Holy writings

Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air, for they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than them?
John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:14: “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we saw his glory, glory of him as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.”
John 4:24 “God is Spirit; and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; matter is born according to the salt of life of creatures; because all knowledge is parallel to the advancement of the spirit; All the discoveries of your science were agreed upon in the kingdom; just as the most microscopic acts of your spirit were agreed upon. Matter is inseparable from spirit because both emerged from the same law; from the same point in space; from the same origin; Matter is as alive in its laws as your spirit is; for no one is lesser before the Creator; Matter and spirit possess free will; they are born, come together, and separate; to be born is fire, to come together is fire, and to separate is fire; because they are of a single cause; All variety in the creations of matter is a variety of fire; fire made matter; and matter made fire with identity; matter is a transformation of fire; a fire that, to transform, requires infinite living forces: speed, space, time, gravity, density, translation, cohesion, etc., which are also transformations of fire; This means that no element or creature was born by its own means; because the cause is external to them; their own control is not subject to the control of birth; Everyone feels that their own feelings are not of the present; because everything is born anew; everything transforms; nothing is still; and what seems stillness is not; because within its invisible interior, movements occur; unsuspected activity; your matter was arranged in such a way that a system of life could emerge from it; A proof of life; that is why you do not converse with your essence; such a thing happens in the rest of the universe; and in both cases, there is no limit; because such a thing is not known in creation; the expansive, thinking universe of Father Jehovah grows at every moment; and this has been happening when the material universe did not yet exist; there were no thinking beings; what existed, you would never understand; because only by being born again does the spirit approach unknown causes; your understanding is, for now, limited; you were taught that every spirit is born again; because precisely by being born again, you are getting closer to the destiny that your own spirit desires; every dream or goal becomes reality with this law.-

Yes, my child; in the construction of flying saucers, there are infinitely different laws than those of humans; there in the macrocosm, human mechanics do not exist because it is too slow; they have the power to imitate it, but that would be going backward; Slowness is characteristic of the sciences of the worlds of flesh; one is born slow and reaches mental speeds; speeds infinitely superior to your mental powers; in the construction of silver ships, solar laws are employed; the same laws that my Firstborn son revealed to the world; when he commanded the winds to calm, what he did was transform them into their elements; there was telepathic communication with the cherubs of the molecules; the magnetic lines that organize their free wills; The cherubim are mentioned in my scriptures; more, it does not explain what they consist of; because all writing from Father Jehovah tests you; it tests your understanding; because that is what you asked for in the most microscopic part of your thinking; and it was granted to you; that is why it is said that every spirit is created and tested in life; flying saucers are born from the mental magnetism of the solar parents; just as human intelligence creates its own; as above, so below; in all points of the universe, there exist infinite ways to create; that of the solar parents is one of those infinite ways; when the suns wish to create a ship, they gather in an omega circle; and concentrate their mental magnetism on a single point; this is easy for them; because they are telepathic and can read each other’s minds; the chosen point is made in silence; because the agreement was mental; and not physical; the mastery of solar telepathy causes its creatures to act in silence; Just like you, my little one, you write the science of the Lamb of God; you do it while talking or listening to music; it’s all the same to you; because they are external influences; the eternal truth is the inner one; because the spirit, radiating throughout the fleshly body, aligns with all its virtues within; and from there, it creates the future heaven of the spirit; for it emanates physical and invisible ideas into the outer space; and from its ideas, colossal worlds will be born; In the celestial drawing, solar fluids can be seen; a term unknown to human understanding; Fluids are magnetic forces that transform matter; and one of these transformations is to create or modify matter from the very elements of the universe. your mental fluids have not yet matured enough to do this; you are still in a primitive stage called intelligence; which means in the kingdom, an inner principle in trial; because all power of intelligence is tested just as the spirit is; the solar fluids are living fire; if you were to witness the process of creating a flying saucer, you would fall to your knees, bathed in tears; such would be the emotion of your spirit; I truly tell you, that you will never witness such beauty; its impression is carried through many existences; here is one of the reasons why many spirits believe without seeing; blessed be they; because those who did not believe without seeing do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for all belief is tested; spirits are in their salt of life, like miniature solar fluids; for you are microscopic suns; and every colossal sun was once microscopic like you; it was a microbe in worlds that no longer exist in space; for one must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; great in size and wisdom; to become brilliant like a sun of wisdom; brilliant in spirit and in matter; the solar fluids convert their solar salt of life into living matter; and this begins to emerge at the chosen point; it starts with a whirlpool that has linear traces and as they identify, they become circular; this identification is instantaneous; for everything microscopic in the kingdom is first in all that it represents; first in speed, strength, time, space, etc. The term: The humble are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven, that is what it means; a celestial order in which glory is decreasing; from lesser to greater; regardless of each one’s merit; everyone always receives their due; and each one maintains their glory; that is to say, the more humble one is, the greater one becomes; the more creative powers the spirit has; because the living infinite is with them; and whoever has the cooperation of the elements around them is certainly great after the Father; the solar fluids make matter converse with them; and as it hardens into matter, its molecules recognize their creators; and at every moment, they are in telepathic contact with them; The living molecules materialized do not forget their past; as you human spirits do; they do not need a final judgment; their laws are not laws of proof; because they are in direct contact with eternity; they see what you will see after death; That is why these ships are governed by mental power; they appear bright and colorful; it is the life salt of the solar parents; and they transform into celestial bodies; this last power is proportional to the purity power of the suns; according to the quality and characteristics of their life salts; There exist ships of such size that their mere presence would darken your world; to the extent that this darkness would last until the end of the Earth; Well, all the centuries that have passed are few compared to the total journey of the ship across the Earth; Do not forget that there are no limits in the Macrocosm or the Kingdom of Heaven; the solar fluids are imbued in every pore or molecule of the silver metal; its bright white color is the result of the spiritual purity of the solar creators; and from this arises the Silver Lamb that humanity will use; for it symbolizes the spiritual purity of each individual; the clean conscience; those who violate the law of the Father have no moral right to carry it; no scandalous purveyor of immoral fashions will bear it; for none of these demons will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; none who have worn clothing typical of the opposite sex; no damn long-haired person; they are the ones of the legion of Satan; They trample before the world the living morality of the Father; none of these sexual immoral will be resurrected in new flesh; the divine Father does not reward the immoral; He curses them; because that is what they asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; Flying saucers are eternal; because their creators are eternal; and thus worlds are born and die while these ships continue; they record everything that has existed in the universe; They possess Solar Books like those in the Kingdom of Heaven; what is above is the same as what is below; Yes, my child; that’s how they are; just as you see them every day; your mind is open to the heavens; you penetrate the distances of the universe, like no one ever will; because the mind reaches further than the instruments created by intelligence; No instrument made by man commands the elements; because their spirits did not ask for it; It is not written in the Solar Books; the flying saucers observe the worlds they themselves guided in the beginning; they transported the primitive spark of Earth; and they still transport and guide countless sparks of future planets; the earthly spark is still maturing; the process of transformation still exists; because it is in the time of the time that was requested; their alliances between matter and spirits continue.

and it will continue until the last molecule of the agreement disappears; the living word of the Father controls everything; When he said: Let there be light, and light was made, his pause extended throughout the universe; his echo continues to give loving orders to colossal lights that multiply more and more with each passing moment; and they produce more and more solar sparks of future planets; and this happens while the Father dedicates himself to other divine works that know no bounds; “Let there be light, and light was made” is not his only way of creating; it is one of the infinite ways; because nothing in him has limits. Flying saucers have existed since before the current suns. Here, we cannot speak of centuries; because the zeros in the figure are like the grains of sand in the deserts; taking each grain as a planet; To understand such a philosophy of such numbering, you need to be born again; to know new sciences to a degree akin to the number of sands in a desert; solar fluids can create other material wonders; like instant worlds; any celestial body; yet, none of them is the unique creator; they are older children in the universal inheritance; they are firstborn suns; as their name suggests, they are first after the Father; and the firstborn suns are infinite in their hierarchies; it is the Solar Trinity that stands at the pinnacle of the spiral; the suns are individualities just like you suns; what is above is the same as what is below; this revelation will open up a new philosophy for the earthly world; that will unify the flock; it will bring together all the humble, all the underdeveloped nations; because it was written that the humble would be the first; as it should have been many centuries ago; this mandate has never been fulfilled by the human creature; and it is centuries behind. Moreover, every philosophical tree that the Father did not plant will be uprooted; the Father waits for the time requested by His creatures to test their own ideas; and alongside the requested time, the Father places on the path and destiny of each one, His laws; His morality; His scriptures; the desires of their free will; and He does this without asking anyone. more, give everyone a chance; so that they may understand him; to the extent that each one requested in the kingdom; The flying saucers know of your laws; because they have lived them in ancient times; on planets and lands that no longer exist; they do not land as they would like to; they must not disturb the time of trial that the world requested; because it would be a violation on their part; for they too must answer to the Father; The appearance of certain earthly children is due to the fact that these spirits requested it; and those who have not seen them also made that request; this revelation will astonish the world with its justice and truth; because if someone did not wish for something, that desire is respected; seeing them or not seeing them does not imply the spiritual obligations of each individual; flying saucers possess ancient advancements within them; and no less marvelous; they are equipped for eternal journeys; they travel from sun to sun; and their journeys will never end; and they have advancements to receive any unknown creature from any world; In distant systems that you will never reach, flying saucers are welcomed; they are awaited as divine passengers; and they are received with enthusiasm and unheard-of joy; they are the first contacts of the Trinity with the material worlds; This contact occurs at infinite points in the universe; because the number of worlds is limitless; when the Trinity is to be announced to a world, it does so in accordance with the scriptures given to that world; because everything must be fulfilled as it was written; the scriptures of the Kingdom of Heaven include everything that a world possesses; each molecule has its story; like each microbe; each element; each spirit; In a planetary story, infinite stories exist; because everyone is taken into account; matter and spirit; no one is disinherited; because all come from the same eternity; an eternity that does not divide; the whole over the whole perfects matter and spirit; so that they may come to know other matters and other spirits; without straying from what is; The transformation of each individual comes from within; in both the physical and spiritual aspects. All the individualities you have in all existences are products of yourselves; they come from your life essence; from your brilliance emanating from your knowledge; from your work; from your sweat on your brow; There are countless types of work; some close to the morals of the Father; others far away; some honorable, others dishonorable; The work done in this world is classified into two psychologies: the work of the exploited and the work of the exploiters; Everyone who is exploited is submissive; they are great before the Father; because despite the exploitation, they fulfill their destiny; a destiny that they themselves requested. The exploiters did not ask in the kingdom to exploit anyone; because they do not like to be exploited themselves; do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you; It is what they listened to in the kingdom; where infinite advice is given to the spirits who are about to embark on life trials in distant worlds; because everything exists in the kingdom; flying saucers are everywhere in the kingdom; they are like the grains of sand in a desert; and many of you have traveled in them; and you have beautiful friendships among their crew, just as you have on Earth; what is above is like what is below; the difference is that up there, material interest is not known; because each one lives their own eternity; they do not have life trials like you do; until they decide; because at any moment in eternity, spirits can come to planets; and they prepare for it; just as you prepare for a journey; what is above is like what is below; the preparations made are of astonishing illustration for the spirit; there lie the eternal and living glories of the solar parents; of those who have lived in infinite worlds; because every spirit is born again and has many existences; the salt of life from the suns illuminates everything; and their teachings are pure knowledge; In the kingdom of interest, wealth is not spoken of; as it is in the Earth; because the only power that never ends is the creative power; work; spiritual merit; And being your dust-planet an unknown planet in the Kingdom of Heaven, the philosophy of wealth is not known there; private property does not exist nor will it ever exist; and all those who defended the so-called private property in spirit will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because that is what they asked for, and that is what was granted to them; The interest that you know on Earth is not from the Father; it is a product of your own way of life; which is also not a tree of the Father; and it will be uprooted from human evolution; and it is the very system of life you carry that makes you immoral before the Father, because you were deceived by fleeting things; divine justice considers all the moments lived on Earth; the seconds or less than seconds; because you promised to abide by the laws of the Father above all things; Above all moments; what do you understand by above all things? And I will tell you that according to the mandate above all things, it is enough to violate the law of the Father for a second or less in life, and you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this, which may seem to you an excessive severity, is not. A earthly instant is an eternity in the kingdom; for you were taught that everything small and humble is great in the kingdom, a second or an instant of your time is also so; a second of celestial time is equivalent to a century of earthly time; What is above has no limits; what is below has limits. because you asked to be limited in human life; because it is a test in everything imagined; all of you promised the Creator of your lives; to uphold the highest morality that can be conceived; Moreover, the way of life that the exploiters gave you prevented you from knowing the morality promised by the Father; because you cannot serve two masters; Morality is divided; and it ceases to be true; either one serves gold, or one serves God with heart and honesty; the divine Father, by the very justice that reigns in infinite heavens, cannot reward the one who is divided; it would set a bad precedent; everything divided would demand a reward that does not belong to it; and every just person would claim; and it is not about one world; it is about the entire universe; which was created eons before you; because many planetary abodes existed before those that have already passed; therefore, what is being explained to you at this moment has been explained since ancient times; you are limited; the Creator is not; you are confined to a microscopic present; and the Father is in all causes; of all the presents that have been, are, and will be; He is in what has yet to be created; He is before creatures and worlds are born; That is why, many centuries ahead of your existence, he said: beware of the science of good; he wanted to tell you: beware of the money that brings good and pleasure; it deceives children with the ephemeral and leaves them outside the Kingdom of Heaven.-



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