Holy writings

Genesis 1:27  “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Job 14:5  “If his days are determined, if the number of his months is with you, and if you have put an end to it, and it will not pass away.”
Psalm 139:16  “Your eyes saw my body in pregnancy: everything was already written in your book; all my days were being designed, although not a single one of them existed.”
Hebrews 9:27  “And just as it is appointed for human beings to die once, and then judgment will come.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF FLYING SAUCER... CONTINUED.- The geometry of a flying saucer is born from the mental-solar geometry of the solar parents.-

In the geometry of flying saucers, there are multitudes of geometric cherubs; whose laws were requested so that all of them could be perfected in their own geometric heavens; In the geometry of what a flying saucer is, there are the geniuses of the transformable; There are those who, with the passing of eternity, will be the geniuses in inventions in different times, in very remote worlds; because every invention, whatever it may be, also has a certain geometry; and it is thus that it can be said that those who are above are also below; because the geometric cherubs of the flying saucers will ask for many reincarnations in the future on infinite planets of lives of trials; taking to those worlds, his brilliant laws of geometry; making planetary progress, in primitive worlds or relatively backward worlds; They will pour all their geometric inspirations into their own determinations, which they demonstrate in such worlds; Geometric genius accompanies every genius, whatever his specialty; because without the help of geometry, they will be able to prove nothing; The geometric is decisive in what you want to be; In flying saucers, the geometry of their own transformations occurs by fulfilling laws of galactic evolutions in geometry; In the divine solar-command coming out of the solar crew, scenes are present that are like a replica of what is mentally desired; Thus, what human eyes see, with respect to the transformations of a flying saucer, other creatures from other worlds do not see the same; This law of seeing a thing, in many different ways, when it is the same thing, is called visual variation, in the Kingdom of Heaven; visual variation is subordinated to the evolution itself achieved by the spirit; Therefore, flying saucers are understood according to the perfection they have; The greater the perfection achieved, the greater the understanding towards them; On Earth this understanding is not the same; because those on Earth ignored the cosmic in their daily tasks; This strange indifference towards the cosmic, during the trial of life, caused all humanity to miss the sublime opportunity to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because in this strange indifference, there was a colossal score of light; a score that, due to its grandiose magnitude, opens many kingdoms of the cosmos; This score of light is called cosmic score; which as such, has no known limit; This score was not able to be taken advantage of by the testing world; because the majority of this world did not become the greatest researchers of the cosmic; counted on the fingers were those who were; very few won the cosmic score; certainly they have a greater opportunity to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because the cosmic speaks and expresses itself before God, in his cosmic laws; and the cosmic defends before God, every spirit that, in the trial of life, was interested in it; The score of light of the cosmic is one of those scores that places the spirit in the same kingdoms that, from a microscopic particle called a planet, studied and analyzed them; It is easier to reach a distance, the one who thought and worried about such distance; for the one who did not think or worry about her to come to know her; the geometry of the cosmic has no equal; and every spirit that was a researcher of the cosmic, in the test of life, has the wonderful opportunity to see infinite geometries of celestial bodies; It is easier for the one who became interested in them in the trial of life to see and know these wonders; Those who were interested in nothing receive nothing; The geometry in celestial bodies fulfills laws similar to the geometries that flying saucers have; They are said to be similar because saucer laws are fulfilled in a flying saucer; and on a planet, planet laws; That is to say that the characteristics of the free wills that asked to be this or that thing are not the same; and the geometry diversifies, in the requested sensations; all geometry participates in all reincarnation and in all forms of creation that the human mind can imagine; Thus, in flying saucers, the diversification of their geometry participates in all their molecules; The geometric is in the speed, spaces, delays, descents, maneuverability, course, and destination of a flying saucer; Divine Father Jehovah, does destiny also have geometry? That’s right son; everything imaginable has geometry; because no one is disinherited in the Father’s creation; every destiny is a future that already has its own geometry in advance, before becoming a present; Every destination contains a cluster of geometries, waiting for the moment to develop; and all geometry is a destiny and all destiny is a geometry; That is to say that all geometry speaks and expresses itself before God, in its laws of geometry; and when speaking geometry, it asks for a destiny of reincarnation whether on a planet, sun or flying saucer; to mention a few, of infinite creation; The geometries of flying saucers are geometric destinies that are written in the Kingdom of Heaven; What is written in the kingdom is also geometric; and the universal geometric finds its supreme hierarchy of the geometric, in the divine writings of God, which are also geometric; and these are subordinated to the divine Commandments which are also geometric; The geometric enters through the eyes and is transformed by the influence of the mind; the exterior geometric is influenced by the interior geometric; The test of life consisted of equalizing or balancing the geometric outside with the geometric inside; to become a balanced whole, within individuality itself; The strange customs of the strange and unknown system of life, arising from the strange laws of gold, made such a great and desirable geometric balance impossible for the human creature; Divine Father Jehovah, what gain would it bring to the human creature to have geometric balance? I will tell you, son, that if the human creature possessed its corresponding geometric balance, humanity would not need divine judgment from God; because its geometry, a product of the test of life, would be similar to the geometry requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; there would be no strange imbalance in the human creature; and there being nothing strange in it, the human creature would have no problems re-entering the Kingdom of Heaven; the same man would have made in himself, an equal whole between what was requested above, and what was executed below; Above is the sky and below is the planet Earth; The test of life consisted of preserving the same geometry of innocence that was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; The geometry that each human spirit asked of God excluded all geometry from darkness; because everyone knew that the geometry of darkness divided the geometries of light; The geometry of flying saucers, not having geometric proofs, as the human creature has, are also careful with the strange division, typical of Satan;

because not even a microscopic divided point does not re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The human creature of the trial of life could not perform the extraordinary feat of continuing to maintain, during planetary life, the same innocence with which he left the Kingdom of Heaven; and the fault of this planetary drama lies with those who created and sustained the strange world, born from the strange laws of gold; This is how humanity itself will recognize it, in the crying and gnashing of teeth, which hovers over the Earth; geometry at that time will suffer geometric emotions, which will make it explode into sentimental geometries; crying and gnashing of teeth is a geometric imbalance, of one’s own geometric feelings; In every emotion there is geometry of emotion, subordinated to a geometric spiritual control; When emotions overcome the geometric spiritual control of the creature, tears break out; which are also geometric liquid molecules; In flying saucers, their geometries carry out their tasks, by hierarchies; This divine hierarchy emanates from the respective solar crew member, who has ordered the respective geometric transformation of the flying saucer; because it happens that the solar parents take turns to follow the government of the flying saucer; Each solar father sets the course or the route to follow, in infinite space; and when each one takes command, each one gives this or that physical transformation to the ship; They are solar powers, which transform the present into other presents without harming those who live in the present; The transformation does not affect them in their tasks within the ship itself; And it happens that every transformation that the ship experiences while traveling, its crew members witness a solar television, which invades everything; It is the transfer of dimensions, in which the creatures of such dimensions do not realize anything; In other words, the physical essence of flying saucers is achieved through space and time; and the higher the hierarchy of the flying saucer, the greater the galactic scenes, which are seen in the geometric transformation of the flying saucers; The geometry of a flying saucer is geometry that has the help of the elements of the universe; The physical changes in a flying saucer are instantaneous, because each molecular change has lightning speed; The mental power of the solar parents surpasses the speeds of physical laws; the geometry of flying saucers can materialize any geometry in the ship; This law of transformation sometimes lends itself to surprising cosmic credulity; because many flying saucers, imitating their superiors, disguise themselves; the festivity is infinite in them; geometry in a flying saucer also seeks its own geometric perfection; and from each solar father he learns something; the solar fathers are infinite in their teachings; They represent, within the flying saucer itself, the divine Father Jehovah; just as his Solar Firstborn Son, Christ, represented him on Earth; The teachings of the solar crew members are done within a divinely conceived plan; This divine teaching plan has many ways of manifesting itself; On Earth it manifests itself by making human minds think; and by making them think, human minds generate ideas about the cosmos, which they did not even think of generating; because their minds were preoccupied with other things; The geometry of flying saucers is a geometry similar to the geometry that is also in the physical ideas that human beings generate; What changes is the portion of magnetism between a human mental idea and a flying saucer; this magnetism is infinitely increased in the solar parents; The greater the magnetism of a living being, the greater is also its power of transformation; The magnetism of a human idea is not enough to become visible to the eyes of the one who generated the idea; On the other hand, the magnetism contained in a flying saucer is more than enough to make it visible to infinite creatures from infinite worlds; The magnetism of a mental idea is not enough to become instantly visible, as happens with flying saucers; the magnetism of a flying saucer is a gigantic sun controlled by solar minds; If it were not controlled, every planet in the universe would be in danger of being burned; The magnetism of flying saucers is a fire that is the product of infinite minds that acted in infinite bodies of flesh, and of other kinds of envelopes; It is a magnetism that totalizes all the experiences that the solar parents lived; because every reason for being becomes magnetism; When a mind generates ideas, what it does is enrich a magnetic focus; in that three quarters of it remains in the idea that, with the passage of time, it will be a microscopic planet; and a quarter of the magnetic focus remains in the spirit; This law is fulfilled in each idea, which each one generated in the test of life; and each idea, one by one, also contained a different geometry, one different from the other; That is to say, if, for example, a creature generated a trillion ideas, it also generated a trillion different geometries; The formation of the geometry of each idea is a microscopic replica of the construction of a flying saucer; Man magnetizes his own ideas, just as the solar crew magnetizes their own; what is above is equal to what is below; The difference is in the hierarchical capacity of magnetism; because the principle is the same; The magnetism of the total ideas generated during the test of life is called the salt of life, in the Kingdom of Heaven; because such magnetism produces a shine, similar to a salt exposed to the sun; It is a brilliance equal to the brilliance of the gigantic suns of the universe; in which infinite colors are seen, which correspond to the colors that the vision of the creature itself saw; These same colors of the magnetism of ideas will be the cause of the colors that the elements will have, of nature, of what the future planet will be; Divine Father Jehovah, why is there no balance between the magnetism that remains in the spirit, and the magnetism that remains in the idea that goes into space? There is no balance, son, because the creature generated unbalanced ideas, in the test of life; That is to say, since there was no equality between what was inside and what was outside, this strange imbalance was impregnated in their own ideas; The same unequal laws that the same men gave themselves in life, contributed to making the imbalance in each one even deeper; If human free will had created egalitarian laws, what was inside itself would have an equal balance with what was outside; there would be perfect harmony of understanding, between spirit and matter; What is inside the creature is the spiritual; and what is outside is the material; If man had achieved the infinite evolutionary feat of giving himself an egalitarian psychology in his daily tasks, all ideas would be balanced ideas; and every idea balanced in its wholeness of idea is a perfect seed for a future planet-paradise; in that its future molecules will all be balanced; and the polar axis of the future planet-paradise will not have a deviated polar axis; Geometry on a planet-paradise is geometry that has eternal quality as its quality and infinite variable quality; That is to say, its own variety makes it infinite; The geometry of everything that exists in a paradise is multiplied by instant agreement or alliance of its molecules; the molecules on the paradise planets are telepathic; and they agree to do this or that thing; The geometry in flying saucers has a certain resemblance to the living geometry of the paradise planets; geometry is in itself, the alpha and omega of eternity itself; because all eternity is geometric and changing;

eternity being immutable, allows evolution in an eternal degree; geometry is a solar line, which is never interrupted in its geometric variation; in which each geometric figure forms its own eternity; because no geometric creation, none is unique; only the Father is unique; The geometric is created, starting with the geometry of one’s own ideas; Everything the eyes see, absolutely everything is geometric; and everything that the mind thinks and creates, is also; Divine Father Jehovah, is the prophetic also geometric? That’s right son; The prophetic is geometric because its original source is a geometric mind; Every event that contains the prophetic also contains geometry; geometry is also in nothingness; nothingness is a geometry that, becoming invisible, expands through invisible dimensions, which are beyond the reach of the mind; nothingness is according to the concept that the creature has of nothingness; in other worlds, creatures see nothingness; because they transform into nothingness itself; the human creature only imagines it; Very remote creatures converse with many kinds of nothing; Nothingness, being geometric and expansive, makes divine alliances with the spirits, who ask to know it and experience it, on distant planets of testing; the geometry of all things, including the geometry of flying saucers, also knew nothingness; because before being geometry, it was nothing; geometry is a living philosophy that possesses universal eternity; That is to say, being everywhere, it represents one truth, among the infinite ones that exist; The word universal says it: uni = one; versal = truth out of salt; I am referring, son, to the salt of life or the expansive magnetism that mental ideas contain; the geometry of magnetism radiates through the contours of the idea; The microscopic irradiation of an idea fulfills similar laws to that fulfilled by the radiation of a gigantic sun; what is above is equal to what is below; That is to say that every sun was an idea and that every idea will become a sun; the microscopic temperature of an idea multiplies to an infinite degree and becomes a sun; geometry also fulfills reincarnations; that they will never stop; the geometric expands within another geometric universe; because before being geometry, there were already other geometricians; and before them, there were others; the geometry of a flying saucer is born as baby-geometry; the molecules that are geometries are born from the invisible to the visible; they live and experience first, in baby-dimensions; This law is similar to that followed by the human creature, which also has a baby principle; Geometry is a baby molecule, it is born angelic or in a state of innocence; In each reincarnation of the requested molecule, a part of the innocence of the spirit remains magnetized in the molecule; Divine Father Jehovah, why a part of innocence? I will explain it to you son: when the spirits ask for reincarnations of tests, as the human creature requested, a part of the innocence and its goldenness remains in the Kingdom of Heaven or place of its origin; That is to say, there are measures in the requests for reincarnations to God; This law of measurement comes from the same free will of every spirit; The part of innocence and the part of the golden are kept in the Ark of the Covenants, of the Kingdom of Heaven; just as you have been seeing it son, since when you were a child; By your divine grace, so is divine Father Jehovah; The geometry of a flying saucer is made up of infinite geometric hierarchies; one subordinate to the other; and all at the same time, subordinated to the solar crew; and these to the divine Father Jehovah; Geometry, whatever its hierarchy, has its own laws in its respective geometric hierarchy; This means that each geometric evolution, within geometry itself, evolves in geometric free will; and it means that geometric quality and quality form their own geometric kingdoms; whose laws he renders an account to God; the expansiveness of the determination itself, is lovingly observed by God; the geometric of the macrocosm, observe the geometric of the microcosm; the geometry in a flying saucer, matures in alliance with everything that exists in the flying saucer; just as a fruit of planetary nature ripens; as it matures in its development, a human body; In its development, the geometry of the ship solidifies molecule by molecule; and the material of the ship makes a whole with the solar individuality of the solar crew; That everything is like a magnetization or saturation that comes from the solar parents themselves; What they do is reincarnate with their ship; This is called solar reincarnation with airships, in the Kingdom of Heaven; The flying saucer is like a microscopic kingdom; a replica of the Kingdom of Heaven; The divine process of building a flying saucer is the same one that the spirit received when it asked to know human life; This was contained in the parable that was told: What is above is equal to what is below; The law of construction of a flying saucer was the same as that of human creatures; human reincarnation represents a microscopic solar magnetization; that of the flying saucers, represents a magnetization, which has the force of all the suns together; the universal cause came from a single cause; and the cause created infinite other causes; and these to others; and the cause was transformed into new causes; that in every future will create causes; Flying saucers are causes arising from the free will of other causes; the geometry of flying saucers represents geometry of cause whose destiny is to perpetuate itself in ship geometry; Just like human geometry, it tries to perpetuate itself through human laws; a flying saucer is not always the same, throughout eternity; because its solar crew members are ascending in solar hierarchy; and all the cherubs and molecules of the ship also ascend in hierarchy; This evolutionary-solar law is also fulfilled in human creatures; because if each human spirit lived in equality, during the trial of life, the human spirit can ask God to live again in another world, even better than the Earth; You can ask God for a world of greater planetary hierarchy; This law is fulfilled, if he always lived in equality, taught by the divine Father Jehovah, in his divine gospel; Otherwise, humanity returns to the same planet Earth; the geometry of a flying saucer is instantly assimilated with the infinite geometries of the universe; When its solar crew members give a mental-solar order, the geometries of the ship’s molecules make instant alliances with the molecules of the universe; and the materialization of the facts is instantaneous; This divine process makes the ship and universe form a single whole; the mental magnetism of the solar parents subordinates infinite extensions of the universe; This power over matter is proportional to the hierarchical degree of each solar father; It is proportional to the power of its solar verbs; those with greater power have power over entire galaxies; in which worlds and suns, they are lovingly subordinated to them; the solar birthright encompasses everything, after Father Jehovah; and everything that exists, after the Father, everything is subordinate to him; This power over matter has repercussions on infinite worlds and suns; because all the divine commands that arise at any point in the universe, absolutely all, are also united by solar cords; because no one is disinherited in their rights; All of God’s infinite creation has cords; both the small and the large; both the microbe and the planet; even nothingness has a solar cord; Every divine command that the solar crew members give in their ship has an impact on the laws of creation; laws that are observed and controlled by the solar fathers, called ministers of God; very high hierarchy, composed of infinite first-born suns of all the universes; the geometry of the universe follows a divine plan of perfection for all eternity; The events that occur, whether on planets, suns or flying saucers, have an impact on divine plans; Thus, every planet of trial life, which created strange artifacts to destroy itself, has judgment from the Kingdom of Heaven; The Earth fell into such a law; because Earth was just a test planet; That is to say, no one had human life insured; The majority of this testing planet will never know human life again, because they did poorly in the test; This means that they will be able to ask God for other forms of life, except human life; because such demonstrated to God, to be unworthy of human life; When it is demonstrated to the Eternal that one is unworthy of something, it is impossible for the unworthy to know that something again; The geometry of a flying saucer, when it fulfills the commands of the ship’s crew, is transformed into infinite geometries, which are, for it, like geometric reincarnations; What geometry sees in this law is new geometric knowledge; see and experience new and unknown realms of the geometric heavens; and its molecules learn new geometric laws; the perfection of geometry is being kept in its geometric golden zone; and there comes a given moment in the eternity of the ship, in which geometry asks for reincarnation of geometric ascent, because it knows a lot; and the solar parents attend to such requests for reincarnations; They represent the divine Father Jehovah; The geometry of the flying saucer, when asking for reincarnation, does so by making use of its geometric free will; and the destinations they ask for are infinite; existing among them, that of being transferred to another flying saucer; always seeking the greatest geometric evolution; Geometry, like molecules, has its geometric trinities; just like the human creature, it has its Holy Human Trinity; because no one is unique; only the Father is; and since no one is unique, each particle of the universe has its own trinity; and universal geometry, molecularly, has infinite geometric trinity; In the controls that are given inside a flying saucer, the geometries participate in everything; because geometry is everything when a flying saucer travels; the geometry of the ship awaits the divine mental commands of its solar crew; each molecule of the flying saucer varies its molecular frequency; It is infinite and variable; The molecular frequency is the instantaneous succession of heavens, within the molecule itself; Just as the solar parents enjoy their living presents, so do the molecules live theirs; each molecule of the flying saucer lives its geometric-molecular present;

Everyone will see this law on solar television; and on the televisions of the flying saucers themselves; The colors that a flying saucer radiates are similar to the colors of human gold; These colors, which many have seen, are magnetisms from the generation of physical ideas; They are the product of the mute mental efforts, of the mind itself; What comes out of the mind is like a sky of colors; the microscopic human mental idea is trillions of trillions of times, magnified in the solar verbs of the solar fathers; and the colors that you see in a flying saucer have such expansion; This power is controlled by the solar mind itself; that is, they give the desired size to the flying saucer; They enlarge it and shrink it in mid-flight; The geometries of the ship alternately go from the micro to the macro; from the least to the greatest; from the invisible to the visible; they go from what was, to what is and to what will be; geometry goes through a transformation, which is in direct relationship with all times, corresponding to its own hierarchy; This means that the solar parents have solar power over the times that they knew in their past reincarnations; because everything that was known in past existences in other worlds, everything is seen again, in itself; everything is recorded in the aura of the creature and in the solar fluids of the solar parents; Thus, almost all the creation of animals on planet Earth had already been seen and known by human spirits in other proofs of life; that were fulfilled on other planets of tests; This law teaches that no one is unique in their experiences; the geometry of himself, he saw the geometries of those he sees in the present; Not remembering that one had lived in other worlds is another law; It is a request made by the spirit itself; because I didn’t know the feeling of oblivion; what is not known, we ask God to know; This momentarily forgotten memory, due to the proof of life that the human spirits requested, will be seen and remembered when humanity observes solar television, in the year 2001; which was advanced to him with the name of the Book of Life; The molecular geometry of a flying saucer does not behave like the molecular geometries of the Earth behave; Because of the Earth, he asked for proof laws, which included the limit and departure of the planet Earth; the geometries of the molecules of a flying saucer are pre-existing to the life of the planets themselves; eternity is in them, in hierarchies of eternity, which surpass the life of infinite planets; The molecules of the planet Earths are renewed, inheriting among themselves the molecular limit; In the living universe of God, living acquires infinite periods of life, according to the requests made, by the free will of matter and spirit; the eternity of sensations is asked of God, in all imaginable degrees; flying saucers and their eternity are due to the fact that they emerged from hierarchies, more infinitely older than that of the planet earths; the Earth is recently created; To understand the antiquities that exist in flying saucers, you have to spend almost forever watching the solar television of the past; imposing those who want to know, of the stories that occurred in worlds that are no longer in space; Solar television is one of the greatest wonders of the divine creation of Father Jehovah; the knowledge called the Holy Trinity is seen on this television; The creatures of Earth will see on this television, infinite ways of how flying saucers are built; and every specialist will see what he himself was on Earth; you will see infinite hierarchies of your own specialty; everyone will see that no one is unique, as it was on a test planet; because everything that exists in individuality had already been in others; others had asked, what each one asked for the test of life; The geometry of a flying saucer is the same geometry that the world will see on solar television; This means that the same solar television becomes a flying saucer and vice versa; because the Solar Firstborn will demonstrate it just as he demonstrated by turning water into wine in the ancient world; matter is transformable by solar power; the geometry of a flying saucer is of all colors; Its very essence makes it assimilable to the laws of planetary natures; The geometric cherubs enter into instant alliance contact with the geometric cherubs of the Earth; This law means that any ship coming from space can land on Earth; If there were no alliance, dangerous disturbances would occur in the planet’s magnetism; there would be a risk of suddenly unbalancing the polar axis of the Earth; The solar crew takes infinite care to ensure that such a thing does not happen; because it would bring upon them a divine judgment from God; Divine Father Jehovah, have such planetary misfortunes occurred? yes son; They have occurred on infinite planets and earths; It even happened on the Earth you are on; When did divine Father Jehovah occur? It occurred in a time so remote that the current man had not yet appeared on Earth; This event will be seen by the world in evidence, on solar television; Divine Father Jehovah, what repercussions or consequences did the crash of a flying saucer bring to the world? The consequences were equal to the consequences of the atomic experiments that men made; because the radioactivity with which nature was poisoned can be achieved in many ways; The men who participated in the poisoning of my nature will have an exemplary divine judgment; It will be a judgment from the Firstborn Son, which will be remembered for many generations; and the accusers will be millions and millions; They will be the same inhabitants of the Earth; They will be the same ones who tried to be poisoned; and the human tides will not forgive even a molecule of their poisoners; Those who took the strange debauchery of poisoning the living beings of the world of trial will have to cry and gnash their teeth; All the poisoners will be known to the world of evidence, on solar television; and there will be no mercy for them, because they did not have it for humanity; the law that they themselves asked of God is fulfilled in such spirits in trial, if they were to violate the law of the Father; This law is that of an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth; The geometry of a flying saucer complies with laws that make it an expansive whole, with the dimension that it comes into contact with; In the living laws of God, things were being done, in microscopic dimensions; At the molecular level, the destinies of each one were prepared; and the molecular begins by itself; It begins with the beginning of one’s own sensations, which each person felt and lived in the test of life; such sensations will be projected on solar television, for the judgment of the spirit; Thus, the geometry of one’s own sensations makes an instantaneous geometric alliance with solar television, coming from the elements themselves; Thus, everything hidden from itself will be expressed on television, which will speak everything; and everything hidden will be known to all; The justice of God has a geometric principle, which comes out of the smallest thing that came out of each one; and the most microscopic of himself were the sensations-ideas; an invisible geometry that was only felt and that no one saw; It will be seen on solar television and everyone will see it; geometry is born as a sensation and expands into facts that are also geometric; The objects that man makes form a geometric whole with mental geometry; Just like flying saucers, they form a geometric whole with the cherubs of the Expansive Thinking Universe; the geometry of speech itself makes alliances with the geometry of the atmosphere; This geometry, which corresponds to the geometry spoken during the test of life, will also be seen and heard on solar television; and all the rude things that every mouth spoke during the trial of life, those interested and the world itself will see them in black; because every sensation that the mind generated is colored; The color black corresponds to spoken profanities; and all rudeness corresponds to the score of darkness; score that divides and diminishes the celestial score of light; geometry being as a whole in the microscopic molecule, also participates in the divine judgment of God; because the human creature itself asked that geometry be in its own everything; It is because of this request that comes from the free will of the spirit that the divine Final Judgment is geometric, for all the acts that the thinking spirit carried out in the test of life; Geometry is the first and is the last, in giving life and saying goodbye to lives, when they ask God for it.-


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