Holy writings

Proverbs 3:31-32  “Do not envy an unjust man, nor choose any of his ways. For the Lord abhors the wicked; but his intimate communion is with the righteous.”
Proverbs 22:16  “He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he who gives to the rich, so that he will have nothing but poverty.”
Galatians 6:7  “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked: for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap.”
Job 4:8  “As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow iniquity reap it.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, little one; everyone who used force to reason, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; no one asked the Father, to hit or mutilate another; those who did so, are cursed; they will live isolated for the rest of their lives; poor are those who speak to any cursed one! by the same voice the curse will fall upon them; the world must take care; because the all over the all of itself, will accuse it in the Kingdom of Heaven; it will accuse it of dealing with the feelings of a cursed one; none who spoke to any cursed one, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; I know, little one, that in your flock Chile many are tortured for having ideals; truly I tell you, that the executioners have their hours numbered; they will curse having been born; it is enough to hit another for just an instant, and one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that from the Chilean flock light is born; what everyone asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven is born; from a humble nation trampled by the so-called militarism, Father Jehovah makes known to the world the new doctrine; let those who divided the world into nations tremble!! only satan divides planetary flocks; he does it to combat the equality taught by the Father; let those who persecute my children who asked the Father, to fight on Earth, for an equality similar to the Heavens tremble!! let those who divided my children, into many beliefs, having only one God tremble!! let those who divided the world into rich and poor tremble!! because theirs will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth!! all division is of men; and not of God; and what is not of the Father, is judged; truly I tell you, executioners of the peoples, that upon you will fall a curse; you will beat your chest shouting to the world, your deceptions; because nature will tremble, asking accounts from every sinner; no cursed one who persecuted, tortured, imprisoned humble children, will be left without their punishment; truly I tell you, usurpers of the power of the humble, that the world will look at you with infinite pity; your greatest misfortune is having asked for tests of strength, just at the moment of the initiation of biblical revelations; you will be surprised, demons of force; no one should have created any force in this world; there are many kinds of force; the force of the so-called militarism or fascism, is cursed force before the Father; and that is your tragedy; because you cannot serve two masters; you hypocrites, serve the god of force, and violate the divine Commandment of the Father that says: You shall not kill; and at the same time you call yourselves children of the living God; you call yourselves Christians; truly I tell you hypocrites, that you will have to pay second by second, your hypocrisy; every second of hypocrisy, you must live an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; you must add up hypocrites, all the seconds of the time you wore the cursed uniform of force; everyone who wore the uniform of the so-called armed forces, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; none have ever entered; it is easier for one who did not wear a uniform to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who wore it; the same law applies to those, who not wearing uniforms, served the demon of force; all of you, hypocrites of force, will have to face the final judgment on earth and in heaven; all your virtues, pores, cells, molecules, will accuse you before the Father; of having scandalized and shamed them, because of your feelings; which were perfected to kill; no one asked the Father to kill another; everyone asked to enforce the law of the Father in this world, with love; not violating the law; all the armed forces of all nations, comply with the same law; every tree that the divine Father Jehovah did not plant, is uprooted from human evolution; the so-called militarism is one of these trees; this tree when uprooted, will set the world free; because this world never knew true freedom; true freedom, does not violate the law of the Father; true freedom enters the Kingdom of Heaven; true freedom does not need final judgment; true freedom does not need force; truly I tell you, that all those who caused in this world, a false freedom, will be accused before the Father, by the living freedom; which is one of the infinite virtues of the Kingdoms of Heaven; all falsehood lived on distant planets, becomes living in the presence of the spirit and before Father Jehovah; truly I tell you hypocrites of the world, that in other existences you did the same; in distant worlds you sowed false freedom; infinite creatures, do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, for imitating you; weeping and gnashing of teeth you left in those worlds; just as it will happen to you on this Earth; truly I tell you, violators of the law of the Father, that all your relatives will weep for you; because no one in this world, will speak to any cursed one; it would have been better for you, not to have asked the Father, to have been born in this world; truly I tell you, that in the Chilean flock, the greatest revolution in the history of this planet begins; so great will this revolution be, that none of you who wore uniforms of force, will remain; the bandage will fall from your eyes, cursed ones of force; you will be terrified before the power of the Solar Son Christ; you will curse having been born in this world; no one will give you a molecule of bread or water; your comfort will be the affection of animals; thus you will pay, cursed ones, for violating the law of the Father; it has always been so; no warrior or hero has ever entered the Kingdom of Heaven; you demons of force, raise monuments to your so-called heroes; truly I tell you, that no one should have been exalted in this world; you will have to pay in existences, for every molecule of monument erected to other violators of the law; this law is fulfilled until every monument is reduced to dust; truly I tell you, that even the molecules of your cursed uniforms, will complain against you in the Kingdom of Heaven; for every molecule that complains before the Father, it is one more existence that you will have to fulfill outside the Kingdom of Heaven; think demons about all your military equipment; from the cap to the shoes; all the molecules with which you dressed, will accuse you before the Father; matter and spirit become living before the Father and demand justice; you demons of force, are condemned; and the greater your rank in the legions of satan, the greater the condemnation; I know, little one, that you are thinking about the term legion; yes, divine Father Jehovah, by your divine grace I know that the word legion, is of satan; so it is, little one; the term legion in Celestial Science means a group that acts far from the Kingdom of Heaven; the legions of satan, have never entered the Kingdom of Heaven; there are legions above and legions below; what is above is the same as what is below; the so-called armies of the world, are the legions of satan; they are the proud spirits, who asked Father Jehovah, to group together and not be convinced by force; they promised the Father, to overcome the resistance that inclined them, to solve everything by force; they asked to meet in life, to test themselves; the Father fulfilled in uniting them; but, they fell once again; because in other existences, they did the same; when these spirits who are currently soldiers on Earth were born, in other worlds, they were part of many other legions; it is not the first time, that these demons violate their own spiritual requests; here is a Revelation that will shake millions of beings; millions who will weep for going against the divine Father; every spirit that belonged to the force, will be looked at with infinite pity; because every cursed one loses the right to live; here is what will become of the proud; those who never imagined that there was a living God; truly I tell you, that the proud are the least evolved in the worlds; the proud asked Father Jehovah, to be beside humility; to resist the complex called pride; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of every proud one; it is enough that you had a second or less of pride in life, and you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is what will become of the legions of satan; no army of this world will remain; no one will want to wear a uniform cursed by the Father; no one will want to expose themselves to eternal condemnation; no one will want to live isolated for the rest of their life; here is the fall of capitalism; here is the triumph of Father Jehovah, over the demons who preferred to follow gold;

here is the fall of the beast; the fall of materialism; the fall of a strange system of life; the fall of the false christs; the christs who relied on force and exploitation; those who were deluded by a strange power born from gold; those who deluded and deceived a world; no world infected by deceit, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the painful reality; here is the beginning of the disappearance of a world that forgot the divine mandates of the living God; here is that none who knew the system of life based on gold, will remain in this world; no vestige of the violators of the law will remain; here is the greatest disillusionment that will shake every human spirit; here is the wrath of a world that will crush its executioners; here are the executioners of the nations; who will fall by their own law; with the same measure they used to measure the world, so they will be measured; the one who was rich, will be in the most inconceivable poverty; and the one who was poor, will be satiated; because no one was commanded to have more, than another; the Father mentioned in His scriptures, equality; and everything that comes from the Father, is light for the world; truly I tell you, that everyone who fought against the equality of the Father, fought against themselves; because the same ideas generated by their mind, are the ones that will judge them; every idea generated by every mind, never dies; it travels to infinity; in the eternity of time, it matures until it becomes a colossal planet; here is a law that will fill the arrogant and proud of this world with dread; all arrogance, all pride, all abuse, all sin, come to constitute themselves into hell-planets; here is your responsibility before the Creator; from yourselves comes the salvation of the creatures, from those hells; because at a given moment, you will ask the Father, to be born again in such or such world; to rescue the world from darkness; here is a divine law of the Kingdom of Heaven; everyone has the right to be redeemers of their own mistakes; microscopic redeemers; of dust-worlds; every act performed in life, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you, becomes a universe over time; such is the expansive thinking universe of Father Jehovah; no one surpasses the Father in universal economy; from a microscopic idea, He makes a world germinate; from the invisible He creates the material world; and this divine power, He gave as an inheritance to every thinking creature; no one is disinherited; it is for this reason, that every Holy Scripture teaches to do good in life; because by doing good, you generate ideas that over time, will become great paradises; the divine and creative science of the Father, starts from the most microscopic that your mind can imagine; and the most microscopic that you can conceive, are your mental ideas; every thinking creature only feels the ideas; does not see them fulfills their mandate; but, they do not let themselves be seen; here is your salt of life; here is your galactic seed; here is the beginning of your heavens; because each one makes their own heaven; from each generated idea, a world is born, another and another; a creation of worlds and heavens, that will never cease; because being all children of an eternal Father, your fruit is also eternal; whoever denies the eternity of the Father, creates ideas that in the end, will be worlds, whose creatures will have a philosophy, that will be the denial of the Father; every expression that comes from your free will, becomes life in other worlds; here is the inheritance of what you were in life; here is the fruit of your works; ideas generated in a living magnetism, called human life; a way of generating ideas, requested by yourselves in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it is not the only way; it never has been; because what is of the Father has no end; there are as many ways to generate ideas, as there are worlds in the universe; the worlds that were in the past and are no longer, fulfilled the same law as those that are; and it will be the same for those that will come; here is the sole cause of all causes; because the first cause is the Father; and by thinking the Father, creates divine ideas; from which others are born forever and ever; the expansive thinking universe, is an eternal succession of ideas; whose destiny is to become material worlds; the infinite diversity of worlds is that not all think the same; one idea is different from another idea; the quality and quantity in ideas, is as infinite as the number of grains of sand, that a desert can contain; here is the generator of the entire universe; whose divine head is the Father; the expansive thinking universe has always existed; this constitutes the greatest mystery in the universe itself; all worlds seek the Father, in their respective evolutions; all creatures ask to be born again, to reach the divine origin of the Father Himself; but, since there is life in each one, no one has ever achieved it; nor will anyone achieve it; here is the supreme reason, why new lives are requested to be known; here is the cause of causes; because each one creates their own causes according to their works; and every cause becomes living before the Father; being the Father the creator of everything that exists, the causes born in distant worlds, ask for divine justice; the final judgments are infinite; because creation is infinite; and everything created by the Father, has the right to equality in the Father; all inequality, did not come from the Father; but, the Father judges inequality; judges the darkness; truly I tell you, that militarism is darkness; it is the maximum expression of violation to the divine Commandment that says: You shall not kill; for you demons of force it was written: He who kills by the sword, dies by the sword; he who uses force as a means of understanding, falls by force; falling by force, is paying in future lives, until the last molecule of flesh, that perished by the use of force; no one asked the Father to kill another; because everyone knew in the Kingdom, that only the demon kills and destroys what the Father creates; force is living before the Father; it accuses the spirit that having used it, violated the law of the Father; no one wants to be accused of complicity, in any violation before the Father; neither matter nor spirit; truly I tell you, that even the seconds, will accuse you in the Kingdom of the Father; each second lived, has different free will from the rest of the seconds; each second by virtue of its free will, represents an accusation; and each accusation that comes from each second, represents an existence that must be fulfilled outside the Kingdom of Heaven; all career military personnel, must calculate the seconds contained in an hour, a day, a month, a year; and add them successively; of all the time they served in the so-called armed forces; certainly the one who served the longest, is the furthest from the Kingdom of the Father; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth, of everyone who wore a uniform; it is easier for one who was not a soldier to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for one who was; force is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; there are infinite kinds of force;

in the Kingdom of Heaven, the creative force is known; on Earth there exists a destructive force; truly I tell you, that force crushes all those who shamed it in distant worlds; it waits in infinity for the return of the scandalizers; because darkness is also a force of evil; as is the force of militarism; darkness calls to darkness; and your spirit, demons of force, is divided between light and darkness; no divided spirit enters the Kingdom of Heaven; the one who asked to know the light of the Father on a distant planet, asked for it with all their responsibility; act by act; idea by idea; moment by moment; you asked for everything for the fulfillment of a life according to the scriptures of the Father; and not according to men; not according to gold nor according to militarism; nor any other philosophical tree of strange morality; that contradicts the divine mandate; truly I tell you, that nothing strange will remain in this world; not even the system of life based on gold; here is that the living word of Father Jehovah, will overthrow every demon; just as it was in the past; truly I tell you, that when you cursed military fall, true happiness will come to this world; the happiness that does not need to be watched; the happiness that governs itself; the happiness that the exploiters never achieved; because true happiness, serves only one Lord; true happiness does not divide nor divide anyone; true happiness is born from the spirit, from the interior; it is not born from the exterior; because the exterior is reduced to dust sooner or later; the exterior is an illusion; because the spirit leaves the planets, in search of other forms of life; truly I tell you, that the executioners of this world, those who shelter behind a weapon, are the most backward spirits of human evolution; because they know nothing of the struggles of the people; they are indoctrinated in coldness towards their own feelings; none who lived in coldness towards themselves, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; all spirits asked the Father, to live in a single flock; in a single world government; no one asked to be a soldier, to learn to kill; no one asked to violate the law, of the Father; because everyone comes to life, with knowledge of cause; no one asked to contradict the Father; no one asked to violate a law that they asked for themselves; because even the last letter of the scriptures, was requested by yourselves; truly I tell you, that no one asked to condemn themselves in advance; here is a divine truth; no one asked the Father, to do harm to anyone; not even in the most microscopic form; no one asked to imitate satan on Earth; the so-called soldiers cast the first stone; militarism not being of the Heavens, is of satan; armies and legions are the same thing; no so-called army of this world, will remain in the world; because they belong to a world that is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; when the Revelation comes to the world, it does so on the assumption that you have done everything according to the scriptures; as you promised the Father; but, did you make the laws according to the scriptures of the Father? here is a divine question that will fill you with shame and dread; because no world in the universe, that was not governed by the scriptures of the Father, has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; this is your destiny; because of capitalists, religious people, and soldiers, no human creature will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor has any entered; because of those who supported with their spiritual blindness, a system of life based on gold; here are the causes of human tragedy; here are the blind who led other blind people; here are the creators of the false history of the Earth; because the true history began in the Kingdom of Heaven; here are the false christs; who made their own law and not the law of the Father; if they had made the laws, imitating the intentions of the Father, this world would have another destiny; it would not have judgment nor weeping nor gnashing of teeth; because Father Jehovah would have nothing against you; if these blind people had been faithful to the Commandments of the Father, this world would not have been divided into rich and poor; neither rich nor poor are known in the Kingdom of Heaven; if the scriptures of the Father announce that no rich person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, why did these demons praise them and make alliances with them? why did the so-called pope imitate them, wearing gold ornaments and showing himself on a throne? truly I tell you, that all these blind people, will be accused before the Father, of being accomplices of the rich of the world; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of the blind of the world; these demons will have to add up all the seconds of the time that their blindness lasted; each second elapsed equals living an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; this score of darkness, ceases when the blind spirit repents; repentance is as living, as the rest of the other infinite virtues; the one who repents, gains as many points of light, as the seconds that repentance lasts; truly I tell you, that every sensation that comes from the spirit, becomes a score in the living justice of the Father; it depends on the spirit whether that score is of light or darkness; truly I tell you, that the guilty of the suffering of millions of creatures, will shout before the world, their guilt; because they asked the Father, for public judgment in case of violating the law; and they violated it; here is the divine justice that comes from the Father; the Father does nothing hidden; poor are those who made laws and hidden things! poor are those who intrigued against the peoples! it would have been better for them not to have been born in this world; because upon them, the law of curse will fall; poor are those who gave military coups in the peoples of the Earth! cursed are they before the Father and the world; poor are the so-called congresses of the world! because they allowed the coexistence between rich and poor! poor are those who legalized, what is illegal before the Father! poor are those who divided my humble ones! poor are those who did things without consulting the scriptures of the Father! poor are those who lived in immorality! it would have been better for them not to have asked to know human life; poor are those who lived in scandalous fashions! because they will have to pay in future existences, for every pore of flesh scandalized; poor are those who imitated both sexes! it would have been better for them not to have asked for sex; poor are those who practiced vice in the presence of children! it would have been better for them not to be in this world; poor are those who stayed up late because of libertinism! it would have been better for them not to have known liberation; poor are those who put a cigarette in their mouth! because they will be accused before the Father, of being vices and corrupters; no one was born smoking; nor did anyone ask the Father, to be a vicer; poor are those who practiced vice in the presence of innocence! it would have been better for them to be dead; every second of vice, is paid in existences that must be fulfilled outside the Kingdom of Heaven; poor are those who put a weapon to another’s chest! so too will they be treated in other existences, in other worlds; poor are those who trampled on the free will of citizens! because they are cursed; poor are those who abused the trust and innocence of the peoples! because in their presence they will be shamed; poor are those who mocked those who acclaimed the Father, in the streets of the world! so they will be mocked in this world and in others;

poor are those who lived in pride! because they will be forgotten in this world; poor are those who traded food! because they will go hungry; poor are the rich, who ignored the divine warnings, the scriptures of the Father! because no one will pity them; poor are the stepmothers and stepfathers who abused other people’s children! they will pay with the same coin in other existences; every second of abuse and suffering is paid in existences; for every second of darkness lived, it corresponds to live an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; poor are the fathers or stepfathers, who sexually abused their daughters or stepdaughters! because they will be cursed in this world; they will pay with the same coin in other existences; poor are those who were religious men and women! because they too will be divided into many beliefs having only one God; the so-called religions are not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; nor are they part of the scriptures of the Father; the Father left a gospel; he did not leave philosophies that divide his children; the so-called religions were created by human free will, in an imperfect attempt, to interpret the scriptures of the Father; the scriptures came from the divine free will of the Father; here is the greatest blindness in the spirituality of this world; because of the so-called religious it was written: Blind guides of the blind; because they transmitted to the world, all their errors and falsehoods; certainly material worship does not please Father Jehovah; because the children do not advance on the true path of true spirituality; the so-called religions are to blame for no human spirit entering the Kingdom of Heaven; because they divided everyone; no divided spirit enters the Kingdom of Heaven; only satan divides and divides himself; all mental division, distances creatures from the equality taught by the Father; here are the blind of the world; here are the least evolved spirits of the planet; they created a sect that took advantage of the name of the Father; and its fruit constitutes the worst tragedy for this world; because because of this falsehood, none of you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; there is no greater spiritual tragedy in the creature, than knowing by Revelation, that he will not enter the Kingdom of the Father; here is the surprise of a whole world that believed in the false religious christs; to the false prophets of the world; to the merchants of faith; to the harlot who entered into an alliance with the followers of gold; knowing the harlot that no rich man would enter the Kingdom of Heaven; she blessed them anyway; she did not fear the living God; truly I tell you, it is easier for one who did not know religion to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than one who knew it and practiced it; the first did not divide his virtues nor did he divide anyone; the second confused his virtues with a belief that did not come from the Father; here is the difference between those who were divided and those who were not; here millions will have to fight between light and darkness; between the true and the false; and every moment lived in uncertainty is paid in existences; one existence for every second; this law of justice of the Father, is the same for both light and darkness; both for reward and punishment; because the equality of the Father is in everything imagined; nothing is impossible for him; He transforms worlds, through simple doctrines; just as it was in the past of this planet; the same will happen now; the living word of the Father transforms everything; the Father does not need to destroy his own work; he does not need to use force; because He is in all the feelings of every mind; in all ideas; He is in everything imagined; here only the Father and the son know the future of this world; because one is in the other; both maintaining their free wills; the Telepathic Scripture of now, is the same as in the past; because in the reincarnated Trinity, is the very germ of the planet; the cause of causes is within; and it radiates outward; it is as expansive as the universe itself; the Trinity goes from world to world; as its expansive force reaches the limits of the Macrocosm; certainly these are relative limits; because nothing in the Father has limits; truly I tell you, that the Trinity Father is expressed in the Trinity Son; and their ways of expressing themselves, have no limits; but, it has a form; the form for this world is through the living doctrine; the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; the Telepathic Scripture that has no end, because everything that comes from the Father, has no end; the critics of the world will be overwhelmed; and truly I tell you, they will be complexed; it would have been better for them not to have been critics; because to be a critic, one must first and above all things, know the scriptures of the Father; one must know by heart from the first to the last letter of the scriptures of the Father; all humanity promised the Father to imitate him in everything imagined; and not to be influenced by strange morals in their scriptures; the world was surprised; it was deceived by religious morals; morals of merchants; truly I tell you, that with such strange morals, it is impossible to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; commerce is not known in the Kingdom of the Father; in the Kingdom of Heaven, the purest material disinterest exists; there reigns celestial communism with the philosophy of a child; there everything is joy; there private property is not known; the word: this is mine is unknown; private property and the word, this is mine, are typical of a distant and unknown planet called Earth; which having created a strange system of life based on gold, created such laws; here is an infinite law; the worlds that do not fulfill the divine mandates of the Father, have no known number; because nothing that comes from the Father has any limit; the Earth you inhabit is one of the infinite that exist; what belongs to the Father is not reduced to a single world; as many limited ones believe; truly I tell you, that everyone who limited the power of the Father in this world, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who exalted the Father to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than one who diminished his power; the most microscopic doubt towards the Father, costs the entrance to the Kingdom; disbelief is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; nor are the unbelievers known; because none has ever entered; nor will any enter; nothing that your system of life has produced, in the spiritual and the material, is known in the Kingdom of Heaven; because it is a system of life, that did not come from heaven; heaven is contained in the scriptures of the Father; the scriptures were given to you, so that you could reach heaven; it is the only path that leads to it; there is no other; it is the only moral with which one can enter the Kingdom; the rest is an illusion; trillions and trillions of spirits, observe the Kingdom of Heaven from afar; they are the spirits who were deluded in their respective worlds; there are those who formed the past generations of the Earth; because none has been able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; there you will also arrive; truly I tell you, that entire generations, await the great ones of the world to accuse them before the Father; the great ones of the world made the laws for this world; and forced them to be obeyed by force; did they not count on the cursed armed forces? here it is that every uniformed person is accused before the Father of complicity with the devil; no one asked the Father, to use force against his own brother in the test of life; poor are those who used it! theirs is the curse of the universe; poor are those who used force against the free will of the creatures of the Father! it would have been better for these demons, not to have asked the Father, to know human life; because they would not be in universal judgment; poor are the armies of the world! you will cry tears of blood, because from you came the perpetuity of human pain; did you not defend for centuries, those who worshiped gold? did you not delude the world with shiny uniforms? yes cursed ones; from the darkness you are and to the darkness you will return; truly I tell you, legions of satan, that not even the memory of you will remain; what happened to the cursed pharaonic dynasties will happen to you; because you were of their legions.-


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