Holy writings

1 Pedro 1:6-7 “En lo cual vosotros os alegráis, aunque ahora por un poco de tiempo, si es necesario, tengáis que ser afligidos en diversas pruebas, para que sometida a prueba vuestra fe, mucho más preciosa que el oro, el cual aunque perecedero se prueba con fuego, sea hallada en alabanza, gloria y honra cuando sea manifestado Jesucristo.”
Salmo 139:13-14 “Porque tú formaste mis entrañas; tú me hiciste en el vientre de mi madre. Te alabaré; porque formidables, maravillosas son tus obras; estoy maravillado, y mi alma lo sabe muy bien.”
Génesis 1:27 “Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó.”
1 Tesalonicenses 5:23 “Y el mismo Dios de paz os santifique por completo; y todo vuestro ser, espíritu, alma y cuerpo, sea guardado irreprensible para la venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes little son; everything that happened to a life on a certain planet is asked in the Kingdom of Heaven; every act, every idea, every sensation, every breath, every pore, every hair, every gesture, everything that is in spirit and flesh, absolutely everything was asked; and every element that was known was discussed with them; because being all equal in rights before the Father, matter and spirit speak in their respective laws; no one is less before the Father; neither matter nor spirit; outside of every world, other infinite events occur; because there is everything in the vineyard of the Father; that everything has neither beginning nor end; your life was formed from the same elements of the Earth; this happened when the Earth was a microbe; it was a different dimension from the current one; because you have to be tiny, microscopic and humble, to become great in space, planet, sun, or Kingdom of Heaven; when this happened, the microscopic heavens were open; and there was an immeasurable traffic of spaceships; among them were the flying saucers; Adam and Eve saw them and the pharaonic dynasty too; here is an era that preceded others; the beginning of the Earth has within itself other beginnings; the beginning of beginnings was fire; history unknown to all; and being fire the beginning of beginnings, there were other living laws, proper to fire; the fire was progressively transforming; the time of this process escapes all human calculation; so many centuries passed, as molecules the planet has; every molecule and every grain of sand were born from past times; every molecule and every grain of sand have free will within their laws, different from each other; which means that every molecule and every grain of sand have their own dimension; from them colossal planets and immense spaces will be born; everything is living and expansive; everything translates to materialized magnetism; matter and spirit fulfill this universal law; and all transformation in the same growth comes from invisible dimensions; the mandate of the Father encompasses everything; the invisible and the visible; what is not seen and what is seen; all growth passes successively through many dimensions, which have other presents; until reaching the present in which the spirit reasons; the Alpha lines of the brain are a thinking principle; this principle has commitments with a whole microscopic cosmos; every spirit before materializing in a present knew these microscopic dimensions; knew microscopic humility; knew in the galactic past that one had to be first tiny and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; every spirit knew that there were infinite colossal forms in other galaxies; in other times, planets, spaces and distant points of the universe; every spirit knew that the Father’s has no limits in anything imaginable; that everyone could become the size they wanted; because nothing is impossible for the Creator of the universe; that to achieve it, they would have to be born again; they would have to go through infinite existences, through infinite planets; every spirit knew that the colossal suns of the universe had also been tiny and humble; they knew that the divine mandates of Father Jehovah dated back to eternities before the current suns; but none knew the precise date; nor will anyone know it; because the more you know, the less you know; knowledge has no end; knowledge is like an omega circle, which you do not know where it begins or at what point it ends; the universe has no limits; the expansive thinking universe extends more and more; it is the divine inheritance of the Father, in eternal growth; in this growth not only a single model of being is repeated, but new models are eternally being born; nothing is limited in the creation of the Father; nor will it ever be; here is a law that is tested both above and below; the tests themselves when they violate the law of the Father, their laws take away future opportunities from the spirit that fell in its respective requested test; everything living is an expansive law; that feels and thinks in its own laws; and when a spirit misused them, the living laws feel shame, anger, rage and even revenge; the living laws feel what the spirit has also felt; because both live the living equality; they live communism in their own feeling; the spirit and the body of flesh form a common alliance; that momentarily passing through a planetary life experience, they know each other mutually and at the same time test each other mutually; each individuality has different and infinite qualities and qualities, which have never been repeated nor will ever be repeated; this demonstrates the intervention of the infinite; individual forms have no limits; because each of them, having come from the same point of the universe, become expansive, each preserving its own dimension; each individuality that has passed through the Earth has its own heavens, spaces, planets and philosophies; that is why it was written: Each one makes his own heaven; eternity also materializes; just as the spirit materializes; eternity and spirit have equal rights before the Father; the spirit is a beginning eternity, which began starting from a microbe; because you have to be tiny and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; all solar innocence is advised in the Kingdom of Heaven to comply with the divine law of the Father; and so every spirit begins first by knowing the most elementary; first asks to know the primitive;

if it were not lived, it would not know the primitive in its own perfection; what is not known must be lived to be known; this constitutes the greatest merit before the Father; this merit of living every unknown experience was announced to you in the divine mandate: You will earn your bread, with the sweat of your brow; this divine mandate encompasses all the mental and physical effort from each creature of the Father; it was a divine advice that is summarized as follows: the greater the difficulty encountered in an achievement, the greater the reward; because the greater the effort; the greater the struggle against adversity; adversities and difficulties, which the spirit itself asked to know; every spirit asked to know what it did not know; and to overcome the unknown, without violating in the slightest, the law of God; because it asked to be tested; as all the creation of the Father is constituted by laws, so also, every living test, is constituted by living laws; each individuality asked for its own individuality, to test itself; the responsibility of mental cause, is in the most intimate of each one; it is in the virtues of the spirit, and in the molecules of the body of flesh; matter and spirit, participate in the divine mandates of the Father; because all were born with equal rights; no one is less before the Father; neither the microscopic molecule nor the gigantic sun; neither the lesser virtue nor the greater virtue; here it is that every spirit, must account to its Creator, to the last molecule of itself; because its own all over the all, asked to participate in everything; in all the events and facts, that happened to the creature in its test of life; the test of life, begins by seeking; one is born seeking a truth; and according to the quality and the quality, of the truth sought, so will be the quality and the quality, of the future heaven that the spirit will have; making by the use of its free will, that what is below, be equal to what is above; and what is above, equal to what is below; each spirit when generating ideas, generates them with qualities and qualities; these characteristics, which are the inheritance of the spirit, will expand through space, forever and ever; because the source from which they emanated, had eternal inheritance from the Father; here it is that every spirit that generated good and moral ideas in the test of life, expanded seeds of future paradises; and whose creatures will have the same thinking philosophy; and every spirit that generated bad and immoral ideas, expanded seeds of future hell-planets; whose creatures, will have the demonic philosophy; virtue and evil are expansive; because all creation is; because in matter and spirit, there is equality in the right to be eternal; each work performed by the spirit, transforms over time, into universes; every act performed with the participation of the mind, becomes a galaxy; starting from the microbe dimension; and successively passing through all imaginable sizes; thus infinite creatures live a present with their respective dimension; having already lived, many presents and many dimensions; it is the eternal succession of the return to life; it is the being born again, to infinite lives; it is reincarnation itself; it is the spirit that recognizes new flesh; new experience; new destiny; God’s is not reduced to a single existence; because the Father’s has no limit in anything imaginable; whoever believed that he only had one life, limited to one life; the power of the Father; and whoever limited the Father, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who magnified the power of his Creator to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than for one who limited it to enter; no one asked the Father, to take away power on the distant planet, where a life request was to be fulfilled; all promised to magnify it; all promised to magnify it, living in the test of life, according to the Scriptures and Commandments of the Father; this world according to what was promised to the Father, should not have created, the strange system of life based on gold; because such creation is infinitely far from the morality of the Father’s scriptures; the system of life of this strange world of interest, should have considered first and above all things, the Scriptures and divine Commandments of the Father; by not taking it into account, its authors and the world that imitated them were condemned; the blind of the laws of the Father fell, and the followers of the blind; because none of them, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it always happens the same in the worlds that do not know the divine rights of Father Jehovah; they always end in planetary tragedies; this tragedy was announced to the world, many centuries in advance; because the Father sees the future and warns his children; for your violation of the Father’s scriptures, it was written: And there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; because from the same strange and unknown system of life based on gold, comes your weeping; every custom you learned from the strange and immoral system of life, based on gold, will bring you tears; second by second; moment by moment; cell by cell; eye for eye; tooth for tooth; idea for idea; because everything you are, was malignantly influenced by satan; every disobedience in the corresponding degree, is a demon before the Father; and the strange systems of life of countless planets, are so many demons; the demon takes many forms, to lose the creatures of the Father; in your world, it took the form of capitalism; it took the form of an immoral system of life; the quality and the quality of this strange system of life, is illusion and pleasure even at the cost of violating the very law of the Father; satan achieved what he set out to do; but, satan perishes; because none who lived the so-called capitalism, will re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven;

truly i tell you, that every second of strange illusion, is time lost for the spirit; for every second lived in strange illusion, you are to live an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; to many this will seem too excessive; it is not so; this is because the Father is infinite in all that is imaginable; just as He is severe with the darkness, He is also infinitely benevolent with the light; for every second of goodness or good, you are to have a life of light; each one being able to choose the life of their liking; because nothing is impossible for the one who has created everything; you are to have an existence lived in infinite paradises; truly i tell you, that you yourselves asked the Father, to be severe with yourselves; you asked for a divine justice, whose quality and quality, left nothing thought to chance; not even a second of what was thought in life; you asked for a final judgment that encompassed everything; the known and the unknown; you asked for a Judgment over all things and deeds done; truly i tell you, that you were excessively severe in your request; but, it came from you; you did not know such an experience; all events are asked in the Kingdom of Heaven; including the divine planetary final judgments; every grand event for you, is a mere and microscopic event in the Kingdom of Heaven; without ceasing to be important after the Father; all justice is asked by the spirit itself; everything is planned in the same place of origin of the universe; having all come from the same point of the universe, you are getting to know throughout your experience among the worlds, other infinite places of living creations; because the Father’s has no limits in anything imaginable; just as your place of origin are the Alpha and Omega suns of the Trino galaxy, others were born in other suns of the universe; whose exact number you will never know; because no one is unique; only the Father is; no one is unique in themselves nor in their place of origin; many on Earth, proclaimed themselves kings of creation; none of these proud of themselves, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for those who were humble in their expressions to enter the Kingdom of the Father than for those who expressed their thoughts with pride; everything that was spoken in life, speaks again in the Kingdom of Heaven; because everything spoken becomes living before the Father; and asks for justice from the Father; and every spirit hears what it said on Earth; here is one of the greatest surprises that spirits find, in their return from distant planets; and according to the morality cultivated by the spirit, is the reaction it feels; what is above is equal to what is below; and according to the morality they were accustomed to, some are amazed, others are frightened, others want to flee, others are filled with dread; because for every letter of indecency spoken, it is a condemnation for the immoral spirit; for every letter or indecent expression spoken in the test of life, corresponds to living an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; every immoral spirit, must calculate its own number of obscenities spoken in life; this mental effort to remember its own mistakes, is taken into account in the justice of the Father; it is a form of repentance; the slightest mental effort, is rewarded by the Father; the slightest mental effort, is light score that the spirit earns; repentance is also living before the Father; just as His infinite creation is; repentance defends before the Father, the spirit that resorted to it; that is why it is easier for a spirit that repented to be saved, than for one that did not repent; because the latter annulled all possible defenders; only through repentance, does one reach the Father; because the initiative must come from the spirit itself; it must come from itself; because it is more authentic before the Father; the one who does not repent, attracts the darkness; they are interested in every spirit that hesitates before the light; because they take advantage of its weakness; repentance creates other times and spaces, that make the darkness contain itself; because even the darkness, have laws to fulfill; not trampling them, is a test of the darkness itself; light and darkness account to the Father in their respective laws; the children of light advance towards the Father; and the darkness when tested, sooner or later recognize that they wasted time; for they have to start over again; there is no darkness that sooner or later, reaches this only conclusion; in this Earth world, when the strange system of life based on gold falls, the darkness will recognize this truth; every immoral reign is darkness; therefore the strange system of life called capitalism, is darkness; because it always fought against the equality, taught by the Father; this beast did not hesitate to create the so-called privileges; no privileged person of this world, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; no one asked the Father to be privileged; because such immorality is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; nor is the so-called capitalism known; truly i tell you, that no immoral philosophy is known in the Kingdom; immoral philosophy is that which does not magnify the law of the Father; every philosophy including the way of life, is tested by the Father; it is up to the Father which philosophy should remain on Earth; Father Jehovah, is the supreme and divine judge in every test requested by His children; and Father Jehovah, leaves for this world, earthly communism; He leaves the philosophy that most closely approached His divine mandate: All are equal in rights before God; which means that the most microscopic imitation of what the Father said, is infinitely rewarded; the system chosen by the Father, could or might have had any name; what is important to the Father, is morality in its quality and quality; there are many kinds of morality; the morality of the strange system of life, based on gold, is strange morality; it is a morality that is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why it is called strange morality; the morality of the earthly communist philosophy, is known; because it tried to imitate the equality taught by the Father; it is a morality that had to overcome the immorality of the so-called capitalism; the strange morality of capitalism, did not pass this test; because it itself was the creator of the living immorality in this world; is it not older than communism? because capitalism, by proclaiming itself first, cast the first stone; it taught morality to the world first; the sad thing is that such morality was interested morality; because it was based on the gold standard; communism had to imitate it to rival; it had no other way; but, you are all judged starting from the mental; and all fulfill the same law; truly i tell you, that the so-called capitalism, is condemned before God; and Father Jehovah will make it disappear from this world; just as He has made other strange systems of life from the earthly past disappear; among many others, is the cursed pharaonic dynasty; the so-called capitalism has much to do with the cursed pharaonic dynasty; most of its spirits that have a weakness for gold, were followers of the demon Osiris; which means only gold; the capitalists of all generations, belonged to the legions of this demon; all spiritual imperfection is preserved for many existences; it is what gave rise to capitalism; a darkness born in the pharaonic era; a darkness that began with the eyes; for the cursed pharaohs, began with material vanity; they coveted gold first as art; then as a monopoly, until influencing their own needs; in their own living; it was a very remote time, when bartering began to emerge; exchanging one thing for another; according to needs; it is easier for one who in his mind preferred bartering, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than for one who preferred being a merchant; the morality of the one who bartered has nothing to be ashamed of before the Father; the morality of the merchant is indeed ashamed before the Creator; because this last morality, no one knows it in the Kingdom of Heaven; because no merchant has re-entered the Kingdom of the Father; nor will any ever enter; that is why it was written: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this teaches, how rigorous the law of the Father is; no capitalist merchant, has managed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; since this strange tree of darkness emerged; which has been for humanity, like the scourge of a beast; because of capitalism, no generation of the world of the test has managed to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor will any enter; here is the inheritance left to others, by those who violate the law of the Father; no follower of the beast, saw the Kingdom of the Father again; nor will any see His glory again; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of a whole world; the world was influenced by a strange philosophy coming from the darkness; here is the end of the yoke of the world; here is the fall of the world of interest and the world of hypocrisy; here is the fall of the pharaonic serpent; the same one that deluded and deceived Eve; it continued to deceive the world, through the system of life; here it is that everyone who neglected in the test of life, will have weeping and gnashing of teeth;

because it would have been better for them to have lived as a hermit on Earth; and Father Jehovah would have nothing against him; than to have lived in a system of life, that gave itself many delicacies, but did so by violating the law of the Father; because nothing will remain of all the strange things that men created in the test of life; nothing will remain of what the proud of the world created; the supreme pride of this world, was having created a strange system of life, immoral and illegal, before the divine Commandments of Father Jehovah; from this strange system of life, all kinds of prides have emerged; all vices and sins; and all living condemnation; pride was fed by the strange power of gold, which exerted strange influence on millions of beings; the power of gold is a microscopic and ephemeral power; with terrible living and future consequences, for those who let themselves be deluded; because for every idea that had the strange influence of gold, it is paid with an existence, that must be fulfilled outside the Kingdom of Heaven; which means, living in worlds of infinite categories of darkness; the ephemeral when it violates the eternal laws of the Father, always ends in living tragedy; all violators of the law of the Father, who passed through this world, groan in the darkness; because from themselves, came the severity of the punishment, above all things; they themselves asked for such justice from the Father; because everything is asked of the Father; truly i tell you, that such a destiny awaits every violator of the law of the Father, in this generation; starting with all the guilty who divided the world into nations, races, borders, religions, rich or poor; because it was written that only satan divides, to fight against the equality taught by the Father; no one in this world, defended what is of the Father; so the Father will not defend them either; whoever abandons the Father, is also abandoned; it is easier for those who cared about the Father, even for just one second, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for those who did not care, not even for a second; being everything living before the Father, the seconds are also living; and every second of time, speaks before the Father; and when a spirit never cared about its Creator, the seconds that shared its mental ideas, in the test of life, are ashamed of having accompanied in life, an ungrateful one; an ungrateful one; and just hearing the complaint of a microscopic second of living time, and the spirit for whose cause there was a complaint, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for those who did not make even one of their living seconds, that accompanied them in the test of life, complain, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for those who made even one second scandalize; here is a law that is fulfilled in all equally; a law in which the smallest, the most microscopic, the most humble, is first in the Kingdom of Heaven; the Creator listens to them first; the human spirit is the last to be heard; because every human, was commanded to be humble above all things; the humble always waits; never casts the first stone, of opinion in its own imperfection; here is another law in which almost all human individualities fell; because all cultivated a strange humility; a humility with influence in gold; whoever knew this kind of humility, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for those who had humility, without strange influence, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because their humility would assimilate, to the celestial humility, of the Kingdom of Heaven; if Father Jehovah, let a creature with strange humility enter the Kingdom, such a divine act, would be an infinite injustice; because the celestial happiness of the Kingdom of Heaven, does not deserve it; the happiness of the blessed has never been disturbed; nor will it ever be; truly i tell you, that infinite creatures who knew strange humilities on their respective planets, cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; from outside and with infinite sorrow, they observe the supreme glory of the Father; here it is that all earthly humility, will not see the glory of the Father, because it was not humility according to the scriptures and Commandments of the Father; it was a humility fed and deluded in gold; it was a strange humility from a strange system of life, based on gold; from a system of life, unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; no earthly child who cultivated strange humility, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor has any entered in the past; here it is that all human goodness that knew the strange influence of gold, does not have the right to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because you cannot serve two masters; you cannot be kind, if at the same time the thought is in interest; because every mental idea, is divided into two masters of opposing powers; here it is that everything you are, matter and spirit, should have always received, only one kind of influence in the test of life; and not strange influences, to the scriptures and Commandments of the Father; because the Father is one; His Holy Scriptures, one; the equality of the Father is one; the destiny of each one, is one; truly i tell you, that if those who cast the first stone, in formulating the system of life, had consulted with the Scriptures and Commandments of the Father, i assure you that this humanity would not have a final judgment; nor would it have weeping and gnashing of teeth;

because Father Jehovah would have nothing against him; blind were those who were deluded by gold; for them it was written: Blind guides of the blind; who condemned all of humanity to not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is what it costs to not take into account what is of the Father; just as on Earth, a child laments when he feels the consequences of not having obeyed his Earthly Father, so too do the humanities lament that disobey the Creator; what is above is equal to what is below; here is the tragedy that looms over human knowledge; because this humanity never imagined that this was the truth; its painful characteristic is a consequence of human works; it is a consequence of human free will; that this humanity, having been deluded in its weakness for gold, its consequences fall upon itself; moreover, the demons that forced it to live in such a strange and immoral system of life, will pay for it; three quarters of any mental or physical suffering, are paid by the creators of the so-called capitalism; strange and unknown philosophy, for the Kingdom of Heaven; for it is not written in the Kingdom of the Father, any form of exploitation; not even the most microscopic; here it is that the unknown capitalism, has no inheritance in the Kingdom of light; because it did not come from the light; here it is that every philosophical tree that Father Jehovah did not plant, will be uprooted; here it is that the birth and pain of this uprooting, is the fault of the so-called capitalists; the most ambitious spirits in the world; who having come from distant darkness, asked Father Jehovah, to know a world of light; a way of life, unknown to them; and they asked the Father, to be born again; what they did not ask the Father, was to teach their thinking darkness; because that was what their spiritual tests consisted of; it was a condition imposed by themselves; because every spirit, tries by all means, to please the Father above all things; here it is that none of these demons of gold, emerged triumphant from their planetary tests; all without exception, fell again into their weaknesses for possession; if the consequences of the fall, had been only for them, it would be individual justice; but, these cursed ones, dragged with them, all of humanity; because because of the so-called capitalists, no child of this world, will re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they imitated satan, in the test of life; no one fought against the strange influence of gold; knowing all, that no rich man would enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and almost all pretended to be rich; and having chosen free will such a path, they fell before what was promised to the Father; they fell in their own requested test; truly i tell you, that as long as you let yourselves be influenced by the strange power that gold exerts, over your spirit, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because that is not the path, that you yourselves, promised the Father; everything that is promised to the Eternal, is fulfilled; and if the children do not fulfill what was promised to the Father, the children move further away from the Kingdom of Heaven; infinitely greater is the distance, that separates them from the Kingdom of the Father; every second elapsed and lived under such strange influence, costs living an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven, here is the meaning of the term: Above all things; in that term that came from yourselves, are also the seconds lived by each individuality; here it is that from yourselves came the cause of the weeping and gnashing of teeth; you were excessively severe with yourselves; you insisted before the Father; and the Father who can do everything, granted it to you; many blame the Father, without seeking any cause; without investigating in the scriptures of the Father; such will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because all promised the Father, to seek the truth in the test of life, above all things; that is why it was written: He who seeks finds; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth, of millions of comfortable ones, who did not take the trouble to seek in life; because none of them, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for those who knew nothing of the existence of the scriptures of the Father, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; than for those who knew it, and ignored it; certainly no ungrateful one will see the glory of the Father; it is easier for a spirit that asked to know primitive life, to see it, than for one who asked for enlightenment in life; because the more enlightened a spirit was, the greater its responsibility, before the Father; that is why divine justice begins with all those who gave themselves the greatest enlightenment; strange enlightenment when what is of the Father is not taken into account.-


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