Holy writings

Matthew 22:21  “And he said to them, Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Romans 13:7  “Pay to all what you owe: to whom tribute, tribute; to whom tax, tax; whom I respect, respect; to him who honors, honors.”
James 5:4  “Behold, the wages of the workers who have harvested your lands cry out, which through deceit has not been paid to them by you; and the cries of those who had reaped have entered the ears of the Lord of hosts.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes little one; no member of a capitalist government that applied taxes to the exploited will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; every system of government that was not capitalist, that fought and still fights against the inheritance of immoralities left by the capitalist beast, is closer to the mandate of the Father; no system of government is perfect; and much less the capitalist beast; communism is from the Kingdom of Heaven; and capitalism is not; nor will it ever be; here is the infinite difference; the first is called to govern in this world, until the consummation of the ages; the second is judged because it asked to be tested; that is why it is unstable; truly I tell you, that having a final judgment announced for you, many centuries ago, capitalists should never have believed that only they are the best; on the contrary; they are the worst; they are the tragedy of this world; because no human creature will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, because of capitalism; nor has any of all past generations entered; because capitalism did not take into account the scriptures of the Father; and by not taking them into account, it disinherited all its followers; its moral teaching was legalized immorality; it divided the world into rich and poor; and it could not keep intact the innocence of the Father’s creatures; all innocence divided between good and evil, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the so-called capitalism did what Satan did in the Kingdom of Heaven; it divided so that no human creature would enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and Satan also divided the angels of the Father; just as the angels divided by Satan were cast out of the Kingdom, so too the men who knew the division of capitalism do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; what is above is the same as what is below; in the Kingdom of Heaven, money is unknown; because evil does not exist in any conceivable form; truly I tell you, that money is the product of a spiritual weakness; the most imperfect of this world created money; and being imperfect, they dragged humanity with them; they did not know how to control their ambitious impulses; and they transmitted them from Father to son; from generation to generation; and in this transmission of weak philosophy, they were surprised by the Revelation of the Father; this surprise was announced many centuries in advance: And the truth will come by surprise; like the surprise caused by a thief at night; because the psychological reaction of the capitalists will be like the reaction suffered by a thief who has been caught in a robbery.-

Yes little one; the celestial drawing teaches that mental fibers were born free; that is, they were not subject to any influence of possession; collecting taxes is darkness; because the action accompanies the mind outside the Earth; this influence of darkness makes the spirit move away from the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that every spirit that knew interest in any form, wanders errantly in the cosmos; the influence of what was learned on the distant planet rejects it when it approaches the magnetism of light; the bad action causes rejection; infinite spirits from countless earth planets are forced to look at the Kingdom of Heaven from afar; those who see nothing are the most sinful; the magnetic influence of evil is more intense in its quality and quantity; truly I tell you, that those who collected the tax in the worlds, are of this category; such spirits have to wander in the darkness, until no creature from the distant world in which it was, has stopped paying a false tax; false because the law created by the Father does not include any form of exploitation; thus, as generations succeed one another, these spirits wait; here is the punishment for the followers of the beast; these spirits, of which the last ones remain in this world, forgot that the Commandment of the Father says thou shalt not steal in any imagined form; here are the demons of exploitation; they perpetuated for centuries, the pain of injustice in others; if they promised the Father, to fulfill the Father’s will above all things, why did they not renounce such an immoral job? it would have been better for them not to have asked to be born again in this world; here they fell in the test of life; they forgot the scriptures of the Father and condemned themselves; these tax-collecting spirits are worldly spirits; such as are the creators of the exploitation system called capitalism; just as they collected taxes from their life brothers, regardless of the Father’s scriptures, so they will be imposed deceptions in their future reincarnations; what they did wrong in one existence, they pay for in the others; truly I tell you, that every legislator who created tax laws and those who collected them, are accused before the Father, of imposing suffering on other creatures; because no one asked the Father, to subjugate anyone; and all those to whom you imposed obstacles called taxes, await you with the Father, to make accusations against you; every last cent of tax is paid; the most microscopic cent complains to the Father; were you not taught that the entire universe of the Father is living? although in the worlds they have passed the test of the inert and the abstract and the concrete; as nothing is impossible for the Creator of the universe, he joins matter and spirit in celestial life; what seems impossible to you, is not for the Father; and from the impossible for you, the Creator brings out the most perfect justice that your mind can imagine; in my divine Kingdom, the invisible that your mind captured, although you did not understand it on Earth, is joined; all your unknown sensations; and all the experience that you had to think about; and that earthly science could never explain; here is the all over the all; matter and spirit become one; the communism of the unification between molecule and virtue is living and preexistent to everything; truly I tell you, that everyone who repudiated communism, repudiated their future unifications between matter and spirit; matter and spirit possess free will; independent of each other; and by virtue of their free wills, they repudiate those who repudiated them on distant planets; what is above is the same as what is below; truly I tell you, that communism constitutes the universe itself; the colossal and the microscopic; the invisible and the visible; the molecule and the virtue; because without common law there would be no universal balance; the development of any kind of life would not be known; because the universal inheritance of imbalance is darkness; you asked in your planetary philosophy, to know good and evil; not all of good and evil exists in the universe; but a microscopic part of them; because nothing in the Father has limits; but, however microscopic good and evil may be, they always receive their just reward or punishment; truly I tell you, that one of the evils of this world is pursuing ideals when they are not understood; going to the extreme of trampling even the Commandments of the Father; killing, lying, slandering, falsifying the truth; here is what those who, due to little evolution, never understood the divine meaning of communism did; truly I tell you, that without intending it, capitalism magnified communism; because by its very action everyone who had privileges in this world, will be despised;

and he who had nothing will be exalted; and all had equal free will when they came to this world; many have wondered in this world, where did evil come from? truly I tell you, that evil is the inheritance of successive reincarnations; that is, you are coming out of the darkness your free will led you to in the past, to know other lives; because every spirit is born again; asking for lives that are not known is to be born again; and the laws with which the lives of each spirit are created are common among them and common to all; he who persecuted any form of communism will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because the celestial communism that reigns there makes it a stranger; truly I tell you, that everyone who persecuted another for ideals will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because no one is persecuted in the Kingdom; it is easier for those who did not persecute anyone to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for those who took sides persecuting others to enter; truly I tell you, that the tragedy of this world of not being able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven began from the first moment, when the human mind conceived money; none who knew money has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; because they followed a way of life that is immoral before the mandates of the Father; its creators did not consult the Creator of what is beyond human life; truly I tell you, that if they had done so, all of you would enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they would not have erred the way; it always happens the same in countless worlds of the universe; when those who claim to be the first to govern a world, infinitely forget that they have a Creator; infinite worlds have fallen into the tragedy of not entering the Kingdom of Heaven; the time has come for your world; by a group of ambitious people, a world was condemned!! it will be said in all corners of the universe; a world that knowing the scriptures of the Father, let itself be carried away by a forgetfulness, that it promised to overcome in the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the supreme test of the human spirit; test of human individuality; because only what comes from within is judged outside; mental responsibility is created within the spirit; because what is outside the exterior, is constantly falsified by the human way of life; the principle of life in which you are, was made from the inside out; from the invisible to the visible; from darkness to light; the exterior which is the material, is relative and transformable; the interior is the eternal; here each individual according to their beliefs, returns to their past; came out for a moment to the light; that moment is human life; and returns to its own interior; by transforming its flesh molecules into dust; the spirit is a fire that separated from the body of flesh, penetrates dimensions that escape the human eye; the spirit is not seen with the eyes of the flesh, because the vision does not reach to see it; the living self becomes what it was before being human; and upon returning it comes impregnated with a magnetism called human knowledge; a planetary experience; a salt of life; truly I tell you, that for the spirit, the memory of the Earth, makes it meditate according to its evolution; if the spirit was on Earth a respecter of the laws of the Father, it will find respect upon its return; if it was not, no one will respect it; because according to the belief that was had in the test of life, is the Kingdom to which it arrives; those who were religious do not reach where the Father is; because they did not interpret the scriptures of the Father; they divided the world of faith; with a strange morality called religion; religion is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; as are all philosophies that divide knowledge; religious spirits are accused in the Kingdom of Heaven, of dividing the world into many beliefs; having only one God; only Satan divides and divides himself; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of the rock of the world; they never wanted to understand that there was only one truth; that a Father expresses himself in only one way; and not in several; because that would confuse the understanding of the children; they never cultivated true humility; because if they had cultivated it, they would have renounced continuing to divide and confuse the world; they would have renounced playing the role of Satan; they invented religions; in the scriptures of the Father they are not; they were libertines in believing that only they represented the Father on Earth; truly I tell you, that nothing of them will remain in this world; because what is not within the scriptures of the Father, is not a tree planted by Him; it is not of the world conceived by the Father; the world conceived by men will not remain; exploitative materialism is about to fall; here is the fall of the world of interest; of the hypocritical world; of the world that measured everything by the gold standard; the world of scandals; the world of vices; the world not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that the fall of this exterior world, represents the birth of another; from the same darkness, the Father brings out the new light; from the Alpha or materialistic world, the Omega World is born; a world in which the innocence of children will reign; because of all the philosophies that the world gave itself to govern, none of them remains; they were tested by Father Jehovah; and every test has its end; the purest thing that remains in this world, is the innocence of children; and it is easier for a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, who did not test philosophy, than for an adult who did test it without exalting the Father above all things;

and within all the philosophies that this world knew and lived, Father Jehovah leaves the most despised, the most persecuted, the most slandered, the one that has cost the most blood; the one that has shed the most tears; he leaves earthly communism; truly I tell you, that every repentant capitalist will become a communist; because humility always overcomes pride; this happens in all worlds; that is why it was written: Humility is the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; every humble heart enters the Kingdom of Heaven; those who collected taxes on Earth were not humble; they were indifferent to the exploited; this truth acquires contours of immense tragedy in the judgment before the Father; because every form of capitalism is a form of slavery; do you not have the so-called armed forces? without them you are nothing; and without their existence, you would be nothing either; because no interested party will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; even if it was only in thought; truly I tell you, that by living a system of life based on the practice of force, you move further and further away from the Kingdom of Heaven with each moment; because moments are living; they complain to the Father, about the presence of intimidation; because weapons cause suspicion; fear; and truly I tell you, that every virtue that accompanied you in life, will also complain to the Father; everything you are complains; even excrement asks for justice; great are the revolutionary children who fought and still fight, against all forms of destructive force; there was one in this world called Adolf Hitler who wanted to make his destiny, not taking into account the scriptures of the Father; from liberator he became a murderer; it would have been better for this demon not to have used force to fight force; because he who kills by the sword, dies by the sword; he who uses force, falls by force; if not in this life, then in another; because many spiritual debts are paid in other existences; because every spirit is born again; truly I tell you, that every force imposed on the free will of my creatures, is paid for; everyone who lived intimidated by force, must add 3 points of light for every second lived under intimidation; those who belonged to the so-called armed forces, do not have this grace of the Father; on the contrary; they must add 3 points of darkness per second against them; in the time they served the demon of force; each second or each point, equals living an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; this is how creatures move away from the Kingdom of Heaven; they do so because of their bad deeds; starting with the same ingratitude they have had, with respect to the scriptures of the Father; an ingratitude that is transmitted from father to son; from generation to generation; truly I tell you, that because of this ingratitude, no human creature will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; even if it was the best creature in the world; but, very close to the Kingdom of the Father; truly I tell you, that every tax collector, must add three celestial points per second against them; in the time they were collectors; from the first moment to the last; and those who suffered this baseness of the law of exploitation, must add three points in their favor for every second elapsed; from the very moment they started working; childhood up to twelve years old, is not in the final judgment; because it does not need it; the creature lives in this period, the illusory celestial magnetism; fluids that still influence their actions; lives as one might say like a little bird; sees mental responsibility, as natural irresponsibility; truly I tell you, that everyone who made an innocent suffer, will be judged in public judgment; so too will they be measured, with the same measure they used; so they will be abused in other existences; truly I tell you, that for every bad act done in life, the spirit asks to pay for it in another existence; here is one of the causes why one is born; creatures that ask for the same to happen to them, that they made happen to others; it is what is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; because the spirit wishes to pay for the harm done, with the same characteristics and details, that it caused in others; here is a universal law of imperfection; here is why many are not happy like the rest; many perish physically; others go mad; others get lost; others get sick; etc, etc.; truly I tell you, that every destiny without exception, is related to its spiritual past; existences prepare for what is to come; this characteristic is common in your kind of life; a life of trials with forgetfulness of the past; truly I tell you, that one asks to be born again, for infinite causes; because nothing is easier for the Father, than to give any kind of life, that any mind can imagine; each microscopic act understood or not understood, becomes life for its own perfection; all ask to perfect themselves in the Kingdom of Heaven; that all is infinite; who are all, only the Father knows; because He has created everything; truly I tell you, that even the darkness of which you know nothing, asks the Father to know the worlds of light; the galactic history constitutes the Alpha and the Omega, of eternity itself; each living microbe, is called to be a living history in the Kingdom of Heaven; because no one is disinherited; the inheritance of the Father, gives the right to everything; because nothing is impossible in the Father; truly I tell you, that by forgetting one’s own past, the highest celestial score is gained; because the uncertainty is greater; and not knowing the future as well; greater is the gain in the acts done in life; there are infinite worlds, in which their creatures know their galactic past; they see it in mental images; yes little one; it is so; just as you see it; like an endless movie in colors; so it is divine Father Jehovah, by your divine grace; and these creatures, also see their future; but, the score gained by them, is infinitely less than yours; here are the infinite qualities and quantities, of the systems of life; but nothing has limits in the universe; from one world one passes to another forever; being born again never ceases; the opportunities to amend are as infinite, as the universe itself; truly I tell you, that credulity is also living; and it is easier for one who believed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than one who did not believe; non-belief asks the Father, not to let the spirit who did not believe that he could do everything enter; belief is the same faith with identity, quality and quantity; truly I tell you that the entry of every spirit into the Kingdom of the Father, depends on the most microscopic thing the spirit had; depends on its 318 virtues, its molecules and all the ideas that its mind generated in life.-


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