Proverbs 19:9 “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who speaks lies will perish.”
Exodus 20:16 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Ephesians 4:25 “Therefore, putting away lies, speak truth each of you to his neighbor; for we are members one of another.”
Yes little one; every government official will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they will be accused before the Father of complicity in a way of life that is not in his scriptures; they knew there was a divine mandate; they knew of the existence of the Commandments; but they were blind; they allowed themselves to be deluded without delving into the very events of their lives; for these spirits, it was more important to become a good earthly official than a good child of the Eternal; truly I tell you, you asked to be born to serve the Father above all things; but you did not even learn the scriptures; you are children of sacrifice according to the world; and not according to the Father; truly I tell you, even if you have earned worldly points for serving others in worldly needs, you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because what you did was not done in the name of the Father; if what was done in your lives had been done in the name of the Father, the Father would receive you in the kingdom; truly I tell you, every government official who earned a salary higher than that of the humble will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because it was commanded that every humble person is first before the Father; humility is poverty itself; that came out of a system in which you were complicit; for you contributed to its reign; none of you resigned in the face of so much hypocrisy and immorality; if one of you had done so, I assure you that such a child would enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it was of no use to you to have served the followers of gold; truly I tell you, every service done to others with interest does not receive payment in the kingdom; and every service rendered by you to others has a discount of two-thirds of the total points earned; so if a child earned a trillion points for serving others, the mere fact of doing it for pay reduces the trillion points to one-third; because you cannot serve two masters; you cannot serve two philosophies; you could not serve interest and at the same time God; because the spirit is divided; and no divided spirit enters the Kingdom of Heaven; only Satan divides himself; truly I tell you, every score that serves two masters is also divided; and you move further away from the Kingdom of Heaven; with each passing moment, you are further away; because the Father’s justice passes second by second in every life; and even in less than a second; the distancing from the Kingdom of Heaven moment by moment only stops when the creature stops serving two masters; when it stops serving an immoral master for a more moral one; here is your downfall, government officials of a strange way of life; you promised the Father to serve without interest; you did the opposite of your promise; from you came the weeping and gnashing of teeth; you were efficient in the material and unfortunate in the spiritual for serving two masters.-
Yes little one; this celestial drawing teaches the distancing from the Kingdom of Heaven; flying saucers are angels of light that control the universe; the small colored circles are human ideas that travel to the cosmos; every idea that has traveled since the beginning of the world has been collected by these celestial ships; they have the same divine work with human spirits and all species of nature; truly I tell you, no one has entered the Kingdom of Heaven, because a universal government based on the scriptures of the Father was not formed; terrestrial humanity thus promised the Father, above all things; no matter how much perfection this world has achieved, it will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because above all perfection is obedience to the Father; whoever does not consider the Father does not consider glory for himself; truly I tell you, every father and mother who did not prefer the Father above all things also left their children out of the Kingdom of Heaven; because all flesh is hereditary of the knowledge of its creators; every molecule of flesh is influenced by the spirit; all flesh inherits the same development given by the parents; no matter how much the children perfect themselves, the influence of their parents is always over them; when all human spirits asked for free will on this planet Earth; they asked the Father to try to create communism in their teachings; those teachings are the scriptures of Father Jehovah; scriptures and Commandments; no one asked to be divided, much less to forget the common promise to the Father; here is the world divided in the use of its free will; here is the work of the demons of debauchery; because all freedom created from a way of life that did not take the Father into account is debauchery of the creatures; who, having had a divine mandate, did not fulfill it; truly I tell you, none of your champions who spoke to you of freedom have entered the Kingdom of Heaven; nor any of their followers; because the freedom they proclaimed is freedom with strange morality; arising from concepts that violated the law of the Father; no freedom is gained if in its name the mandates of the Father are trampled; truly I tell you, every war and every slaughter that this world had and has is paid eye for eye, tooth for tooth, cell for cell, molecule for molecule, hair for hair; first is God’s above all things; here is the fall of those who spoke to you of freedom; the freedom of your ancestors shames the Father; because this world gave itself freedom without its humble being the first; truly I tell you, all those who formed governments after conquering freedom, none gave the first fruits to the humblest of the humble; knowing those enlightened ones, that every humble person is first in the divine mandates; here is a weeping and gnashing of teeth; here a bandage of blindness falls; here is what was true and was not; here is the fall of some demons who asked to test their philosophies of freedom in a world of light; here is the false history of the Earth; here you have venerated the antichrists; those who killed and took advantage of the name of the Father; truly I tell you, it is enough to violate a microscopic part of the Father’s mandates, and one is an antichrist to the corresponding degree; here are the demons of force; from a violation of the Father’s law, they derive a cause; cause of death in eternity; because he who kills by the sword dies by the sword; he who uses force falls by force; in future existences when the spirit asks to pay for the deaths it caused to others in past existences; when it asks to do so eye for eye and tooth for tooth; truly I tell you, for each victim, trillions of existences are paid outside the Kingdom of Heaven; because a creature has trillions of cells; and none of them is less before the Father; the Father listens to all of them; because he created them all; was it not taught to you that God created everything? truly I tell you, that being microscopic cells, they are great in the Kingdom of Heaven; they acquire colossal sizes; so immense that if you saw them, you would be filled with dread; and cell by cell, they complain to the Father when they have been killed before fulfilling their time in life; because everything that exists asked for its time to fulfill its own laws; truly I tell you, even the time stolen from the cells complains before the Father; here is the living universe of Father Jehovah; here is the future philosophy of the universe in this world; here is a universe that has always existed; here is the end of your forgetfulness regarding the place from where you come; here I am the light of knowledge; starting from the point where you were created; because there is no complete knowledge if you do not know where you came from; here is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end; beginning and end of a way of life that asked for forgetfulness of its place of origin; here is the end of the world of the test; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of a world that being tested because it asked for it, fell in the chosen test; here is the tragedy of a world that violated the law; here is the surprise asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; like the surprise caused by a thief at night; here is the end of exploitative materialism; here is the fall of Satan; because no one will want to work for the creators of exploitation; because more and more, their followers move away from the Kingdom of Heaven; moment by moment; here is the greatest revolution of this world; so great it will be that it will change the world; a new world is born; truly I tell you, whoever was of the world will not enter the new world; no worldly person enters; truly I tell you, no knowledge of exploitative materialism will remain; it is easier for an ignorant person of the world that is leaving to remain than for one who learned knowledge by violating the law of the Father to remain; truly I tell you, you will see the resurrection of all flesh; but to win the supreme prize, one must not have violated the law of the Creator; truly I tell you, no deceiver of this world will be resurrected in the flesh; they will fulfill the law of death; only the humble of heart are rewarded; here is another weeping and gnashing of teeth; everyone who did not believe in the resurrection of their own physical body will not be resurrected; because they simply did not believe; truly I tell you, it is enough not to believe, and you do not receive; he who believes receives; here is the faith of the Kingdom of Heaven, you were commanded to cultivate faith; when the Firstborn Son told you: faith moves mountains; he meant to tell you: faith can do everything;
if men of genius did not have faith in their inventions, there would be no inventions; what is above is the same as what is below; whoever denies below, expects nothing above; and the resurrection of the flesh is sent to you from above; and it has always been below; because I will be among you until the end of the ages; here is the law of being born again; or law of reincarnation; because my Firstborn Son is born and dies, is born and dies again; just as you do; and not for that reason does he cease to be eternal; you have always had him in the world and he has never manifested himself; because all the time requested in life must be fulfilled; and the Trinity Son fulfills what was divinely given to him; and manifests when the divine Father orders it by living telepathy; just as it was in the past; when he incarnated in Moses and Christ; here is the Trinity on a divine mission; and as you were taught: by the fruit the tree is known; only the Trinity gives the light of what was never known; what you already know does not need to be repeated; but what you did in life is judged; because that is how you asked for it in the Kingdom of Heaven; you asked for Final Judgment and forgetfulness of how the Judgment would be; because you asked to be tested in everything you are; and you were tested and now you are judged; here is the end of the Alpha; and the end of the beginning; the first stage of life in this world; a primitive period; because what is to come is true science; without belittling your science; only that it did not take the Father into account in its investigations; it was annulled; because without the Father, no one is eternalized; it is easier for one who was humble and despised to achieve eternity in this world than for all the scientists and wise men this world has had to achieve it; truly I tell you, that the final judgments of the Father, when they are present in the worlds, make all pride and all darkness that reigned in the requested time fall; truly I tell you, that only the Father and his living doctrines transform the worlds; just as it happened in the past; here is the Revelation you asked for; you asked for the Scrolls of the Lamb of God; but the first ones who were given to see them denied them; just as they denied a revelation that was presented to the world in the name of the Father, so they will also be denied; truly I tell you, that because of these unbelievers, you are further away from the Kingdom of Heaven; because your repentance should have occurred several years ago; they are trillions of seconds, which correspond to trillions of existences, that you must fulfill outside the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of those who asked to be the first to receive the revelation; it would have been better for them not to have asked to be the first; truly I tell you, that the world will curse them; it will blame them for the delay in giving the news of the Father; the most painful delay that has occurred in this world; truly I tell you, that everyone without exception promised the Father that everything related to him would be the first in the world; was it the first? certainly not; if the Father had been the first in this world, certainly the history of this world would be different; if your Father had been the first, this world would not have known exploitation in any imagined form; no immorality or scandal would be known; certainly by your works, it is known that the Father was not first in this world; for no human work reaches the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that only by being born again could you enter the Kingdom of Heaven; asking for a new existence there is a new opportunity; that is why it was written: he who is not born again does not see the kingdom of God; because only in a state of innocence does one enter the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that your creators who gave you the capitalist way of life will have to answer for the trampling of the innocence of millions of children; because by knowing money, they knew vices; if they had not known money, they would not have known vices; truly I tell you, that it is easier for one who has never heard of capitalism to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who has heard; because the ears complain of having heard a living violation, which they did not promise to hear in the Kingdom of Heaven; the world you lived in will be shaken to its core; because the most hidden part of the spirit will be judged; because being God everywhere, he is in the most hidden part that the mind can imagine; truly I tell you, that even the nothingness that the mind imagined is judged in the Kingdom of Heaven; because nothingness has the same rights as materiality in its laws; no one is less in rights before the Father; equality is in everyone in their respective laws; truly I tell you, that by being born again, each of you changes knowledge; because a new existence brings new knowledge; but in each existence and in each world, there are Sacred Scriptures that must be fulfilled; not all are the same; because there is everything in the vineyard of the Father; the scriptures of the Father are given to the worlds according to their evolution; every scripture runs parallel to the understanding of the creatures of the world; or of the worlds; thus the current Revelation would not serve for another era of the world; because the concepts of the spirit are in other dimensions; in another quality and quantity; truly I tell you, that every scripture of the Father was a divine agreement between the Creator and his creatures; it was a common agreement in which each individuality would interpret it in its own way trying to imitate the celestial communism it saw in the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that everything that is imitated from the Kingdom of Heaven in the distant planets, even in the most microscopic, is earned points; because it is a degree of faith of supreme quality and quantity; no one asked the Father to do the opposite of what he saw in the Kingdom of Heaven; everything that is seen in the kingdom amazes every spirit; and the spirits of the universe know that the most microscopic imitation brings them celestial points of light; here is why everyone promised to fulfill God’s will above all things; because everything that exists ends before the Father; because if the Father created everything, he also created the infinite starting points that all minds can imagine in their qualities and quantities.-
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