Proverbs 17:26 “It is not right to show partiality in judgment, nor to a man accursed because of a morsel.”
Proverbs 28:5 “Evil men do not understand judgment; but those who seek the Lord understand all things.”
Proverbs 21:15 “Doing justice is joy to the righteous, but terror to those who do iniquity.”
Proverbs 29:7 “A righteous man considers the cause of the poor; but the wicked do not understand such knowledge.”
Yes little one; injustices form infinite hierarchies of future darkness; because just like ideas and sensations, injustice is also expansive and living; from a microscopic injustice, a kingdom of darkness is born; a living philosophy is born, whose quality and nature will be the struggle for injustices; everything perpetuates in the universe; what comes out of each creature, will never cease to expand; just like the universe itself; eternity only stops for an instant when the spirit asks to know a form of life; everything folds back into invisibility; it is the forgetting of one’s own past in human life; every spirit upon leaving a planet, finds itself in space with all the ideas, sensations, and injustices, that it generated during its passage on the planet; truly I tell you, that every evil spirit, is filled with dread upon knowing this law; there in that instant it understands, why every scripture from the Father, taught to be good in life; what it sees frightens it; because it feels responsible for its own inheritance; and it has to rescue it from the darkness; here is another tragedy and weeping and gnashing of teeth, of those who were evil in life; the most microscopic evil generated, multiplies in space; the same eternal law fulfills the good generated; from the most microscopic good, a future paradise is born; this revelation fills the spirit that did good in life with happiness; the greater the cultivation of good, the greater the number of paradises that will be born in space; the same happens with evil; the more evil one was in life, the greater the number of hell-planets that are born; the expansion of the heaven created by oneself, is proportional to the time in which good or evil was done; and it is parallel to the quality and nature of the thinking being; here it is that each one makes their own heaven; because each one generated ideas in their respective free will; here is the eternity that comes from yourselves; at every moment you are creating eternity; because at every moment you are thinking; when one stops thinking, one ceases to create eternity; here is a law that will shake the world; because this world is full of ill-intentioned people; the ideas that are thought and not expressed through speech, also eternalize in space; from them are born evil and silent worlds; worlds that will have to be rescued from the ignorance they received by inheritance; here is the law of future redeemers; a universal law; a law both from above and below; a law that is the Alpha and the Omega of the complement of perfection; there is no creature that has not been or will not be, a redeemer of a world; a world born from their own ideas or sensations; here one of the mysteries of the Solar Trinity is revealed to you; the Firstborn Son came to the world, to fulfill a divine mission; not because he created evil in this world; this Earth world was not destined for evil; your first parents, violated the law of paradises; they created disobedience in it; they changed the destiny of this planet; they marginalized it from the family of paradises; here is the reason why everything is difficult in this world; here is why the heavens were closed to this planet; the Earth on which you are, came from the Alpha and Omega suns of the Trino galaxy; the origin of your planet is solar; because there are infinite kinds of origins; the creation of worlds, is like the creation of individualities; in which, being infinite, none is the same as another.-
Yes little one; this celestial drawing teaches that every world in space has dimensions that have no end; dimensions are spaces that human eyes do not see; through the invisible dimensions travel your ideas; and everything that volatilizes; nothing disappears in the sense of nothingness; nothingness is also a dimension; because nothingness is an idea; and every idea materializes in its respective dimension; sensations also have their dimensions; no one is disinherited in universal rights; matter and spirit have their dimension; where the inheritance expands; constituting microscopic heavens and planets; the salt of life comes from you; it is in matter and spirit; the salt of life, is the starting point of the trinity son and the continuation of the Trinity Father; the son participates in what the Father did; the participation of the son has been happening for many eternities; because such participation encompasses existences that have no end; because every spirit is born again; births will never have an end; because what is of the Father has no end; and the perfection he offers to his children, has no end; those who doubted other existences, doubted the Father; because they were taught that god was infinite; that he has no end in anything imagined; truly I tell you, that whoever did not make mental efforts to imagine what the infinity of the Father would be like, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who mentally strove to enter the Kingdom, than for one who did not strive; the slightest effort is rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven; and among the smallest of the smallest, of mental efforts, is the Father; because he is the first quality and nature of the universe; the universe is infinitely filled with dimensions; one inside another; in the deep-interior and in the present-expansive; truly I tell you, that every dimension is a galaxy that will never have an end; when one is born into a life, other dimensions are created at the same time; their number throughout an existence, is like the number of grains of sand in a desert; and all the dimensions you created in life, await you outside of Earth; they wish to know their creator; truly I tell you, that there is only one Creator; the Father Jehovah; but, the children create by imitating the Father; the imitation was requested by you; every spirit asked to imitate the Father above all things, in the test of life; each individuality is an imitation in the Father; that is why it was written: made in the image and likeness of god; truly I tell you, that the divine image of the Father, is eternally relative; you will never reach to equal his divine image; to know a life, is for every spirit, to know an image of the Father that it did not know; in each new birth, the same thing happens; the divine term that was said: he who is not born again, cannot see the Kingdom of god; means that the Kingdom of the Father, is an eternal living succession; to know the Father, is one of the infinite ways, in which he can be seen; the ways in which he can be seen, have no limits; nor will they ever have; all the individualities that encompass all the creatures of all the worlds of the universe, asked for such form and likeness to see him; forms and likenesses, have neither beginning nor end; even assuming that the beginning of the beginning of his creatures, had a beginning; to be born again, is the universal destiny of all thinking creatures; the greatness of the Father, does not stop in an existence; because nothing in him has limits; therefore, the greatness of the Father, never ends; in his divine qualities and natures; truly I tell you, that the Father never shows his divine face; to show it, would burn the entire universe without beginning or end; but, as nothing is impossible for the Father Jehovah, he shows himself to his creatures, in a form that sees and understands him, without burning it; truly I tell you, that the way of letting himself be seen, by a certain world, is solely exclusive to the free will of the Father; if the Father wishes to let himself be seen in human form, who can oppose it? many in this world, try to subject the free will of the Father, to their microscopic knowledge; many have said, that the Father cannot use any human being; profound error; the free will of the Father is impenetrable; truly I tell you, that those who thought so, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they lacked humility; it is easier for those who preferred to remain silent, before giving an opinion on this point, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because such silence is an act of humility before what is not known; it is prudence and wisdom; here is the universal test requested by yourselves; because everything is requested in the Kingdom; everyone asked for the spiritual difficulty of understanding the Creator himself; because you were tested in life; truly I tell you, that the test of life is all the unknown sensations of your individuality; the unknown requested by you, possesses quality and nature; each individuality asked for the difficulty to overcome it; to seek and find the destiny of one’s own understanding; and the more difficult such a search was, the greater its merit in the Kingdom of Heaven; the greater its celestial score; the most suffering among the suffering, is the first to enter the Kingdom of the Father; many speak of being the chosen ones; truly I tell you, that to be chosen before the Father, one had to know by heart, all the scripture of the Father, in the test of life; one had to have given it preference over all imaginable searches; over all things, that came your way;
What is little less than impossible, before the illusion and fascination of the interest in the power of gold; truly I tell you, that such illusion and such fascination, receive no reward; because the well-being that gold gave you, is your reward; those who fought not to be dominated by the illusion and fascination of the power of gold, will be rewarded; they will be resurrected in flesh in this world; they will become children again on this planet; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of the so-called Christian world; world of falsehood and hypocrisy; a world that cultivated a strange individuality formed by a strange spirituality with strange morals; a morality that served two masters; served gold and the living god; truly I tell you, that no one asked the Father, to serve another master; because you all knew that serving two masters, you would be divided; and you knew that no divided spirit, would enter the Kingdom of Heaven; you all knew that satan by dividing the angels of Heaven, divided a Kingdom; and everything divided was cast out; here it is that will never enter the Kingdom, all those who by getting used to a living immorality, such as a system of life based on gold; because such a system of life is a perpetual division of matter and spirit; as the seconds that are lived pass, the spirit moves further away from the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the tragedy of an entire world; a world that being guided by merely materialistic spirits, imitated satan’s ways; everyone who knew the influence of gold, knew the influence of division; did not know the equality taught by the Father; and it is enough to know even the word division in any right of the spirit, and one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that all the blindness of human history is paid for; from the first instant through the centuries, to the last instant; this blindness has cost this world, a distancing from the Kingdom of Heaven, of as many seconds, as seconds contained all the past centuries; truly I tell you, that every second that passes, is living before the Father; speaks, expresses itself and manifests before the living god; your final judgment, encompasses from the first instant in your lives, from the age of twelve, to the last instant of your life; including the last breath of life; and for those who asked to be judged on Earth, until the last instant of the Revelation; truly I tell you, that everyone in this world, will calculate the number of seconds lived; hour by hour; year by year; and the ideas they cultivated in each past second; everyone will arm themselves with the best ideas; because every good idea brings one closer to the Kingdom of Heaven; and every bad idea distances the spirit, from the Kingdom of the Father; this era of humanity will be called the battle of Armageddon; because the whole generation will search in the archive of their life, for the best ideas; the best weapon to approach the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that there has never been nor will there ever be, a greater intellectual controversy around the doctrine of the Lamb of god; because the hierarchy of every Firstborn, is above all human hierarchy; Firstborn Son, means first in everything imaginable; first in living telepathy; first in living doctrine; even commanding the forces of nature; the latter, marks the end of all human testing; until the last instant the faith of this world is tested; until the instant when the Firstborn Son moves mountains, with his mental power; resurrects those who asked to be resurrected; opens the waters of the oceans; every prodigy was given to him in this world; his reign in the Omega world, will be a reign of prodigies; new laws that will leave materialistic science in oblivion; here is, a weeping and gnashing of teeth, for the proud who believed themselves unique in their knowledge; here is the end of a science that existed to be tested by the Father Jehovah; here it is that of this science nothing will remain because nothing will remain of its world; the materialistic world will pass, as this Earth will pass; every planet has its age and death, written in the Kingdom of Heaven; as do its creatures; truly I tell you, that the prodigies of a Solar Father, amaze the worlds; and provoke the greatest revolutions, in all minds; materialism will be frightened before the presence of a Solar Son; for the first time, it will be powerless before the law coming from the Kingdom of Heaven; and the beast will fall; the beast that was tested for a few centuries; which are no more, than a sigh in the divine time of the Father; the term beast represents all the violations and darkness, of those who lord over their own ideas; the bad ideas, which are the product of minds that strayed from the laws and scriptures of the Father, constitute living entities that ravage distant galaxies; from such evil ideas, future hell-worlds are born; the beast asks from time to time the Father, to test life again in some world of light; here is what the spirits of materialism are; spirits of great wisdom; but, their quality and nature, is of darkness; because all their science, does not bear the seal of the spirituality of the Father; materialism means in Celestial Science, beast that kills the ideas of the spirit; its very word says it; truly I tell you, that materialism is not a tree planted by the Father; and it will be uprooted from human evolution; for the Father, the humble are the first and by the humble, the human tree should have grown; human pride made it grow in the opposite direction; because this world did the opposite, to the teachings of the scriptures of the Father; the one who rules the world, is not the humble; in this world the one who has the most gold rules; and teaches the world a strange morality, which has in itself, the influence of greed and ambition that will be cursed by the same world; because whoever knew greed and ambition, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for those who never heard of greed and ambition to enter the Kingdom; because even the ears complain before the Father; and everything that was heard from a strange system of life, everything is paid in celestial points; instant by instant.-
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