Holy writings

Luke 16:10  “He who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in very little, is also unjust in much.”
1 Peter 4:10  “Let each according to the gift he has received minister it to others, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
Proverbs 21:20  “There is precious treasure and oil in the house of the wise; But a foolish man dissipates them.”
1 Timothy 6:6-8  “But godliness with contentment is great gain; because we have brought nothing into this world, and without a doubt we can take nothing out. So, having sustenance and shelter, let us be content with this.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; no spirit was commanded to have more than what the humble of Father Jehovah would have; because everyone knew that possession does not lead to the Kingdom of the Father; when humanity asked for the test of life, it asked to fulfill the laws of the scriptures, not the laws of money; because money and possession are not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, those who criticized the people earning a wage criticized their own rights; why did you not criticize those who had more than what was commanded to have? Hypocrites of the world! None of you will enter the Kingdom of the Father; if the humble of this world are the first before the Creator, this world has given them the last; and having given them the last, many hypocrites try to take it away from them. I truly tell you that your corrupted way of life, based on gold, is not pleasing to Father Jehovah; and you will be uprooted from evolution in this world; and since this strange way of life is illegal before the Father, all those who criticized any people, calling them wasteful, are cursed; and woe to those who speak to any cursed one! because by the voice, the same law falls upon them; this law of curse was requested by the very guilty ones before leaving the Kingdom of Heaven; these hypocrites, slaves of money, said to the divine Father: Eternal Father: If we criticize your humble ones on that distant planet called Earth, may your curse in justice fall upon us; therefore, this law is a law already requested in the Kingdom; and it must be applied to those who criticized peoples that tried to prove their own philosophies; I truly tell you that all those who did not allow a mandate elected by the people to finish are cursed; these demons of the violation of others’ rights must account for all the seconds of the total time that was stolen from the mandate. every second of stolen time is equivalent to living an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; these hypocrites call themselves Christians; here are the false prophets of my writings; no false Christian will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; I know, my son, that you think about the events that have occurred in your homeland; I truly tell you, that all these killers of the force are cursed; just like all those who overthrew governments, trampling on the mandates of the Father; They have little time left, these demons who abused a worldly trust placed in them; I truly tell you that the so-called force of this world has its days numbered; because the presence of the Revelation in this world will change the way of thinking of creatures all over the planet. I truly tell you, followers of the force, that with you will begin the weeping and gnashing of teeth; Your military philosophy is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; and none of those who wore the so-called uniforms will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.- Yes, my son; This celestial drawing teaches that every idea generated by each human being is collected in space by flying saucers. As can be seen in the drawing, the ideas are colorful; because the vision of the thinking being was influenced by the colors of nature. I truly tell you that everything the eyes see is imprinted in every physical idea that travels to the cosmos; ideas become life before the Father; because the entire universe asked the Father for life, according to its respective laws; matter and spirit asked for it; were you not taught that your God is infinite? Infinity means that everything an imagination can conceive can become reality; it means that everything exists; and what cannot be proven in a certain world exists in other worlds. the children of this planet think daily as if only they existed; They forget that no one is unique in anything imagined; they forget that what belongs to the Father has no end; here is a world that believed itself to be unique; even while having in sight, the endless universe;

here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of millions of blind people who, seeing that the universe had no end, doubted the infinity of the Father; no one asked the Father to doubt Him, on the distant planets; I truly tell you, that none of those who doubted the power of the Father will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who has not seen the material universe in their earthly existence to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who has seen it and doubted. All of you human spirits, you asked for many inclinations of the spirit to overcome them and achieve perfection; without straying from the laws of the Father; more, you encountered a way of life that instead of helping you move forward, made you go backward; this strange system of life deceived you; it made you disinherited from the Kingdom of Heaven; because due to those who deceived you, none of you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; neither you as spirits nor your inheritance, which are the ideas; every idea that came from a spirit that violated the law of the Father accuses its creator, who because of it cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is a world that will weep for all the bad ideas it has generated; And I truly tell you, that it is enough to have created a single bad idea in life, and you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because the justice of the Father is the same for all; for the colossal as for the microscopic; and the most microscopic thing you can imagine is your own ideas; the most insignificant does not allow entry into the Kingdom of Heaven for the one who believed himself to be unique; I truly tell you, that such rigor, you yourselves requested; you asked the Father to fulfill in this world, the highest morality that your mind can imagine; and you asked to be judged with the same morality; you asked for it above all things; because you all saw without exception, the communist morality of the Kingdom of Heaven; you saw that there is no money there; you saw that everything was common to all; and you promised the Father to imitate what is in the Kingdom, on the distant planet; If you imitated it, it’s because of the so-called capitalists; They dazzled you with their gold; they made you forget the scriptures; and even to renounce the Father; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth, of a world that was deceived; this deception was foretold to you many centuries ago; The writing was: “And beware of the tree of the science of good; the science of good is the comfort that gold provides; it is the very science of capitalism; it is the materialized illusion that violates the laws of the Father; because this science, born from the laws of gold, was not requested in the Kingdom of the Father; you all asked Father Jehovah to live as brothers, as much as possible, in a common and universal philosophy; imitating what is seen in the Kingdom of Heaven; along with such a request, you asked to be tested in all your imperfections; promising the Creator of the universe not to be overcome by them; tests and intention; your request for life is summarized; and in all that was asked, you requested a forgetfulness of the past; so that the test of life would be more authentic; this Revelation is the complement of the divine parable that says: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; because your Father Jehovah, knowing all future to be materialized in His creatures, saw the strange system of life called capitalism; He saw the deception and the illusion that would confront you over the centuries; He saw all the injustice and immorality of this system of life; He saw how the exploitation of man by man was disguised under a cloak of legality; He saw how a world would submit by force to this shameful system; because from this strange system of life arose the so-called armed forces; without which the ambitious would not perpetuate their privileges;” Here are the demons of the world; here are the cursed of the world; for nothing will remain of them; here are the spirits that lived in the pharaonic era;

that still retain their bad inclinations; because every spirit is reborn; it has had and will have many existences; bad inclinations often persist through many existences; going through many stages; de verdad os digo, que los que crearon para este mundo, el capitalismo, son los espíritus más atrasados del planeta; porque ni su mundo que crearon, ni sus seguidores, entrarán al Reino de los Cielos; nada de ellos quedará en este mundo; les ocurrirá igual, como les ocurrió en el pasado; cuando crearon la esclavitud en la era faraónica; todo espíritu pide al Padre, volver a un mismo mundo en donde estuvo antes; lo pide para enmendar deudas, en los mismos lugares en que ocurrieron los hechos; hechos ocurridos en exsistencias que ya se cumplieron; he aquí que los culpables de la tragedia de que nó podáis entrar al Reino de los Cielos, lo han hecho en todo instante en el tiempo de su reinado; segundo por segundo; porque instante por instante generáis ideas violadoras de la ley del Padre; y por cada instante, por cada segundo, por cada idea, os váis alejando más y más del Reino de los Cielos; por cada instante, segundo ó idea, es una exsistencia que se tiene que cumplir fuera del Reino de los Cielos; he aquí la justicia que vosotros mismos pedísteis; fuísteis rigurosos para consigo mismo; de verdad os digo, que al nacer vuestro espíritu de nuevo, lo hace pidiendo enmendar los errores transcurridos en los instantes, segundos ó ideas, que correspondieron a la exsistencia anterior; de una sola exsistencia vivida, hay tantas otras que vivir, como instantes, segundos ó ideas, fueron violadas; he aquí que del mal, vuestro Padre Jehova saca la luz; porque purgando vosotros mismos, el mal que hicísteis en vuestro pasado, os váis perfeccionando a la vez; Good and evil run parallel to the moments lived; they alternate the possession of free will; this quality exists as long as the errors of the past are purged; because the types of life in their qualities and characteristics have no limits; On the contrary; the more ideas a creature generates, the more qualities and qualities of life it creates; the more varied its Heaven will be; because each one creates their own heaven; for from each idea generated, a future world is born with its respective surrounding space; and that will be called heaven; I truly tell you, that everyone who generated ideas, without considering the Father above all things, created future worlds that will not know the glory of the Father; because the creative cause did not recognize Him. every inheritance is expansive; it is transmitted in individuals and in worlds; Every idea, no matter how invisible or tiny, influences what will become colossal planets; behold, from the microscopic, your Creator brings forth the entirety of each world and the universe itself; the divine idea of the Father is to unify them all; in their respective calls for life; that is why He leaves His writings in each world; however, when the worlds do not heed them, they create their own tragedy; for the guilty drag along with them all the generations of creatures that follow and imitate their erroneous laws; this is what has happened to your world; that is why it was announced to you a weeping and gnashing of teeth; Most I tell you, it is always the same in the eternity of the worlds. For the sake of a few, the rest are condemned. In your world, such an event occurred; for a few ambitious ones, you also fell; because to a greater or lesser extent, you experienced temptation; and it is enough to know something that should never have been known, and you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for someone who has never heard the word ambition to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for someone who has heard it; because such a fact is also alive in the Kingdom of Heaven; and being a violation, it harms the spirit. just hearing it, something that should never have been heard, is enough to prevent entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; And I truly tell you, that just thinking of a single rude thought, without speaking it, is enough to prevent one from entering the Kingdom of Heaven; If we talk about it, the debt is greater; here is what the immoral ones of your way of life have led you to. The punishment for these demons is condemnation; because the accumulated score against them is beyond all calculation; because there will be no human being who does not have an accusation against them; In their excessive ambitions, they captivated entire generations of this world with the shine of gold; a demonic fascination; because no one enchanted by this world will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; I truly tell you that what is called capitalism has its days numbered; it will fall blind to spiritual laws until the last moment of its nefarious reign. For these demons of ambition it was written: Blind guides of the blind; because they alone claimed to test a way of life; did they not crush other ideals, labeling them as immoral? These blind people to the things of the future cast the first stone of life system hoarding; these blind individuals, despite having witnessed for centuries the injustices of their own way of life, have never renounced it. Here is a blindness that is in the law of the curse; the law of the spirits of evil; here is the greatest weeping and gnashing of teeth; here is the agony of Satan in this world; for there is no other. I truly tell you that your own way of life was your own yoke; your valley of tears; due to the selfishness of a few who discovered in gold a way to satisfy their immoral appetites; because you knew a way of life corrupted from its very foundation; the creators of capitalism generated it out of spiritual weakness; for these ambitious individuals know nothing of the eternal philosophy of the Father; their concept of the Father is confined to a fleeting present; which influenced millions of children who had a more infinite concept of the Father; here lies the mental fall for following the laws of the most backward that this world has known; they were so backward that none who knew them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.-



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