Holy writings

Proverbs 28:16  “A prince without understanding will multiply oppression; But he who hates covetousness will prolong his days.”
Deuteronomy 17:18-20  “And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he will write for himself in a book a copy of this law, of the original that is in the care of the Levitical priests. He will have it with him, and he will read in it all the days of his life, so that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, and to faithfully fulfill all the words of this law and these statutes. So his heart will not be lifted up above his brothers, nor will he depart from the commandment, either to the right or to the left, so that he and his children may prolong his days in his kingdom. , in the middle of Israel.”
Mark 3:24-25  “And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, such a house cannot stand.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; that’s right; just as you sensed since you were a child; The so-called politicians have caused this world a setback of many centuries. They did not seek unification in the Scriptures of the Father; they created purely worldly doctrines; influenced by the world; and not by spiritual laws; such a conception, when confronted with Revelation, comes to a crisis; and falls what reigned for a short time; It is the surprise that awaits those who called themselves politicians. The quality and standard of earthly politics is to divide in violation of the equality taught by the Father; They sought equality; they sought convenience; they deceived millions of beings; they led them astray from the true path, from true spirituality; they entertained the world with what is the greatest deception before the Father; equality came from the Father; division and deceit came from men; Here is the difference between the Father’s free will and the children’s free will; when those who govern destinies in the worlds stray from the mandates of the Father, they lead such worlds to tragedy; No one asked to be born to go against the Father; everyone asked to be born to please the Father, above all else; I truly tell you that no politician will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they did the opposite of what they themselves promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; no politician asked the Father to divide others; not even in the most microscopic way; because they knew that only Satan divides; to go against the equality taught by the Father; Certainly, the so-called politicians played the role of Satan in this world; they divided below, and Satan divided the angels of the Father above. Politicians, by dividing the world, did not allow it to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because every creature will be accused before the Father of complicity with the living demon of division; accomplices with those who waged war against the equality of the Father; Politicians have forgotten, due to little evolution, that one cannot serve two masters; one cannot be a politician and at the same time claim to be serving the Father; one either serves equality or serves the devil. I truly tell you that every spirit that served politics will be accused of hypocrisy before the Father; and they will have to answer for all the creatures that followed and imitated them. The living free will that joined you asked the Father to serve Him on Earth in such a way that the thinking quality and quality would not stray from the psychology of the Scriptures; certainly, such a request was thwarted; because the spirit of politicians did not take the Father’s will into account. If they had taken it into account, the world you live in would be one of a single philosophy; one flag; one government; one destiny; a common goal; it would be a world close to the equality taught by the Father; and what most resembles the Father is most rewarded. I truly tell you that if you had free will in life, this free will was a test; because every spirit is tested in life; and because the free will of future generations will not act as you acted; because that future world will not divide anyone. it is the world dreamed of by the humble and the just; You politicians of the world, you will never unify this world; because you perpetuate your weakness in the generations. the division based on a false freedom; for such freedom does not lead you to the Kingdom of Heaven; True freedom in the creature is that which brings it back to where its Creator is. You politicians of the world, you had a false and hypocritical concept of true freedom; what you had was libertinism; this libertinism consisted of forgetting the Scriptures of the Father; the most costly of libertinisms; because it costs you entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; and it costs you the resurrection of your flesh; you will never be able to be children again in this world; I truly tell you, that nothing loving comes from you; your inheritance and your wicked influence that you left in this world will be cursed by all who knew you; for all those who, because of you, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; I truly tell you, politicians of the world, that you will have to pay idea by idea, molecule by molecule, virtue by virtue; The all about the all of others will accuse you in the Kingdom of Heaven; for the all is living before the Father; and being living, it will ask why it is not allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; everything that was in each one in life will demand justice against you; You should never have divided others; everything exalted on Earth falls before the Father; for no one was commanded to divide anyone. This world is twenty centuries behind because of you; and all the generations that have passed through this world are waiting for you outside the Kingdom; as you depart from this world of trials, you are called to Heavenly judgment; None of you, demons of division, will escape the justice of the Father; you legalized a way of life based on gold; you who promised the Father to fight against all kinds of abuses, allied yourselves with abuse and injustice; you did not fight against the followers of gold; certainly, before the Father, a revolutionary who fought against the followers of gold is worth more than you who perpetuated them. blind, guides of the blind; Didn’t you realize that my Firstborn Son was the first revolutionary against the capitalist system? Blind and hypocrites, didn’t you see the facts in the Scriptures? Did you not see that he was the first to fight against Roman materialism?

Certainly, many hypocrites like you understood it this way; however, out of cowardice, you remained silent; for not having imitated the first Revolutionary of the world, you have another justice; because the solar hierarchy of the Firstborn Son will demand an account from you; truly I tell you, that all human spirits conversed in the Kingdom with the Messiah; and all promised in divine alliance to give their divine example through imitation; And what example did you give, hypocritical politicians? The one about taking advantage of the abundance that belonged to the humble of the Father; because every humble person is first before the Creator; therefore, the humble should have had the best of this world; for being first in the desires of God is to be first in all benefits; on any planet where the humble of the Father are found; this is what you hypocritical politicians never understood; Only those men who tried to give the humble more than what others gave them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they fulfilled their duty within human laws; pleasing the Father in doing so; many of those who acted this way were unaware; because doing good does not require titles or proclamations; truly I tell you, that all those who called themselves leftists are great in the eyes of the Father; because they were of the people; and being of the people, they are children of man; children of labor; here are those who came closest to the divine mandate of Father Jehovah who said: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; whoever worked the most came closer to the Father; due to their quality and essence among all thinking philosophies; I truly tell you, it is easier for a worker to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a politician. the first is closer to merit in the Father; the second is influenced by worldly concepts, created by men; the quality and essence of the first are bound to the laws of eternity; the quality and essence of the second are tied to the ephemeral; to what is fleeting; everything mundane is so; every political call of materialism is ephemeral; the arrival of the Revelation puts an end to this reign that should never have existed; Nothing that we took into account regarding the Father should have existed. All those who devised psychologies outside of the Scriptures and the Commandments of the Father are the trees that the Father did not plant. and they will be uprooted from human evolution; I truly tell you, that with the end that comes to this world, there will be no demon left to divide the children of the light; because it is easier for someone who thought collectively to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for someone who thought individually; the first approached the law that reigns in the Kingdom of Heaven; the second imitated the philosophies of the backward worlds; here are two forms of living goodness; the one that will defend before the Father, the spirit that defended the Father’s cause the most; Those who thought collectively come first; because all those who benefited will ask for points of light for the one who benefited them. those who thought individually receive nothing; no one defends them in the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the triumph of Communist doctrine in this world, over all the selfish; I truly tell you that earthly Communism comes from what the spirits saw in the Kingdom of the Father; Communism as a philosophy is universal; in the Kingdom of Heaven, Celestial Communism is lived with a child’s philosophy. Joy arises from a common justice; the joy that you hypocritical politicians have given to the world is not common joy; it is feigned joy; because some have more and others have less. Mentally, it’s just the right amount of joy; I truly tell you that all the reactions or feelings you made others feel will accuse you before the Father; because reactions and feelings that do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because the cause that you were did not take into account the Commandments and Scriptures of the Father; they feel disinherited. Here are hypocritical politicians, your fruit; all those who imitated you, you condemned; matter and spirit; here is the cause of your weeping and gnashing of teeth; here is your tragedy; for not fulfilling what was promised to the Father above all things; here is your end, selfish ones of the world; here is the end of suffering in this world; a suffering born from the very men; and from the same, the end is born; because the time of every reign, you yourselves requested; everything is asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; even the kind of life that the spirit wishes to know; here is the fall of Satan from this world; here is the end of the Alpha world and the beginning of the Omega world; here is the end of the materialistic world and the beginning of the spiritualist world; here is the fall of a world and its immoral customs; and the birth of another with new customs; here is the end of a world that was momentarily tested by Father Jehovah; here is the beginning of the final judgment; which begins with the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; here is the First Telepathic Scripture of the world; First, because it will be the only one that this world will have with Father Jehovah, just as the ancient world had it. here is the horror of the rocks of selfishness in this world; here is the greatest surprise for a world enchanted by gold; here is the beginning of the weeping and gnashing of teeth of this world; here is the fall of the idolaters; here is the downfall of what should have never existed; the violation of the Father, in the form of a way of life; here is the fruit of Satan; here is the work of those called religious, political, and military; demons who supported the so-called capitalists and perpetuated human suffering; from them arose all pain and all injustice; Here are the guilty in public trial; for the Revelation will be translated into all the languages of the world; what is of the Father is universal; behold the horror of those who divided this planet into nations, religions, politics, national armies, philosophies of moral extras, strange sciences; for only Satan divides to fight against the equality taught by the Father; truly I tell you, if this world had not known the demons of living division, this world would not have needed any judgment.

the sole cause of planetary trials in the universe is the abuse, exploitation, and ignorance of the laws of the Father; In all worlds, the ambitious keep the Father busy; more, in this world there will be none left; they are the scourges of creation; spirits of darkness, who ask the Father to be tested in worlds of light; spirits that wish to be transformed; I truly tell you that all perfection is achieved by experiencing lives on distant planets; being born anew countless times; who is not born again, only sees the Father, from an evolution; the glory of seeing you has infinite hierarchies; that will never know any limits; Seeing him in his greatest glory is the reason for the very existence of the universe itself; divine and eternal cause; the divine is what precedes what is felt in the present; whoever rejects the divine rejects an entire past they have lived; they deny beings who coexisted with them in other planetary abodes; they deny the place in the universe where they were created; I truly tell you that anyone who denies their divine origin is left without a divine origin. it is enough not to believe, and one is pleased; I truly tell you that every belief is alive before the Father; and every belief accuses every spirit that did not believe in its own Creator; whoever did not believe in the light of the knowledge of the Father does not see the light; whoever did not believe in the darkness does not see it; however, sooner or later, they will verify its existence. the same happens with the law of light; The world Earth is a world that will soon come into contact with other worlds; because the arrival of the Revelation of Father Jehovah marks the end of the planet’s trial period; here is the greatest era that this world will know; an incomparable glorious era; an era dreamed of by many generations; an era that the skeptics will not forget; because the greatest shame will take hold of them; the creatures from other worlds will read their minds and see that they were denied; I truly tell you that all that is humble and despised in this world will be exalted; and all that is exalted, which emerged from a strange system of life based on gold, will be despised. I truly tell you that all those who have been wronged by the dishonesty of so-called politicians will be satisfied. this world, upon knowing the Lamb’s Scrolls, will erupt in the greatest Revolution of all time; what comes from the Father eclipses that of the children; it will be a Revolution without the so-called weapons; for the Creator does not need to destroy what has come from Him; His divine living Word is enough; a Doctrine is sufficient to transform a world; nothing is impossible for Him; The Revolution that comes from the Father is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, Armageddon; it means People who arm themselves with their own ideas generated in life; because from this, they deduce their own celestial score; truly I tell you, that the word Armageddon was asked of the Father to test human intellect; Was it not taught to you that every spirit is tested in life? The scholars of the Scriptures in this world, those who sought the truth as commanded, gave the word Armageddon a very materialistic meaning; they thought of wars and destructions typical of men; they fell short due to a lack of evolution; it was a test they themselves requested; a test in which there is neither loss nor gain; because the types of tests in their quality and nature have no limits; Armageddon is a recounting of the work done in life; the mental work consists of millions of ideas; and each idea represents celestial points; in which the creature either draws closer to or moves away from the Kingdom of Heaven; according to their deeds, that is the place occupied in the space of the infinite universe; I truly tell you that the entire final judgment comes down to heavenly score; the good works of the spirit are heavenly points, and the bad works of the spirit are points of darkness. The good done in life leads to the place where it was created; it leads to the Alpha and Omega suns; evil does not lead to the place where it was created; the evil spirit continues to ignore its place of origin; and it will continue to ignore it as long as it persists in evil; that is why it was written: Each one creates their own heaven; each one finds their place in space according to their deeds; according to the score earned; according to how they used free will in life; moment by moment; idea by idea; second by second; here is the painful cause, that the relatives who violated the law of the Father do not come together outside of Earth; because the system of life they knew was individualistic; it was not an egalitarian system of life; because living equality would unite them equally outside of Earth; because there would be an affinity of attraction towards the same point in the universe; here is the tragedy of libertinism, to which the creators of capitalism have led you; they defended a freedom that lacked the moral quality of the Scriptures of the Father; they strayed from the equality of the Father in the test of life; and the result is that none of those in this world will gather again outside of Earth; here is the work of Satan; who took the form of a way of life to divide and scatter the planetary flock; here are the greatest deceivers of humanity; those who enchanted the world with their gold; behold, such an illusion left all of humanity outside the Kingdom of Heaven; Every human work bears the mark of an interest; of a cunning; of a measured calculation whose thought was not the Father. When one thinks of the Father, one thinks of eternity; when one thinks from a human perspective, one thinks of the ephemeral; one thinks of the mundane, one thinks of what lasts only an instant; last thoughts do not reach very far into the depths of the universe; the quality and caliber of the idea do not create the necessary expansive magnetism; I truly tell you that the ideas that violate the law of the Father groan in the darkness; they demand that the mind that created them be brought to judgment before the Creator. the claim is universal; the multitude of them shakes the Kingdoms of Heaven; it eclipses the gigantic suns; because ideas come from countless worlds; they are by their number, like the grains of sand contained in a desert; This is how I see it, divine Father Jehovah; The universe of living ideas is so immense that no one knows about my planet Earth; That’s right, my child; here, no one knows anything; it is only known that the universe has no end; those who thought they were important in their worlds are not taken into account by anyone; only the Father is considered. As you see, my son, reality is not as materialistic men believe; in the Father, reality has no limits; human reasoning amounts to nothing; only the ideas that emanated from the mind are the eternal reality. I truly tell you that all human reasoning is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; because it is influenced by a strange morality.

exit from a strange system of life that worshipped gold; here is the quality and caliber of human reasoning; a quality and caliber that does not allow it to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; I truly tell you that no human creature has managed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor will anyone enter; the culprits are the capitalists, the religious, and the military; these three beasts have deceived you; for had you not known them, you would enter the Kingdom of Heaven. here are the shadows that asked to know the light; here is the result of such a test; here is reality made eternal judgment; here are the guilty of your tragedy; here are the guilty of your weeping and gnashing of teeth; here is the cause of human suffering; here is the yoke that arose in the trial of human life; here is the shape that Satan took in this world; here is the human experience; an experience brought to life on a distant and microscopic planet called Earth; here is the end of your world; it is a physical end; rather, an end to a world that shaped your mind; a world that you lived within the world-planet; a world created by the human mind; a world whose god was gold; a world that will be forbidden in the teachings of the creatures of the future; because the quality and essence of this world makes it so that no one enters the Kingdom of Heaven; it will be called among planetary histories, the tragedy-world; the world of weeping and gnashing of teeth; a world that arose from the ambition of a few; a world that disinherited millions and millions of spirits from re-entering the Kingdom of Heaven; a world whose creatures will wander scattered across the infinite cosmos; a world that, seeing the radiant Face of a Solar Firstborn, will understand the vastness of its tragedy; for you will witness the living proof of one who comes from the Kingdom of Heaven; of one who in the past told you: Where I am from, you cannot go; for by saying such words, he saw your future; he saw the destiny-tragedy that gave you the free will of the ambitious; he saw the weeping and gnashing of teeth of an entire generation; he saw you. I truly tell you, demons, worshippers of gold, that the world you created will curse you; A time of agony begins for you, exploiters of the world; you will curse having asked for the test of life; thus shall you pay for it in this world; a part of the blame; because being judged before the Father, for diverting the happiness of a world, spans infinite centuries; in which every second of them is equivalent to living an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; the Father’s justice leaves nothing to chance; neither an idea; nor a moment; nor a molecule; because matter and spirit demanded equal rights from the Father; and since nothing is impossible for the Father, He granted them equality in their respective laws; that is why it was written: All are equal in rights before God; this equality is what man should have created in this world; he should have imitated, as much as possible, the psychology of the Father; yet, they did things without the Father; here lies the end of the so-called nations of the world; the end of all division in the earthly flock; for nothing of the materialistic world will remain; the selfishness of capitalism has never unified any world; because it perpetuates the division between those who have more and those who have less; The test of life was harsh, because that’s how the selfish ones of gold wanted it; I truly tell you, that no rich man will remain in this world; They will all disappear from life; Father Jehovah takes them out of this world; due to the end of the trial period; And as the so-called rich of this world disappear, the greatest happiness, never imagined before, arrives in the world; here comes the Millennium of unprecedented peace and happiness, approaching the world; The world of joy begins; Omega world, world of children; Innocence reigns above all human philosophy! Because nothing against innocence has the Father; innocence does not need a final judgment; for the heavens are opened to it; no philosophy of the so-called adults remains in this world; Children are the first in the Father’s wishes; Here is a Revelation that was told to you in parables; The writing was: Let the children come to Me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; if they are first in the divine hierarchy, they are infinitely more so in the worlds; what is above is the same as what is below; here is another oversight by the followers of gold; If they had searched and delved into the content of the Scriptures, they would have arrived at the following conclusion: If the humble and dispossessed are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven, the least we can do here on Earth is to give them the best that this Earth has to offer; let us give them the governance of the world; and we will have fulfilled a divine wish of the Father; why didn’t they do it? Because they were blind; being few evolved, they pretended to be the only leaders of the world; here lies the failure and the fall before the Father; they confused temporal power with eternal power; Eternal power belongs to the suffering, the exploited, the dispossessed, the persecuted, the despised; because they are spirits older than the rich and comfortable; the poor of this world were rich and comfortable in other worlds; they experienced such a reality before the spirits who worship the god of gold were even born in this world; and the poor preferred philosophies over wealth; a poor person, as a spirit, holds a higher rank than those who call themselves rich; a poor person is closer to the Kingdom of Heaven than a rich person; because a poor person has a higher celestial score; because all the ideas they generated in life draw closer to the living divine word of the Father; they align with the divine mandate that says: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; and whoever imitates the Father more closely receives greater reward; Certainly, wealth is far from the Father; it nullifies itself; because it disobeyed the Father; it despised the divine parable: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this parable was meant for all the rich; however, none pondered it. Now they will receive payment for their indifference; every rich person will end up in the most dreadful poverty; because the immoral system that sustained them is falling. an illegal way of life before Father Jehovah; because no one in this world asked to live at the expense of the poor; what every needy person lacks, the rich possess; every rich person will suffer what they made others suffer; with the measure they used, it will be measured to them; everything will be taken from them; and such justice is just; because no one was commanded to have more than another; the mandate of the Father of equality comes first above all things; there is no wealth that, having violated the law of the Father, will be recognized in the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that only the systems of life that had equality as their principle will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; at no time in this world has the Word of the Father been imitated; and when certain flocks have tried to break the chains of the worshipers of gold, intrigue and gold itself have taken care of dismantling such a sublime aspiration; Yes, my child; that’s right; just as you knew it as a child; In your flock, a messenger of the Father was murdered; who promised in the Kingdom of Heaven to fight against all kinds of oppression; Many messengers of the Father have killed the followers of gold; These demons do not benefit from idealistic spirits; because they fear that their privileges will be challenged. No rich person wants to talk about idealism; because those who have more fear having less. More, all power comes from the Father; He gives and takes away; to a world that asked to be tested; and it will be, until the last moment of the Revelation; even seeing the Glory of the Son, they will be tested; I truly tell you, that the greatest horror will be born in those who worshipped gold; the same terror that the Roman emperors of the ancient world experienced; the same terror that was born in the cursed pharaonic dynasty;

When they saw the radiant face of the Firstborn Son; truly I tell you, many will take their own lives; for their conscience will not be able to bear the presence of the Living One, who will read all minds; So much the worse for such spirits; because the divine Commandment says: You shall not kill; nor shall you kill yourself; because trillions of pores of the flesh are murdered; and the suicidal spirit must answer for it before the Father; Every attempt at destruction, whether for others or for oneself, is answered before the Father; because the attempt is alive just as the spirit is. I truly tell you that the Firstborn Son will always be surrounded by children; his fame will be immortal in this world; children, due to their own psychology of believing in everything, will continue to ask him to act in nature; being the most general desire, that of parting the waters; because nothing is impossible for the Son; because the Father is in Him; I truly tell you that all the wonders that any mind has imagined, you will see in the Firstborn Son; Such power will confuse the unbelievers; who only believed in the power of gold; it will frighten the religious, who did not believe that Revelation came in a human being; the religious rock never believed in anything; these spirits only traded in what belonged to the Father; Their way of teaching the truths of the Scriptures scandalizes the Kingdom of Heaven; they will be judged as merchants of the faith of a world; having divided a world into many beliefs; with only one God; no religious person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor anyone who followed them in life; the so-called religions are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it is unknown in the Kingdom, any philosophy that divides another; Here is the unique truth; because in the presence of Revelation, there will remain in this world no philosophy that divides the world; here is the yoke of the world; the division that perpetuated distrust in all generations of this world; the one that caused moral pain to millions of beings; I truly tell you that all the generations of spirits that have passed through this world are waiting for all those responsible for human pain and injustice; among the accused are the legislators of capitalism; they are all those who, in one way or another, perpetuated injustice in this world; I truly tell you that the righteous of the Kingdom are the most despised in the worlds where hypocrisy and self-interest dwell. Many just ones of the Kingdom have passed through this world; you called them revolutionaries; It is easier for a revolutionary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who was not. the first imitated the Firstborn Son; the second was indifferent to the sufferings and injustices of others; the revolutionary aims to fight against the devil; represented in a way of life that is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; the revolutionary gives his life for something he considers just; Great are those in the Kingdom of Heaven who gave their lives for the well-being of others; for the revolutionary often does not see the fruits of their labor, in most cases. Human selfishness always hinders progress; woe to those who, due to their selfishness, delayed the laws of progress written in the Kingdom of Heaven! Just as it happened, my child, in your flock Chile; the demons of force murdered many of my children; they violently took away what was achieved through agreement. they violated the very law they themselves approved; I truly tell you, my son, that they will pay with the same coin; they will be violated and hunted to death; he who kills by the sword, dies by the sword; he who uses force, falls by force; if not in this existence, then in another; truly I tell you, violators of the divine commandment of “Thou shalt not kill,” you will pay for every last molecule of flesh of all the children you unjustly executed; you will have to face the accusation before the Father, of trillions and trillions of cells, molecules, pores, hairs, and virtues of those you murdered; I truly tell you, demons of the force, that all those who were massacred will be resurrected in your damned presence; for the Firstborn Son will resurrect the living and the dead; because this is the will of the free will of Father Jehovah; You will be left terrified, cursed; because every resurrected one will accuse you in front of everyone; because everything that comes from the Father in the Son is universal; it will be a worldwide event; truly I tell you, that what was once lost will return to the prophet’s flock; the humble and despised will return to govern themselves; with infinite strength in their ideals; because Father Jehovah is with them; He has always been; because every humble and exploited person is first before the Father; truly I tell you, that from this flock the Light for the world is born; a Light that will radiate to all corners of the Earth; behold cursed demons of power, your fate is sealed; you will curse having stained your hands with innocent blood; you have always been hypocrites; none of you cursed will remain in this world; thus you requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; and so it shall be done; I truly tell you that you will have to answer to the world and to the Father for all your intrigues, deceptions, and acts of blood. With you, demons of the force, the justice of Father Jehovah begins in this world; All the nations where immoral acts like yours were committed will be judged; With someone begins the law of the Father; at a point on the planet, it is born; free will belongs to the Father; and has chosen the flock of Chile to begin the divine Revelation; Behold, your treachery, cursed by the force, will turn into weeping and gnashing of teeth; Whoever violated the law of the Father cannot expect anything else; I truly tell you, that the greatest shame will take hold of you; you wanted to impose morality while having violated the law of God; what morality can you offer to a people if you are immoral before the Creator? Hypocrites! You are the false prophets of my Scriptures; you are the antichrists; for you do the opposite of the teachings of the Firstborn Son; behold, children of the world, the point where the Revelation of the Father begins; a place from which millions of complaints arise, from millions of minds, that daily seek the justice of the Father; certainly, the justice of the Father should have already been known to this world; this delay is due to the rock of human selfishness, called the church, which did not want to make known to the world the News of the Father; it concealed, as is its custom, the first Scrolls of the Lamb of God; researchers will uncover astonishing facts that occurred in the Chilean flock.-



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