Holy writings

Hebrews 13:4  “Let marriage be honored in all, and the bed undefiled; But God will judge fornicators and adulterers.”
Ephesians 5:31-32  “For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. Great is this mystery; but I say this regarding Christ and the church.”
1 Corinthians 6:18  “Flee from fornication. Any other sin that man commits is outside the body; but he who commits fornication sins against his own body.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Thus it is, my son; one of the greatest scandals, which will give rise to one of the greatest weepings and gnashings of teeth, will come from the libertines and immoral ones, who in the test of life, desired the woman or the man of their neighbors; the so-called Christian world, the world of hypocrisy, was characterized by the strange and immoral practice of desiring what should not have been desired; the divine Commandments of God warned for centuries about this human fall; the marriages of the world were already written in the Kingdom of Heaven; the thinking spirits formalize their unions before God, and seeing themselves in the solar television of the future; because nothing is impossible for God; the divine Father Jehovah advances to his children, their own requests, their future scenes and their future alliances, to be fulfilled in distant and unknown planets of trials; this divine law of seeing in advance what is asked of God, will be seen again by the world of the test, in the solar television of the Son of God; at that moment the world will understand that what is above is the same as what is below; that everything that happened to each one on Earth, had already happened in Heaven; and what happened in Heaven, excluded all forms of scandal; because desiring what belongs to another, belongs to the darkness; every human creature by the mere fact of exhibiting with a married person in the streets of the world, fell into scandal; and they will have another divine judgment within the judgment itself; this scandal is not forgiven; it is discounted by seconds, molecules, and by ideas; those who fell into desiring what was already of others, will continue living in imperfect planets; in worlds where they will be taken away what they most want; because they had taken away from others, in other planetary dwellings; because it is easier for it to be taken away in the law of pain in other worlds, from one who in the test of life, also took away; and that it is not taken away, from one who took away from no one; the beings who did not respect those who were married, neither will they be respected in the divine judgment of God, nor in their future existences; because those who walked with married men in the test of life, will be called prostitutes or adventurers of love, in the weeping and gnashing of teeth; because they do not have the seal of God; the immoral has never had it; nor will it ever have it; and those who being married, took the strange libertinism of desiring what is not theirs, will be called denaturalized; and the world will know them in the gigantic solar television; in all the confines of the Earth, their sad and immoral stories will be known; every prostitute who desired a married man and every denaturalized who desired a woman outside his marriage, reduced to almost nothing, their own scores of light; because the longer the time in which the immoral desired each other, the greater was also the number of seconds elapsed, and the greater was the number of existences of light that were lost; to this infinite number of seconds, lived in immorality, these scandalous of the laws of love, have to add the scores of darkness, for the other violations committed during the test of life; and if there were children who knew what they were doing, it would have been better for these scandalous ones, not to have asked the Father for the test of life; because the divine wrath of Jehovah God will be immense; it always happens this way when their innocence, which are the children, is corrupted with bad example; because of those who walked with married people and vice versa, the world will suffer dreadful earthquakes due to the divine wrath of Jehovah; because the earthquakes that will be felt in the weeping and gnashing of teeth, are caused by the immoral and scandalous of life; they are not caused by the innocent, those who knew how to respect the divine sacraments of God; thus the world will curse them; because it is easier for the world to bless those who do not provoke the divine anger of God; because those who make God rejoice, provoke sublime wonders in his creation; those who scandalized in the laws of love during the test of life, will not be given more love, when they ask again for unknown sensations, to know new forms of life; because they will not inspire confidence in the divine cherubim of love; they may advance in many other sensations or virtues, but not in the infinite hierarchies of love; because to earn the future in what one desires to become, one should not scandalize in the present; from present to present the spirit makes its future; the divine cherubim of the all over the all, are infinitely demanding with the fulfillment of the promises made to God; the one who violates the law that he promised to fulfill in the Kingdom of Heaven, entered into an immense commitment of responsibility with everything that exists; the all over the all marches unified in its eternal expansion and transformation; the one who violated what was asked of God, provokes a disturbance in all the elements that lovingly lent themselves to fulfill a divine alliance with the spirit; every violator of the divine law of God, has as opponents all the cherubim of the Universe; for they are supportive and live the common law in the living; it is infinite free wills that opine in the divine judgments of God; that is why it was said and written: Every small and humble one is great in power in the Kingdom of Heaven; from them, the divine cherubim of matter, hangs the destiny of the violators of God’s law; the microscopic eternalizes the great; without the small, the great is nothing; the violators of God’s law, by despising the psychology of humility, despised the divine cherubim; and having despised them through scandal, they were left without light; by teaching the Eternal to the world of the test, that one had to be humble above all things, such divine teaching enclosed the divine science of the cherubim; the immortal science of the most infinitely small of matter and spirit; the test of life consisted in knowing how to seek and discover what was behind humility; that is why it was written: He who seeks finds; the reward of the search was by seconds, by molecules, and by ideas; the divine cherub opens for the world, a new world or New Kingdom; the laws of paradise are demonstrated through the science of the cherubim; divine mental power of the solar parents; this science was known at the beginning of the world; it was known in the era of the Open Heavens; because before the fall of Adam and Eve, everything was living; matter expressed itself to creatures; that is why it was said that Adam and Eve lacked nothing; neither communication with animals nor communication with matter was lacking; because in a paradise nothing is lacking; and if something is desired, that something is created instantly through the cherubim; in the rebirth of spirits, when they ask God to know new life again, it is the divine cherubim who participate in their new reincarnations; the starting principle of all life is humility; it is love made molecule, in which the molecule known to man is a gigantic planet; it is the return of the small that comes back triumphant in geometry of infinite expansions; the existing, when going back in its lived history, becomes cherub; and while it lives, it is also cherub; because the universe in which it is, has neither beginning nor end; the infinite nullifies the gigantic without the gigantic ceasing to exist; the divine cherub is born microbe and becomes giant according to its number of reincarnations; a solar firstborn travels or traveled infinite scales of cherubim; the Son of God gained magnetisms to such a degree, that other magnetisms of later creation are lovingly subordinated to him; the cherubim recognize instantly and at the same time invisibly, their solar father; this encounter occurs on infinite planets of infinite categories; among which is Earth, planet of tests; the world of the test of Earth will fall into an era of fascination by the new law of the divine cherub; the Son of God, by demonstrating that matter possesses life, will provoke the greatest of revolutions in the human race; and every eye will see him commanding through his solar word, the cherubim of the elements and of everything that exists; and when this happens, those who had proclaimed themselves materialists in the test of life, will be filled with dread; and many in their unfailing pride, will commit suicide; for fear of being ridiculed; it would be better for these proud ones not to commit suicide; because they would be resurrected by the Son of God; and in this last attempt at suicide, they are discounted such a number of existences, as is the number of flesh molecules of their bodies; the Revolution of the Son of God will provoke the fall of all strange and unknown things to Him; among which is the strange system of life called capitalism; because all that is unjust and all that violated the divine law of the Father, will be called strange and unknown by the Son of God; and with them, he will have a hand of iron; because he will pay them hardness for hardness; it is the Iron Government of the Son of God; this government lasts until the last custom from the strange world of gold has disappeared; because from this world not even the dust will remain; the agony of the proud will be horrible; because with them, He who gives and takes life, will have no mercy; because the proud did not have it either; because it is easier for one who, not being from the world of gold, did not know pride, to find mercy in the weeping and gnashing of teeth; than for one who had the misfortune of belonging to this strange world; at the birth of the new world, those who belonged to the so-called capitalism, will wander aimlessly around the planet; because such a world was not written in the Kingdom of Heaven; the systems of life that exploit their creatures do not have the seal of God; and not having it, no divine law takes charge of them; what is not asked of God is cast out in the divine judgments of Father Jehovah; this corresponds to the divine warning that says: Every tree that my divine Father did not plant is uprooted from human evolution; the so-called capitalism is one of such trees; already in the past of the Earth, many other strange trees were uprooted by the Holy Trinity;

among others, the cursed pharaonic tree; the divine intervention of God has prevented Earth from becoming a planet of slaves; although there are many who feed such a demonic idea; those who thought so during the test of life will get their way; that is to say, they will be enslaved in other existences, in other worlds; such ones will weep for having neglected the divine warning that for centuries said: Do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you; because in the divine justice of God, the same is received; where one sinned, one receives; it is easier not to receive the unpleasant, for one who provoked the unpleasant to no one; those who trampled on the love of others must pay for it by seconds; in which each second of trampling equals an existence of deception for the one who did the same in the test of life; those who coveted married men and women will also suffer the same in future existences; and they will be exposed to blood dramas as a consequence of the same; passionate dramas whose cause was in a microscopic present of deception for another; certainly, those who get involved with married men and those who get involved with married women, doom themselves for existences; those who lived in the so-called capitalism were the ones who practiced this demonic custom the most; certainly, those who desired married people distorted their own hierarchy of creature; that is to say, those who were tempted by the married will have to fulfill their future existences on planets of trials, whose morality will be even lower than the morality of Earth where they violated God’s law; this is called regressing in their own spiritual scale; and it is a regression by their own will; and it is equivalent to moving infinitely further away from the Kingdom of Heaven; for unheard-of eternities, the scandalous ones who coveted the love of another will not see their loved ones again; because it is easier for one who did not take the strange libertinism of taking what belonged to another woman to see her loved ones or relatives; than for a worldly one who did; the immoralities committed by the spirit in the test of life make such a spirit only encounter strangers in its future existences; only those clean of mind and heart will have the joy of meeting their mothers, fathers, brothers, nephews, uncles, and all family members again; the worldly ones who fell by stealing others’ affections fulfill themselves the strange division of Satan; they themselves disperse throughout the Universe; because what each one did in life affects their future stay in some place in the Cosmos; the divine fulfillment of God’s law attracts beings and gathers them on some planet; non-compliance distances them; the drama of not seeing each other again arose during the seconds while living; they are the seconds of life poorly spent, harming others; the divine warnings of the Gospel of God contained the sublime notice that one second of life corresponded to a future existence of one hundred years; the divine notice proclaimed that from the most microscopic, the greatest, the most lasting, the eternal was born; it proclaimed that a humble second of life was great in the future existence of the spirit; that is why it was said: Every humble one is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; because from the humble and the microscopic, the future heavens for every spirit are born; the expansion of the Universe carries itself starting with the very molecules that one possesses in oneself; and it is easier for one who in their own faith considered it so to have eternity; because those who did not delve into the humble and the microscopic within them erred in the true concept of eternity; such ones distorted the quality and the nature of their own eternities; the eternity to have in the future is always subordinated to the very thinking one had of it; because each one makes their own eternity; nothing is given away in the Kingdom of Heaven; not even a single molecule is given away; the divine mandate of: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, has an antiquity whose principle is found before the material universes were born; everything that exists, existed, and will exist, nothing was given away; everything cost infinite intelligences; the scandalous ones who seek the strange friendships of married men, regardless of what people will say, will have to face infinite accusations, corresponding to the beings who possessed a higher morality than they did; these beings were trampled on in the most intimate part of their morality; the contempt with which the scandalous or prostitute who took others’ loves in the presence of everyone looked at them, is paid in the divine judgment of God; this drama will be one of the most painful in the weeping and gnashing of teeth; because all the scenes will be seen on solar television; there great and hidden deceptions will be seen by the whole planet; and the more the husband thief exhibited herself, the more her accusers will also be, who, being trampled on in their feelings, will demand from the Son of God a greater discount of light score for the scandalous one; because in the divine judgments of God, those offended during the test of life have the divine right to demand; the scandalous have no rights; because scandal, whatever it may be, will not find forgiveness in the Son of God; it is easier for one who did not scandalize in their test of life to find it; every adult family member and every friend with whom the usurpers of others’ loves had a relationship, all will run the risk of being accused of being accomplices in the scandal; that is, they will be accused by the Son of God of not defending the divine morality of the Father; and they will also have their light scores discounted; it is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of those who will not see God, for not having known how to defend their divine rights on planet Earth; whoever does not defend the Father’s will not see the Father; it is easier for one who took the trouble to defend it before those who violated his divine law to see him; it is the drama of cursing each other, just for having known each other; because immorality and scandal were shared in coexistence; this corresponds to the divine parable that says: He who is clean, let him cast the first stone; it means that he who did not know scandal in himself and in others can make accusations in the divine judgment of God; because it is easier for the Firstborn Son to grant the word first to one who is clean; than to grant it to one who is dirty in thought; the scandalous men and women who did not hesitate to take others’ loves are dirty in deeds and thoughts; the Son of God will gather all those who took the strange libertinism of stealing others’ loves and will separate them from humanity; because it is easier for those who were clean in their morality and who did no harm to anyone to remain part of humanity; those who walked with married men and those who walked with married women did much harm; such ones only await future existences in which they will be harmed; in infinite existences that they will ask God for, their husbands and wives will be taken from them; just as they took in the test of life; because it is easier for one who did the same in a certain existence to receive future outrages and tramplings; than for one who did nothing to receive them; the immoral ones who exhibited themselves with married men and the immoral ones who exhibited themselves with married women will make the weeping and gnashing of teeth even more painful; because for each of them, there will be an earthquake; because each particular case will be a divine anger in the Firstborn Son; because it is easier for the Son of God not to be angry with one who did not scandalize; and to be filled with wrath by one who violated the divine law of the Father; thus all those who walked with married men, all will live hidden in the weeping and gnashing of teeth; because the world that will endure the earthquakes will unload its rage and its own tragedy on them; it is the weeping and gnashing of teeth within the very weeping and gnashing of teeth of the planet of those who provoked with their immoral acts the divine wrath of God through his Firstborn Son; many immoral ones who stole others’ loves eluded the justice of Earth; because taking another’s man is punished by human law; and if it is punished by human law, it is infinitely more punished by the divine judgment of God; because in the Final Judgment, those who took causing harm to another pay for it by seconds, molecules, ideas; likewise, men who deceived their wives pay for it; every deception will be seen on solar television; millions of usurpers of others’ husbands will ask forgiveness from millions of deceived wives; just as millions of wives will ask forgiveness from millions of husbands whom they deceived in the test of life; it is the desperation of the last moment and the dread of losing their soul; in asking for forgiveness, the guilty ones will do so thinking that a second of forgiveness represents an existence of light that distances them from the darkness; and not all will forgive; because beings have free will to forgive or not to forgive; although Heaven advises forgiving; the one who delighted in deceiving another fell asleep and condemned themselves to a tremendous discount of existences of light; those who called themselves Christians and adorned themselves with artifices on the outside had the strange and immoral custom of taking others’ happiness; inside they were rotten; they were the buildings spoken of in the divine Gospels of God:

Whitewashed and beautified buildings on the outside and corrupted on the inside; such ones believed that it would never be known what they secretly and even shamelessly did; they deceived themselves; because they, like all humanity, asked God for solar television; because everything imaginable is asked of God; humanity itself asked Father Jehovah that all their scenes, deeds, and stories that each one would live in the test of life be shown to everyone; this request was based on the principle on the part of the spirit that it would never violate God’s law on the distant and unknown planet of trials; human spirits did not conceive of the fall; they were sure of triumphing over their own weaknesses; they never imagined that they would encounter a strange and unknown system of life, which in its strange laws would include the fall itself; the drama was in the determination itself; it began in ideas and developed through the seconds; it was thinking with an instant alliance with time and the elements; human work always relied on itself; and in the test of life, one had to be careful that what came from within was not corrupted; that what was inside did not cause harm through the eyes; because those who took the strange libertinism of taking another’s husband did so through their eyes; and it would have been better for such worldly ones not to have had eyes!! Because if they had not had them, they would not have violated God’s law; the eyes whose spirit distorted them will complain in the divine judgment of God, in their laws of eyes; because the scandalous one who stole another’s love did so through them; and it is easier for those who made good use of them in the test of life to have eyes again in their future existences; than for those who used them to violate the law of love they had asked of God to have them again; because every organ of the flesh body also participates in the divine judgment of God; because no one is less before God; if God created everything, he gives everything equal rights in their respective laws; this right was not taken into account by the worldly ones of the world; much less by the prostitutes and adventurers of others’ loves; all of them together contributed to making human life even more distorted; they pay for this strange distortion; those who trampled on the love and happiness of others must calculate and add up the number of flesh molecules that the deceived one possessed; and for each flesh molecule, the deceivers and thieves of others’ loves will have to live again in backward worlds, worlds of low morality; which is equivalent to the same low morality with which they let themselves be carried away in the test of life; just as they were below on the planet of trials, they find the same above in other worlds of space; and as long as these backward spirits insist on stealing others’ affections, they will never be admitted to the Kingdom of Heaven; to be with the clean ones of the Kingdom, one must prepare cleanliness when on the planets of trials; it is an eternal story that will repeat forever; those who do not make efforts to overcome their low passions perpetuate their stay in worlds of low morality; which are in a way, degrees of hells; the law of the second and the molecule is a consequence of the infinite request by the spirit itself; it is like having access to everything microscopic including the invisible; because it was asked for; another law would be if the human creature had not asked for the infinite; in this case, it would have a divine judgment with limits; and the limit was requested in its own mental and physical capacities; in its own all of sensations as a creature; it is easier for one who was concerned about not violating the law of their own limit requested from God to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for one who was not concerned to enter; thus the immoral ones who stole others’ affections did not respect the limit of immorality; they did not enclose it within themselves; they let it escape, creating their own dramas in the divine judgment of God; every violation of the law requested from God becomes immensity; it becomes new planets and universes where the evil done is paid for; good fulfills the same expansive law; only that good leads to better states of happiness; evil perpetuates suffering; every worldly spirit sustains an infinite struggle on infinite planets of trials; the you will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, which is equivalent to saying: You will earn the light by your own merit, extends from planet to planet; it is the falls of the spirit that create an eternity of struggle between good and evil; it is the little importance that worldly spirits give to the divine warnings of God; they fall into a strange sleep in which they almost never ask themselves if what they are doing is right or not; the little importance that the worldly give to their own actions makes the light also give them little importance; because interest in things was requested; and within that interest, it was promised not to violate God’s law; all the scenes of life are carried within oneself; they are all recorded in the aura; and as long as there is a scandalous scene in one’s own aura, the spirit does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the bad scenes of the aura disappear from it, molecule by molecule; as the spirit fulfills its existences of improvement; the rate of disappearance of the bad scenes of the aura is that for each molecule of the bad scene, an existence must be lived; this slowness in paying for the bad is because the human spirit asked God to participate in the laws of the infinite, with all its consequences; the divine warning was contained in the divine teaching that said: God’s things have neither beginning nor end; and within what has neither beginning nor end was the microscopic human request; the notion of the infinite is subordinated to one’s own evolution; and human evolution is a dust within the small; because it was written that from dust you are and to dust you will return; and it meant that the gigantic exists as human dust exists; because everything imaginable exists in God; for all the sensations generated by each individuality of the Universe, there is a world of universes; those who insist on violating God’s law continue to be locked in their universes of darkness; just as the fall was by molecule-existence, so too could salvation have been by molecule-existence; the sublime opportunity was had in the test of life; it was had second by second; the distortion or strange indifference in the things and events that happened daily to the spirit distorted it little by little; the concept that it came from a world of eternal life was weakening; and the importance of the return was neglected; it was not kept fixed in the innermost part of the being; more trust was placed in the illusion of a fleeting life than in the law of the future; this strange neglect on the part of the spirit is not from the Kingdom of Heaven; because no one asked God for it;

Where did it come from? It came from the strange psychology of the strange system of life called capitalism; this neglect has no inheritance in the laws of light; because its cause does not have it either; the so-called capitalism no one asked God for; because nothing that contains meanness, none of it is asked of God; truly I tell you, that for choosing a strange system of life, which in no way took into account the divine Gospel of God, the humanity that had to live and think in such a system of life, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for a humanity to enter, that took as the first basis to create its system of life, the divine Gospel of God, above all things; the imitators of God always have the preference regarding entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; this truth was contained in the divine and supreme commandment that said: You shall worship your God and Lord, above all imaginable things; one had to worship him also in the way a system of life was created; because otherwise, the divine term of above all things would not be fulfilled; the system of life itself, by not relying on the divine teachings of God, contributed to the scandalous and immoral of the world sinking further into their own mistakes and errors; the fall was more resounding and inevitable; because it was a strange system of life, without destiny and without universal philosophy; it was a strange system of life that did not have the seal of God; they cried out to a God without renouncing evil; without overcoming their own passions that induced them to manufacture strange deadly weapons; with which and with the same, they violated the divine commandments of God; the violation of God’s laws, the system of life itself legalized them; and even forced citizens to violate the Father’s law; those who forced others to condemn themselves, they too will be forced to be consumed by eternal fire; the scandalous ones who had no pity in taking others’ husbands, for them there will be no pity either; it is easier to find pity in the divine judgment of God, for one who did no harm to another; than for one who did; this deception of loving someone while harming another person is one of the most demonic scandals; and it will not have forgiveness in the divine Final Judgment; because this immense sin played and mocked the love of God; because it had been taught that God was everywhere; he was also in each of the beings; and being so, the adventurers of love equally looked down on the divine presence of the Father; for this outrage with full knowledge, none of such prostitutes, none will ever have human life again, as they knew it; because it will be the same alliances that will prevent it; because everything comes from oneself; the sensations and virtues of each one have free will just as the spirit has; and having free will, they have the right to manifest and express opinions, just as the human spirit has; therefore, the weeping and gnashing of teeth comes from the innermost part of the being; the accusations come from within and resonate outside; they come from the molecular part of oneself; the all over the all of the bodies of the distorters of God’s love will accuse them to the Son of God; and certainly, the all over the all will not lend itself to be an accomplice of all the evil that the spirit did in the test of life; not a single molecule of itself will lend itself to be an accomplice, being in the divine presence of God; because everyone prefers God; the immoral ones who delighted in walking with married men will be repudiated by all the beings of the Earth; because no one will want to be accused of being an accomplice to evil by the Son of God; the Solar Firstborn will read every mind and what is read will be shown on solar television; that is why every scandalous man and woman of God’s love will live in the most terrible loneliness; not even the little animals will want to be with them; because by then, they will have their understanding and will also express their opinions to the world; the scandalous ones of love will live their last moments alone; that is to say, no one will care about them; neither their agonies nor their bodies; nor will anyone care to bury them even; because everyone will be focused on their own salvation; because only a few will be saved; only the children will be safe; it is the terrible agony of a strange world that did not want to understand that God’s things were above all things; a world that only proclaimed it by mouth and not in deeds; a false world of light; that as such, not even the memory that it existed will remain; a strange world that only made promises to God, but did not fulfill them; a strange planet whose creatures contradicted themselves in their own works; they perfected births and prepared them to kill each other; a strange and demonic world that pretended to serve both good and evil; and that inevitably divided and weakened its merit in the eyes of God; a strange world with strange ideas brought from distant galaxies; ideas that no one had asked God for; ideas in which what was promised to God was not taken into account at all; a world turned into a hell of a certain hierarchy; a strange world whose sad outcome will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth; in which the scandalous, adventurers, and prostitutes of others’ loves played their sad role; they helped with their immoralities to sink the world further; causing millions of other beings to imitate them and be lost in future existences of darkness; because through imitation, many condemned themselves; it is easier for beings whose ears never heard that adventurers or worldly ones of love existed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for those who heard it to enter; because the innocence of the world was distorted by those who looked at love lightly; because such ones infected the world; and the world legalized the immoral in its own sleep; the work of the prostitutes and adventurers in others’ loves was certainly the work of Satan; because from it came division that perpetuates through eternity; that is lived from world to world; the work of Satan invaded all human customs; Satan found no resistance because not even the system of life itself had it; and humans let themselves be surprised second by second; mental weakness made them lower their guard to the detriment of the spiritual; only the disciplines that contained some morality gave some a certain light score of certain quality and grade; blessed are those who were not worldly; for theirs are the best worlds; happy are those who did not allow themselves the libertinism of taking what was others’; for they will be respected anywhere in the Universe; happy are those who, seeing the corruption of their fellow men, did not corrupt themselves; happy are those who, living among the proud, knew how to keep their humility; for theirs is salvation; happy are those who, being poor, did not complain; for they earned the abundance of God in the afflicted days of weeping and gnashing of teeth; unfortunate are those who lived in strange abundance while others were starving; for such ones will have it taken away; for it is easier for one who knew what it was to suffer to have happiness in the weeping and gnashing of teeth; than for one who did not know suffering as an experience to have it; for those who suffered in life won; and the powerful lost; for it was easier for the creatures who claimed to be right to be wrong; than for the divine warnings of God through the centuries to be wrong; the Eternal never makes mistakes; man makes mistakes every moment; and it is easier for one who resisted his mistakes mentally second by second to be rewarded in the divine judgment of God; than for one who let himself be surprised in just one second of mistake; the prostitutes who were tempted by others’ loves let themselves be surprised in more than one second; therefore they moved infinitely further away from the Kingdom of God; for one second of scandal equals an existence of distance from the Kingdom; the scandalous ones who set a bad example for the world have no other destiny than to go to worlds of low morality; where hidden harm is the daily darkness; they are the worlds of passionate dramas; worlds where love ends in violent death; in these worlds the suns are dark, just as the auras of the prostitutes and adventurers of love are; for the aura that each one made according to their intentions in life is related to the future elements of the future planetary abode; the deceitful love represents the opposite of the love of light; it represents living again in the hell-planets of Satan’s kingdom; it represents a new return to darkness already lived by the same spirit in its past existences; the temptation of the lightness of seeing God’s things is paid by living ancient tragedies again.-


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