; thus, in the case of the human creature, its future planetary inheritance will have sun and moon; for its eyes saw sun and moon; and by seeing them, these are magnetically imprinted in its ideas; it is enough to look, and the creature is creating its future heaven; this does not mean that the creature that sought vision is bound by what its eyes see; for having spiritual free will, it can aspire and ask for other forms of life; It’s just that what is seen and recorded is one of its attributes, which it asked of God in its respective law of life; The inheritance that each one possesses is made up of the most varied galactic forms; for everyone has been born many times; and in each existence, the vision saw other scenes in other things; within all exists the galactic history; a history that will never end; flying saucers were present in every galactic history of each individual; just as they are at this very moment on Earth; certainly, at no point in its own development has Earth been alone; a universe of invisible creatures, working within all the elements of nature; they are the divine cherubs of all specialties; it is an unprecedented army of thinking beings that live in their own galaxies, called the elements of nature; this army is led by the divine Father Jehovah; and such a law is universally known at any point in the universe; The Lord of Hosts is eternal glory; even in the divine gospel that was given to this testing planet, this divine law is present; The flying saucers are also part of the army of Jehovah. The entire universe is; because everything that exists was created by the same God; belonging to a world of light means belonging to the army of Jehovah God; In the flying saucers, everyone sees Father Jehovah, in his respective solar evolutions; for some, he takes this or that form, which varies to infinity; and he is always the same God; this is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, the Creator in the image and likeness of himself; is it for this reason, divine Father Jehovah, that since I was a child I see different images on television screens of flying saucers? That’s right, my son; according to the hierarchy of the flying saucer that wishes to communicate with Father Jehovah, that is the divine form taken by the Eternal; for each one, I possess a form; because what belongs to God is infinite; and being infinite, His divine individualities are also infinite; the flying saucers observe everything I have dictated to you in Telepathic Scripture; they follow to the letter all the Telepathic Scrolls I have dictated to you; I have always observed divine Father Jehovah, that they watch me silently; and how their faces shine! It is something akin to the sun; that shine you see in them represents an unheard-of number of existences; they are magnetizations upon magnetizations; saturation upon saturation; that solar shine represents a tremendous magnetic power over the elements of the planet; it is the solar verb of the firstborn children of God; for I must tell you, my child, that no one is unique in themselves; only the Father is unique; not even the solar Trinity is unique; In the solar laws of creation, the solar firstborn children possess expansive community; one can represent the other; one is within the other; without affecting their solar free will. And all the solar firstborns are subordinate to Father Jehovah; and at the same time, the Father is also in them; just as it was taught that God is everywhere; the brightness of their faces is the same brightness that the Solar Son Christ will have on this planet, which is already approaching its Final Judgment; the Firstborn Son is already on Earth; his face is beginning to shine; because all maturity in nature begins from lesser to greater; from the invisible to the visible; from his Omega pores comes an Alpha light; flying saucers will act in the divine Final Judgment; and they will be under the divine orders of the Firstborn Son; the creators of the strange system of life, born from the strange laws of gold, will be filled with dread; for the first time, they will not be able to command the death of their enemy; as was their strange custom; because I will tell you, son, that the creators of the strange world born from the strange laws of gold will not bend easily; they represent Satan himself; and the world of the trial of life will watch in astonishment the unprecedented fact of seeing once again, the demon of material interest, at war against the Son of God; The first time they faced each other was in the pharaonic era; the second time was in the Roman era; and the third time is in this atomic age. it’s just that now everything that divided one from another will disappear, in the test of life; Not a vestige, nor a molecule will remain of the strangest and most perplexing of life systems, born from human free will; it is the Final Judgment of those who have lived many times, in different eras of the Earth.


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