Holy writings

Matthew 7:13-14  “Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it; For narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
1 Corinthians 6:12  “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are convenient; “All things are lawful for me, but I will not allow myself to be dominated by any.”
Galatians 5:22-23  “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
1 Timothy 6:9-10  “For those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge men into destruction and perdition; because the root of all evil is the love of money, which, by coveting some, they strayed from the faith, and were pierced with many sorrows.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF FLYING SAUCERS… CONTINUATION.- The solar parents impregnate their solar individualities into the metal of the ship.-

In the process of impregnation, each mental geometry of each solar father, has the form of an Alpha ray; these rays are colored; it is a magnetism whose composition corresponds to the various colors, that each solar individuality, knew in their infinite existences; everything that the eyes saw, becomes color and this is impregnated in the physical idea; in this law every spirit receives by inheritance, the colors that moment by moment, it had to experience, in each of the existences that it asked of God; all mental experience, becomes magnetism of colors; as the spirit adds up its existences or reincarnations, its own mental power, is complemented in a ray of colors; divine Father Jehovah, why is it called Alpha Ray? it is called Alpha Ray, because the creators of this kind of flying saucers, belong to the Alpha and Omega suns; it happens son, that every creature of the cosmos, almost always prefers to be called, just as it was called or is called, its own place of origin; it is a preference born of their free will; and it is so, because all those who came out of such or such a place of origin, see that their number has no end; when studying their own ancestors, and they never find the one who was first; this mystery that has no end, occurs in every place of origin, that exists in the Expansive Thinking Universe; that is to say, that not even the mystery of what has no end, is unique; because there is not a single place of origin; there are infinite; and each place of origin constitutes a hierarchy of origin; and all at once, form a single principle; all aspire to be part, of the same living geometry; it is the universal communism of the galaxies; this desire to belong to a common law, is innate in creatures; this sensation is expressed in some first, and in others later; some feel it in such or such existence and others will feel it in future existences; achieving the sensation of the common, is the supreme triumph of the spirit, over the strange sensation of libertinism; libertinism has no philosophy; it is a disinherited; because libertinism is not of the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why no one asked God, to be libertine in the test of life; and I will tell you son, that it is easier for one who having asked for the test of life, opted for a common philosophy, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for one who opted for libertinism; the common philosophy, is discipline of the Kingdom of Heaven; the strange libertinism is the product of a strange and unknown system of life, born of the strange possession of gold; libertinism is of the planet Earth; it is a strange and ephemeral custom of a planet of tests; it is a strange complex, that was very characteristic, in those most influenced by gold; the influence of the material, when possessed in excess, distorts the philosophy, that each one brought in himself, from the Kingdom of Heaven; what is defended ceases to be philosophy; it is only sensation in proportion to what is had; that is how the so-called capitalists, emerged in the strange world of the strange laws of gold, were fighters only to ensure material; having achieved this, they became little less than beasts; the latter means that even their own capitalist laws, they surpassed in immorality; certainly the strange possession, teaches an ephemeral teaching, that diminishes the infinity of celestial scoring; it distorts one’s own work, second by second; because in every second that is lived, the so-called capitalist is trapped in the strange magnetism, of an ephemeral present; his own drama is caused by his own illusion to gold; for such minds, the cosmic does not count; they do not consider it as the supreme goal of their existences; that is why no so-called capitalist, none will ever see, the wonders of the cosmos again; it is easier for one who in the test of life, opposed mental resistance, to the strange sensation of possession, to see them; in flying saucers, their creatures have overcome the strange desire to possess; because the sensations of the capitalists, correspond to primitive evolutions, of imperfect worlds; in other future existences, capitalist spirits, will have other sensations, that will gradually distance them from the strange individual libertinism; the test of life consisted in not being surprised by the possessive, so as not to run the risk, of distorting one’s own philosophy asked in the Kingdom of Heaven; as nothing unjust nor unequal, exists in the kingdom of God, it is that all human spirits asked for equality; equality in different circumstances; each one had to make their own effort, within the own tests asked of God; the selfish way of life that men gave themselves, made this effort for equality, cost much more; the distrust that characterized the strange way of life, arising from the strange laws of gold, distanced its creatures from simplicity; in the flying saucers, their creatures are of a simplicity and humility, that amazes; because they have already surpassed their own weaknesses; the laws by which they continue to perfect themselves, do not belong to the imperfect evolution of humanity; the all over the all of them, has managed to penetrate a certain degree of understanding with matter; by telling you son, a certain degree of understanding, I mean to tell you that every degree of penetration and understanding with matter, constitutes a hierarchy of verb; the power that is possessed, knows part of the truth; only God knows everything; what is of God has neither beginning nor end; and they know it, as the human race should also know; the greater the hierarchical power of each of them, the greater also the humility and simplicity of their individualities; the opposite happens, of what happens on Earth; on this planet of tests, most of those who know the most, fall into strange prides, that they did not even ask for in the Kingdom of Heaven; those who knowing more than others, in the test of life, and were believed and proud, gave a bad example of their own human verb; to such, second by second will be deducted, from all the time, in which they allowed themselves to be influenced by the strange pride; there was no right for the proud, to distill their venom on others; making the test of life, a bitter drama that should never have existed; divine Father Jehovah, what is the equivalence of a second of pride, in your divine justice? its equivalence is related to the infinity of God; for every second lived in strange pride, its author has to live again, an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; for every second lived in planetary experience, be it in good or in evil, the divine Father Jehovah offers complete existences; this corresponds to the infinity of God; corresponds to what has no limits; humanity was warned that God was infinite; the Eternal rewards or punishes, starting from the most microscopic mental effort of his creatures; in the flying saucers they know of this law, proper to the Creator of all things; they see the Eternal and converse with Him; and the ways of manifesting of God, have no limits; and it happens that everyone is surprised, in their infinite ways of presenting themselves; repetition in the divine Father, has infinite variety; in the flying saucers He is received just as He is received in infinite paradise-planets; the divine Father Jehovah observes all creation of flying saucer; just as He observes the infinite creations of infinite kinds of planets; among which are the earth planets; the Creator observes at every moment, what happens at any point in the universe; thus the divine Father observes and analyzes the impregnations of the individualities of the solar fathers, when they decide to create celestial ships;

the fact of employing one’s own individuality in the construction of a vehicle, makes one’s own inheritance materialize; and by materializing it extends its own philosophical kingdom; the impregnation of the solar individuality, fulfills laws so expansive, that the creatures of the microcosm, with their microscopic sciences, never manage to reach the limit of what the creatures of the macrocosm create; only the divine Father Jehovah knows everything; impregnation is the birth of new molecules that form a whole called flying saucer; in these solar creations the whole created is living and recognizable; each molecule of each flying saucer, has consciousness of itself, in its laws of molecules; and the living molecules go back to their own places of origin; they see and observe their creators in their cosmic tasks; and they are ready at all times, to be called by living telepathy, by their solar creators; such telepathic communications, are instantaneous as is the speed of lightning; and in their minds they see scenes of colors; they see who calls them by telepathy; these scenes of colors have some resemblance to the dreams of human experience; only that in those who possess living telepathy, the scenes occur while awake and at all times; just as you live it son; in the flying saucers their crew create other creations, with the very molecules of the material of the ship; the principle or molecular reincarnation, is a calorific magnetism between solar idea and living free will of wanting to become a molecule; just as certain thinking spirits, decided to know the human way of life; this principle occurs in the impregnation or reincarnation of molecules by attraction of solar magnetism; the divine process is reduced to calories that materialize or to condensation of heat; the molecular principle of impregnation is that the calorie of the solar individuality, instantly matures, the calories of the thinking spirits or cherubim, who wish to experience the reincarnation of molecule; the cause of all that exists lies in the principle individuality-matter; what one is at a given time, will not be the same at another time; in impregnation the molecules of the process itself, already existed as thinking hierarchies; and everything that thinks in the divine creation of God, is always waiting for some change in its destiny; to transform is for every thinking spirit the most fascinating in its own feeling; to give satisfaction to such feelings, is that the divine Creator of all things, created the law of being born again; created reincarnation; created the eternal succession of individualities; created the plurality of existences in the same spirit; those who in the test of human life, maintained that there was only one life, will stay with only one; the divine Father Jehovah, is the first to respect the beliefs and ideals of his children; he who denies something, does not see that something; it is easier for one who did not limit himself, nor put a limit to the divine power of God, to see the wonders of God; every divine reward from God, takes into account even the invisible sensation that produces in itself, the generation of mental ideas; the denial of eternity by those who do not believe, is the most formidable obstacle, to be able to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the denial itself becomes living, in the divine judgments of God; and the denial takes the word, to the spirits who used it, during the test of life; it is easier not to be claimed by the strange denial, one who never thought of denying; one who did not even think of it; in the weeping and gnashing of teeth that looms over the world of the test, millions of human beings will groan for having denied what always existed; what always existed, also denies its denier; the son of God by demonstrating that matter possesses life, gives rise in millions of minds, to an immense and moving weeping; it is the awakening of the laws of a new world; in the flying saucers they know of those who took the strange libertinism of denying, without knowing everything; their names are written in the records of the flying saucers; the world of the test will know the names and the people who denied, in the solar television; which corresponds to the Book of Life, in the divine gospel of Father Jehovah; the greatest shame, awaits those who took the strange libertinism, of putting a limit to God; this same strange limit, causes the greatest tragedy, in the deniers of the infinity of God; because of this strange magnetism of darkness, they will also know, limited space and time; they will receive the same that came out of their wills; the sensation of denial, is the bitterest of the sensations of darkness; each spirit that denied, pays for it second by second, molecule by molecule, idea by idea; because they themselves did not ask God, to deny his divine glory, during the test of life; what is not asked in the kingdom, and the opposite is fulfilled in distant planets of tests, gives rise to discounts in the divine final judgments; it is easier to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the one who was rigorous and disciplined, with what he himself asked in the Kingdom of the Father; than to enter, one who fell into strange sleep and strange and unknown libertinism; in the flying saucers their solar creatures, study the violations of the human race, towards God; and to many of them, it brings back memories of when they were human, on other earth planets; memories that go back to a past, when the universe had other worlds; and they see with amazement, that the galactic history repeats itself; this repetition is infinite because what comes from God, has no limits; and when studying the sensations of darkness in human beings, they investigate the quality and the quality of them; they investigate their origin and their place of origin; they investigate the past reincarnations, of the spirits influenced by evil; because from distant galaxies, the thinking spirits, bring strange inheritances, that in all cases, they promise God, to overcome them in tests of planetary lives; the inheritance of evil, is a strange product of influences that the spirits collect, in their passage through the planets of darkness; the spirit makes its way by its own effort, towards the Light; to a great extent the experience of knowing what it does not know, commits every spirit with influences of darkness; and it is the same spirit that has to make efforts, to get rid of the harmful; evil is relative to the own mental struggle of each one, in its history of existences; this corresponds to the divine mandate that says: You will earn your bread with the sweat of your brow; the quality and the quality of the bread, is up to each one; it is the law of merit in the acts, that was asked to know God; without own effort there is no own merit; experiences must be lived so that sensations have their cause, in one’s own individuality; he who does not make his own efforts, has nothing of his own; and having nothing of his own, has no merit; and having no merit, cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, one who earned his own merit; than to enter one who did not earn it;

in the flying saucers they know the origins of the evil of each human individuality; because the evil incarnated in the same imperfection, came from free will; it corresponds to other free wills of other past existences, that were lived in other worlds; and it can be said, that evil is the product of the misuse of free will, by the spirit; divine Father Jehovah, is the free will that corresponded to other past existences the same as now? no son; because the free wills that the spirit does not know, it asks God to know; just as one asks for such or such a way of life, because it is not known, so too are free wills asked for; and every sensation of the all over the all of individuality, was asked of God, because it was not known; that is why it was written: the test of life; atom by atom, no one knew anything; in the flying saucers their crew keep a meticulous account, of the number of atoms and molecules of each human body and of all the creatures of nature; each atom and each molecule, will speak in the divine Final Judgment; the fact that everything microscopic speaks, is because the human creature, asked God, to be judged over all things; in the divine judgments of God, his living universe participates; matter and spirit express themselves in their respective laws; because no one is less before God; this divine right when manifested on the planets of tests such as Earth, always provokes the greatest revolution on the respective planet; unbelievers and deniers, are the first to think of suicide, when they see with their own eyes, what they never imagined seeing; such limited and complexed ones, will hide from the divine presence of the son of God; for fear that the Firstborn Son, will read their minds; the one who denied nothing and ridiculed nothing in the test of life, will hide from nothing; they are the simple and humble of heart; whose group is led by the children, the blessed ones of the planet; children up to twelve years of age, are the only ones who have no judgment from God; as was announced in the divine gospel of God; therefore it is easier for a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for a so-called adult of the test of life to enter; the moment is approaching when the child-geniuses will take charge of the destinies of the Earth; because every blessed one has rights both above and below; both in the Kingdom of Heaven, and in the distant planets of tests; the psychology of children will unify the world of the test; innocence will achieve, what never through the centuries, the so-called adults achieved; the supreme comes from innocence; just as the powers of the Kingdom, belong to infinite hierarchies of innocences; in the flying saucers the psychology of children is lived; just as the divine Father Jehovah lives it, in the Kingdom of Heaven; the creatures in the infinite cosmos, are joyful because at every moment, they are in perpetual contact with the infinite; they see the eternal cause, in their own individual causes; they have no doubt of what they are or what they will be; humanity has uncertainty, because in its reincarnation it asked for sensations of test; the uncertainties of humanity, come to an end, with the arrival of the knowledge of light; this is the explanation of the origin of all things; if things have no end, the explanation does not have it either; and not having an end the explanation, it invades everything; this extraordinary phenomenon, is what the divine parable means: By the fruit the tree is known; one of the characteristics of the fruit of God, is that when it is expressed on some planet of tests, it does so without limits; the divine influence of God, never passes into oblivion; it is easier for the things of the creatures who asked to be tested in a way of life to pass into oblivion; than for the Creator of them to be forgotten; in the flying saucers the common law is lived in all its needs; needs divine Father Jehovah? so it is son; they impose needs on themselves, to earn celestial light points, in their respective hierarchies in the perfection achieved; I will tell you son that the law of tests is in both the imperfect and the perfect; this teaches that even being perfect, one never stops learning; perfection has no end; it is as infinite as the very creation of God; thus the crew of the flying saucers learn much from the evolution of men; they learn what they do not know; this learning is apart from their powers; because they will always be infinitely superior to the human race; they are aware that every second lived, equals a future existence; they know that from evil one gains an existence in the darkness, within a second of evil; and they know that within a second of goodness, one gains an existence in a paradise; as they know the law of what awaits them, they impose tests on themselves, within their requests for reincarnation; in the test of life, men did not know how to value this immense truth; unique truth because at the end of the test of life, it comes to be known; that is why every scripture that exalted good, mentioned virtues; because only with the practice of virtues, was one influenced with psychology of light, in every second lived; moment by moment the human creature gains or loses new existences; the strange laziness that characterized the strange world arising from the strange laws of gold, provokes in those who practiced it, a tremendous weeping and gnashing of teeth; because the payment is deducted in existences per second; no strange lazy person, none will enter the Kingdom of Heaven nor has any entered; the loss of time in the test of life, is paid for by the second; because no one asked God, to be lazy or to waste time; because all thinking spirits knew the law of the microscopic; they knew of the most infinitely small, that the mind can imagine; they knew of the second-existence relationship; they knew that to have new life again, one had to strive in the most microscopic; they knew that to be great in number of existences, one had to conquer in the most microscopic unit of time; they knew that one had to conquer in the tiny, to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; in the flying saucers time is looked at with infinite respect; because without the alliance of time, no one achieves anything, in this part of the universe; the time lost by humanity, is enough for humanity, to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why it was written: Every spirit sleeps; strange sleep with sad awakening; reality imposes itself with weeping and gnashing of teeth; the test of life consisted, in creating a psychology for daily living, in which not a single second was lost; because every second lived, is in direct relation to the work of each one; it is easier for one who did not waste a single second, to receive his full light score, in the divine judgment of God; than for one who slept and let pass or waste just one second; the microscopic acquires colossal proportions and importance, in the divine judgment of God; because every second equals a future existence; never on Earth has something so microscopic, had such infinite value; nor will anything equal it; the small always triumphs on the planets of tests; humility is always magnified in the divine laws of the Eternal; true humility includes matter and spirit; includes the all over the all; in the flying saucers humility is represented by the divine Lamb of God; without the divine law of the Lamb, no one achieves entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; so it will be proven by the world of the test; the divine Lamb of God, will provoke the greatest of revolutions; in the flying saucers, divine preparations are made for his intervention; everything that was denied in the test of life, participates in the divine Final Judgment; that what was denied participates, is the divine triumph of all humility; many deny the celestial ships; such will also be denied, in the divine events of God’s judgment; the deniers earned their own shame in advance; because they did it knowingly; they knew that what is of God is infinite; they were warned in the Holy Scriptures; therefore the deniers of the infinity of God, sinned knowingly; this makes them face the divine wrath of the son of God; the world will curse them because in the divine wrath of the Firstborn Son, earthquakes and tsunamis are included; because of the deniers, religious, capitalists, arms manufacturers, the world will know moments of terror, in the weeping and gnashing of teeth; those named will be called strange; because what they were in the test of life, not even they asked God; no one asks God, for sensations that perpetuate inequality and division on the planets; the arms manufacturers knew, that as long as there were arms, the world of the test would remain divided; and yet they never stopped making them; as individuals they are condemned; they constitute the head of the beast; without them the beast would not exist; every arms manufacturer of the strange world of gold, has as many condemnations, as the number of molecules, that all the armament of the world contains; including the armament of the past; of what was and is no longer; the weeping and gnashing of teeth, is caused by the hardened of the beast; before the divine presence of the son of God, the arms manufacturers, will be filled with terror;

this terror is equivalent to all the fear that the world experienced, while there were weapons; while they turned a deaf ear, when the world cried out for world peace; this terror that such demons will experience, will represent the highest hierarchy of terror, that will be known during the weeping and gnashing of teeth, that is approaching this world; the arms manufacturers, sustained and maintained the beast; these demons from galaxies of darkness who asked God, to know a world of light, betrayed human laws and divine laws; because no one asks God, to break their own promises; truly I tell you son, that every arms manufacturer, will be declared a cursed entity by the son of God; this always happens when on infinite planets of tests, certain individuals take the strange libertinism, of manufacturing weapons; on solar television, the world of the test, will know them all; them and their families; because in every judgment of individuality, the inheritance up to the fourth generation is included; only children up to twelve years of age, are free from all judgment; because they are blessed; in the flying saucers there is a meticulous account, of all the arms manufacturers, of the world of the test; on such demons one of the greatest punishments, in the history of the Earth, will be inflicted; neither before nor after, will a greater punishment be known; the terror of the arms manufacturers, will be due to the fact that the son of God, will pursue them with seismic movements; the Firstborn Son will have unlimited power over all the elements of nature; the earth, the winds, the oceans, the fire will obey him; in the weeping and gnashing of teeth, it will be the guilty of such or such law, who will precipitate the divine anger of the son of God; it will not be the innocent nor much less the blessed children; all the violations of humanity, will be felt in a tremendous weeping and gnashing of teeth; there is an equal equivalence, between the sensations that were lived while the individuality did evil, and the sensations that will be felt in the weeping and gnashing of teeth; the payment or discount is molecule by molecule; for each molecule of violation of God’s law, another molecule is deducted, from the happiness that such or such spirit possesses; this is what is equivalent to an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; the reward of light, is also by molecule; for a molecule of goodness, a molecule of light is received; and a molecule of light, has the equivalence of a future existence gained; good produces existences for the spirit that cultivated good; evil reduces or diminishes the number of existences of light, that such or such spirit, could have gained; the test of life, was a giving and a taking, that was within oneself; if each one is judged by their own work, in the test of life, it is because from each one came their future destiny; the world of the test will face a weeping and gnashing of teeth, because its individual work, was not one of the best; because the planet Earth, had the misfortune of knowing a strange and unknown system of life, that none of those on Earth, none asked God for; if human beings had not known the strange capitalism, none would have to face a divine Judgment; because each human creature, would possess other customs of another psychology in their daily life; human ideals would have a glorious destiny, without having to go through a weeping and gnashing of teeth; the tragedy of humanity is constituted by its own system of life; which unfortunately its creators, are the ones who know the least about God; they know more about cunning and the laws of gold; they know more about possessing, than about how to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because of a group of merchants, who forced an entire planet, to live in a strange way of life, no human returns to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who did not know such merchants to enter the kingdom; than for one who had the misfortune of knowing them to enter; in the flying saucers they observe these merchants at all times; because they have very little left; the most exalted and the most influential, of the strange system of life arising from the strange laws of gold, are marked in the solar records of the flying saucers; because on them the divine wrath of the son of God will be unleashed first; the solar crew according to their solar hierarchies, they delve into the future; they come to know and before it happens, the future angers of the son of God; and by whom and for whom, the cause of such angers arose; they see the future in depth of science and its relationship with the living elements, with which the son of God will act; their science constitutes an understanding between solar intelligence and matter; in them every desire becomes a divine mandate, which is written in the Macrocosm called the Kingdom of Heaven; the higher the hierarchy in each crew member, the greater their knowledge regarding the future; they better understand the future actions of the son of God; it is the power of the solar fathers, solar trinities in the divine Father Jehovah; a divine and eternal loving subordination, that leads to endless creations of all kinds of universes, that the human mind can imagine; they know that a tragedy is approaching for the planet of tests, called Earth; they know that a divine planetary judgment is approaching; and they see the events and happenings of this future and near Judgment, on the solar television of the future; they possess television of the past, present and future; for them the events are consummated laws, although at the given moment, such events do not occur; the Firstborn Son will command by divine living telepathy entire fleets of flying saucers; it is the glory and majesty made cosmic power, in his divine Primogeniture; and every eye will see him giving divine orders, to the ships that for centuries were announced in the divine gospel of God; in the flying saucers they know that the bad ones of the planet, are the most influenced by gold; they from the flying saucers read minds; they know every purpose in every moment that passes; at all times since the Earth began as the head of a pin, they know everything; it is the solar wait for a world that asked for a planetary time of tests; for the flying saucers, the centuries elapsed on Earth, represent only a moment in their eternal times; that is why they let time pass; they fulfill evolutionary law in a hierarchy greater than that of the planet Earth; the other law by which they do not communicate massively with Earth, is the respect for the time of tests, that human creatures asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; they do not wish to be disturbers of the requests made to God; because otherwise, they would run the risk of being judged, for something they did on a certain planet, and that they did not ask for in the Kingdom of Heaven; no one commands themselves in their destiny asked of God; every intervention on distant planets, has to be written in the Kingdom of Heaven; the latter means that it was asked for in the kingdom of God; what is done on distant planets, without divine permission, is called strange to the Kingdom of Heaven; and all the strange that happened, gives rise to a divine judgment by the divine Creator of all things.-



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