Holy writings

Isaiah 10:1-2  “Woe to those who make unjust laws and to those who write oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of justice, to deprive the afflicted of my people of their rights, to despoil widows and steal. to the orphans!”
Proverbs 31:8-9  “Open your mouth in favor of the mute, in the judgment of all the helpless. “Open your mouth, judge justly, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.”
The value of humility and justice:
Micah 6:8  “He has declared to you, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: only to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly before your God.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; No earthly government will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because none made the laws based on the Scriptures of Father Jehovah. They made the laws according to gold; they were based on wealth; wealth is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; for there reigns celestial equality; the celestial communism with a child’s philosophy; all the men and women of this world promised the Father to bring celestial equality to distant worlds; yet, the demon made wealth managed to spread throughout this world; All the governments of the Earth were tested by the Father; for every spirit is tested in life; every trial has its end; The Alpha or materialist world has come to an end; the world that served the god of gold and not the living God; because if it had served the living God, the God of the Scriptures, this world would not be divided into so many nations; Only Satan divides himself like that. I truly tell you that a single Nation will be formed in this world, as it should have been for many centuries; this power will be formed by all the underdeveloped nations of the world. I truly tell you that it is shameful for the Father to have to express the term underdeveloped; because material development should have always been equal for all. The laws of life created by the Father took nothing away from anyone according to what they asked; for you are what you asked to be in the Kingdom; no one asked to divide a planet; not even in the most microscopic way; because you all knew that nothing divided enters the Kingdom of Heaven; for only what is unified comes out of the Kingdom, and unified returns to the Kingdom. I truly tell you that no government will ever unify this world; for it perpetuates division based on self-interest; and it passes it down from father to son; from generation to generation; behold, a weeping and gnashing of teeth of many generations; for none who knew and lived in a system of life foreign to the laws of the Kingdom will enter it; it is easier for one who never uttered the word wealth to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who did.-

Yes, my son; The drawing represents the Solar Scales; scales of fire; living scales; all human spirits from infinite planets and lands come before these divine scales. They had already been in front of the solar scales before; for every spirit is born many times; because what one must learn from the knowledge of the Father knows no bounds; it is eternity made into successive existences. And the spirit remains with the experience; with the knowledge gained; it remains with the salt of life, truly I tell you, that all the ideas that were conceived in life constitute the salt of life; every idea shines like the suns shine, because everything is fire; the visible and the invisible; matter and spirit; everything that was created radiates; Ideas magnetize and germinate; when one thinks, they are generating living magnetism; the idea represents the first magnetic lines of a future planet; Geometry is first an idea; it is first a mind; the mind and ideas are the first alliance for the creation of a world; truly I tell you, that you are all microscopic creators; and the Father is so on a colossal scale; what is above is like what is below; the creative law is universal; if you create, it is because you have the inheritance of the Father; and no one is disinherited; here is a Revelation; force should never have interrupted the free will of beings; because it violated the eternal succession of ideas on their path to perfection; worlds that should have been paradises are transformed into worlds of darkness; because ideas are living; if they are trampled, the philosophy that contains the idea of the future planet will create, in its expansive development, such psychology in the thinking of the creatures of that world; I truly tell you that all those who stifled the ideas of others must be judged, not only by the spirit itself but by all the ideas that were affected; idea by idea; because being as alive as the spirit itself, they have the same rights as the spirit does; no one is lesser before the Father; neither the invisible idea nor the most microscopic moment; behold the weeping and gnashing of teeth of those who trampled on ideas using force; for even the very force will accuse them. There are many kinds of strength; the sublime one is the strength that serves others; because it is within the law of charity of the Father; misused strength feels disinherited from the right that leads to the Father; and it blames its author. Thus, those who wore military uniforms will be accused; for they perfected the force to kill; they violated the divine commandment that says: You shall not kill; behold, those who forgot their own promises to the Father; for no one promised Him to kill anyone; it would have been better for these violators of the law not to have asked for the proof of life; for none shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; every transgression is judged in the Kingdom; because everything conceived by the mind has the same right as the spirit; the right to be equal is a product of the same perfection of the Father; a perfection that can do all things; truly I tell you, the judgment of all who were great and powerful in this world will be a public judgment; for thus they requested it in the Kingdom of Heaven; it is the weeping and gnashing of teeth; no one will be left without their judgment; for all life is inseparable from its judgment; because all life includes judgment; for you are still in imperfection; Without judgments, no one would take care of their responsibilities; no one would progress; you would repeat existences without moving forward; the mistake would become eternal; I truly tell you that every mistake made in a single existence is paid for; idea by idea; moment by moment; because every moment is also alive; it is so within its own laws; just as the spirit is; and all those who have taken away already achieved benefits must return them. if not in this world, then in another; The justice of the Father is expansive like the universe itself; it is above and below; wherever the spirit seeks its judgment, there it is granted. nothing is impossible for the Father; I truly tell you that all of you who find yourselves in this world, all of you asked to be judged on Earth; and all those who departed from it asked to be judged outside the world of the living; some above and others below; because the justice of the Father is equally valid at any point in the universe that the mind can imagine; Here is a law of spiritual free will; if the place you came from respects ideas, why were they not respected in your world? Here is a question that will make every demon tremble who did not respect the ideals of others; a question that will frighten the great beast of this world; the beast that has enriched itself by taking benefits that cost others; the one that has always conspired against nations; the one that has exploited them mercilessly; here is the fall of the demon of exploitation; this beast is North America; which was tempted by what was given to it; and not content with what was given, it exploited others; here is the most greedy nation in the world; truly I tell you, the end of the beast has come; poverty looms over it; everything it took will be taken from it; because no one was commanded to have more than others; here is the fall of the greatest of the deceivers; because because of the beast, no nation in this world will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; if the rest of the nations will be deprived, even more will be taken from the beast; because if sinners are punished, a thousand times more is the one punished who caused others to sin; truly I tell you, that the entire system of life that this world has established will be judged on Earth and in Heaven; because it is an immorality before the Father; some have more, and others have less; were you not taught that all are equal in rights before the Father? And if you were taught celestial communism, why didn’t you imitate it in your way of life? You hypocrites, you promised the Father to imitate Him in everything above all things; above yourselves and above any system of life; you created a system of life opposed to the morality taught by the Father; the divine Commandments tell you: You shall not steal in any imagined form; and you demons stole by creating the poor; neither rich nor poor are known in the Kingdom of Heaven; because your immoral system of life is also unknown; in the Kingdom of Heaven, only celestial communism exists with the joy of a child; selfish interest is unknown; truly I tell you, that every second spent in this immoral system of life takes you further and further away from the Kingdom of Heaven; this constant distancing only ceases when one returns to a more moral system of life; every second lived in a system of strange morality is equivalent to living an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; because even seconds cry out against immorality in the Kingdom of Heaven; everything is alive before the Father; matter and spirit; and being alive, they demand justice just as you do; And every claim is also alive; the highest hierarchy of a claim is that which demands with honesty and humility; I truly tell you, this world will enter the time of the Final Judgment; a divine judgment by living Scripture; a judgment that you yourselves requested when you asked for the test of earthly life; a judgment that has been written and published for centuries and centuries; and few have cared about it; because no one in this world has lived according to the scriptures; this world has lived according to money; who invented it? It would have been better for them not to have been born in this world!! Because he is the reason this humanity does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven;

Because by accepting the capitalist way of life, you divided yourselves into rich and poor; and no divided humanity enters the Kingdom of Heaven; was it not taught to you that only Satan divides and divides himself in this way? Here is Satan made a way of life; he was within you; no spirit divided with knowledge of its own actions enters the Kingdom of Heaven; nor has any entered; you all asked the Father to fulfill His law above all things; and you promised Him not to divide your innocence; because you knew that no divided spirit has entered the Kingdom of Heaven. More so, as you were born into this world, you encountered a way of life in which it is impossible to preserve innocence intact; here lies the drama of this world; a tragedy caused by the ambitious who created wealth; here is the devil dividing with his false morality; for the morality of every rich person does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for someone who lived a moral life as a poor person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for someone who lived a moral life as a rich person; the former is closer to the divine mandate of the Father that says: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; the latter is farther away. Truly, I tell you, that every act done in life that is closest to the divine psychology of the Father is first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because the Father rewards the smallest effort just as He punishes the smallest fault. Were you not taught that God is everywhere? It is also in the microscopic acts; in the invisible and the visible; truly, I tell you that this world asked for the Scriptures just as each one conceived them in their individuality; every obstacle, every misunderstanding was requested by your individuality; for you were tested by the Father starting from the very Scriptures; here is the test of life, in its highest expression; To understand the Father above all things is the supreme goal; for it is easier for those who sought Him and understood Him according to the Scriptures to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Truly, I tell you, the one who has learned even a single letter from His Scriptures enters the Kingdom of the Father, while one who has learned none does not. The former gave the Father the opportunity to reward him; the latter gave Him no opportunity at all. For while the Father is everywhere, He is also within and outside of a microscopic letter. Here lies the weeping and gnashing of teeth of those who had the Scriptures within reach but did not give them importance, and of those who, knowing of them, never sought them. I truly tell you that this generation will curse the others; because they inherited from them; the children will curse their parents for teaching them the customs of a way of life that prevents them from entering the Kingdom of Heaven; and the parents will curse their parents, accusing them in the same way; behold the work of capitalist Satan; behold those who deceived the world; behold your deceivers; the followers of the serpent who deceived Eve in paradise; I truly tell you that the justice of the Father will begin with the greatest culprits of your tragedy; because that is what they asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is why it was written: Every great one will be despised; and every humble one exalted; to the one who had more, what they should never have had will be taken away; because no one asked the Father to have more than another; nor did anyone ask to be a victim of someone who had more; I truly tell you that individuals and nations that were rich will end up in the greatest poverty; with the measure they used for others, so will they be measured; they were the creators of poverty in this world; they will experience firsthand what they made others endure; and every poor and despised person will be satisfied; because that is what they asked of the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven. here’s what is to come for this generation; There is no time that does not fulfill itself in the time of worlds; for all time is alive and has asked for the end of times; the end is also alive, its philosophy is a return to the past. I truly tell you, that your world has never known peace, because the demons of all wealth never curbed their own desires; and the judgment of the Father surprised them; these demons were warned for many centuries; more, none paid attention to the divine warning; Because of all the ambitious people in this world, it was written: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the ambitious have never questioned the reason for their own judgment. I truly tell you that everyone who was warned by the Scriptures of the Father and did not pay attention will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; likewise, they will be treated with indifference outside of Earth. I truly tell you that when no ambitious person remains in this world, the Earth will find its happiness; for the poor will have disappeared; equality will reign; an equality that only existed in an era before the arrival of the pharaonic demons; it was these cursed ones who transmitted to the people of Israel the ambition for gold. the tragedy of this world began with the eyes; then it moved to mental calculation; greed and cunning solidified ambition; At first, gold was regarded as art; greed hastened possession; Since the pharaonic era, those interested, merchants, lenders, usurers, financiers, and bankers have emerged; the entire range of thieves emerged; those who have never allowed the unity of the beings of this world; here is the legion of Satan; some stayed up and others asked to come down; Those you met asked the Father to know a world of light; a world whose system of life they did not know. they asked to be born again, on a distant planet called Earth; they asked to be tested in their own weaknesses; because all perfection is achieved by being reborn; the knowledge of what needs to be learned has no limits and will never have any; A single existence is microscopic; it is one of the infinite determinations that the spirit takes to know what it does not know; just as the Father has no limits, what He offers to His children also has no limits. I truly tell you, that whoever did not praise on Earth the power of the Father will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who praised their Creator to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who did not praise Him; I truly tell you, that all indifferent ones should expect nothing from the Father; for indifference is also alive; it asked to be tested and joined a certain spirit. The indifference must have been that, which was indifferent to temptations; not towards the Father; here is the reason for the complaint about indifference; she has equal rights to what your spirit has; Here is a law that is equal for your 318 virtues; the equality of your virtues creates spiritual communism; which is a microscopic hierarchy born from celestial communism; as above, so below; I truly tell you that earthly communism has only been halted for a moment on Earth; by a philosophy that, not being from the Father, was tested; and has reached the end of its trial; it is the end of the time of the Alpha or materialistic world. All the centuries that have passed in this world represent only an instant in the divine time of the Father; a celestial second is equivalent to an earthly century; for your Father Jehovah, this world was created only a moment ago. What seems to you a heavy burden, when viewed from the Kingdom of Heaven, is just a spark.-


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