Holy writings

Matthew 24:14  “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world, as a testimony to all nations; And then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:6-8 “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; Take care that you are not troubled, because all this must happen; but it’s not the end yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be pestilences, and famines, and earthquakes in different places. And all of this will be the beginning of pains.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Divine Father Jehovah, I see multitudes on the shores of the sea, in India; there are so many that they darken the sun! What are they doing? They are multitudes coming from all parts of the planet; they await the Son of God, who will come to part the waters of the ocean; that crowd never seen by any generation has been gathering for many days; the so-called West is almost empty; Only those who are waiting for death remained in homes and hospitals in the West; and they are alone; because no one wants to lose their soul while the Son of God is on Earth; The terrible problem in India is the lack of food and space. Many shipping fleets are with their ships loaded with people, waiting for the greatest miracle in the history of humanity; there is no room on board the thousands of ships, which, like crowds of tiny dots, sway on the waves of the sea; This is how I see it through your divine grace, divine Father Jehovah; And I will tell you, son, that never before in human history had so many ships been gathered together; the entire planet is in turmoil and the organization that had served as the foundation for humanity is crumbling; What you see, my son, is the chaos of weeping and gnashing of teeth, which for centuries and even before humanity was born, had been foretold to planet Earth; Divine Father Jehovah, who knows how events will unfold before their protagonists are born, how is that explained? I will tell you, my son, that no one is unique; isn’t it written that way in my divine Gospel? By your divine grace, so it is, divine Father; Well then; if it was proclaimed by my divine word that no one is unique, such a statement means that before there were humans on Earth, there were already others; I see, son, that you are thinking about something; Yes, my divine Father Jehovah; I think of the divine parable you taught us, in your divine gospel: There is everything in the vineyard of the Lord; and I am connecting it with what, in this moment, your divine goodness is teaching me; That’s right, son; Adam and Eve were and will forever be the parents of humankind; however, they are not the only ones; because before them, there were parents that belonged to other branches of planetary life; such branches and such lives, which existed before humans came into being, everyone will see on the solar television. Divine Father Jehovah, what is solar television? I will tell you, my son, that solar television had also been announced in my divine Gospel; it was written: The Book of Life; the Book of Life and Solar Television are one and the same; because I will tell you, my son, that in the divine terms of the divine Gospel of God, the Eternal does not prefer absolutism; It is thus that one thing can be expressed in many different psychologies, and it is always the same thing; The test of life consisted of human beings coming to an agreement on a single psychology to understand God in a unified way; the harvest that has taken place over many centuries, and which is evident, demonstrates that humanity did not achieve this. This is why the planet has never fully unified; development continued due to causes of division and a strange influence of selfishness, which, as an unknown sensation or experience, no one had asked of God. What humanity had asked of the Eternal was to continue preserving the unity to which it was accustomed in the Kingdom of Heaven; in their place of origin, everyone knew that a scattered flock or planet would not re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven. disunity is incompatible with eternal happiness; Neither from within the Kingdom nor from outside, is the division or disunion accepted, in the divine law of God; such was the fate of Satan, that from within the Kingdom of Heaven, he divided God’s angels; marking the beginning of one of the many eras of evil, in the eternity of time; because as it was written, no one is unique in what they do; neither Satan was unique; Divine Father Jehovah, since I was a child I have seen through your divine grace the scenes of the future, of what is to come; What fascinates me the most are the openings of waters carried out by the Son of God; could you, in your divine goodness, explain to me how the molecules of the waters are commanded? I knew, my son, that you would ask me such a question; you haven’t changed; you are the same as always, concerned about the reasons behind things; you do well, my son, to worry about what was given to you as a covenant; and in doing so, you fulfill the divine mandate that says: Seek and you shall find; I will tell you, my son, that every Solar Firstborn possesses solar cords, also called Solar Lines; as you have known since you were a child, the Firstborn Son was telepathic with the divine Father Jehovah; Such is the divine Father Jehovah, by your divine grace; What do you remember, my son, of what I told you and showed you through mental scenes when you were a seven-year-old child? I remember, divine Father Jehovah, that when Christ said: I go to the Father, I thought of telepathic communication; I thought of psychology reaching upward; and I remember that when He breathed His last on the Cross, He said: Father, Father, why have You forsaken me? I saw that at that moment there was a telepathic cut; I saw that trillions and trillions of solar lines, which emerged from the pores of his flesh, and whose ends were connected to the molecules of nature, were abruptly broken or detached from them; and I saw that for this cause invisible to human eyes, the Earth trembled and the sun darkened; and not only that; I saw that the entire galaxy trembled; Yes, son, that’s right; I see that your prodigious memory allows you to recall scenes from past reincarnations; and I will tell you, son, that these same solar cords are what act in the molecules of water; I see, son, that something is troubling you; So it is, divine Father Jehovah; I was thinking, divine Father, about the other solar cord; about the cord that we all possess in our brains, and whose end is connected to the place of cosmic origin; which for us humans, that place of origin is the Alpha and Omega suns, of the Macrocosm called the Kingdom of Heaven; That’s right, my son; the Firstborn Son himself said: I am the Alpha and the Omega; he wanted to tell the world of trial that he came from the place of origin of humanity; this is called the beginning; and the Omega is called the end; and since the Omega is a closed circle, the Omega signifies total judgment for the world; it means that no one escapes divine judgment; neither the dead nor the microbes escape; I will tell you, my son, that Alpha means angle; and it represents the initial geometry with which the Earth was born, in the divine womb of the Solar mother Omega; Alpha fertilized Omega; Now I understand, divine Father Jehovah, why it was said that what is above is like what is below; I understand that just as it is fertilized on Earth, it is also fertilized in the solar realm. That’s right, son; it is fertilized in the macro and it is fertilized in the micro; Continuing with the explanation of the openings of the oceans, I will tell you, my son, that it is the same solar line that acts; because everything comes from one law and manifests itself in infinitely different ways; men are unaware of their starting points, and their stories unfold in their developments; and the proof of life consisted in achieving the knowledge of one’s point of origin;

Because it is easier for the Son of God to reveal His place of origin to those who tried to decipher the enigma they themselves had requested in the Kingdom of Heaven than to make it clear to those who were indifferent to their place of origin; how just is the divine Father Jehovah! That’s right, son; God’s divine justice is molecular; and its limits are provoked by the very creature that carried out the work. In the openings of the waters, a divine mental dialogue is established between the solar mind and the molecules; this divine dialogue is called Solar Verb; and it can be made audible, that is, by speaking, or in silence; accompanied by gestures or without gestures; And I will tell you, son, that this new law of power over matter will fascinate the world to such an extent that the world will halt its work. The reigning status is crumbling; and the privileged of the Earth are beginning to experience poverty; through their own human actions and through their own transformation, due to the divine presence of a Solar Father; the privileged are starting to live firsthand what they, in part, contributed to their development during the trial of life; in them, the content of the divine parable is fulfilled that said: With the measure you use, it will be measured to you; and global production will be commanded by the Son of God; for through his solar cords, the elements will obey him; never had anyone among humans witnessed such infinite power; the openings of the waters by a solar individuality will make humanity aware that its time as mortals has come to an end; the end of the trial; the end of an unknown way of life that had been requested from God; the end of a strange world that served both good and evil; that produced and at the same time destroyed itself; a world whose creatures tried to abolish the primitive within them, but were too slow; for in their attempts, they were caught off guard by the divine judgment of God; and it was a poorly finished work; it was the strangest of works; and its creatures will think again, in a new attempt to rid themselves of the primitive and the imperfect, on some other planet of trials; The attempts have been occurring since humans were microbes; and it is the microbe that judges them; because the most microscopic thing that the human mind could imagine becomes a judge; the most microscopic thing that exists within itself will speak and express itself in the divine judgment of God; for it has been taught that no one is unique; that is to say, that not only humans will speak; everything around them will also do so; the Eternal demonstrates His infinite justice by making all of His creation speak; making matter and spirit speak; each in its own law; because in His infinite goodness, no one is lesser; neither matter nor spirit; whoever did not conceive of God in this way did not understand His divine glory; they were mentally petty, in relation to the One who created everything; whoever thought this way was mistaken in their life’s trial; and they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they will continue to try in other forms of life until they manage not to make mistakes; until they detach from the strange habit of belittling God; y mientras lo empequeñezca, no se le permitirá la entrada al Reino de Dios; es decir que mientras el espíritu insista en seguir teniendo mezquindad mental, para con su Creador, no entrará al Reino de Dios; es más fácil que entre, uno que no fué mezquino con Él; continuando hijo con las aberturas de aguas, te diré hijo que este divino proceso solar, se hace hablándole amorosamente a los querubínes del agua; ¡Ya los veo divino Padre Jehova! ¡son tantas multitudes de hermosos seres! Así es hijo; su número es tal, que el número de seres humanos sencillamente desaparece; sé hijo que tienes un volcán de preguntas que hacerme, con respecto a las multitudes de divinos querubínes que estás viendo; Así es divino Padre Jehova; Te adelantaré que mis divinas respuestas no tienen límites; por lo tanto te hablaré lo que alcanza a comprender, la psicología humana; el resto del infinito que no comprende, lo comprenden otras psicologías de otros planetas; no olvides hijo que nadie es único; No lo olvido divino Padre Jehova; Los querubínes de las aguas y todos los demás, de que está compuesta la materia, que pidió conocer el hombre, poseen libre albedrío de querubín; tal como la criatura posee libre albedrío de humano; las sensaciones de un querubín, las siente y las vive, dentro de dimensiones invisibles al ojo humano; ellos poseen sus propios presentes de desarrollo, tal como el hombre posee el suyo; entonces, rodean al hombre, infinitos presentes, en que viven otras criaturas; desde que existe el mundo, siempre ha sido así; y una de las más nombradas dimensiones, es la de los espíritus; esta dimensión invisible es más mencionada en la humanidad, porque está en relación directa con la misma criatura humana; Divino Padre Jehova, ¿los espíritus ven a los querubínes y viceversa? Sí y nó es la divina respuesta; te lo explicaré hijo: Todo depende de la expansión de la dimensión; porque lo microscópico también posee espacio; más aún; además de espacio, posee tiempo y filosofía; entonces los espíritus ven a los querubínes, según su frecuencia de sentir; con los divinos querubínes ocurre igual; te hablaré sobre esto hijo, con mayor profundidad, cuando te dicte el Orígen de la Materia; será un trabajo de 3,000 Rollos Telepáticos; obro con límites, porque la criatura humana en su evolución actual, posee límites; la novedad es que dentro de sus límites, conoce leyes y cosas nuevas; Divino Padre Jehova, ¿el límite posee expansión? Interesante pregunta hijo: El límite posee expansión de su mismo signo; quiero decirte que mientras un espíritu no desee avanzar en conocimiento, el límite se expande en ignorancia; y el desequilibrio entre el tiempo pedido como prueba de vida y el atraso, es mayor; la expansión del límite posee cualidad y calidad; la cualidad y la calidad correspondiente a la luz, la proporciona la ilustración en todas las cosas; la caída en la expansión del límite, la proporciona la tiniebla; en la television solar, el mundo verá el color de los magnetismos del bién y el mal; porque escrito fué de que todo ojo verá; verá la forma física que tenían sus sensaciones; verá lo íntimo hecho materia; verá la eternidad microscópica que había dentro de su cuerpo de carne; en la ley de las aberturas de los océanos, el magnetismo solar conversa con los querubínes de las aguas; esta conversación la verá también el mundo; y al ver la multitud de criaturas que contenían los océanos, el mundo comprenderá del porqué se había advertido de que nadie es único; y una verguenza jamás vista en la Tierra, se apoderará de toda criatura humana; esta verguenza hará crisis, en los que en nada creían;

And the so-called materialism will break all records of suicides in the entire history of the Earth; only then will the world remove the bandage of a blindness that has lasted incredible centuries; there, in that moment of divine Revelations, it will understand that those who ruled the world had a weak moral; all were fearful and insecure; all were living nullities; all had caused harm by not studying themselves; by not knowing their own individualities; the harm of the insecure towards gold had been warned by God in His divine Gospel; for it was written: Know thyself; which meant: Remove from your interior any sensation that may cause harm to others; it is thus, my son, that in India itself, its beings, by not freeing themselves from their individualities, the strange complex of venerating images, statues, temples, contributed to preventing their peers from entering the Kingdom of God; because if millions did so, millions also imitated them; The thinking creature always tends to imitate what its elders do; and if its elders had not perfected the qualities and characteristics of their illustrations in their searches for God, they themselves transmitted the tragedy to others; because it is easier for those who passed on inheritances that led to the Kingdom of God to enter it, than for those who condemned others to be able to enter. the strange human morality did not rely on the morality of God; by not doing so, human beings themselves diminished their own fruit; only what belongs to God is infinite; the strange morality of the world, which included the right to worship images, worshiped itself; it refused to acknowledge the one true God; and the one true God can only be understood through enlightenment and work; And as long as creatures insist on their free will, on worshiping or venerating the microscopic, such creatures will not see God; the renunciation of idol worship must come from within oneself; if it doesn’t happen in a certain existence, it happens in another; In the case of the human rock, the worship of images has been happening for thousands of existences. and in the present, it happened again; therefore, they do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; the inhabitants of India will continue with their strange customs, in other existences, in other worlds; Divine Father Jehovah, who knows everything, what effect will the divine presence of the Son of God have on them? The effect between them will be the greatest event of their lives; because the existence of India, and that of the planet itself, will depend on the Son of God. the greatest Revolution will arise when millions of beings see with their own eyes a Man whose Face shines like the Sun; In that supreme moment, all the so-called governments of the Earth will fall; No one will obey the laws of men; everyone will want to be governed by the one who never dies; by the First and the Last; it will be the end of the work of mortal beings; it will be the fall of the great beast; the fall of one of the strangest worlds; this world was so strange that it had even forgotten the coming of the divine Solar Judge, having asked for it from the world itself; Divine Father Jehovah, what does the beast mean? The beast, my son, represents human selfishness, which has caused suffering for centuries to the human race; the most representative aspect of the beast consists of those beings most influenced by gold. the beast was cold, cunning, and calculating; the beast believed it understood everyone, yet understood no one; because the beast had no planetary philosophy; the yoke of the beast was his own ignorance regarding the unification of the planet; the demonic dream of the beast was to consider the division of the world as the most normal and natural thing; such was the tragedy of the beast; and the beast did not awaken until the very day of judgment; the beast led the test of life, enchanting entire generations, those who were left without a ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven; the illusion of the beast contained a demonic psychology, to forget about God; the hopeful fell into forgetfulness or distortion towards God; the beast made them forget about eternity; and every second of life was dedicated to the ephemeral; And the ephemeral is not of the Kingdom of Heaven; human thought fell into a strange slumber, causing it to forget its own rights; the distorted conformism; it was the normal psychology of the spirit; people lived more for comfortable sensations than for sensations that could lead to perfection; nobody agreed on the one true God; And if there was anything, it was done with a strange libertinism, in which what was done amounted to nothing; human knowledge did not want to acknowledge the one God; In their customs and ways of thinking, human beings did not include it; thus everyone is surprised in crowds of beliefs; the longed-for planetary unification; it was never achieved; the demonic slowness triumphed over what could have been happiness; the beast did not manage to enter the Kingdom of God, nor did it allow others to enter; the beast complex will be repeated on countless other planets; other future dramas, the beast will create; because the beast will be reborn again; the beast will once again ask God for opportunities; the beast will try other forms of life; just as it has been doing since it was a microbe; the beast represented Satan on Earth; because Satan had taken the form of a strange system of life, whose foundation rested on inequality; Satan the beast infiltrated the very customs of human beings; and humans fell asleep and served Satan; the beast was guided by instincts in the trial of life; because the beast knew nothing of the content of God’s divine Gospel; and the followers of the beast fell into its trap; none of those who met the beast, none knew by heart the divine Gospel of God; Oblivion was passed down from father to son, and from generation to generation; the very way of life devised by the beast snatched away human happiness; humanity, in order to have defeated the beast, needed to know itself; and it did not; it had to have created within itself a psychology superior to that of the beast; because it had been taught that all perfection is earned through hard work. the comfortable sensations of humanity perpetuated blindness until achieving condemnation; the total number of seconds lived by humanity, in the test of life, reaches its total consumption; his time is running out; the end of mortals approaches and the beginning of the immortals on Earth begins; the beast until the end, will know nothing; because only the tremors caused by the Son of God will be able to shake the beast from its strange coldness; And when the beast awakens, it will be its end; the beast will try to prove that it was indeed a beast; because in its final arrogance, the beast, in its desperation, will resort to atomic weapons to confront the Son of God; this futile arrogance of the beast causes such a quake on Earth that an eighth of humanity is swallowed by it; the Son of God, in His divine anger, causes terrifying earthquakes that last entire days; and that have never been witnessed by humans; the beast lives its last moments of terror; the divine power in which it never believed brings about its downfall; it is the immortal astonishment of the beast; because already on other planets, in other trials of life, the beast had experienced other astonishments, other fears, other terrors, at the divine justice of God; because the beast is complexed by nature; its sentimental salvation is suicide; a recourse of those who have not understood eternity; resource of beings, strange to the Kingdom of Heaven; the beast, until the last moment of its demonic reign, will think of profits; until the last moment, it will exploit others; And I will tell you, my son, that with the disappearance of the beast, in the trial of life, an unheard-of happiness is born on the planet, one that has never been known on Earth; It is the happiness of the meek at heart; it is the happiness of those who have always rejected the possession of fleeting things; it is the happiness of those who were not deceived by the ephemeral; It is the happiness of those who never hid anything; not even their imperfections did they conceal; It is the happiness of those who spoke of everything; it is the happiness of those who had fulfilled the divine mandate that said: He who has a mouth, let him speak; it is the happiness of those who knew how to live with the psychology with which a child lives;

It is the happiness of those who always waited for it and did not give up; because they fulfilled the divine parable that said: Those who seek will find; they, with the patience of children, sought, waited, and found; this happiness will be called the Happiness of the New Kingdom; those called adults will not partake in it, from the trial of life; because to be able to participate in this new Kingdom, one must have the innocence of a child; the so-called adults, the mortals of the trial of life, had a sublime opportunity to partake in this new Kingdom; as long as in their life trials, they had known how to preserve, throughout their development as a creature, the innocence of a child; such was the supreme goal of life; With the beast, the innocence of a child was never preserved; because the beast, with its merchant-like psychology, tainted everything. the beast strayed from the path that led to the light; for the beast lacked spiritual interest in what was happening in the cosmos; the beast itself severed its connection to the infinite; the beast isolated itself from eternity by its own will; no one had forced the beast to be a beast; it was the strange complex of possession that turned the beast into a beast; the beast took pleasure in dividing the planet into nations; for with such a form of coexistence, the beast thrived; the unity of the planet was not advantageous to the beast; because a united planet represented something that the beast could not comprehend intellectually; and its pride became restless; certainly, the perfection pursued by the beast was the strangest of all; its beastly power rested on character, not on the eternal laws of the universe; the strange beast, obsessed with gold, plotted without the divine assistance of God; the beast believed itself to be omnipotent; it never remotely thought that its strange reign could be interrupted; much less that another power would nullify it; the beast in its dreams of grandeur ignored where it came from; From his own ignorance of origin comes his downfall; from what he voluntarily chose not to understand comes the force that will make him disappear from human evolution; the beast always allowed libertinism in the understanding of God; because such libertinism brought fabulous profits to the beast; and since it brought profits, this strange libertinism of understanding the Eternal was called freedom by the beast; If it hadn’t produced profits for him, I wouldn’t call this strange phenomenon freedom; because everything that left a profit was good for the beast. And through their own customs, the creatures of the Earth served the beast; and the beast made use of them, until the end of the times of trials; the beast is now agonizing, within the confines of human laws; because the beast is impoverishing; yet, the beast, in its pride and arrogance, which are characteristic of it, says nothing about its poverty; to explain it to the world, the beast disguises the explanation with technical terms of its greedy economy; going so far as to blame others for its misfortunes; the beast, a product of greedy, cold, and calculating beings, always believed too much of itself; because it manipulated the customs of others with its gold; the beast thought that things would always remain the same; Moreover, the events looming over the world will cause the beast to pale; for now, Jehovah-God-Unique will make spirituality triumph over materiality. Since nothing is impossible for God, it will be the Knowledge of the Lamb of God that conquers the beast; it will be the divine Living Word of God, made Doctrine-Revelation; the beast will be terrified to see that no one pays attention to it anymore; their military barracks, where the children of God were made aware and taught to kill, will remain deserted; there will be no human soul within them; only dust and oblivion will dwell there; the sinister warships of the beast will all be abandoned and full of mold; the beast will not find clientele or volunteers, as was the old custom; then the beast will recognize that it was used to living by breaking the law; And just when the beast realizes its centuries-old mistake, that is when the beast must disappear from the history of the world; the beast is living the final stage of its downfall; This stage is characterized by the fact that the beast has turned against its own laws; before, the beast was horrified by killing; now, for the beast, killing is the most natural thing. the emotional instability of the beast, which accompanied it from beginning to end, leads the beast to end in chaos; In India, so many events will occur related to the divine final judgment that in the future we will write about them in countless telepathic scrolls; So be it, divine Father Jehovah; let your divine will be done; I will tell you, my son, that in India and China, the first Government of Children will be established on Earth; they will achieve the unification of the planet; they will accomplish what the so-called adults of the test of life have not achieved in centuries; Divine Father Jehovah, why did it have to be the children? Sublime question, my son; It will be the children, because they do not have the complex of gold; and because children believe in everything; by believing in everything, they believe in the infinity of God; the child, with their innocence, serves only one Lord. The so-called adult with their emotional complexities served many masters in the test of life; and those who serve many masters do not inspire trust in God. It is easier for those who have defined themselves in a single Lord to inspire trust in the Eternal. the first ones, with their imperfection, perpetuated the division among creatures; the second ones contributed to unification; In India and China, all the children of the Earth will be gathered. and they will multiply in eternal flesh, to such a number that no human mind will be able to calculate it; These genius children will be born speaking with their elders; and they will bring in their childlike concepts the Science of the Kingdom of Heaven; they will not bring the sensations that mortals experienced; they will not die; they will not know the decay of their bodies; the decay that mortals experienced as part of life’s trial, they themselves had asked God for, because they did not know it; all the sensations that each person feels and possesses, they asked God for, because they did not know them; this is why it was written: The trial of life; every spirit is tested by God; all of you are tested second by second; and no one realizes it; the infinite perfection of the Eternal means that when testing His children, no one is affected in their free will; God shows His divine power by observing others without being seen. And not seeing God in the present life, one also asked God; Human spirits were unaware of the experience of not seeing God, on the distant planet of trials, Earth; and the absence of seeing God was granted to them as a test; the life of the ages of the Earth is nothing more than an instant or a sigh for God; it is that the Eternal chooses His own time, among the infinite times that He Himself has created; God returns to times, in micro and macro; He contracts them and expands them; In the case of Earth, he chose celestial time; in which one second of celestial time was equivalent to a century on Earth; in the place where God is, it is the Macrocosm also known as the Kingdom of Heaven; a place where everything imaginable exists; a place where things and beings have no limits; a place where matter speaks in universal telepathy; a place from which everything that exists emerged; what was, what is, and what will be; a place that will be revealed to every human eye, because every human has asked to see it, in the events of the divine final judgment; And the world of trial, upon seeing its place of origin, will burst into tears; and from millions of tears, a new psychology will be born that will transform everything; the millions of tears will accuse those who vainly tried for centuries to turn them into little more than machines, cold and calculating; and to lead them down a strange path that did not lead to the Kingdom of God; and the millions of tears will reach a breaking point when the Son of God tells them that in order to be able to re-enter what they are seeing, they will have to undergo a divine judgment, in which not a single molecule, neither of the spirit nor of the flesh that was possessed in the trial of life, escapes; to be able to enter again into the Kingdom of God, it was not necessary to repeat the ancient imperfection of worshiping God through images or through creatures that had been created by the Eternal Himself; the divine judgments of God are molecular, and His divine law penetrates where no other science can reach. What God encompasses includes the sensations that everyone felt in life, which no one could explain; it encompasses the invisible experiences lived through virtues.-


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