Holy writings

Proverbs 12:10  “The righteous take care of the life of his beast; But the heart of the impious is cruel.”
Genesis 1:26  “Then God said, Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Psalms 36:6  ​​“Your righteousness is like the mountains of God, Your judgments are a great deep. “O Jehovah, you preserve man and animal.”
Jonah 4:11  “And shall I not have mercy on Nineveh, that great city where there are more than one hundred and twenty thousand people who do not know how to discern between their right hand and their left hand, and many animals?”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Flying saucers collect the ideas generated by all creatures of creation, whether they are human beings or animals; these ships have been doing such work since the beginning of the creation of the Earth. the same task is done on other infinite planets; The physical ideas are referred to by their crew as Omega Mental Waves. I know, my son, that since you were a child you have been observing such cosmic work; You told many people, and they didn’t believe you. I truly tell you, that whoever did not believe in their own law that they asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; the living law accuses every unbeliever of the test of life; Incredulity is not of the Kingdom of Heaven; it is of the darkness. every incredulous person will be claimed by the darkness, even if their free will opposes it; The test of life consisted of rejecting everything that was a limit in relation to the infinity of God; because everything imaginable exists in God; the unbelievers created for themselves their own limit; from themselves came the non-entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; Divine Father Jehovah, What difference exists between electromagnetic waves and ideas? The difference lies in the fact that electromagnetic waves, although not visible, belong to the microscopic dimension of matter; mental ideas are even more infinitely microscopic; if a man were living within the idea, he would see electromagnetic waves as gigantic planets of pure energy; ideas represent the most microscopic aspect that emerges from human beings; ideas are so microscopic that they can only be felt and not seen; and being the most microscopic part of the creature, they are also the greatest and infinite; because from each generated idea, a microscopic planet will be born; which, over time, will mature with the magnetism of space, until it becomes a colossal planet; You all have the creative inheritance of the divine Father Jehovah; the divine Father Jehovah creates on a colossal scale above, and the children create on a microscopic scale below; The law is the same both above and below; above is the macrocosm called the Kingdom of Heaven; below is human evolution or the living-planetary philosophy that was requested to be known and lived; thus, divine Father Jehovah, the divine parable that says: Each one creates their own heaven, means that from our own ideas that we generate daily and at every moment, future planets are born; That’s right, son; and it couldn’t be any other way; because it was taught that everything comes from within oneself; nothing is given in spiritual merit; each one creates their own eternity, according to how they thought during the trial of life; destiny lies in the quality and nature of one’s own ideas; behold, every intention becomes a universe with its respective planets and galaxies; behold, son, that from the very free will of ideas, expansive thinking universes are born; that will never cease to expand; I will tell you, my son, that the same flying saucers that collect the ideas generated on your planet Earth are the same ones that participated in the birth of Earth; I know you have seen them since you were a child; this is so by your divine grace, Father Jehovah; I have seen them since Earth was a baby planet; when it was a microscopic spark that came from Mother Solar Omega; what a divine solar birth! I always see a right angle of 90°; what does the divine angle of Father Jehovah mean? The right angle of 90° that you see, my son, in the sun Omega, signifies the geometric path that the Earth has been following since its birth; each little solar spark that comes from the divine mother suns does so by creating a geometry; every planet, without exception, had a geometric beginning. this geometry is infinite and all are written in the solar television or Book of Life; When the world sees solar television, it will witness the right angle of 90° at the birth of its own planet; and it will see all the scenes that the generations of humanity, including Adam and Eve, never knew. Divine Father Jehovah, how old is the Earth? This Earth, my son, is as ancient as the number of molecules it contains; unheard of, divine Father Jehovah! That’s right, son; I see that you now understand why the wise men of your world have not been able to determine the antiquity of your planet Earth; Indeed, divine Father Jehovah; the materialistic wise men of Earth never studied or delved into the inner, the microscopic; they forget that there was Earth that they never saw; and that what they see is only one of the infinite presents; others saw other presents before them; and those seeing such presents spoke of another antiquity of the Earth; I see, my son, that you are thinking about the relativity of antiquity; is that correct, divine Father Jehovah? It is, my son; everything imaginable is relative; because the human spirit sought to understand relativity in its own thinking; all ideas and all molecules are relative; both matter and spirit are. Divine Father Jehovah, how much time does the Earth have left as a planet? The Earth has a quarter of its planetary life left; out of the whole, the Earth has consumed three quarters of its time; and I will tell you, my child, that in the quarter that remains, each molecule of the current Earth represents a century; therefore, your planet Earth has as much life left as no one ever imagined; because no one on Earth can give the total number of molecules of the entire planet; Solar Science is needed to calculate it; man did not ask to know everything; only the Creator of the universe knows it all; draw, my child, what you have been witnessing since you were a child; So be it, divine Father Jehovah.

And I saw that the physical ideas coming from the Earth were being collected by flying saucers… Divine Father Jehovah, how are ideas absorbed by these vessels? Ideas are lovingly attracted, and by the magnetism of attraction; Don’t forget, my son, that every idea generated by the human mind possesses free will; just as the spirit of the creature that conceived the idea does. When ideas are about to meet a celestial vessel, they feel a vibration that is proportional to the concept that the idea had or has of infinity; Ideas carry within themselves the influence of the individuality of the being that generated them; The ideas are separated according to the philosophical concept they possess; Don’t forget, son, that from every physical idea, a future physical planet will also arise. In this selection of ideas, infinite galactic laws are considered; starting from the microscopic, the colossal planets are selected; The whole about the whole is in the idea, in a microscopic and expansive living form; the emptiness of space will serve as a vehicle for its own development; like a land waiting for the arrival of its seed; depending on where the idea is placed, that will determine the value of the vibration that will have its own life in development; The crew of the flying saucers creates wonderful geometries of planets with the ideas they gather from all worlds; they do the same with the suns. From there comes, my son, the universal term that says: Galactic Tree; it means that starting from a very distant planet, which may or may not still exist in space, its own heritage is creating its own branches; planets of all ages that the mind can imagine; and at the same time, the term: Trunk arises; the trunk constitutes the first idea made planet; all the creatures of the expansive thinking universe possess their trunk from which they originate; the Earth has its trunk in the Alpha and Omega suns of the Trino galaxy; when the Firstborn Son said to the world of trial: I am the Alpha and the Omega, he meant the original trunk of planet Earth; the beginning of beginnings, of infinite Earth-like planets; preceding the eternal succession of planets is the eternal succession of ideas; No planet would exist if the microscopic idea had not existed. With this eternal law, matter and spirit know the humble principle of being what they are and what they were; even the colossal recognizes that its own beginning was a microscopic one; Divine Father Jehovah, I see that each idea shines like a microscopic sun of colors; and I see that they are connected by an orange cord; That’s right, my son; the brilliance that ideas possess is a solar inheritance; it is one of the infinite kinds of magnetism that exist in creatures when they ask the divine Father Jehovah for a certain way of life; it is because of this magnetic-solar inheritance that it was written: You are the salt of life; because physical ideas shine like salt exposed to the sun; and since future planets will be born from microscopic ideas, it was said: Life; in future telepathic scrolls, I will explain to you, my son, the process of selecting ideas; it is an infinite process; So be it, divine Father Jehovah; divine eternal Father who knows everything, because you have created everything, what happens to the thoughts of animals? Such ideas are also collected by flying saucers; And I will tell you, my son, that every animal and every molecule represents infinite principles of origin, within the principle of the Creator Himself; each species has its own Kingdom; and every Kingdom is made up of galaxies, universes, cosmos, suns, and planets; each species perpetuates its own philosophy of life; and at the same time, their spirits yearn to know other forms of life, at a given moment in their own eternities; this means that in the animals of your planet lies the greatest intelligence of your world; Most animal spirits are older than human beings. What I’m telling you, the world of proof will see, when the Firstborn Son makes all the animals of nature speak; I know, son, that you have been talking to them since you were a child; By your divine grace, divine Father Jehovah, so it is; and through such a sublime experience of telepathic communication with animals, I know that they hold a love unknown to human beings; That’s right, son; when they asked for reincarnation as animals, they asked for intuitive understanding; they did not ask for spoken understanding; and the intuitive in them expressed itself in growls, barks, whinnies, roars, etc.; which among them constitute the intuitive languages; animals, when speaking at the final judgment, will accuse those who were cruel to them; thus increasing the pain of those who will have their weeping and gnashing of teeth; every complaint will be received by the Firstborn Son; The world will faint when it hears and sees how animals express themselves; and the greatest complex will take hold of the so-called proud of the world; a terrible complex of intellectual inferiority, from those who believed they were unique in knowledge; I know, son, that you are thinking of the cat Perote; So it is, divine Father Jehovah; later we will write the title: My Telepathic Conversations with Perote, the Tacna Cat; So be it, divine Father Jehovah; I will tell you, my son, that from every idea of each animal, a planet of its own kind is born; because it was written that all are equal in rights before God; for it is enough to be a creature of infinite geometry of life form, and one has the infinite right to be important before the divine Creator; no one is lesser before God; no one ever has been. Looking down on others is a strange practice of living beings, in the proof of life; None who despised another will re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; strange influences that are not of the Kingdom do not enter the Kingdom. And the physical idea that carries the influence of contempt has generated a future and a dreadful planet; where its creatures will despise each other for all their lives; this is to spread darkness, contributing to a new planet, born from an idea, from a creature that sought a test of life, in a world of light, called planet Earth.



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