Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was in total chaos, darkness covered the abyss, and the Spirit of God moved over the surface of the waters.”
Psalm 19:1 “The heavens proclaim the glory of God, the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.”
Job 38:4-7 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who set your measurements? You know that, right? Or who spread the measuring cord over it? On what were the foundations of it laid, or who laid its cornerstone, while all the morning stars praised and all the children of God rejoiced?
Yes, little one; that is correct; just as you have been seeing since childhood; Flying Saucers are of Solar Origin; in the Scriptures of the Father, they are written as the balls of Fire; these Celestial Ships have always participated in the birth of worlds; Flying Saucers are created with living numbers; or spiritual mathematics; the same mathematics with which your bodies of flesh were made; Flying Saucers represent a power, constituted in hierarchies; because these ships form conglomerates or aerial families; their divine organization is like the organization of galaxies; for they come from them; just as your ships come from your planet; what is above is the same as what is below; in Flying Saucers, there exists Celestial time; in which one Celestial second corresponds to a terrestrial century; in other words, they create times; they create space and knowledge; the creatures that govern these ships are instantaneous; they converse with the material of the same ship; for them, there is no mechanical or physiological problem; when these ships travel, they do so from sun to sun; from world to world; they are accustomed to seeing colossal worlds; worlds in which your Earth would be no more than a molecule or a speck of dust; yes, little one; they are the same worlds you have been seeing since childhood; Praised be you in them, divine Father Jehovah; I will tell you, little one, that I will dictate new Scrolls of the construction of Flying Saucers; because what belongs to the Father has no end; Flying Saucers have been seen by some; and others have not seen them; I will tell you, little one, that like everything imaginable, it is asked of the Father, those who have seen them, asked to see them; and those who have not seen them, did not ask to see them; because the most microscopic thing contains a divine request and a divine mandate; not a molecule escapes this Law; Flying Saucers, by their own laws, are born as babies; which the vehicles of Earth cannot do; divine Father Jehovah, as you know, I see the place where these Celestial Ships are built; That is correct, little one; and I will tell you, little one, that it is not the only place; because what belongs to the Father has neither beginning nor end, in anything imaginable; the places where these ships are built are infinite; they are built in suns and worlds; in their construction, the divine cherubim participate; who will be in the Omega world, a living symbol of living mathematics; the mathematics of the resurrection of all flesh; the same mathematics with which human life was created; Flying Saucers, when traveling through the cosmos, do so with infinite purposes; and in doing so, they fulfill infinite Scriptures, coming from the Father; because each world or planet or sun has a divine Scripture; no one is disinherited; worlds and their creatures ask the Father to see in their life tests what they saw in the Kingdom of Heaven; thus a part of your humanity asked for it; Flying Saucers often violate the law of the Father; but all give a divine account to the Father; just as you were taught; what is above is the same as what is below; the justice of the Father is above and below; it is at any point in the universe; Was it not taught to you that your God is everywhere? the term: everywhere, means that He is in everything imaginable; in the visible and the invisible; divine Father Jehovah! I see you in a Silver Ship! that is correct, little one, how do you see me, Son? I see you, divine Father Jehovah, on a colossal color television; and I see that the crew of the ship bow before You; that is correct, little one; I show myself to every child of the cosmos, according to their sciences and evolutions; and I will tell you, little one, that these children, who command matter with their minds, know that they are no more than dust in the infinite creation of the divine Father Jehovah; divine Father Jehovah, why did these Celestial creatures, when greeting you, place their left hand on their chest; at the height of the heart? I will tell you, little one; they imitate the divine greeting of the Kingdom of Heaven; and this greeting of the Kingdom was also seen by human beings; divine Father Jehovah, and why did this world not do it too? ah! little one; because this world did not do things and laws according to the Scriptures of the Father; the same life system is strange to the divine mandate; men created a strange and unknown life system, whose god is gold; and all its customs are strange and immoral to the divine customs of the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, little one, that none of those who lived under the strange influence of this strange life system have been able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor will any enter; because none asked for it in the Kingdom of the Father.-
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