Holy writings

Galatians 6:7  “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”
Exodus 20:5-6  “You shall not bow down to them, nor honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.”
Proverbs 13:22  “A good man will leave an inheritance to his children’s children; but the sinner’s wealth is kept for the righteous.”
Psalms 127:3  “Behold, children are an inheritance from the Lord; “the fruit of the womb is a thing of esteem.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF THE FLYING SAUCER... CONTINUED.- The solar parents impregnate their solar individualities in the metal of the ship.-

In the flying plates, the system of living in them is the same as if one lived on Earth; its crew, by reincarnating or impregnating their individualities in the metal of the ship, make a geometric whole between them and the ship; just as man, when born on Earth, makes a developing geometrical whole, with the elements of nature; within a flying plate there is atmosphere, by instantaneous agreement between crew members and molecules; there is gravity, in equal agreement; as they are not fulfilling a test of life, as man is fulfiling it on Earth, they are transformed at every moment into what they desire; and by doing so they do so in their whole; that is, in their laws of creatures and in their law of matter; for each different existence, they create their respective elements within the vessel; and also, outside it; the divine creator word in them, is immense; in their respective solar hierarchies; they operate on infinite spaces; times, galaxies, colors of suns, geometries of celestial bodies, molecules, elements, cherubim and in unknown living laws; so that within a flying dish, their own transformations as creatures, are not one; as is the case of man; man has only one form; the crew of the flying plates, have infinite physical forms; everything depends on what they choose; their physical transformations they do according to the needs and laws that in those moments they fulfil; because nothing vanity exists in it; the strange sense of vanity, belongs to the imperfect worlds and worlds of trials; as it is the Earth; the thinking of the solar crew, does not waste time on empty things, as happens to the human creature; In the flying plates is lived the normal life of eternity; the humanity of the Earth, neither knows nor is sure, what is life and what kind of life it lives; its test of human life, consisted in deducing it seeking man by his own will; the same man asked for a free will with very own characteristics; The test of human life was to agree in the first generation, from the very moment that human free will knew of the existence of one God only; the divine Father Jehovah, only demands when his children take knowledge of cause; mankind who knew by inherited knowledge that there was only one God, has divine judgment from the same God; and it is easier to win in divine judgment, one who in his own thinking, united his virtues and the others; to win one who, in his thinking, allowed himself the strange libertinage and who united no one; the first unconsciously imitated the divine concept of one God only; the latter imitates Satan; because it was warned to the world of the test, that only Satan divides, to give it the opposite to the Divine equality, taught by God; in the own thinking and acting of each, was happiness or tragedy for all; the strange system of life, coming out of the weird laws of gold, gave the world the trial, the odd heritage of libertinage; and he tested himself in this; because never through the centuries, allowed the unification of the world; this strange refinement, is paid second by second; the creators of the strange world of gold called capitalism, have to calculate the number of seconds that contain all the centuries, of their strange reign; For every second of strange libertinage experienced in every human, it is up to them to live an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; In such existences, they will also be distorted, forcing them to live in their own spirits, a strange and unknown libertinage; strange feeling, which will not allow them to return to the Kingdom of Heaven, for terrible eternities; He who thought of unification will also be rewarded, uniting him with the cosmic of light; for only those who, being in a world of test of light, sought to unify those around them return to light; to whom in their daily thoughts, they have unified no one, they receive nothing when they leave the test planet; to be able to receive, you have to worry about something; in the flying plates, every impregnation of solar individuality, attracts immense armies of microscopic living beings; the magnetism of the solar individualities, is constituted by infinite cherubim that, in their living dimensions, possess heavens, spaces, proper forms of life, with their own principles, planets, suns and an infinite variety of celestial bodies; Solar individuality is a magnetic focus that gives a breath of life, to its own universes; to understand this, it is necessary for every thinking spirit, to retreat into the microscopic of its own solar individuality; that is, that each one must consider his own spirit, as if it were a giant sun; this consideration of himself, will be a reality in the future of its future reincarnations; the spirit enlarges as it receives a greater number of magnetizations; in which each of them, equals a form of life; whoever did so, generated ideas in which he magnetized solar beings; the mental conception itself, is impregnated in the physical idea; the human creature impregnates its emotions, desires, geometric forms of such desires in its own ideas; just as the solar parents impregnate their individualities in the material of the flying plates; what is above is equal to what is below; in these mental images, the human being geometries innocence which, with the course of eternity, will be living hierarchies in one thing or another; such mental geometries are initiated with the linearities, which gave it the magnetism of human individuality; It is the first law that will give rise to a colossal celestial body; in which its earliest times, were the primitive microscopic; much innocence and little science would be such a principle; human impregnation, has in all that it generates, a strange division; which is a consequence of the characteristics of free will, which human spirits sought to know God; and the test of life was to unite, having all different and opposite sensations; the planetary trials ask God for difficulties which they do not know, to overcome them and to perfect the spirit; they ask for trials from God, with the divine purpose of ascending to the heavenly hierarchy; for the more infinitely elevated a hierarchia is, the closer the spirit is to God; and only knowledge called the Most Holy Trinity can bring it near; the same law is fulfilled in the flying plates; according to the time employed and the laws fulfiled, so will be the future hierarchy of the Flying Plates; and they also have divine solar judgments before God; just as the humanities also have it; in the impregnation of their individualities, the crew of the flight plates, expand their thinking geometries in tremendous solar calories; the ship is shaped in mental proportion; according to the divine alliances or agreements between its solar creators; they first agree on the television of the future;

choose the shape and characteristics of the future flying dish; the models you see on solar television, are infinite; in which other solar parents of very high and often unknown hierarchies, lovefully lend their contribution; the desire to learn in them is unheard of; because they know of the law of the divine celestial score; they know that even the most microscopic mental effort, is infinitely rewarded by God; for they know and see, that God’s has no limits; In their solar sensations that they possess in their solar individualities, they see their worlds, their galaxies, and the events that take place in them; for having not forgotten the past, because they did not ask, they are seen and even transported to the same places where the events take place; it is the instantaneous materialization of desires; the celestial score is the divine addition of God, for those who fulfilled in their own sensations, requests to God; en el divino proceso de impregnar sus individualidades en sus creaciones solares, los tripulantes de los platillos voladores, magnetizan ó hacen madurar a las moléculas; tal como en la Tierra, el Sol hace madurar los frutos; el sol de la Tierra es lento en lograr creaciones, porque es un Sol en prueba de vida solar; en otras galaxias exsisten soles que son instantáneos para producir sus frutos; el que los soles sean rápidos ó lentos en sus leyes creadoras, es infinitamente relativo a las jerarquías de los soles; esta infinita relatividad también se cumple en la construcción de los platillos voladores; las más elevadísimas jerarquías solares, son instantáneas para construír un platillo volador; en el Macrocosmo llamado Reino de los Cielos, las creaciones no se detienen jamás; la sucesión eterna de soles creando, no tiene ni principio ni fín; en la television solar, el mundo de la prueba verá este grandioso espectáculo; verá lo que no tiene ni principio ni fín; y viéndolo el mundo de la prueba, el mundo llorará tremendamente acomplejado en una sensación de inferioridad; y frente a la television solar del Hijo Primogénito, comprenderá que es sólo un microbio en espera de un divino juicio; comprenderá avergonzado el significado de la divina parábola que le fué dicho: Del polvo eres y al polvo volverás; y los más avergonzados y acomplejados serán los que de boca dijeron que el hombre era el rey de la creación; los que cayeron en tal extraña presuntuosidad, tendrán que enfrentar divino juicio de parte del hijo de Dios, porque fué enseñado que todo fué creado por un sólo Dios nomás; el hombre no creó al planeta ni siquiera una molécula de él; por lo tanto jamás le correspondió llamarse rey de la creación; ni jamás le corresponderá; And what makes it even worse, this strange presumptuosity, is that man has been taught to be humble in the test of life; divine humility will complain to the son of God and complain against those who have proclaimed themselves kings of creation; for such a qualification does not belong to humanity; and will never belong; because humans are mortal… they rot; the kings in the macrocosm are eternal; they give and take away life; they possess the divine solar verb; and man what does he give? surely it was not necessary to be presumptuous in the test of life; and much less when a divine Final Judgment from God is expected; is it easier for one to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, one who has not proclaimed himself king of creation; to be able to enter, one that was tempted in the presumptual; divine Father Jehovah, do the crew of the flying plates know that man usurped a title that corresponded to them? You know it, son. You know everything. and write all things to be judged in the divine judgment of God; on solar television the First-born Son will show the world of the trial, one by one, all those who by mouth, said to be a king of creation; for neither the so-called kings nor queens, arising in the strange world of gold, will any one enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; neither will any enter; It is easier for him to enter into the kingdom of God, who is unworthy of the trial of life; that strange kings or strange queens may enter into it. Let us continue with the construction of flying plates; so be divine Father Jehovah; Let your divine will be done; in solar impregnation, their creatures are projected in geometric lines that are infinite parallel that enclose the continuation of what until that moment, had created the solar crew; such lines correspond to the dimensions of evolution achieved by each solar parent; in the solar verb of each of them, are the divine living commands; which are expressions with which they command the godly cherubim of the elements; in this law there is a magnetism that wakes up the most intimate of the cherubims; it is the vibration awaited for eternities, to become such or such destiny; to understand this solar law, the human creature will have to imagine it; for in the divine judgment of God, he will only see the physical transformations, on the part of the son of God; The failure to understand it demonstrates to the human being, that what he believed to know in the test of life was only a dust of knowledge; the human mind knows nothing of the colossal creations is instantaneous of the macrocosm; the Son of God will show the world, the laws that are fulfilled in the most remote places of the universe; the world will know the universal law of the cherubim; it will know to the most microscopic of which is composed matter; and that microscope is living and is commanded to him lovingly; on the flying plates the cherubim form families, whose members asked for destinies, attracted by the solar magnetism of their crew; the world of the test will see them on solar television; and by seeing the cherubim of the flying plates, the world will understand that every small thing is great in power, in the Kingdom of Heaven; in the impregnation of their individualities, a law is fulfilled, which is also fulfiled in microscopic dimension on Earth; this happens in the inheritance of every father with respect to his children; because the carnal inherited and its characteristics, is also magnetism; and all magnetism is also constituted by the cherubim of magnetism; and the individuality itself, is constituted by the querubins of individuality; this law, when it is known in the world, will make the world weep; for every cherub, whatever it is, will speak in the divine judgment of God; as speaks the human spirit itself; those who abused themselves, whether in the physical or in the spiritual, in the test of life, will be the most crying in the weeping and teethbreaking; for the herbs of their whole, are trillions, and trillion will also be their accusers; it is the small army of each one, coming out of himself; as the Divine Creator, possesses the armies of; Jehovah is the inheritance of the very work of the past; Divine Father Jehovah, what does it mean to inherit the past? Inheritance from the past means son, that the present human form is a consequence of what each has done in the existences of the past; Don’t forget, son, that from the very ideas that all generated in their respective existences, the divine Father, Jehovah, drew out the respective flesh bodies of each; each is responsible for its own geometric shape; now I understand, divine Father Yahweh, what you had taught me before: not a single molecule is given in the Kingdom of Heaven; so is the son; the divine living merit of the Kingdom, is very demanding in its laws of merit; on the flying plates, the same law is fulfilled; for on these ships is lived that which is living in the Kingdom of Heaven; they are in every moment communicating with the Kingdom; the events of the Kingdom of Heaven, are projected on solar television; the scope of this television is infinite; and the scenes you see on your screens, they are created by the same elements spread throughout the universe; the speed of images escapes all human calculation; in this law of the transportation of images, the law of eternity is fulfilled; every scene occurring at any point in the universe, spreads in the form of Omega waves; this propagation as it expands goes geometrizing and transforming into infinite hierarchies of waves, this process never stops; it is the free will of the living wave; all scene becomes planet and every planet begins being scene; because it is born of a physical idea; In the flying plates, there is an expansive development of the microscopic idea as it turns into a planet;

And whoever witnesses this will see that at the beginning of the development of the idea, everything starts on a microscopic dimension; microscopic creatures with microscopic scenes; just as you have seen, my son, in the microscopic paradise of Adam and Eve; a paradise that began within a molecule of dust; as time passes, the microscopic grows; On Earth, the men of the trial of life, in the current dimension, saw nothing of the microscopic that existed on their own planet; in the solar television of the Firstborn Son, they will see it. And I truly tell you, son, that those who were boastful about what they knew in the test of life will be filled with shame; for they will be mocked. and they themselves, upon contemplating the marvelous solar television, will realize that they knew nothing; current human knowledge corresponds to a microscopic era in the life of the Earth; none of this microscopic knowledge, absolutely nothing remains; it disappears with the divine judgment of the Son of God; Future generations, after the divine Judgment, will know nothing of the strange world that arose from the peculiar laws of gold; it will be something akin to the past eras of Earth; everything eventually succumbs to forgetfulness, in the trial planets; in the knowledge of the future, this phenomenon will be referred to as the twilight of a world; whose verdict of being forgotten had been announced to this world many centuries prior, during its own development; and the child-geniuses will gaze in the greatest astonishment at the strangest of life systems that emerged on planet Earth; a strange world that, while doing good, also did evil; and that never understood that it was dividing itself moment by moment; a strange world that could not overcome its own primitivism; a strange complex of evolution called militarism; a peculiar way this strange world had of imposing something that even its own strange members could not define; nor did they know what they were involved in; In the solar television of the flying saucers, their crew witnesses every individual event that occurs at each moment in this strange world; and they certainly feel sadness for the peculiar path chosen by human free will in the trial of life; a strange path that leads to weeping and gnashing of teeth; they analyze and discuss how this strange system of unequal life emerged on planet Earth; they are fascinated by planetary philosophies; and they relate them to the Kingdom of Heaven; And with great sadness, they see that the strange system of life, based on the possession of things, is not of the kingdom of God; and since such a system of life is not known in the Kingdom of the Father, the world that lived it does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for the humanities to re-enter the kingdom, as in their distant planetary tests, they imitated what existed in the kingdom; than for those that did not imitate to be able to enter; they see every violation that has occurred in the strange and unknown capitalism. And they know, just as the world of the trial will know, who the demons in human form were, who devised a strange system of life that no one had asked God for until that moment; On solar television, the Son of God will show the first ones who dared to create a strange system of life, which in its peculiar laws included inequality. Is this one of the great mysteries of the Earth’s past? Many minds throughout the test of life and in all eras have wondered who were the first to conceive a self-interested system of life; the initiative of such individuals constitutes the beginning of the greatest drama on Earth; they were the ones who materialized the drama of weeping and gnashing of teeth, foretold centuries in advance in the divine gospel of Father Jehovah; and these same initiators of the greatest human drama have been reborn many times and have encountered their own strange work; who have they been, divine Father Jehovah? They have been the ones who give their lives to change the erroneous way of life of humanity; there have been many prophets, revolutionaries, men of peace; have they all been divine Father Jehovah? Not everyone, my son; because by virtue of the divine free will that each person possesses, some ask for one mission and others ask for another; but it happens that those who feel guilty about something they did at some point, on some planet, ask to return at another time to the same planet to amend their mistakes; this is encapsulated in the divine biblical teaching that says: Unless one is born again, one cannot see the kingdom of God; that is to say, those who do not amend their ways do not advance toward God; they remain in the darkness of their own faults; the divine mercy and infinite love of the Eternal give everyone the opportunity to remake what their own spirit has undone; in other words, everything sincerely asked of God is a living divine geometry, which the one who violated the law of the kingdom undid and caused tragedy to countless and microscopic creatures of the Kingdom of Heaven; who are those divine creatures, divine Father Jehovah? my son, the divine cherubs of the divine living alliances; because in the trial of human life, the all over the all, chose to stake everything in the very trial itself; the all over the all, as you know, my son, is composed of everything microscopic that the creature possesses within itself; the all consists of molecules, generated ideas, cells, atoms, lived seconds; and all the sensations and virtues that the spirit experienced and felt within its own individuality; the drama of those who created the strange capitalism, in the trial of life, is not only on Earth; it is also beyond Earth; because it was taught that what is above is like what is below; the sensations experienced on the planets also resonate above in the Kingdom of Heaven; the weeping and gnashing of teeth is not only on Earth; it is also in the place from which one has departed, for a moment; In the flying saucers, their crew members see two dramas instead of one; they watch on their solar televisions, the drama above and the drama below; “Come see the sadness and discouragement that fills the place where human reincarnations were and are made;” They see the drama in the place of the cause and in the place of the development of the proof of life; they see the divine cherubs of the universe; the divine essences, without which no one would exist; they see in the power of humility that they are the divine cherubs of all creation; the drama of those who created a selfish way of life constitutes a darkness that could be said to have no end; because moment by moment during the reign of the so-called capitalism, every idea generated by an author who lived in this strange system of life gave rise to future planets that, in their expansive future development, will reveal the strange germ of capitalist possession; the bad contained in a generated idea expands infinitely; and the good contained in a generated idea also expands infinitely; that is to say, the current worlds and suns will come to an end, and those guilty of the existence of strange capitalism will not yet have finished paying for their peculiar libertinism; Divine Father Jehovah, why is it called strange libertinism? It is said that strange libertinism exists, my son, because when creating these demons called capitalism, they did not take God into account at all; for they did not ask for libertinism in any imaginable form; because nothing that represents perdition for the creature itself is asked of God; to the Eternal, laws and disciplines of perfection are requested; strange libertinism perfects no one; it does not allow anyone to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and this strange libertinism of not considering God, the beast passed on as an inheritance to the world of trial; and with it, condemned the world to never re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for neither the violators of God’s law, nor their followers and imitators, will ever re-enter the Kingdom of God; it is easier for a spirit that, having asked to know the trial of human life, did not encounter the so-called capitalism during its time on Earth, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for such a spirit would not be accused of complicity with the demon of gold in its judgment before God. The causes of human drama, which were announced in the divine gospel of God, such as weeping and gnashing of teeth, will be filled with dread when they learn about the divine law at the Final Judgment; and amidst earthquakes, sea surges, and rains of fire, the strange world that was the product of the strange possession of gold will disappear. never has there been nor will there be another strange system of life, with such a strange and bewildering complexity; the living cause became complicated and distracted itself with an ephemeral cause in the form of possessive illusion; the egalitarian cause requested in the Kingdom of Heaven was distorted; the bewilderment created by this strange world led to living inequality;

and a strange and unknown libertinism, fed for centuries, a scattered flock; the longed-for unification, characteristic of the Kingdom of Heaven, never took place; Satan glorified libertinism, disguising it as freedom; For centuries, freedom encompassed violations of God’s law; and for centuries, this strange freedom was legalized. The one who cast the first stone of freedom, while violating the law of God, was the strange capitalism; upon it rests three quarters of the divine Final Judgment. the test of life consisted of not dividing oneself into anything; For such an event to occur in the history of the Earth, no ruler who knew the Earth should have been a ruler; because due to their own strange spiritualities, in which they did not delve into the matter of God, they will be called strange rulers. In the flying saucers, they have identified all the strange rulers, presidents, kings, dictators, and every individual who has led others in the test of life; This identification is divided by the length of reign. And the most numerous are the individuals who belonged to the so-called armed forces; followed by those who belonged to religious sects; in the divine judgment of God, the Firstborn Son will ask the masses of humanity what harm or setback these individuals caused them; because the Son of God will always question those who were victims of others; every sufferer who was forced to suffer will have the sublime right to accuse those who wronged them; and it is easier for one who received harm to be consoled in the divine judgment of God than for one who did wrong. and all the wrongs caused will be seen on solar television; In flying saucers, good and evil are identified by magnetisms; from the same ideas generated daily by human beings, they extract the magnetism. this divine process will be witnessed by the world of trial, on the solar television; the world will learn a new psychology by learning and understanding the colors contained in the magnetism of their own mental actions; in this new psychology, the new world that will have a new way of thinking will begin by first changing itself; the transformation of the world of testing begins from within the individuality; And he who does not determine himself gains nothing; In the weeping and gnashing of teeth, the world of the trial of life will make great and unknown determinations; and it will be an immense struggle of emotions and sensations; It will be a battle between cherubim of strange customs and cherubim of the Kingdom of Heaven; the old experiences will confront what is to come; because with the way of being, influenced by a strange system of life, no one enters the Kingdom of Heaven; for one enters the kingdom of God with the highest morality that the human mind can imagine; only with the innocence of a child can one re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this requirement can only be achieved by changing one’s customs; there is no other way to recover what has been lost; every change in the way of being is reflected in the magnetism of the generated idea; its colors can be seen; and every mental change is a score of light gained; those who do not wish to change gain nothing; It is easier for someone who made the slightest mental effort to win than for someone who made no effort at all. In the flying saucers, their crew already knows who will be the repentant and who will not; because they see everything on the solar television of the future. and they see the dramas of the members of the beast; they see what they have been witnessing for eternities on infinite planets of trials; they are accustomed to witnessing strange events in creatures that emerge from the darkness; and by witnessing them, they establish the hierarchy of Satan on the respective planet; The magnetism of darkness is analyzed in flying saucers, like one who investigates a strange germ; for the story of Satan is lost in the eternity of universal times; In the infinite hierarchies of the cosmos, he is remembered as a very distant legend; because Satan always loses in the divine judgments of God; The story of Satan is not remembered in perfect worlds; because everything has its time, its glory, and its end; Satan is remembered when the thinking creature has not yet emerged from the strange influence of evil; as long as there is evil within oneself, the legend of Satan will exist. By simply changing to better feelings, Satan will disappear. New concepts in new existences make the creature a spirit of light; In the flying saucers in their own achieved sciences, they explain the matter of Satan as the rebellion of a solar father; because it happens that every elevated hierarchy, of those that were, are, and will be, has infinite interpretations in the planets of distant galaxies; they are interpreted according to the evolutions of the creatures; and each evolution has its own concepts; It is said that on Earth, Satan was an angel; and certainly he was, since he was in the Kingdom of Heaven; on other planets, they call him by different names; the relative evolutions of the Expansive Thinking Universe interpret the most perfect beings, and they do so according to the concepts reached in their reincarnations; the further the spirit moves away from primitive sensations, the more and better it explains what has been achieved by the perfect beings of the cosmos; On Earth, the world of trial, he did not delve into the matter of God, because a strange inheritance plunged them into debauchery; and there was no universal, unique, unified conclusion to what was taught in the divine gospel of God; and the test of life consisted in achieving it; trials are trials; In the flying saucers, they observe each one as an interesting living story. The crew members watch on the solar television the celestial moment when each one is asking God to understand the human way of life; and at the same time, they observe the spirit in its activities, living the present request to God on Earth. and they rejoice infinitely when they see that the creature is fulfilling what was asked and promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; and they become saddened when they see that the creature does not fulfill what was requested in its test of life; Observing the creatures of the worlds is a routine matter for them; They have observed and continue to observe all the atomic experiments that poison the creatures and elements of nature; which will lead to an infinite judgment within the Judgment itself; This infinity is due to the fact that the elements, molecule by molecule, will demand a divine judgment from the Son of God, in their living laws of elements; the weeping and gnashing of teeth includes the elements of nature; the whole of everything participates in the divine judgment of God; the so-called scientists of the strange world of the strange laws of gold have a divine judgment of their own, within the very Judgment.The poisoners of the atmosphere will have a terrible weeping and gnashing of teeth; for all of humanity that breathed air with atomic influence will not forgive them even a molecule of what they did. This law is for the creators and perfectioners of the atomic; it is for those who took the strange liberty of making atomic bombs; To these traitors of divine law, the solar fire awaits them; they had no mercy for their fellow beings; the same ones they were condemned to, to die in a possible atomic war, the same ones will condemn them; none will escape the same divine Judgment that they themselves requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for an illiterate person, who did not engage in the strange libertinism of threatening humanity, to be saved than for a so-called wise person or scientist who fell into such strange libertinism to be saved. the generations of the new kingdom will be called the destroyers of the creations of Father Jehovah; others will call them the accomplices of Satan; In the flying saucers, they observe the human tides and the Son of God, meting out justice to those who tried to create a diabolical science in the trial of life; In solar television, the world of the trial will watch in terror, not only at the human monstrosities left by atomic explosions, devised by individuals belonging to the beast, but it will also see armies of the mutilated; these horrifically massacred crowds are the molecules of elements, fruits, vegetables, waters, lands, air, that received the diabolical transformation created by demons in human form. A part of the army of Jehovah was run over without any reason. Jehovah the Father will give what is due to the strange demons who violated the law of love, which they themselves requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; among the infinite armies of Jehovah, the smallest and humblest are first above all; there are the armies of molecules, microbes, particles, cherubim; there is the most humble that the mind can imagine; and as it is written in the living universe of God, everything humble is great and powerful in the Kingdom of Heaven; that is to say, the microscopic molecules judge the demons first, who in the distant testing planets indulge in strange libertinism, unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; The fate of the so-called scientists of the test of life hangs on the molecules of the planet; for they have poisoned them; they have trampled upon their natural laws; for every poisoned molecule, the so-called scientists who took the strange liberty of experimenting with the forbidden must live again an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; and many of them will also die poisoned, in other existences in other worlds; in flying saucers, there is a meticulous record of all the molecules of Earth’s nature that have undergone horrific transformations, due to the strange and diabolical experiments of the so-called scientists; these horrific mutilations of God’s living molecules will be seen by the world of the test on solar television; and there will be no one who does not weep for the most microscopic things that made human life possible.


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