Holy writings

Mark 9:50 “Salt is good! But if it stops being salty, how will they make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and live in peace with one another.”
Colossians 4:6 “May your conversation always be pleasant and in good taste. “This way they will know how to respond to each one.”
Philippians 2:14-15 “Do everything without complaint or strife, so that you may be blameless and pure, blameless children of God in the midst of a crooked and depraved generation. In it you shine like stars in the firmament.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, divine son; that is how it is: this parable means thinking about the general good; it symbolizes all the philosophies that have been the product of human intelligence; every country; every world; every family and every individual needs a guide; needs to be guided; for no one knows what to rely on; no one knows where they are going, nor where they come from; but, they should know; this divine knowledge is the salt of all eternal life; for it is to taste the divine fruit of my divine Commandments; it is to glorify the eternal salt, in every act of the fleeting life; without my divine intellectual light, no one achieves the true salt, of the fruit of life; no one will ever be able to conquer, any happiness; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be in all the infinite lives; of the infinite expansive thinking universe; no one has a salt that is not mine; everything that the creature tests and tastes, has come from me; I have allowed it; but, everything costs effort, according to the worlds; no one is given the divine salt, if not by their own merits; by their own determinations; in their divine free will; no one has the right, to disturb, the ideas of another son; unless, they do so, with divine conviction, that it will bring them, greater happiness; for the divine term, the salt of the Earth, is precisely, the divine free will of the divine innocence of the spirit; in divine search, for the best state of happiness; which in human life, is achieved amidst infinite circumstances; for the divine determinations, of each one; that promised to fulfill in the distant suns, are infinite; thus, to each particular human experience, corresponds a different taste of the salt of life; I mean, divine son, that each spirit, builds its own philosophical heaven; for every spirit, is divine thinking energy and eternally expansive and consecutive, to its own thinking actions; the divine salt, is constituted by the transformation that the creature experiences, according to its actions; for at every divine instant, there is eternal transformation; if the creature believes, that it is always the same, that it never changes; nor that it will ever change, it is mistaken; for, without it ever noticing, the salt of life, has infinitely varied, its own thinking; this means, that every determination, carries an infinite intention; and every intention carries a divine taste of salt; it can be sour, or it can be sweet; it all depends, on how the spirit, takes into divine account, its own experiences; human life, lives influenced by illusion; and almost always, does not realize it; for, illusion, makes it accommodating; to the point that it likes the salt of pride; of mental abandonment; the spirit is seen, enclosed in limited feelings; for all philosophical salt, that my divine free will has not given to the world, is not eternal; for it is of imperfect inspiration; it is human; it is a fleeting philosophy, compared to the eternity of the spirit; every spirit, is also a divine thinking materialized salt; for my divine inheritance, also contains it; the solar fathers of infinite wisdoms, have also inherited it; there is no thinking being, that does not possess it; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; this means that of all the salts of life, only that which has fulfilled my divine law of love will be eternalized; no other will perpetuate, nor have descendants in my divine light; for it is written, that one cannot serve two masters; one cannot serve two philosophies; for my divine Commandments contain the divine light, of love, to magnify every spirit, in a single and divine philosophy of universal love; a divine Father, does not divide his children, with philosophies, that do not represent, eternity itself; therefore, no human philosophy, will ever unify the world; for all without exception, are not guided by my divine Sacred Scriptures; all of them, rest on human ambition; none possess the divine communism of love; none have achieved nor will achieve, to unify the spirits of the Lord; and everything that divides my divine flock, is not a tree planted by the divine Father Jehovah; and it will be uprooted; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; all government experiments, will not endure; for man governs man, and for man; does not govern in a philosophy of love; governs in a cursed philosophy of exploitation; governs souring the salt of life, of my divine flock; such, will curse a thousand times having done so; for their memories, will be cursed, by every future generation; they will be remembered, as the worst scourge that the planet Earth has had; that is how the great ones of the world wanted it; it is the punishment they sought for themselves; for by their own will, they distanced themselves from divine humility; they distanced themselves from my divine light; they preferred the comfortable and worldly life; the life that gives no eternity; only commits the spirit to it; for everyone who does not comply with my divine law of love, limits themselves; for their heaven, stops propelling them towards the light; descends in the divine plan of creation; for every divine planetary creation, represents a divine communist philosophy among infinite cherubim, of the thinking matter; this divine and sublime philosophy is what produces the divine and eternal harmony that reigns in the infinite expansive thinking universe; it is the supreme perfection of terrestrial worlds; it represents the infinite dreams and greatness of the divine free will; a divine and materialized free will; whose divine fruit are the colossal worlds, that divinely wander through the infinite cosmos; it is the divine harmony of existence that has expanded; and sown with divine pearls, the infinite virgin spaces; this means that in all the infinite, there is a divine cultivation of divine galactic seeds; divine starting point, of future planets; for, it is written, that one must be small and humble, to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; this is both for creatures, and for gigantic worlds; worlds of terrifying sizes; in which the Earth is tiny, next to a grain of sand; for in distant galaxies, the Earth is considered as a microscopic sand; in which they know how it will disappear from the infinite universe; and they also know, that in this tiny grain of sand, there are microbes with rudimentary and primitive intelligence; I refer, divine son, to terrestrial spirits; for in those worlds, they have already passed through the worlds of flesh; in immemorial times when neither the Earth nor the current suns of the infinite universe had yet emerged; yes, divine son; I have read your divine mind once more; that is how it is; there are worlds of astonishing perfection; and yet, they are violators of my divine word; they are rebellious worlds; that challenge my divine power; they do not know in themselves, that there is only one and eternal Creator; for in these worlds, they worship other gods; other solar wisdoms; who are my divine elder sons; they are not firstborn sons like you, divine son; for to be so, one must possess the divine greatness of divine humility; and you, divine son, have already surpassed your divine and own scale; that is to say that everything in you is divinely perfect; this divine perfection, is demonstrated by commanding nature itself; is demonstrated by conversing with it; for the divine creative eternity, understands itself with one of its infinite creators; or divine solar builders; who starting as a divine and humble gardener, became a divine firstborn; among infinite more; but that assimilate to one; for they fulfill divine solar laws; divine perfection is understood with perfection; even more;

for, in them lies the divine living intellectuality; the only one that creates and will create infinite universes; that carry within themselves, the divine creative inheritance; thus, the molecules of all nature, recognize the salt of eternal life in their own Creator; for there are infinite kinds of philosophical life salt; but, all those that deviate a bit from my divine salt of love, will be judged; because that is how they were taught; such is, the cursed salt of the Vatican sect; that confused the divine universal work, with the cursed and perpetual material worship; it is the same cursed salt of the cursed pharaoh gods; for these demons wanted to perpetuate themselves in the cursed pyramids; and also in cursed idols; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; the divine philosophical salt of each spirit, will be rigorously weighed in the divine Solar Scales; for only those that preserve the divine philosophy of a child, will enter my divine abode; and will be among the first, to be divinely resurrected; this means that all of them never paid attention, to the fleeting pains of life; that in everything, they illuminated it with their joy; eternal glory to them!! who possess the infinite joy of the divine little lamb; yes, little son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; I have seen, divine son, that infinite multitudes of my angels of light surround you; and I see because I have ordered it, multitudes of human beings that follow you; they are as many, as human eyes have never seen nor will ever see; yes, divine Father Jehovah; I see myself surrounded by infinite angelic beings; I see them inside and outside beautiful silver ships; they are of colossal sizes; for I see that one of them, darkens the Earth; yes, divine son, that is how it is; it is your divine glory; for it is written, that you would return in glory and majesty; for by redeeming one more world, you receive your divine reward; it is the divine glory that with sweat and tears you earned; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; this means that everything costs in eternity; for in my divine celestial world, everyone is assigned divine missions; no one ever constitutes the exception; nor will anyone ever constitute it; this means that all will be divinely received in the Heavens, according to the divine salt of divine thinking life that their spirit created, in its union with the body of flesh; for if all human beings, are tested, that is precisely the salt of life; for only those who emanated worthy salt of love, for their fellow beings, those are the first to be divinely rewarded with the divine resurrection of the flesh; for my divine addition is eternity itself; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; the Holy Trinity is everywhere; it is divinely expansive, as are my infinite universes; for there is no creation, in which it is not; the Holy Trinity encloses within itself, all the salts of all lives; for it went through all divine experience; it, the Holy Trinity is the glory of the infinite; for there is no glory, without it being there; it is the divine living intellectuality; for from the divine thought it creates the infinite worlds of the infinite material universe; and leaves in them, the divine inheritance; the divine salt; for there is no life, that does not have divine experience; for to gain experience it was created; for it is written, that only with divine work, one reaches my divine abode; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; the divine law with which human life was conceived, came from the Alpha and Omega suns; and everything created by them, still expands; that is to say, it multiplies; for, the Earth will end, and the divine mandate of: let there be light, and there was light, will continue creating worlds and suns; terrestrial science, knows nothing of how creation was made; only you, divine son, know it; it is written that only a divine Firstborn Son, gives light to the world; for that is why you have come again to the world; you do not come to preach; you come to judge the world; for to each one, what is Caesar’s, is Caesar’s; and what is divine, is divine; for each one has their own mission in life; the greatest danger, consists in magnifying oneself more than the divine Father; but, everyone who has done so, regrets it; for they violate the very laws, of their own spiritual eternities; it was what happened to the cursed pharaonic solar gods; they believed they had more power, than their own Creator; for they knew many sciences; but, they turned them into rocks of selfishness; for their own spirits hardened; to the point of enslaving their brothers of terrestrial reincarnation; that is why, the divine Father Jehovah, uprooted them from the planet Earth; for otherwise, all my terrestrial children, would be today, their slaves; but even so, I have allowed the world to enjoy free will; from which it draws its own experiences; for, my divine law of love has not been fulfilled; the terrestrial world tests and continues to test, salts of life, that are not laws of love; for there still exists the cursed exploitation of man by man; there still remains the cursed pharaonic influence; there still exists the cursed empire of force; there still exists a group of incarnate demons, who exploit the pride of my children; there still exists the demon of money that divides my divine flock; between poor and rich; between arrogant and dispossessed; there still exist cursed rich people; who are the only cause of human pain; for they feed the cursed philosophy of ambition, based on the exploitation of their brothers; but, none will remain; for they will be cut off in such cursed propagation, of a philosophy that your divine Father Jehovah has never taught; every thinking philosophy brings with it customs; these customs are transmitted and perpetuated from father to son; and from generation to generation; until reaching the total forgetfulness, of their own Creator; this is what I have called, the perdition of my children, by the science of good; for the science of good, rests on the cursed philosophy of ambition of a group of demons, called the rich of the world; they are the economic executioners of my children of honest work; and they are the only ones responsible, for the weeping and gnashing of teeth, that awaits all humanity; for these cursed ones a divine Final Judgment was written; for no one wishes to be of death; so that no one is of death, I gave, to the terrestrial world, my divine and Sacred Scriptures; I, the divine Father Jehovah, ask the world: has my divine word been fulfilled? I know terrestrial children, that the answer of your spirits, will make the violators of my divine word tremble with fear and dread; for just as I create life, so I also take it away; for I am the divine author of all that exists in the infinite spaces; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; I ask my children: does the cursed scandal exist on your planet Earth? has any woman shown herself naked to the world? have my children scandalized, with fashions that give rise to murmuring? have they exploited my humble children in all the cursed forms of exploitation? have they scandalized to the point of blushing my innocent children? if so, poor you!! for it is written that before offending, even in a microscopic way, one of my little ones, it is better not to have been born; if your life, with cursed intention has deceived one of my children, it would have been better not to have asked for planetary life, in the distant suns; yes terrestrial children; that is how it is and that is how it will be; for the ages of ages; this means that no arrogant person will pass; in divine justice, only the humble of heart prevail; for they are divine philosophical fruits of my divine Commandments; they are my divine chosen ones; who being in the same fleeting conditions in a world of exploitative philosophy; with respect to the arrogant, were fearful and respectful of my divine word; which was divinely written, to test every human spirit; in its transit through the life of the planets; no one was forced to come to the planetary worlds; and if they were, it is because they violated my divine word in other worlds; for every fault committed by the spirit, repercusses in itself; compromising the future of its own eternity; for according to the fault committed, so are its own conditions of life; for, divine perfection is achieved with pain and sweat, starting with one’s own imperfection; for that is how we all were; including the divine Father Jehovah himself; for, if he had not experienced the divine imperfection, through which my children pass, he would ignore it, and your eternal Father, would not be perfect; but, I do it by divine imposition; for every father must set the most perfect example for his children; starting with the supreme Father, who can do everything; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; this means that through every divine virtue has passed the divine Father Jehovah;

creator of all the lives that populate the expansive thinking universe; for I am the all over the all; therefore, no creature of the infinite space, can throw in my face, that their divine Father Jehovah is imperfect in something, in his infinite knowledge and power; two divine concepts that are my divine pearls of my divine intellectual harvest; without them, no kind of life would exist; everything would remain darkness; yes, divine son; I have read your divine mind once more; the darkness was solar fluids; that is to say, they were suns lacking any philosophy; according to the divine light, that your divine Father Jehovah, has sown through the infinite universes; the solar darkness, existed and still exists because the eternal Father so wills it; for nothing disturbs me; I am from before all divine thinking; all things seen and imagined, came from me; for I am the only Father of all creatures; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; I will tell you, divine son, that the darkness has its own laws; but, when they violate the divine law of love, they are cursed; the violation consists in disturbing the divine spiritual peace of my children; each child of the light, has traced their own divine destiny in the distant planets; when one is on Earth, one suffers according to how the divine mind is influenced by the spirit; for the spirit delights in life; and the mind determines; the first feels subjugated; the second is determinant; that is to say, the mind feels driven, to accept the taste of the salt of life, with which it is fed by the spirit itself; this means that between mind and spirit there exists the eternal and sublime struggle to create thinking universes that carry in their own germ, the same inheritance; that is to say, in the distant spaces, worlds are born whose philosophy came from a thinking being already materialized in microscopic mental light, of microscopic intellectual degree; what in the divine Father Jehovah is infinite and colossal, in my little children is microscopic; to such a degree, that those who believe themselves colossal, are divine living microbes; for it is written, that one must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why it was also written; that from dust you are and to dust you will return; for a colossal planet, is nothing more than a grain of sand, that ends up disappearing, before my divine dimension; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; divine justice is born from the very small; for from every action committed, infinite fluids emanate; that are at once of darkness and of light; for every thinking creature, is a divine part of the all over the all; and so it will be for all eternity; this means creating worlds and universes with divine knowledge of cause; it is also becoming a sublime creator and divine builder of philosophical universes; to which eternities later, will provide the divine light; constituting with this, a divine Firstborn; for with their own mental fluids, that world was divinely created; and it is not only one world; but they are infinite; whose galactic seeds, travel through space in divine expansive form; for the ideas of every thinking creature, never cease to propagate in the infinite; creating with them worlds that can be divine paradises, or cursed hells; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; every philosophical fruit born of the free will of every spirit, expands towards the infinite; without the creature realizing it; only those who understand and study my divine eternity, take a microscopic step towards its divine understanding; only the one who has faith advances towards it; my divine Sacred Scriptures lead to it; it is the divine light that guides every spirit, towards its own galactic goal; without them there is no destiny; but, those who turn their backs on it, become spiritual rocks; they themselves put on the condemnation; for with their arrogant attitudes, they only create worlds and universes of disbelief and arrogance; they are producers of future hells; yes, Firstborn Son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; the salt of each one, is eternalized, as a divine consequence, of the divine Creative inheritance; therefore, the creature itself is the builder of its own destinies; in its fleeting passage through the infinite planets; that is why it was divinely written: Each one forges their own heaven; it is a divine product of their own ideas, in heavens that have already passed for the spirit; in worlds that are and worlds that are no longer; only the experience lived in those worlds remains for the spirit; and a vague memory of them; the degree of memory of having lived in other galaxies, is divinely proportional to the degree of intuition reached by the spirit in its divine evolution; all creatures that pass through the infinite planets, testing infinite salts of life, are all creatures that wish to emulate the Creator Father himself; for so wills my divine free will; no spirit is in material life, just for wanting to be; for everything in my divine creation has a purpose; has a goal; has a divine destiny; all my spirits, have traced a divine plan of divine perfection; they are divine promises made to the divine Father Jehovah; in the distant and colossal suns; my divine solar luminaries, await them at every divine instant; for what is seen in the distant suns, is something abysmal; there one enters and exits; seas of infinite spirits are seen departing to the distant planets; all carry sublime promises; the scenes of divine farewells, seen there, are so moving, that they would make all humanity cry; they would paralyze the worlds in their daily tasks, if they saw the unheard-of solar scenes; terrestrial humanity, is only one, of the infinite and microscopic humanities that came out of the suns; there were born and are born all the worlds that populate the expansive thinking universe; nothing that exists and has existed has ceased to come out of my divine solar luminaries; from the divine instant in which the divine Father Jehovah said: Let there be light, and the divine light was made; infinite suns were created; taken out of the very darkness; this happened eternities of material time ago; for the divine solar creations, are carried out in the divine celestial time; in which no one ages; for there the divine solar purity prevails; which all possess; but which the same hardships and trials of the fleeting life, harden; make it disappear momentarily; for, even the divine purity, offers to undergo divine tests; for it is written, that every spirit is tested in planetary life; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; this means that the entire divine mechanism of the divine thinking of each one, goes through a divine terrestrial test; for every spirit is divinely saturated, with galactic matter; by its transit in other worlds; the divine harvest of each one of them, is the divine living intellectuality; it is the only one that survives everything; for it is the divine salt of the lives spent on other planets; the salt of life, is the experience achieved by every spirit; and its total triumph, is divinely related, to what the spirit promised to fulfill, before detaching from distant suns; for every existence, sooner or later renders divine account of the time spent in the material universes;

for everyone who wants to be like the Father, must first be small and humble; for that was my divine beginning; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; your divine Father Jehovah has gone through everything; for I have been and am the first and only author of what I was and what my children are now; I am the divine author of the first inheritance; the only and divine one; the one that survives everything imagined; for without it, no one could imagine; that divine inheritance is my divine thinking spirits; those who in infinite quantities, populate the infinite planets of the infinite expansive thinking universe; for as my children create ideas and images, they expand their own universes; their own heavens; their own eternities; their own destinies; their own spiritual hierarchies; their own galactic destinies; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; forever and ever; the solar Holy Trinity, is in every spirit; the divine suns, were also human spirits; they were also little monkeys, in colossal worlds that are no longer; for they existed and still exist from eternities ago; from before the planet Earth emerged; for the Earth is not the only inhabited world; for my divine eternity, is not measured with terrestrial mathematics; it can only be calculated, with the divine purity of the spirit; the purer one of my children is, the more they penetrate my divine essence; being you, divine son, the first to be so; that is why, you are given to know everything; you are the divine living knowledge; for being my divine Firstborn, you are the divine living God; only divinities transform worlds; that is what happened when you reincarnated in the divine Jesus of Nazareth; you were and are, a divine solar God; for every firstborn is a divine sun of divine wisdom; your divine abode, are the distant suns; for that was divinely written; you said it, divine son, when you were the savior of human thought: Where I go, you cannot go; you referred, divine son, to the distant Alpha and Omega suns; yes, divine son; that is how it was and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; the divine salt of life of every thinking being, is subject to the whims of the most cunning of the world, those who deceive my divine flock, and everyone who exalts themselves before the world forgetting my divine word, leads the world to darkness; for only the divine Creator knows the future of each of his children; each spirit is a divine magnetic-philosophical focus in divine action; it happens that multitudes of my children are attracted by negative focuses in divine philosophy; this attraction has created the cursed tyrants that the world has known; only divinities with their divine doctrines, overthrow these tyrants; for every human idea, feels shaken in the presence of the divine; no tyrant can do anything against the divine events that shake the worlds, in their respective eras; for, every revolution, is born from the very eternity of the being; it is born from the spirit; it is born from the part that does not perish of the human body; no mundane force or law, defeats them; and if it does, it is only temporarily; yes, Firstborn Son; that is how it is: Just as I have put it in your divine mind; so the world will tremble, before your divine presence; the honorable Dalai Lamas, have the divine glory, of being the first, to make you known to the world; and along with the divine Revelation; the most sublime of all; the one that humanity has been waiting for centuries; your divine Celestial Science will be made known to the world; for it is written, that by the divine intellectual fruit, the divine tree of origin is known; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; once again, the world will contemplate, what it never imagined; the divine transformation of a Firstborn Son, into a brilliant sun of divine wisdom, yes, divine son; that is how it is: You will progressively become a divine solar creature; that is to say, a divine golden aura will surround your divine body; it is the same divine aura that you had, being Jesus of Nazareth in the terrestrial past; yes, divine son; I know that the strong earthquake surprised you; had I not divinely announced it to you? that is how it is, divine Father Jehovah; I know, that by your divine power, many more will come; yes, divine son; that is how it is: it means, that the divine cherubim who govern the molecules of the Earth, recognize you as the divine Comforter promised to the world; they are the first to do so; for it is written, that the small and humble, are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; yes, little son; that is how it is: Every humble person will be exalted; and every exalted person humbled; for that was divinely written; the divine law of creation, is in you, divine son; you will move terrestrial nature; this means that not only the humble and small of the terrestrial world are the first before their divine Creator; but also, infinite and microscopic beings; they have always accompanied the human creature in its transit through the planet; they are divine creatures that enter and leave the terrestrial abode; some human spirits see them; and marvel at their divine laws; and do not understand that having the divine cherubim infinite power, they are at the same time infinite in humility and sweetness; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; for their divine powers range from the microscopic solar magnetic line, to becoming dazzling silver ships; the same ones that enter the terrestrial atmosphere; and that many unbelievers deny; these arrogant ones do not know, that they are denying their own divine germ of eternity; for the divine silver ships, also had, a divine and humble terrestrial galactic beginning; that is to say, they were also little monkeys of flesh; they began as divine spirits, in remote and colossal worlds that are no longer; for my divine law is infinite creation; the Earth will never be my only creation; if it were so, then my divine power would not be infinite; it would not be everywhere; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; this means that my divine creative and philosophical salt would not dominate in infinite love; for all superior power, comes to endure in time and space, when it is superior in love over all other thinking philosophies; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; for it represents the best and eternal guarantee, for all others; for my divine creation, is not only limited to the philosophy of a terrestrial little monkey; but my divine free will, allows other infinite philosophies, of infinite planets, to multiply to such a degree, as their own minds, are capable of creating; that is why each creature forges its own heaven; its own future abode; for every idea that comes out of the minds of my children, materializes and expands through the infinite; being each one of my children, a future builder of their own eternity; I say future, divine son, because the terrestrial creature does not know for sure, what its own origin was; and knowing it in the new and divine Revelation, it will no longer be in darkness;

will know with fright, that according to the divine model of life they led on Earth, so will be their future eternity; yes, divine son; that is how it is; just as I read it in your divine mind: The weeping and gnashing of teeth is a consequence of this; for I will tell you, divine son, that few are the children of the terrestrial flock, who have been guided in life, by my divine Commandments; all have violated my divine law of love; even in the simplest laws of daily living; one of them being, eating the flesh of their own brothers of divine and fleeting planetary life test; for all are my children, who have had the same moment of solar creation; and therefore, have the same destiny; no one in my divine creation, is less before me; all without exception, have the same goal of loving greatness; whoever says otherwise, becomes a demon; for thus they will be building their own future hells; for, it is written that every idea materializes in the distant galaxies; and whoever thinks and acts contrary to my divine laws of light of love, rejects them; and only the path of philosophical darkness remains; for with selfish thoughts, they are self-constructing their own worlds; whose philosophy was created by their own mind; this means that the philosophical salt of my divine light, has vanished; and is despised by the children who have been guided by my divine light; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; the divine free will is the Alpha and the Omega of everything that exists; if the divine free will did not exist, neither would the divine Commandment of let there be light; for everything; absolutely everything, has come from my infinite celestial power; this means that my divine creation, is only understood, only when one is humble; for every humble of heart has power in the infinite heavens; for no other philosophy than divine humility, enters into divine eternity; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be for the ages of ages; that is why no rich person will ever enter my divine kingdom; for they have already built themselves, with their own arrogance, material hells; where the same cursed philosophy prevails, that was born from their own ideas; in their passage through material life; from a microscopic planet of little monkeys; called Earth; and whose philosophy would frighten the very angels; for the terrestrial little monkeys, eat their own brothers and exploit each other; forgetting my divine Commandments; which for centuries and centuries have been teaching this rebellious little monkey, that divine glory is only achieved, by obeying the divine Father Jehovah; that the death of the body is preferable, before violating the most microscopic part of the divine truth; for the uncontrollable force of becoming eternal on Earth, can be compared to nothing; and only the divine truth lived by each one, will give it to them; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; this means that every salt with which the creature made itself taste by its own inclinations, is infinite in divine proportion; that is to say, that having in human life, two prevailing forces, good and evil, the divine destiny of every human creature is also reduced to two paths in divine eternity; either they won the light or they won their own darkness; this means, that one cannot serve two masters; either one is of my divine glory, or one is of the cursed Satan; there are no other destinies; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; this divine law is from eternities ago; it is from long before the infinite lands that existed before the current Earth, of human little monkeys; and it is infinitely long before, the current suns; yes, divine son; that is how it is; just as I read it in your divine mind: good and evil, are from long before any creature of flesh; for my divine creation is so infinite, that infinite universes of worlds of other divine creations, are unaware of it; therefore, my divine creation that began with the divine: Let there be light, and the light was made, is not exclusive to the worlds of flesh; nor will it ever be; for the divine Father has no exclusive children; for my divine creative power does not stop at anything; I have created everything; and my divine power can never be calculated; only my divine and infinite firstborns can see my divine glory; and all my children without exception, come and will come to be so; for even the king spirit, succumbs to my divine loving-creative power; for Satan was also created in divine love; he was also a divine angel; who violated his own laws of evolution; went through and still goes through a harsh and cursed experience; I, your divine Father Jehovah, await him; I hope he returns to the light; which he abandoned momentarily; and thus it will be fulfilled once more, that every salt that is not of the Father Jehovah, does not endure; and is forgotten forever and ever; for, the cursed philosophy of evil, was not created by your divine Father Jehovah; I, your divine Father Jehovah, allowed its creation; for nothing, absolutely nothing, is done without my divine permission; this divine permission, the demons ignore; for these cursed ones, only believe in themselves; it is the cursed arrogance, born from some free wills, that constitutes a demon; all sweetness, has come from me; and every demon, sooner or later returns to my divine sweetness; the eternal Father never loses in his divine loving philosophy; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever; I know, little son, that you are divinely thinking about your divine spiritual tests; and I know that you already know that every divine virtue, such as your divine telepathic sprout, is tested; as all the spirits that have passed through the Earth are tested; you, Firstborn Son, do not need to be tested; for you are already a divine Firstborn; but it is written, that every great one must give a divine proof of humility; must do so, to shame, the so-called great ones of the world; that is how you gave your own life, in the terrestrial past; it was to teach the great ones of Roman materialism, that the greater and more powerful one is, the more humble one must be; for to every great one of the world, greater accounts will be asked, in the heights of the heavens; therefore, all temporal power, is a serious and delicate responsibility; whoever, being great in a world, and violates even a microscopic part of my divine Commandments, curses in the distant suns, having been born to life; for every creature, is a divine part of the all over the all; it is the divine law of eternal and expansive creation; that does not stop at anything; and it molds itself, according to the ideas and actions that each spirit generated in life; that is why my divine justice will frighten the violators of my divine creation; yes, divine son; that is how it is and that is how it will be forever and ever.-


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