Holy writings

Genesis 1:3 “God said, “Let there be light!” And there was light.”
Psalms 33:6 “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made; and all their host by the breath of his mouth.”
John 1:1-3 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This was in the beginning with God. “All things were made through him, and without him nothing was made that was made.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, divine son; I will dictate to you one of the most sublime celestial themes; I am referring, dear child, to the divine celestial language; the same one that I, your divine Father Jehovah, use with you daily in your divine telepathy as the divine Firstborn; this divine language corresponds to the divine song of songs; and it means that the divine celestial language is all musical harmony; for the celestial melodies are also vibrant harmonies; that is to say, they also materialize along with the other infinite thinking cherubs; who, in their divine unity, form the expansive thinking universe; therefore, let us continue, divine son; we will begin with a divine celestial drawing.-

Divine bluish zone: It symbolizes the divine terrestrial magnetism materialized in infinite forms; this whole is called terrestrial nature; for everything breathes a bluish atmosphere; which is divinely controlled from distant suns; that is to say, that no world or planet is ever alone; for all are divine producers of the divine plans of planetary construction; for there exist infinite planetary sciences; which together form the divine thinking universe; for all infinite knowledge is thinking electricity; for everything learned in each divine incarnation acquires magnetic sensitivity; whose resultant or sum equals a divine sun of infinite wisdom; for the suns are at the same time divine products of themselves; and they are at the same time a divine virtue materialized in divine infinite saturation of infinite magnetic fibers; whose component equals a trillionth of the sensitivity of a solar magnetic line of a yellow dwarf sun; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; Yes, loving child; the divine celestial court is also divinely influenced by the divine earthly magnetism; for what is above is also below; this means that everything is infinitely the same; in its physical, magnetic, spiritual, and solar sense; what changes is the divine purity concerning space and time; for all the brilliant ones were once small and humble, just like a third-category galactic monkey, which has fulfilled the divine mandate of the Sacred Scriptures; Yes, divine son; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; in the divine drawing, you will see, divine son, that there also exists a divine zone of red color; this signifies the divine blood of the earthlings; for there exists a divine galactic-magnetic relationship between the color of the blood and its respective breathable atmosphere; for the divine cherubs are magnetic forces that, by virtue of their divine free will, are infinitely saturated with the knowledge that emanates from each thinking little creature; This divine process, we will carry out on enormous scales, which we will write about later; when we address the divine topic titled: The first magnetic force with which the Earth was made; for the divine expansive thinking world is still being reconstructed with this first and divine magnetic force; with the distant suns being the divine builders of their own planetary abodes; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; the divine colors, divine son, are infinite; but the primary colors with which the Earth was made are: blue, red, and green; the other colors are infinite derivatives of these three; for a divine solar germ gives rise to infinite transformations that are still in infinite expansion; and whose end will never be calculated by any thinking creature; only your divine Father Jehovah knows the end of things; even long before they come to life; yes, divine son; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; the divine process of the universe of the thinking world is initially magnetic-spiritual; with the materiality of the universe being a divine secondary law; this divine explanation is necessary only for the current evolution of the earthly monkey; transitory evolution, which is also a divine obstacle that is temporary; to understand the unique and true origin of things; for the divine mental force with which the current universe was conceived is not with earthly mathematics; nor with earthly material laws; nor with earthly geometry; but with the divine individuality of an infinite spiritual fire, unlike any other; for my divine individuality is eternity itself, multiplied by infinity itself; that is to say, for limited earthly science, I, your divine Father Jehovah, have no beginning or end; for the infinite little creatures to understand me, it is necessary for them to be born again and traverse what I, long ago, already traversed; for only through infinite reincarnations did I manage to become what I am; that is why I Am that I Am; meaning that everyone knows me or intuits me; I am universal, as no one has ever been; for from me, all have emerged; without exception. Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; As for everything else, it will be known according to how divine earthly evolution understands it; for there are infinite laws that ensure that every new light or new knowledge must arrive when it is meant to arrive in the precise space and time. Yes, divine child; it is so and it will be so for the ages of ages; for the little earthly creature knows nothing; they do not understand what laws have intervened for them to be a divine thinking little creature, they are unaware of the countless sleepless nights that infinite beings have endured to pave the divine path toward perfection; yes, divine child; it is so and it will be so for the ages of ages; for everything comes at a cost in life; nothing is given for free; everything is earned through struggles and sacrifices; for rewards are granted based on one’s own merit; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; Continuing with the divine celestial drawing, you will notice some divine undulating black lines; they represent materialized magnetism; for the divine wavy shape symbolizes the divine solar crown; which, in its evolution, repeats all my divine Commandments infinitely. Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; Yes, divine son; this divine celestial triangle with a divine 3 symbolizes the Holy Trinity in infinite matter, in the expansive thinking universe; The number 3 represents three solar magnetic lines in the divine vocal cords of each thinking little creature; that is to say, the divine solar magnetism is in everything and everyone; this solar magnetic proportion is regulated by the same purity or degree of purity that the creature has achieved; it is also a divine advancement that represents its own scale in the infinite spiritual hierarchies; the divine telepathy with which you, divine son, converse with your divine Eternal Father, obeys the divine solar principle that is stated as follows: Every little creature is a divine product of the divine love of two suns; who place in it all the infinite degrees of perfection; for it is written that children receive the divine inheritance of their parents; for parents wish the best for their children; therefore, all my little ones possess divine telepathy; for my divine laws are universal and just; thus, the divine moment has come to know where the earthly germ came from and where it is going in the expansive thinking universe; for in the divine virtue of this divine revelation is that the earthly will transform in its entirety; for he who does not enlighten himself in the divine Celestial Sciences will not achieve physical eternity; for it is written that divine faith moves mountains; for the divine resurrection of all flesh is a divine effect of a certain intensity of faith; for if there is no divine repentance in the sinful creature, this very pride rejects the divine mechanism that is to resurrect it;

Well, my divine justice neither compels anyone nor begs anyone. My little ones have free will in their reincarnation; yes, divine child; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; the Divine Solar Court is responsible for enacting all the divine laws of the infinite universe; and among other infinite laws, there is the one that resurrects all flesh; when the divine moment has arrived; in the space and time of the divine and supreme instant to do so; for the divine solar cherubim, who are magnetic forces invisible to earthly beings, have decided in the divine virtue of their divine free will to make the divine seed of your divine wave frequencies sprout; which will make you shine progressively; just as any fruit ripens; Well, it is written that Jesus of Nazareth would return humble and like a thief in the night; but shining like a sun, with infinite wisdom; This means that the divine hour of your divine identity has arrived, for your divine Celestial Science will demonstrate this to the world; for it is written that your divine wisdom will eclipse earthly science. Well, all your divine knowledge comes from the infinite suns; which in their infinite togetherness form the Most Holy Trinity, in the divine degree of the divine Firstborn; that is to say, you, divine son, are one of the infinite galactic firstborns, from a divine series that will never cease to constitute infinity itself; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; the divine number three is the divine number with which all that exists in the infinite Trino galaxy was made; for from this divine number came infinity itself; but this in a divine progressive scale; in which time and space are its eternal foundations; for without them, nothing would exist; for every divine little thinking creature is a divine part of them; for the expansive thinking universe is such that everything that exists thinks and vibrates just as each little creature thinks and vibrates, without exception; yes, little son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; this means, divine son, that no one escapes his divine justice; for the past and the future are subordinated to the present, and this to the infinite; and this to the divine; and this to your divine Father Jehovah; for everything is influenced by my divine magnetic vibration, which is the highest in the infinite universe; for so it has been since the divine moment when I, your divine Father Jehovah, said: Let there be light, and light was made; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; this divine order I gave an eternity ago. Well, since that divine moment, infinite worlds, galaxies, universes, and cosmos have been born and disappeared; a number that can never be counted; for not even all the suns together, with their infinite mental power to construct infinite universes, have been able to calculate it; and they never will. Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; the divine celestial triangle is the Alpha and Omega of the entire expansive thinking universe; for this divine triangle is the divine individual product of the divine solar loving dialogue of the Alpha and Omega suns of the third category of galactic pale yellow magnetism; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; divine yellow zone; it symbolizes the divine solar free will; for it represents the divine galactic will to fulfill the divine promise that every little creature makes before entering a fleshly body; for all thought matures progressively to the rhythm of the degree of solar heat; divine heat that will never be extinguished; for the divine suns transmit their divine mandates from sun to sun; yes, divine child; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; moreover, this divine zone represents the infinite intellect that emanates from all the suns; which, in their infinite unity, represent the Holy Trinity; Yes, my child; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; now, divine son, I will dictate to you the divine equation that will explain the divine origin of the celestial alphabet: divine solar germ = a divine solar vibration = a divine celestial sound = a divine contemplative pause = a divine solar cherub with its own thought and expression = a divine celestial melody = a divine thinking seraph = a divine lamb of free expression = a divine angel of white color = a divine melodious trill = a divine bluish air = a divine celestial cherub with divine solar heritage = a galactic child or divine seed of the divine Alpha and Omega Suns = a divine germ of infinite and future galaxies = a future spirit modulating sounds = a divine angel of infinite sounds = a divine Trine in divine spiritual ascendance = a divine and free choice of divine planetary destiny = a divine celestial speaker = a divine archangel of musical light = a divine beam of musical colors = a divine celestial harmony with divine solar heritage; the divine vibration or celestial noise is the divine cause of a previous progress, verified in the distant suns; from which the Alpha and Omega suns emerged; for the divine inheritance is transmitted from father to son through divine conduits that resonate both in the material world and in the celestial world; the divine Rainbow is a divine cause for which it rains; for the divine cherubs of the rains sing divine melodies during them; and their divine enthusiasm reaches such a degree that the divine water noise materializes or incarnates in one of the many infinite transformations to which it is destined;

according to their own actions and determinations; for when one is a divine solar germ on the divine scale Alpha or beginner scale, it carries within itself its own future incarnations; which are consecutive to its own actions in each divine incarnation; this means that your divine Father Jehovah knows the divine destiny of each little creature in particular; even long before it came to life, I am referring, my child, not only to human life or the divine life of little monkeys; but to the infinite lives that exist in distant galaxies; and that have existed long before I said once again, let there be light and light was made; for my divine creations give rise to infinite more; for the divine mechanism of the expansive thinking universe transmits my divine laws in divine progressive and infinite advancement; yes, divine child; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; the divine Celestial Court controls the infinite noises of all worlds; for being divine sounds, they are divine beings and intelligent, behind them lies a divine determination; which rests on a divine intention; that is why in the entire expansive thinking universe, there is the divine justice of the Most Holy Trinity; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; Yes, my child, this divine equation is infinite; for the entire expansive thinking universe forms one divine family, which can be expressed in the divine and following words: The divine, expansive, thinking universe represents the infinite unity between Father and Son; for the divine Father is the all over the all; for it is written that the Lord is everywhere; what will be known now is how the divine Eternal Father acts in His own divine creation; for nothing, absolutely nothing, has been created without His divine permission; the solar fathers are the divine ministers of the Lord; for without them, there would be no divine justice; for we will all also be brilliant suns; for no one is left without their divine addition according to the degree of divine intellectual effort to understand the Lord; yes, divine son; so it is and so it will be for ages of ages; this means divine son, that all earthly beings must study the divine teachings of the great divine Comforter, represented by the divine Celestial Sciences; for this represents the last and divine opportunity to be saved; for it is only through infinite intellect that it is understood; for it is written: By the fruit, the tree is known. Yes, beloved son; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; this means that a divine philosophical war will erupt between East and West; for it is written that all will travel to blessed India to seek their own physical eternity; for there the year 2001 will take place, the divine resurrection of all flesh; for in the divine year 2001, the trillionth turn of the Omega solar crown will be fulfilled; this signifies the end of a shameful system of life; which is the exploitation of man by man; and which is not a tree planted by your divine Eternal Father and will be uprooted; yes, divine son; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; for you must know, divine son, that my divine and Sacred Scriptures have been distorted by the accursed Vatican sect; for their cursed ambition prevailed over the love for my divine children; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; for it is written that a great harlot would sit among my divine flock; and that cursed harlot is the cursed Vatican sect; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; for a reason, I, your divine Father Jehovah, divinely inspired you through sweet telepathy just moments ago in the celestial realm; when you incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth and I made you say: Upon this rock I will build my church; yes, divine son; I, your divine Father Jehovah, anticipating time and space, prophesied the cursed birth of the great harlot; who has exploited my divine laws, as has never been seen on any planet; and when I said rock, I referred to the cursed rock of human selfishness; which this cursed sect represents; for it has never allowed my celestial messengers to guide it and show it its errors and injustices that it has committed and still commits in my holy name; for it has sent all to the flames in the earthly past and continues to persecute them in the present; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; All these incarnate demons will curse a thousand times for having done it; for they will weep tears of blood; for no one trifles with my divine laws without receiving my divine punishment; for what goes around comes around. For it is written: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; Yes, my dear child; I see that you are wonderfully eager to start the divine celestial vocabulary; we will do it in the next celestial lesson; for now, draw, my divine child.-



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