Holy writings

John 8:58  “Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”
John 10:34-36 “Jesus answered, Is it not written in your law, I said, You are gods? If he called those to whom the word of God came gods (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say to him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You blaspheme, because I said, ‘I am the Son of God?'”
Genesis 1:1  “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, little one; the beginning of every world starts when it is microscopic; the Earth you inhabit was, in times beyond all human calculation, a baby-planet; it was the size of the head of a pin; here is the divine complement of the parable that says: One must be tiny and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; because the parables of the Father are for both spirit and matter; He created everything and everything is living for the Father; no one is lesser before Him; neither matter nor spirit; all are equal in rights; in that very remote time, Adam and Eve had not yet been born; because at the beginning everything was fire; you were taught that Adam and Eve are your first earthly parents; certainly, they were; but, they are not the very beginning of the planet; because no one is unique in this world; the pharaonic dynasties came to this planet, fulfilling a galactic law; a law that will be known for the first time in this world; there are many laws of the Father that you will now know; because you asked for the test of life, with forgetfulness of your past; truly I tell you, that without forgetfulness of the past, your life would not be a test; because you would know everything; every world in its beginnings is visited by elder children of the Father; by children who have lived more; who understand Him more; because the more a creature of the universe knows, the more it participates in the laws of the Father’s creation; that is why every spirit is born again; or reincarnates again; because the knowledge that comes from the Father has no end; nothing in the Father has an end; the arrival of the pharaonic creatures fulfilled this law; all knowledge takes a form to continue advancing towards the Father; all knowledge is living; for you, living knowledge is called spirit; in other worlds, they are called by other terms; because nothing has limits in the Father; the pharaonic dynasties were among the first to witness the beginning of planet Earth; because before them, there were other solar creatures; they were of fire; here is the first incarnation in this world; because everything that is born and transforms in nature is a new birth or new reincarnation; it has been happening at every moment and since the beginning of the world; the most microscopic transformation of a microbe is a microscopic reincarnation; and the Father sees and directs everything; being everywhere, He is also in the invisible; and the invisible is as visible and material as your present; so I see it, divine Father Jehovah; I see infinite creatures passing by my side; from all the ages this world has had; and I see their scenes; I am in the midst of them; so it is, little one; what you see corresponds to you by solar hierarchy; so it was in your past; and I see, divine Father Jehovah, the future; I see the greatest revolution of this world; I see the universal revolution that your divine Revelation will provoke; I see that the greatest and most transcendental comes from your writings; so it is, little one; what comes from the Father has no limits; when the Father expresses Himself to the worlds, the worlds transform in all their customs; the pharaonic dynasty that first came to this world was the Osiris dynasty; they were giants up to 30 meters tall; it was a time when the sky surrounding the Earth was open; I see it, divine Father Jehovah! what colossal creatures! and I see by your divine grace, immense ships that shine like silver in the sun; the giants seem to play with them; yes, little one; those ships are the silver ships; coming from distant suns; they are the same ones the world has seen; the ones called flying saucers; how beautiful they are, divine Father! those ships remind me of a whole galactic past; I see that I come by your divine grace, from colossal suns; yes, little one; from all parts of the infinite one comes; that is why it was written that what is above is like what is below; in all points of the universe, there are creative laws; the Osiris dynasty initially respected the divine laws of love of the Father Jehovah; but, when Satan divided other solar hierarchies in the Kingdom of Heaven, the pharaohs also divided; these galactic creatures were telepathic; they knew it by telepathy; they communicated with the distant suns; they learned laws and sciences from other worlds; the mistake they made with human evolution was having created occultism; because neither they nor their followers enter the Kingdom of Heaven; no one asked the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven to hide anything from anyone; here it is that even the greatest wisdom that has passed through this world fell before the divine mandates of the Father Jehovah; the first dynasty fell into arrogance before the Creator of the universe; they recognized the bear as god; and represented it as the creator of gold; then successively they degenerated true spirituality; the only one; the one that comes from the living God; the Creator of all things; including those they called gods; here is the greatest abuse of power in this world; because the pharaohs had powers in nature itself; after the Firstborn Son, they came; due to their condition of having another evolution coming from distant galaxies; these creatures knew about the Trinity, more than any other creatures of human knowledge; they represented the Trinity in their garments; the Alpha lines; they were black and yellow; they created the first philosophy of force in this world; Pharaoh means in Celestial Science, force taken from the lion; that is why they created the sphinx; a demonic divinity that had a human head and a lion’s body; these demons created the first slavery on this planet; and all their spiritual powers, they lost as they fell into greater arrogance; the last dynasties only had physical strength; these creatures had the mission to colonize the Earth; to teach what is beyond the distant suns; but, ambition and the desire for power corrupted them; they rebelled against Father Jehovah; they taught in this world, material worship towards the divine; a form of worship, not pleasing to Father Jehovah; because with such a form of worship, the creature advances little; the Osiris dynasty knew the earthly paradise of Adam and Eve; and envy took hold of them here is a revelation that will cause astonishment and immortality to its revealer; the serpent that tempted Eve was the same pharaonic serpent; because in that very remote time, all creatures were telepathic; Adam and Eve were used to conversing telepathically, with all the creatures of the universe; here is another revelation that will astonish this world; this abode was destined to be telepathic by inheritance; and because of the serpent that tempted Eve, it was not; because from the beginning, temptation was not considered in the laws of the Creator; from the very moment the Father’s law was violated, infinite laws had to be changed, from whose application you emerged; because in the creation of the Father no one is unique; the violation that occurs in the laws of a microbe, reverberates when it is colossal; because everything is expansive; and never stops; if your Father Jehovah had not intervened when the cursed serpent tempted your first earthly parents, this world would be a hell-world; you would not have known progress because you would all be slaves perpetually; it was the intention of the serpent; which was sent and taught by the first enslavers of this planet; truly I tell you, that other followers of Osiris are in this world; they are the same ones who have created for centuries, the rich and the poor; just as the cursed pharaonic serpent wanted to divide the love that Adam and Eve had for their Creator, so too those who have given you a system of life based on gold, divided you into rich and poor; these ambitious ones forgot that you are all equal in rights before God; the so-called capitalists of this world are the followers of Satan; because they continue to divide others, in the worlds they go to; do they not know that no so-called rich person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven? and if they know, why do they insist on continuing to delude the world with the so-called riches? here is the same accusation made to the cursed serpent and the cursed pharaohs; an accusation that will shake the illusionists; because because of them, no human creature of the past and present, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.-

Yes, little one; that is correct; this celestial drawing means that the fire was transforming into molecules of earth; at that time the skies of the universe were open; there was a colossal traffic of flying saucers; creatures from other worlds traveled in enormous aerial ships; it was normal traffic; the Earth was populated by giants; these creatures are not of the human line; the human line came from Adam and Eve; whose physical constitution was flesh; the giants were of fire; their laws were different; an unknown era in all the epochs of humanity; because no one in this world asked the Father to remember the events of their own origin; because everyone asked to be tested in life; the men of fire were of gaseous constitution; they knew that invisible cords connected them to the Alpha and Omega suns; they knew that there was only one God; their philosophy was common in everything; many traveled outside the Earth, in the Celestial Ships; these creatures were born from the same molecules of fire; they were microbes that lived in microscopic dimensions; or microscopic presents; they were born countless times; until they became giants; they fulfilled the divine mandate that says: One must be tiny and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; to become giants; the entire universe that surrounds you was a microbe; worlds and suns were microbes; matter and spirit were; because matter and spirit are living in their respective laws; and both have equal rights in perfection before the Father; no one is lesser in His creation; neither matter nor spirit; the men of fire knew the microscopic paradise of Adam and Eve; this earthly paradise was not the only one; because no one is unique in the creation of the Father; on this planet there have been infinite paradises; you human creatures are not the only ones nor will you be the last; because the creation of the Father has neither beginning nor end; those who believe themselves unique in the universe will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because with their selfishness, they belittled the Father; truly I tell you, that the law of reincarnation you asked for yourselves; because being born again is done in the exercise of free will; many in this world deny laws they do not even know; they did not take the trouble to seek; the one who did not take the trouble to seek his own eternity, within his own individuality, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; no indifferent to himself has entered the Kingdom; in that remote time, there were other physical laws on the planet; because there is everything in the flock of the Father; the distant worlds and suns moved in sight of all; everyone saw the solar luminaries being created; and they saw how they themselves were created in the distant suns; they saw the causes coming from the cause of the Father; the men of fire lived many centuries; they did not know old age; they reproduced by magnetic waves coming from their own body of fire; they had sexes as you do; but, they had no passions; they were infinitely more perfect than you; this era of giants witnessed the creative work carried out by the beings who manned the flying saucers; who still continue in it; and will continue for all eternity; because the living creation of Father Jehovah has no end; they conversed at all times with creatures from other worlds; the Earth you are on was destined for another planetary glory; it was not destined to be an isolated world as it is with respect to other worlds; in the divine intention of the Creator was to create a celestial paradise; when the disobedience of your first earthly parents occurred; here is a law that shows you that all disobedience being mental, affects the inheritance of all kinship; because every good or bad idea tends to expand; it tends to become a kingdom; a conglomerate of galaxies; just as families are born from each of you; truly I tell you, that just as Adam and Eve disobeyed the Father, and condemned an entire world, so every evil and violator of the Father’s law condemns other worlds with their bad thoughts; because every mental idea tends to materialize in the philosophy that was thought; from Adam and Eve to the last of you, you have generated ideas; and all of them are the beginnings of worlds; worlds that have not yet materialized in the colossal; because everything needs time to grow and mature; here is the spiritual responsibility of your thoughts; here is why all sacred teaching; because everything comes from knowledge; from ideas; Adam and Eve were warned of what they should do, and what they should not have done; you were also warned; were you not given scriptures, that accompany you for centuries and centuries? no one complains about what is to come; you had a whole life, not to be caught by surprise in an instant; Adam and Eve lived an eternity in paradise; they lacked nothing; they did not know how to overcome the excess of conformity; it was their test; a test requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; a test that promised the Father, not to be overcome by temptation; whatever its form; here is the supreme light; only by maintaining innocence, is the glory sought in the Father perpetuated; the supreme test of knowing other lives, without staining innocence; when Adam and Eve disobeyed Father Jehovah, they attacked their own innocence;

it would have been better for them not to have asked for a philosophical test of life; just as they asked to know the life of an earthly paradise, so you also asked to know the life you had to know; each life asked for different circumstances; because in distant existences, you asked to know free will; and having known it, the future vicissitudes of all future existence derive from it; no one is born knowing anything; your starting point is innocence; because the entire universe came from a single innocence; from a single God; and there is no world in space that does not have in its own laws, the same problem: to preserve innocence in the laws they themselves asked for; here it is that the laws of the Creator are not only for one world; because His creation is not limited to one world; His divine mandates have neither beginning nor end; were you not taught that your God is infinite? infinite means that by His divine grace, everything exists; truly I tell you, that everyone who doubted a microscopic part of the attributes of their Creator, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for those who recognized His divine greatness of having created everything to enter the Kingdom; here is another light for those who denied His existence; everyone asked to praise Him above all things; no one asked to deny Him in the slightest; here is a weeping and gnashing of teeth, for every backward and ignorant spirit who did not take the trouble to seek Him in the living forgetfulness they themselves asked for; in the celestial drawing, it is seen how the ideas generated by the creatures of the worlds flow towards the flying saucers; because they feel attracted to the ships; they recognize in them, the living mandate of the Father; here is the cause of the presence of these ships, circling the Earth; in distant worlds, the same thing happens as it does to you; infinite creatures are intrigued by their presence; what is above is like what is below; they are worlds that are tested in their philosophies; just as you are tested; those who doubted the signs in the skies, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they will also be doubted outside the Earth; none of you saw the beginning of the Earth; therefore, all those who enunciated principles of how this world was formed, were tested; but, none of them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because none exalted the Father in their theories; certainly everything exists; what cannot be proven on Earth, exists outside of it; here is a weeping and gnashing of teeth, of every wise man who sought without taking the Father into account; here is the fall of the proud of intellect; it would have been better for them not to have asked for the test of knowledge; because they asked like everyone else, to exalt the Father above all things; no wise man of this world has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; nor will any enter; at the beginning of this world, no one knew selfishness in any imagined form; therefore no one knew money; material interest did not exist; because the enjoyment of life was in equality; truly I tell you, that this equality will return to the world; because the interests of the world were tested by the Father in an ephemeral time; for many centuries that distrust has reigned in this world, it represents a microscopic part of what awaits this world; all evil and injustice in this world has come to an end; because the Revelation begins to spread as the Father wants; but, of one thing you can be sure; and that is that the greatest surprise your lives can experience, will take hold of you; this is because this world lives deluded and with a false concept of true humility; truly I tell you, that your entire system of life falls; because the so-called capitalism is not a tree planted by Father Jehovah; were you not warned that no rich person would enter the Kingdom of Heaven? and the money of capitalism produces the rich; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of those who created this strange system of life; strange because all injustice is unknown in the Kingdom of the Father; the so-called capitalism will fall as soon as your Father Jehovah extends the Revelation throughout this world; here is the fall of Satan in this world; according to how the scriptures of the Father were interpreted, so the demons are born; your system of life based on gold, did not take Him into account; because neither rich nor poor are in His scriptures; those responsible for this strange system of life will have a universal judgment; and it will be public; just as the judgments are in the Kingdom of Heaven; there nothing is done in secret; no one who did things in secret in this world will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; no one asked the Father to do things in secret; truly I tell you, that those who created the so-called capitalism, are the same spirits of the past; they are the same followers of the cursed Osiris; who could not overcome their selfish inclinations in the present life of all generations; your system of life is the product of a spiritual weakness; little evolved spirits; without spiritual depth; confined only to an ephemeral present; and what is of the Father, is not limited only to a present;

here is the error of the little evolved, they imagined that they would never be accountable to anyone; just as it happened in the pharaonic era; here are the greatest culprits of this world; because none who followed them in their strange system of life will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here are those who divided you in the philosophy of life; only satan divides and divides himself; here is the demon that tainted your innocence; by not respecting the scriptures of the Father, your innocence knew a strange morality; and lived with it; no one promised the Father to live with a morality strange to His divine morality; because what is of the Father is not divided; truly I tell you, that even the most microscopic thing that came out of this scandalous system of life will be paid for on Earth; the Revelation will shake you because there is no other; from it will come the universal revolution; the world of the humble will crush those who instilled a morality alien to the scriptures of the Father; because this humanity is moving away moment by moment from the Kingdom of Heaven; because at every moment you violate the law of the Father; only by changing the system of life does the distancing from the Kingdom of Heaven cease; because even the seconds are living before the Father; the seconds asked for an alliance with you, to know a life on a distant planet called Earth; and in asking for such an experience, they did so thinking of a system of life from the scriptures of the Father; and not of money; because money is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; here is your demon; there is no other than the one that keeps you divided into rich and poor; the demon has never wanted the unification of this world; because the privilege that came out of this shameful system of life has blinded them; the cursed money makes them insensitive to the justice that the peoples ask for; here is the yoke that came from men themselves; satan made into a system of life; the end of satan’s reign has come; because no human creature will want to continue living in a system of life that at every moment moves him further and further away from the Kingdom of the Father; truly I tell you, capitalists of the world, that all humanity will despise you; they will flee from you as they flee from the plague; it is the justice that you yourselves asked the Father for; truly I tell you, that you will be left in the greatest poverty you can imagine; with the same measure you used to measure others, you will be measured; just as you created poverty in millions of beings, so poverty will dwell in you; now you will be the poor; because no one was commanded to have more than another; were you not taught demons of usury and ambition, that all are equal in rights before God? and knowing this, why did you create a system of life in which some had more and others less? from you cursed ones came all human pain; all human injustice; and you will pay for everything; here is the beginning of your weeping and gnashing of teeth; it came from you yourselves; you are demons of yourselves; because you divide yourselves between light and darkness; because you were hypocrites in serving two masters; you served your excessive ambition and tried to serve the living God; certainly you will be accused of hypocrites before the Creator of life; nothing of you will remain in this world; only the bitter memory of an unjust and anguished era; here is where your reign ends; your arrogance; a reign that should never have existed; because none who knew you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; your inheritance is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of a world; blind you were and blind you will fall; just as you fell in the pharaonic era; here is satan and his end; because every brother who divides his brother is a demon before the Father; from you followers of Osiris, is the legion of satan, all your ideas that you emanated in life carry the germ of selfish division; infinite other worlds will be born with your ambitious philosophy; truly I tell you, that none of you will find compassion; you will live isolated from the world; you will envy the affection given to an animal; you will curse having violated the law of the Father; here is your end followers of gold; with your disappearance, this world is liberated; because this world was born free in the laws of the Father; and not in the laws of money; you and your money are the great unknowns in the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that you will beg in the streets of the world; just as you made others beg; all that this world suffered because of your excessive ambitions will fall upon you; in other existences you will pay for even the most microscopic pain caused to others; just as many in this world are already paying for it; your final judgment begins for you exploiters; because it is the end of your reign in this world; you will weep crying for mercy; because none of you spirits of capitalism will be resurrected in the flesh; only the one who was exploited will be; because with his patience he earned it; but, the one who doubted or denied the Resurrection will not be resurrected; here is another weeping and gnashing of teeth of the unbelievers; spirits who were deceived in a false spirituality; deluded by the power of gold; a power that entertains and distances from the Kingdom of Heaven; many planetary dramas have been caused by the demon of ambition; infinite humanities have fallen on the false path that leads to the Father; believing it was the true one; truly I tell you, that many things have happened in this world; and your fall will be the greatest event for the sufferers of this world; it will overshadow every event that occurred in the past; with your disappearance demons of gold, another course will take human evolution; a course that you are far from suspecting; because it will be innocence that will rule the destinies of this world; an innocence that will know nothing of money; but will know the history of a tragedy that this demon caused; because of it a world did not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; a world that lived its last stage; which will be known as the Era of weeping and gnashing of teeth; the era that was announced to you in the scriptures, as the final judgment; a judgment that begins with doctrine for all understanding; and culminates with the Resurrection of all flesh; of the spirits who believed in it; because the one who did not believe, will not be resurrected as a twelve-year-old child; because it was written: Let the children come to me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; it means that the new world will be of children’s philosophy; only joy will reign in this world; a joy that was momentarily tainted by a strange corrupting system of life, called capitalism; that created interested joy; hypocritical joy; none who knew this strange joy, none will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.-


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